Test: what kind of life are you living? Pythagorean numerical system. The numerology matrix will tell you more about you than any horoscope

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This is simply incredible!

The concept of past lives is not new. According to numerology, when we die, we are carried forward with the help of our karmic energy to the next life.

It is difficult to say what awaits us in the future, but we can know exactly how many previous lives we have already lived. This can be done if you only know your date of birth.

Overall, the calculations you need to do will only take you a few seconds. They are simple, and most often they do not even require a calculator.

However, you may forget some numbers during the calculation process, so it is recommended to use pen and paper so as not to recalculate everything again.

So, let's start with the month and day of birth. You can use my date of birth as an example. I was born in February, which means my date is from the month - 2 . If it were December, that is, a double-digit month, then the number would come out 3 (December – twelfth month: 1+2 = 3). Happy birthday we do the same: I have this number 2 (February 2nd).

The third stage is the year of birth. Mine is 1992, which means: 1+9+9+2 = 21.

Then we add up all the resulting numbers:
2+2+21 = 25.

If the answer is not a number from 1 to 9, then you need to add the resulting numbers together to get one. In my case it is 2+5 = 7.

According to numerology, I have lived seven lives, and the very fact that I know this already inspires me! Try it yourself and find out how many lives you have lived!

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Would you like to know who you were in past lives? Modern equipment and professional psychologists work wonders! Now, if desired, anyone can remember their past lives. Someone remembers the language he spoke, someone remembers his previous parents or children, and someone learns with horror that in a previous life he was of the opposite sex. Few people remember their past lives. After all, the brain can specifically block negative information about past lives.

The only thing you can find out about your past lives right now is their number. It is believed that the soul of a person comes to earth exactly nine times to pass the tests sent to it by Fate, and if the soul passes these tests, then it can go to the next Level, and if not, then it returns to the start again to live again nine lives and withstand all the trials of fate with dignity.

Past lives. How do you know how many lives you have lived?

To find out how many lives you have lived, you need to write your date of birth on a piece of paper and add up all the numbers written on it. Now write the resulting number again and again add up all the numbers written on the piece of paper. Add them up until you get to a single digit number. For example, if you were born on December 17, 1986, it would look like this: 1+7+1+2+1+9+8+6. We get 35. Now we again continue adding the numbers 5+3=8. So, we can say that you have already lived 8 lives.

Past lives leave their mark on a person. It is believed that the more lives a person has lived, the wiser he is. But young souls who have lived only one, two or three lives, as a rule, are not yet experienced and are often dangerous. After all, it is among them that maniacs, thieves and murderers are quite often found.

Past lives can tell you about a person's character. You just need to know how many lives he lived.

One life.

People who have lived one life are usually very active, independent and emotional. From an early age they show their character. These people are prone to leadership.

Two lifes.

The most important feature of these people is charm. People who have lived two lives tend to have many friends. They hide their feelings well. These people are very sociable, friendly, affectionate, dreamy and attentive. But often they are not confident in themselves and their decisions.

Three lives.

People who have lived three lives are usually attention-seeking, self-loving, loyal, sympathetic, loving and witty.

Four lives.

People who have lived four lives are usually organized, independent, detached, trusting, generous and reliable. They command respect from other people. They hate it when their things are moved to another place, but they love to be supported and encouraged all the time.

Five lives.

People who have lived five lives are restless, often destroying and breaking everything. Usually they are physically very strong. These people are not very affectionate, but they are characterized by enthusiasm and energy.

Six lives.

HOW TO FIND OUT WHAT INDICATION YOU ARE LIVING? To find out how many lives you have lived, you need to write your date of birth on a piece of paper and add up all the numbers written on it. Now write the resulting number again and again add up all the numbers written on the piece of paper. Add them up until you get to a single digit number. For example, if you were born on December 17, 1986, it would look like this: 1+7+1+2+1+9+8+6. We get 35. Now we again continue adding the numbers 5+3=8. So, we can say that you have already lived 8 lives. Past lives leave their mark on a person. It is believed that the more lives a person has lived, the wiser he is. But young souls who have lived only one, two or three lives, as a rule, are not yet experienced and are often dangerous. After all, it is among them that maniacs, thieves and murderers are quite often found. Past lives can tell you about a person's character. You just need to know how many lives he lived. One life. People who have lived one life are usually very active, independent and emotional. From an early age they show their character. These people are prone to leadership. Two lifes. The most important feature of these people is charm. People who have lived two lives tend to have many friends. They hide their feelings well. These people are very sociable, friendly, affectionate, dreamy and attentive. But often they are not confident in themselves and their decisions. Three lives. People who have lived three lives are usually attention-seeking, self-loving, loyal, sympathetic, loving and witty. Four lives. People who have lived four lives are usually organized, independent, detached, trusting, generous and reliable. They command respect from other people. They hate it when their things are moved to another place, but they love to be supported and encouraged all the time. Five lives. People who have lived five lives are restless, often destroying and breaking everything. Usually they are physically very strong. These people are not very affectionate, but they are characterized by enthusiasm and energy. Six lives. People who have lived six lives usually cannot stand loneliness; they simply need to be in the company of friends all the time. They are caring, harmonious, charming and responsible. But they are not balanced and are subject to frequent mood swings. They often reach heights in life. Seven lives. People who have lived seven lives are usually very calm, mysterious and insightful people. They know exactly what they want and go towards their goal. They have extraordinary mental abilities, are able to hide their emotions well, and need protection. Eight lives. People who have lived eight lives are usually very powerful. They are charming, but at the same time very demanding and intractable. These people are energetic, self-willed, and often act contrary to requests. Nine lives. People who have lived nine lives are ideal, have versatile talents and a rich imagination, are inquisitive, sociable and serious. Although their seriousness is combined with mischief.

