Distortion of the left foot, what to do. What is joint distortion - manifestations and consequences. How to recognize a foot injury

Distortion refers to a partial tear of the articular ligaments. The main provocateur is a sharp, sudden movement in an increased volume. In this article, we will answer in detail the question of how ankle distortion occurs, manifests, and is treated.

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A strain, also called a sprain, almost always damages the outer ankle ligaments. The talofibular ligament suffers the most.

A person gets injured when, when tucking the foot, the sole bends too much. An acute pain syndrome appears in the ankle area. Common causes of distortion are presented in the table.

Table 1. Common triggers:

Cause Description

Persons whose weight exceeds 90 kg are at risk of getting distortion.

Distortion is often observed in professional athletes and people leading an active lifestyle.

Persons carrying a weight of more than 50 kilograms are at risk of getting distortion.

Teenagers are at risk.

Distortion occurs when wearing high-heeled shoes.

Common symptoms

Signs of distortion depend on the degree of injury. More detailed information can be found in the plate.

Table 2. Main symptoms of ankle distortion:

Stage of damage Symptoms
1 degree of distortion A slight swelling appears. Painful sensations appear while walking, as well as when palpating the joint. Joint functions are not impaired.
2nd degree of distortion The size of the swelling is growing. Hemorrhage spreads along the outer surface of the foot. The painful sensations intensify. The person has difficulty moving. Joint functions are partially impaired.
3rd degree of distortion The swelling is visible to the naked eye. The hemorrhage spreads to the plantar part of the foot. The pain is so severe that the person is deprived of the ability not only to walk, but also to make other movements with the injured limb.

What to do

The doctor undertakes to find out the mechanism of joint damage. The specialist should also carefully examine the injured limb. This will allow him to determine the severity of the distortion.

Note! An X-ray examination is prescribed only to exclude a fracture. Even less often, the patient is sent for an MRI.

General scheme of medical care

The sign lists the main methods of helping the victim. They depend on the degree of injury.

Table 3. What the doctor does:

Stage of damage What to do Recovery time

The joint is fixed using an 8-shaped bandage made of gauze. After 48-72 hours, the patient is allowed warm baths and ointments that have a warming effect. 14 days

A 10% alcohol-novocaine solution is injected into the joint. Injections are repeated every 48-72 hours. If necessary, the patient is given a u-shaped plaster cast. Its wearing period is 1.5 weeks. 21 day

A circular plaster cast is applied to the upper third of the leg. Then the patient is prescribed physical therapy. The last stage is to undergo several massage sessions. 30 days.

How to provide first aid

Instructions for providing first aid for distortion are as follows:

  1. Completely clear the affected area by removing socks and shoes.
  2. Provide complete rest to the injured limb. The leg is raised above the level of the heart and carefully fixed with an elastic bandage. It is allowed to place multilayer fabric under the joint.
  3. For the first 120 minutes, an ice compress should be applied to the injured limb. When the bandage gets warm, it will need to be changed.
  4. Tightly bandage the injury site. Don't let your fingers turn white.
  5. If the injury is accompanied by very severe pain, you need to give the victim a painkiller.

Note! In the first hours of injury, ointments that have a warming effect should not be used.

Use of medications

Medicines prescribed for distortion help stop the inflammatory process and alleviate pain. The most effective medicines are presented in the table.

Table 4. The best drugs:

A drug Description

It is a powerful analgesic-antipyretic. It has analgesic, antipyretic and mild anti-inflammatory effects.

It is a derivative of pyrazolone. It has a strong analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Helps reduce pain sensitivity. Relieves pain. Accompanies an increase in range of motion.

Use of ointments

If stretching of the right or distortion of the left does not cause concern, the use of various ointments is allowed. They are used for the purpose of rubbing the affected area.

Table 5. The most effective ointments:

Means Description

Reduces swelling and has a quick targeted effect against pain. The analgesic effect for distortion lasts 7-8 hours.

NSAIDs from the sulfonanilide class. Removes swelling caused by distortion and quickly relieves pain.

Angioprotective drug. Has a protective effect on the vessels of the circulatory system. Helps increase the elasticity and density of the vascular wall. Reduces the likelihood of swelling and penetration of foreign substances into the vascular lumen, removes hematomas and other symptoms of distortion.

