What is uroflowmetry: how to prepare, conduct it, interpret the results. Uroflowmetry: preparation and implementation Uroflowmetry normal indicators

Uroflowmetry is the measurement of urine flow rate over time and its quantity. Urine flow measurement is the simplest urodynamic test and provides very useful information for the preliminary diagnosis and follow-up of lower urinary tract disease.

Due to the way uroflowmetry is performed (non-invasively, painlessly), this examination is completely safe for all groups of patients, including pregnant women and children. For the latter, the method is the gold standard in determining functional and neurogenic disorders in the activity of the detrusor.

Purpose of the survey

Usually, uroflowmetry can determine whether urination is slow or difficult. The test also shows how functional the urinary tract and obturator urethral sphincters are. The sphincter is a ring-shaped muscle that, when contracted, closes the outlet of the bladder and prevents the leakage of urine.

The test identifies an obstruction in the normal flow of urine. By measuring the average and maximum flow velocity, the severity of blockage and/or obstruction, bladder contractility, and prostate enlargement can be determined.

One of the varieties of the method is radionuclide uroflowmetry, among other things, aimed at determining residual urine, vesicoureteral and vesicoureteral reflux, and stenosis of the distal part of the urinary tract.

What can affect urination

Certain conditions may directly or indirectly affect the pattern and rate of urine flow:

  • benign prostatic hypertrophy, which can block the urethra;
  • detrusor cancer;
  • prostate cancer;
  • neurogenic dysfunction or disruption of nerve regulation due to tumors or spinal cord injury;
  • frequent urinary tract infections.

Measurement procedure

Unlike a conventional urine test, in which the patient urinates into a container, uroflowmetry uses a special disposable funnel-shaped device, a special urinal or toilet in which a measuring device is built in.

Position of man and woman during urofluometry

You need to urinate as it happens under normal conditions, without trying to somehow manipulate the speed or force of the stream. Men can do this standing, and women are asked to sit over the apparatus or in a specially equipped chair.

An electronic uroflow meter, connected to a funnel or built into the toilet, measures the speed and volume of urine. Therefore, you need to start the process of urination at the command of the laboratory assistant when the device is turned on.

The uroflow meter records the amount of urine the patient produces, the rate of flow in seconds, and the period of time required to completely empty the bladder. The results are presented in the form of a diagram. Normally, you can see from it that at the beginning the stream of urine is released slowly, then it accelerates and towards the end of the process it slows down again. Any differences from the norm are clearly visible on the diagram and help the doctor make a diagnosis. Sometimes a series of measurements over several days may be required.

Uroflow meters can be of a fairly simple configuration or of an “expert” class

Previously, before the invention of uroflowmeters, manual measurements were used using a stopwatch and measuring utensils. If you don’t have the equipment, you can use this method. A stopwatch records the start and end times of urination. Then measure the volume of released urine using a measuring cup and, dividing the volume by time, calculate the average speed.

Preparing for the study

Before the test, you should not urinate for several hours to keep your bladder full, but not too full. It is enough to drink 1 liter of water half an hour to an hour before the examination. The procedure itself is absolutely painless and can only cause psychological discomfort.

Before the examination, you must inform your doctor about the following points:

  • established or suspected pregnancy;
  • what medications and vitamins are taken;
  • medicinal herbs, supplements.

Interpretation of results

Urine flow is the volumetric flow rate during urination, a measure of the amount of urine excreted at certain intervals (per second or per minute). The symbols used are the letters “V” (for volume) and “Q” (symbol for flow rate). Qmax indicates the maximum flow. It is by its value that the degree of obstruction of the urinary tract or the presence of an obstruction to the flow of urine is determined.

Uroflowmetry diagram is normal, where Qmax ml/s is the maximum speed; Qav ml/s – average speed; ТQmax ,s – time to reach maximum speed; Тmict, s – time of urination; V, ml – volume

Norm value

Normal uroflowmetry indicators depend on age and gender. In men, the speed of the urine stream decreases with age; in women, these changes are less pronounced.

The average urinary flow rate in both sexes should exceed 10 ml/sec.

The time period during which the maximum speed is achieved is 4-9 seconds from the start of urination.

Reliable results can be obtained if the study is carried out on a urine volume of 200 to 500 ml, but, as a last resort, the result obtained on 100 ml of urine can be taken into account.

In healthy people, at a given volume, the entire act of urination lasts approximately 20 seconds.

