Polio vaccination drops or Komarovsky injection. Vaccination against polio. Akds - is it necessary? A child from birth to one year

Komarovsky notes that today the polio vaccine is the only highly effective remedy that can reduce the likelihood of a disease in a small child to a minimum.

The pediatrician also emphasizes that this vaccination has virtually no health-hazardous consequences and its feasibility cannot be overestimated.

All the consequences of introducing a vaccine into the body are justified by its properties.

Poliomyelitis can have many negative consequences, which will certainly affect the child’s health.

Evgeny Komarovsky notes that the signs of pathology can be the same as those of any viral disease. And within two weeks, symptoms may not appear at all. After a certain time, polio will affect the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, nasopharynx, and esophagus. Damage to the mucous membrane occurs quite quickly. Also, diseases can lead to the development of bleeding of the digestive system, promote the formation of ulcers or erosion of the walls of the stomach and intestines. Pneumonia and other pathologies are common.

Dr. Komarovsky says that a small child does not yet have an established immune system, and his body is not yet able to resist serious viral infections. This is why there are vaccinations that allow you to develop antibodies to a certain type of harmful bacteria.

The only way to protect yourself from polio disease is to get vaccinated, since other drugs and medicines during the treatment process cannot have the desired effect. They usually provide temporary relief of associated symptoms.

Since most parents have many concerns about polio vaccination, Evgeniy Komarovsky explained the principle of its action. First of all, he asked to pay attention to the fact that such an inactive vaccination against this disease is not aimed at infecting the child with bacteria.

Since the virus is very dangerous and can cause damage to the spinal cord of a growing child, introducing bacteria into a fragile body is a very dangerous method of preventing pathology. For this reason, a different principle and approach is needed in preventing the initiation of the organism.

Komarovsky strongly recommends that all children be vaccinated against polio without fail, despite some of its negative properties. The drugs themselves already have two methods of vaccination: inactivated and oral (injection and drops). Each of these methods is considered safe enough to be used to prevent pathology.

The pediatrician believes that introducing an inactivated vaccine (injection) into the child’s blood is the most effective way. However, the oral method (taking drops) is simpler, but with a slightly reduced effect. Typically, the latter method is used for very young children, and also when it is impossible to administer the vaccine directly under the skin.

Dr. Komarovsky has recommendations and opinions regarding the introduction of the polio vaccine. First of all, he notes that the inactivated vaccine itself is practically unable to infect a baby with poliovirus. The likelihood of developing symptoms of the disease after vaccination is less than 0.01%.

The vaccination should be done under the supervision of a doctor, adhering to all his recommendations and clear instructions. This is due to the fact that vaccination takes place at certain intervals, which must be strictly adhered to. Failure to comply with deadlines may result in certain complications for the child. Also, the effectiveness of the administered drug will be reduced if one or several of them are missed.

Dr. Komarovsky insists that you cannot independently change the timing of your child’s vaccination. This must be taken seriously, carefully following all the doctor’s instructions. Otherwise, you can harm the baby. Also, you should not refuse vaccination due to unfounded fears. Parents should understand that the effectiveness of the vaccine is more important than the temporary inconvenience of side effects of the drug.

Another point that is one of the most important when vaccinating children is contraindications. Typically, doctors must check the child's reaction to certain components of the drug to eliminate the possibility of harm to his health. However, parents should also monitor this situation. Before vaccination drops or injections are used, a preliminary examination by an immunologist is necessary.

Typically, such precautions are necessary for those children who have chronic diseases. However, upon examination, the doctor may notice some mild signs and promptly prescribe disease prevention. If the doctor sees no reason to refuse vaccination, then he gives permission to administer the drug.

Komarovsky also draws attention to the fact that it is impossible to give an injection while taking antibiotics. Two weeks after completion of treatment, you can begin a course of vaccination for your child. If, after the first injection, the baby develops allergic signs, then you should definitely consult a doctor for examination (allergist or immunologist). They must determine the degree of danger of taking such a drug.

Video “Is it worth getting vaccinated”

Benefits of vaccination

Evgeny Komarovsky notes the most important property of the polio vaccine. Once a child is vaccinated, it is virtually impossible for a child to become infected with poliovirus. The probability may be less than 0.5%. Regardless of what type of vaccination is used (injection or drops), they stimulate the synthesis of interferon in the human body. Interferon is a remedy against many viruses.

This vaccination also helps strengthen the body to fight the pathogens of influenza and other respiratory diseases. Statistically speaking, complications do not occur often. With each new administration of the drug (three times), the likelihood of their detection decreases. Since the consequences of polio can be very dangerous and sometimes lead to death, the benefits of this vaccination are of great importance.

Disadvantages of vaccination

Evgeny Komarovsky believes that this type of vaccination has its drawbacks, which usually result in complications.

Often complications arise for certain reasons:

  • the natural reaction of the child’s immune system to the introduction of a substance into the body;
  • mutation of various viruses along with the components of the drug;
  • allergic sensitivity of the baby’s body to certain components;
  • HIV disease;
  • birth defects and abnormalities in the development of internal organs;
  • psychological disorders;
  • respiratory diseases and groups during drug administration;
  • congenital reduced immunity;
  • individual characteristics of a young organism.

Among the side effects that occur after an injection or taking drops with the vaccine, you can find a sharp jump in body temperature. The temperature can rise to several degrees in a short period of time. The child may also experience a temporary decrease in activity, lethargy and drowsiness.

Swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs is much less common. In this regard, children may experience suffocation, decreased blood pressure, and oxygen starvation. In this case, you need to consult a doctor. He may prescribe a drug that relieves swelling and inflammation. If the symptoms appear acutely, then you need to call an ambulance.

Sometimes temporary limb spasms or brief reflexes can be observed.

The most common symptoms after an injection are a profuse rash on the body (similar to hives), which is very itchy. Your doctor may recommend a soothing cream or ointment to relieve itching and prevent skin irritation.

If the baby had congenital problems with the immune system, then there is a risk of acquiring vaccine-associated polio. At the first sign of it, the child will need urgent hospitalization.

Is it worth doing?

To answer this question, it is necessary to note that in different countries the frequency of the disease is quite different. In civilized countries of the West and America, polio disease is rare, since the virus has been practically defeated. This was also influenced by mass vaccination of the population. However, outbreaks of this disease regularly occur in the countries of the Far East and Africa.

If you do not get vaccinated in a timely manner, at an early age, then there is a risk of acquiring pathology, since carriers of the virus often come to Europe. Thus, in a short period of time, an epidemic could arise in countries where polio is now practically absent.

Today, in the CIS countries, vaccination against polio is considered mandatory. Cases of infection of children by unvaccinated children in kindergartens and schools have been recorded. Vaccination should be done if the immunologist does not find compelling reasons to refrain from administering the drug. Usually, an appropriate decision needs to be made for each baby.

The doctor should also take into account contraindications for injections with the drug or oral drops. For chronic diseases, vaccination is permissible only at the stage of stable remission. This also applies to seasonal allergies and asthma. An injection or use of the drug in the form of drops is contraindicated if a person has tumors of oncological origin or polyps in the gastrointestinal tract. Also, the drug should not be administered if you are using medications that temporarily enhance immunity.

Video “Myths about vaccination with Dr. Komarovsky”

From this video you will learn what popular myths are common among young and even more experienced parents.

Poliomyelitis: symptoms and prevention with Komarovsky

One of the most dangerous viral diseases that affects the nervous system is polio: Komarovsky, a pediatrician, confirms the fact that today the virus is actively spreading, and only mass vaccination of children will help interrupt its circulation.

General information about the disease

Infection of the body occurs through dirty hands, food, that is, by the fecal-oral route. Over the next 3 weeks, the virus gradually multiplies, concentrating in the mucous membrane of the oropharynx and digestive tract. After this, it enters the mesenteric and cervical lymph nodes, which open the way to the blood.

Poliomyelitis manifests itself depending on the form of the disease. Children under 4 years of age are more vulnerable to the virus. After age 7, susceptibility to the disease decreases, and at older ages it approaches almost zero.

A special vaccination can prevent this dangerous infectious disease, which indicates the successful and effective work of scientists.

Symptoms of manifestation

The initial form of polio is abortive. The child suffers from malaise, gastrointestinal disorders, pain in the stomach, fever, and weakness. Signs of the disease may vary in young children. Severe forms of polio develop only in those who neglect vaccination.

The meningeal form of the disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • intoxication of the body, vomiting, nausea;
  • body temperature up to 38 degrees;
  • headache, feeling unwell;
  • signs of a cold;
  • muscle pain;
  • abdominal discomfort.

Typically, these symptoms gradually disappear after one to two weeks. However, in some cases they can last longer, gradually developing into the next form of the disease - paralytic.

Paralytic poliomyelitis occurs in the following stages:

  1. Preparalytic. It lasts 4-5 days. Main symptoms: body temperature more than 38 degrees, severe headaches, vomiting, stool disorders, pain in the throat, back, limbs, general weakness.
  2. Paralytic. Characterized by the unexpected development of paralysis, the muscles of the arms and legs cease to function normally, sometimes the paralysis affects the neck and entire torso. There are sharp pains. If paralysis affects the respiratory mechanisms, it will lead to disruption of breathing and blood circulation throughout the body. The duration of the paralytic stage is up to two weeks.
  3. Restorative. Paralyzed parts of the body begin to actively return to their previous normal functioning. The pain syndrome subsides or completely disappears. The period lasts from 1 to 3 years.
  4. Consequences. These may be deformities of the limbs, torso, problems with joints, growth retardation, restrictions in movement, etc.

Since the symptoms in the first stages occur without complications, they can easily be confused with the symptoms of other diseases without giving them special significance, which can cause further spread of the virus.

Preventive measures

The main way to prevent the disease is vaccination.

Vaccination with killed polio virus is administered intramuscularly and provides lifelong immunity. The risk of infection for children who regularly receive the vaccine is almost zero. However, pediatrician Evgeniy Komarovsky emphasizes that protecting children, first of all, begins with observing the rules of personal hygiene, since problems come from dirty hands. It is also necessary to avoid swimming in dirty waters.

Sanitary and hygienic measures are being carried out - disinfection of all contaminated items, dishes, and clothing.

For prevention purposes, parents need to follow the rules for storing and preparing food, fight flies that are carriers of infection, and give babies only boiled (pasteurized) milk.

Dr. Komarovsky emphasizes that the effectiveness of preventive measures does not mean that a child cannot be a carrier and spreader of a viral disease. Therefore, for these cases, an additional vaccine (OPV) is used - a vaccination that contains a weakened pathogen that strengthens local immunity in the intestines.

Vaccination against polio

Not long ago, polio was a serious problem worldwide, causing epidemics with frequent deaths. The beginning of vaccination against the virus that causes this disease has helped reduce the incidence of the disease, which is why doctors call vaccination against polio one of the most important in childhood.

Why is polio dangerous?

Most often, the disease appears in children under five years of age. One of the forms of polio is the paralytic form. With it, the virus that causes this infection attacks the child’s spinal cord, which is manifested by the appearance of paralysis. Most often, children are paralyzed in their legs, less often in their upper limbs.

In severe cases of infection, death can occur as a result of the impact on the respiratory center. This disease can only be treated symptomatically, and in many cases the child does not recover completely, but remains paralyzed for the rest of his life.

It is also dangerous for children that they carry the polio virus. With it, a person does not develop clinical symptoms of the disease, but the virus is released from the body and can infect other people.

Types of vaccines

The drugs used to vaccinate against polio are available in two versions:

  1. Inactivated polio vaccine (IPV). This drug does not contain a live virus, so it is safer and practically does not cause side effects. The use of this vaccine is possible even in situations of decreased immunity in a child. The drug is injected intramuscularly into the area under the shoulder blade, into the thigh muscle or into the shoulder. This vaccine is called IPV for short.
  2. Live polio vaccine (oral - OPV). It includes several types of weakened live viruses. Due to the method of administration of this drug (by mouth), this vaccine is called oral and is abbreviated as OPV. This vaccine is presented in the form of a pink liquid with a salty-bitter taste. It is applied in a dose of 2-4 drops to the child’s tonsils so that the drug reaches the lymphoid tissue. It is more difficult to calculate the dosage of such a vaccine, so its effectiveness is lower than that of the inactivated version. In addition, the live virus can be released from the child’s intestines in feces, posing a danger to unvaccinated children.

For some features of polio vaccines, see the following video.

The inactivated vaccine is offered in the form of Imovax polio (France) and Poliorix (Belgium).

The polio vaccine can also be included in combination vaccine preparations, including:


  • Acute infections.
  • High temperature.
  • Exacerbations of chronic pathologies.
  • Skin rash.
  • Individual intolerance, including reactions to streptomycin and neomycin (they are used to produce the drug).

OPV is not given if the child has:

  • Immunodeficiency.
  • HIV infection.
  • Acute illness.
  • Oncopathology.
  • A disease that is treated with immunosuppressants.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main positive properties of the polio vaccine are:

  • The polio vaccine is highly effective. The introduction of IPV stimulates stable immunity to the disease in 90% of vaccinated children after two doses and in 99% of children after three vaccinations. The use of OPV causes the formation of immunity in 95% of babies after three doses.
  • The incidence of adverse reactions after polio vaccination is very low.
  • Among domestic drugs there are only live vaccines. All inactivated drugs are purchased abroad.
  • Although rare, a live vaccine can cause a disease called vaccine-associated polio.

Adverse reactions

The most common adverse reactions to IPV administration, occurring in 5-7% of children, are changes in the injection site. It may be lumps, redness, or soreness. There is no need to treat such changes, as they go away on their own in one to two days.

Also, among the side effects of such a drug, in 1-4% of cases, general reactions are noted - increased body temperature, lethargy, muscle pain and general weakness. It is extremely rare that an inactivated vaccine causes allergic reactions.

The incidence of side effects due to the use of OPV is slightly higher than from the administration of the inactivated virus vaccine. Among them are:

  • Nausea.
  • Abnormal stool.
  • Allergic skin rashes.
  • Increased body temperature.

Possible complications

When used for vaccination with live viruses, in one in 750 thousand cases, weakened vaccine viruses can cause paralysis, causing a form of polio called vaccine-associated polio.

Its appearance is possible after the first administration of a live vaccine, and the second or third vaccination can cause this disease only in children with immunodeficiency. Also, one of the predisposing factors for the appearance of this pathology is called congenital pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Is there a fever after vaccination?

Polio vaccination extremely rarely causes reactions in the body, but some babies may develop a fever 1-2 days after the IPV injection or 5-14 days after the OPV vaccine. As a rule, it rises to low-grade levels and rarely exceeds +37.5ºС. Fever is not a vaccination complication.

How many vaccinations are given against polio?

In total, six vaccinations are administered in childhood to protect against polio. Three of them are vaccinations with pauses of 45 days, and after them three revaccinations are performed. Vaccination is not strictly tied to age, but requires compliance with the timing of administration with certain breaks between vaccinations.

The first polio vaccine is most often given at 3 months using an inactivated vaccine, and then it is repeated at 4.5 months, again using IPV. The third vaccination is carried out at 6 months, at which time the child is already given an oral vaccine.

OPV is used for revaccinations. The first revaccination is carried out a year after the third vaccination, so most often babies are revaccinated at 18 months. After two months, the revaccination is repeated, so it is usually done at 20 months. The age for the third revaccination is 14 years.