Contains diclofenac sodium. This substance has a strong anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effect.

Inhibits the biosynthesis of prostaglandins, relieves pain, removes swelling, and helps very well with distortion.

Relieves swelling that appears due to distortion, promotes activation of metabolic processes at the site of application. Accompanies an increase in the elasticity of muscle and connective tissue, in addition to reducing muscle tone.

It is a venotonic, angioprotective drug. Helps relieve symptoms of distortion, reduce permeability and fragility of capillaries. Accompanies strengthening of the vascular wall. Helps improve microcirculation. It has an anti-edematous effect and helps remove hematomas.

Has a local anesthetic and analgesic effect. Accelerates regeneration processes during distortion.

Helps very well with dystoria. Helps improve blood microcirculation.

One of the best remedies for distortion. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, anti-exudative effect. Cools damaged areas and relieves pain.

Other treatment methods

Also, joint distortion suggests:

  • undergoing physical therapy;
  • use of folk remedies;
  • undergoing physical therapy.

Note! If the ligaments are torn, surgery is prescribed.

Undergoing physical therapy

On the 3rd day after immobilization, the patient is prescribed:

  • medicinal baths with herbal infusions;
  • paraffin applications;
  • ozokerite applications.

To speed up the healing process, the doctor may recommend that the patient undergo sessions of magnetic therapy, thermo or electrotherapy, as well as acupuncture.


Most often, the patient is prescribed arthroscopy. In this case, a thin tube equipped with a video camera is inserted into the joint. This way, a specialist can assess the degree of ruptures and detect bone fragments. Reconstruction is carried out by suturing the ligaments.

Physical therapy exercises

When the acute symptoms of ankle distortion decrease, the patient is prescribed gentle exercise therapy.

Therapeutic gymnastics helps strengthen muscles. The damaged joint is stabilized, which helps prevent relapses. The most effective exercises are presented in the table.

Table 6. The best exercises of therapeutic gymnastics:

Exercise Description

It is recommended to walk in a circle. You need to step on the outer part of the foot first, then on the inner. The duration of the exercise is 5-7 minutes. There should be no pain when performing it.

Having stood on the bar, you need to rise to the maximum on your toes, and then carefully lower yourself onto your heels. All movements should be slow and smooth. The number of repetitions is 10-12.

Circular movements with your fingers are recommended. First you need to rotate your fingers clockwise, then counterclockwise. The optimal position is sitting on a chair.

Promotes a rapid increase in metabolism in soft tissues. The healing process is faster. The first procedures should be carried out by a specialist. Then you can move on to self-massage sessions.

Note! All exercises must be performed regularly.

The use of folk remedies

For minor injuries, it is allowed to resort to traditional medicine. The best recipes are presented in the table.

Table 7. Folk remedies for distortion:

Means How to cook How to use

The sponge dissolves in heated water. When the medicine acquires a mushy state, it can be used. The product is gently rubbed into the damaged area. It is best to do this procedure before going to bed. Bodyaga allows you to relieve pain and remove swelling.

It is advisable to use this product 3-4 times/7 days. The course of treatment is 1-1.5 weeks.

For this, raw potatoes are used. The tuber needs to be peeled and grated on a medium grater. Mix with 1/2 onion and 150 grams of fresh white cabbage. The compress is applied overnight. The damaged limb should be wrapped in woolen cloth. You need to repeat the procedure every other day. The duration of the course is 10 days.

Chop 1 onion, add 0.5 teaspoon of sea salt, mix well. It is recommended to place the potato-onion mixture on several layers of gauze, squeeze, and apply to the damaged area. The compress helps relieve swelling and remove excess fluid.

Note! Folk remedies are used only as prescribed by a doctor. The cost of not following this recommendation can be very high.


If you have distortion, you should not self-medicate. Otherwise, there is a risk of relapse. This can lead to ankle instability in the future.

More detailed information about the treatment and consequences of ankle distortion can be obtained from the video in this article.



A sprain of the ligamentous apparatus of the joints is a partial rupture of one or another ligament as a result of its tension beyond the limits of elasticity. When continuity is completely disrupted, the ligamentous apparatus ruptures.