Decreased urine flow suggests a blockage or weakness of the bladder muscles; in men, prostate adenoma.

An increase in flow indicates weakening of the muscles that control urination, which may be a sign of urinary incontinence.

A - normal curve; B – subvesical obstruction with an increase in the lateral lobes of the adenoma; C – narrowing of the urethra; D – disturbance of innervation of the bladder; E – fluctuation of intra-abdominal pressure; at maximum speed, tension of the abdominal muscles occurs

The result of the study can be assessed by analyzing the urination curve graph. Normally, as can be seen in the example, it is bell-shaped. When the urethra narrows, which is more often observed in men, the curve after the initial increase in speed takes the form of a “plateau”.

If there is obstruction or decreased contractility of the bladder, the graph will show a decrease in maximum urinary flow rate. Detrusor overactivity will be recorded as a rapid increase in Qmax speed in the first second.

The interpretation of the diagram may contain a description of the nature of urination - obstructive, non-obstructive, ambiguous, rapid, intermittent. So, for example, an intermittent urination pattern is formed with urethral strictures and is associated with a jerky contraction of the abdominal wall muscles. Thus, bladder emptying is stimulated by increasing intra-abdominal pressure.

Advantages of the method

Urofluometry has a number of undeniable advantages as a diagnostic method:

  • not associated with instrumental intervention;
  • there is no risk of infection during the procedure;
  • can be repeated many times and give a picture of the results of treatment over time;
  • the results are clear and recorded immediately;
  • can be used in children and pregnant women.

Contraindications include the presence of fistulas (vesico-vaginal, suprapubic or vesico-rectal) and congenital anomalies of the bladder, such as exstrophy.

Alternative names: English: Uroflowmetry (Uroflow).

Uroflowmetry is one of the urodynamic research methods in urology. The essence of the method is to non-invasively determine urine flow parameters. The main purpose of this study is to diagnose possible dysfunctions of the lower urinary tract. The principle of uroflowmetry (UFM) is the continuous recording of the volumetric velocity of urine during the act of urination using rotary or electronic sensors.


No special preparation is required for the study. The patient should come to the study with an average filling of the bladder, which corresponds to an urge to urinate of average intensity. If there is no urge, it is recommended to drink 200-400 ml of water and wait a while.


Before the examination, the meaning of the examination is explained to the patient in an accessible form, after which he is left alone so that the act of urination is as physiological as possible. Men urinate standing, women sit in a special chair. After finishing urination, the doctor determines the volume of residual urine. Most often, ultrasound scanning is used for this, and less commonly, bladder catheterization.


Uroflowmetry is used as a screening method for diagnosing dysfunctions of the lower urinary tract.

Its implementation is justified for the following diseases:

  • prostate tumors (adenoma, cancer);
  • chronic prostatitis;
  • urethral strictures;
  • chronic cystitis;
  • enuresis;
  • symptoms of urinary dysfunction;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • urinary incontinence of any etiology.


There are no contraindications, as such, to UFM. Carrying out the study is impossible if the patient’s general condition is severe, as well as with psychological discomfort caused by the need to urinate in unusual conditions.


There are no complications with UFM, since the method is completely non-invasive.

Interpretation of results

The following parameters are used to interpret the results:

  1. Qmax – maximum urination rate, units of measurement – ​​ml/s (normally more than 15 ml/s).
  2. Qave – average urination rate (ml/s).
  3. Time to reach maximum speed (sec).
  4. Flow time (sec).
  5. Urine volume (ml).
  6. Volume of residual urine (ml).

The analysis of the urinary excretion graph (urination curve) is important in UFM. Normally, this curve has a bell shape - a smooth increase in flow rate with the achievement of Qmax and the same smooth decrease. Changing the shape of the curve allows us to talk about certain violations.

A plateau-shaped curve indicates the presence of urethral strictures.

A decrease in maximum flow rate indicates obstruction or weakness of the detrusor (bladder sphincter).

A rapid increase in speed to maximum (the curve takes on the appearance of a sloping bell) indicates an overactive bladder.

For a more accurate interpretation of UFM data, nomograms are used - tables that reflect the average results of the study for different genders and for different age groups.

Based on the data obtained, the specialist doctor makes a conclusion about the type of urination in the patient: obstructive, non-obstructive, rapid, intermittent or ambiguous.