Komarovsky's opinion

The famous doctor emphasizes that the polio virus seriously affects the children's nervous system with the frequent development of paralysis. Komarovsky is confident in the exceptional reliability of preventive vaccinations. A popular pediatrician claims that their use significantly reduces both the incidence of polio and the severity of the disease.

Komarovsky reminds parents that most doctors have not encountered polio in their practice, which reduces the likelihood of timely diagnosis of the disease. And even if the diagnosis is made correctly, the treatment options for this pathology are not very great. Therefore, Komarovsky advocates vaccinations against polio, especially since there are practically no contraindications to them, and general reactions of the body are extremely rare.

To learn whether your child should be vaccinated, see Dr. Komarovsky’s program.

  • Before vaccinating a child, it is important to make sure that he is healthy and there are no contraindications to the vaccine. For this, the child must be examined by a pediatrician.
  • Bring a toy or other thing with you to the clinic that can distract your baby from the unpleasant procedure.
  • Do not introduce new foods to your child’s diet for several days before vaccination, as well as for a week after it.
  • Try not to interrupt your vaccination schedule, as this will reduce the body's defense against infection.

Warning for the unvaccinated

Children who have not been vaccinated against polio, with a decrease in immunity, can become infected from vaccinated children, since after the OPV vaccine is introduced into the child's body, the child excretes weakened viruses in feces up to one month after the day of vaccination.

To prevent infection from vaccinated children, it is important to practice good hygiene, since the main route of transmission of the virus is fecal-oral.

Additional vaccination against polio in questions from parents and answers from Dr. Komarovsky

Read about polio and polio vaccines here (small document).

Questions and answers

  • IPV is not dangerous in principle;
  • OPV is dangerous for the unvaccinated;

Polio vaccination - description, possible consequences, contraindications and reviews

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Hello dear readers! Our children are our life and it is quite natural that we try in every possible way to protect them from any troubles. However, this is only possible when you know the enemy by sight, and even better, see him. It’s another matter if it sneaks up unnoticed and strikes instantly.

This is exactly what usually happens in the case of viral diseases. And if some of them are successfully treated, others can, at a minimum, leave you disabled, and, at maximum, take your life. These include polio. There is an opinion that the polio vaccine, reviews of which are striking in their contradictions every year, can save the situation. But is this really so? This is what we will talk about today.

1. Polio vaccination: what is it and why?

Poliomyelitis is a dangerous and incredibly contagious disease, the virus of which, penetrating the human body, multiplies in the throat and intestines.

Where does it come from? Most often, infection occurs through airborne droplets after contact with an infected person, especially if he coughs or sneezes, as well as through household items and water, where the pathogen can live for months.

The disease occurs all over the globe and, ironically, most often affects children aged 10 months to 5 years. But the most interesting thing is that at first the symptoms of polio are similar to the symptoms of a common acute respiratory infection and do not immediately attract the necessary attention.

Meanwhile, the virus itself does not sleep: from the intestines it penetrates the blood and nerve cells of the spinal cord, gradually destroying and killing them. If the number of affected cells reaches 25–30%, paresis, paralysis, and even atrophy of the limbs cannot be avoided. How else is this disease dangerous? Sometimes it can affect the respiratory center and respiratory muscles, causing suffocation and death.

In any case, today only pictures from the Internet tell about the consequences of polio. But all this is only due to the fact that in the 1950s two vaccines were created, which subsequently saved several continents from the disease. We are talking about OPV and IPV, which are also successfully used by modern medicine.

2. OPV vaccine against polio

OPV, or oral live vaccine, is the same red drops with a bitter taste that are administered by instillation through the mouth. Moreover, for babies they try to get to the root of the tongue, where there are no taste buds, in order to exclude the possibility of regurgitation, and for older children - to the palatine tonsil. They were created by medical scientist Albert Sabin in 1955.

The principle of the vaccine is simple: the strain of the virus enters the intestines, where it begins to multiply. The immune system immediately reacts to its presence, synthesizing antibodies that can subsequently fight real polio. However, this is not the only advantage of this vaccine. The fact is that children vaccinated with it release the weakened strain of the virus they introduced into the environment up to 2 months after vaccination. This happens when you sneeze or cough. And that, in turn, further spreads among other children, as if once again “vaccinating” them. And everything would be fine, but the consequences of OPV vaccination against polio are sometimes disastrous.

Consequences of introducing OPV into the body:

  1. an increase in temperature to 37.5 C, which may not be recorded immediately, but on days 5–14;
  2. changes in stool on days 1–2 (increased frequency or weakening);
  3. various allergic reactions;
  4. development of vaccine-associated polio.

If the first reactions to the polio vaccine are considered normal, then the latter is a real complication. The fact is that if the rules of vaccination are violated, the incoming virus provokes the development of ordinary polio, which can result in paralysis. The IPV vaccine is another matter.

3. IPV vaccine against polio

The inactivated vaccine was created by Jonas Salk in 1950. It is a drug that is injected into the body using a disposable syringe. Where is the polio vaccine given in this case? In the thigh or shoulder, the main thing is intramuscularly.

The advantage of this vaccine is its relative safety. The fact is that it contains a killed virus. Once in the body, it also forces the immune system to work, but since in this case no one is reproducing, there is no risk of developing vaccine-associated polio. And the reaction to its introduction is somewhat easier.

Consequences of introducing IPV into the body:

  1. redness and swelling at the injection site (no more than 8 cm in diameter);
  2. increase in temperature in the first two days;
  3. loss of appetite;
  4. irritability, anxiety;
  5. the development of an allergic reaction is already considered a complication.

4. When is the polio vaccine given?

It is worth noting that the use of both types of vaccines is officially permitted in Russia. Moreover, vaccination can be carried out according to several schemes, depending on the one chosen.

At what age is OPV or polio drops administered?

  • At 3 months three times with an interval of 4 - 6 weeks;
  • 18 months (revaccination);
  • 20 months (revaccination);
  • 14 years old.

According to the vaccination schedule, IPV is given to children aged:

Meanwhile, at present, a mixed scheme is most often used, when both IPV and OPV are given to the same child. In this way, it is possible to minimize the occurrence of side effects associated with vaccination.

In this case, he receives a dose of the drug in:

  • 3 months (IPV);
  • 4.5 months (IPV);
  • 6 months (OPV);
  • 18 months (OPV, revaccination);
  • 20 months (OPV, revaccination);
  • 14 years old.

How is vaccination done if for some reason it was not possible to follow the schedule? Here everything is decided by a pediatrician or an immunoprophylaxis specialist. True, if at least one vaccination has been given, vaccination is not started all over again, but continued.

By the way, along with children, adults are also vaccinated, for example, if they plan to travel to countries where there are polio outbreaks.

5. Contraindications to polio vaccination

It is prohibited to administer live oral OPV vaccine to a child if:

  • detection of malignant neoplasms (tumors);
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • the presence of acute diseases;
  • immunodeficiencies (HIV, AIDS);
  • neurological disorders;
  • presence of developmental defects;
  • the presence of serious diseases of internal organs, in particular the intestines.

Is it possible to get the polio vaccine if you have a runny nose? It all depends on its nature. However, as practice shows, it is not an absolute contraindication to vaccination.

A child should not be given IPV only if:

  • if he is allergic to streptomycin, neomycin, polymyxin B;
  • development of an allergic reaction to previous vaccinations;
  • presence of neurological disorders.

6. Is it possible to get polio from a vaccinated child?

Unfortunately yes. However, this applies to completely unvaccinated children. That is why, in the case of collective vaccination with live vaccines (drops), those are sent to quarantine for 2 - 4 weeks.

Interestingly, there have been cases when a vaccinated older child infected a younger one, or worse, pregnant women picked up the virus. But in order to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to especially carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene - wash your hands more often, if possible, do not use shared household items (toys, potty, etc.)

We also suggest watching the video in order to finally decide whether to get vaccinated against polio. In it, Dr. Komarovsky touches on the issue of all enteroviruses, which include the causative agent of polio:

7. Reviews about the polio vaccine

They vaccinated my daughter (drops), that’s all, everything is fine. True, she complained of pain in her tummy, and she had frequent bowel movements for a couple of days.

I read bad reviews and wrote a refusal to take polio. Now it was done in the garden, and we were forbidden to visit it for 60 days so as not to get infected.

I vaccinated my son against polio. A couple of days later, ARVI symptoms began, they were treated, and then he began to limp on his leg. We went through an examination, the doctors said that everything was fine, and the son eventually went away. But I still have a biased attitude towards her.

What is the polio vaccine? For some, this is a huge risk that they consciously do not want to take. For others, it is the only opportunity to escape from a dangerous illness. However, when taking either side, it is important to weigh the pros and cons. After all, not only the health of the child, but also his life depends on your decision in this case.

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What do parents need to know about the polio vaccine?

Every parent is faced with vaccination in the maternity hospital. In the first year of life, with its help, the child’s immunity is formed from some dangerous viral infections. In Russia, people are vaccinated against 9 diseases, including polio.

Why is polio dangerous?

Poliomyelitis is a very serious viral disease that affects the nervous system and causes muscle paralysis. There are three types of poliovirus. Infection occurs through the mouth, usually through dirty hands; less commonly, the virus is transmitted through contaminated food or water. It multiplies in the intestines and is released into the environment through the patient’s feces and saliva. The first symptoms indicating infection:

Susceptibility to the polio virus is low: out of 200 people who come into contact with it, only 1 child becomes ill. But the danger posed by this disease is very high. The fatal outcome from the disease is officially not lower than 5–10%, but in some situations it can be 50% of cases. In addition, paralysis of the limbs and spinal deformity cause disability in 30–40% of patients.

High mortality and disability due to polio raise the issue of protecting children from it.

Poliomyelitis affects the nervous system, causes paralysis of the limbs and leads to disability

According to the World Health Organization, 10–20 million people on our planet suffer from the consequences of polio.

Poliomyelitis most often affects children under 5 years of age. There is no medicine that can combat its pathogen, so vaccination is the only way to protect a child from the disease. It is included in the national vaccination calendar of many countries, including Russia.

Vaccination is the best method of preventing viral diseases.

The polio vaccine is produced in different countries, including in Russia at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Enterprise for the production of bacterial and viral preparations of the Institute of Poliomyelitis and Viral Encephalitis named after. M.P. Chumakov." The domestic drug has proven to be effective in forming stable immunity and has earned positive reviews from doctors and parents.

Doctors speak well of the polio vaccine produced in Russia

Relevance of vaccination

Polio is one of the few diseases from which humanity can be completely eradicated, such as smallpox. Therefore, this problem has received great attention from all international organizations. In 1988, at the 41st World Health Assembly, a resolution was adopted to eradicate polio from the world. This marked the beginning of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI). Since its inception, tremendous progress has been made in the fight against the disease.

According to WHO, over the past 25 years, the incidence of polio in the world has decreased by 99%. At the end of 2013, only 406 cases of the disease were registered, while in 1988 there were them. Currently, 80% of the world's population lives in certified polio-free regions.

Despite enormous efforts that have saved the lives and health of many children, the threat of polio infection still exists. The virus that causes the disease cannot live for a long time outside the human body, therefore, as long as there is at least one unvaccinated child, there is a danger that in 10 years more cases of the disease will occur in the world every year. This is reason enough not to refuse the vaccine and to contribute to ridding the world of poliovirus.

Live and inactivated vaccine

There are two types of polio vaccine, each of which provides immunity to three types of poliovirus:

  1. Oral live attenuated polio vaccine (OPV) includes live but weakened microorganisms whose ability to cause disease is greatly reduced. This is achieved through a set of measures called attenuation. The main advantage of OPV is the maximum possible and most natural development of immunity. After all, the introduction of a live vaccine is, in fact, infection with a natural disease, but using a greatly weakened pathogen. But this advantage also implies a major disadvantage - the possibility of developing vaccine-associated polio or VAP - a disease caused by vaccine strains of polio.
  2. Inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) - includes microorganisms killed by a certain external influence. Its main advantage is the impossibility of the occurrence of vaccine-associated polio. But it can cause toxic and allergic reactions due to the fact that the vaccine contains many components, without which its production is impossible. In addition, the ability to form immunity in an inactivated vaccine is lower compared to a live one, which requires additional administration of the drug to maintain the body’s defenses at the proper level.

The formation of immunity after OPV occurs both in the blood through the synthesis of antibodies, and in the intestines, where the virus lives and multiplies after entering the body. The introduction of IPV promotes the production of antibodies only in the blood, which is a significant disadvantage of this type of polio vaccine.


The choice of OPV or IPV in each specific case depends on the stage of vaccination and the child’s health status. The first two vaccinations (at 3 and 4.5 months) are always given with an inactivated vaccine as part of combination drugs, for example Infanrix or Pentaxim by intramuscular injection. The third vaccination and subsequent revaccinations against polio are carried out with a live vaccine orally.

Important! If a child has HIV infection or is in contact with an HIV-infected person at home, then the administration of a live vaccine is prohibited. Such children are vaccinated according to the established vaccination calendar with an inactivated drug for the prevention of polio.

Some doctors, due to the risk of developing contact VAP, recommend not vaccinating with OPV if there is a younger child in the house who has not been vaccinated, or a pregnant woman. Komarovsky's opinion on this issue is the opposite. He believes that the risk of complications is so small that no additional protective measures other than observing personal hygiene rules are needed.

Contraindications and restrictions

A vaccine, like any medicine, has its contraindications. Their list for OPV is as follows:

  • neurological disorder accompanying previous vaccination;
  • HIV infection;
  • contact with HIV-infected people;
  • congenital immunodeficiencies;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • carrying out immunosuppressive therapy - the use of drugs or other treatments that lead to suppression of the immune system.

Contraindications for IPV:

  • anaphylactic reaction to aminoglycoside antibiotics.

In addition, vaccination may be delayed for some time until the end of acute manifestations of the disease and exacerbation of chronic diseases. Mild symptoms of ARVI, intestinal infection, food allergies and other health problems are not considered a contraindication for vaccination.

Anyone who has had polio should still continue to be vaccinated. Re-infection may occur with another type of pathogen.

Doctor Komarovsky about vaccinations (video)

Vaccination schedule, possible reactions and complications

Obtaining immunity against polio involves two stages: vaccination and revaccination.

Administration of a vaccine three times in the first year of a child’s life to create immune protection is called vaccination. But the level of antibodies obtained as a result gradually decreases, so repeated administration of the drug or revaccination is necessary.

Komarovsky about polio vaccination.

Poliomyelitis is a viral infection (viral means there are no drugs that can kill the pathogen). It is transmitted through the mouth: by water, that is, as a disease of dirty hands. The only effective way of prevention is vaccination.

To understand further text, here is some brief information about vaccines.

OPV (oral polio vaccine) is a vaccine containing a live, attenuated polio virus. Drops into the mouth - 2 drops onto the tongue.

IPV is a polio vaccine containing inactivated (killed) polio virus. It is administered by injection (injection). IPV may be included in combination vaccines, such as Infanrix and Pentaxim.

Questions and answers

My child is vaccinated according to the calendar (in whole or in part). Should I agree to additional polio vaccination? If yes, then why is it needed?

Active circulation of polio viruses has been confirmed in Ukraine. It (this circulation) can be interrupted by simultaneous mass vaccination of children with OPV, which is carried out in several rounds.

Children who are correctly vaccinated according to the calendar using IPV have virtually no risk of getting sick, but can be carriers (and spreaders) of the virus, since IPV (unlike OPV) does not form local immunity in the intestines.

It is fundamentally important that for children initially vaccinated with IPV, subsequent OPV vaccination is absolutely safe.

My child is not vaccinated at all. Can he receive polio drops?

