What is the difference between a urologist and an andrologist and who treats what. Urologist, andrologist - who is it, what is the difference? What diseases does a pediatric urologist-andrologist treat?

The modern age, with its poor environment and constant stress, often poses serious challenges to people. This is why many men often suffer from problems with the genitourinary system. Another problem that awaits them on the path to health and harmony is not knowing what to do in such a situation. Meanwhile, friends often advise contacting a urologist or andrologist with similar problems. Let's try to figure out what the difference is between these two concepts.


Urologist is a specialist who is responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the genitourinary organs.

Andrologist is a urologist who treats and diagnoses diseases of the male genitourinary system (urethritis, varicocele, prostatitis, sexual disorders and others).


Andrology is the field of medicine that studies the anatomy of a man and his physiological condition. An andrologist is responsible for all diseases of the male reproductive system and looks for ways and methods of treating them. Today, andrology is considered the most advanced and high-tech branch of medicine. It consists of plastic surgery, endocrinology, microsurgery, immunology, psychotherapy and reproductive medicine. Andrology deals with the treatment of male infertility, decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, cosmetic defects of the genital organs and other male problems. Andrology is a relatively young science, and therefore not every clinic currently has an andrologist.

Urology is the science responsible for the study of the kidneys and urinary system. The male reproductive system is in close proximity to the urinary system, which means it is not surprising that a urologist often treats both. In turn, the andrologist has quite specific knowledge in the field of endocrinology, sexology, valeology, and also has skills in conducting ultrasound and laboratory research methods. In addition, he has a surgical specialization and can perform surgery on any organ of the genitourinary system, except the kidneys. Urology is considered a relatively young science; it first appeared a little less than two hundred years ago. The direction “Andrology” is a priority of modern medicine; it is considered part of urology and does not yet have its own specialization. If you suddenly meet a certified andrologist, you can safely ask where he bought his diploma.

Conclusions website

  1. A urologist diagnoses and treats the genitourinary tract in both men and women. An andrologist treats the reproductive system only in men.
  2. The urologist is responsible for ensuring that the person does not have diseases of the genitourinary system. The andrologist makes sure that the man is wealthy in life.
  3. Urologist is a medical specialization, andrologist is one of the areas of this specialization.

A urologist is a specialist in the field of problems of the urinary system. Moreover, he treats not only men, but also women, most often suffering from cystitis or pyelonephritis.

Features of the work of a urologist

Urology is a specialized field of medicine that specializes in disorders of the kidneys, bladder, ureter and urinary canal (urethra). A urological specialist understands the diagnosis of these diseases and develops adequate treatment. The main difference between him and an andrologist is the fact that women come to see him.

The main diseases treated by a urologist:

If a woman does not have problems with her genital organs, but only the urinary system is affected, a urologist will treat her. If the disease develops simultaneously in both systems, it should be treated by a gynecologist.

Features of the work of an andrologist

Andrology is a medical branch that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the male genitourinary system. That is, doctors deal with reproductive disorders in men, but since it is closely related to the urinary tract, the andrologist’s knowledge should include information about pathologies of the urethra, ureter, and so on.

The main diseases treated by an andrologist:

That is, another fact that distinguishes a urologist from an andrologist is examination and therapy exclusively of the urinary system. The andrologist treats both, since many pathologies of reproductive function are etiologically dependent on problems in the urethra. In addition, andrology is closely related to such specialties as surgery, sexopathology, endocrinology and often genetics.

When a man is faced with problems of the genitourinary system, he begins to think about which doctor to contact. So, some advise visiting a urologist, and others an andrologist. But not many people know the difference between a urologist and an andrologist. What is the difference between the two doctors you will learn from this article.

Differences between a urologist and an andrologist

If there is a question - andrologist and urologist what is the difference, then we can define that a urologist is a doctor who identifies and treats pathologies of the genitourinary system, both in adults and in children. And not only in males, but also in females.

One of the trends in urology is considered to be andrology, which is determined by the elimination of abnormalities in the genital organs with erectile and reproductive dysfunction in men. Andrologist is exactly the same as urologist relieves both children and adults from atypical formation of the pelvic organs.

