Energy connection with a person. Techniques for breaking the energy connection with a man. What does mental connection mean?

Hello, friends! Has this ever happened to you, when you work on your own energy, lead a healthy lifestyle, work on yourself on a spiritual level, but somehow slowly move forward, and most importantly, you cannot understand what the reason is. I was also thinking about how I could further strengthen my energy, and at that moment information came to me that first of all I needed to patch up the holes through which it flows.

Of course, holes are a figurative expression; in fact, energy leaves through the channels that connect us with other people, and today we will talk about how to break the energetic connection with another person.

At the very beginning of the “Cheat Sheet for Success” we already discussed the topic of energy threads, the so-called energy bindings, that at the energy level you need to distance yourself from a negative event associated with another person (ex-partner, husband, wife, mom, dad, etc.). etc.), and this can only be done with sincere forgiveness and love.

Indeed, after completing the program, where it explains in detail how to get rid of such connections, my energy state has noticeably improved, and I have come to the conclusion that with every negative event it is necessary to cut off the trace that it leaves. To be honest, I didn’t really understand whether such connections actually existed or not, I simply accepted this possibility and after some negative events I used this tool.

Lately the threads of fear have been removed from my life and therefore I have no longer visualized breaking the “threads of fear”. But, despite the fact that quarrels and scandals disappeared, only slight improvements were felt.

Why do you need to do this?

I remembered what Christy Marie had said about daily cleansing, but I didn't see the need for it. And so, at first I learned that any “touch” of a person with other people carries a connection, be it positive or negative. And the question is, how many of these connections remain unknown to us? For example, when we go out into society, we don’t know who thought what about us. We talked with a neighbor, it seemed like there was nothing extra, just a conversation, but the strength was gone.

We don’t pay attention to this; perhaps other people around us are no more aware of this than we are. Honestly? I don’t know whether energy actually just goes away when communicating or not, but when I started doing the exercise that will be described below, people from the past began to appear before my eyes, even from childhood. Just people who happened in my life. Of course, it’s strange to realize all this, but after two weeks of exercise, my energy state improved noticeably, and after that, although not great, improvements began on the monetary level.

How to remove a link

As I already said in ticket No. 14, ties with other people can be broken in three effective ways:

  • Forgiveness: imagine a person and mentally say: “Forgive me and I forgive you. I give you what’s yours, give me back what’s mine,” something like that;
  • Visualization of love sent to a person: imagine how we break an energy thread, for example, with a sword made of light, and follow the broken thread;
  • Blessing: we bless the image of a person that has emerged in our memory with pure love and light, a pure source of energy and imagine how it is illuminated with golden light.

The closest thing to me is blessing. And if someone comes to mind, I immediately mentally pronounce this phrase and visualize the happy face of this person. In my opinion, you can't imagine anything better. You let go of negative thoughts and raise your own vibrations, everyone is happy and satisfied.

When to do this exercise

Breaking energy connections is like... It can be done on the way to work, and in transport, unless, of course, you are driving, or when you are busy with household chores. They presented an image of a man, blessed him and released him.

Well, you need to make it a rule to cleanse yourself daily.

That's all for me, I wish everyone light energy and prosperity.

With love and respect, Elena Azhevskaya.

These creepy lanterns, called Jack-O-Lanterns, were originally carved from turnips or rutabaga rather than pumpkins. In today's world, carving jack-o'-lanterns is one of the most common Halloween activities. However, few know that it has its roots in an ancient Irish tradition.

Ancient people believed that on Samhain, or Halloween, the veil separating the world of the living from the world of the dead (the other world) becomes so thin that spirits from the world of the dead enter the world of the living. Like most spirits, they are divided into good and evil. People happily welcomed good spirits into their homes and celebrated them with fun and feasting.

Wheel of the Year,

You call it Halloween...we call it Samhain.

Halloween has its origins in the British Isles. Although the modern tradition of trick-or-treating originated in the United States, it is also based on folk customs that came to this country with Irish immigrants after 1840. Since ancient times, in Ireland, Scotland and England, October 31st has been celebrated as a feast for the dead, as well as a day marking the beginning of the new year. In Mexico, Day of the Dead is celebrated on this day, as in other world cultures. In Scotland, the Gaelic word "Samhain" (pronounced sa-mine) literally means "end of summer".