If the child is more than 2 months old and has never been vaccinated against polio, vaccination should begin with IPV.

OPV is administered no earlier than 2 weeks after IPV.

I know that the vaccine was thawed and then frozen again. What does it mean? Is it dangerous?

For those vaccinated, it means nothing and poses no danger. WHO, the vaccine manufacturer and the Ministry of Health have confirmed that repeated freezing of the vaccine does not affect its effectiveness and safety. Some journalists, some businessmen close to the Ministry of Health who have lost the opportunity to make money by purchasing a vaccine, and all professional opponents of vaccinations do not agree with this, so you have the opportunity to read about this regularly.

Can I determine if the vaccine was stored incorrectly?

WHO experts and the vaccine manufacturer officially advise that OPV is heat sensitive, so its quality must be carefully monitored using temperature indicators.

Parents have the opportunity to personally verify the suitability or unsuitability of the vaccine.

All bottles are equipped with a thermal indicator (usually located on the label). The thermal indicator is a square located inside a circle. If the bottle is exposed to excessive heat, the square will darken. You can only use bottles where the inner square is lighter than the outer circle.

Is the polio vaccine dangerous for a child?

Both OPV and IPV are among the safest vaccines. The only serious complication of OPV is the so-called vaccine-associated polio (VAP). The vaccine is live, so some unvaccinated children (on average 1 in 3 million) may develop the disease after vaccination. It is in order to avoid VAP that vaccination begins with IPV - the inactivated vaccine creates immunity sufficient to prevent VAP.

  • IPV is not dangerous in principle;
  • OPV is dangerous for the unvaccinated;
  • OPV is not dangerous for those previously vaccinated with IPV.

Is a child vaccinated with a live polio vaccine dangerous to others?

A child vaccinated with OPV releases live virus into the environment for some time, i.e., it is a source of infection. For those fully or partially vaccinated against polio, there is no risk. For those who are not vaccinated at all, theoretically there is a risk of the disease, and it is 1 case per 7–14 million vaccinations. However, even this risk can be reduced by observing basic rules of personal hygiene (reminder: polio is a disease of dirty hands).

Taking into account the extremely low probability of developing VAP in contacts, there is no need for any isolation, bans or quarantines, and such measures are not taken in any country in the world.

In conclusion, a few words about my attitude to the “document” of an anonymous group of authors who are hiding under the guise of the “Civil Rights Defense League.”

The main thing in my opinion is my enormous disappointment due to the fact that many people are seriously considering and actively disseminating this anonymous verbiage, built on incomplete, unreliable and deliberately false information and, moreover, created by an organization that is professionally engaged in anti-vaccination activities.

P.S. Here is another video with his participation on this topic

The polio vaccine begins to be administered to babies from the first months of life, often combining it with other vaccinations. But is she really that “harmless”? And how important is its role in the formation of a child’s immunity to such a dangerous disease as polio?

Polio(from the Greek polios - gray, related to the gray matter of the brain and spinal cord; from the Greek myelos - spinal cord) is a severe infectious disease that is caused by polio viruses of types 1, 2, 3. It is characterized by damage to the nervous system (mainly the gray matter of the spinal cord), which leads to paralysis 1, as well as inflammatory changes in the intestinal mucosa and nasopharynx, occurring under the “mask” of an acute respiratory infection or intestinal infection.

Epidemic outbreaks are most often associated with polio virus type 1.

1 Paralysis (from the Greek paralysis - to relax) is a disorder of motor functions in the form of a complete absence of voluntary movements, due to a disruption in the transmission of nerve signals to the corresponding muscles.

Routes of infection

The disease is transmitted from person to person by talking, sneezing, or through contaminated objects, food, or water. The source of infection is a sick person. Due to its high contagiousness, the infection spreads quickly, but a polio outbreak is suspected when the first case of paralysis is noted.

The incubation period of the disease (from the moment of infection to the appearance of the first symptoms) lasts 7-14 days (can range from 3 to 35 days). Viruses enter the body through the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx or intestines, multiply there, then penetrate the blood and reach the nerve cells of the brain, but most often the spinal cord, and destroy them. This determines the appearance of paralysis.

Forms of polio

Virus carriage

If the virus does not spread beyond the nasopharynx and intestines, then the disease does not manifest itself clinically in the infected person. However, the infected person himself is a source of infection for others.

Non-paralytic forms

This is a relatively favorable variant of the course of the disease.

If the virus manages to penetrate the blood, the disease proceeds as an acute respiratory infection (with fever, malaise, runny nose, pain and redness in the throat, loss of appetite) or an acute intestinal infection (with frequent, loose stools).

Another form is the occurrence of serous meningitis (damage to the membranes of the brain). Fever, headache, vomiting, tension in the neck muscles appear, as a result of which it is impossible to bring the chin closer to the chest (symptoms indicating the involvement of the meninges in the inflammatory process), twitching and muscle pain.

Paralytic form

This is the most severe manifestation of polio. In this case, the disease begins acutely, with high fever, malaise, refusal to eat, in half of the cases symptoms of damage to the upper respiratory tract (cough, runny nose) and intestines (loose stools) appear, and after 1-3 days symptoms of damage to the nervous system appear ( headache, pain in limbs, back). Patients are drowsy, reluctant to change body position due to pain, and experience muscle twitching. This is the pre-paralysis period, which lasts 1-6 days. Then the temperature drops and paralysis develops. This happens very quickly, within 1-3 days or even several hours. One limb may be paralyzed, but much more often both arms and legs are immobilized. Damage to the respiratory muscles is also possible, which leads to breathing problems. In rare cases, paralysis of the facial muscles occurs. The paralytic period can last up to two weeks, and then the recovery period gradually begins, which lasts a year or more. In most cases, complete recovery does not occur, the limb remains shortened, atrophy (disorder of tissue nutrition) and muscle changes persist. It is worth noting that paralysis occurs in only 1% of those infected.

Diagnosis of the disease

The diagnosis is established based on the characteristic external manifestations of the disease and epidemiological prerequisites: for example, in the presence of infected or sick people in the patient’s environment, as well as in the summer. The fact is that on hot days people (and especially children) swim a lot, and you can become infected with the virus by swallowing water from an open reservoir. In addition, laboratory test data (for example, isolation of the virus from the nasopharyngeal mucus, feces and blood of the patient, examination of the cerebrospinal fluid) allow diagnosing polio. But these studies are expensive and are not carried out in every hospital, much less a clinic. To carry out such analyses, a network of centers for laboratory diagnostics of polio has been created, where material from the patient is delivered for study.

Installing protection

Considering that polio is a viral infection and there is no specific therapy that specifically targets these viruses, the only effective means of preventing the disease is vaccination.

Two drugs are used for vaccination against polio: oral(from Latin oris - mouth, relating to the mouth) live polio vaccine (OPV), containing weakened modified live polio viruses, the solution of which is dripped into the mouth, and inactivated polio vaccine (IPV), containing killed wild polio viruses, which is administered by injection.

Both vaccines contain 3 types of polio virus. That is, they protect against all existing “variations” of this infection. True, IPV is not yet produced in our country. But there is a foreign vaccine called IMOVAX FULL, which can be used for vaccination. In addition, IPV is part of the TETRACOK vaccine (combination vaccine for the prevention of diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio). Both of these drugs are used commercially at the request of parents.

Polio vaccines can be given at the same time as immunoglobulin 2 and any other vaccines except BCG.

2 Immunoglobulin is a drug made from the blood of a person who has been ill or vaccinated against a particular infection and has developed antibodies - protective proteins against the causative agent of infection.

Oral polio vaccine- a pink liquid substance with a bitter-salty taste.

Method of administration: instillation into the mouth, for children - onto the lymphoid tissue of the pharynx, for older children - onto the surface of the palatine tonsils, where immunity begins to form. There are no taste buds in these places, and the child will not feel the unpleasant taste of the vaccine. Otherwise, excessive salivation will occur, the baby will swallow the drug, it will enter the stomach with saliva and may be partially destroyed there. The vaccine will be less effective. OPV is instilled from a disposable plastic dropper or using a disposable syringe (without a needle).

Dose depends on the concentration of the drug: 4 drops or 2 drops. If the baby burps after receiving the vaccine, the procedure is repeated. After repeated regurgitation, the vaccine is no longer administered, and the next dose is given after a month and a half. Within an hour after the administration of OPV, you should not feed or water the child.

Immunization schedule

The first three vaccinations according to the vaccination calendar are carried out at 3, 4.5 and 6 months, followed by revaccinations once at 18, 20 months. and at 14 years old. It is believed that only 5 injections of live polio vaccine completely guarantee the absence of paralytic polio when encountering an infection. If during immunization the vaccination schedule is disrupted and the intervals between vaccine administrations are longer, then there is no need to vaccinate the child again, you just need to continue administering all the missing vaccinations.

Body reaction

After OPV administration, vaccine reactions (local or general) are usually absent. In extremely rare cases, low-grade fever (up to 37.5°C) may appear 5-14 days after vaccination. In young children, frequent bowel movements are occasionally observed, which persist for 1-2 days after vaccination and go away without treatment. These reactions are not complications.

If stool abnormalities are pronounced (there is mucus, greens, streaks of blood in the stool, etc.) and continue for a long time, this is a manifestation of an intestinal infection, which coincidentally coincided with vaccination.

How does vaccination work?

The oral live polio vaccine is stored in the intestines for a long time (up to 1 month) and, like all live vaccines, forms immunity in the body of the vaccinated person, almost identical to that which occurs after suffering the infection itself. In this case, antibodies (protective proteins) are synthesized in the blood and on the intestinal mucosa (so-called secretory immunity), which do not allow the “wild” virus to enter the body. In addition, specific protective cells are formed that are able to recognize polio viruses in the body and destroy them. Another property is also important: while the vaccine virus lives in the intestines, it does not allow the “wild” polio virus to enter there. Therefore, in regions where there is polio, newborn children are vaccinated with a live vaccine right in the maternity hospital to protect the baby in the first month of life from infection. This type of vaccination does not create long-term immunity, which is why it is called “zero”. And the first vaccination dose is administered to the child at 2 months and they continue to be vaccinated according to the full schedule.

The live polio vaccine has another unexpected property - it stimulates the synthesis of interferon (an antiviral substance) in the body. Therefore, indirectly, such a vaccination can protect against influenza and other viral respiratory infections.


The only serious, but fortunately very rare complication of OPV vaccination is vaccine-associated polio (VAP). This disease can develop during the first, less often during the second, and extremely rarely during the third administration of a live vaccine, in cases where it was vaccinated to a child with congenital immunodeficiency or to an AIDS patient in the immunodeficiency stage. Congenital malformations of the gastrointestinal tract also predispose to the occurrence of VAP. In other cases, this complication does not develop. Persons who have had vaccine-associated polio should continue to be vaccinated, but only with inactivated polio vaccine (IPV).

Inactivated polio vaccine Available in liquid form, packaged in syringe doses of 0.5 ml.

Method of administration: injection. Children under 18 months. - subcutaneously into the subscapular region (possibly into the shoulder) or intramuscularly into the thigh, for older children - into the shoulder. No restrictions on eating or drinking times are required.

Immunization schedule

The primary course of vaccinations consists of 2 or 3 injections of the vaccine with an interval of 1.5-2 months. Immunity is created after 2 injections, but in some cases it is preferable to administer the vaccine three times. This is especially important for children with reduced immunity, who require large doses or a large frequency of drug administration to form a stable immune response. This refers to children with chronic diseases, immunodeficiency conditions, and those who have undergone surgery to remove the spleen.

1 year after the third administration, the first revaccination is carried out. The second is provided after 5 years; no further revaccinations are required.

Body reaction

After the introduction of IPV, 5-7% of vaccinated people may have local vaccine reactions (which is not a complication of vaccination) in the form of swelling and redness not exceeding 8 cm in diameter. In 1-4% of cases, general vaccine reactions are observed in the form of a short-term low rise in temperature and restlessness of the child on the first or second day after vaccination.

How does vaccination work?

In response to the administration of an inactivated full myelitis vaccine, the vaccinated person develops antibodies in the blood. However, they practically do not form on the intestinal mucosa. Protective cells capable of recognizing and destroying polio viruses along with the pathogen in the body are not synthesized, as is the case with OPV vaccination. This is a definite disadvantage of IPV.

However, when an inactivated vaccine is used, vaccine-associated poliomyelitis never occurs and can be safely administered to immunocompromised children.


A side effect of IPV can, in very rare cases, be an allergic rash.

Attention! Persons who have had polio must continue to be vaccinated in the future, since a second illness may be caused by a different type of virus.

Unvaccinated people, be careful!

People who have not been vaccinated against polio (regardless of age) and who also suffer from immunodeficiency can become infected by a vaccinated child and develop vaccine-associated polio (VAP).

Cases have been described in which vaccinated children infected parents with AIDS, in the stage of immunodeficiency, as well as relatives with primary immunodeficiency or those who receive medications that suppress the immune system (for the treatment of cancer). To prevent such situations, it is recommended to vaccinate your child inactivated polio vaccine, and also wash your hands after washing the baby and do not kiss the vaccinated person on the lips.

Vaccination against polio, like any other vaccination, if done on time and according to the rules, will help the fragile baby resist a serious and dangerous disease. This means it will make the child stronger, strengthen his body and relieve parents from many problems and trials that the family of a seriously ill child usually has to endure.

Susanna Harit
pediatrician, head of the immunoprophylaxis department of the Research Institute of Children's Infections of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation,
Chief freelance specialist in vaccine prevention for children of the St. Petersburg Health Committee, Doctor of Medical Sciences
Article from the May issue of the magazine

Komarovsky notes that today the polio vaccine is the only highly effective remedy that can reduce the likelihood of a disease in a small child to a minimum.

The pediatrician also emphasizes that this vaccination has virtually no health-hazardous consequences and its feasibility cannot be overestimated.

All the consequences of introducing a vaccine into the body are justified by its properties.

Poliomyelitis can have many negative consequences, which will certainly affect the child’s health.

Evgeny Komarovsky notes that the signs of pathology can be the same as those of any viral disease. And within two weeks, symptoms may not appear at all. After a certain time, polio will affect the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, nasopharynx, and esophagus. Damage to the mucous membrane occurs quite quickly. Also, diseases can lead to the development of bleeding of the digestive system, promote the formation of ulcers or erosion of the walls of the stomach and intestines. Pneumonia and other pathologies are common.

Dr. Komarovsky says that a small child does not yet have an established immune system, and his body is not yet able to resist serious viral infections. This is why there are vaccinations that allow you to develop antibodies to a certain type of harmful bacteria.

The only way to protect yourself from polio disease is to get vaccinated, since other drugs and medicines during the treatment process cannot have the desired effect. They usually provide temporary relief of associated symptoms.

Since most parents have many concerns about polio vaccination, Evgeniy Komarovsky explained the principle of its action. First of all, he asked to pay attention to the fact that such an inactive vaccination against this disease is not aimed at infecting the child with bacteria.

Since the virus is very dangerous and can cause damage to the spinal cord of a growing child, introducing bacteria into a fragile body is a very dangerous method of preventing pathology. For this reason, a different principle and approach is needed in preventing the initiation of the organism.

Komarovsky strongly recommends that all children be vaccinated against polio without fail, despite some of its negative properties. The drugs themselves already have two methods of vaccination: inactivated and oral (injection and drops). Each of these methods is considered safe enough to be used to prevent pathology.

