Sedative Afobazol - prices, reviews, analogues. Interaction with other drugs. Composition and release forms

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Afobazole is a drug from the group of anxiolytics ( tranquilizers) non-bezodiazepine structure, which has a moderate activating effect in combination with the relief of anxiety. Afobazole has a very mild effect compared to benzodiazepines, does not cause the development of drug dependence and does not provoke withdrawal syndrome after stopping use. The drug is used to treat anxiety in adults caused by various factors (for example, upcoming surgery, stress, etc.) or mental disorders (for example, generalized anxiety disorder, neurasthenia, adaptation disorder, etc.).

Composition and release forms

Currently, the drug Afobazol is produced in a single dosage form - tablets for oral administration . The tablets have a flat-cylindrical shape with a bevel, and are colored white or white with a slight creamy tint. Afobazole is sold in cardboard packages of 10, 20, 25, 30, 50 and 100 pieces and in glass jars of 30, 50, 100 and 120 tablets.

Afobazole contains as an active substance fabomotizol(morpholinoethylthioethoxybenzimidazole) in an amount of 5 mg or 10 mg per tablet. Tablets with a dosage of 5 mg are usually called "Afobazol 5", and with a dosage of 10 mg - "Afobazol 10". The tablets of both dosages contain the same following substances as auxiliary components:

  • Potato starch;
  • Microcrystalline cellulose;
  • Lactose monohydrate;
  • Medium molecular povidone (medical polyvinylpyrrolidone, Kollidon 25);
  • Magnesium stearate.

What are Afobazol tablets for (therapeutic effect)

Afobazole is a selective anti-anxiety drug, also called anxiolytic or tranquilizer. A distinctive feature of Afobazole compared to other anxiolytics is that it is not a drug from the benzodiazepine group, that is, it does not affect benzodiazepine receptors in brain structures. It is the non-benzodiazepine structure that determines the selectivity of Afobazole, which consists of a selective effect on the desired brain structures with suppression of anxiety, but without concomitant inhibition of the central nervous system.

That is, the drug only relieves anxiety and improves mood, but does not make a person sluggish, lethargic, drowsy, apathetic, etc. And benzodiazepines, in addition to relieving anxiety, have just such an inhibitory effect on the central nervous system, which causes lethargy, apathy, lethargy, etc. Due to the simultaneous depressant effect on the central nervous system, benzodiazepine anxiolytics are considered non-selective, and Afobazole, which does not have a similar effect, is considered selective.

In addition, Afobazole, unlike non-selective benzodiazepine tranquilizers, does not have a relaxing effect on the muscles of the body, does not impair memory and attention, and does not cause drug dependence and withdrawal syndrome after stopping use. Such advantages are very significant, therefore, of course, Afobazol is a safer and more selective drug in comparison with benzodiazepines. But the severity of the therapeutic effect of Afobazole is lower compared to benzodiazepines, so if it is ineffective, you will have to take these “heavy” drugs.

The main therapeutic effect of Afobazole is the elimination of anxiety caused by various personal fears, anxiety, experienced situations or mental disorders. In addition to eliminating anxiety, the drug moderately activates the central nervous system, increasing mood, as well as the speed of mental and mental processes and reactions.

Elimination of anxiety when taking Afobazole means that irritability goes away, the person ceases to be preoccupied, he is not tormented by bad premonitions and fears. Afobazole also relieves tension, eliminating the associated timidity, tearfulness, anxiety, inability to relax, fears and insomnia. In addition, the drug relieves autonomic and somatic manifestations of anxiety, such as muscle twitching, increased sensitivity, unpleasant respiratory, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal disorders, dry mouth, sweating, dizziness. Almost always, against the background of relieving anxiety and relieving tension under the influence of Afobazole, a person’s memory improves and concentration of attention increases. All of the above effects begin to develop 5–7 days after starting to take the drug, and become fully apparent only by the end of the fourth week of treatment. After discontinuation of the drug, all therapeutic effects persist for an average of 1 to 2 weeks.