Wheel of the Year, Samhain. Rituals and ceremonies

A weight loss spell designed to speed up your metabolism will help your body burn calories faster. Of course, you shouldn’t count on instant results, but after a while you will notice that the extra pounds have disappeared. If you wish, you can speed up the process by following a proper and healthy diet and exercising regularly.

Weight loss, PRACTICAL MAGIC, Rituals, ceremonies and spells

You are drawn to people because you lack energy. In fact, you don't need their energy. You are looking for your energy in them, but you are turning to the wrong address. You need your own energy, which can be found in the warehouse of the past.

We leave a lot of energy in the past and future, and in the present we become weaker. When we anticipate some event, strongly desire something, we send our energy to the future.


Lately, a lot of women have been coming to me with the same problem. They complain that a man does not work, does not provide, does not develop, does not show himself as a man. I’m tired of repeating the same thing to everyone, so in this article I will tell everyone at once what’s what and how to do it. My colleague, Ekaterina Polishchuk, also contributed some thoughts to this article, based on her practice.

Wax is not only a convenient material for various manipulations. Wax also belongs to different elements. When it is melted from a honeycomb, it becomes solid (earth); when exposed to high temperatures, it first turns into liquid (water), then begins to evaporate (air) and these vapors are capable of burning (fire). So, how easy it is to make a candle.

Uncategorized , NATURAL MAGIC , Candle magic

Decoction: A decoction is used to extract the quintessence from solids such as bark, roots and stems. Place the raw material in a saucepan and fill it with water. Simmer over low heat until the water level has reduced by 1/3. Strain the liquid to remove solids, then use as needed.

Infusion: Pour fresh boiled water over the grass and stems, approximately 200 ml of water per teaspoon of dried plant parts. When using fresh herbs, 3 times more are required.

Plant magic, NATURAL MAGIC

What is internal negativity? When a person has been programmed, cursed, cursed, damaged, then this essence or program first sits on the person’s field. And this is all external negativity. And if a person decided for himself after an unsuccessful love: “all women ...” or “all men ...”, “there are no decent ones”? Is the picture familiar?

Lammas is often called Lugansad or Lunaza, in the name of the god of grain Lug, many believers believe that this is his holiday. But this day is celebrated not only in his honor. It is one of the most forgotten holidays in the pagan faith, and I hope to shed some light on this event. Remember that in Celtic, August is called Lunaza.

Everything suggests that there will no longer be a relationship between you. But... some part of you or your ex-love still continues to hope that he/she will come to his senses and return, take steps towards restoring the relationship, apologize for everything, everything that hurt you and... everything will work out even better, than when the relationship first began.

Or... resentment and anger are firmly in you, the desire to take revenge and make him/her really regret your breakup. Your thoughts periodically return to what you said or to versions of what you could have done/said in that situation. Know that if you carry negative feelings with you, you are not separated! Especially if you keep having dreams, clenching your fists and tears welling up...

In any case, you have no peace, no aspiration for the future, since your feelings keep you in the past. And this connection makes you mark time, narrows your perception of future possibilities and prevents you from fully surrendering to joy in the here and now. These invisible connections gradually begin to seem stronger than chains. You yourself fill them with energy and... the thought gradually creeps in that this relationship was “the most real!”

You absolutely should not carry all this inside yourself for a long time - in addition to a blocked future and energy costs, you risk getting health complications at the psychosomatic level in a completely unpredictable form. Moreover, there are at least three levels of effective solution to this problem. Therefore, if you have already gone through all the stages of denying the inevitable and tried it, proceed to the next 3 steps.

1 - return of energy spent in relationships

Experts who see people's energy bodies know that even frivolous relationships - casual one-time sex - leave an energy channel going from the woman's body to the man's body. Yes, if you don’t make any efforts over the years, this channel will become narrower, but... the movement of energy will continue.

It would seem that the situation is bad only for a woman who constantly feeds her former sexual partners - the loss of freshness and beauty forces her to increasingly use cosmetics and surgery over the years. But even for a man, a constant flow of energy from a woman who quietly and from afar hates him is far from a gift. And it can affect not only men’s health, but also their career and future children.