The pediatrician believes that introducing an inactivated vaccine (injection) into the child’s blood is the most effective way. However, the oral method (taking drops) is simpler, but with a slightly reduced effect. Typically, the latter method is used for very young children, and also when it is impossible to administer the vaccine directly under the skin.

Dr. Komarovsky has recommendations and opinions regarding the introduction of the polio vaccine. First of all, he notes that the inactivated vaccine itself is practically unable to infect a baby with poliovirus. The likelihood of developing symptoms of the disease after vaccination is less than 0.01%.

The vaccination should be done under the supervision of a doctor, adhering to all his recommendations and clear instructions. This is due to the fact that vaccination takes place at certain intervals, which must be strictly adhered to. Failure to comply with deadlines may result in certain complications for the child. Also, the effectiveness of the administered drug will be reduced if one or several of them are missed.

Dr. Komarovsky insists that you cannot independently change the timing of your child’s vaccination. This must be taken seriously, carefully following all the doctor’s instructions. Otherwise, you can harm the baby. Also, you should not refuse vaccination due to unfounded fears. Parents should understand that the effectiveness of the vaccine is more important than the temporary inconvenience of side effects of the drug.

Another point that is one of the most important when vaccinating children is contraindications. Typically, doctors must check the child's reaction to certain components of the drug to eliminate the possibility of harm to his health. However, parents should also monitor this situation. Before vaccination drops or injections are used, a preliminary examination by an immunologist is necessary.

Typically, such precautions are necessary for those children who have chronic diseases. However, upon examination, the doctor may notice some mild signs and promptly prescribe disease prevention. If the doctor sees no reason to refuse vaccination, then he gives permission to administer the drug.

Komarovsky also draws attention to the fact that it is impossible to give an injection while taking antibiotics. Two weeks after completion of treatment, you can begin a course of vaccination for your child. If, after the first injection, the baby develops allergic signs, then you should definitely consult a doctor for examination (allergist or immunologist). They must determine the degree of danger of taking such a drug.

Video “Is it worth getting vaccinated”

Benefits of vaccination

Evgeny Komarovsky notes the most important property of the polio vaccine. Once a child is vaccinated, it is virtually impossible for a child to become infected with poliovirus. The probability may be less than 0.5%. Regardless of what type of vaccination is used (injection or drops), they stimulate the synthesis of interferon in the human body. Interferon is a remedy against many viruses.

This vaccination also helps strengthen the body to fight the pathogens of influenza and other respiratory diseases. Statistically speaking, complications do not occur often. With each new administration of the drug (three times), the likelihood of their detection decreases. Since the consequences of polio can be very dangerous and sometimes lead to death, the benefits of this vaccination are of great importance.

Disadvantages of vaccination

Evgeny Komarovsky believes that this type of vaccination has its drawbacks, which usually result in complications.

Often complications arise for certain reasons:

  • the natural reaction of the child’s immune system to the introduction of a substance into the body;
  • mutation of various viruses along with the components of the drug;
  • allergic sensitivity of the baby’s body to certain components;
  • HIV disease;
  • birth defects and abnormalities in the development of internal organs;
  • psychological disorders;
  • respiratory diseases and groups during drug administration;
  • congenital reduced immunity;
  • individual characteristics of a young organism.

Among the side effects that occur after an injection or taking drops with the vaccine, you can find a sharp jump in body temperature. The temperature can rise to several degrees in a short period of time. The child may also experience a temporary decrease in activity, lethargy and drowsiness.

Swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs is much less common. In this regard, children may experience suffocation, decreased blood pressure, and oxygen starvation. In this case, you need to consult a doctor. He may prescribe a drug that relieves swelling and inflammation. If the symptoms appear acutely, then you need to call an ambulance.

Sometimes temporary limb spasms or brief reflexes can be observed.

The most common symptoms after an injection are a profuse rash on the body (similar to hives), which is very itchy. Your doctor may recommend a soothing cream or ointment to relieve itching and prevent skin irritation.

If the baby had congenital problems with the immune system, then there is a risk of acquiring vaccine-associated polio. At the first sign of it, the child will need urgent hospitalization.

Is it worth doing?

To answer this question, it is necessary to note that in different countries the frequency of the disease is quite different. In civilized countries of the West and America, polio disease is rare, since the virus has been practically defeated. This was also influenced by mass vaccination of the population. However, outbreaks of this disease regularly occur in the countries of the Far East and Africa.

If you do not get vaccinated in a timely manner, at an early age, then there is a risk of acquiring pathology, since carriers of the virus often come to Europe. Thus, in a short period of time, an epidemic could arise in countries where polio is now practically absent.

Today, in the CIS countries, vaccination against polio is considered mandatory. Cases of infection of children by unvaccinated children in kindergartens and schools have been recorded. Vaccination should be done if the immunologist does not find compelling reasons to refrain from administering the drug. Usually, an appropriate decision needs to be made for each baby.

The doctor should also take into account contraindications for injections with the drug or oral drops. For chronic diseases, vaccination is permissible only at the stage of stable remission. This also applies to seasonal allergies and asthma. An injection or use of the drug in the form of drops is contraindicated if a person has tumors of oncological origin or polyps in the gastrointestinal tract. Also, the drug should not be administered if you are using medications that temporarily enhance immunity.

Video “Myths about vaccination with Dr. Komarovsky”

From this video you will learn what popular myths are common among young and even more experienced parents.

Poliomyelitis: symptoms and prevention with Komarovsky

One of the most dangerous viral diseases that affects the nervous system is polio: Komarovsky, a pediatrician, confirms the fact that today the virus is actively spreading, and only mass vaccination of children will help interrupt its circulation.

General information about the disease

Infection of the body occurs through dirty hands, food, that is, by the fecal-oral route. Over the next 3 weeks, the virus gradually multiplies, concentrating in the mucous membrane of the oropharynx and digestive tract. After this, it enters the mesenteric and cervical lymph nodes, which open the way to the blood.

Poliomyelitis manifests itself depending on the form of the disease. Children under 4 years of age are more vulnerable to the virus. After age 7, susceptibility to the disease decreases, and at older ages it approaches almost zero.

A special vaccination can prevent this dangerous infectious disease, which indicates the successful and effective work of scientists.

Symptoms of manifestation

The initial form of polio is abortive. The child suffers from malaise, gastrointestinal disorders, pain in the stomach, fever, and weakness. Signs of the disease may vary in young children. Severe forms of polio develop only in those who neglect vaccination.

The meningeal form of the disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • intoxication of the body, vomiting, nausea;
  • body temperature up to 38 degrees;
  • headache, feeling unwell;
  • signs of a cold;
  • muscle pain;
  • abdominal discomfort.

Typically, these symptoms gradually disappear after one to two weeks. However, in some cases they can last longer, gradually developing into the next form of the disease - paralytic.

Paralytic poliomyelitis occurs in the following stages:

  1. Preparalytic. It lasts 4-5 days. Main symptoms: body temperature more than 38 degrees, severe headaches, vomiting, stool disorders, pain in the throat, back, limbs, general weakness.
  2. Paralytic. Characterized by the unexpected development of paralysis, the muscles of the arms and legs cease to function normally, sometimes the paralysis affects the neck and entire torso. There are sharp pains. If paralysis affects the respiratory mechanisms, it will lead to disruption of breathing and blood circulation throughout the body. The duration of the paralytic stage is up to two weeks.
  3. Restorative. Paralyzed parts of the body begin to actively return to their previous normal functioning. The pain syndrome subsides or completely disappears. The period lasts from 1 to 3 years.
  4. Consequences. These may be deformities of the limbs, torso, problems with joints, growth retardation, restrictions in movement, etc.

Since the symptoms in the first stages occur without complications, they can easily be confused with the symptoms of other diseases without giving them special significance, which can cause further spread of the virus.

Preventive measures

The main way to prevent the disease is vaccination.

Vaccination with killed polio virus is administered intramuscularly and provides lifelong immunity. The risk of infection for children who regularly receive the vaccine is almost zero. However, pediatrician Evgeniy Komarovsky emphasizes that protecting children, first of all, begins with observing the rules of personal hygiene, since problems come from dirty hands. It is also necessary to avoid swimming in dirty waters.

Sanitary and hygienic measures are being carried out - disinfection of all contaminated items, dishes, and clothing.

For prevention purposes, parents need to follow the rules for storing and preparing food, fight flies that are carriers of infection, and give babies only boiled (pasteurized) milk.

Dr. Komarovsky emphasizes that the effectiveness of preventive measures does not mean that a child cannot be a carrier and spreader of a viral disease. Therefore, for these cases, an additional vaccine (OPV) is used - a vaccination that contains a weakened pathogen that strengthens local immunity in the intestines.


Dr. Komarovsky on the polio outbreak in Ukraine

In the kindergarten, all children are vaccinated against polio, and I am expecting my second child. How will vaccinating my elder affect my pregnancy and is there a risk?

Poliomyelitis live vaccine Komarovsky

I hate vaccine side effects

I get vaccinated only because I trust two people: Komarovsky and my pediatrician. If it weren’t for them, I would have given up just to avoid side effects, although in reality we don’t have many of them, but still. We have fun here. Yesterday we went to the clinic and got the girls vaccinated. Eva was given two injections: DPT revaccination and 3rd polio. They were supposed to give drops, but the vaccine in the drops is live, so they had to inject it. So, Eva has reactions to Akds every time.

Vaccinations. ARTICLE purely for yourself, no calls to action or comments)

Dr. Komarovsky If you are convinced that anyone who speaks out in favor of vaccinations is a person who has clearly sold himself wholeheartedly to vaccine manufacturers, you don’t need to read this at all. If you are an ardent opponent of vaccination, if you have already decided everything for yourself and for your child, you do not need to read this at all. This article is intended for parents who understand that vaccinations are a real and highly effective way to prevent infectious diseases, but a method that involves certain risks. That is why prudent and...

Vaccinations. Komarovsky

About spreading information about polio

I am not the author. I am having a hard time writing this post. I do not claim to have an expert opinion, but as a practicing family homeopathic doctor, I will write my point of view. Yesterday's polio outbreak, in my opinion, is another effect of the war. Diseases, disasters, impoverishment, devastation - against this background, polio looks like part of a plan to collapse Ukraine from the inside. Such infections that can only exist in 3rd world countries. For example, an outbreak of smallpox - which was defeated a bunch of years ago, or, since the war is “civil” - typhoid fever should still occur.

Vaccinations: safety precautions

If you are convinced that anyone who speaks out in favor of vaccinations is a person who has clearly sold out to vaccine manufacturers, you don’t need to read this at all. If you are an ardent opponent of vaccination, if you have already decided everything for yourself and for your child, you do not need to read this at all. This article is intended for parents who understand that vaccinations are a real and highly effective way to prevent infectious diseases, but a method that involves certain risks. That is why prudent and sensible mothers.

Great post about vaccinations

To vaccinate or not to vaccinate. = take risks!

“Do I vaccinate Daniel and how do I feel about vaccinations” is perhaps one of the most frequent questions that readers ask me. I swore off writing about this, seeing how similar topics in communities end: quarrels, cursing, arguments about nothing. Therefore, having risked writing my opinion, I immediately make a reservation: - I am neither an ardent supporter nor an ardent opponent of vaccinations. - My husband and I have already made a decision and formed our opinion regarding vaccinations, so there is no need to prove or impose anything on me in the comments. - I .

2 cases of polio in the Transcarpathian region.

I quote Komarovsky’s post “Polio in Ukraine. 2 cases, both in Transcarpathia, are not related to each other, the children are not vaccinated. One child is 4 years old, the second is 11 months old. Both have paralysis.

how to prepare your child for vaccinations and reduce the possibility of complications

very good article (Komarovsky) If you are convinced that anyone who speaks out in favor of vaccinations is a person who has clearly sold himself wholeheartedly to vaccine manufacturers, you don’t need to read this at all. If you are an ardent opponent of vaccination, if you have already decided everything for yourself and for your child, you do not need to read this at all. This article is intended for parents who understand that vaccinations are a real and highly effective way to prevent infectious diseases, but a method that involves certain risks. Exactly.


Infanrix is ​​a vaccine for the prevention of diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough. It has the following differences from the DTP vaccine: the pertussis component in the DPT vaccine is represented by killed pertussis bacilli. In the Infanrix vaccine, the pertussis component is represented by parts of the pertussis bacillus cell. As a result of this difference in the composition of the pertussis component, the Infanrix vaccine is better tolerated by children and causes fewer reactions. PENTAXIM is a combined vaccine for protection against 5 dangerous infections - whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, polio, hemophilus influenzae type b (Hib). This vaccine can be used in children from 3 months of age.

Polio in Ukraine: an idiotic experiment on a million children

THERE IS NO EPIDEMIC OF POLIOMYELITIS IN UKRAINE, THERE HAS NOT BEEN AND WILL NOT BE. THERE IS AN EPIDEMIC OF PANIC IN THE HEADS OF MINISTRY OF HEALTH OFFICIALS AND THEIR HYSTERICAL SINGERS. At the end of 2009, a swine flu epidemic was semi-officially declared in Ukraine. The then Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko spent more than one million hryvnia to fight the disease. The propaganda of fear of the disease was so widespread that even people began to walk the streets wearing masks. Special regimes were announced for kindergartens and schools, and TV channels showed explanations day after day.

Komarovsky about polio vaccinations: what parents need to know

The famous Ukrainian doctor Yevgeny Komarovsky answered in his personal blog the most frequently asked questions from parents about additional vaccination of children against polio.

Poliomyelitis is a viral infection (viral means there are no drugs that can kill the pathogen). It is transmitted through the mouth: by water, that is, as a disease of dirty hands. The only effective way of prevention is vaccination.

IPV is a polio vaccine containing inactivated (killed) polio virus. It is administered by injection (injection). IPV may be included in combination vaccines, such as Infanrix and Pentaxim.

Active circulation of polio viruses has been confirmed in Ukraine. It (this circulation) can be interrupted by simultaneous mass vaccination of children with OPV, which is carried out in several rounds.

Children who are correctly vaccinated according to the calendar using IPV have virtually no risk of getting sick, but can be carriers (and spreaders) of the virus, since IPV (unlike OPV) does not form local immunity in the intestines.

It is fundamentally important that for children initially vaccinated with IPV, subsequent OPV vaccination is absolutely safe.

IPV is not dangerous in principle;

OPV is dangerous for the unvaccinated;

Let us remind you that earlier “Observer” published Dr. Komarovsky’s advice on what to do if a child is often sick.

Polio vaccination: consequences, possible adverse reactions, how many vaccinations are given before a year, live vaccine, Komarovsky, contraindications

Not long ago, polio was a serious problem worldwide, causing epidemics with frequent deaths. The beginning of vaccination against the virus that causes this disease has helped reduce the incidence of the disease, which is why doctors call vaccination against polio one of the most important in childhood.

Why is polio dangerous?

Most often, the disease appears in children under five years of age. One of the forms of polio is the paralytic form. With it, the virus that causes this infection attacks the child’s spinal cord, which is manifested by the appearance of paralysis. Most often, children are paralyzed in their legs, less often in their upper limbs.

In severe cases of infection, death can occur as a result of the impact on the respiratory center. This disease can only be treated symptomatically, and in many cases the child does not recover completely, but remains paralyzed for the rest of his life.

It is also dangerous for children that they carry the polio virus. With it, a person does not develop clinical symptoms of the disease, but the virus is released from the body and can infect other people.