If a medical institution has both a urologist and an andrologist on staff, the urologist examines and treats urinary diseases when an andrologist conducts therapy to eliminate pathologies of a sexual nature. But in a situation in which only a urologist is present in the clinic, he carries out diagnosis and treatment for both specialists.

For a long time, andrology occupied only a theoretical position, and the specialty itself was called urologist-andrologist.

But they still differ from each other in some criteria. That's why It is customary to consult an andrologist in a case that boils down to the following symptoms:

A urologist will be able to help if a man experiences discomfort and pain in the renal localization, especially if urolithiasis is suspected.

Also, the difference between doctors may be explained by the fact that the patient can visit a urologist when there is a disturbance in the frequency of emptying the bladder, blood or purulent discharge in urine, incontinence, burning and pain during urination. In addition, a visit to this specialist may be triggered by the formation of redness, ulcers and spots on the penis.

Examination and treatment

When heading for diagnostic procedures, it is important to prepare your body so that the results are as valid as possible. This requires a couple of days before the examination refuse sexual relations. Immediately before leaving home, completely clear the rectum for a rectal examination and do not empty the bladder for 2 hours.

As a rule, diagnostic methods used by andrologists and urologists do not differ from each other.

In addition, a urine test, urethral smear and spermogram are performed. The doctor must carry out palpation of the anterior abdominal wall, tissues of the scrotum, lymph nodes, penis and prostate gland. Typically, tests such as blood biochemistry, prostate secretion analysis and kidney tests are prescribed. It is also customary to perform diagnostics using instruments - catheterization, biopsy, uroflowmetry, bougienage, cystomanometry and urethroscopy.

Additional examination process includes x-ray and ultrasound of organs reproductive and urinary systems. At the time when the research results are obtained, from which the doctor can build on and make the correct diagnosis, it makes no difference whether he is an andrologist or a urologist, the treatment is usually the same.

Therapy can be carried out with medications, physiological procedures, recommendations for changing dietary rules and general lifestyle. In addition, there are cases in which treatment is prescribed through surgical intervention.

Specifics of a pediatric urologist-andrologist

A specialist from the children's department is called identify problems at a young age, which is different from a doctor for adult men. Since many pathological conditions extend from childhood, and surgical treatment in a young period of life promises a more significant positive result compared to the adult life cycle.

Frequently detected deviations include:

  • Displacement of the outlet on the penis.
  • Varicose veins of the testicle or its cord.
  • Cryptorchidism.

At displacement of the emission hole curvature of the penis is noted. In the presence of which it is customary to perform plastic surgery, which is preferably performed when the child turns 1 year old. If this problem is ignored, then the problem of urinary incontinence may arise in the future.

Varicocele- a disease in most cases of adolescence. It is necessary to get rid of it in the near future, since when time comes, this will be very difficult to do.

Cryptorchidism characterized by the absence of descent of the testicles from the abdominal region into the scrotal cavity. Elimination therapy is performed with hormone-containing drugs or surgery.

Various inflammatory ailments may also appear due to an undeveloped immune system, and their treatment must be carried out immediately, since this may cause significant complications in future life.

When it is necessary to diagnose and treat any disease, preference is given to specialists of a narrow profile. It is known that everything in the human body is interconnected, but each individual organ and system is so complex and unique that it requires extensive knowledge, which is not always within the power of one specialist. Then there is a division into specializations among doctors and researchers.

For example, doctors are an andrologist and a urologist. What is the difference between these specializations?

Urology and andrology

Urology is a field of medicine focused on the treatment, diagnosis and prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system. The urologist's patients can be adults and children, men and women.

Urology itself belongs to the branch of surgery, which means that most treatment methods by a urologist come down to surgical intervention in the patient’s body.

What is the difference between a urologist and an andrologist?

Andrology is a branch of urology, which focuses on the treatment and diagnosis of diseases of the genital organs in men. In addition, an andrologist helps to cope with problems with impaired development of the genital organs in men and boys.