Significant pain, rapid development of swelling, bruising, significant dysfunction of the injured limb. If the joint capsule is damaged, hemorrhage into the joint (hemarthrosis). Diagnosis based on anamnestic data; swelling and local pain. An x-ray is required to exclude intra-articular fractures.


Distortions are most often observed in the ankle joint, but can occur in any joint. With limited sprains, hemorrhage and reactive edema resolve without a trace; with more extensive damage and simultaneous hemarthrosis, weakness of the ligamentous apparatus and a tendency to repeated sprains may remain.


Immediately after the injury, apply a tight bandage or plaster splint to the injured limb. After a few days, massage, local warm baths, and therapeutic exercises are prescribed. For hemarthrosis, a joint puncture is performed. In case of weakness of the ligamentous apparatus on the lower limb and swelling, tight bandaging with an elastic bandage is used. The prognosis is favorable.

“Handbook for a Practitioner”, P.I. Egorov

In medical practice, damage to the ligamentous structures of the lower leg joint is called ankle distortion. The pathological condition is predominantly caused by ligament rupture. In this case, the patient's affected area swells, pain, and stiffness of movement are observed. If distortion is suspected, it is important to visit a medical facility where appropriate diagnostics will be carried out.

Classification of joint distortion

Distortion is divided into 3 types depending on the stage of joint injury, as shown in the table:

Twisting your ankle can tear your ankle ligaments.

Distortion is also classified based on the area of ​​localization:

  • Injury to the ankle joints. The external ligaments of the ankle are predominantly damaged. The disorder occurs due to a roll-in of the feet, during which there is simultaneous excessive plantar flexion. Patients complain of severe pain in the ankle area.
  • Knee joints. Most often, pathology is diagnosed in the area of ​​the lateral joints.
  • Hip. The most common site of injury is the anterior quadriceps muscle. In addition to sudden movements, direct blows and physical exercise also provoke a pathological condition.
  • Radiocarpal. Often, injuries to the joint occur due to a fall on the palm or severe flexion of the wrist. The ligaments of both the left and right joints are affected with equal frequency.
  • Elbow. Damage to this joint is mainly diagnosed in athletes or people whose activities involve constant lifting of heavy objects.
  • Arcuate facets. These joints ensure mobility of the spinal column. Mostly the pathology is localized in the cervical segment. The pathological condition may be caused by a sudden movement of the neck and a fall, during which a bruise occurs.
  • Damage to the shoulder joint. The sternoclavicular ligament is often affected.

Etiology and symptoms

When palpating the damaged joint, fluid vibrations are felt.

Articulation distortion is a closed injury that occurs due to sudden movements in an unusual direction for the joint. The pathological condition predominantly affects the ligaments of the limbs. Often, a certain element of the arm or leg remains fixed, while another makes a movement, the power of which is associated with the stage of articulation impairment. The symptoms of the pathological condition are directly related to the severity of the injury. Symptoms of joint distortion based on stage:

  • First. Swelling appears in the area of ​​injury and pain occurs, which increases with palpation and body movements. In this case, the functions of the articulation are not impaired. The patient moves independently, no hemorrhage is observed.
  • Second. Swelling affects not only the area of ​​injury, but also nearby healthy tissue. During movements and palpation, the patient complains of severe pain and stiffness of movements appears. If the internal structures of the composition are affected, hemorrhage may occur.
  • Third. A powerful pain syndrome is observed not only during body movements, but also at rest. Swelling and hemorrhage spread to nearby tissues. Stiffness of movements appears, the function of the joint is impaired. At the same time, patients cannot move independently.

The most striking manifestations of distortion are observed when the hip joint is injured. This is due to the fact that the joint is large in size and has much more developed muscles.

Diagnostic measures

The examination will determine the presence of bone tissue damage.

If a person suffers a joint injury, it is important to go to the hospital immediately. Initially, the doctor interviews the patient, finding out exactly how the injury occurred. Then the physician begins to examine and palpate the affected joint. At the conclusion of the diagnosis, the patient is sent for radiography and magnetic resonance or computed tomography. Sometimes additional diagnostic measures are required. Before prescribing them, the doctor identifies the range of motion in the affected joints to determine the severity of the injury.

How is the treatment carried out?

