If you had a dream in the morning, will it come true? Morning dreams

If you had a dream in the morning... Dreams that you have in the morning are ideal in terms of clarity of perception, heightened awareness and good memorization. I already explained in the article , that during sleep, every person, without exception, goes through several stages. There are five of them in total from the slow-wave sleep phase to fast sleep.

The slow phase is also called the “drowsy” phase. Half-asleep: not yet asleep, but there is no clarity of consciousness either. In this phase, neither sleep nor lucid dreaming is possible. Practitioners of astral access can use this state to jump or enter the astral body. Since everyone has their own personal abilities and preferences for accessing the astral level, some travelers in the astral calmly move to the desired level, and some, and a large part, “fly” into it.

We consider the issues of dreams at the mental level, for which most often (we will call it suitable) the rapid phase of sleep is suitable. And it just happens in the morning.

If you had a dream in the morning

The full cycle of five phases lasts 90-100 minutes and is repeated until you wake up. Moreover, with each subsequent phase, the time of slow sleep decreases, and fast sleep increases. The body is recharged, the body rests, the psyche is unloaded and freed from accumulated negativity and tension during sleep. This is task number one for all systems of your body, and when it is completed, the brain gradually begins to turn on and “work” for you, but on the “other side” - in the mental world of dreams.

All oneironauts calculate their fast phases, and during the day they can enter and exit lucid dreams several times, depending on the degree of preparation and their condition. Ordinary people accidentally fall into REM sleep, most often in the morning. They wake up clearly remembering the dream in all its details, with fresh emotions that excite the heart or soul, or maybe all of them together. Then they dive into the Internet with the request “if you had a dream in the morning,” what does that mean?

This means that you not only had a dream (you have dreams every night, and more than once), but you, lo and behold! He was remembered. This is good. If the dream was pleasant, then your inner intuition tells you that in the future, at least in the near future, everything will turn out well for you.

Remember, the mood in a dream, the atmosphere, your own feelings are the best indicator, even if you do not yet know how to decipher your own dreams. Although this is a big, better to say HUGE, omission on your part. Dreams are messages from your subconscious. To receive information from such a source and not be able to use it is blasphemy towards oneself.

If you have a nightmare, horror or scary dream, this is unpleasant, as it disturbs the soul, causes a bad feeling and prophesies bad changes. In this case, you still need to figure it out: is it yours or did you manage to do it?

Events that have not happened in reality before they occur can still be First, the matrix of events originates on subtler planes, and then its projection forms the basis of reality. This is why dreams are the best predictors. And if you are endowed with the ability to see them, you don’t need prophets and fortune-tellers, you can look at everything yourself!

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19 thoughts on “ If you had a dream in the morning

  1. ELENS

    Hello, help me decipher the dream, I’m very worried. I dream that I am in room E and quarrel with my mother and ask her to send me home, because we are in another city in which I was born, and she tells me that no and I will go only with her and dad home, then I see that I’m sitting in front of the mirror and looking into it, and a tooth is being pulled out, there is no blood, and I don’t feel any pain from it, but then I keep touching this place and I feel that the root of the tooth remains and I keep thinking why I did it, and I decide to sell a fur coat to leave, and I walk down the street in this fur coat, although there is no snow outside either in autumn or spring, I decide to go to the pawnshop to sell the fur coat there and buy a ticket to leave, but I doubt whether I should do this and I still have doubts and touch this place where there is no tooth, I think why I did it, in the end I woke up without selling my fur coat. What do you think this is for? Thank you very much if you answer.

  2. Please help me solve the dreams that have been recurring to me periodically for almost two years. I felt like I had chewing gum in my mouth, there was a lot of it and it was sticking to my teeth and I pulled it out of my mouth every time. Over time it became smaller. With what it can be connected?

  3. SwetkaK

    Hello. Please help me decipher the dream. I had a dream on the morning of December 27 (Sunday).
    The alarm went off and I was about to get up and unexpectedly dozed off. I had a short dream: I see a dark blue sky. There are many yellow stars on it. Suddenly the constellation Ursa Major appears in the center. The stars that form it are bright red (scarlet) in color. I see him so clearly and close that I can touch him with my hand. I woke up in a great mood. I was in high spirits all day.

