What is the name of a wen on the body? How to deal with multiple lipomas on the body. What not to do

Wen are located under the epithelium or on internal organs that have a fatty layer. They consist of the secretion of the sebaceous glands, the cells of which, as a result of atypical division, accumulate in the form of lumps with an outer shell of connective tissue, or spread diffusely in certain areas.

Wen found on the face and body is so unsightly that it makes you immediately think about the method of removing it.

Types of wen

In medicine, wen is referred to by the general term lipoma, and is classified depending on its location:

  • subcutaneous lipomas grow by lifting the epithelial layer;
  • myolipomas form inside muscle fibers;
  • perineural lipomas are located close to the nerve fibers and can put pressure on them;
  • Adenolipomas consist of adipose and glandular tissue and have a specific localization.

Neoplasms reveal themselves during external and hardware examination. Theoretically, such abnormal cell division can occur anywhere, but most often they are located along the spine, in the throat, on the head and limbs.

Tumors located close to the surface have the appearance of tubercles with clear boundaries, and the first concern in connection with their appearance is associated with aesthetic discomfort. The photo shows the characteristic location of wen on the body.

Reasons for the formation of lipomas

To the question of why wen appeared on the body, there is a universal answer: due to metabolic disorders. But there are a large number of reasons and prerequisites that lead to precisely this abnormal cell division. Among them are genetic heredity, environmental pollution, lifestyle features, and mechanical injury.

Wen can appear in obese people or after sudden weight loss. They accompany pathologies in the functioning of the endocrine system, but can also appear in absolutely healthy people.

Doctors believe that it is necessary to think about the reasons for the appearance of lipomas if they are multiple or grow at a rapid rate.

Lipomas inside the body

Fat deposits can be located in the esophagus and stomach, causing coughing, vomiting and foreign body sensation. A tumor from fat cells in the kidney passes without symptoms, but can transform into malignant liposarcoma.

A lipoma can develop in the brain and manifest itself as headaches, increased blood pressure, and dizziness.

Lumps of fatty origin that appear in the neck and sternum can lead to hoarseness and swelling of the face. Such tumors also appear on the mammary glands.

This relatively harmless type of neoplasm does not make itself felt for many years; symptoms appear only after the wen has reached an impressive size, and can be recognized during hardware examination. A biopsy to confirm the diagnosis is done through a puncture or after removal of the tumor.

Complicated conditions of subcutaneous lipomas

Subcutaneous wen not only spoils a person’s appearance, but can also become a source of inflammation and disruption of the functioning of internal organs.

Typical signs of these neoplasms: painlessness, slow growth, no signs of injury to nearby tissues, allow you to put up with their existence for many years.

But lipoma, unlike acne inflammation, does not disappear on its own, and depending on its location, it can lead to complications.

Constant rubbing of the tubercle while moving can cause infection and inflammation of the connective tissue. The growing tumor begins to put pressure on the nerves, causing pain. Rapid growth, including into the internal cavity, leads to compression of organs and interferes with their functioning.

In addition, one cannot ignore the fact that there is a small chance of the wen transforming into a malignant tumor. All these risk factors justify the decision to remove the wen immediately after its discovery.

Methods for removing wen

Often, independent attempts are made to get rid of subcutaneous wen on the body, both with ointments and lotions, and by piercing. Both methods not only do not help, but are also fraught with allergies, inflammation and dangerous infections.

Drug treatment, including folk remedies, should be prescribed by a doctor, after clarifying the diagnosis and taking into account the peculiarities of the localization of the wen.

Indications for lipoma removal are aesthetic considerations, large size and tendency to rapid growth, and pain.

The type of surgical intervention is also determined by the doctor, who proceeds from the general condition of the body and the characteristics of the tumor. Wen removal can be carried out:

  • open surgery under local or general anesthesia;
  • puncture-aspiration method, in which destructive substances are introduced to soften and suction the tumor;
  • laser correction, with layer-by-layer and scarless removal;
  • radio wave radiation, by heating and separating tumor cells.

Non-surgical removal methods are less traumatic, but do not guarantee against relapse, since they may leave behind tumor remnants, which will resume their growth over time.

Photos of wen on the body

The appearance of a noticeable subcutaneous lump often frightens people because it is associated with a malignant process. But a soft, mobile formation that does not cause pain is most likely a lipoma, which is formed due to the pathological accumulation of subcutaneous fat. Despite their belonging to tumors, lipomas are predominantly benign. But aesthetic flaws and other inconveniences often accompany large wen, causing the need to remove them.

What is lipoma

Doctors call lipoma, or wen, an abnormal accumulation of subcutaneous fat in the form of a tumor. The fat mass is enclosed inside a capsule - a shell of connective tissue. It is a harmless neoplasm, soft and mobile to the touch, not causing pain. Fatty deposits are found mainly under the skin, but sometimes they can form in the thickness of tissues or near internal organs. The size of most lipomas does not exceed a few centimeters. The lesions can affect any area of ​​the body, but are most often located in the upper torso, neck and head, and thighs. In 9 cases out of 10, the compaction develops in a single instance.

Lipoma is a tumor of adipose tissue enclosed in a capsule

Types of wen

Features of structure and localization determine the specific type of a particular fatty tumor, for example:

  • subcutaneous - develop in the superficial layers of soft tissues;
  • myolipomas - grow into muscle tissue;
  • perineural - affect nerve fibers;
  • diffuse - tumors that lack a membrane;
  • adenolipomas - in addition to adipose tissue, they contain glandular tissue;
  • angiolipomas - originate from vascular and fat cells;
  • fibrous - formations with an admixture of connective tissue, dense in structure.

The growth of wen that lacks a capsule can occur with complications and cover a large area of ​​the body.