Before you find out the answer to the question of how many lives a person’s soul lives, it is necessary to understand what reincarnation is and what the law of karma exists.

In the article:

How many lives does the human soul live?

Probably every person knows what it is deja vu. The feeling that we have already experienced these events, seen people in this situation, occurs more than once in any person. Unfortunately, today people cannot come to a consensus to explain this phenomenon.

However, there is a theory that such a phenomenon is memories from previous lives. In this case, the question arises - how many times does a person’s soul live? But no one can give a definite answer to this question.

There are different assumptions about this. Some believe that a person has nine lives in total, others insist on 15. If we turn to the treatise “The Chalice of the East”, we will see that it states that a person lives a total of 350 times. There are people who believe that 777 earthly incarnations are possible, from lower beings to humans.

Today, people are trying in every possible way to find out how to determine who a person was in a past life and how many incarnations he went through. There are special ones for this.

There are also special techniques that allow a person to remember his incarnations. There are many ways to do this. One of the most popular is the use of meditation. Using this practice makes it possible to obtain information about your past incarnations.

In most cases, people can simply determine whether they were a man or a woman. More experienced practitioners even manage to distinguish their appearance, clothing, determine the country in which they lived, and find out how many lives they have lived.

Another popular way to find out a little about your past lives is to lucid dreaming. There is a theory that a person can from time to time remember his previous incarnations in a dream. It is enough to learn to remember these dreams and analyze them correctly.

I can help someone who wants to find out how many lives he has already lived. This attribute is sometimes replaced by a mirror or even water. However, if a person with insufficiently strong energy and unprepared undertakes such a practice, then most often he only manages to see blurry scenes from past lives, but it is very difficult to get a clear answer to the question.

The last and probably most difficult way to find out a little about your previous lives is through hypnosis. The difficulty with this method is that it is very difficult to find a professional who will really help you see your early incarnations and will not harm you.

What is reincarnation and the law of karma?

What is karma? This is the energy of consciousness in action, the law of cause and effect, knowledge. The law of karma makes it mandatory for the soul to be reborn until all karmic cycles are balanced. The doctrine of karma is inseparable from the doctrine of reincarnation.

Since a person is not ideal, throughout each of his life he continues to commit negative actions, which must subsequently be neutralized. Reincarnation is an opportunity that allows you to balance the number of good and negative actions.

If you believe the law of karma, then all speech, thoughts and actions of a person in one incarnation determine the conditions of life in subsequent incarnations. It is worth noting that karma does not deny the existence of free will. Every person is free to choose whether to be good or evil.

Unfortunately, often one life is not enough to neutralize all the negative actions committed earlier. Therefore, a person is given several lives to correct mistakes.

It is believed that souls are not initially divided into good or bad. They are all created identical, absolutely clean, like a sheet of paper. From the moment the soul is created by God, it begins to exist on its own, and the soul embodied in the physical body has to make its own choice. From this moment all human actions begin to count.

It is very difficult to say how a person will have to atone for his sins. One can only make various assumptions. One thing can be said with certainty - good and evil must be equal. For example, if a person stole something, then it is enough for him to give something to someone else free of charge.

If an individual took someone else’s life, killed someone, then in the next incarnation he will have to give life to the soul he killed earlier in order to restore the life that he himself took.

Belief in transmigration of souls

Since people have been looking for answers to such eternal questions as the afterlife, rebirth of the soul and reincarnation for many centuries, religion has tried to provide answers to these questions. As you know, belief in the rebirth of the soul is a very ancient phenomenon.

The northern peoples were convinced that all souls are reborn into their relatives. This indicates that a newborn child is more likely to have the spirit of his great-grandfather than some outsider.

For the first time, the fact of the rebirth of the spirit was described in the sacred ancient scriptures of Hinduism - the Vedas and Upanishads.

The ancient Greeks also expressed similar theories. Pythagoras, Plato and Socrates spoke about the possible transmigration of souls.

Today, the New Age movement promotes belief in the rebirth of the soul. There is a lot of controversy as to whether only humans or all the creatures around us have a soul.

For example, Agni yoga assures that the human spirit can only be reborn into a human being. There is also an opinion that the soul can become either a man or a woman. However, in Buddhism it is believed that the spirit initially inhabits the body of an animal and, as it develops, can eventually become a human being.

But not all religious denominations agree with the idea of ​​reincarnation. For example, the Christian religion absolutely denies the possibility of rebirth. Since 543, the theory of reincarnation has been subject to critical condemnation from the Emperor Justinian. Such a doctrine was finally condemned in 553 by the second council of Constantinople.

Flavius ​​Peter Savvatius Justinian

It is precisely because today there is not a single real confirmation of reincarnation that the cases that people encounter are very difficult to explain, and it is impossible to accurately answer the question of whether the transmigration of souls is possible. Therefore, everyone decides for themselves what to believe.

Using a variety of magical sessions and tests, you can determine what kind of life you are currently living. However, many people view such practices more as entertainment rather than a way to obtain reliable information. We can say with certainty that it doesn’t matter whether reincarnation and the law of karma exist or not, the more good deeds each individual does, the better it will be for himself and for all humanity.