Initially, it is important to provide first aid to the person, which can be done both in a medical facility and at home before visiting the hospital. To do this, apply dry cold or ice packs to the area of ​​the affected joint. With this, it is possible to prevent the appearance of swelling and hemorrhage in the joint cavity. Then the person is transported to a medical facility, having previously fixed the affected joint.

If there is a spinal column injury, transportation should take place in a supine position, since otherwise there is a risk of even greater damage to the spine. When distortion of the knee joint or other limb joints occurs, splints are used. If they are not at hand, it is permissible to place 2 slats on the sides and secure them with an elastic bandage.

The device will help limit neck mobility in case of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

Treatment of the pathological condition is directly related to the stage of joint injury. However, regardless of the degree, the first step is to immobilize the joint. If the ligaments of the ankle, shoulder or knee are injured, use a figure-of-eight bandage. When the cervical segment of the spinal column is damaged, an orthopedic collar is used, which prevents movement and rotation of the neck. For damage to other joints, regular bandages are used.

Treatment of stage 1 damage

3 days after immobilization of the affected joint, the patient is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures aimed at warming up. They are combined with the use of topical medications that have a warming property. Restoring a damaged joint takes about 2 weeks. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers are used to relieve pain. Vitamins that include calcium, phosphorus and magnesium may be prescribed.

) shoulder joint is a common injury, often occurring during everyday tasks, sports training or accidents. Ligamentous tissues have a certain elasticity limit. If this limit is exceeded, the ligaments are injured, then rupture of the ligamentous fibers of the shoulder joint or their stretching develops.

Ligaments are dense connective tissue formations that hold the articular joint and the muscular system together. Ligamentous fibers provide the motor ability of the articular connection and at the same time limit this mobility to a certain limit. In case of excessive movements and excessive loads that provoke damage to the synovial capsule or muscle fibers, the ligaments reduce the performance of this action in the joint.

Sprained ligament fibers threaten to impair the functional ability of the arm and affect the mobility of the entire body. In case of untimely or lack of treatment for an injury in the shoulder, a chronic form of the disease will form - the joint will become unstable, to eliminate this it is necessary to resort to surgery.

This is caused at the initial stages by incompletely formed regenerative tissue, which can still be corrected due to its elasticity, but in advanced stages it becomes less elastic.

Anatomy of the shoulder joint

This articular connection consists of:

  • collarbone;
  • humerus;
  • shoulder blades.

The last two bone components are interconnected through the rotator cuff, which is formed by the tendons of the muscle groups.

When the tendons are completely damaged, the clavicle is completely separated from the articular joint. The head of the humerus is attached to a special cavity of the scapula by these muscles.

The articular endings of the bone components are enclosed in a dense connective tissue capsule (capsule). The cavity of the latter is filled with synovial fluid, which has the function of moisturizing the joint elements. When there is a deficiency or increased density, they rub against each other and, accordingly, injury occurs.

On the outside, it is secured by ligaments that are covered by muscles. They do not allow excessive angular inclination, however, with excessive physical activity, the ligamentous fiber ruptures.

Symptomatic picture

Due to the similarity in manifestations with other pathologies, careful diagnosis is necessary; it is also necessary to select adequate treatment.

Characteristic manifestations and complaints of victims:

  1. Pain in the injured shoulder.
  2. Limitation of mobility.
  3. Hyperemia of the skin, in some cases hemorrhagic phenomena in the problem area.
  4. Minor swelling in case of rupture, but no swelling in case of sprain (differential diagnostic manifestation).

The painful syndrome is caused by the development of an inflammatory process in the rotator cuff. It then transforms into supraspinatus tendonitis, which leads to a significant deterioration in the general condition of the victim. Various forms of bursitis and even periarthritis and tendinitis of the muscles of the 2nd head of the shoulder may develop.

There are three degrees of rupture of the ligamentous apparatus, depending on the number of affected fibers:

  • I Art. – several fibers are torn, pain and limited movement of the lungs.
  • II Art. – multiple fiber tears, algic syndrome in this case is more pronounced, performance is noticeably reduced.
  • III Art. – complete rupture of the ligaments, debilitating pain, unstable joint connection. In this case, they resort to surgical intervention.

