Pea soup with wings. How to make pea soup with smoked wings Soup recipe with smoked wings

Not everyone loves water soup, even if it is a dietary and extremely healthy dish. Such dishes are especially disrespected by men who are accustomed to judging dinner by the presence of meat in it. How to choose an option so that the tastes of all family members are taken into account? This can be done by cooking soup based on smoked meats. It turns out tender and endowed with a unique rich taste. We can safely say that such a first course is in no way inferior to one cooked on a whole chicken carcass. Moreover, there is even a significant advantage - the wings can also act as a decoration for the finished soup, and many people like to gnaw the bones while eating.

The best option

A good option would be pea soup with smoked wings. How long does it take to cook it? Since smoked or smoked wings are used as a base, it will take no more than 20 minutes. A huge advantage is that you can add any ingredients to the broth - potatoes, various vegetables, cereals, and so on.

It's especially good with smoked wings in the winter because it's hearty and warming. When the dish is prepared, you should serve it with sour cream or a small piece of butter (not spread!) - this will make the taste brighter and richer. Pea soup with smoked wings, the recipe for which is presented in this article, is very simple to prepare, and requires only simple, inexpensive ingredients. Moreover, this first dish is also very healthy, since peas contain a lot of nutrients. First of all, it contains a lot of calcium, which will have a positive effect on the condition of teeth, nails and bones, and will also ensure the removal of all harmful compounds from the body. As mentioned above, this type of legume when hot has a warming effect and can give a long-lasting feeling of fullness.

How to make pea soup with smoked wings?

For many housewives, the fact that peas have a lower cost compared to other cereals and even pasta will also be an advantage. In addition, it has a long shelf life and boils well. To make a pot of pea soup, you need very little.


  • 3 liters of water;
  • a glass of dry peas;
  • 3-4 medium potatoes;
  • 3-4 smoked chicken wings;
  • one onion;
  • one carrot;
  • a small bunch of any greens (for example, cilantro or parsley);
  • a few slices of loaf or white bread;
  • a little butter and/or vegetable oil;
  • any seasonings and salt.

Cooking process

In order to prepare pea soup with smoked wings quickly, and without having to worry about cooking time, it is advisable to purchase split peas. It should be washed very thoroughly, then filled with clean water and allowed to soak for 3-4 hours. After this time, the water must be drained, replaced with clean water and the pan placed on the stove.

In order for the broth to have an attractive color, the wings need to be added only after the potatoes are ready. All this will take approximately 10-15 minutes. At this time, you need to prepare the frying for your first course, which is added at the same time as the wings.

Onions and carrots are chopped into small cubes and fried in a small amount of butter (butter or vegetable - this choice depends on how high-calorie the dish you want to prepare).

Nice addition

During the cooking process, you can also make an egg-lemon filling, which will make the taste of the dish richer. To prepare it, you will need two eggs and the juice of about half a lemon. Mix these ingredients well, beat lightly and slowly pour into the boiling soup. Any spices can be used (black and red pepper, wild garlic, etc.), as well as fresh herbs (cilantro, parsley, etc.).

Pea soup with smoked wings is especially good with croutons or croutons. To make them, take slices of loaf or white bread, cut into large cubes and dry in a frying pan or in the oven. After this, the dish is ready to be served.

Multicooker recipe

Is it possible to prepare pea soup with smoked ones? Of course, this is possible, and it does not require much effort. To do this you will need the following.


  • 350 grams of smoked wings;
  • one carrot;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • optional - any pasta;
  • any greens;
  • pepper and salt.

The cooking process is the same for multicookers of any model. Chicken wings first need to be fried a little on the appropriate setting, after which you need to add potatoes cut into strips or cubes and chopped carrots. All ingredients must be poured with water, after which everything is closed with a lid and cooked in the “soup” or “stew” mode for about an hour and a half.

How to serve

As soon as the dish is ready, fresh herbs are added to it. If you want to add pasta, you should add it to the soup about 15 minutes before the end of cooking. You can add any cereal in the same way. Regardless of what ingredients you prefer to cook with, the pea soup with smoked wings, the step-by-step recipe for which is presented above, turns out great. The wings can be placed whole on plates or the meat can be cut off and added to the dish. In addition, you can use a blender to puree the soup and serve it with croutons.

