How to remove the crust from a child's head. Crust on the head - causes and treatment with medications, cosmetics and folk remedies. Gneiss in babies is rather a consequence, what are the causes?

Crusts on a child’s head are a fairly common occurrence in babies under one year old; they cover the scalp and appear as yellowish, fatty islands. They occur in babies in the first months of life. Such crusts are called seborrheic dermatitis.

Don't be afraid, everything can be fixed.

Why does seborrheic dermatitis appear in newborns?

In newborns, the skin is quite delicate. The epidermis is very thin and underdeveloped. The sweat and sebaceous glands are not able to fully perform their functions. The sweat glands work weakly, and the sebaceous glands work too actively, causing an imbalance in the functioning of the glands. The skin becomes vulnerable to external factors and is unable to resist infections. That is why she easily picks up fungal infections, in particular the yeast fungus Malassezia furfur.

He is very vulnerable!

Most often, yellow crusts appear in babies when the head often sweats due to overheating. The mother dressed the child too warmly for a walk or covered him when he was sleeping. A sweaty head is not able to cope with the imbalance on its own and is vulnerable to dermatitis due to systematic overheating. Favorable soil appears for the growth of Malassezia furfur.

Improper or unbalanced nutrition of a nursing mother can cause dermatitis. The source of seborrheic dermatitis in babies under one year of age is an allergic reaction to introduced complementary foods. An unbalanced diet of a child, the presence of food allergies, and the presence of chronic diseases are the causes of seborrheic dermatitis in children aged 2-3 years.

A balanced diet for a nursing mother is the key to health for her baby.

Seborrheic crusts appear as a result of poor head hygiene or the use of bathing products that are not suitable for infants. The head begins to peel off, dry crusts appear, which do not cause itching or pain.

a common phenomenon that many mothers have encountered more than once. The cause of the appearance of red spots on the most delicate places can be irregular bathing, overheating, or high temperature. If you see a characteristic rash on your child’s body, immediately begin treating it.

Symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis in children

Crusts on a baby's head appear at 2-3 weeks of life. They cover the scalp, sometimes the forehead, cheeks and behind-the-ear folds. The crusts look like scales, are white or yellowish in color, and have a greasy texture. A large accumulation of scales on the head forms a scab and resembles a cap in shape, which is why the disease is popularly called “cradle cap.”

Oh, these ugly crusts!

When combing your hair, the scales are easily separated from the head, greasy crusts stick to the hairs, making the head untidy.

Seborrheic dermatitis differs from other forms of dermatitis in that it does not cause itching or irritation of the skin, is safe, and does not require drug treatment.

How to get rid of crusts on a baby's head?

Take a close look at the crusts on your head: they should be easy to remove and not leave damage to the skin. If, after removing the crusts, abrasions, scratches, weeping or purulent areas of the skin, or spots remain, urgent medical intervention is necessary. Consult a doctor, do not self-medicate.

It is absolutely unacceptable for small children to self-medicate!

An infant with seborrheic dermatitis does not need medication. This is where the popular saying comes into play: “Cleanliness is the key to health.” Hypoallergenic baby shampoos are used to wash hair. The crusts must be removed, but the procedure must be performed correctly. Mothers are worried: how to remove crusts on the baby’s head without harming them?

Use only natural shampoos without artificial fragrances.

Approximately 2 hours before bathing, the baby's head is smeared with baby oil. You can use olive, almond or sterile sunflower oil. If there is no oil, use Vaseline. Then they put on a hat or bonnet for the baby so that he doesn’t get smeared with oil. Remember, oil is difficult to remove from clothes.

Natural oils will do the trick.

The baby's head is thoroughly washed with baby shampoo and blotted dry. To remove crusts, use a comb with rounded teeth or a special children's brush. Gently comb hair, removing crusts. If the hair is long and the crusts are stuck in it, you need to brush it off with your hand or a fine-tooth comb.