Types of vaccines

The drugs used to vaccinate against polio are available in two versions:

  1. Inactivated polio vaccine (IPV). This drug does not contain a live virus, so it is safer and practically does not cause side effects. The use of this vaccine is possible even in situations of decreased immunity in a child. The drug is injected intramuscularly into the area under the shoulder blade, into the thigh muscle or into the shoulder. This vaccine is called IPV for short.
  2. Live polio vaccine (oral - OPV). It includes several types of weakened live viruses. Due to the method of administration of this drug (by mouth), this vaccine is called oral and is abbreviated as OPV. This vaccine is presented in the form of a pink liquid with a salty-bitter taste. It is applied in a dose of 2-4 drops to the child’s tonsils so that the drug reaches the lymphoid tissue. It is more difficult to calculate the dosage of such a vaccine, so its effectiveness is lower than that of the inactivated version. In addition, the live virus can be released from the child’s intestines in feces, posing a danger to unvaccinated children.

For some features of polio vaccines, see the following video.

The inactivated vaccine is offered in the form of Imovax polio (France) and Poliorix (Belgium).

The polio vaccine can also be included in combination vaccine preparations, including:


  • Acute infections.
  • High temperature.
  • Exacerbations of chronic pathologies.
  • Skin rash.
  • Individual intolerance, including reactions to streptomycin and neomycin (they are used to produce the drug).

OPV is not given if the child has:

  • Immunodeficiency.
  • HIV infection.
  • Acute illness.
  • Oncopathology.
  • A disease that is treated with immunosuppressants.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main positive properties of the polio vaccine are:

  • The polio vaccine is highly effective. The introduction of IPV stimulates stable immunity to the disease in 90% of vaccinated children after two doses and in 99% of children after three vaccinations. The use of OPV causes the formation of immunity in 95% of babies after three doses.
  • The incidence of adverse reactions after polio vaccination is very low.
  • Among domestic drugs there are only live vaccines. All inactivated drugs are purchased abroad.
  • Although rare, a live vaccine can cause a disease called vaccine-associated polio.

Adverse reactions

The most common adverse reactions to IPV administration, occurring in 5-7% of children, are changes in the injection site. It may be lumps, redness, or soreness. There is no need to treat such changes, as they go away on their own in one to two days.

Also, among the side effects of such a drug, in 1-4% of cases, general reactions are noted - increased body temperature, lethargy, muscle pain and general weakness. It is extremely rare that an inactivated vaccine causes allergic reactions.

The incidence of side effects due to the use of OPV is slightly higher than from the administration of the inactivated virus vaccine. Among them are:

  • Nausea.
  • Abnormal stool.
  • Allergic skin rashes.
  • Increased body temperature.

Possible complications

When used for vaccination with live viruses, in one in 750 thousand cases, weakened vaccine viruses can cause paralysis, causing a form of polio called vaccine-associated polio.

Its appearance is possible after the first administration of a live vaccine, and the second or third vaccination can cause this disease only in children with immunodeficiency. Also, one of the predisposing factors for the appearance of this pathology is called congenital pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Is there a fever after vaccination?

Polio vaccination extremely rarely causes reactions in the body, but some babies may develop a fever 1-2 days after the IPV injection or 5-14 days after the OPV vaccine. As a rule, it rises to low-grade levels and rarely exceeds +37.5ºС. Fever is not a vaccination complication.

How many vaccinations are given against polio?

In total, six vaccinations are administered in childhood to protect against polio. Three of them are vaccinations with pauses of 45 days, and after them three revaccinations are performed. Vaccination is not strictly tied to age, but requires compliance with the timing of administration with certain breaks between vaccinations.

The first polio vaccine is most often given at 3 months using an inactivated vaccine, and then it is repeated at 4.5 months, again using IPV. The third vaccination is carried out at 6 months, at which time the child is already given an oral vaccine.

OPV is used for revaccinations. The first revaccination is carried out a year after the third vaccination, so most often babies are revaccinated at 18 months. After two months, the revaccination is repeated, so it is usually done at 20 months. The age for the third revaccination is 14 years.

Komarovsky's opinion

The famous doctor emphasizes that the polio virus seriously affects the children's nervous system with the frequent development of paralysis. Komarovsky is confident in the exceptional reliability of preventive vaccinations. A popular pediatrician claims that their use significantly reduces both the incidence of polio and the severity of the disease.

Komarovsky reminds parents that most doctors have not encountered polio in their practice, which reduces the likelihood of timely diagnosis of the disease. And even if the diagnosis is made correctly, the treatment options for this pathology are not very great. Therefore, Komarovsky advocates vaccinations against polio, especially since there are practically no contraindications to them, and general reactions of the body are extremely rare.

To learn whether your child should be vaccinated, see Dr. Komarovsky’s program.

  • Before vaccinating a child, it is important to make sure that he is healthy and there are no contraindications to the vaccine. For this, the child must be examined by a pediatrician.
  • Bring a toy or other thing with you to the clinic that can distract your baby from the unpleasant procedure.
  • Do not introduce new foods to your child’s diet for several days before vaccination, as well as for a week after it.
  • Try not to interrupt your vaccination schedule, as this will reduce the body's defense against infection.

Warning for the unvaccinated

Children who have not been vaccinated against polio, with a decrease in immunity, can become infected from vaccinated children, since after the OPV vaccine is introduced into the child's body, the child excretes weakened viruses in feces up to one month after the day of vaccination.

To prevent infection from vaccinated children, it is important to practice good hygiene, since the main route of transmission of the virus is fecal-oral.

The danger of the disease lies in the pathogen damaging the nerve cells of the child’s spinal cord, which is accompanied by paralysis and subsequent disability. The only reliable method to avoid infection is the polio vaccine. There are currently no other methods for preventing the development of the disease.

It is known that polio vaccination has a similar principle of action to all standard vaccinations. A greatly weakened or killed virus that causes the disease is introduced into the human body, it begins to multiply, causing the immune system to produce antibodies. After a certain time, the bacteria will be eliminated from the body, but will continue to provide “passive” immunization. There are currently two types of polio vaccines:

  1. OPV – oral live polio vaccine;
  2. IPV is an inactivated injection vaccine.

Anti-polio drops

The polio vaccine in drops is also called “live.” The composition includes all three types of weakened disease virus. The method of administration of the drug is oral; the liquid is pink in color with a bitter-salty taste. The doctor applies 3-4 drops to the child’s tonsils so that the drug penetrates the lymphoid tissue. The dosage must be calculated by a physician; due to incorrect determination of the amount of the drug, its effectiveness is reduced. With this vaccination option, some of the bacteria can get into the child’s stool (become infectious), which will cause infection in unvaccinated children.

Inactivated polio vaccine

This type of vaccination is considered safer because it does not contain a live virus and there is almost zero chance of side effects. The use of IPV is allowed even if the child’s immunity is reduced. The drug is administered intramuscularly under the shoulder blade, shoulder or thigh muscle. In Russia, as a rule, one of the following drugs is used:

  1. Imovax Polio. The Belgian vaccine consists of three types of polio virus. The effect of the drug is very mild and can be used at any age, for children with low body weight. Use together with other vaccines is allowed.
  2. Poliorix. French drug, the method of exposure is similar to the vaccine described above.

Vaccination against polio is recommended for everyone and should be done in infancy. Parents can refuse vaccination, but this carries a risk of developing the disease. In Russia, doctors advise vaccination together with DTP (whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus), except in cases where the child’s schedule was compiled individually. Carrying out these vaccinations together will develop lasting immunity in your baby from these diseases. For vaccination, two different drugs can be used, for example, Imovax and Infanrix, or a combined version - Pentaxim.

Polio vaccination schedule

WHO has developed a special schedule for developing stable immunity in children to the disease. Vaccination against polio using the example of IPV type in the Russian Federation has the following scheme:

Revaccination against polio

After the first three vaccinations against the disease, it is necessary to do a revaccination, which is done according to the following schedule:

In Russia, OPV and IPV drugs are allowed for vaccination. As a rule, in the first year the baby is vaccinated against polio using an inactivated virus. This type of drug is more expensive than oral drops, so the injection is performed only the first time. In the future, parents can buy OPV, and the child will be given 3-4 drops of the product in the mouth.

When administering the virus orally, it is important that the liquid gets to the root of the tongue, where there is an accumulation of lymphoid tissue. For older children, they try to apply drops to the tonsils. These places have a minimum number of taste buds, so there is a higher chance that the child will swallow the vaccine in full. To apply the drug, doctors usually use a syringe without a needle or a dropper. You can give food after vaccination no earlier than 1 hour later.

  • There is slight swelling and pain at the injection site;
  • stool disorder lasts up to 2 days, goes away on its own;
  • temperature rise to 38.5 °C for 1-2 days;
  • redness at the injection site up to 8 cm in diameter;
  • single vomiting, nausea;
  • nervousness, increased excitability.

Contraindications to vaccination

  • a person has HIV, severely weakened immunity;
  • pregnancy of the baby’s mother or any other woman in his environment;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • period of pregnancy planning;
  • immunosuppressive therapy is being carried out, neoplasms have appeared;
  • there is a negative reaction of the body to vaccination in the past;
  • have recently had acute infectious diseases;
  • there is an exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • there is an allergy to neomycin, polymyxin B, streptomycin.

There are much fewer prohibitions for conducting TRP. The following contraindications are considered truly dangerous for this type of vaccination:

  • immunodeficiency states;
  • pregnancy;
  • acute infectious disease;
  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • complications after a previous vaccination.

Possible complications after polio vaccination

As a rule, vaccination is well tolerated by children (especially IVP), but the development of side effects is possible depending on the correct preparation of the child for the procedure, the type of drug, and the health of the patient. You should immediately contact the nearest hospital if the following symptoms appear:

  • severe adynamia, lethargy;
  • heavy breathing, shortness of breath;
  • convulsive reactions;
  • development of urticaria, severe itching;
  • significant increase in temperature (over 39 °C);
  • severe swelling of the face and/or limbs.

We received all necessary vaccinations immediately after the birth of the child. We were told that a new polio vaccine was being introduced. There were no consequences, the baby calmly endured all the necessary procedures. The first time we received an injection, then we used drops, we fully comply with the calendar of procedures, and now all that remains is revaccination.

We did not vaccinate the child because OPV scared us because the virus in this vaccine was “live”, and IPV was much more expensive. Now the child has been sent to kindergarten, and they are being re-vaccinated there. Because of this, you will have to “walk” for 60 days so as not to catch the disease from other children. I’m starting to regret that I didn’t vaccinate the baby right away when they offered it at the maternity hospital.

Our whole family listened to Komarovsky during pregnancy, and after the birth of the child we made a vaccination regimen according to his recommendation: 1 - IPV, the next 2 - OPV. The use of both types of vaccinations guarantees maximum immunity from the disease and stops the circulation of the pathogen inside the baby’s body.

Komarovsky about polio vaccination.

Poliomyelitis is a viral infection (viral means there are no drugs that can kill the pathogen). It is transmitted through the mouth: by water, that is, as a disease of dirty hands. The only effective way of prevention is vaccination.

To understand further text, here is some brief information about vaccines.

OPV (oral polio vaccine) is a vaccine containing a live, attenuated polio virus. Drops into the mouth - 2 drops onto the tongue.

IPV is a polio vaccine containing inactivated (killed) polio virus. It is administered by injection (injection). IPV may be included in combination vaccines, such as Infanrix and Pentaxim.

Questions and answers

My child is vaccinated according to the calendar (in whole or in part). Should I agree to additional polio vaccination? If yes, then why is it needed?

Active circulation of polio viruses has been confirmed in Ukraine. It (this circulation) can be interrupted by simultaneous mass vaccination of children with OPV, which is carried out in several rounds.

Children who are correctly vaccinated according to the calendar using IPV have virtually no risk of getting sick, but can be carriers (and spreaders) of the virus, since IPV (unlike OPV) does not form local immunity in the intestines.

It is fundamentally important that for children initially vaccinated with IPV, subsequent OPV vaccination is absolutely safe.

My child is not vaccinated at all. Can he receive polio drops?

If the child is more than 2 months old and has never been vaccinated against polio, vaccination should begin with IPV.

OPV is administered no earlier than 2 weeks after IPV.

I know that the vaccine was thawed and then frozen again. What does it mean? Is it dangerous?

For those vaccinated, it means nothing and poses no danger. WHO, the vaccine manufacturer and the Ministry of Health have confirmed that repeated freezing of the vaccine does not affect its effectiveness and safety. Some journalists, some businessmen close to the Ministry of Health who have lost the opportunity to make money by purchasing a vaccine, and all professional opponents of vaccinations do not agree with this, so you have the opportunity to read about this regularly.

Can I determine if the vaccine was stored incorrectly?

WHO experts and the vaccine manufacturer officially advise that OPV is heat sensitive, so its quality must be carefully monitored using temperature indicators.

Parents have the opportunity to personally verify the suitability or unsuitability of the vaccine.

All bottles are equipped with a thermal indicator (usually located on the label). The thermal indicator is a square located inside a circle. If the bottle is exposed to excessive heat, the square will darken. You can only use bottles where the inner square is lighter than the outer circle.

Is the polio vaccine dangerous for a child?

Both OPV and IPV are among the safest vaccines. The only serious complication of OPV is the so-called vaccine-associated polio (VAP). The vaccine is live, so some unvaccinated children (on average 1 in 3 million) may develop the disease after vaccination. It is in order to avoid VAP that vaccination begins with IPV - the inactivated vaccine creates immunity sufficient to prevent VAP.

  • IPV is not dangerous in principle;
  • OPV is dangerous for the unvaccinated;
  • OPV is not dangerous for those previously vaccinated with IPV.

Is a child vaccinated with a live polio vaccine dangerous to others?

A child vaccinated with OPV releases live virus into the environment for some time, i.e., it is a source of infection. For those fully or partially vaccinated against polio, there is no risk. For those who are not vaccinated at all, theoretically there is a risk of the disease, and it is 1 case per 7–14 million vaccinations. However, even this risk can be reduced by observing basic rules of personal hygiene (reminder: polio is a disease of dirty hands).

Taking into account the extremely low probability of developing VAP in contacts, there is no need for any isolation, bans or quarantines, and such measures are not taken in any country in the world.

In conclusion, a few words about my attitude to the “document” of an anonymous group of authors who are hiding under the guise of the “Civil Rights Defense League.”

The main thing in my opinion is my enormous disappointment due to the fact that many people are seriously considering and actively disseminating this anonymous verbiage, built on incomplete, unreliable and deliberately false information and, moreover, created by an organization that is professionally engaged in anti-vaccination activities.

P.S. Here is another video with his participation on this topic

Vaccination against polio

Poliomyelitis is a dangerous disease caused by a virus transmitted through airborne droplets and saliva. Once in the body, it reaches the central nervous system and brain, where it affects the gray matter. Poliomyelitis causes abnormalities in the development of the limbs, leading to paralysis. Children under the age of five are most susceptible to the disease. Vaccination against polio will protect against the fatal disease and protect the child from deformity and disability. Parents should approach this issue responsibly.

Polio vaccines

The polio vaccine is a drug that contains a dead or weak virus, the appearance of which in this form in the body helps it develop protection against possible infection. Once in the human body, it helps the immune system create protection. After some time, the virus leaves the body. Currently, there are two types of vaccines: inactivated ones require an injection, and oral live ones are a liquid, a few drops of which the child swallows.