The main cause of lipomas is unknown. There are various theories of the occurrence of these neoplasms, but none of them fully explains this process. Risk factors include:

  • family predisposition;
  • obesity (fat metabolism disorder);
  • hormonal or immune imbalances;
  • chronic compression of certain areas of the body;
  • low physical activity;
  • protein deficiency in the diet and vitamin deficiency;
  • the effect of ionizing radiation;
  • mature age (after forty);
  • injuries;
  • smoking;
  • diabetes.

Lipomatosis - the formation of multiple lipomas, more common in men

Lipomas more often attack older people, regardless of gender. This type of tumor is the leader in prevalence among benign soft tissue neoplasms.

About 2% of people face the problem of wen formation.

Although the cause of lipoma is unknown, the risk of developing this type of skin growth is increased if there is a familial tendency (familial multiple lipomatosis). But the predisposition to the formation of fatty tumors is not necessarily hereditary. Laboratory genetic studies in rodents have demonstrated a link between an obesity-promoting gene and the development of lipoma.

It is assumed that the development of tumors can sometimes be caused by the consequences of injuries, even minor ones. But this theory has not found definitive medical confirmation.

Certain conditions may also increase the risk of developing a fatty tumor. These include:

  • adiposalgia, or morbid obesity (a rare endocrine disorder characterized by multiple painful lipomas);
  • Cowden syndrome (a genetic abnormality characterized by the appearance of nodular tumor-like formations);
  • Gardner's syndrome (multiple formation of polyps and other types of tumors of hereditary nature);
  • Madelung's disease (spread lipomatosis of the neck).

Lipomatosis, or the simultaneous development of several fatty tissues, is more common in men. Large tumors can cause pain, make it difficult to wear clothes, and also cause physical and psychological discomfort.

Symptoms and signs

The formation of lipomas occurs asymptomatically until they reach noticeable volumes. Having accidentally discovered a painless lump, a person does not see the need to seek medical help, since a small tumor does not affect the quality of life in any way. The color of the skin at the site of formation does not change.

Lipomas look like lumps under the skin of varying sizes: from small to giant.

There are many types of skin tumors, but a lipoma exhibits distinct characteristics, including:

  • softness and elasticity;
  • free “rolling” under the skin when pressed;
  • no pain on palpation;
  • pallor of the skin over the tumor;
  • slow growth.

The common size of a lipoma does not exceed three centimeters. In exceptional cases, a fatty tumor can rapidly increase and in a short time reach gigantic volumes and weights of up to five kilograms.

The size of most lipomas does not exceed 5 cm

Lipoma is very rarely painful only if the formation grows into the nerves under the skin, causing compression (squeezing) of the nerve endings.

The rapidly progressing growth of lipoma is marked by the following manifestations:

  • pulling and bursting sensations at the location of the wen;
  • swelling of the tissue around the tumor due to impaired outflow of blood and lymph;
  • insufficient blood supply to surrounding tissues.

Giant lipomas can weigh several kilograms

What threatens the wen

As a rule, lipoma does not cause complications. Occasionally, wen affects deep tissues or organs. If the growth causes pain or affects muscle function, it may need to be removed. Multiple large growths can interfere with normal blood circulation, compress and deform tissues.

Lipomas are not usually associated with malignancy.

If you find a suspicious tumor or lump on the body, it is recommended to visit a doctor to determine the origin of the tumor, whether it is definitely a lipoma or another type of tumor that requires further research. Painful tumors that rapidly increase in volume require special attention. Such a malignant, although extremely rare, formation may be liposarcoma. If your doctor suspects this condition, a series of tests will be necessary.


Diagnosis based on a physical examination is carried out by a dermatologist or surgeon. The specialist determines the type of tumor visually and by palpation. A soft, elastic, yet painless formation under the skin that easily rolls when touched indicates that it is a wen.

Sometimes a biopsy is necessary. During this procedure, a piece of wen tissue is removed using a special needle, then the sample is sent to the laboratory for histological examination, which will reveal the presence or absence of cancer cells. Although a lipoma is not a malignant tumor, it may look similar in appearance to liposarcoma, which is a cancerous neoplasm. Unlike lipomas, liposarcomas are painful and grow rapidly.

Biopsy - taking a sample of tumor tissue using a special needle

Further examination is only required if a biopsy shows that the suspected lipoma is actually a liposarcoma, or if the diagnosis is difficult when the tumor is deep. The patient may be prescribed tests such as:

  • CT scan;
  • radiography;

A type of tumor similar to lipoma is atheroma, the so-called epidermal cyst, or sebaceous gland cyst. The sebaceous gland is an organ that is designed to secrete external secretion - sebum. The excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands open into the hair follicles in those places where hair grows, which is almost the entire surface of the body, with the exception of the palms and feet. If for some reason sebum becomes dense or its outflow is disrupted, fat masses accumulate inside the capsule, forming an elastic tumor-like formation under the skin - atheroma.

Atheroma, unlike lipoma:

  • may become inflamed, painful and fester;
  • has an elastic texture;
  • grows much faster.

Atheroma is formed due to blockage of the sebaceous gland

Treatment methods

Treatment for a lipoma is usually not required unless the tumor becomes painful or restricts movement. Since small, solitary lipomas are harmless, observation is indicated in most cases. The doctor recommends that the patient monitor the condition of the tumor between visits. Removal may be necessary for cosmetic reasons if the wen is painful, enlarged, or for histopathology purposes to ensure it is not a more dangerous type of tumor such as liposarcoma. The latter is important because the characteristics of the tumor are unknown until it is removed and studied medically.

  • lipoma size;
  • number of skin tumors (single or multiple);
  • presence of skin cancer in your personal medical history;
  • presence of skin cancer in the family;
  • soreness in the wen area.