Every baby should have its own comb from the first days of life.

You should not make any effort to remove the scales: rub, scratch or tear them off. Children's skin is easily damaged, and the resulting abrasions and wounds become infected, which will have to be treated with medication.

If all the crusts are not removed at one time, do not be discouraged. The next day, repeat the procedure. If the scales are difficult to remove, it means they have not softened enough. Increase the exposure time with oil, massage your head.

When is medication needed to treat seborrheic dermatitis?

Dr. Komarovsky believes that in most cases the disease goes away on its own by 4 months. But there are exceptions. You cannot do without medication if seborrheic dermatitis in a baby has progressed to an advanced form. Drug treatment will be needed if symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis appear in a child older than one year.

If you notice scabs on a one-year-old child, start sounding the alarm.

Used to care for problem areas "Bioderma Sensibio D.S." or "Saphorel", also suitable "Topicrem". These drugs are applied to seborrheic areas of the skin after washing the hair. To wash your hair, use foam gels for skin prone to mycoses, for example, shampoo.

This shampoo can be bought at any pharmacy.

Dermatological shampoos are used to treat seborrheic dermatitis in children. "Nizoral", "Friderm tar" or "Kelual D.S.". Shampoo "Kelual D.S." not only fights fungus, but also has anti-inflammatory, fungicidal and keratoregulating effects.

A series of products from Mustela are designed specifically to combat crusts in newborns. Creams soften the skin, and sponges and foams are designed for the final removal of crusts.

You can also apply cream to the affected areas at night. "Mustela Stelaker cream" and wash it off in the morning "Mustela Bebe Foam Shampoo", which is also suitable for newborns. Medicinal shampoos are used 2 times a week for 1.5 months.

is a new generation probiotic, a gentle remedy that restores and normalizes intestinal microflora and has an immunomodulatory effect. This medicine can be used from the first days of life.

An increase in the level of bilirubin in the blood occurs in many newborns. An increase in bilirubin is accompanied by yellowing of the child's skin. This phenomenon is called jaundice. For more information please visit this page.

Homemade cottage cheese is one of the best complementary foods for infants. There are several ways to prepare this dish. mothers and grandmothers share.

How to deal with seborrheic dermatitis?

Mothers often ask: “How to deal with seborrheic dermatitis?” It all depends on the severity of the disease, the age of the child and the situation. Let's look at specific examples.

Irina, little Vika’s mother, says:

“After a vacation at sea, I noticed white dandruff on my youngest child’s head. Moreover, it is not just white, but some kind of yellowish, like that of infants. But the child is already 2.5 years old. When trying to soften and remove abrasions appeared on the skin, the crusts were removed along with the hair. The child cried and did not allow him to comb his head.

The doctor said that the dandruff appeared from sea water. We, as the doctor said, bought Sebozol, the condition improved, but did not go away completely. Then I bought Nizoral shampoo, but it only made things worse. We went to the pharmacy, the pharmacist recommended Friederm Zinc to us. I decided that we’ll try, wash it three times, and if it doesn’t help, we’ll go to a paid clinic. Wash your hair 2 times a week. After the second wash, the condition of the skin became noticeably better; after two weeks, the crusts completely disappeared. Now I keep this shampoo in my medicine cabinet for prevention for myself and the whole family.”

Karina, Natasha's mother, writes:

“A few days ago, Natasha developed white crusts and lumps on her eyelids and on her forehead near her hair. We went to the doctor, he said it was seborrheic dermatitis. He prescribed Suprastin 1/3 three times a day for the child and applied hydrocortisone ointment. It was necessary to exclude chicken, fish, eggs, sour cream, cottage cheese, sweets, fruits, juices and desserts from the diet.

I didn’t give the pills, I thought it would go away. But it didn’t go away on its own. We went to a dermatologist and got tested. It turned out that we have hormonal imbalances. As a result, the endocrinologist prescribed us Thyroxine. After 1.5 weeks, the red spots began to fade, and the white crusts gradually disappeared.”