There are a lot of options for preparing pea soup, but the most popular are dishes prepared on the basis of meat broths using smoked meats. To prepare a light, not very fatty, but incredibly satisfying and aromatic soup, it is best to use chicken meat. Pea soup with smoked wings does not require any special financial expenses, so you can prepare it at any time. To add more tenderness to the finished dish, you can add a spoonful of fresh sour cream or a piece of butter to the serving plate. Spices and herbs can be added in any quantity, this will only make the taste of the soup richer.

Despite the fact that peas are a fairly common product, not many housewives know that peas are not only tasty, but also very healthy. Pea dishes help remove harmful substances from the body and have a beneficial effect on teeth and bones, as they contain a large amount of calcium. Due to the fact that peas are a fairly cheap and accessible product, you can pamper your loved ones with interesting and healthy treats on a regular basis, especially since there are a great many options for preparing them.

To make split pea soup with wings, it is best to use split peas. Since the wings, like other parts of the chicken, cook fairly quickly, using split peas will make the soup much faster than using whole grains.

Dried peas should be sorted well and washed in running water. You need to wash the peas until the water becomes completely clear. After this, you need to fill the peas with water and leave to swell for about 3-4 hours.

When starting to prepare the soup, drain the remaining water, add fresh water and put on fire. As soon as the water boils, the water must be drained again and only then add the amount of water required for cooking the soup and put on medium heat.

When the water in the pan boils, you can add the peeled potatoes.

To do this, peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into medium cubes.

To give the soup a more smoky flavor, add the wings after the potatoes are cooked.

Cook the pea soup with smoked wings over low heat for another 10 minutes, during which time you can prepare the necessary vegetables.

Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

Chop the onion as finely as possible.

Fry the onions and carrots until golden brown and add to the soup.

Let the soup boil a little and add finely chopped dill or parsley.

After this, cover the pan with a lid and prepare white bread croutons.

Cut the bread into small pieces and lightly fry in butter or dry in the oven.

Ready-made pea soup with chicken wings can be served. Add some fresh herbs and crackers to the plate, and if desired, a spoonful of sour cream. Bon appetit!

Making the right pea soup is not an easy task. Either the peas are poorly cooked, or the smell and taste are far from ideal.

But you can cope with any snag by declassifying some aspects of preparation for yourself.

Let's get started!

It is better to take a pan for such a soup from aluminum, which is rare in modern kitchens. Peas should be soaked for 5-7 hours (preferably overnight), then drained and rinsed. As a note, I’ll add that split peas will need a couple of hours to soak. But if you forgot and didn’t soak the peas in advance, don’t despair! There is a way to fix everything.

To do this, place well-washed peas in boiling water and boil for 15-20 minutes, and then add about 150 ml of cold water to the pan and cook further. After this procedure, the peas quickly boil down.

So let’s get started: today we should get the right and amazingly delicious pea soup with smoked wings.


  • smoked chicken wings - 4 pcs.;
  • water - 2.5 liters;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • peeled tomato and small bell pepper (optional);
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • salt to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil for sautéing;
  • dried peas - 200 grams.

how to cook pea soup with smoked wings:

Soak the peas in boiling water overnight (yellow peas are best). Then drain the water, add boiling water again and set to cook, adding smoked wings cut in half.

While the peas and chicken are cooking (this is about 20-30 minutes), fry them in vegetable oil: onions cut into half rings and carrots into cubes. If desired, you can add tomatoes and diced sweet peppers here.

We put the roast into the soup, add the bay leaf (be sure to remove it at the end), add salt to taste, add the potatoes cut into large cubes and cook until the potatoes are ready.

Before serving, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley. If desired, you can sprinkle with croutons (small crackers).

The soup turned out great! But it’s better in a plate and on the table!

So you have learned how to cook delicious pea soup with smoked wings with a bang! We hope you liked our recipe.

Bon appetit..!

Smoked and boiled broiler chicken wing - 1 package

6-7 medium potatoes;

1 small carrot;

1 small onion;

2-3 tbsp. spoons of vermicelli;

salt and ground black pepper - to taste;

2-3 bay leaves;

1 slice of lemon;

chopped parsley;

5-6 black peppercorns;

refined sunflower oil - for frying;

Cooking method

Usually pea soups and solyankas are prepared with smoked meats. But, because Since peas require pre-soaking and take a long time to cook, we recommend replacing them with pasta. Try our recipe - you will like it!