The generally accepted method of treatment is surgical removal of the tumor. Indications for its implementation are:

  • rapid growth of tumors;
  • significant cosmetic defect;
  • physical discomfort caused by the tumor;
  • pain;
  • pedunculated wen;
  • permanent injury to the tumor;
  • compression of surrounding tissues by the tumor.

A balanced approach, taking into account the patient’s general health, his age and financial capabilities, as well as the equipment of the chosen medical institution, allows you to decide on the method of removing a lipoma.


The most common treatment for lipoma is removal through surgery. This is especially true when the tumor is voluminous and continues to grow. There are different types of surgery. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and takes less than half an hour. In almost all cases, the patient returns home the same day. During the postoperative period, the patient may be prescribed antibiotics and painkillers.

Complications caused by surgery to remove fatty tissue are rare but may include:

  • opening of bleeding - eliminated by cauterization of damaged vessels;
  • accumulation of fluid in the tissues surrounding the operated area - is treated using a drainage tube and a compression bandage.

Surgical removal of a wen occurs as follows:

Infection of a postoperative wound due to non-compliance with aseptic norms and rules is an exception. This complication is supported by a sharp increase in body temperature to 39–40 degrees, which requires immediate medical measures.

Classic scalpel removal method

Small tumors are excised on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia:

  1. An anesthetic injection is given directly into the area where the lipoma is located.
  2. A small linear incision is then made with a scalpel.
  3. The wen capsule is removed from under the skin.
  4. The cavity is being cleaned.
  5. Sutures are applied by matching the edges of the wound, which gives a good cosmetic effect (although small scars will be noticeable later).

Classic lipoma removal with a scalpel leaves scars, the size of which depends on the volume of the lipomas.

The vast majority of lipomas are cured using the classic removal method. Only a small percentage of cases (about 1–2%) recur after removal. If this happens, then the solution is repeated surgery. Medical observation in the postoperative period lasts about 14 days, during which the sutures (if they are not self-absorbing) will be removed.

Liposuction (puncture-aspiration method)

Liposuction is one of the surgical treatment options that works well if the contents of the tumor are predominantly soft in consistency. The manipulation is performed through a small puncture in the skin. The doctor uses a needle and syringe to draw out the fatty tissue. After the operation, there are practically no noticeable marks left on the skin.

The contents of the lipoma are sucked out using a special syringe

The disadvantage of liposuction is that large fatty tumors are difficult to remove entirely using this method, so there remains a risk of tumor regrowth.

Laser removal

The laser method is used for small-sized wen localized on the face or scalp. It is considered one of the safest for use in children. The procedure is performed on special equipment using a carbon dioxide laser device, which allows you to remove the formation along with the capsule, and lasts up to 20 minutes.

The method is safe in terms of the absence of bleeding and postoperative scars, and has a short recovery period. With laser removal, a good cosmetic effect is achieved, and complete recovery occurs within 1–2 weeks. To get rid of a wen, only one procedure is required, and no relapses have been recorded.

Laser lipoma removal is a painless method, safest for use in children

Endoscopic removal

Minimally invasive surgery occurs through a puncture into which an endoscope is inserted - a medical instrument in the form of a long tube with a camera that transmits an image to a monitor. A few more punctures are necessary to insert surgical instruments, with the help of which the lipoma is carefully separated from the surrounding tissue and then removed. Removal of a large tumor is performed in fragments.

Emptying the lipoma capsule can occur using a vacuum suction inserted into the lipoma. The device aspirates the contents, after which the capsule itself is removed. Small scars from punctures will be noticeable for some time, after which they will lighten and cease to be noticeable. The patient recovers completely within a few days.

Radio wave removal

With the radio wave method, the incision is also made with a scalpel, and the radio wave treats deeper tissues and seals the vessels to prevent bleeding. After the procedure, a cosmetic suture is applied. The patient’s recovery occurs in a short time (up to 5 days), and there are no relapses of the disease.


The technique, which is more common in cosmetology clinics, eliminates the appearance of unaesthetic scars and scars. It involves burning out the wen using an electric current. The wound heals in about a week. As a side effect, increased pigmentation in the area of ​​intervention may temporarily appear.

Video: is it necessary to remove a lipoma?

Steroid injections

Drug treatment methods are designed to facilitate the removal of lipomas and eliminate the need for postoperative sutures, avoiding scarring. Dissolving the wen by injecting lipolytics - substances that break down fats - is one of these methods. Medicines for these purposes include steroids (Diprospan) or substances that convert refractory fat into an emulsion (Phosphatidylcholine).

Diprospan is a glucocorticosteroid drug that is used to dissolve lipomas

Medicinal dissolution of the wen is effective for small size lumps (up to 3 cm). Steroid injections are given directly to the affected area. The use of anesthesia is not required, but when treating particularly sensitive areas, the medicine is mixed with one of the local anesthetics (Lidocaine, Procaine). The medicinal substance gradually breaks down the adipose tissue, and the tumor disappears. Several injections are often required for final removal.

The disadvantage of this method is the preservation of the tumor membrane, which may result in a relapse in the future.

Is it possible to get rid of a wen on your own?

Attempts to remove the tumor on your own will not lead to effective results and are often unsafe. Various compresses and lotions can soften only the surface layer of the skin, but not the wen capsule. During independent manipulations, pathogenic microorganisms can get inside the formation, which is fraught with the development of infection and suppuration. This treatment may result in an unsightly scar on the skin.

Puncture and self-squeezing will also not help. Using this method, it is impossible to remove the lipoma shell or completely squeeze out its contents, because the formation is located quite deep. Such self-medication is fraught with infectious inflammation of the wen. Trauma can trigger tumor progression. It is recommended to see a doctor for lipoma treatment.