Yellow crusts on a baby's head are seborrheic dermatitis, which appears due to excessive secretion of sebum. Crusts do not indicate any disease, but they cannot be ignored. Sometimes they can appear on the eyebrows and other parts of the baby's body. It happens that they appear in the first days after birth or closer to a year. Seborrheic dermatitis does not require drug treatment, and it usually disappears on its own.

Main features

Many mothers know what seborrheic dermatitis looks like on the baby's head, because it occurs quite often. It can be:

  1. Yellowish crusts that cover partially or completely the scalp of the baby's head. Their greatest concentration may be in the parietal part. The scales accumulate in a dense layer.
  2. Crusts can also form on other parts of the body. In rare cases, they are found on the neck, face and behind the ears.
  3. Yellow crusts on the head are not accompanied by inflammation and do not cause irritation. This is how they differ from atopic dermatitis.
  4. The crusts look unattractive, but do not cause itching. They do not cause negative feelings to the child.

Yellow crusts on the head of a newborn most actively appear between the ages of 10 days and 3 months. How long will they last? This depends on the individual characteristics of the baby’s body.

Most often, crusts on a child’s head disappear without a trace before the age of one year, and sometimes they persist up to 2-4 years. Being under the hair, they do not cause any difficulties when combing the baby.

Causes of yellow crusts

Experts have not established the exact causes that lead to the appearance of seborrheic dermatitis. There are only the following assumptions:

  • The process of formation of the endocrine system. When developing in the mother's womb, the child receives the necessary hormones from her. After his birth, their withdrawal begins, which causes a malfunction of the endocrine system. The activity of the sebaceous glands increases, and excess sebum accumulates on the skin in the form of scabs. This is how yellow crusts form on the baby’s head.
  • Negative influence of external stimulus. Crusts may appear due to prolonged wearing of the cap. They can be triggered by sweat and heat. Washing your hair frequently can also cause flakes. An incorrectly selected shampoo causes the top layer of skin to dry out. This is what provokes a malfunction of the sebaceous glands.
  • Food quality. The occurrence of seborrhea on the baby's scalp may be his body's response to the mother's unbalanced diet. It is possible that through breast milk the baby receives certain substances that affect its endocrine system. The same applies to artificial feeding. After all, the mixture can be poorly tolerated by the child’s body and provoke the appearance of crusts when complementary foods are introduced early.
  • Activation of the opportunistic fungus Malassezia furfur. It constantly lives in human skin. Hormonal imbalance contributes to the rapid proliferation of fungus and the appearance of yellow crusts.
  • Due to the fact that the baby’s immune system is not yet very developed, the above fungus multiplies, which disrupts the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

  • Low weight, infectious diseases and heredity also negatively affect the immune system, which can lead to crusts.

How is seborrheic dermatitis determined?

Only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis. A dermatologist, by comparing all the signs, is able to distinguish the pathology from ringworm, psoriasis, and an infectious skin disease. The diagnosis is made by external examination and based on test results.

The origin of yellow crusts on a baby’s head is determined using a skin biopsy, mycological examination of scales and a study of the baby’s hormonal status.

What treatment is given

Yellow crusts on a baby's head do not pose a threat to the baby's life. Treatment of seborrhea does not require the use of serious medications; it can disappear from the skin on its own over time. To quickly get rid of unpleasant seborrhea, in many cases, pediatricians recommend taking the following measures:

  1. Lubricate the crusts on the head, neck and eyebrows with oil. To do this, you can use the following types: peach, almond or olive. The product can be purchased in bottles or as a spray.
  2. You can use various cleansing creams and emulsions to treat rashes. Under their influence, the crusts soften, but it is not recommended to comb them out; it is enough to wash the child’s hair thoroughly. And remove the remains by hand. In addition, cosmetic products contain substances that regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The increased secretion of sebum gradually decreases, and crusts do not form. It is best to apply the product at night and carefully remove the scales in the morning.
  3. You can wash the baby's head with antiseborrheic shampoos. They are applied to damp hair and rubbed until foam forms. After holding for 5 minutes, the shampoo is washed off. There are several types of remedies; your pediatrician will help you choose the most effective one.
  4. Mothers can use dermatological creams. They are applied to the child’s scalp twice a day without rinsing off. Creams are effective against microbes and can quickly restore the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Any of the listed remedies should be used only after it has been prescribed by a specialist, but not more than 2 times a day. In addition to medications, you can get rid of yellow crusts on a baby’s head using traditional medicine. There are gentle and proven methods.

Traditional medicine

How to remove yellow crusts from a baby's head? The main method of treatment includes the use of various oils: sea buckthorn, sunflower or olive. They are able to soften the scales, which will allow mom to easily remove them. The treatment process goes as follows:

  • The affected area is generously lubricated with oil and left for 20 minutes. Before the session, you should not moisturize your baby's hair.
  • In order for the crusts to soften well, you need to put a hat on the baby’s head.
  • Using a soft brush, parents carefully remove the crusts from the head.
  • The baby's hair is washed with shampoo to remove any remaining oil.
  • If after this the scales remain on the scalp, they are passed over them again.

The same method will help remove crusts on the eyebrows and behind the ears. Parents should monitor the effect of the cream or shampoo. If an allergic reaction occurs, use of this product should be discontinued.

What not to do

If parents find yellow crusts on a child’s head, then it is prohibited to rip them off dry skin. This will lead to the appearance of new scales.

Also, this method of getting rid of crusts can lead to wounds on the head. This leads to infection and worsening of the condition.

What complications can seborrhea cause?

Complications can appear under the influence of the following negative factors: improper care, unbalanced nutrition or dry skin. Only in such cases do yellow crusts on a baby’s head represent a depressing condition. Negative consequences include:

  1. Increase in the area affected by scales. They can occupy other parts of the body and cause itching and redness. Sometimes atopic dermatitis develops with an existing hereditary predisposition.
  2. Through wounds or abrasions in the area of ​​seborrhea, the skin can become infected with streptococci and staphylococci, which leads to suppuration.

If such symptoms occur, the baby should be urgently shown to a specialist. Indeed, in such a situation, more serious treatment will be required.

Prevention measures

If the problem is successfully resolved, mothers look for solutions that can prevent its recurrence in the future. Dr. Komarovsky suggests that women during lactation eat properly, reducing the amount of fats and carbohydrates in the diet. After all, this directly affects the fat content of milk.

Other preventive measures include:

  • Maintaining the required air humidity in the room.
  • Using moisturizers after bathing your baby. This will protect the skin from drying out.
  • If yellow crusts are accompanied by itching and redness, this may indicate an allergy. In such a situation, proper treatment from a specialist will be required.
  • The baby must be dressed according to the weather, and should not be overly wrapped. If the child's crown and feet are dry, it means he is dressed correctly.

These measures are relevant not only during the treatment of crusts, but also after getting rid of them.


If the baby has yellow crusts on his head, the mother should not be upset. They are completely harmless and can be treated with simple remedies.

Often on the head of a newborn you can notice dense yellow scales that form crusts that feel greasy to the touch. Such crusts are called seborrheic, since in appearance they really resemble the disease. However, in most cases, this is not a disease, but a scalp condition that requires special care. It should be remembered that incorrect actions when removing scales can lead to their growth or, worse, to the emergence of foci of infection.


Causes of seborrheic crusts

Seborrheic crusts are also called milky crusts. They are located mainly on the crown, but can also be observed on the back of the head and temples. The presence or absence of hair on a baby's head does not affect its appearance in any way. The scales do not cause any particular harm or discomfort, but there is an opinion that if they are present, hair growth is significantly hampered. And such formations do not have the most aesthetic appearance.