Based on UFM, a conclusion is made about the need for other methods of urodynamic examination.

additional information

The accuracy of the uroflowmetric study is greatly influenced by the psychological factor - the patient’s need to urinate among the testing equipment. To increase the reliability of the study, it is recommended to conduct at least two studies.

Currently, UFM is included in almost all diagnostic protocols for diseases of the lower urinary tract in adults and children. Scientifically speaking, UFM is an indicator of urination disorders that determines further diagnostic search.


  1. Urology. National leadership. Ed. Lopatkina N.A. - Moscow. - “GEOTAR-Media”. - 2011. - 1024 p.
  2. Akopyan I.G. Uroflowmetry as a method of urodynamic testing. Attending physician, No. 10, 2005.

A routine manipulation in which the parameters of the urinary stream are determined. It is carried out in order to find out the condition and check the functioning of the lower urinary tract.

In completely healthy people, the outflow of urine during urination begins slowly, but then the flow rate increases, and then slows down again until the bladder is completely empty. What does it mean if you have been prescribed uroflowmetry? The average price for this type of research is 1,100 rubles.

How does the urinary system work?

The nutrients that a person receives by eating food are converted into energy by the body. After all the necessary components have been absorbed, the breakdown products are eliminated.

Some chemical elements remain in the urinary system, for example, sodium, potassium. Creatine and urea, which are formed as a result of the decomposition of proteins present in meat and certain vegetables, are removed.

What does the urinary system consist of?

  1. The kidneys are paired organs that are located below the ribs on either side of the spinal column. They remove toxins from the body, which are removed along with urine, and also maintain the balance of salts and other substances. The kidneys produce erythropoietin, which is involved in the creation of red blood cells. In addition, they are involved in regulating blood pressure.
  2. The two ureters are narrow tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder.
  3. The bladder is a hollow, triangular-shaped organ that is located in the abdominal cavity, occupying its lower section.
  4. The nerves in the bladder send signals that it needs to be emptied.
  5. Two sphincters prevent the outflow of urine and consist of circular muscles.
  6. The urethra is the tube that removes urine from the body.

Preparation for uroflowmetry

Urinary retention can be caused by diseases, for example, urethral stricture, which is a reason to perform uroflowmetry. Preparation for the procedure is as follows:

  • the doctor may ask you to drink about four glasses of liquid a couple of hours before the procedure;
  • women need to tell their doctor about a planned or current pregnancy;
  • you should inform the doctor about all medications that the patient is taking, including herbal products and vitamin complexes;
  • Depending on the patient’s health, other individual preparations are sometimes prescribed; another procedure may also be prescribed.

Indications for examination

Uroflowmetry is a fairly quick and simple diagnostic test, through which data on the condition of the lower urinary tract is obtained. It is used to determine whether there is an obstruction that interferes with the normal flow of urine.

Depending on the results of this procedure, the doctor may prescribe additional tests, for example, retrograde cystography, cystometry, cystoscopy. Urological diseases in which urine output is impaired:

  • malignant tumor;
  • benign prostatic hyperplasia;
  • suspension of urine, for example, when it is thrown into the kidneys;
  • neurogenic bladder dysfunction;
  • bladder tumor;
  • urinary tract infection.

Complications during uroflowmetry

This is a safe procedure, however, complications can be caused by the patient’s health condition, so it is necessary to discuss with the doctor all the issues related to this manipulation. Factors that lead to incorrect uroflowgram:

  • during urination there were movements or the patient was tense;
  • some medications.

How is uroflowmetry performed?

The procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis or while the patient is in the hospital.

The manipulation is done as follows:

  • First, the doctor explains how to use the uroflow meter.
  • As soon as the subject is ready to urinate, he needs to press the “Start” button and hold urination for five seconds.
  • Next, the patient pees into a funnel connected to a uroflowmeter. The device records the process and displays the result in graphical form.
  • During urination, you do not need to put pressure on the urethra, strain the muscles of the perineum, abdominal muscles, and, if possible, do not make unnecessary movements.
  • As soon as the patient finishes writing, it is necessary to wait five seconds and press the uroflowmeter button.
  • For medical reasons, the doctor may advise repeating the procedure several more times.

Uroflowmetry - what is it? What do its results tell us?