Video: how to get rid of lipoma

Prognosis and prevention

Unfortunately, there are no medications or methods to prevent lipomas from occurring and growing. But wen are harmless neoplasms. They do not spread through blood or lymph and do not threaten human health or life. It should be noted that even multiple superficial lipomas do not pose a serious danger.

Lipomas of internal organs are often associated with a risk of complications. Thus, the development of a fatty tumor in the digestive tract can lead to bleeding, ulceration, pain and partial obstruction. Such formations are called malignant based on their location, while histologically they are benign.

Deep lipomas are more prone to recurrence than subcutaneous lipomas, since their final surgical excision is often difficult.

Fortunately, subcutaneous fatty tumors in 99% of cases are purely an aesthetic problem and are not a health threat. If lipomas cause discomfort or reduce the quality of life, then getting rid of them is not difficult after a preliminary discussion of removal tactics with your doctor. If the tumor grows, do not hesitate to visit a medical facility. It is much easier and without the risk of serious complications to treat small wen, without leaving visible marks on the skin.

Lipomas are benign neoplasms consisting of fatty tissue. Wen under the skin tends to grow and can cause serious discomfort to a person. It should also be taken into account that a lump formed under the skin leads to the formation of an external defect, especially if it is localized on the face or other visible parts of the body.

Why do lipomas form?

It is not possible to establish the exact causes of the appearance of subcutaneous formations. Doctors noted that most often the disease is observed in those people whose parents experienced a similar phenomenon.

The appearance and growth of a benign tumor can be provoked by:

  • disruption of the immune system caused by autoimmune diseases;
  • pathologies of pituitary gland functioning;
  • diabetes;
  • poor nutrition and consumption of large amounts of food high in fat;
  • disruption of metabolic processes in the body;
  • chronic inflammatory or infectious diseases;
  • obesity;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • bad habits (alcohol and smoking).

The presented factors negatively affect the functioning of the immune system, which in turn triggers pathological processes in the body, including the formation of lipomas.

Formations most often appear:

  • on the foot;
  • under the scalp;
  • on the cheek (on the face);
  • under the skin on the back;
  • on the buttock under the skin.

Wen on the arm under the skin or in other areas grows gradually and, if you start treatment while it is still small, you can do without surgery.

In children

The appearance of fatty tissue in childhood is usually the cause of metabolic disorders. If neoplasms occur under the skin of a child, parents should immediately visit a specialist.

Also, the appearance of wen on a child’s body indicates that the immune system has failed, which means that it is necessary to reconsider the child’s lifestyle and make some changes to the daily routine so that the unpleasant symptom does not progress.

Why are they dangerous?

Usually, small lumps do not pose any danger, but despite the fact that these are benign formations, under the influence of certain factors, the ball under the skin can degenerate into a cancerous tumor.

As the size of the wen increases, it will involve more and more new tissues in the pathological process. As soon as the pathology drowns the vessels and nerve endings, an inflammatory process and severe discomfort may develop.

A tumor on the neck or abdomen may be subject to constant trauma, which can trigger the development of pathological processes in the tumor.

How to get rid of them

In most cases, the only effective way to treat a lipoma is to remove it. Various methods are used for removal, which differ in effectiveness and complexity of implementation.


In budget clinics, fat removal is performed in the traditional way, by excision of the tumor and capsule with a scalpel. The method is painful, has some postoperative complications and leads to the formation of scar tissue.

Laser removal

Laser removal allows you to quickly and effectively get rid of the problem. Small tumors are removed without the use of anesthetics; when removing large tumors, local anesthesia is used.

During the procedure, the capsule is removed along with its contents, which reduces the likelihood of recurrence of formations. The likelihood of damage to nearby healthy tissue is minimal. The procedure is bloodless and has no postoperative complications. The recovery period takes 1 week.


The procedure involves burning out the tumor with an electric current. The procedure takes a little time. It can be carried out both within the walls of a hospital and in cosmetology institutions.

The recovery period is 10 days.


Endoscopy involves excision of wen tissue through a small incision using an endoscope. In fact, this is the same as excision with a scalpel, only after the operation a small scar remains.

The recovery period is up to 2 weeks. Postoperative complications such as wound infection may occur.

Radio wave therapy

The procedure involves heating lipoma tissue with radio waves, as a result of which it is separated from healthy tissue and removed along with the capsule. The likelihood of recurrence after removal is minimal.

The recovery period is 1-2 weeks, depending on the volume of the tumor removed.

Medical removal

To remove a subcutaneous lipoma, injectable drugs are used that are injected into the cavity of the wen. The product leads to the breakdown of adipose tissue. After removal there is no scar left, but the process itself can take up to 4 months. If the formation is very large. it may not resolve completely.

Note! Since only the contents of the capsule are absorbed, a tumor may appear again in this place.

How to get rid of it at home

Small growths deep under the skin that do not cause discomfort can be removed at home.

Treatment with folk remedies involves the use of the following remedies:

  1. Vishnevsky ointment. The medication has a resolving effect. To get rid of tumors, you need to apply a compress with ointment at night. The procedure should be carried out until the lump completely resolves.
  2. Ichthyol ointment. The formation should be lubricated with ointment twice a day until it completely disappears. The drug should be applied exclusively to the tumor, without affecting the skin around it. After applying the drug, the treated area should be covered with a bandage.
  3. Balm Star. The product must be lubricated daily until the lump opens. After the lipoma breaks through, it is necessary to squeeze out all the contents from it and apply a compress with Vishnevsky ointment overnight.
  4. Celandine. You need to make an infusion from celandine by pouring vodka over the dried plant for several days. Compresses should be made with the resulting product at night until the formation breaks through.
  5. Hellebore root. An alcohol tincture is prepared from the root of the plant, which is used to treat the problem area until the lipoma is completely absorbed.
  6. Garlic. To prepare the medicine, you need to grind lard and garlic in a ratio of 2/1, then melt the resulting mass and, after cooling, apply it to the tumors. A cabbage leaf should be placed on top of the medicinal mixture. The compress should be left overnight. You can get rid of the tumor in 5-10 sessions.
  7. Aloe. The pulp of an aloe leaf should be applied to the formation. The compress should be changed every 12 hours. The duration of therapy depends on the size of the formation, on average 21 days. The procedure results in the formation breaking through, all the contents coming out of it, and the wound opening being closed.