The reasons for the appearance of milk crusts lie in the physiology of the child, whose sweat glands are not yet developed, while the sebaceous glands work actively due to the maternal hormones present in the body. The resulting imbalance leads to increased sebum secretion and hardening on the surface of the head. Some parental actions lead to increased activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands, which leads to even greater formation of seborrheic crusts:

  1. Overheating of a child provokes increased sweating. If, among other things, a hat is worn, the discharge does not evaporate, but remains on the head, drying out and sticking to the skin.
  2. Incorrectly selected cosmetics for the care of the baby's skin and hair lead to irritation, the response to which is the appearance of scaly formations. Frequent hair washing has the same result.
  3. Crusts may be a manifestation of an allergic reaction that occurs due to an incorrectly selected mixture or errors in the diet of a nursing mother.
  4. Contact allergies that arise due to the composition of children's clothing, bedding or washing powder used in washing children's linen can also manifest themselves in a similar way.

Video: The most common causes of crusts on a baby’s head.

How to remove

Seborrheic crusts gradually disappear on their own over time, but this process is long and can take from several months to a year. Parents, as a rule, are not satisfied with such deadlines, and they try to get rid of them on their own. There is nothing wrong with removing them, but you need to know how to remove crusts on a baby’s head in the most gentle ways that do not injure the delicate skin and will not cause discomfort to the baby.

Mechanical removal.

The most common way to remove crusts on a baby's head is mechanical. So, you can remove the scales during bathing, when the baby’s skin steams and the crusts literally roll off under your fingers. This kind of massage should be carried out with cleanly washed hands, pressing lightly on the head so as not to injure the skin. After drying the hair after bathing, another part of the formations is removed with a special brush with soft bristles.

There is another way that will help remove scales without harming the baby’s delicate skin:

  1. To begin with, you need to soften the crusts by spreading baby oil on your head. Any vegetable oil or petroleum jelly is used for the same purpose.
  2. To prevent the baby from staining the linen, a prepared cap is put on his head. It also promotes insulation and speedy steaming of crusts.
  3. After 20 minutes, the oil is washed off from the head. To do this, use baby shampoo and a soft brush.
  4. After drying, the hair is combed with a blunt-toothed comb. The crusts will fall off easily and painlessly, and no wounds will form on the scalp.

This procedure should be carried out no more than once a week; during breaks, it is enough to simply wash your hair with running water.

Video: Method for removing milk crusts.

Using special shampoos.

To remove crusts from the baby's scalp, some mothers use special shampoos, the action of which is based on a softening and exfoliating effect. This avoids pre-treatment and steaming. The effect of the shampoo is not immediately visible, and its frequent use can have a negative effect on delicate skin, causing even greater irritation.

Apply a small amount of shampoo to your head, lather it well, hold for three minutes and rinse. After this, combing begins with a soft brush. However, it is worth mentioning that shampoo does not always help. Apparently, this depends on the characteristics of the baby, because some parents note an improvement in the condition of the scalp, while others do not notice any changes at all.

You can’t tear off unsteamed scales, especially if you don’t use your fingernails. Such removal causes injury to the baby’s skin, and micro-wounds can become infected, leading to serious inflammation.

How to prevent the appearance of scaly formations

Seborrheic crusts appear in every second newborn, and preventing this phenomenon can be quite difficult, because we are talking about individual characteristics. However, you can prevent their growth or reappearance:

  • You should not wrap your child up and put on a hat if the weather is not favorable for this: overheating leads to increased skin manifestations;
  • Ventilating and humidifying the children's room will protect the baby's skin from drying out, which also leads to the formation of scales;
  • a properly selected mixture or a properly composed menu for a nursing mother will reduce the risk of developing an allergic reaction, which can result in crusts on the baby’s head;
  • wash your hair no more than once a week, using only baby shampoo, as aggressive detergents lead to irritation and peeling of delicate skin;
  • you need to select fabrics and powders for washing them carefully so that the composition does not lead to allergic reactions.

