Amulets are designated in the form of two fish. Amulets for men. The magical power of Slavic amulets selected by date of birth for the Pisces sign

Talismans, like many other things, should be chosen correctly. An amulet that is not suitable for a person will be of no use, and in general such a talisman can have a negative effect. From this article you will learn which stones are suitable for Pisces women according to their horoscope and date of birth.

Suitable stones

Women born under the zodiac sign of Pisces are suitable for a large number of precious and non-precious stones. Below are the best of them along with their magical characteristics.



Masks the negative traits of Pisces, helps overcome isolation and become more noticeable. In addition, your appearance improves. The stone helps to properly spend a woman’s strength, saving energy on people unworthy of them. This mineral is best placed in a necklace for maximum effect.


It is capable of stimulating an emotional image, but it only affects women with a strong character. Astrologers claim that alexandrite has healing properties: it cleanses the blood, helps with joint problems, and improves digestion.


Drives away negative thoughts and fears of Pisces women, helps to set life goals and priorities. It is well suited for girls who have decided to build a career, as it gives new strength and self-confidence. But this mineral sometimes needs to be removed.


Helps you make the right choice and drives away unnecessary anxiety. To attract attention, it should be worn in your left pocket. There will always be prosperity in the house if you place a rather large piece of the mineral in it; it is also excellent for treating certain diseases.

Pearl agate or cacholong

It will teach a woman to trust and give her confidence. He will help you find love and become happy.

Green Diamond

Showcases your best qualities. Decorating with it will become a talisman against any negative emotions and will help build relationships with others.


It is often placed nearby during meditation and relaxation, as it ideally calms the nervous system. Therefore, it will become an excellent amulet against rash decisions and bad thoughts. The mineral will help a woman listen to her inner voice, and its green color relaxes.


Will help a Pisces woman change her life, giving strength and helping her choose the right decision. can act as an indicator: if it becomes darker, then the woman is in danger. Darkness can also speak of sin that lies on the soul.


Protects a woman from negative influences; it should be worn when there is a loss of strength and morale, as it gives energy and joy to life.


Suitable only for a strong woman, and if you really are like that, you can achieve results in any matter.


Develops logical thinking and helps in difficulties. The stone is indispensable when traveling, because it will help you save money and can even bring profit.

Important! When wearing a mineral in any decoration in the shape of a butterfly, harmony and love in the family are guaranteed.


To achieve success and high earnings, you need to wear the following stones:


This mineral is a real magnet for money. But don't forget - money won't appear out of nowhere. It will only help you get a high position in a meaningful job, thereby bringing you a good salary. Aquamarine is excellent in transactions and journalism because it helps Pisces negotiate and persuade the interlocutor.

Rose quartz

It will also help Pisces become rich. It relieves stress and depression due to routine work, giving you a good mood and new strength. Strengthens hard work and develops imagination, which will help women make unusual decisions.


The stone will reveal your hidden talents, mainly creative ones. Develops imagination and creativity, the ability to solve problems out of the box. Perhaps the owner of the hair will become a designer or fashion designer, but she will also be successful in other professions.


It is also a good choice for making money, as it makes Pisces more persistent and stronger, which is essential for honest work. For Pisces who have a family, the stone will work doubly, because it is called the family stone.

Now you know which stones are suitable for Pisces women and which stones should not be worn. We figured out what properties they have: some of them are protective, some will lead to happiness or wealth. All you have to do is understand which mineral you need, purchase it and learn to appreciate it.

Recently, on the shelves of the fish pavilion of the Petropavlovsk market near the fountain, along with freshly caught chinook salmon and sockeye salmon, fillets of a little-known talisman fish for Kamchatka appeared for sale.