Folk remedies are effective, but it will take a long time to obtain the desired effect. Also, negative reactions, such as allergies, may appear from treatment.

Why does the wen burst and what to do?

Some wen can burst, leading to serious complications. This happens due to the rapid growth of education or under the influence of external influences. For this reason, people who have fatty tissues are prohibited from having massage, as this can lead to rupture of the subcutaneous capsule and the spread of pathological tumor cells under the skin.

Formations that break above the skin are a good place for infection to enter and without the necessary treatment, this can lead to blood poisoning and death.

If the wen bursts under the skin or the contents of the wen come out, it is necessary to disinfect the wound opening, apply a sterile bandage and immediately visit a specialist.

Important! Self-medication in case of lipoma breakthrough is strictly prohibited.

A hard wen, with the necessary treatment, does not cause a person any negative sensations. Some formations are not removed because they do not pose a danger; all that is necessary is to constantly monitor the condition of the tumor.

When a person discovers painless and mobile lumps under the skin, he is always worried because he does not know the reason for the appearance of such tumors and fears their malignancy. In 94% of cases, single neoplasms occur, and in 98% of patients they are localized directly under the skin, but sometimes such compactions can be multiple and grow deep into the subcutaneous fat and muscles. A person can find such tumors on any part of the body: head, limbs, back, neck, face, etc. We hasten to reassure readers: such tumors are not dangerous, do not belong to cancer and, contrary to the opinion prevailing among people not involved in medicine , in the vast majority of cases do not degenerate into malignant ones.

These neoplasms are called wen (or lipoma), they are benign and represent accumulations (growths) of adipose tissue. In some cases, such seals can cause their owner a lot of discomfort and inconvenience. According to statistics, lipomas are more often observed in women 30-50 years old, but can also be detected in men.

As the wen grows, it begins to increase in size, compresses the surrounding tissue, protrudes above the skin and, depending on the location, can cause discomfort while wearing clothes or moving. When located on visible areas of the body, lipomas visible under the skin cause a feeling of awkwardness and the development of complexes. Sometimes there are more fatty tissues, and their growth can cause circulatory problems and limit the mobility of the limbs.

In this article we will introduce you to the causes of the appearance of wen, symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment of these benign tumors. This knowledge will be useful to you and, together with your doctor, you will be able to find a way to get rid of these uncomfortable and unpleasant growths.

Types of wen

Depending on the structure and location, wen are classified into the following types:

  • subcutaneous – located under the skin;
  • myolipomas – located deep in the muscles;
  • perineural lipomas – located near the nerve trunks;
  • adenolipomas – the tumor contains glandular cells in addition to adipose tissue;
  • tree-like lipomas - located on the joints;
  • encapsulated lipomas - develop when adipose tissue grows in organs;
  • ring-shaped lipomas of the neck - located on the neck;
  • painful lipomas - characterized by the formation of multiple seals that cause pain;
  • pedunculated lipomas – the lump is located on a peculiar pedicle;
  • angiolipomas – located near the vessels and enveloping their bundles;
  • soft lipomas – tumors with a soft consistency;
  • diffuse lipomas - tumors that do not have a connective tissue membrane (capsule);
  • fibrous lipomas are a tumor that is dense to the touch, which may be accompanied by the proliferation of connective tissue;
  • ossified lipomas - tumors within which bone tissue develops;
  • Petrified lipomas are tumors in the tissues of which calcium salts are deposited.

So far, the true reasons for the appearance of wen have not been established. Presumably predisposing factors to the development of lipomas are:

  • heredity;
  • disorders of fat metabolism;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • sudden changes in weight;
  • injuries;
  • constant compression of certain areas of the body;
  • poor nutrition (low protein and vitamin content);
  • smoking;
  • ionizing radiation;
  • weakened immune system;
  • age over 40 years.

Most often, heredity plays a dominant role in the appearance of wen. Scientists have also found that the combination of several of the above factors significantly increases the likelihood of the development and rapid progression of lipomas.

In most cases, lipomas form under the skin and do not manifest themselves in the initial stages. A person may accidentally discover such a painless lump, but is in no hurry to see a doctor, because it does not cause him any unpleasant sensations or discomfort.

The skin over the tumor site does not change its appearance. The wen itself is characterized by the following signs:

  • limited neoplasm in the form of a node limited by a capsule;
  • soft dough-like consistency (with a deeper location the tumor is denser and harder);
  • the seal does not adhere to the skin and surrounding tissues;
  • does not cause pain when pressed;
  • When rubbing against clothing, abrasions and suppuration may appear on the skin.

A characteristic sign of a wen may be the following: when losing weight, the size of the tumor does not change in any way and does not increase.

The size of the tumor can vary: from a pea to 1.5 cm in diameter. More often, wen are localized on the neck, upper limbs, face, back, chest, shoulder girdle, and less often on the legs, abdomen, and genitals.

Watch the video about wen:

It is when the first signs of lipoma appear that you should consult a doctor. In later stages, the tumor begins to make itself felt with discomfort and unpleasant sensations, and in advanced stages it begins to cause the development of complications.