How to get the polio vaccine:

  • For breastfeeders, the vaccine is placed on the root of the tongue.
  • For older children, the drug is applied to the palatine tonsils, where there is a minimum number of receptors - so there is less chance that the baby, reacting to the unpleasant taste, will spit out the drug.
  • To instill the vaccine, a syringe without a needle is used. For vaccination, depending on the concentration of the composition, from two to four drops are administered.
  • If regurgitation occurs, the drug is dripped again, but if it repeats, then revaccination against polio will only be done after 6 weeks.

If the virus enters an organism unprotected by vaccination, it will not be possible to avoid irreversible consequences; no effective drugs have been created against the virus itself. Vaccinations provide protection against all three types of the virus. Russian public and private clinics use the inactivated Imovax polio vaccine, manufactured in France. Of the live vaccines, the best is considered to be those produced in Russia. There are combination drugs, such as the French Pentaxim and Tetracok, that help protect against other diseases.

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"Tetrakok" is a DTP vaccine (adsorbed diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus, containing dead samples of pertussis pathogens and diphtheria and tetanus toxoids) with the addition of a drug for polio. DTP vaccination and polio are a commonly used combination. Joint vaccination against four diseases will not affect the child’s immune system, and the ability to get one injection against all diseases dangerous to children simplifies the process itself, reduces the number of trips to the hospital and pain for the child.


The inactivated vaccine against the polio virus was developed in 1950 by the American scientist Jonas Salk, using the technique of killing the virus with formaldehyde. The polio vaccine, which contains a dead virus, is administered intramuscularly and causes the immune system to recognize the virus and create a defense, forming antibodies designed to fight it. Since the virus is already dead, it does not reproduce in the human body.


In 1955, Dr. Sebin developed an oral live polio vaccine. It contains a significantly weakened, but not dead, virus. It looks like a red liquid, has a bitter taste and is dropped into the mouth using a dropper. After this, you are not allowed to drink or eat food for an hour. The lymphoid tissue located on the tonsil and the root of the tongue receives the virus, after which it penetrates the intestines, where conditions are favorable for reproduction. At this point, the immune system already recognizes it as a threat and begins to produce antibodies.


The first signs of the effects of vaccination may take a few days to appear. Allergy sufferers may react to the injection or drops immediately after the procedure. Oral vaccination has a more pronounced reaction. Possible side effects include loose stools and severe allergies, as well as cases of inflammation of the joints, and possible damage to the nervous system and spinal cord. But doctors still recommend vaccinating children, because the alternative is polio, which is incurable and leaves people permanently disfigured.

Reaction to vaccination

Some redness and local swelling of no more than 8 centimeters may occur at the injection site of the inactivated vaccine. There may be a slight increase in temperature, loss of appetite, and malaise. After vaccination with a live vaccine, in the period from the fifth to the fourteenth day, the child’s temperature may rise to 37.5 degrees, and digestive problems may occur. An allergic reaction may be a complication after vaccination; if this occurs, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Vaccine-associated polio

Another complication may be the development of vaccine-associated polio. This option is possible if at the time of vaccination the child was sick with something or had problems with the immune system. Then a living, albeit weak, virus may turn out to be too strong an enemy for the body, and there will be a danger of polio. The greatest risk occurs during the first vaccination. Such complications are considered extremely rare; according to statistics, there is one case per million vaccinated children.


Before vaccination, you should make sure that there are no contraindications and visit an immunologist. Vaccination cannot be done if the child is sick with anything, especially infectious diseases. The procedure can be carried out only 2-4 weeks after the child recovers. In case of a cold or acute respiratory viral infection (with the consent of the doctor), the vaccine is given if the temperature becomes normal. Exacerbation of chronic diseases is an obstacle to vaccination.

An allergic reaction to Neomycin, Polymyxin B or Streptomycin may be a contraindication. If there were manifestations in the form of a sharp and severe increase in temperature, severe redness at the injection site or an acute allergic reaction, then a new vaccination should be excluded. Forced refusal of vaccination is caused by any disturbances in the functioning of the immune system and pregnancy.

Vaccination schedule

The scheme is simple: the first polio vaccination should be given to a child at the age of three months, then three times every month and a half. Then revaccination is carried out at one and a half years, 20 months, and the third at 14 years. At 3 months, the child receives an inactivated vaccine, and then two vaccinations. For revaccination, a live vaccine is used, which is instilled.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion on the polio vaccine

The famous pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky considers vaccination against polio mandatory and necessary. The doctor assures that the drug against the virus does not cause any negative consequences, and advises to get rid of the fear of an inactivated vaccine, which parents fear. Komarovsky emphasizes that vaccination is not an infection and the child himself is not the source of a dangerous virus.

Komarovsky warns against parents vaccinating themselves and violating the vaccination schedule, as this can lead to unpleasant and dangerous consequences. The pediatrician notes that one should not refuse polio injections or drops for fear of possible complications, otherwise, if infected with the virus, the child may become permanently disabled or even die.

Is it possible to get polio from a vaccinated child?

Many parents wonder whether a child is contagious after a polio vaccine? The answer is yes. For two months after vaccination, children secrete a weak strain of the virus that spreads by airborne droplets. At the same time, adults and children who have not been vaccinated or have a weakened immune system are at risk of contracting the virus and developing vaccine-associated polio. The virus is resistant, so it is better to wash tableware after a child with chlorine-containing products.

Video: polio vaccination

The video explains why and how children are given the polio vaccine, what features should be taken into account, and what determines the timing of administration. Watch the educational video.

For a long time, the very name of this disease terrified loving parents. Poliovirus, which causes spinal cord paralysis, is transmitted through the air and spreads throughout the body very quickly, causing pathological changes in the nervous system. Many children in the 20th century remained disabled because of this. Seventy years ago, vaccination methods against the terrible virus were developed. But many children have unexpected reactions to the polio vaccine. Stories from friends and reviews on social networks frighten young mothers, and they doubt whether it is worth risking the child’s health and having such a dangerous vaccination? Before making a decision, you need to know the whole truth about vaccination.

What is polio

Nowadays it is rare to see an adult in Europe, much less a child, wearing thick orthopedic shoes. In the last century, many children aged 5-10 years old were severely limping and were forced to compensate for difficulties when walking by wearing special shoes. These were minimal consequences of polio. At that time, the spread of poliovirus was in the nature of a pandemic - an epidemic that swept the whole world.

Humanity knew no salvation from the terrible infection. The virus was transmitted through the air, through household contacts. The pathogenic pathogen survived well in the external environment, tolerated low and high temperatures, and was not afraid of ordinary disinfectants - bleach, potassium permanganate. The virus could live in water, milk, and feces.

The picture of the disease can be blurry, moderate or acute. Poliovirus lives asymptomatically in the human body for about two weeks. The onset of the disease often occurs as a gastrointestinal upset with vomiting, high fever and headache.

After 5-6 days, the acute phase gives way to the paralytic phase. The muscles of the neck, abdomen, face, larynx, respiratory muscles, and most often the leg muscles are affected by paralysis. After six months, the child recovers, but residual effects remain forever: a curved spine, shortened legs, local muscle paralysis.

In many cases, those infected with polio (mainly preschool children) die.

There is no cure for the disease. Modern medicine only treats symptoms - gastrointestinal disorders, headaches, etc. If paralysis of the pharynx or respiratory muscles is observed, artificial stimulation of respiration is performed. Patients are isolated in infectious diseases hospitals for at least a month. The patient needs to stay in bed for two to three weeks. Special care for paralyzed limbs is required.

Upon recovery, patients are prescribed physical therapy, hydrotherapy, sea bathing, and therapeutic mud. Limb deformities sometimes have to be treated surgically.

Vaccinations against polio

In the sixties of the 20th century, American researchers Salk and Sabin found a miraculous remedy against a deadly virus. They developed a vaccine against polio.

In the late 1980s, the World Health Assembly decided to take global action to eradicate polio. Vaccination has become the main means of combating the virus. Mass prevention initially reduced the incidence by 5 times, then eliminated polio in many countries.

Now, thanks to vaccinations, poliovirus has practically disappeared in Europe and America. Is polio vaccination still relevant today? Side effects from it are sometimes frightening for parents of small children.
The boundaries of the modern world have narrowed significantly. People migrate from Asia and Africa to Europe, travel, and conduct trade and cultural exchanges. Third world countries continue to be affected by isolated outbreaks of poliovirus infection. Humanity cannot yet do without vaccination. It is impossible to destroy a pathogenic pathogen because it is constantly changing, creating new strains.

Vaccination reliably protects a person from infection for 10 years. At the end of this period, vaccination must be repeated. But even unexpected infection of a vaccinated person with a mutant strain does not lead to deaths.

Poliomyelitis: vaccination, vaccination schedule

Modern immunology uses 2 types of vaccinations: oral (drops) and inactivated vaccine. The first type was developed by the American virologist A.B. Sabin. The vaccine is called “live” because it contains a special weakened poliovirus. These are reddish drops that are administered through the mouth, trying to get to the root of the tongue closer to the tonsils. Absorbed through the lymph into the intestines, the vaccine helps the body's immune system create antibodies. The body reacts to a false virus as if it were a real disease, but more weakly. Experts say that polio drops are the best method of vaccinating children.

An inactivated version of the vaccine was developed by the American scientist J. Salk. It is administered by injection into the shoulder or thigh. The injection contains destroyed poliovirus. The contents of the vaccine enter directly into the blood. This does not create false strains. European doctors use both types of vaccines.

Young parents are interested in the polio vaccine - when it is done, how many times, what type of vaccine is used. The first injection is given to a 2-month-old child. It is repeated 2-3 times, at intervals of 1.5-2 months. For the second and third vaccinations, drops can be used. Repeated vaccination is carried out at 1.5 years, then at 1 year 8 months. The third vaccination is given to a 14-year-old teenager.

According to the recommendations of pediatricians, polio vaccination and DTP (tetanus, whooping cough and diphtheria vaccine) are often given together. This use of vaccines strengthens the child’s body’s resistance to several infections at once.

Polio vaccination: consequences, reviews

Even healthy children feel the first signs of vaccination after a few days. Allergy sufferers may feel the effects of vaccination immediately after the procedure. Fever after polio vaccination is one of the common consequences. There may be redness and swelling at the injection site, decreased appetite, and weakness. The final grafting occurs after 3 weeks, and then the muscles can enter a state of short-term paralysis.

Most often, a strong reaction occurs after drip vaccination. Parents who search the Internet for information on the queries “polio vaccine drop reaction” may find two opposing opinions. Official medicine calls for mandatory vaccination of children. But experienced doctors know cases of severe consequences. These are severe damage to the spinal cord and nerves, inflammation of the joints, allergic reactions, and diarrhea. Knowing about such consequences, parents often refuse vaccinations, which is not the right step.

If you track the opinions of parents about the consequences of the polio vaccine, the reviews will be mostly positive. Other than a short-term fever and mild rash, most children do not experience any discomfort.

Doctor Komarovsky about polio vaccinations

The famous Ukrainian pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky speaks out for mandatory vaccination against this dangerous disease. However, he emphasizes that vaccination mostly does not cause dangerous consequences. He notes that the main mistrust of parents is caused by the inactivated polio vaccine. Komarovsky explains: this type of vaccination is not an infection, and it is almost impossible to get poliovirus from a newly vaccinated child.

Basic advice from the famous pediatrician:

  • You cannot change the intervals between vaccinations on your own, without the advice of a doctor; Vaccination at incorrect intervals can cause serious complications;
  • You should not refuse vaccination just because you are afraid of the consequences;
  • children with chronic diseases must undergo an examination by an immunologist and receive permission from him for vaccination;
  • You cannot vaccinate while taking antibiotics;
  • If the first vaccination causes allergic reactions, it is necessary to show the child to an allergist or immunologist.

Complications after polio vaccination

Complications after polio vaccination occur for several reasons:

1) a natural reflex of the immune system to the introduction of infection;

2) mutation of viruses included in the vaccination material;

3) general allergic mood of the body;

4) congenital abnormalities in the development of internal organs;

6) mental disorders;

7) respiratory disease or influenza at the time of vaccination;

8) congenital reduced immunity;

9) subjective qualities of the organism.

A search on the topic “poliomyelitis, vaccination: complications, reviews” shows that sometimes parents and pediatricians face significant problems. It can be:

  • internal swelling of the respiratory organs and suffocation;
  • limb spasms;
  • urticaria-type rash with painful itching;
  • temperature jump above 39°;
  • severe lethargy.

Vaccine-associated poliomyelitis occurs when there are congenital immune problems. In all these cases, immediate hospitalization of the child is necessary.

Contraindications to polio vaccination

Before vaccination, it is necessary to find out whether the child has any contraindications. This is especially true for drip vaccination. Children cannot be vaccinated if the following conditions exist:

1) immunodeficiency of any kind;

2) any neurological abnormalities, including those that occurred after the first vaccination;

3) taking medications that artificially enhance immunity - often such drugs are prescribed for organ transplantation;

4) taking antibiotics.

The inactivated polio vaccine is less reactive. Contraindications for injection:

1) pronounced manifestations of allergies;

2) negative reaction after the first vaccination;

3) pregnancy;

4) oncological tumors and polyps;

5) condylomas;

6) drug or surgical therapy for cervical erosion.

Any chronic diseases should be under close medical supervision. Children and adults with bronchial asthma, diseases of the nervous system, and gastrointestinal tract react especially hard to vaccination. As a rule, in these cases, doctors prohibit vaccination. Children and adults who are currently undergoing treatment with any medications are not subject to vaccinations.

Why is vaccination necessary?

Many parents, knowing that the poliovirus has been practically defeated in Europe and America, believe that vaccinating their children is not so important. But it should be remembered that Asian and African countries are still affected by severe outbreaks of polio every year. Wild strains of the virus are especially active in the warm season. Poverty, poor hygiene, and a large concentration of population in eastern and southern cities lead to the rapid spread of infection.

Epidemiologists warn that the virus enters Europe every five years. Mass migrations of the population in 2014-2015 may lead to new outbreaks of various infectious diseases, including polio. In addition, an unvaccinated baby can be infected in a child care facility by peers who have recently been vaccinated.

The immunologist must decide in the case of each specific disease when and how the polio vaccine should be given. Contraindications are taken into account by a specialist, and vaccination conditions are adjusted taking them into account.
Children suffering from chronic diseases can be vaccinated only in the stage of stable remission. The same applies to the manifestations of seasonal allergies and bronchial asthma.

Sometimes you can vaccinate an allergic person with poliovirus if you take antihistamines and eat hypoallergenic food a few days before vaccination. Only a doctor should select medications and diet, and prescribe the timing of vaccinations.

There is only one protection against the deadly disease - the polio vaccine. The consequences of vaccination are rarely serious. The benefits of vaccinations significantly exceed the acceptable harm.

Most often, the disease appears in children under five years of age. One of the forms of polio is the paralytic form. With it, the virus that causes this infection attacks the child’s spinal cord, which is manifested by the appearance of paralysis. Most often, children are paralyzed in their legs, less often in their upper limbs.

In severe cases of infection, death can occur as a result of the impact on the respiratory center. This disease can only be treated symptomatically, and in many cases the child does not recover completely, but remains paralyzed for the rest of his life.

It is also dangerous for children that they carry the polio virus. With it, a person does not develop clinical symptoms of the disease, but the virus is released from the body and can infect other people.