  4. SwetkaK

    Hello. Please help me decipher the dream. I had a dream on the morning of Friday the 18th.
    Someone says to me: “Come on, I’ll show you.” Here,” and points with his hand. I see a beautiful two-story house. Put it on the plow. The weather is beautiful. The house is yellow. Near the house there is a pond filled with water. He prevents you from entering the house. The water is clean. It is especially striking that the reservoir is rectangular in shape with smooth, even edges. I woke up in a great mood. I didn’t feel any anxiety

  5. Today I had a dream about my second husband, we broke up 1.5 years ago, and in the dream it was as if we were living together in our apartment... I went down with him to accompany him to work... he went out into the yard, saw yellow leaves and he said that he needed to sweep... he began to sweep, but I was not comfortable that the neighbor above us, who would see and think that I was annoying my husband... I hid under the balconies. My husband waved to the neighbor, who was standing on the balcony... Then we began to rise again in the apartment, and they saw a neighbor coming down from above with two mugs in his hand, as if he was drinking tea at a party and walking around with his own mugs. He said that he unlocked someone else’s apartment with his key.. I was interested, I took his key and tried to open it my apartment with his key, and it opened... I opened the door, and something was wrong... it turns out the door was wooden, but in fact we have an iron one, and what’s strange is that I thought that the door was open, but I didn’t open it someone else unlocked it... that’s all...

  6. I dreamed of my ex-husband... it was dark, I met him in the courtyard of high-rise buildings... he was walking with a big black dog, I tried to talk to him, but he avoided me... I really wanted to talk to him about how I was to blame for him , but he avoided me... he said that his wife could see us from the window of the apartment. And he left... I walked further... I ended up on some road where huge carts lay, and then police cars drove up... then I ended up in a house with my parents.. I had to get married.. which is strange to marry my friend. I was at a loss as to why this all happened.. and I was worried that my dad wouldn’t understand and wouldn’t approve of my choice, I didn’t see my friend, I just talked to her on the phone, I asked her if she would wear a suit? She said that she would be in a wedding dress, and so did I.. I was very worried about dad.. it turns out that the day before I was at this friend’s wedding, and I messed up there and now I had to leave married to her. It’s strange. There are all the guests, the table is set.. my ex-husband’s current wife helped set the table, and my husband was lying in my room, I again wanted to talk to him, but he was afraid that his wife would be jealous. Then mine ran up daughter, 5-6 years old (although I don’t actually have children), I picked her up and told my husband, look how beautiful my daughter is.. (in fact, we broke up 5 years ago, I can’t give birth when we were married, he treated me and really wanted children... but alas... THIS IS REAL) then about the DREAM. I went outside, the husband of the girl I was going to marry came.. congratulated me, hugged me in a friendly way and kissed... said that he was in a hurry and left... so my sister came with some guy, I don’t know him. She said that he was with her, I was surprised that she was not with her real boyfriend... we went into the house, my mother called my other sister and told her not to come, because there were a lot of guests and there wasn’t enough space at the table... I was very uncomfortable about this, I asked someone to put up another table so that everyone could fit in, but they refused me... and my wife b. my husband is actually dark, and in the dream she had long curled red hair... and I thought to myself that she dyed her hair red to look like me... I always dye my hair red... that’s what I dreamed about... but in real life I’m looking for a meeting with my ex-husband, I want to talk to him, but he doesn’t want to and is avoiding

  7. Zhanneta

Even though sleep is a common phenomenon that we experience every night, it remains a mystery. Images in dreams can be so vivid that they don’t leave your head for several days. But dreams in the morning occupy a special place among them. The fact is that by this moment the body and mind have time to relax and relieve excess stress, opening access to the subconscious. And, as you know, it knows everything.

Did you have a dream in the morning and remember it? - So it contains some kind of sign for you. But do not rush to consider the dream as prophetic: the day of the week is of great importance in interpretation.

So, I had a dream in...

Monday is associated with such a capricious planet as the Moon, and its energy can pull out emotional and psychological problems from the depths of the subconscious. Therefore, if you cried, screamed, or experienced other intense emotions in a dream, do not rush to interpret them literally. Most likely, this only means that you have been accumulating them inside for a long time and now all the negativity has simply come out. Be glad that this did not happen in reality.