Causal factors

This injury can occur under the influence of the following factors:

  1. Physical activity is regular and constant (carrying or lifting heavy objects).
  2. Hemosupply disorder. This is mainly due to age-related transformations. This results in insufficient trophism, as a result of which their elasticity decreases.
  3. Osteogrowths – osteophytes. They form mainly in elderly patients.
  4. Professional sports (weightlifting, swimming, shot throwing, tennis and other sports) that involve stress in the same joint.
  5. Congenital anomalies of the muscular joint system. For example, ligament distortion in a newborn child.

Injury can occur as a result of an accident, a fall, or a blow.

Bad habits (alcohol addiction, smoking) and corticosteroid therapy contribute to a significant weakening of the ligamentous-muscular system.

Therapeutic tactics

Timely first aid significantly reduces the risk of complications and increases the effectiveness of treatment. Immediately after injury, it is necessary to position the victim in such a way as to minimize the load on the sore shoulder. It is recommended to remove clothing to avoid compression of the vascular network and the formation of swelling.

The articular connection should be covered with a soft cloth and secured with a scarf, scarf or elastic bandage. A cold compress will reduce pain and prevent the development of a hematoma.

In case of severe injury and severe pain syndrome, it is recommended to call an ambulance.

The therapeutic approach is based on the following techniques:

  • Creating complete rest for the victim with immobilization of the brachial joint.
  • Regular cold compresses (a heating pad with ice) up to three to four times a day in the first 72 hours after injury. They help relieve pain and swelling.
  • Apply a pressure bandage, but not too tight. After relieving the pain, it is necessary to remove it in order to prevent muscle and joint atrophy due to immobilization.
  • Taking medications. Usually used. At the same time, medications are prescribed that promote tissue restoration.

Specialists divide all treatment into primary and secondary. Primary is to create maximum peace and physical rest for the victim, wearing fixing devices. Folk gentle recipes are also allowed - cold compresses with ice. In some cases, with minor damage, such measures are sufficient.

Secondary - carried out with 2 and 3 degrees of damage to the ligamentous fibers. The basic purpose is painkillers. After three days after injury, cold compresses are replaced by warm ones, using regenerating ointments and gels. Ice is replaced by massage and heating.

In case of severe pain, painkillers are administered parenterally or intra-articularly.

After the inflammation is eliminated, rehabilitation begins. For this purpose, physiotherapy and exercise therapy are used.

By the way, you may also be interested in the following FREE materials:

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  • Want to know how to treat a pinched sciatic nerve? Then carefully watch the video at this link.
  • 10 essential nutritional components for a healthy spine- in this report you will learn what your daily diet should be so that you and your spine are always healthy in body and spirit. Very useful information!
  • Do you have osteochondrosis? Then we recommend studying effective methods of treating lumbar, cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis without drugs.

ligament of the common extensor digitorum and the tendon of the extensor carpi ulnaris.

Exposure on the side of the radius Suitable for interventions on the scaphoid and the distal articular end of the radius. A longitudinal skin incision passes into the skin fold of the wrist joint slightly in the dorsal direction (see Fig. 8-233). If the tendon of the long extensor of the thumb is retracted to the ulnar side, the tendon of the short extensor and tendons of the abductor muscles in the radial direction, they fall into joint capsule. The articular capsule is exposed under a tourniquet to spare the dorsal branch of the radial nerve.

Palmar exposure has proven itself well as access to the carpal bones, especially for interventions on the lunate bone. The operation is performed with exsanguination (under a tourniquet). The skin incision is made obliquely in the skin fold of the wrist joint (see Fig. 8-232). After isolating the palmaris longus muscle and the flexor carpi radialis, as well as the median nerve, you need to retract the nerve along with the tendon of the common flexor digitorum. ulnar side. In this case, they get to the joint capsule, which opens.

Distortion and contusion of the wrist joint

TO Injuries in the area of ​​the wrist joint include fractures occurring at the distal end of the bones of the forearm, as well as damage to the bones of the metacarpus and its joints. Damage to blood vessels, nerves and tendons and their surgical treatment are discussed in the section on the hand.

In everyday life, it often happens that when a fall or unexpected force is applied to the hand (playing sports, performing physical work), the wrist joint is damaged. The patient is not always immediately referred to a doctor, since symptoms such as pain arise slowly. A characteristic consequence of a bruise is a hematoma in the joint; with distortion, capsule rupture and ligament damage may also occur.