Since for most residents of the regional center, including fishermen, it is exotic, it is obviously worth talking in more detail about this peculiar marine inhabitant. Talisman is one of the species of smoothheads, a fairly large and diverse group of deep-sea ocean fish (about a hundred of its species are known today), representatives of which are found in all oceans except the Arctic and Antarctic.
However, the name "mascot" is usually used only in everyday life, as it refers to related species of smoothheads called mascots. In the scientific literature, this fish is better known as the Baird's smoothhead or black baldhead, which refers to its head that is not covered with scales. The mascot is characterized by a slightly laterally compressed elongated torpedo-shaped body, large eyes set back, opposing dorsal and anal fins, a short snout and a rather large mouth, armed with very small and weak teeth. The color of the talisman is monochromatic, ranging from dark gray to almost black. It lives in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean from Iceland and Greenland to northern Africa at depths from 380 to 1700 m, although in commercial quantities it is found mainly off the coast of northwestern Africa in the range of 700-1000 m.
The biology of the mascot, like other common species of smoothheads, is currently relatively poorly studied. Although the talisman is a pelagic fish species, it lives, as a rule, in the bottom layers of water on the continental slope and underwater hills, almost never being found in the open ocean. For most of the year, this species of smoothhead stays in small groups (males are usually separated from females), but in some cases (for example, during breeding) it can form quite dense aggregations with catches of up to several tons per trawling.
The maximum length of the mascot reaches 100 cm, and the body weight is about 13 kg (moreover, females are larger than males), although, as a rule, smaller individuals are found in catches. The talisman lives for quite a long time - the maximum age of this representative of smoothheads, according to ichthyologists, is 38 years. Like all other smoothheads, the mascot does not have a narrow specialization in relation to food objects, consuming various benthic and pelagic animals. However, the basis of its diet consists of jellyfish such as jellyfish and ctenophores, as well as shrimp and small fish.
Reproduction of the mascot has been studied even less than nutrition. It is believed that it is characterized by year-round spawning, although off the coast of northwestern Africa it occurs mainly in winter. At this time, sexually mature individuals of the mascot form spawning aggregations, in which females spawn up to several thousand very large eggs of a bright yellow-orange color with a diameter of up to 5-7 mm. The juvenile mascot, emerging from eggs, lives in the water column for quite a long time: only having reached a certain size, it descends into the depths of the ocean and switches to a benthic lifestyle.
There is no special fishery for mascot and other large smoothheads today, although its organization is possible if we know the time and places of formation of aggregations of these deep-sea fish. According to experts from fishery institutes, they reach relatively high numbers, and in some areas, such as the coastal waters of northwestern Africa, they are undoubtedly promising fishing targets. In the last one and a half to two decades, the resources of the mascot have been actively developed by fishing here, since this representative of the ichthyofauna is found in significant quantities in bycatch all year round. However, scientists warn that when developing the fishery for mascot and other species of smoothheads, it is necessary to remember that they are all long-cycle fish with a complex age structure, slow growth and low reproductive capacity, therefore, if excessively harvested, they can easily be overfished. Although the talisman is a relatively new object on the Russian fish market, its fillet, it turns out, enjoys some popularity among our compatriots, since in appearance it is similar to the fillet of the well-known halibut. According to technological indicators, the talisman belongs to medium-fat fish species, the meat of which is characterized by good taste and low calorie content.
The large caviar of the talisman is edible, and according to the testimony of those who have tried it, the taste is vaguely reminiscent of salmon. The skin is usually completely removed from fillets that go on sale, since during storage and subsequent cooking substances with an unpleasant odor can form in it. However, we should not forget that, like many other deep-sea fish, the tasty and tender bright white meat of the talisman is quite watery, and also somewhat bony. Since fillet is sold frozen and releases a lot of liquid when defrosted, experienced cooks recommend drying it on a paper towel before cooking.
How to cook
To prevent the watery meat of the talisman from turning into porridge in your frying pan, according to experts in fish cuisine, it is better to cook it in batter (this is what they do in many restaurants) or bake it with vegetables or cheese. To do this, the fillet needs to be cut crosswise into strips about 2 cm wide, which, dipped in batter and rolled in flour on both sides, are fried in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil until golden brown. Talisman fillet is also good for making fish rolls.

There are 12 signs and each has its own characteristics that differ from each other. Each of them is influenced by certain planets, hence their different character. In this article we will consider everything related to the sign Fish.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Pisces

Pisces is a mystery sign. People who relate to him feel well the emotions and mood of the people around them. The main feature of these people is self-sacrifice and compassion. Sometimes they are so immersed in themselves that even when difficult situations arise, they cannot react quickly.