When they grow, wen can significantly increase in size (up to 5-10 cm or more) and cause tissue compression and deformation (for example, breasts). The growth of a lipoma can irritate the nerve endings, and the tumor becomes painful.

Most often, lipomas are single and surrounded by a capsule of connective tissue. With multiple wen, the nodes are often limited to a certain area. Diffuse proliferation of lipomas is characterized by a less favorable course and covers large areas of the body.

With a large size of tumors and uncontrolled growth of wen, the patient develops the following symptoms:

  • a feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the lipoma area;
  • sagging wen;
  • swelling and blood stagnation in the tumor area;
  • disruption of nutrition of surrounding tissues.

In advanced stages, such consequences of large lipomas lead to foci of necrosis. Secondary infection leads to the development of suppuration and can cause sepsis.

Many patients are concerned about the possibility of the wen degenerating into a cancerous tumor. The risk of such transformation of a lipoma into liposarcoma is extremely low, but it increases when the wen grows into muscle or connective tissue.


If a tumor that resembles a lipoma is detected, the patient must consult a surgeon. The doctor will examine the tumor and, if necessary, perform a biopsy. The biopsy tissue is sent for histological examination.

In difficult to diagnose cases, when lipomas are located in internal organs, cavities, muscles or joints, the patient is prescribed the following types of instrumental studies:

  • radiography;


There are various techniques for removing lipomas.

How can you get rid of a wen? Trying to remove them using traditional methods is not recommended by all doctors, since such attempts are useless and in many cases dangerous. When using folk recipes (lotions, compresses, etc.), only the top layer of skin is softened, the lipoma capsule is not removed, and infection can occur, leading to tissue inflammation. As a result of such treatment, a scar may form on the skin.

It is strictly forbidden to try to pierce or squeeze out a lipoma yourself. Thus, you will not be able to independently remove the tumor capsule and squeeze out its contents, which are located deep enough. With such self-medication, the tumor and surrounding tissues often become infected, inflamed and suppurate, and in the future the lipoma can begin to grow rapidly.

Traditional medicine offers two main methods for getting rid of wen:

  1. The introduction of a drug into the wen that promotes its breakdown.
  2. Surgical removal of lipoma.

Indications for removal of a wen may include the following cases:

  • pedunculated lipomas;
  • physical discomfort;
  • aesthetic defect;
  • permanent injury to the tumor;
  • large tumor size;
  • tumor pain;
  • compression of internal organs.

Medical removal of wen

Drug Diprospan

Removal of a lipoma using a drug is carried out when the tumor size is small, which does not exceed 2-3 cm. A thin needle is inserted into the wen and the drug Diprospan is injected. As a rule, this manipulation is performed without local anesthesia, but in some cases the drug is administered together with a solution of local anesthetic (Lidocaine or Procaine).

Diprospan causes the breakdown of adipose tissue, and the lipoma gradually decreases. Several such injections may be needed to remove the tumor. A single dose of Diprospan is determined by the size of the lipoma and is 0.2 ml/cm 2 . No more than 1 ml of this drug can be administered over the course of a week.

The administration of Diprospan is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • infectious skin lesions;
  • infectious diseases;
  • joint instability;
  • nephritis;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the liver;
  • vaccination period;
  • psychosis;
  • uveitis;
  • diverculitis.

In most cases, the drug is well tolerated by patients.

Long-term use may cause the following side effects:

  • anxiety;
  • sleep disorders;
  • depression;
  • digestive disorders;
  • weight gain;
  • swelling;
  • progression of diabetes mellitus;
  • inhibition of growth and development of children.

Surgical removal of wen

If it is impossible to remove the lipoma using Diprospan, the patient is recommended to have the lipoma surgically removed using surgery. For small tumors, it can be performed on an outpatient basis using local anesthesia. Large lumps are removed in a hospital setting after general anesthesia.

The following types of surgical operations can be performed to remove lipomas:

  1. Classic surgery with skin incisions. The surgeon cuts the skin and squeezes out the lipoma capsule. Cleans and scrapes the wound. Places stitches. After such an operation, the patient must be observed by a doctor for two weeks. After lipoma removal, scars remain on the skin.
  2. Puncture-aspiration removal. The technique is similar with the classic one, but is performed through a small incision in the skin. Removal of tumor tissue is performed using a needle and aspiration of lipoma tissue. The patient must be observed by a doctor for two weeks. After surgery, there are no noticeable marks left on the skin, but during aspiration, not all fat cells may be removed, and the tumor may recur.
  3. Laser removal. This painless method of lipoma removal is performed using special equipment. It is effective and bloodless. After the operation, the patient recovers quickly within 1-2 weeks, there are no scars left on his skin, and the reappearance of the wen is guaranteed to be excluded.
  4. Electrocoagulation. This technique is more often used in cosmetology clinics. The wen is burned off using electric current. After the operation, the wound heals within 10 days, and no scars remain on the patient’s body. Sometimes hyperpigmentation appears, which goes away on its own over time.
  5. Endoscopic removal. To perform the operation special tools (special tubes) and equipment are used. A puncture is made at a distance from the tumor, through which an endoscope is inserted into the tumor. The fatty tissue is separated from the tissues surrounding it and removed. If the tumor is large, fragmentary removal is performed. Using special equipment, the removal of the wen can be done by suctioning it out. To do this, the skin is punctured and a vacuum suction is introduced into the wen. Using this device, adipose tissue is sucked out and then the tumor capsule is removed. Minor marks from small punctures remain on the patient’s body, which completely disappear over time. The patient's recovery occurs over several days.
  6. Removal by radio wave. To get rid of a lipoma, a special radio knife is used, which affects the tumor with intense radio wave radiation and ensures complete removal of all tumor tissue (capsule and fat). This technique is bloodless, painless and eliminates the need for stitches. The patient recovers as quickly as possible (4-5 days), and no traces remain on his body. After radio wave removal, lipoma relapses do not occur.