Types of vaccines

The drugs used to vaccinate against polio are available in two versions:

  1. Inactivated polio vaccine (IPV). This drug does not contain a live virus, so it is safer and practically does not cause side effects. The use of this vaccine is possible even in situations of decreased immunity in a child. The drug is injected intramuscularly into the area under the shoulder blade, into the thigh muscle or into the shoulder. This vaccine is called IPV for short.
  2. Live polio vaccine (oral - OPV). It includes several types of weakened live viruses. Due to the method of administration of this drug (by mouth), this vaccine is called oral and is abbreviated as OPV. This vaccine is presented in the form of a pink liquid with a salty-bitter taste. It is applied in a dose of 2-4 drops to the child’s tonsils so that the drug reaches the lymphoid tissue. It is more difficult to calculate the dosage of such a vaccine, so its effectiveness is lower than that of the inactivated version. In addition, the live virus can be released from the child’s intestines in feces, posing a danger to unvaccinated children.

For some features of polio vaccines, see the following video.

The inactivated vaccine is offered in the form of Imovax polio (France) and Poliorix (Belgium).

The polio vaccine can also be included in combination vaccine preparations, including:


  • Acute infections.
  • High temperature.
  • Exacerbations of chronic pathologies.
  • Skin rash.
  • Individual intolerance, including reactions to streptomycin and neomycin (they are used to produce the drug).

OPV is not given if the child has:

  • Immunodeficiency.
  • HIV infection.
  • Acute illness.
  • Oncopathology.
  • A disease that is treated with immunosuppressants.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main positive properties of the polio vaccine are:

  • The polio vaccine is highly effective. The introduction of IPV stimulates stable immunity to the disease in 90% of vaccinated children after two doses and in 99% of children after three vaccinations. The use of OPV causes the formation of immunity in 95% of babies after three doses.
  • The incidence of adverse reactions after polio vaccination is very low.
  • Among domestic drugs there are only live vaccines. All inactivated drugs are purchased abroad.
  • Although rare, a live vaccine can cause a disease called vaccine-associated polio.

Adverse reactions

The most common adverse reactions to IPV administration, occurring in 5-7% of children, are changes in the injection site. It may be lumps, redness, or soreness. There is no need to treat such changes, as they go away on their own in one to two days.

Also, among the side effects of such a drug, in 1-4% of cases, general reactions are noted - increased body temperature, lethargy, muscle pain and general weakness. It is extremely rare that an inactivated vaccine causes allergic reactions.

The incidence of side effects due to the use of OPV is slightly higher than from the administration of the inactivated virus vaccine. Among them are:

  • Nausea.
  • Abnormal stool.
  • Allergic skin rashes.
  • Increased body temperature.

Possible complications

When used for vaccination with live viruses, in one in 750 thousand cases, weakened vaccine viruses can cause paralysis, causing a form of polio called vaccine-associated polio.

Its appearance is possible after the first administration of a live vaccine, and the second or third vaccination can cause this disease only in children with immunodeficiency. Also, one of the predisposing factors for the appearance of this pathology is called congenital pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Is there a fever after vaccination?

Polio vaccination extremely rarely causes reactions in the body, but some babies may develop a fever 1-2 days after the IPV injection or 5-14 days after the OPV vaccine. As a rule, it rises to low-grade levels and rarely exceeds +37.5ºС. Fever is not a vaccination complication.

How many vaccinations are given against polio?

In total, six vaccinations are administered in childhood to protect against polio. Three of them are vaccinations with pauses of 45 days, and after them three revaccinations are performed. Vaccination is not strictly tied to age, but requires compliance with the timing of administration with certain breaks between vaccinations.

The first polio vaccine is most often given at 3 months using an inactivated vaccine, and then it is repeated at 4.5 months, again using IPV. The third vaccination is carried out at 6 months, at which time the child is already given an oral vaccine.

OPV is used for revaccinations. The first revaccination is carried out a year after the third vaccination, so most often babies are revaccinated at 18 months. After two months, the revaccination is repeated, so it is usually done at 20 months. The age for the third revaccination is 14 years.

Komarovsky's opinion

The famous doctor emphasizes that the polio virus seriously affects the children's nervous system with the frequent development of paralysis. Komarovsky is confident in the exceptional reliability of preventive vaccinations. A popular pediatrician claims that their use significantly reduces both the incidence of polio and the severity of the disease.

Komarovsky reminds parents that most doctors have not encountered polio in their practice, which reduces the likelihood of timely diagnosis of the disease. And even if the diagnosis is made correctly, the treatment options for this pathology are not very great. Therefore, Komarovsky advocates vaccinations against polio, especially since there are practically no contraindications to them, and general reactions of the body are extremely rare.

To learn whether your child should be vaccinated, see Dr. Komarovsky’s program.

  • Before vaccinating a child, it is important to make sure that he is healthy and there are no contraindications to the vaccine. For this, the child must be examined by a pediatrician.
  • Bring a toy or other thing with you to the clinic that can distract your baby from the unpleasant procedure.
  • Do not introduce new foods to your child’s diet for several days before vaccination, as well as for a week after it.
  • Try not to interrupt your vaccination schedule, as this will reduce the body's defense against infection.

Warning for the unvaccinated

Children who have not been vaccinated against polio, with a decrease in immunity, can become infected from vaccinated children, since after the OPV vaccine is introduced into the child's body, the child excretes weakened viruses in feces up to one month after the day of vaccination.

To prevent infection from vaccinated children, it is important to practice good hygiene, since the main route of transmission of the virus is fecal-oral.

Is it worth getting vaccinated against polio: the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Doctor's opinion

Evgeniy Komarovsky is a well-known pediatrician and advocates compulsory vaccination of children against polio. Komarovsky notes that today the polio vaccine is the only highly effective remedy that can reduce the likelihood of a disease in a small child to a minimum.

The pediatrician also emphasizes that this vaccination has virtually no health-hazardous consequences and its feasibility cannot be overestimated.

All the consequences of introducing a vaccine into the body are justified by its properties.

Poliomyelitis can have many negative consequences, which will certainly affect the child’s health.

Evgeny Komarovsky notes that the signs of pathology can be the same as those of any viral disease. And within two weeks, symptoms may not appear at all. After a certain time, polio will affect the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, nasopharynx, and esophagus. Damage to the mucous membrane occurs quite quickly. Also, diseases can lead to the development of bleeding of the digestive system, promote the formation of ulcers or erosion of the walls of the stomach and intestines. Pneumonia and other pathologies are common.

Dr. Komarovsky says that a small child does not yet have an established immune system, and his body is not yet able to resist serious viral infections. This is why there are vaccinations that allow you to develop antibodies to a certain type of harmful bacteria.

The only way to protect yourself from polio disease is to get vaccinated, since other drugs and medicines during the treatment process cannot have the desired effect. They usually provide temporary relief of associated symptoms.

Since most parents have many concerns about polio vaccination, Evgeniy Komarovsky explained the principle of its action. First of all, he asked to pay attention to the fact that such an inactive vaccination against this disease is not aimed at infecting the child with bacteria.

Since the virus is very dangerous and can cause damage to the spinal cord of a growing child, introducing bacteria into a fragile body is a very dangerous method of preventing pathology. For this reason, a different principle and approach is needed in preventing the initiation of the organism.

Komarovsky strongly recommends that all children be vaccinated against polio without fail, despite some of its negative properties. The drugs themselves already have two methods of vaccination: inactivated and oral (injection and drops). Each of these methods is considered safe enough to be used to prevent pathology.

The pediatrician believes that introducing an inactivated vaccine (injection) into the child’s blood is the most effective way. However, the oral method (taking drops) is simpler, but with a slightly reduced effect. Typically, the latter method is used for very young children, and also when it is impossible to administer the vaccine directly under the skin.

Dr. Komarovsky has recommendations and opinions regarding the introduction of the polio vaccine. First of all, he notes that the inactivated vaccine itself is practically unable to infect a baby with poliovirus. The likelihood of developing symptoms of the disease after vaccination is less than 0.01%.

The vaccination should be done under the supervision of a doctor, adhering to all his recommendations and clear instructions. This is due to the fact that vaccination takes place at certain intervals, which must be strictly adhered to. Failure to comply with deadlines may result in certain complications for the child. Also, the effectiveness of the administered drug will be reduced if one or several of them are missed.

Dr. Komarovsky insists that you cannot independently change the timing of your child’s vaccination. This must be taken seriously, carefully following all the doctor’s instructions. Otherwise, you can harm the baby. Also, you should not refuse vaccination due to unfounded fears. Parents should understand that the effectiveness of the vaccine is more important than the temporary inconvenience of side effects of the drug.

Another point that is one of the most important when vaccinating children is contraindications. Typically, doctors must check the child's reaction to certain components of the drug to eliminate the possibility of harm to his health. However, parents should also monitor this situation. Before vaccination drops or injections are used, a preliminary examination by an immunologist is necessary.

Typically, such precautions are necessary for those children who have chronic diseases. However, upon examination, the doctor may notice some mild signs and promptly prescribe disease prevention. If the doctor sees no reason to refuse vaccination, then he gives permission to administer the drug.

Komarovsky also draws attention to the fact that it is impossible to give an injection while taking antibiotics. Two weeks after completion of treatment, you can begin a course of vaccination for your child. If, after the first injection, the baby develops allergic signs, then you should definitely consult a doctor for examination (allergist or immunologist). They must determine the degree of danger of taking such a drug.

Video “Is it worth getting vaccinated”

Benefits of vaccination

Evgeny Komarovsky notes the most important property of the polio vaccine. Once a child is vaccinated, it is virtually impossible for a child to become infected with poliovirus. The probability may be less than 0.5%. Regardless of what type of vaccination is used (injection or drops), they stimulate the synthesis of interferon in the human body. Interferon is a remedy against many viruses.

This vaccination also helps strengthen the body to fight the pathogens of influenza and other respiratory diseases. Statistically speaking, complications do not occur often. With each new administration of the drug (three times), the likelihood of their detection decreases. Since the consequences of polio can be very dangerous and sometimes lead to death, the benefits of this vaccination are of great importance.

Disadvantages of vaccination

Evgeny Komarovsky believes that this type of vaccination has its drawbacks, which usually result in complications.

Often complications arise for certain reasons:

  • the natural reaction of the child’s immune system to the introduction of a substance into the body;
  • mutation of various viruses along with the components of the drug;
  • allergic sensitivity of the baby’s body to certain components;
  • HIV disease;
  • birth defects and abnormalities in the development of internal organs;
  • psychological disorders;
  • respiratory diseases and groups during drug administration;
  • congenital reduced immunity;
  • individual characteristics of a young organism.

Among the side effects that occur after an injection or taking drops with the vaccine, you can find a sharp jump in body temperature. The temperature can rise to several degrees in a short period of time. The child may also experience a temporary decrease in activity, lethargy and drowsiness.

Swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs is much less common. In this regard, children may experience suffocation, decreased blood pressure, and oxygen starvation. In this case, you need to consult a doctor. He may prescribe a drug that relieves swelling and inflammation. If the symptoms appear acutely, then you need to call an ambulance.

Sometimes temporary limb spasms or brief reflexes can be observed.

The most common symptoms after an injection are a profuse rash on the body (similar to hives), which is very itchy. Your doctor may recommend a soothing cream or ointment to relieve itching and prevent skin irritation.

If the baby had congenital problems with the immune system, then there is a risk of acquiring vaccine-associated polio. At the first sign of it, the child will need urgent hospitalization.

Is it worth doing?

To answer this question, it is necessary to note that in different countries the frequency of the disease is quite different. In civilized countries of the West and America, polio disease is rare, since the virus has been practically defeated. This was also influenced by mass vaccination of the population. However, outbreaks of this disease regularly occur in the countries of the Far East and Africa.

If you do not get vaccinated in a timely manner, at an early age, then there is a risk of acquiring pathology, since carriers of the virus often come to Europe. Thus, in a short period of time, an epidemic could arise in countries where polio is now practically absent.

Today, in the CIS countries, vaccination against polio is considered mandatory. Cases of infection of children by unvaccinated children in kindergartens and schools have been recorded. Vaccination should be done if the immunologist does not find compelling reasons to refrain from administering the drug. Usually, an appropriate decision needs to be made for each baby.

The doctor should also take into account contraindications for injections with the drug or oral drops. For chronic diseases, vaccination is permissible only at the stage of stable remission. This also applies to seasonal allergies and asthma. An injection or use of the drug in the form of drops is contraindicated if a person has tumors of oncological origin or polyps in the gastrointestinal tract. Also, the drug should not be administered if you are using medications that temporarily enhance immunity.

Video “Myths about vaccination with Dr. Komarovsky”

From this video you will learn what popular myths are common among young and even more experienced parents.

The dangers of live polio vaccine

My oldest child was vaccinated against polio in drops. After 1.5 weeks, I found out that polio drops are a live vaccine and can harm my youngest child (he is 5 months old). And the danger persists for 2 months (that’s what the doctor told me). I’m very worried now – is this true?

Answered by Komarovsky E. O.

Polio is highly likely to harm the baby. And the likelihood of harm from a live vaccine is negligible. This is generally one of the safest vaccines. There are no special precautions. You should behave in the most ordinary way during this period. In general, when doctors say that after a polio vaccination, as many as 2 months are a dangerous period, it seems that the doctors agreed so that mothers would have no peace, so that your parenting would be a feat, so that you would not sleep at night worrying about your own children. As for me, you should calm down and not be unnecessarily nervous. There are no real reasons.

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Olga B.

Lisa Belarus, Vitebsk

here and there Russia

here and there Russia

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation confirmed compliance with the law of paragraph 4.4 SP 3.1.1. “Prevention of polio in the post-certification period”, approved by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated March 5, 2008 No. 16, which established that in order to prevent vaccine-associated paralytic polio (VAPP) When children who do not have information about immunization against polio are admitted to treatment, preventive and other organizations, they must be isolated from children vaccinated with oral polio vaccine (OPV) within the last 60 days.

Vaccination against polio | Komarovsky

There are many childhood diseases with terrible consequences. And one of them is polio. Starting like a common cold, polio very quickly affects the intestinal and nasopharyngeal mucosa, which can result in the most terrible consequences. For the most part, polio leads to the development of pneumonia, bleeding of the digestive system, stomach ulcers, and so on.

Methods of protection against polio

The only effective method of protection against polio is vaccination. At the moment, effective vaccinations have been developed to reduce the risk of polio infection to almost zero. But polio vaccinations still raise some concerns among some parents. To reassure those who do not trust such vaccines, Dr. Komarovsky spoke in detail about them.

No matter how dangerous the polio vaccination may seem, Komarovsky still emphasizes that it must be performed. However, the famous doctor also gave his own interesting recommendations regarding vaccinations of this nature. It will therefore be useful to know what his thoughts are on this matter.

In general, polio vaccines are divided into oral and inactivated. Komarovsky says both vaccination methods are safe. However, he believes that administering an inactivated vaccine via vaccination is more effective. But oral vaccination is simpler, although it does not bring such good results.

Komarovsky about polio vaccination

Komarovsky’s main theses regarding polio vaccination can be presented in the form of a list. This will make it much clearer how the famous doctor views this vaccination option. Komarovsky's most important considerations in this regard are as follows.

  1. The inactivated vaccine itself is not capable of transmitting polio. Komarovsky emphasized this primarily because parents remain distrustful of the results of such vaccination. However, the probability of infection due to vaccination is less than a hundredth of a percent.
  2. Vaccination against polio must be carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician. The fact is that such vaccines are administered at fixed intervals, which must be fully observed. If any of them are missed, the effectiveness of the polio vaccine drops sharply. Komarovsky insists that parents should not change the timing of vaccination on their own. Otherwise, they will only harm their child.
  3. There is no need to be afraid of some negative consequences from vaccination. As Komarovsky says, slight irritation or a rise in temperature in this case is a completely acceptable reaction of the body. But for the most part, such consequences do not pose any threat.
  4. Before taking your child for vaccination, you need to make sure that he has no contraindications. Perhaps this is the most important point that parents should follow. In principle, the attending physician is obliged to make sure that the child will not be harmed by the vaccination. But parents still need to control this aspect.