Using this procedure, you can determine the following parameters:

  • The highest urine flow rate is the maximum volume that is released over a certain period. Speed ​​is measured in ml/s. If this parameter is lower than the normative data, then this does not necessarily indicate a difficulty in the outflow of urine, since it depends on the amount of urine excreted, the gender and age of the patient and the probable decrease in detrusor tone. If the value is higher than normal, this indicates an excessive increase in the activity of the bladder muscle or low resistance of the urination channel.
  • Duration of urination. This is the time from the beginning to the end of the outflow of urine. It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of “duration of urination” and “duration of urination”. These two parameters are not the same for intermittent flow. The duration of urine outflow is influenced by: the patency of the vesicourethral section, as well as the urethra itself, and the smooth muscle fibers of the bladder walls.
  • The average rate of urination is the ratio of the volume of the urethra in milliliters to the duration of urination in seconds. Measuring urinary flow rate helps simplify interpretation of data when urination is intermittent.
  • Time to reach maximum. The period from the beginning to the achievement of the highest rate of urination. As a rule, this value is no more than one third of the length of the uroflowgram. If the value is higher, this indicates that the detrusor is weakened, and there may also be problems with the patency of the urinary canal and vesicourethral region.
  • The volume of urination, which is expressed in milliliters. The correctness of the results of the procedure depends on this parameter. In order to get correct results, this figure must be above 50 ml.
  • Waiting period before urination begins. In healthy people, this figure should not exceed 30-40 seconds, and in diseases such as, for example, damage to the smooth fibers of the bladder walls, it should be much longer. With subvesical blockage of the urinary tract, this figure increases to several minutes.

Urinary disorders

A properly functioning urinary system is an integral part of the normal state of the human body. The appearance of unpleasant sensations during urination, an increase or decrease in the volume of urine may indicate a number of diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as other body systems. If such problems occur, you should consult a doctor. Types of urinary disorders in men:

  • change in the number of urinations during the day;
  • pain;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • change in the amount of urine;
  • obstruction of the urinary tract;
  • change in urine color.

Difficulties during the outflow of urine, rare urination, diseases of the genitourinary organs and genital infections are the most common disorders in men.

Causes of difficulty urinating in women:

  • stress;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • urolithiasis disease.

Problems can also arise from taking medications that have diuretic properties or promote retention of discharge. Common urological diseases:

  • salpingitis;
  • endometritis;
  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • urethritis;
  • bladder ulcer;
  • paracystitis.

Useful information about the urinary system

In 24 hours, a person excretes about 750-2000 ml of urine, depending on the amount of liquid drunk. The volume of urine produced at night is approximately half that of the day. The excreted urine contains waste and salts, and there are no viruses, bacteria or fungi.


Uroflowmetry is a diagnostic procedure that can be used in examining the general population. Used to measure urine stream parameters. The accuracy of this procedure is greatly influenced by the psychological factor. To ensure the accuracy of the results, experts advise taking this test at least twice.

Uroflowmetry is included in most protocols for diagnosing diseases of the lower urinary tract in both adults and children. Disturbances that occur during urination must be treated immediately, as the disease can progress to an advanced stage. In this case, the disease is long and difficult to treat. Therefore, if you detect initial signs of disturbances, you should consult a doctor.

Modern medical research helps make an accurate diagnosis with just one test. Uroflowmetry - what it is and how to prepare for the procedure. This diagnostic method is safe and will help determine the man’s health status and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Principle of the method

Uroflowmetry is a simple diagnostic method that, based on the properties of urine, will help make a correct diagnosis for the patient. To carry out the analysis, there is no need to make incisions or lie on the operating table.

The procedure is non-invasive, but helps to study the condition of the tissues of the urinary tract, organs of the genitourinary system, including the prostate gland.

Uroflowmetry helps to identify:

  • duration of urination;
  • urine flow rate;
  • the amount of urine excreted.

The patient only needs to urinate into a special tube. The screen of a special device will display all the data on the condition of the lower organs of the urinary tract. Only the doctor deciphers the meanings.

The data is shown on the screen in the form of a graph; these values ​​are incomprehensible to the patient. The specialist will identify problems with urination, if any. The doctor will be able to see the obstruction (impaired patency of the urinary tract) and assess its extent.

Important factors when deciphering the results are the person’s personal data: his age, gender, history of chronic diseases. can make a preliminary diagnosis based on the results of uroflowmetry.


The procedure does not cause discomfort and is performed in a hospital setting. The doctor refers for diagnosis those patients who complain of pain and burning, difficulty in the outflow of urine.