  1. Cut the wings into 2 parts
  2. Let's start cooking the soup with broth, which can be prepared directly from the wings themselves. To do this, fill them with cold water, put them on the stove over high heat, bring to a boil, turn the heat down and cook for about 15-20 minutes. The soup broth is ready.
  3. Peel the potatoes, rinse them thoroughly in cold water and cut into small cubes.
  4. Send the potatoes into the broth, add salt, bay leaf and black peppercorns. Cover the pan with a lid and continue to cook the soup over low heat.
  5. While the potatoes are cooking, let's prepare the frying for the soup. We clean the carrots, wash them and grate them on a coarse grater. We also clean the onions and cut them into small cubes.
  6. Heat a frying pan in refined sunflower oil, fry the onion in it until slightly golden. Add the carrots to the onions and fry everything together until the carrots become soft and lose their bright color.
  7. When the potatoes are almost cooked, add the fried onions and carrots to the pan. Continue cooking until the soup is completely cooked.
  8. At the very end, add a little ground black pepper, a slice of lemon and chopped parsley. Serve noodle soup with smoked wings hot. It turns out to be very aromatic, and the combination of lemon and smoked flavors makes it a little like hodgepodge.

Bon appetit!

Step 1: prepare dry peas.

Pea soup always turns out very tasty and rich, but it takes a very long time to prepare, and all because it contains dry peas. To speed up this process, first pour the component into a colander and rinse it thoroughly under running warm water. Then we move it into a small bowl and fill it with hot boiled liquid from the kettle. When the water has cooled, we repeat the procedure from beginning to end, and so on several more times. This process lasts for two hours, so I advise you to prepare the peas in advance.

After the allotted time, you will see for yourself that the component has swollen and become softer.

Step 2: Prepare the smoked chicken wings.

Place the smoked chicken wings on a cutting board and use a kitchen knife to cut the meat off the bone. Then we move everything into a clean plate and leave it alone for a while. Attention: We don’t throw away the bones, as they will make our soup richer.

Step 3: prepare the carrots.

Using a vegetable peeler, remove the peel from the carrots. Then we rinse the vegetable under warm running water and place it on a cutting board. Grind the component into cubes, thin circles or crescents. It doesn’t matter what shape the carrots are, they will still boil well in the soup and give it a pleasant flavor. Pour the finely chopped vegetable into an empty plate.

Step 4: prepare the onions.

Using a knife, peel the onion and rinse thoroughly under running water. Place the component on a cutting board and finely chop into cubes. Then pour the onion into a clean plate and proceed to preparing the potatoes.

Step 5: prepare the potatoes.

Using a vegetable peeler, peel the skins from the potatoes. Then we thoroughly rinse the tubers under running warm water to remove any remaining soil and other dirt. Place the ingredients on a cutting board and chop into cubes. The size of each piece should be no more than 2 centimeters. Place the finely chopped potatoes in a clean small bowl and fill with regular cold tap water. This must be done so that the vegetable does not interact with air and does not darken.

Step 6: Prepare the greens.

Wash the parsley and dill thoroughly under running water, shake off excess liquid and place on a cutting board. Finely chop the greens with a knife and immediately pour them into a clean plate.

Step 7: prepare pea soup with wings.

Pour clean water or chicken broth into a large saucepan and place over medium heat. To make the contents of the container boil faster, cover it with a lid.
When the broth begins to boil, place the swollen peas in a colander and rinse them again under running water. Now carefully pour it into the pan, mix everything thoroughly with a tablespoon and let it cook. When the peas begin to boil, add chopped smoked wings with bones. We continue to cook the soup for some more time until the peas begin to crumble. Attention: Don't forget to cover the container with a lid. Next, add pieces of potatoes, chopped onions and carrots, as well as black peppercorns and salt to taste. Mix everything well with available equipment and cook the soup some more 10–15 minutes. When the potatoes are almost ready, add finely chopped parsley and dill to the pan and let cook for some more time. After a couple of minutes, turn off the burner and leave the dish alone. Let it brew. It takes me approximately 20 minutes.

Step 8: Serve pea soup with wings.

When the pea soup with wings has infused, using a ladle, pour it into deep plates, sprinkle with a little more dill or parsley if desired, and serve. But you can enjoy this lunch with slices of bread, croutons or regular shortcakes.
Enjoy your meal!

In summer, you can dilute dry peas with young green ones in the ratio 1:1 . Then the soup will turn out more tender and bright;

For those who like richer dishes, I advise you to fry the vegetables in a small amount of vegetable oil and only then add them to the pan;

Smoked chicken wings do not need to be chopped. They can be added whole to the soup, and after cooking, separate the meat from the bones.