It follows from this that Komarovsky considers the polio vaccination effective, safe and mandatory. But he still does not exclude that problems may arise from such a vaccination. They deserve special attention.

Who is contraindicated to get vaccinated?

In order for the vaccination result to be good, parents need to pay attention to a number of aspects related to the polio vaccine. Komarovsky highlights such negative aspects that should be taken into account in this case.

  1. The presence of chronic diseases may become an obstacle to vaccination. If parents know that their child is suffering from some kind of protracted illness, then first of all it is necessary to consult an immunologist. He will be able to find out that it is better to wait with the polio vaccine for now.
  2. You cannot combine the polio vaccine with taking certain antibiotics. Komarovsky says that vaccination is not possible if the child is given drugs such as Neomycin, Streptomycin and Kanamycin. They are incompatible with the vaccine.
  3. The first polio vaccine is given at 3 months. If there are no side effects after it, you can proceed with further vaccination. But if an allergic reaction or other negative consequences occurs, the further development of immunity to polio should be monitored by a doctor.

It is now clear that Komarovsky, although he recognizes the polio vaccine as a very successful solution for protecting a child, still cannot call it ideal. Each case requires an individual approach and very careful attention from both parents and doctors. There is no risk in this situation.

Komarovsky about polio vaccination.

Poliomyelitis is a viral infection (viral means there are no drugs that can kill the pathogen). It is transmitted through the mouth: by water, that is, as a disease of dirty hands. The only effective way of prevention is vaccination.

To understand further text, here is some brief information about vaccines.

OPV (oral polio vaccine) is a vaccine containing a live, attenuated polio virus. Drops into the mouth - 2 drops onto the tongue.

IPV is a polio vaccine containing inactivated (killed) polio virus. It is administered by injection (injection). IPV may be included in combination vaccines, such as Infanrix and Pentaxim.

Questions and answers

My child is vaccinated according to the calendar (in whole or in part). Should I agree to additional polio vaccination? If yes, then why is it needed?

Active circulation of polio viruses has been confirmed in Ukraine. It (this circulation) can be interrupted by simultaneous mass vaccination of children with OPV, which is carried out in several rounds.

Children who are correctly vaccinated according to the calendar using IPV have virtually no risk of getting sick, but can be carriers (and spreaders) of the virus, since IPV (unlike OPV) does not form local immunity in the intestines.

It is fundamentally important that for children initially vaccinated with IPV, subsequent OPV vaccination is absolutely safe.

My child is not vaccinated at all. Can he receive polio drops?

If the child is more than 2 months old and has never been vaccinated against polio, vaccination should begin with IPV.

OPV is administered no earlier than 2 weeks after IPV.

I know that the vaccine was thawed and then frozen again. What does it mean? Is it dangerous?

For those vaccinated, it means nothing and poses no danger. WHO, the vaccine manufacturer and the Ministry of Health have confirmed that repeated freezing of the vaccine does not affect its effectiveness and safety. Some journalists, some businessmen close to the Ministry of Health who have lost the opportunity to make money by purchasing a vaccine, and all professional opponents of vaccinations do not agree with this, so you have the opportunity to read about this regularly.

Can I determine if the vaccine was stored incorrectly?

WHO experts and the vaccine manufacturer officially advise that OPV is heat sensitive, so its quality must be carefully monitored using temperature indicators.

Parents have the opportunity to personally verify the suitability or unsuitability of the vaccine.

All bottles are equipped with a thermal indicator (usually located on the label). The thermal indicator is a square located inside a circle. If the bottle is exposed to excessive heat, the square will darken. You can only use bottles where the inner square is lighter than the outer circle.

Is the polio vaccine dangerous for a child?

Both OPV and IPV are among the safest vaccines. The only serious complication of OPV is the so-called vaccine-associated polio (VAP). The vaccine is live, so some unvaccinated children (on average 1 in 3 million) may develop the disease after vaccination. It is in order to avoid VAP that vaccination begins with IPV - the inactivated vaccine creates immunity sufficient to prevent VAP.

  • IPV is not dangerous in principle;
  • OPV is dangerous for the unvaccinated;
  • OPV is not dangerous for those previously vaccinated with IPV.

Is a child vaccinated with a live polio vaccine dangerous to others?

A child vaccinated with OPV releases live virus into the environment for some time, i.e., it is a source of infection. For those fully or partially vaccinated against polio, there is no risk. For those who are not vaccinated at all, theoretically there is a risk of the disease, and it is 1 case per 7–14 million vaccinations. However, even this risk can be reduced by observing basic rules of personal hygiene (reminder: polio is a disease of dirty hands).

Taking into account the extremely low probability of developing VAP in contacts, there is no need for any isolation, bans or quarantines, and such measures are not taken in any country in the world.

In conclusion, a few words about my attitude to the “document” of an anonymous group of authors who are hiding under the guise of the “Civil Rights Defense League.”

The main thing in my opinion is my enormous disappointment due to the fact that many people are seriously considering and actively disseminating this anonymous verbiage, built on incomplete, unreliable and deliberately false information and, moreover, created by an organization that is professionally engaged in anti-vaccination activities.

P.S. Here is another video with his participation on this topic

Reaction to polio vaccine

Poliomyelitis is a serious infectious disease.

For a long time, the very name of this disease terrified loving parents. Poliovirus, which causes spinal cord paralysis, is transmitted through the air and spreads throughout the body very quickly, causing pathological changes in the nervous system. Many children in the 20th century remained disabled because of this. Seventy years ago, vaccination methods against the terrible virus were developed. But many children have unexpected reactions to the polio vaccine. Stories from friends and reviews on social networks frighten young mothers, and they doubt whether it is worth risking the child’s health and having such a dangerous vaccination? Before making a decision, you need to know the whole truth about vaccination.

What is polio

Nowadays it is rare to see an adult in Europe, much less a child, wearing thick orthopedic shoes. In the last century, many children aged 5-10 years old were severely limping and were forced to compensate for difficulties when walking by wearing special shoes. These were minimal consequences of polio. At that time, the spread of poliovirus was in the nature of a pandemic - an epidemic that swept the whole world.

Humanity knew no salvation from the terrible infection. The virus was transmitted through the air, through household contacts. The pathogenic pathogen survived well in the external environment, tolerated low and high temperatures, and was not afraid of ordinary disinfectants - bleach, potassium permanganate. The virus could live in water, milk, and feces.

The picture of the disease can be blurry, moderate or acute. Poliovirus lives asymptomatically in the human body for about two weeks. The onset of the disease often occurs as a gastrointestinal upset with vomiting, high fever and headache.

The picture of the disease can be blurred, moderate or acute

After 5-6 days, the acute phase gives way to the paralytic phase. The muscles of the neck, abdomen, face, larynx, respiratory muscles, and most often the muscles of the legs are affected by paralysis. After six months, the child recovers, but residual effects remain forever: a curved spine, shortened legs, local muscle paralysis.

In many cases, those infected with polio (mainly preschool children) die.

There is no cure for the disease. Modern medicine only treats symptoms - gastrointestinal disorders, headaches, etc. If paralysis of the pharynx or respiratory muscles is observed, artificial stimulation of respiration is performed. Patients are isolated in infectious diseases hospitals for at least a month. The patient needs to stay in bed for two to three weeks. Special care for paralyzed limbs is required.

Upon recovery, patients are prescribed physical therapy, hydrotherapy, sea bathing, and therapeutic mud. Limb deformities sometimes have to be treated surgically.

Modern medicine only treats symptoms - gastrointestinal disorders, headaches

Vaccinations against polio

In the sixties of the 20th century, American researchers Salk and Sabin found a miraculous remedy against a deadly virus. They developed a vaccine against polio.

In the late 1980s, the World Health Assembly decided to take global action to eradicate polio. Vaccination has become the main means of combating the virus. Mass prevention initially reduced the incidence by 5 times, then eliminated polio in many countries.

Now, thanks to vaccinations, poliovirus has practically disappeared in Europe and America. Is polio vaccination still relevant today? Side effects from it are sometimes frightening for parents of small children.

The boundaries of the modern world have narrowed significantly. People migrate from Asia and Africa to Europe, travel, and conduct trade and cultural exchanges. Third world countries continue to be affected by isolated outbreaks of poliovirus infection. Humanity cannot yet do without vaccination. It is impossible to destroy a pathogenic pathogen because it is constantly changing, creating new strains.

Thanks to vaccinations, poliovirus has practically disappeared in Europe and America

Vaccination reliably protects a person from infection for 10 years. At the end of this period, vaccination must be repeated. But even unexpected infection of a vaccinated person with a mutant strain does not lead to deaths.

Poliomyelitis: vaccination, vaccination schedule

Modern immunology uses 2 types of vaccinations: oral (drops) and inactivated vaccine. The first type was developed by the American virologist A.B. Sabin. The vaccine is called “live” because it contains a special weakened poliovirus. These are reddish drops that are administered through the mouth, trying to get to the root of the tongue closer to the tonsils. Absorbed through the lymph into the intestines, the vaccine helps the body's immune system create antibodies. The body reacts to a false virus as if it were a real disease, but more weakly. Experts say that polio drops are the best method of vaccinating children.

An inactivated version of the vaccine was developed by the American scientist J. Salk. It is administered by injection into the shoulder or thigh. The injection contains destroyed poliovirus. The contents of the vaccine enter directly into the blood. This does not create false strains. European doctors use both types of vaccines.

Young parents are interested in the polio vaccine - when it is done, how many times, what type of vaccine is used. The first injection is given to a 2-month-old child. It is repeated 2-3 times, at intervals of 1.5-2 months. For the second and third vaccinations, drops can be used. Repeated vaccination is carried out at 1.5 years, then at 1 year 8 months. The third vaccination is given to a 14-year-old teenager.

Modern immunology uses 2 types of vaccinations: oral (drops) and inactivated vaccine

According to the recommendations of pediatricians, polio vaccination and DTP (tetanus, whooping cough and diphtheria vaccine) are often given together. This use of vaccines strengthens the child’s body’s resistance to several infections at once.

Polio vaccination: consequences, reviews

Even healthy children feel the first signs of vaccination after a few days. Allergy sufferers may feel the effects of vaccination immediately after the procedure. Fever after polio vaccination is one of the common consequences. There may be redness and swelling at the injection site, decreased appetite, and weakness. The final grafting occurs after 3 weeks, and then the muscles can enter a state of short-term paralysis.

Most often, a strong reaction occurs after drip vaccination. Parents who search the Internet for information on the queries “polio vaccine drop reaction” may find two opposing opinions. Official medicine calls for mandatory vaccination of children. But experienced doctors know cases of severe consequences. These are severe damage to the spinal cord and nerves, inflammation of the joints, allergic reactions, and diarrhea. Knowing about such consequences, parents often refuse vaccinations, which is not the right step.

Most often, a strong reaction occurs after drip vaccination

If you track the opinions of parents about the consequences of the polio vaccine, the reviews will be mostly positive. Other than a short-term fever and mild rash, most children do not experience any discomfort.

Doctor Komarovsky about polio vaccinations

The famous Ukrainian pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky speaks out for mandatory vaccination against this dangerous disease. However, he emphasizes that vaccination mostly does not cause dangerous consequences. He notes that the main mistrust of parents is caused by the inactivated polio vaccine. Komarovsky explains: this type of vaccination is not an infection, and it is almost impossible to get poliovirus from a newly vaccinated child.

Basic advice from the famous pediatrician:

  • You cannot change the intervals between vaccinations on your own, without the advice of a doctor; Vaccination at incorrect intervals can cause serious complications;
  • You should not refuse vaccination just because you are afraid of the consequences;
  • Before vaccination, parents and pediatrician should check the baby for contraindications;
  • children with chronic diseases must undergo an examination by an immunologist and receive permission from him for vaccination;
  • You cannot vaccinate while taking antibiotics;
  • If the first vaccination causes allergic reactions, it is necessary to show the child to an allergist or immunologist.

Before vaccination, parents and pediatrician should check the baby for contraindications

Complications after polio vaccination

Complications after polio vaccination occur for several reasons:

1) a natural reflex of the immune system to the introduction of infection;

2) mutation of viruses included in the vaccination material;

3) general allergic mood of the body;

4) congenital abnormalities in the development of internal organs;

6) mental disorders;

7) respiratory disease or influenza at the time of vaccination;

8) congenital reduced immunity;

9) subjective qualities of the organism.

A search on the topic “poliomyelitis, vaccination: complications, reviews” shows that sometimes parents and pediatricians face significant problems. It can be:

  • internal swelling of the respiratory organs and suffocation;
  • limb spasms;
  • urticaria-type rash with painful itching;
  • temperature jump above 39°;
  • severe lethargy.

temperature jump above 39° as a complication of temperature

Vaccine-associated poliomyelitis occurs when there are congenital immune problems. In all these cases, immediate hospitalization of the child is necessary.

Contraindications to polio vaccination

Before vaccination, it is necessary to find out whether the child has any contraindications. This is especially true for drip vaccination. Children cannot be vaccinated if the following conditions exist:

1) immunodeficiency of any kind;

2) any neurological abnormalities, including those that occurred after the first vaccination;

3) taking medications that artificially enhance immunity - often such drugs are prescribed for organ transplantation;

4) taking antibiotics.

The inactivated polio vaccine is less reactive. Contraindications for injection:

1) pronounced manifestations of allergies;

2) negative reaction after the first vaccination;

4) oncological tumors and polyps;

6) drug or surgical therapy for cervical erosion.

Before vaccination, it is necessary to find out whether the child has any contraindications

Any chronic diseases should be under close medical supervision. Children and adults with bronchial asthma, diseases of the nervous system, and gastrointestinal tract react especially hard to vaccination. As a rule, in these cases, doctors prohibit vaccination. Children and adults who are currently undergoing treatment with any medications are not subject to vaccinations.

Why is vaccination necessary?

Many parents, knowing that the poliovirus has been practically defeated in Europe and America, believe that vaccinating their children is not so important. But it should be remembered that Asian and African countries are still affected by severe outbreaks of polio every year. Wild strains of the virus are especially active in the warm season. Poverty, poor hygiene, and a large concentration of population in eastern and southern cities lead to the rapid spread of infection.

Epidemiologists warn that the virus enters Europe every five years. Mass migrations of the population during the year may lead to new outbreaks of various infectious diseases, including polio. In addition, an unvaccinated baby can be infected in a child care facility by peers who have recently been vaccinated.

The immunologist must decide in the case of each specific disease when and how the polio vaccine should be given

The immunologist must decide in the case of each specific disease when and how the polio vaccine should be given. Contraindications are taken into account by a specialist, and vaccination conditions are adjusted taking them into account.

Children suffering from chronic diseases can be vaccinated only in the stage of stable remission. The same applies to the manifestations of seasonal allergies and bronchial asthma.

Sometimes you can vaccinate an allergic person with poliovirus if you take antihistamines and eat hypoallergenic food a few days before vaccination. Only a doctor should select medications and diet, and prescribe the timing of vaccinations.

There is only one protection against the deadly disease - the polio vaccine. The consequences of vaccination are rarely serious. The benefits of vaccinations significantly exceed the acceptable harm.