If you can’t get rid of the scales, you can consult a doctor who will determine the cause of their appearance and give recommendations for elimination.

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Often parents are faced with such a problem as yellow crusts on the head of a child who is 2 years old or 6 years old. This phenomenon is called seborrheic dermatitis, it occurs in both infants and adolescents. Let's figure out why seborrhea appears and how to get rid of it.

Forms of the disease

Seborrheic crusts (gneiss) are a common phenomenon among infants. As the baby grows, this problem disappears on its own. But it happens that gneiss bothers older children, and such situations require special attention.

Let's look at how seborrhea manifests itself. There are three forms of the disease:

  1. Mild - when only the top of the head is affected, sometimes the ears. The children's general health is normal.
  2. The moderate form is when the entire face and neck become red and peel, and the body and limbs are partially affected by dermatitis. The scales on the head are large, children become capricious, diarrhea appears, and regurgitation becomes more frequent.
  3. The severe stage is accompanied by the appearance of a continuous plaque on the head or “baby cap.” An infection occurs, causing suppuration. The baby loses his appetite, is lethargic and does not gain weight well.

Reasons for appearance

There is no definite answer to the question of why children have a crust on their heads. Doctors identify only possible provoking factors, which include:

  • Development of the endocrine system. In the newborn period, endocrine functions malfunction - the sebaceous glands begin to secrete intensely. This leads to the formation of gneiss.
  • Poor hygiene. Scales on the head appear after prolonged wearing of hats. Sweaty skin, too frequent washing, inappropriate washing gels and shampoos - all this provokes the formation of the disease.
  • Inappropriate diet. Seborrhea occurs due to poorly tolerated formula or early introduction of complementary foods. Improper nutrition of the mother during breastfeeding can also lead to a malfunction of the baby’s endocrine system.
  • . The fungus is constantly present in human skin, but hormonal imbalances contribute to its proliferation. This provokes the appearance of yellow scales.
  • Weakened immunity. When the immune functions of the body are weakened, children experience disruption of the sebaceous glands and proliferation of fungus.

Dermatitis in children and adolescents

“Crusts appeared on the head of a 2-year-old child. What to do?" - parents panic on the forums. First of all, you need to remember that before the age of three, this phenomenon is very common. This affects the increased work of the sebaceous glands.

Perhaps the problem is a lack of vitamin B (biotin), which is responsible for metabolism in the body. The very appearance of the crust does not cause discomfort, and with appropriate treatment and compliance with hygiene rules, they disappear without a trace.

When a crust forms on the head of a 3-year-old child, this fact should alert parents. There may be several reasons for this:

  • improper hair care;
  • overheating in the headdress, when the head begins to sweat;
  • use of unnatural cosmetics that cause irritation;
  • dry scalp from frequent bathing;
  • allergies to new foods.

If all these factors are excluded, and seborrhea in 3-year-old children does not go away, then the reasons may be much more serious, for example, disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland or the central nervous system. In this case, you should immediately contact your pediatrician.

There are situations when, at a young age, the child’s parents do not face such a problem, but first learn about dermatitis when their child is 5-6 years old. A crust on the head of a 5-year-old child is quite rare, just like in teenagers. But it still happens. This phenomenon is often associated with a bacterial infection. It is treated with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy.

If the onset of the disease is accompanied by increased weight gain, doctors suspect Leiner's disease in a young patient. In addition, scales on the skin in children 5-6 years of age and older may be symptoms of diathesis, psoriasis or atopic dermatitis.

How to get rid of crusts

Parents are wondering how to remove crusts on their child’s head, and whether this can be done. It is necessary to remove them, because with careless movement you can accidentally tear off the crust. This will lead to infection of the resulting wound on the skin.