Of course, specialists with psychic abilities can help you with this, but I suggest that you first do a simple practice on your own that will close all the leaks in your energy bodies.

1 - retire, put a chair in front of you and sit opposite - relax.

2 - imagine as vividly as possible your ex-love sitting in front of you on a chair

3 - speak out, observing the reaction of your imaginary interlocutor - do not lose sight of him sitting opposite. Express everything that you didn’t have time or couldn’t say in person: what you expected from him, how he offended you, how you feel about him now... What was missing in your relationship with that person?

Attention? Respect? Care? Love? An apology? Joy?

4 - see that everything you gave him in emotions, expectations and feelings hangs on your interlocutor, like jewelry/clothing accessories - take them away from him. And take off everything that you feel energetically belongs to him - after all, he also gave you expectations, feelings, emotions. “I take everything that’s mine for myself, everything that belongs to me I give away forever.”

5 - now carefully examine the space between you. If you see a thread, rope or chain stretching from you to your interlocutor, you need to cut it. You can do this simply by waving your hand; you can imagine something sharp and heavy in your hand. Do this until you see that the connection between you is interrupted. Return the cut end to your energy - wherever you feel - in the stomach, in the chest, in the head. Do the same with the rest of the connection for your interlocutor

6 - thank your interlocutor for all the good things that happened between you - for the valuable experience for later life that he gave you.

7 - feel if you can treat the object of your former passion or love like any other person - evenly, calmly, without interest? See if your interlocutor is satisfied with the result of your work? Perhaps he has already gotten up and left... Do you feel that you can also get up and move on joyfully and calmly through life?

2 - returning particles of your soul.

If the previous exercise gave only temporary results, and your thoughts still return to the past, then your situation is more complicated than emotional connections.

Very often people leave pieces of their soul in someone or something. And this is not a poetic metaphor, or a magical fantasy about horcruxes. This is a quite tangible energetically and emotionally process. After this, a person feels loss, emptiness. Thoughts begin to periodically return to the same person, with whom the relationship cannot be returned. Or to some situation where you were treated very cruelly. Or... when you So wanted to help someone who was suffering greatly, that they gave him a part of themselves.

Most often, such loss of a part of oneself happens in sincere and strong love relationships, in moments of the most complete openness. At that moment it seems that this is forever... that this is “the one! The same one!” But after a while, it happens that the couple separates just as violently as they met before. And... an inexpressible pain remains in my heart.

There are many ways to regain peace of mind after such a breakup - ancient, folk, magical... The most important thing in such a situation is not to leave everything as it is, although there is a category of people who make a fetish out of this and toil with it for many years. Most often, only because they find sympathy for their pain from friends and girlfriends. However, this emotional loss not only reduces the meeting of new true love, but also constantly sends energy replenishment to your ex.

Peace of mind is not the only motivation to stop this self-torment. If you collect all the particles of the soul that you left in your past, you will feel like a holistic and much younger divine being + you will have resources and ideas not only for meeting new love. This power can be directed towards a career, health and the realization of all those desires, the fulfillment of which for some reason never happens.

In order to independently regain even one particle of your soul, you must either have the necessary innate abilities or undergo special training. Personally, I recommend using theta practice for this, since without much effort on your part and at any distance

Returns All other people's soul particles that lingered with you, their owners

Returns All your soul particles that you once distributed to others.

In this case, you just need to retire, completely relax your body and let all your thoughts go for a walk for 5-10 minutes. It depends on your sensitivity and calmness whether you will be able to observe the changes occurring during a theta practitioner session. Images and memories will appear on your mental screen themselves - you can watch them without commentary, like a movie. What's more important is how you feel the next morning. After all, your subconscious and energy need sleep to completely reboot your renewed state of mind.

3 - complete the karmic tasks of past relationships

It is unlikely that at this moment there will be anything left between you in this life. The only thing that can come in dreams and fantasies is... some historical or even fantasy stories in which you participate with your former love. And the emotions you feel are not caused by behavior or events in this life. They are like a memory of something forgotten...