The choice of one or another technique for removing a wen depends on the indications and contraindications for its use, the technical equipment of the medical institution and the financial capabilities of the patient. After the operation, the patient is prescribed antibiotics and symptomatic medications.

Complications after lipoma removal operations are rare. During and after some surgical interventions, bleeding and fluid accumulation may develop in the cavities formed after the operation. In case of bleeding, the bleeding vessel is cauterized, and to prevent the accumulation of fluid, a thin drainage tube is installed in the cavity and a pressure bandage is applied.

In pursuit of a toned body, women, and often men, subject to detailed analysis every extra centimeter on the waist, abdomen and hips, that is, places from which it is more difficult to remove excess subcutaneous fat. Folds on the stomach are a solvable problem. But the same adipose tissue can play a cruel joke on the body - accumulate locally in the subcutaneous tissue. The skin in this place will bulge unsightly, and a dense and easily movable “ball” will be felt inside, medically called a lipoma or wen. Due to the small, but still risk of transition to oncology, it is important to know the causes of wen on the body and how to get rid of them.

What do wen look like on the body?

Wen on the body are small, benign formations located in the fat layer. They are clearly visible on the surface of the skin in the form of bulges of various shapes or, conversely, they cannot be distinguished externally due to the location of internal organs in the fatty layer.

It’s easier to understand what a wen is if we consider its main types:

  • Milium is a superficial steatoma (also called white pimple, millet). Usually there are many milia in a certain area of ​​the body. They are like grains spilled under the skin - small rounded protrusions of a whitish color. Often occurs under the skin on the face.
  • Xanthelasma is a dirty white or yellowish growth on the surface of the skin with uneven rounded edges. The lesion is a localized accumulation of fat in the papillary dermis, located just below the epidermis (also known as xanthoma plana of the eyelid). Most often it is localized on the upper eyelid, but can also form on other parts of the body.
  • Lipofibroma is a dense protrusion on the surface of the body, consisting of adipose tissue and having multiple layers. Occurs in the back, neck, abdomen and mammary glands.
  • Myelolipoma is a formation consisting of a mixture of mature adipose and hematopoietic tissue (elements of red bone marrow). It can form in fatty tissue in the retroperitoneum and adrenal glands.
  • Myolipoma - in addition to adipose tissue, includes muscle fibers.
  • Angiolipoma is formed from cells of the vascular wall and adipose tissue. Main locations: spinal column area, liver and kidney area.
  • Steatoma is a formation containing fatty, follicular and keratinous (skin) components. Also known as a sebaceous cyst. The main locations are the scalp (face, scalp, ears), back and scrotum.

Causes of lipomas and risk factors

Metabolic disorders provoke a malfunction of all other organs and systems.

In particular, it disables the normal production and breakdown of lipids, which is why fatty deposits appear on the body.

However, this is not the only reason why lipomas grow throughout the body. Let's look at the main causes of wen.


Genetics plays a primary role in the development of the disease. In the family of a patient diagnosed with lipomatosis, there will definitely be relatives suffering from the same disease. There is a high probability of not just inheriting the disease, but also its characteristics.

For example, regardless of gender, lipomas may appear in adulthood in the same locations in which they were present on the parent’s body. In addition, there is an almost one hundred percent guarantee that a wen will appear in both one twin and the other.

Lipid metabolism failure

The clearly coordinated process of production and subsequent breakdown of fats is controlled by sex hormones, insulin, thyroxine and adrenaline. If the system fails, the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood rises sharply.

Failure of fat metabolism “hits”:

  • vessels - increases the risk of developing atherosclerosis (in some patients, genetic pathology becomes the dominant factor in lipid metabolism disorders);
  • liver and thyroid gland - contributes to the development of their pathologies (fatty hepatosis, hypothyroidism);
  • skin - provokes the development of a wen (xanthoma) or many of them.

The causes of lipid metabolism disorders are often easy to find in the lifestyle of the person himself. Most often this is a lack of movement, and for many - total physical inactivity; the banal habit of overeating, abusing fatty foods and simple carbohydrates.

Incorrect functioning of the glands

Violation of the mechanism of autoregulation of fatty tissue is not the rarest cause. Fat cell mediators control the process of formation of useful fat fiber in the body. With significant excess weight (various stages of obesity), this control is enhanced - due to an increase in the number of fat cells, the ranks of “gendarmes” grow. The body does everything possible to reduce fat tissue: it slows down the process of processing glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides. An example of the flawless operation of this mechanism is seen in people who are described as “eating and not getting fat.” The same mechanism explains where excess weight comes from.

If autoregulation is impaired throughout the body, when a provoking factor occurs (for example, severe stress experienced), neurogenic obesity may develop. If the mechanism works intermittently, wen forms in certain areas under the skin.

The secretion produced in the sebaceous glands is a multicomponent fatty substance necessary to maintain the protective functions of the skin. If the outflow of secretions is disrupted, a benign formation (steatoma) begins to form in the sebaceous gland - a lump under the skin that moves when palpated. Sometimes it is called wen.

Characteristic symptoms

A lump on the body can be small, no larger than a grain, or it can be a large tumor that grows in the subcutaneous tissue and, as it develops, compresses the nervous and vascular networks.

The first external signs of lipoma formation can be noticed when it has grown and rises in the form of a small mound above the surface of the skin. As a rule, the formation has a lobular structure, which is easily noted upon palpation of the formation. In most cases, there is no pain when pressing.

However, if inflammation of the wen occurs, this should definitely be the reason for an unscheduled visit to the doctor. Especially if the problem area turns red, the skin covering it becomes hot, and the lipoma itself quickly increases in size. Such symptoms occur if an infection has entered the capsule.