Special attention to dreams on Monday morning should be given to those who were born on this day: their images may turn out to be prophetic.

On Tuesday

Tuesday is ruled by Mars. The planet is associated with wars, aggressions and conflicts, so it is not surprising when people dream about something related to battles and struggle. Do not think that this is a sign of future trials: perhaps the images were inspired by the warlike red planet.

It is believed that dreams that occur on Tuesday morning can come true within the next 10 days. If this did not happen, then the dream was empty.

On Wednesday

Wednesday is the day of Mercury, and he is light, agile, dexterous and knows how to turn events in his favor. Maybe that’s why it is believed that everything bad that you dreamed about on this day should be interpreted upside down. For example, when you saw a quarrel in a dream, you will be in harmony with the person. A dream about illness means health, etc. But when you see something pleasant, it will definitely come true as it was shown by the subconscious. Congratulations on that.

On Thursday

On Thursday, events are ruled by Jupiter. Dreams on this day “manage” career and professional activities. If you dream of a pleasant plot in which you yourself are the main participant, then you are on the right path. If you are just an observer or have seen something bad, maybe you should reconsider your attitude towards making money.

A favorable aspect of the day is the opportunity to find a way out of a confusing situation. You can see a person who will help in the near future. Or the subconscious will give you the hint you've been waiting for. Don't delay - this is a chance to solve the problem.

On Friday

Since Friday is the day of Venus, images are given special importance during this period. Don’t be surprised if you dreamed about someone who is dear to your heart, because Venus is the patron of love. All dreams of love content can come true in the near future. But stories about material things, some worries and negative events should not be given special importance.

On Saturday

Saturday is under the auspices of Saturn, which has powerful energy. The energy of the day can awaken the subconscious and as a result, on Saturday morning you will have a prophetic dream. If the images evoked strong emotions, were vivid and memorable, they cannot be ignored. Most likely, they want to warn you about something.

Often it is on Saturday that people have dreams about impending disasters and problems on a global scale. Of course, you shouldn’t interpret the pictures literally, but you still need to think about it. If you were happy, then most likely you will be. If you were scared or cried, there may be trials ahead.

On Sunday

The Sun rules on Sunday, so dreams on this day can be interpreted as positive. The light of our main star in the solar system will dispel any darkness and help find a way out even where it is difficult to detect. If you had a dream about relaxation and entertainment, you can safely interpret it literally - and so it will be! If you dreamed about something bad, forget about it.

Does the morning dream come true or not?

So does the morning dream come true or not? To answer this question, you need to understand the simplest thing: in the morning the subconscious is open, since the tension of the previous day has gone away, giving way to pleasant relaxation. Therefore, you should not ignore morning dreams. But exactly how to interpret the plots depends on many factors. In this case, not only the days of the week can influence, but also the state of the dreamer, events in the family, society, etc.

When interpreting dreams, it is important not to focus on the negative and not to attach great importance to images. Relax and try to trust your intuition. In the end, this is only your subconscious and no one can fully unravel the plots that appear in it.

Almost all people have dreams: good, bad, interesting, scary. It is believed that if a person remembers his dream very well, it means that it means something or warns about something important. That is why many turn to dream books to accurately interpret the dream they had.

But a detailed interpretation of dreams is not all the information; what is also important is what day of the week the person had the memorable dream. Based on general information, you can get the most accurate interpretation of a dream. Many people wonder whether the dream that a person saw on Saturday morning will come true.

The dream that occurs from Friday to Saturday in the morning is under the auspices of the planet Saturn, which in horoscopes is a symbol of wisdom, intelligence, and life experience. Therefore, you need to know that sleeping on Saturday morning is a kind of warning or even a signal about what mistakes a person may make in the near future.

Also, dreams on this day of the week not only warn about mistakes, but can also guide or suggest to the dreamer the correct strategy of behavior, which will help him successfully implement all his plans and undertakings. A dream on Saturday morning helps a person see a particular situation from a completely different perspective. The main thing is to remember all the details and interpret them correctly.

You also need to know that it is on this day of the week - Saturday, which is under the auspices of Saturn, that a person can look into the future in a dream to find out what fate has in store for him and his loved ones. Depending on what kind of dream it was: kind and joyful or gloomy and scary, you can make predictions for the future.