In this case, you are dealing with a karmic task that you should have completed with your relationship, but, apparently, you couldn’t. If you yourself know how to see past lives and work with karmic debts, then you can handle it on your own. If not, then in order to close this debt from past lives, you definitely need a specialist for a regression session or a karma seer who can teach you a special meditation technique. This problem can also be solved using theta-healing.

You can read about this and all other topics in my articles and services. Always at your service, Oleg Gnosis.

In contact with

I'm not talking about the emotional connections that come from grief or loss, which we know time and the right amount of chocolate heals. What I'm talking about is an energetic connection between two people. These connections can be positive or negative.

A positive connection, such as between close friends, fills you with warmth even over a great distance, like a hug.

Breaking up with your ex is a more complex process than just breaking up. You are dealing with an energy that has connected the two of you on a deeper level than words and actions.

Science has now proven that at the quantum level we are all energy and we are all connected to each other. If we were close to another person, this connection becomes even closer.

And even after the break, energy continues to flow through these channels. Therefore, when it comes to finding a new partner, your unbroken connection with your past man becomes a serious obstacle. The same goes for forming a new circle of friends: until you completely break ties with your past ones, relationships with new ones will be clogged.

Saying goodbye to your ex

Be calm: even if you started a relationship from scratch, there are several techniques that will help you break ties with past partners and say goodbye to them forever.

Technique for breaking the connection

There is an easy way to let go of your ex-lover. This is where you will use the power of creative visualization.

For example, imagine yourself sitting in a beautiful garden. Threads envelop you. Feel the protective energy of the threads that surround you. Now imagine that one of the threads connects you with your ex. Look how he smiles at you, thank him for all the good things that happened between you, for the lessons you learned. And now it's time to say goodbye. Wave to him and watch him go off into the distance. The space around you has become free. Lightness and calm appeared in my heart.

Cleansing technique

For this technique you need salt and a warm bath. In a safe, quiet environment, run a warm bath of water and add salt to it. Relax and imagine how the threads from your uterus disperse into space. Remember in turn all the men with whom you had a relationship. One by one, break the threads between you.

Give this procedure as much time as necessary.

Salt has the wonderful property of absorbing all negative energy.

These are two simple techniques you can do to break ties with your ex and make room for a new relationship.

Mental connection is a very popular theory that has many followers. But in our article we will understand all the nuances and provide users with the information they need.

Esotericists cannot even properly explain the concept of mental connection. It is too vague and vague. Probably, experts deliberately do not make clarifications so that this concept is suitable for the maximum number of people.

What is a mental connection between people? According to popular theory, this is a high level of mutual understanding and exchange of energy. It is expressed in several factors:

  • A man and a woman can understand each other without words.
  • They feel affection.
  • They need new emotions, which they receive together.
  • They quickly find new topics for conversation.
  • They have almost the same opinion.
  • People have similarities in their thoughts.

Esotericists explain the mental connection with some kind of ephemeral energies that are unclear where they come from and how they generally work. But scientists became interested in this theory and conducted a series of studies.

During tests, experts discovered that a mental connection still exists. But there is no mysticism or mythical energies in it, the existence of which no one has ever proven. Everything is determined solely by the work of our brain.

How is it formed?

If we move away from esoteric theories, then science cannot accurately explain the prerequisites for establishing such a connection between people. Most likely, people need to be sincerely interested in each other; they should be comfortable communicating and spending time together.

How is a mental connection formed, according to scientists?

  1. During prolonged communication, lovers try to adapt to each other.
  2. Synchronization of the cerebral hemispheres occurs. People try to think alike, find interesting topics for conversation and come to a common opinion.
  3. When spending time together, they receive a number of positive or negative emotions. People gradually begin to get used to each other and an emotional connection is formed.
  4. Over time, it becomes stronger and stronger.

If there is no karmic connection and everything is explained by science, then how can people understand each other without unnecessary words? After all, scientists completely deny the existence of telepathy!

Experts were able to find an answer to this question. The fact is that during communication, each person is characterized by certain behavior, movements, and intonations in his voice. In a long-term relationship, the partner gradually remembers these small details, the relationship with the reaction, thoughts and emotions of the beloved. Subconsciously, he determines when a person is upset, what answer he can give to an existing question, and his behavior in the next moment.