It is often impossible to understand Pisces, and sometimes they themselves cannot understand themselves. Very often they just go with the flow of life. People of this sign are very contradictory. By the way, Pisces are often very smart, capable and talented people, but even with such qualities, they do not always have a clear goal in life that needs to be achieved.

Very often they even stop growing and developing in terms of knowledge and skills. Pisces have a positive attitude towards material wealth and recognition, but they do not always strive for it.

But nonetheless people with this sign can improve themselves, but this is not available to everyone. Because this is very difficult work on yourself.

Pisces don't arrive in the same mood. It happens that a person first arrives in an optimistic mood, and then it abruptly changes to depression or apathy, and after some time the desire to live returns.

Pisces always help the people around them, and this desire never leaves them. If the stone is chosen correctly, it will help smooth out negative qualities and, on the contrary, reveal more positive qualities.

Let's look at what negative and positive qualities this sign has.

Positive qualities include:

  • The desire to make life easier.
  • Softness.
  • Creative inclinations.
  • Very sociable.
  • Non-conflict.
  • Hospitality.

The negative ones include:

  • Indecisiveness.
  • Uncertain attitude towards needs.
  • Dependent.
  • Trusting.
  • Depressed.

Stones for Pisces by date of birth

Stones for Pisces by date of birth:

  • People belonging to the first ten days, from February 21 to March 1 dreamy and romantic, they need change. For them, Saturn is their patron. Such people require stones with great strength, such as:
    • aventurine;
    • amethyst;
  • Those born in the second decade, from March 2-11, honest and open people. They are under the influence of Jupiter, this planet opens in them recognition of their merits and glory. To achieve these qualities you need the following stones:
    • hairy;
    • pearl;
    • heliotrope;
    • coral;
  • People belonging to the third decade, namely from March 12-20, are under the influence of Mars. These people are sociable, cheerful, but can be capricious. They count on many blessings in life, and they definitely achieve them. Useful stones for them are:
    • diamond;
    • tourmaline;
    • alexandrid;
    • aquamarine;
    • sapphire;
    • emerald.

Stones for Pisces men

Stones for Pisces women

Both men and women need to choose talismans very carefully. Then he will give his healing and magical properties to his owner.

For girls who were born under this sign, you need to choose the following stones:

  • Pearl. Usually pearls are not worth buying, it is better if they are given as a gift. He will be a good mascot. With its help, you can normalize your emotional state and find happiness and good luck. It is a stone of love for Pisces women; it is often given by the groom to the bride during an engagement.
  • Aquamarine. It is best used by people who cannot control their emotional state and find inner harmony. It also has a beneficial effect on study and work, and helps to concentrate.
  • Chrysolite Suitable for girls who lead an active lifestyle and play sports. It protects against injuries that are inevitable with such a rhythm of life.
  • Moon rock. For Pisces girls who are creative, it is better to use a moonstone as a talisman. With its help you can achieve success and make your emotional state more stable. It will also help you find true love.

The best stones for Pisces women:

  • Emerald. Emerald is necessary for a woman if she holds a leadership position. It will bring success, material wealth, and will also help maintain stability in the family.
  • Sapphire. Sapphire has very great power and therefore should be used very carefully as a talisman. The owner of a sapphire must be strong, then it will bring good luck in her endeavors and success. He doesn't like weak people.
  • Amethyst. Amethyst will be a good talisman for an older woman. It will help maintain health and normalize emotional state. He is a symbol of goodness and peace.
  • Aquamarine. Aquamarine is a symbol of honesty, wisdom, and kindness. It will be a good talisman and will have a beneficial effect on your emotional state.

Girls who dream of love should wear a moonstone as a talisman; it will help in finding a soul mate.

Charms for Pisces

The stones that people choose as talismans should have a beneficial effect on the human condition. As a rule, talismans are not boasted about or displayed, but are simply worn under clothing and hidden from prying eyes.