To get rid of crusts on a child’s head, you should:

  • wash your hair with baby shampoo;
  • blot with a towel;
  • moisten a cotton pad with sunflower or olive oil and gently rub the crusts;
  • put the baby to sleep in a cotton bonnet or cap;
  • In the morning, comb out the crusts with a soft comb or brush;
  • wash your hair, comb it.

These actions should not be carried out more than twice a week. The procedure is also repeated for seborrhea behind the ears and on the eyebrows.

There is also another method in which an hour (or at least 20 minutes) before taking a bath, slightly heated oil (burdock, baby, olive) is rubbed onto the baby’s head. Then they put on a hat.

While bathing, wash your hair with shampoo and remove flakes. Then comb out the remaining scabs.

Let's look at how to comb out the crust in more detail. Take a blunt-tooth comb and comb your hair from front to back. After this, use a soft brush. The fontanel area requires special attention; crusts must be removed from it, only with caution. When combing, the scales may become separated from the hair.

If seborrheic dermatitis appears regularly, the presence of diathesis or other allergies is suspected. In this situation, you should contact a dermatologist and allergist.


In general, gneiss does not require drug treatment, with the exception of the severe stage. In this case, children are prescribed antibiotics (for skin infection) and antihistamines to reduce itching.

Since the reasons for the appearance of scales differ in each case, treatment is selected individually.

To eliminate various forms of the disease, use:

  • antifungal ointments (Lamisil, Mycospor and others);
  • anti-fungal shampoo (Nizorex, Sebazol, Dermazol);
  • corticosteroid ointments (“Ecolom”);
  • zinc ointment to relieve inflammation;
  • preparations for diseased skin (“Topicrem”, “Bioderma Sensibio”);
  • vitamin complexes;
  • antihistamines (Citrine, Diazolin).

Mustela shampoo or foam helps get rid of yellow crusts. Its composition is hypoallergenic, the shampoo softens scales and also has an antibacterial effect.


After eliminating the unpleasant symptoms of seborrhea, parents need to think about how to prevent the situation from reoccurring. To do this, you should protect your child from allergens.

“The young mother’s concerns about her child’s intolerance to certain foods are in vain; allergic manifestations hide reactions to washing powder, dry air or other factors,” says Dr. Komarovsky.

Therefore, in addition to establishing a balanced diet for a nursing mother, the following measures are recommended:

  • install a humidifier in the room;
  • After bathing, treat your baby’s head and ears with baby moisturizers;
  • if itching and redness appear, contact an allergist who will prescribe a special diet;
  • Do not overheat your baby by dressing too warmly. If your baby's feet and crown are hot, dress him lighter.

Take these measures as a rule to prevent the appearance of seborrheic dermatitis.

Often, while bathing, mothers notice dense crusts on the baby’s head. Surely relatives or friends will convince you that this is an absolutely harmless phenomenon, but they cannot really explain what it is.

At the same time, some advise combing them out with a comb, others recommend simply lubricating them with oil to soften them, while others argue that there is no need to touch such growths at all. So what are these crusts on a baby’s head, and what is the right thing to do to get rid of them?

What are seborrheic crusts?

Crusts on the scalp of a newborn are a very common occurrence. They occur in almost every second baby. They can be seen mainly in the area of ​​the crown, fontanel and forehead.

Moreover, it does not matter whether the baby already has hair or whether its head is covered only with sparse fluff. The crusts may be yellow, light brown or white. They appear within the first two weeks after birth.

Often such formations on the head of a baby are called seborrheic crusts or seborrheic dermatitis. However, under no circumstances should this be considered a disease.

Important! Mothers need to know that the appearance of crusts is one of many other aspects of a newborn’s adaptation to new living conditions.

Moreover, such processes are inherent in nature itself and arise regardless of external circumstances. There is no need to be afraid of the appearance of such scales on the baby’s head: they will not cause harm to the body, and the child’s skin will not be damaged.

These growths do not cause any concern to the baby. You may hear the opinion that they interfere with normal hair growth or prevent the scalp from breathing. All this applies only to the advanced stage, when these “scales” begin to grow unnecessarily.