Uroflowmetry is prescribed as a diagnostic test before surgical treatment. The list of indications includes: neoplasms, changes in the structure of the urinary canal (narrowing of the lumen) and other changes in the genitourinary system.

Another reason for the procedure is to monitor the effectiveness of drug treatment. Uroflowmetry may be prescribed to monitor the improvement or deterioration of the patient's condition.

How does the procedure work?

Uroflowmetry helps to identify urinary dysfunction at an early stage. It is important to properly prepare for the procedure so that the result is as accurate as possible. Such diagnostics helps to avoid incisions and detect the problem without the use of unpleasant invasive methods.

Where to rent

You can get tested at any medical center. Any clinic in the city provides this service. The study is carried out by a urologist who is also involved in interpreting the results.

The procedure is very fast, despite the speed limit, the diagnosis is always accurate. The price of the study depends on the status of the medical institution, ranging from 500 to 1000 rubles. You can conduct the analysis free of charge in a public clinic.


An important stage for the study is preparation for uroflowmetry. The accuracy of the research depends on the responsible approach of the patient. The person will be consulted by the attending physician before the test.

How to properly prepare for uroflowmetry:

  1. Do not take any antispasmodic or diuretic medications before taking the test. Stop taking Veroshpiron, Furosemide, Papaverine,. You should also not take medications that affect blood pressure (calcium antagonists) within 24 hours. Drug relaxation of smooth muscles before the study is prohibited.
  2. 40-60 minutes before the start of the diagnosis you need to drink a large amount of liquid. It is better to use regular unsweetened water. Consumption of carbonated drinks is prohibited.
  3. If you feel the urge to urinate, you should inform a specialist. The doctor will begin the procedure as soon as the person reports the desire to urinate. With children, problems may arise when performing uroflowmetry at this stage.

The doctor begins examining the patient as soon as he says he wants to go to the toilet. Also, as preparation before the procedure, you should not drink alcohol or smoke 24 hours before. Following all instructions will help you get accurate results.

Carrying out analysis

The duration of the procedure is no more than one trip to the toilet. The doctor will need to hold the patient for just a few seconds. There are two main methods for studying urine outflow.

How it goes:

  1. Manual diagnostics. This method uses a measuring cup and a regular stopwatch. The doctor records how long the process takes and marks the end and beginning of the process. It is difficult to manually indicate the maximum flow rate of urine, but experts resort to mathematical calculations. The accuracy of the research method is questionable, since the indicators are averaged.
  2. Using the device. The presence of technical means greatly simplifies the task for the doctor. The patient needs to urinate into a special compartment from which a tube flows out - a uroflowmeter. The hardware method allows not only to detect the beginning and end of urination, but also to accurately calculate the maximum flow rate of urine. This method of calculation is more informative. The doctor only needs to indicate the beginning and end of the process.

The urine flow enters a special vessel and is led to a sensor for measurement. The properties of urine measure its quantitative indicators and speed. A graph appears on the screen in front of the doctor indicating how the urination process occurred.

In order for the research to be as accurate as possible, it is important for the doctor and the patient to work harmoniously together. As soon as a person feels the urge to go to the toilet, he informs the urologist. Exactly 5 seconds later the patient begins to urinate.

After completely emptying your bladder, it is also recommended to wait a few seconds. The doctor will ask the person to press a button when the process is complete. Small children under six months old undergo the procedure with a special catheter in a lying position.

Patients older than 2 years urinate while standing. There is a special chair for women; men pee in a standing position. There are no age restrictions for the procedure. Uroflowmetry can also be performed in severe diseases.


This diagnostic method does not require complex preparation. Uroflowmetry has no contraindications; in fact, it is an ordinary test that helps determine the degree of damage to the genitourinary system. The main thing is to follow the rules of preparation and listen to the doctor’s recommendations.

Decoding the results

Only a doctor should decipher the graph and all its kinks. The patient will not be able to assess the scale of the problem on his own. Uroflowmetry is performed by a urologist, but the patient should contact his or her physician with the results of the tests.


The resulting graph will tell you about the outflow rate and problems with urination. Based on the transcript, a presumptive diagnosis is established. Clarification of the disease will require additional research measures and analyses.