This type of injury is treated conservatively by applying a dorsal plaster splint running from the metacarpophalangeal joints to the elbow, but does not limit mobility in the elbow joint. Immobilization for 7_i4 days is sufficient. In case of distortions and bruises of the wrist joint, you should always think about the possibility of damage to the bones of the wrist (scaphoid, lunate); Therefore, it is necessary to take x-rays of the damaged wrist joint in at least two planes.

Fractures in the area of ​​the wrist joint Fractures at the distal end of the bones of the forearm

Fracture of the radius in a typical location. Of the fractures that occur at the distal end of the forearm bones, the most common in everyday life is the so-called. typical fracture of the radius (“fractura radii in loco typico”). The mechanism of this fracture is well known. It usually (in more than 90"/o cases) occurs when a fall on the hand occurs, when the palm hits an object or support with great force and the end of the radius is compressed dorsally (fracture along Colics). A fracture of the radius in a typical location rarely occurs with a flexed wrist. When the wrist joint is bent, a fracture occurs Smith. In this case, the end of the radius, mainly its palmar edge, is almost broken off by the diaphysis. The principles of treatment are summarized below.

1.Non-displaced radius fractures First of all, they are fixed with a plaster cast, and after 7 days - for 3-4 weeks with a circular plaster cast.

2.Displaced fracture usually reduced under intravenous anesthesia. The device applied to the fingers usually exerts traction on fingers 1, 2, 3, and 4. Countertraction is carried out on the shoulder. The surgeon assists in reduction by direct pressure on the fracture with the thumb. Reposition of bone fragments in the patient during anesthesia is controlled by an intensifying screen (rice.8-237). If the reposition is successful, then a dorsal plaster splint is applied to the forearm, which is tied with a gauze bandage. At

Rice. 8-237. Reduction of a radius fracture in a typical location using finger traction under the control of an intensifying screen

comminuted fracture entering the joints. the plaster splint should reach the insertion of the deltoid muscle. After the plaster hardens, the patient can wake up. Following this, the craving is eliminated and the gauze bandages are completely removed. The accuracy of the reposition is once again controlled by x-ray, and then the hardened plaster splint is fixed with circular bandages to the limb. The victim can immediately begin performing active motor exercises with his fingers. The cast is monitored until it is determined that the plaster splint does not need to be loosened or reapplied.

5-7 days after this, the limb is again fixed with a device for stretching the fingers, but neither anesthesia nor significant traction is used. The plaster cast is removed, and after repeated x-ray examination, a circular plaster cast is applied. After the new plaster cast has hardened, x-rays are taken in two planes. The position of the fracture is checked weekly. Depending on the type of “typical” radius fracture, immobilization lasts 4-6 weeks. If the bone has healed, then physical therapy is performed.

3.If the fracture is prone to displacement, if we are talking about a multi-fragment fracture, in which immobilization of the broken bone ends cannot be achieved using the above method, or if secondary displacement is found in a timely manner (i.e. after 1-2 weeks), then the reduced fragments are fixed with a percutaneous retaining wire (or several wires) ). Naturally, in these cases, immobilization with a plaster cast is also required. The holding wires are removed when the plaster is removed.

4. During treatment palmar-flexion type fractures the use of retaining wires is more frequent, since a conventional plaster cast, as a rule, does not retain such fractures well.

5.Surgical treatment is required if in young people it is not possible to properly reduce and fix the fracture of the radius entering the joint. During treatment damage 0a1eagg1(fracture of the radius in the distal third with a dietary dislocation of the ulna), plate osteosynthesis of the fracture of the radius is performed, and the styloid process of the ulna, if it is broken off, is also screwed.

A fracture of the radius in a typical location is exposed by a longitudinal incision. On the extensor side, the bone is exposed if the tendon is pulled in the ulnar direction. The palmar surface is exposed by a longitudinal incision on the flexor side. They reach the bone if the flexors of the fingers and pronator quadratus are pulled in the ulnar direction, and the radial formations are pulled in the radial direction. Fragments of the radius are connected by a small

Rice. 8-238. Osteosynthesis (A) penetrating fracture of the radius with a small L- or T-shaped plate (b)

Rice. 8-239. Correction of an improperly healed fracture of the radius, 1. Proximal to the fracture, the radius is sawed obliquely

Rice. 8-240. Correction of a malunited radius fracture, II. A bone wedge from the iliac crest is inserted into the osteotomy hole, which is fixed with a plate

Rice. 8-241. Osteotomy in the form of an ellipse on the radius: A) from the side, b) from the dorsal side

choose a T-shaped or L-shaped plate (rice.8-238). External fixation is required only if the osteosynthesis is not stable enough. In elderly patients, a fresh fracture is operated on only if it is open. To fix closed fractures, the plaster cast can be supplemented with retaining wire if necessary.