So, amulets for Pisces:

  • Opal is a talisman for Pisces. This stone will help improve family relationships and give happiness and love. Dreamy people also need to have an opal amulet with them; it also protects against ill-wishers and envy. It gives strength and increases resistance to psychological and physical stress. Opal has an effect on mental processes.
  • Another stone that is used as a talisman is jet. It will protect against damage and the evil eye, and help overcome difficulties. People who wear this talisman become wise.
  • If a person lacks optimism and joy, then you need to use a talisman with heliodor. It improves mood, relieves depression, and reveals new talents in Pisces. With its help, you can increase your self-esteem and status in society.
  • If a person is very nervous all the time, then it is necessary to wear a talisman with a moonstone. It will lift your spirits, relieve anxiety and panic, and get rid of bad dreams.
  • Amulet with jasper will bring dreamers back to reality and help in gaining new knowledge.
  1. Coral as a talisman will give Pisces confidence, composure, and increase intuition. It also has a positive effect on the mental state, attracts love and material resources.
  2. Pisces are recommended to use hematite as a talisman; if changes are coming in life, it will give strength and energy to overcome them. He will also be able to help you choose the right solution. Impact, highlighted here.

How to wear stones correctly for Pisces?

In order for the stone to have beneficial effects for a person, it is very important to wear it correctly. Therefore, if a man born under the zodiac sign of Pisces wants to achieve success in his work, then he should use jewelry with pearls, and these could be cufflinks, but in a beautiful frame.

For Pisces, a combination of several stones is not allowed, because they can put very strong pressure on the body. But he may not be able to stand it, mental disorders and illnesses may begin. Only one stone will give all its positive properties.

If a woman or girl is going on a date, then you need to wear decoration with moonstone. These can be the following products: beads, watches, earrings.

With the help of this stone you can reveal femininity. The man will show special interest, because the lady will be relaxed, it will be very interesting to talk with her, she will feel calm.

Will serve as a talisman for travelers coral. It will help you discover interesting places and give you strength and energy for your trip. But you just don’t need to take it on a work trip. In this case, it will interfere with concentration.

Stones that are contraindicated for Pisces

The following stones are contraindicated for Pisces:

The main thing is to choose the right gemstones for fish, which will serve as a talisman, and wear them correctly, and use their properties. Because a stone that has a positive effect on a person can cause harm if used incorrectly.

People born under the zodiac sign “Pisces” are characterized by emotional openness, daydreaming and some detachment from reality. The lack of practical acumen is compensated by a well-developed innate intuition.

If you are looking for a talisman stone for women for the Pisces sign, then mother-of-pearl and coral will be the best choices. Mother-of-pearl will give mental strength at a time of severe depression, help strengthen the spirit and attract good luck. Coral gives confidence and helps you make the right decisions. Constantly wearing jewelry with this mineral helps you not to worry about trifles.

For men born under the zodiac sign “Pisces”, amethyst and pearl mascot stones are suitable. Small rosary beads made from pearls strung on a fishing line will contribute to financial well-being.

You don’t need to wear them on your hand - just keep the talisman in your desk drawer and touch it periodically.

Amethyst has a positive effect on health and energy, helping to unlock inner potential.

Selection by decade

When looking for a talisman stone for the sign of Pisces, you can focus on your date of birth. Mineral amulets can be divided into three groups according to decades:

Many Pisces have a tendency to get nervous over trifles (women are primarily susceptible to this); to get rid of this, you can use a moonstone as a talisman. Such an amulet will comfort its owner, give her peace of mind and pleasant dreams.

Protection from negativity

Pisces people are very vulnerable to energy attack. To protect yourself from the evil eye, envy and the intrigues of ill-wishers, you can purchase jewelry with jet, which is also called black amber. This mineral absorbs all negativity, taking the energy blow upon itself. Periodically, it is recommended to wash the jewelry with a stream of running water in order to cleanse it of unfavorable energy.

Labradorite has a very interesting effect. He is able to turn a negative message into positive energy. It not only protects its owner from curses, damage and the evil eye, but also supports his spiritual and physical strength. performed on a full moon.

What stones should not be used

It is not recommended to wear bright red minerals for a long time, as they can make their owner overly aggressive. Jasper, onyx and obsidian also belong to the category of undesirable amulets. Jade jewelry can turn a person into a real workaholic. But you should remember that for a successful career and material well-being you will have to pay with your own health.

People born under the sign of Pisces simply need a talisman. The talismans of this sign are amethyst, tiger's eye, moonstone, etc. Below we describe some of them that work particularly well.

Talismans for Pisces

Every person believes in something. Someone believes in love, someone believes in fate, but each of us is trying to find our own talisman, the one that will protect us, give us a hint and fill us with vitality.