Sleeping on Saturday afternoon should also not be ignored. Daytime dreams, especially if they occurred on a major church holiday, can tell a person the future. It is also advisable to remember who appeared in the daydream. It is possible that you will have to deal with this person in reality. It is believed that if the dreamer’s relatives and friends appeared in a terrible and disturbing dream from Friday to Saturday, it means that in reality you will have to worry a lot about them. Dreams in which people cry or ask for help most often indicate a health problem.

If you had a dream on Saturday morning, then the first thing to do is to remember its atmosphere and the events that were shown to the dreamer. A joyful and colorful dream in which the dreamer feels cheerful and carefree - towards a calm future in which the dreamer will keep pace with luck. If the dream is scary, black and white and has a depressing atmosphere, then in reality you need to prepare for troubles and problems.

It is believed that a prophetic dream seen on Saturday morning will help connect together events that the dreamer does not connect with each other. It often happens that in a dream a person sees not one dream, but several dreams that seem to be in no way connected. But dream books say that this is not just like that. You need to carefully remember and analyze everything that was shown to a person in a dream and, perhaps, in this way find out what you need to be wary of or, conversely, what needs to be done to successfully conduct business.

If you dream about children on Saturday morning, then it is advisable to take an interest in their lives and find out what they do in their free time. If the dreamer sees his work in a dream, it means fate warns of problems or, on the contrary, suggests a chance that a person will have. Seeing relatives or familiar people means you will soon have to participate in their lives.

Dreams in which a person has to overcome obstacles, high walls, dangerous fences, or knock on closed doors or windows warn of a difficult period in reality. Saturn, the patron of Saturday, warns that the dreamer will face many obstacles on the way to his goal.

Even if a person has had a terrible and incomprehensible dream that causes panic and despondency, one should not take it too seriously and give up. It is possible that this warning from above will help the dreamer to correctly navigate reality and avoid fatal mistakes.

What is sleep? The work of our subconscious? A consequence of various sensations received in the waking state? A reflection of a person’s physical and mental state? Or something prophetic, of an unearthly nature? This largely depends on the person who is dreaming. And, of course, from his faith in their mysterious power.

There is no evidence that they can predict the future. But history knows many examples when dreams became great events.

For those who want, there are several rules. If you have a scary dream, don't lose heart. Sometimes the most terrible and sad dreams have completely the opposite meaning and predict happy events.

To better remember dreams, change the headboard every week - your pillow should be where it was seven days ago. And immediately after waking up, tell your dream to your best friend. Do not attach importance to every dream, because prophetic dreams are extremely rare.

Dreams that are dreamed from 20 pm to 24 midnight, come true after a significant period of time. Dreams that are dreamed from 24 o'clock at night to 3 o'clock in the morning, come true within three months. Dreams from 3 a.m. until dawn come true very quickly. Do not attach importance to the dreams you see during the day, as they very rarely come true.

Dream, seen once, rarely carries any important information. If you have the same dream repeatedly, pay attention to it and seek interpretation from reasonable and kind interpreters. Dreams that repeat several times a night are important; dreams after which you wake up; dreams in the morning. The most important dreams are on Saturday night.

Determine by the date of the month in which you had a dream whether it will come true.

First number. On this day, dreams come true exactly and foreshadow something good and kind.
Second number. I have empty, meaningless dreams.
Third number. Dreams quickly come true.
Fourth number. Dreams that you have on this day will not come true soon.
Fifth number. These dreams carry positive information and anticipate positive changes in life.
Sixth number. Dreams will come true, but not soon.
Seventh number. Don't tell anyone about the dreams you had today. These dreams are fortunate.
Eighth number. Dreams mean the fulfillment of a wish.
Ninth number. Dreams come true and promise quick success.
Tenth number. Dreams mean trouble. Coming true soon.
Eleventh. Dreams lead to joy. Executed within eleven days.
Twelfth. Dreams are favorable. Executed quickly.
Thirteenth. Dreams that occur on this day of the month are a sign of trouble.
Fourteenth. Dreams of failure.
fifteenth. Favorable dreams will come true soon.
Sixteenth. Empty dreams that don't come true.
Seventeenth. Within twenty days these dreams will come true. Very favorable.
Eighteenth. These dreams are for new things and profit.
Nineteenth. Dreams mean quarrels and scandals in the family.
twentieth. Dreams will soon come true.
Twenty first number. Dreams leading to wealth. Will not be fulfilled soon.
Twenty-second number. Dreams warn of possible troubles.
Twenty-third. Dreams quickly come true.
Twenty-fourth number. Joyful dreams. Coming soon.
Twenty-fifth. Dreams of deception and lies.
Twenty-sixth. Dreams of fun and pleasure.
Twenty seventh. These dreams have no meaning.
Twenty eighth. Dreams come true within a month and promise some difficulties.
Twenty-ninth. These dreams do not come true.
Thirtieth number. There is a lot of fantasy in these dreams. They do not come true soon or do not come true at all.
Thirty-first number. Dreams come true within 15 days and bring love pleasures and victories.