Often in medical institutions there is only one specialist - a urologist. Andrology is still a rarer profile. But andrologists very effectively solve issues of male infertility, since they have studied this problem thoroughly.

How to get an appointment with a urologist or andrologist?

If you suspect any genitourinary disease, you should visit an appropriate specialist. Andrologist and urologist: what is the difference and what do they treat?

To recognize the disease, its cause and prescribe therapy, you must first visit a general specialist, usually a therapist. He will listen to complaints, conduct some research, take tests and, based on all this, refer the patient to a more specialized specialist. If the disease is concentrated in the genitourinary area, then for men the next doctor will most likely be a urologist. A urologist can also refer the patient to an andrologist if the disease is related to the reproductive system.

Sometimes you can contact any of these specialists directly, without going through additional authorities, but the more doctors express their opinion on the diagnosis and the more consequences of the disease and disorders in the functioning of organs and systems are identified, the higher the likelihood of treatment effectiveness and the absence of recurrence of the disease, since the body is a single whole and everything in it is closely interconnected.

What diseases are treated by a urologist and andrologist?

What specific diseases do these specialists deal with? What is the difference between a urologist and an andrologist? What is the difference?

Urology, as a science, has several subsections: female, male and pediatric urology. This is due to differences in the structure and development of the genitourinary system in people of different sexes and ages.

They are referred to a urologist if diseases of such organs as the prostate gland, urethra, kidneys, external genitalia, bladder, and ureters are detected.

A urologist can also advise male patients if they have sexual dysfunction.

An andrologist is an exclusively male doctor specializing in diseases of the male reproductive system.

If there is only a urologist in a medical institution, then he takes over the sphere of activity of the andrologist.

This is the answer to the question: “Andrologist and urologist - what is the difference?”

Symptoms for diseases of the genitourinary system

To know which doctor the patient needs to consult, he should pay attention to the symptoms of his illness.

So, signs of damage to the genitourinary system will be:

  • pain when urinating;
  • change in frequency of urination;
  • change in urinary volume;
  • burning sensation during urination;
  • foreign impurities in the urine: blood, pus;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • pain in the pubic area;
  • pain in the lumbar region.

What does an andrologist treat?

Andrologist and urologist: what is the difference in the signs of the diseases they treat?

Symptoms of diseases of both the reproductive and urinary systems can be very similar. Only a specialist, after conducting research, can determine where it all started and how much the disease has spread to neighboring organs.

An andrologist treats diseases such as:

  • BPH;
  • phimosis;
  • varicocele;
  • prostatitis;
  • menopause in men;
  • male infertility.

A pediatric andrologist helps boys and young men with problems such as:

  • formations and bulges in the scrotum area;
  • undescended testicle into the scrotum in the first year of life;
  • asymmetrical location of the testicles in the scrotum;
  • disorders in sexual development;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • pain in the groin area.

An andrologist can help you cope with these and other symptoms and diseases.

Thus, you can see how an andrologist and a urologist differ, what is the difference in their specializations and which one should be contacted in each specific case.

Both a urologist and an andrologist work mostly with problems in the genitourinary area in men. Some men do not see the difference between these specialists, but there is one. It can be understood if we consider the activities of doctors in more detail.

What is the difference between urology and andrology

A urologist is a specialist who knows how to identify pathological conditions of the genitourinary system in patients in childhood and adulthood. He is able to select adequate treatment, and works with patients of both sexes.

Andrology is one of the branches of urology. The work of andrologists is aimed at combating deviations in the genital area due to reproductive and erectile dysfunctions of the male body. They only accept male patients. Andrologists also work on the problem of the formation of pelvic organs that do not correspond to the norm.

What are the responsibilities of specialists

If the medical institution has both specialists on staff, then their responsibilities are distributed as follows. A urologist examines and treats urinary diseases, and an andrologist performs examinations to eliminate pathologies related to sexual problems. If there is only a urologist on staff, he will have responsibilities for recognizing and treating diseases that relate to both areas. The difference between a urologist and an andrologist is small, but andrology is a branch of urology that deals with “male” types of diseases.