Mental connection between people

Conclusion: the mental connection is explained scientifically and is due to the high level of human socialization. People are also representatives of the animal world, if we turn to biology. They differ from animals in their high mental development and presence of consciousness.

Social behavior in humans is pronounced. People do not have serious physical strength, deadly claws or teeth. Therefore, to survive in an aggressive world, they had to unite.

A person can maintain a mental (or social) connection with several people at once. It is most pronounced with a partner and with relatives. With friends and colleagues the connection is weaker, but it is still there.

Between lovers

The mental connection between a man and a woman is considered the strongest. Partners are united not only by common goals, interests, topics for communication, a common opinion, etc. Between them there is also love and passion, sexual attraction. Additionally, partners receive maximum emotions together, both positive and negative.

To ensure a strong connection, several conditions must be met:

  • Spend as much time together as possible.
  • Find common ground.
  • Respect each other.
  • Provide support during difficult periods.
  • Achieve maximum mutual understanding.

Negative emotions can also promote connection. But they must be supplemented with positive ones; only if there is a balance, full-fledged relationships are possible.

Main signs of mental connection

How does a mental connection manifest itself?

  1. You are interested in communicating with a person.
  2. You quickly find new topics.
  3. You have similar opinions on various issues.
  4. Quickly reach consensus in case of disputes.
  5. Would you like to spend more time together?
  6. You are comfortable with the person, there is no unnecessary tension.
  7. You know approximately what your partner will say in the next moment, how he will behave.
  8. People experience positive and negative emotions together.

How to install?

You won’t be nice by force - this is the expression that explains the essence of establishing a mental connection. As a rule, this is a completely spontaneous process. It is very difficult for specialists to explain why some people quickly push each other away, while others gradually begin to get closer. Most likely, the process of establishing a mental connection is influenced by personalities, behavioral characteristics, and common interests.

What does the whole process look like in practice?

  • Initially, people get to know each other.
  • If they have mutual interest, then communication begins.
  • Based on the results of the first contacts, people either break the fragile connection or continue to get closer.
  • Common interests, similar opinions, similar behavior have a positive effect on relationships.
  • The more time people spend together, the stronger the level of their connection.

Similarity of opinions, characters and behavior is a rather important factor. It is determined by our natural instincts. When people meet members of society who are similar to themselves, they trust them more, because their behavior is easier to predict.

Assistive exercises

Additionally, there are auxiliary exercises that should strengthen the connection between people.

Exercise 1: One of the partners is blindfolded. Both people begin to move spontaneously around the room. A partner without a blindfold should make as little noise as possible so that his location is more difficult to determine.

On command, the exercise participants stop. The person with the bandage should roughly indicate the side in which the partner is located. The second participant then leaves the room. Now it is necessary to compare sensations in order to understand whether there is any connection between people.

Exercise 2: Sit on a chair and relax. Imagine your partner's face on a white background, then ask him to perform some simple action. After completing it mentally, concentrate on the positive emotions that your wish has been fulfilled. Then you can try mentally sending the same request to your partner.

Exercise 3: Sit on a chair and relax. Imagine your partner on a white background and ask him to call you. Scroll through your imagination about your subsequent communication, possible topics for conversation, what emotions will arise.

Important! These exercises are more likely to be esoteric practices. There is no scientific evidence that these activities are effective, but you can still try them.

How to break?

Sometimes relationships with individuals bring only negative emotions. This means it’s time to break off such a connection in order to free up your time to communicate with another person.

But we will not consider dubious esoteric ways to remove the connection. We will provide only real and effective advice:

  • The main thing is to limit communication with this person. As long as you spend time together, the connection will still be maintained, no matter how hard you try to break it.
  • The second stage is to find an alternative. To get over a breakup, you can replace the person with a new friend with whom you will enjoy communicating. The easiest way to avoid an emotional emptiness is to simply fill it.
  • Stop contact with that person completely. Gradually your connection will be broken and you will be able to throw off your shackles.

Conclusion: you can break contact gradually. It is better to replace the person with a new friend or acquaintance to make it easier for you to free yourself from the connection. When it becomes less noticeable, you can stop communicating completely.