Remember what excessive worry and unreasonable worries entail in life. Don't turn faith into superstition!

Every person spends a third of their life sleeping. Some people pay absolutely no attention to their own dreams, while others take night dreams seriously, considering them to contain useful information that can be used for good. Today there are a huge number of different interpretations. We invite you to find out what sleep means from Wednesday to Thursday.

Characteristics of dreams on this day

Thursday is under the protection of Jupiter. This planet promotes the search for true purpose and helps to correctly set vital priorities. And there is nothing strange in this, because Jupiter has always been associated with the great Zeus, who dominates the Greek pantheon.

Our ancestors were sure that Jupiter plays a crucial role in the fate of every person, helping him choose exactly the profession in which he will be able to realize himself. Therefore, most astrologers claim that dreams from Wednesday to Thursday mean the emergence of certain work-related issues. They also indicate events that should affect the dreamer’s career. Most dreams are positive, especially those that occur in the morning.

Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday, in which the dreamer sees his deceased relatives, indicate the onset of a favorable life period. This time is best used to achieve your goals. Only success lies ahead. There will be an opportunity to significantly advance your career, conclude profitable deals, surround yourself with reliable partners and friends, and make new acquaintances. However, if the night vision was frightening or blurry, then such a dream from Wednesday to Thursday means that there is no point in hoping for a promotion in the near future.

If the dream you saw that night was very colorful and as realistic as possible, then you should cast aside all doubts and begin to realize all your cherished goals. The dreamer will have good luck in any endeavor.

Most dreams from Wednesday to Thursday indicate what the dreamer's social life will be like in the near future. By performing a competent sleep analysis, you can predict the future nature of relationships with colleagues, superiors, and business partners. He can also indicate the correct solution to a particular issue and contribute to the realization of a cherished dream.


What do dreams from Wednesday to Thursday mean and how soon do they come true? If the dreams you had that night were incredibly realistic, then, as a rule, they are of a positive nature. Most professional astrologers say that dreams dreamed from Wednesday to Thursday come true with a 90% probability. The most important thing is to be positive and show the maximum level of activity in order to do all the important things under the auspices of luck. If the dreamer had a nightmare, then you should not be excessively active. You should slow down and wait for a more prosperous time.

From astrologers you can find out what a dream from Wednesday to Thursday means on the 10th, 18th or 27th. Such a dream indicates health problems for your pet. Perhaps the animal has a disease that has a hidden form. It is worth contacting a veterinarian. If the dreamer does not have a pet, then such a dream may symbolize that one will appear in the near future.

The night fell during the period of the waxing moon - there is a high probability that the betrothed will appear in a dream. Astrologers advise young girls to think before going to bed about their future personal life, to imagine what the groom will look like. Perhaps such self-programming will help to get a clearer picture during a night's rest.

What to do if you had a good dream

Professional astrologers who interpret night dreams recommend that everyone know what dreams from Wednesday to Thursday mean. Indeed, in addition to the fact that, as a rule, they always come true, these dreams can be controlled. For example, if you had a dream of a positive nature, then its fulfillment can be accelerated by following these steps after waking up:

  • When you wake up, but without opening your eyes, say: “What I saw in a dream is the best thing that can happen in my life. Everything is destined to come true in the near future.” Then get out of bed, go to the window and bow exactly three times. Then try to reproduce the dream in your memory and relive all the emotions again.
  • To make a favorable dream come true as quickly as possible, after waking up, try to fall asleep for a few more minutes. In this case, you need to turn on the other side.
  • If, after waking up, the dreamer does not remember the dream, but is sure that it was positive, then he should say to himself: “My dream controls my destiny.” These words will help you tune your subconscious in the right way and bring good luck into your life.