Indicators are normal:

  1. Time to urinate. The doctor and patient note the time period for how long the rush of urine lasts. At the end of the action, the person presses a special button. Deviations in the accuracy of the study are minimal. The urine volume indicator and process time are compared. The doctor should be told the exact amount of liquid you drank the day before. The minimum excretory process is 100 ml, normal values ​​are from 200 to 500 ml.
  2. Intermittency. With the manual diagnostic method, it is very difficult to determine such an indicator as intermittency. The advantage of the device is that the technology determines the degree of discontinuity of the process. Normally, the nature of the jet should not fluctuate greatly.
  3. Maximum speed. As a rule, it is established a few seconds after the start of urination. The indicators for women and men are different. The patient's age also influences the speed. Normal values ​​for a man are 15–18 ml/sec; for a female body, you need to urinate 20–25 ml/sec. For elderly patients, these values ​​are lower - 13-14 ml/sec. Indicators may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the patient: anatomical structure, age, gender, history of chronic diseases. With narrowing of the bladder neck, the speed decreases, with a neurogenic form it increases.
  4. Average speed. Another indicator that helps determine pathology. If the patient does not have serious diseases of the genitourinary system and is healthy, then the average rate will be 1.5-2 times less than the maximum urine flow rate. The norm is 10 ml/sec. This value is often calculated to determine the degree of intermittency of a process.
  5. Achieving maximum speed. The acceleration figure is calculated. The normal indicator is from 5 to 10 seconds. When diagnosing, one should take into account the amount of fluid consumed and urine excreted. Deviation from the norm indicates muscle weakness of the urethra and may indicate its obstruction.
  6. Volume of urine. Also, do not forget about drinking liquid. The normal value is considered to be a urine volume of 200 to 500 ml. The calculations also take into account the duration of urination, maximum speed and process time.
  7. Waiting to start. The doctor also takes into account the relationship between the desire to go to the toilet and the onset of action. This time interval is normally no more than 10 seconds, with minor psychological discomfort - up to 40 seconds. Prolonged urinary retention indicates damage to the detrusor.

When researching, it is worth considering that the child may be shy. In this case, it is difficult to calculate such indicators as the expectation of the start and the time of urination. The doctor must create the most comfortable environment so that the patient gets rid of the feeling of shame.

By appearance, the patient himself can determine the general degree of damage to the genitourinary system. The curved line should form a bell with a long top. This graph indicates that the person’s health is fine.


The corridor of speed and temporary deviations is wide; it is possible to determine the exact problem only with additional diagnostic methods. However, significant deviations from the norm may indicate the presence of dangerous diseases.

Uroflowmetry results indicate the following pathologies:

  1. The same average and maximum speed, a graph without a pronounced peak indicates a narrowing of the lumen of the urethra (urethral stricture).
  2. The presence of two peaks may indicate sphincter-detrusor dyssynergia - uncoordinated work of the detrusor and sphincter.
  3. The presence of several peaks and intermittency of the process may indicate a violation of the innervation (supply of nerves) of the bladder, tension of the abdominal muscles.
  4. Strong acceleration and a high peak over a short period of time indicate urinary incontinence.
  5. A reduced maximum speed, unevenness and intermittency of the process, pressure differences in the urine stream give reason to suspect sclerosis of the bladder neck.
  6. A low maximum urine flow rate indicates bladder outlet obstruction (minor) or subvesical obstruction of the urinary tract.

Uroflowmetry is a simple way to diagnose diseases of the urinary tract. The method is often prescribed in the elderly and young. However, the diagnosis requires additional research and confirmation.


Find out all the nuances of preparing for uroflowmetry and how the diagnosis is carried out.

What is uroflowmetry? A study of the genitourinary system, urethra, with the help of which the flow of urine and its parameters are determined. The result is displayed instantly on the screen, the patient urinates into a special funnel.

The information content of the study depends on the correct preparation. Today we will tell you what it is, to whom it is prescribed, how it is carried out, and how the data from the research norms are deciphered.

One of the informative methods for diagnosing urological diseases in both men and women is uroflowmetry. The study is absolutely painless, there are no complications or side effects.


What the examination shows:

  • Urea volume;
  • Speed ​​released with the flow;
  • The time it takes for urine to pass.

On the monitor of a special device, into the funnel of which the patient naturally pees, information and a graph of indicators of norms and deviations appear.

The procedure shows all pathological processes of the lower excretory tract, and problems with urination in the early stages of the disease.