In fact, this sign most of all needs some kind of talisman, because their inner world, so subtle and vulnerable, does not at all coincide with our sometimes very cruel world. Pisces need to believe in something. This “something” will be the talisman.

Talisman stones for this sign are pearls, emeralds, and amethysts.

Talismans stones for Pisces

Birthdays in February

19.02 – aventurine,

20.02 – coral,

21.02 – sapphire,

22.02 – emerald,

23.02 – jade,

24.02 – chrysoberyl,

25.02 – jet,

26.02 – rhodonite,

27.02 – emerald,

28.02 – tiger eye talisman,

29.02 – tiger eye.

Birthdays in March

01.03 – amazonite,

02.03 – pearls,

03.03 – rock crystal,

04.03 – rhodonite,

05.03 – lal-spinel,

06.03 – amethyst,

07.03 – sapphire talisman,

08.03 – aquamarine,

09.03 – jade,

10.03 – amethyst,

11.03 – sardonyx,

12.03 – pomegranate,

13.03 – olivine,

14.03 – pearls,

15.03 – moonstone,

16.03 – coral,

17.03 – chrysoprase,

18.03 – charoite,

19.03 – sardonyx,

20.03 – emerald,

21.03 – sardonyx.

For Pisces born in any month, a moonstone will be a good talisman.

Brief characteristics of the stones of the Pisces sign

Tiger's Eye

The eye of the tiger helps balance your emotions, develops willpower and intuition. Helps you understand people better and think more clearly. Strengthens mental abilities and brings good luck.

Clears thinking, instills self-confidence, and adds strength. The Pisces talisman helps you see yourself and the world around you more subtly. Wearing Tiger's Eye jewelry every day brings good luck and protects against the "evil eye."


Pearls are the personification of charm and tenderness. A pearl necklace will serve as a symbol of marital happiness. Only worn by people born under the zodiac sign Pisces. The rest are strictly contraindicated. Unmarried women and young girls wear it as jewelry.


Emerald is a talisman of sailors and mothers. Gives Pisces fun, joy, spiritual harmony, the ability to foresight, and hope. Promotes the discovery of talents, eloquence, strengthens memory, and promotes victories in battles. It is believed that emerald can only help a person whose conscience is clear. A deceitful and evil person brings only misfortune.

You can find out which talisman stone is right for you in our table:

Moonstone for Pisces

Moonstone is so called for its resemblance to the silvery moon. The Greeks believed that the stone was under the power of the goddess Selene. Moonstone is most often associated with predictions of the future during the full or waning moon.

To achieve what you want and receive and answer questions, you need to put the talisman in Pisces’ mouth before going to bed. The answer to this question is said to come in dreams at night.

Wearing a ring or other jewelry with a moonstone as an amulet is used to attract love. Carry a moonstone in your bag to attract good luck and remove nervousness.

The talisman works at full power only when Pisces wears it. It helps relieve stress, anxiety, and enhances intuitive feelings. Associated with the Moon, moonstone can speed up labor, ease contractions, and generally simply relieve pain.

Amethyst as a talisman

Amethyst (popularly called “widow’s stone”) is lilac or purple, depending on the lighting. It will protect you from drunkenness and restrain passions. Amethyst is given to lovers. It has the ability to smooth out wrinkles. When worn constantly, its strength weakens and it is no longer able to protect you as it should, so it would be best if you wear it infrequently, taking it off from time to time.

Amethyst is a type of quartz (silicon dioxide). Amethyst is a small (or large) stone covered with milky white stripes of quartz. The talisman has many supernatural powers: it brings good luck to Pisces, guarantees constancy and protects the house from black magic and illness.

Amethyst is translated from Greek as “not drunk. It was probably named so because this stone was worn as an amulet against drunkenness. Amethyst is a stone of spirituality and satisfaction.” The stone is a healer for the body, mind and soul.

It has its own special vibration and allows the crystal holder to connect to it. The stone works well for insomnia, headaches and excessive drinking.

The Pisces talisman is purifying and great for those who meditate. It is a gemstone of power, peace, protection and spirituality. It helps balance the aura, controls evil thoughts, sharpens the mind and brings satisfaction and sincerity to those who use it.