6. After a fracture of the radius that has healed in a poor position, the wrist joint remains painful and its mobility is limited. The following operations can be performed to improve hand function.

The distal end of the radius is exposed through a dorso-radial approach. A place is created in the distal part of the bone for a short cancellous screw and then a transverse osteotomy is made with an oscillating saw (directly to the proximal fracture line). (rice.8-239). After applying a plate in the form of a half-tube, a cancellous screw is inserted through the plate into the distal fragment. The axis and length of the bone are restored. A wedge-shaped bone defect appears under the plate at the osteotomy site. To fill it, a piece of spongy bone of the appropriate size is taken from the iliac crest and placed under the plate. The plate stably fixes the bone block in place (rice. 8-240). This operation makes it possible to restore the original shape of the bone. It is not performed in elderly patients and in cases of severe osteoporosis. If, after a fracture of the radius, the end of the ulna extends beyond the radius and fragments of the radius reduced in the pronated position interfere with the rotational movement of the hand, then instead of corrective osteotomy of the radius with reconstruction of the inserted bone, resection of the head of the ulna can be performed. This operation is often performed on older people because it is simple and it restores rotational mobility of the hand early. The brute force of clenching the fist after the operation, however, was slightly reduced.

The deformity that occurs after a fracture of the distal end of the radius can also be corrected by the so-called. elliptical osteotomy. The principle of this operation is that at the spongy edge of the radius, not a transverse osteotomy is performed, but an elliptical one. (rice. 8-241). In this way, the two bone surfaces can be shifted relative to each other in several planes, which facilitates the reconstruction of the original shape of the bone. The bone is held in the corrected position with a small metal plate or crossed retaining wires and a plaster cast until the bone heals.

Green branch type fracture. IN in childhood, a green branch type fracture in the dnstal-

The 1st end of the forearm is common. The axis is corrected and the bones are fixed in a plaster cast.

Epiphysiolysis. Damage to the distal epiphysis of the radius usually occurs in puberty. Symptoms of epiphysiolysis are similar to those that occur with a typical fracture of the radius in an adult. The author strives for conservative treatment in such cases and, as a last resort, uses holding wires.

In children and adolescents, a small metal plate or retaining wire is used for internal fixation if a fracture located close to the joint cannot be closed, reduced, or if it is displaced a second time. During the operation, the germ cartilage must not be damaged.

Scaphoid fracture

The scaphoid bone is the most mobile bone of the wrist. Research Ritter showed how the movements of the intercarpal joint change if additional movement of the scaphoid becomes possible at the fracture site. On the one hand, the increased load at the fracture site and, on the other hand, the well-known poor blood supply to the scaphoid bone explain the reason that pseudarthrosis often occurs after certain fractures of the scaphoid bone. The poor healing propensity may be due to poor blood supply to the proximal pole of the bone and instability of oblique fractures. Therefore, fractures of the proximal third and associated with displacement (for example, associated with dislocation) oblique fractures must be differentiated from other fractures of the scaphoid.

Fractures recognized in a timely manner can be treated conservatively with a high degree of probability. First, a dorsal plaster splint is applied to the forearm, which is used to fix the main phalanx of the thumb on the damaged hand in a state of 40° opposition. After 5-7 days, the plaster splint is replaced with a circular plaster cast, which also wraps and fixes the main phalanx of the thumb, but leaves the terminal phalanx free. The movement of the fingers is not limited by the bandage. Fractures localized more distally are more prognostically favorable. Transverse fractures are immobilized for 6-8 weeks. For the treatment of proximal pole and oblique fractures, the cast remains in place for 12 weeks. Then, using x-rays in four projections (“scaphoid quartet”), they check whether the bone has healed. If healing has not occurred, then plaster fixation is carried out over a further six weeks.