Do wen pose a danger to adults and children and do they need to be removed?

Wen is a benign formation, therefore it does not pose a serious threat to the health or life of its owner and is more of a concern as a cosmetic defect.

Your doctor will definitely recommend eliminating it, be it small lipomas on the face, such as milia, or larger ones on the skin of the body, the size of a walnut. The specialist is guided not only by aesthetic considerations, but also by the goal of eliminating the risk of the wen degenerating into a malignant formation.

The percentage of cases where a wen transformed into liposarcoma over time is small, but this possibility cannot be completely excluded. For the same reason, it is not recommended to remove the wen yourself, especially if the fatty formation on the body is large. In place of the incorrectly removed wen, a new, even larger one will grow. And if an infection enters the wound, suppuration will develop and the risk of an abscess will increase.

Particular attention should be paid to the wen during pregnancy. Due to hormonal changes in a woman’s body and other related factors, lipomas appear quite often. In most cases, they do not pose a threat to either the pregnant woman or her fetus. If the wen is small in size and is not accompanied by negative symptoms (pain, signs of inflammation), it will be recommended to remove it after childbirth.

Urgent surgery will be needed only in complicated cases, when the development of a lipoma threatens the normal functioning of a woman’s internal organs and can affect the course of pregnancy.

How to get rid of wen on the body

Treatment of lipomatosis is always prescribed on an individual basis and depending on the type of wen and the risk of complications. A dermatologist and a surgeon, and in some cases a cosmetologist, take part in drawing up a treatment program. If the wen is one and small in size, drug therapy may be recommended.

What to do if the wen is large or there are several of them on the body? In this case, surgical removal of the formations is indicated.

How to treat lipoma on the body with pharmaceutical drugs

If the wen was discovered at an early stage of development and did not have time to fully form, the use of one of the medications is indicated. The medicine is injected into the problem area, after which the wen resolves. The drug Dimexide (in the form of a solution) is effective for treating wen.

Vishnevsky’s ointment for wen has also proven its effectiveness. Thanks to the castor oil and birch tar included in its composition, the skin area is quickly restored. After removing the contents of the wen, the inflammatory process stops and healing begins.

In the treatment of wen, Vishnevsky ointment is used for compresses. For the same purposes, the attending physician may recommend Ichthyol ointment, which has strong wound healing properties.

If the wound becomes infected, antibacterial drugs (Amoxiclav, Lincomycin) are prescribed individually.

Hardware removal of lipoma

Good results can be achieved when removing the wen using laser and radio wave surgery. The risk of complications and re-formation of wen is almost zero. Laser and radioknife do an excellent job of removing both the formation capsule and the fatty contents. After the operation, there are no large, unsightly scars left on the body, and the wound heals very quickly.

It is possible to remove small fatty deposits in a cosmetology clinic using electrocoagulation. A small wen is burned with electric current. There is no scar left after the procedure.

A dark pigment spot may appear on the skin, which goes away on its own after a short period of time. Multiple lipomas on the body can be removed exclusively through surgery.

How to get rid of wen on the body through surgery

Large subcutaneous wen on the body can be removed correctly, in full and without the risk of complications only during a surgical operation, which is performed under local or general anesthesia.

Before performing it, the specialist will determine the cellular composition of the formation. During the preliminary examination, the structure and extent of damage to surrounding tissues is also clarified.

The operation is performed by a surgeon. The lipoma (all its contents and capsule) is removed from under the skin by excision. The tissues on the wound heal in layers. In case of surgery for large lipomas, drainages are used.

Sutures after surgery are removed no earlier than 7-10 days later. During the rehabilitation period, the patient will be given a special ointment, which will need to be used regularly to speed up regeneration processes and wound healing.

In complicated cases, an additional operation to remove scars is performed after a short period of time.

How to remove at home

It is possible to remove wen at home. In this case, under no circumstances should the formation be pierced. Even a small hole that you make yourself using improvised means (a needle, tweezers) carries the risk of infection and subsequent complications.

The main principle of self-treatment is treating the formation with means that will speed up the process of opening the lipoma. To do this, you need to apply compresses to the wen, which are changed at least twice a day. For example, baked onions and soap, taken in equal proportions.

You can try other folk recipes for treating wen:

  • thoroughly washed and cut lengthwise, an aloe leaf with pulp is applied to the problem area and fixed with a bandage, changed 2 times a day, repeat the procedure for three days in a row;
  • celandine juice (can be purchased ready-made at a pharmacy) is carefully applied to the wen using a pipette and covered with a band-aid, the procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day;
  • Rub tea tree oil into the problem area with light circular movements, repeat 3-4 times a day.

If the lipoma has opened, the wound does not heal, and the problem area begins to darken and is extremely painful on palpation, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Is it possible for lipoma to reappear and how to prevent it?

At the site of a healing wound after removal of a formation, the risks of a new one appearing are low. Exceptions are cases of self-removal of a lipoma with its infection and the development of complications.

In general, the prevention of wen includes three key aspects:

  • A healthy diet, balanced in terms of calories and frequency of meals.
  • Personal hygiene. You need to keep your skin clean, wear clothes made from natural fabrics and in a size that does not tighten or injure the skin.
  • If you have a genetic predisposition to lipomatosis and symptoms of the disease appear, it is important not to delay your visit to the doctor and examination. A pregnant woman should undergo an unscheduled examination for a wen.

Despite the fact that a lipoma on the body is more of a cosmetic problem, the development of this neoplasm should be monitored. If the formation is small, in most cases with correct treatment it goes away without a trace.

Large, rapidly growing wen on the body in all cases without exception requires qualified medical care. The sooner the patient begins the course of treatment selected by a specialist, the higher the chances of a successful outcome.