Almost the only inconvenience associated with the appearance of a yellow crust on a baby’s head is its rather unsightly appearance. Parents are often worried about this very fact, because it seems that the baby is poorly cared for and is not monitored for cleanliness. Of course, this is not true. Crusts are quite difficult to remove, and their presence does not indicate a lack of hygienic care.

Causes of crusts on a child’s head

The reasons for the appearance of a crust on a baby’s head lie in something completely different. The crusts themselves are formed as a result of mixing excess sebum with exfoliated skin particles and sweat. It is this mass that dries and turns into dense plates.

There are a lot of such records. Some fall off on their own or are easily removed by the touch of a comb, but most of them stick tightly to each other and the skin.

The main factors responsible for the appearance of crusts on a baby’s head are:

  • poor functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • soft skin;
  • unformed thermoregulation processes (interesting article: what temperature should be in the room for a newborn?>>>);
  • unstable water balance (read also: when can you give water to a newborn?>>>).

Agree, parents cannot influence any of these aspects in any way. Therefore, it is believed that the formation of a crust is an absolutely natural phenomenon.

The initial activity of the sebaceous glands in infants is explained by the influence of maternal hormones, which are transmitted to the baby during intrauterine development. There is no way to cancel these processes, but over time the child’s body will begin to function normally and the crusts will disappear on their own.

But this is not the only reason. Quite often, the appearance of growths on a baby’s head can be caused by improper actions of parents, which provoke irritation of the sebaceous glands and, as a result, lead to an excess of secreted oil on the skin. How this can happen:

  1. Constantly wrapping the baby up, which leads to overheating and increased sweating. Constantly wearing hats is considered especially harmful;
  2. A very wrong decision would be to try to remove excess sebum by washing your hair frequently. This, on the contrary, will have the opposite effect. After all, such fat is involved in creating the natural protective layer of the skin, and the body, in response to your actions, will increase its production;
  3. Using shampoos that contain chemicals, dyes or fragrances will unnecessarily irritate the skin;
  4. Eating salted or smoked foods by a nursing mother can also activate the sebaceous glands in the baby.

In rare cases, growths that appear on the baby's head, the so-called milk crusts, are an allergic reaction to the components of milk. With such a diagnosis, other signs of allergy (regurgitation, rash) should also be noticeable.

How to eliminate yellow crusts on the head of a newborn?

It is important to remember that the baby’s crusts are only on the surface of the skin and do not affect his health in any way. If you do not touch them, they will gradually disappear, but this should take 9 - 12 months. However, many mothers strive to get rid of them as early as possible.

Know! Let us warn you right away that you cannot remove such growths without prior preparation! This can cause infection or hurt the baby.

The removal process consists of several stages.

  • Before removing crusts from a newborn’s head, they need to be softened. To do this, lubricate the areas with growths with sterile vegetable oil (you can use Vaseline or salicylic ointment) and put on a cap. This procedure should be done an hour before swimming.
  • Then remove the cap and massage the scalp using a comb with natural bristles.
  • Now let's start swimming. To wash off the oil, you need to lather your hair with shampoo. During washing, the crusts will begin to fall off. It should be understood that it is impossible to remove everything at once the first time, so there is no need to reuse the shampoo. Read more about bathing in the article: How to bathe a newborn?>>>.
  • Finally, you need to dry your baby with a towel and comb him again, using minimal effort to remove the scales.

Interesting! The crusts will disappear gradually as a result of several such sessions, which are recommended to be repeated no more than 1 – 2 times a week.

If, while taking measures to prevent the appearance of growths and carrying out all the necessary hygienic procedures, the crusts on the baby’s head do not disappear and even begin to spread further, then it is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe treatment.

Of course, crusts on a baby’s head are not a disease, but it would be wrong to completely ignore them. The best solution can be considered gradual and careful removal of growths in combination with the prevention of their occurrence.