What to do if you had a bad dream

If you have a nightmare, the following actions will help you avoid negative consequences:

  • After waking up, you need to convince yourself that a dream is just a vision that is not capable of influencing what is happening in real life.
  • If you dreamed of something truly terrible, then after waking up you need to sit on the floor and stretch your arms forward. Concentrate as much as possible and imagine that you are up against a stone wall, and then confidently and loudly say: “I don’t believe it!”
  • A negative dream will never come true if the dreamer stops thinking about it. You should erase it from your memory.

It is worth noting that these methods work effectively not only on Thursday mornings, but also on other days of the week.

What do dreams from Wednesday to Thursday mean: pregnancy

The vast majority of dream interpreters agree that a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, in which a woman saw herself pregnant, is a favorable sign. In the near future we will be able to significantly improve our financial situation. Perhaps a more promising position will be offered, a substantial bonus or an impressive inheritance will be received.

If a man dreams of newborn children or a pregnant woman, all serious tasks will be completed. Soon it will be possible to solve the main problems associated with professional activities. This is a good time to implement existing plans.

The fetus began to move in the womb - what do dreams from Wednesday to Thursday mean? Dream books say that a tempting offer will arrive soon. Perhaps the dreamer will be invited to some event. The offer must be tactfully refused, since there is a high probability that an unpleasant situation will occur that will negatively affect the reputation.

If the dreamer was in a depressed emotional state in a dream, then this indicates impending health problems. Seeing a pregnant friend who is currently really in an “interesting position” is a good sign, indicating a quick and easy birth.

Pregnancy test

If a man had a dream in which he was holding a positive pregnancy test in his hands, this is a kind of signal from the subconscious, indicating that the time has come to give up promiscuity. The test was taken by a virgin - someone is looking for a way to tarnish the dreamer’s reputation. An adult woman had a similar dream - a favorable sign indicating that there are a lot of positive events ahead that will happen in the lives of her children.

Dreams in the morning: about love

Dream books will tell us what dreams from Wednesday to Thursday mean, in which declarations of love occur. If someone you know told the dreamer about your feelings, in reality you should pay attention to this person. Perhaps he really is in love, but is afraid to admit it. In a dream, the realization came that you are in love with someone - the time has come to tell your chosen one about your feelings.

If you dreamed about a friend in love, in real life you should support her, but not impose your point of view. Hold off on giving advice and let the person deal with the current situation on their own.

You dreamed of a person who is your former lover - there are many unclear points between you. Perhaps there is a chance to restore the old love relationship.


If that night the dreamer saw a dream in which he was on vacation, then the moment has come when it is extremely necessary to take a break. Put aside all things, even the most important ones. Allow yourself to do nothing for a few days and relax. Perhaps this will help sort out all your thoughts and reconsider your views on some things.

If in reality the dreamer is preparing to go on a trip, for example taking a vacation, then it is worth waiting. Do not rush to leave the city, as you will still be called to work.


Since Thursday is under the protection of Jupiter, which contains a colossal amount of energy, the emotions experienced during sleep are the strongest on this day. If you have a positive dream, the dreamer will experience incredible elation. The resulting charge of energy can be used for the benefit of others.

Other dreams: general interpretation of dream books

We have mostly figured out what dreams from Wednesday to Thursday in the morning mean with the dream book, but there are also other plots and nuances. If the dreamer saw himself, for example, with a cold, then in reality he should take care of his own health. Dreamed of cleaning the house - foretells unforeseen expenses and unpleasant chores. If you rejoice at guests in a dream, you will soon meet with old acquaintances. An empty apartment is a symbol of inner emptiness and loneliness. A room full of complete strangers - for the upcoming holiday.

In order not to find yourself in a difficult financial situation, the dreamer needs to become more active and use the available potential if he dreams about water. Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday mean that life can be changed for the better, the main thing is not to sit idly by and pay attention to the clues that fate has in store.