During normal bladder function, urine goes through 3 stages:

  1. Slow jet;
  2. Intensifying, gaining momentum;
  3. It declines until the urinary tract is completely emptied.

In case of any inflammation or pathological processes, the doctor, when diagnosing, sees a disturbance in the normal outflow and speed of excreted urine, with obstacles passing through the urinary tract.

When deciphering the analysis data, the doctor takes into account all important parameters - age and gender. It is done as the final stage before making a diagnosis, or as an additional study.

The doctor himself decides whether they are necessary or whether the results of uroflowmetry are enough to prescribe conservative treatment.


Pathologies for this manipulation are urological diseases and some neurological conditions. Relaxation or, conversely, strong reflex contraction of the sphincter leads in the first case to incontinence, and in the second, accordingly, to the problem of urine output.


  • Urinary tract stricture;
  • Abnormal structure of the urethra;
  • Tumor formations;
  • Polyps, cysts, papillomas;
  • Violation of the normal outflow and release of urine (enuresis);
  • Infectious and inflammatory processes;
  • Prostate adenoma;
  • Urinary incontinence.


How is it carried out? Before carrying out it, it is necessary to prepare. Reliable information about the results obtained depends on this.

The procedure for performing UFM:

  • Fullness. You need to drink water intensively within 1-1.5 hours. When the bladder is full and you want to go to the toilet, the procedure begins;
  • A uroflow meter is a special medical device in the form of a funnel and tube. When a strong stream of urine enters under pressure, the sensors display the result on the doctor’s monitor screen in the form of a histogram;
  • Uroflowmetry is performed in a warm room equipped for this event. The patient must be in comfortable conditions; nothing should hinder the normal course of the analysis, so as not to have to do it again.

How to prepare for the procedure?

  • It cannot be carried out when there is a cold or infectious disease;
  • The use of medications should be reported to a doctor;
  • Before diagnosis, ask questions about how to sit (for a woman) or stand (for a man);
  • Pregnant women also inform about their interesting situation;
  • The bladder is filled 1.5 hours before the test;
  • Psychological attitude (you need to urinate in the presence of a doctor - it’s not always possible to relax);
  • No stress the night before.

How is it carried out?

  • The urea is complete;
  • The patient enters the manipulation room;
  • Presses the start button when ready to start;
  • Pause before starting up to 6-7 seconds;
  • A man stands, a woman sits;
  • Do not move until the procedure is completed;
  • After a complete bowel movement, the start button is pressed again.

Data decryption

  • Urine transit time (T): An hour from start to finish is taken into account (the norm is 4-9 seconds);
  • Maximum flow rate (Qmax). The indicator is influenced by gender and age. He talks about the amount of urine stream released;
  • Average (Qmid). Shows the entire process of urination. This is the ratio of the total volume (V)/T of the time spent (normal >10 ml/s);
  • The hour spent gaining speed from the start of the procedure (Tq max). With normal indicators on the histogram, the curve sharply reaches a peak height and gradually begins to fall. The presence of a pathological process will show a sluggish upward rise;
  • Total volume (V) of urine . With proper preparation for the study, it should be up to 500 ml;
  • Time taken to start urination (TW).

The transcript of the analysis data may contain the following conclusions:

  1. With resistance (obstruction);
  2. Non-obstructive;
  3. Uncertain (requires repeated research);
  4. Very fast, rapid stream (for incontinence);
  5. Interrupted (with prostate pathology).

Indicators of normal velocity (Q) of urine

Depends not only on age, but also gender. The older a person is, the lower the pressure of urinary secretions, especially for men.

Standard table

Age (years) Guys (ml/sec) Girls (ml/sec)
5-7 9-10 9-10
8-14 11-12 14-15
15-45 20-21 17-18
46-66 11-12 17-18
67-80 8-9 17-18

Advantages of uroflowmetry

  • Without the use of various tools;
  • Does not violate the integrity of the mucous membrane of the urethra and urinary system;
  • There are no side effects in the form of inflammation, suppuration, etc.;
  • The result is immediate;
  • There are no contraindications, they are performed on children and expectant mothers.

This diagnosis allows you to quickly and painlessly determine the condition of the genitourinary area. At the initial stages, identify quite serious diseases, including oncology.

If you have any doubts about normal urination, you should contact a urologist or gynecologist. Any violation in this system is a signal that not everything is in order with the body. Subscribe to our website. Learn a lot of new things. Be healthy!