Afobazole is a particularly effective drug of choice for people with asthenic personality traits, such as anxious suspiciousness, lack of confidence in themselves and their own strengths, vulnerability, emotional instability and a tendency to emotional reactions to stress.

The drug is non-toxic, is well absorbed into the bloodstream from the intestine and quickly enters the brain tissue, excreted in urine and feces, without accumulating in the body even with long-term use.

Afobazole - indications for use

Afobazole is indicated for use in the relief of anxiety associated with the following conditions or diseases:
  • Quitting smoking (especially for smokers with many years of experience);
  • Generalized anxiety disorder;
  • Neurasthenia;
  • Adaptation disorder;
  • Chronic somatic diseases that occur with alternating attacks and periods of rest, bringing a person a feeling of helplessness and mortal danger (for example, bronchial asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, coronary heart disease, hypertension, arrhythmia, systemic lupus erythematosus, etc.);
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Dermatological diseases that cause a person to fear, anxiety, the impression of his own inferiority and other similar sensations that make him doubt the possibility of being in society (for example, psoriasis, lichen, etc.);
  • Insomnia caused by increased anxiety;
  • Cardiopsychoneurosis;
  • Premenstrual syndrome;
  • Alcohol withdrawal.

Afobazole is especially effective in eliminating anxiety in cardiovascular diseases, premenstrual syndrome and neurocirculatory dystonia. According to scientific research, this particular drug is the optimal remedy for relieving depression, anxiety, tearfulness and depression inherent in people suffering from heart disease.

Afobazol - instructions for use

General provisions

Afobazole tablets can be taken immediately in full dosage, rather than increasing it gradually, since they have a mild effect, as a result of which the body does not need time to “get used” to the drug. You can also abruptly, immediately stop taking Afobazole, like, for example, regular tablets for coughs, headaches, etc. There is no need to gradually reduce the dosage of Afobazole with the aim of subsequently discontinuing the drug.

The ability to immediately stop taking the drug at any time is due to the fact that it does not cause drug dependence in humans, and, consequently, withdrawal syndrome, which is very difficult to tolerate and is a real scourge of benzodiazepine tranquilizers.

This ability to start taking the drug immediately in the required full dosage and, if necessary, stop taking it at once, makes Afobazol very simple and accessible to use. There is no need to initially increase the dosage of the drug to the required level over 2–3 weeks, and then slowly reduce it after completing the course of therapy with the goal of subsequent complete withdrawal.

In addition, the ease of use of Afobazole allows you to take it in a trial mode - that is, take tablets for 4 - 5 weeks, wait for the full therapeutic effect to develop and evaluate whether this particular drug is right for you. If it fits, then you can simply continue taking it, and if not, then stop taking it on the same day and switch to other medications.

When switching from Afobazole to other anti-anxiety drugs, you should remember that its effects last for 1 to 2 weeks. Therefore, in order to avoid unwanted reactions, it is recommended to start taking another drug 2 weeks after stopping Afobazole. After completing therapy with other tranquilizers, Afobazole can be started after 7 to 10 days.

Afobazole - how to take

The tablets should be taken after meals, swallowed whole, without chewing, biting or crushing in any other way. The tablet should be taken with a small amount of clean still water.

It is optimal to take Afobazole 10 mg (1 tablet of 10 mg or 2 tablets of 5 mg) 3 times a day, keeping approximately equal intervals between doses. With this regimen, the single dosage is 10 mg, and the daily dosage is 30 mg. The duration of standard therapy is usually from two to four weeks, after which it is necessary to interrupt the drug. After 4 weeks it will be possible to undergo treatment with Afobazole again.

If necessary, and only under the supervision of a physician, the dosage of Afobazole can be increased to 20 mg three times a day, and the duration of continuous therapy – up to three months. However, any increase in dosage above 10 mg and duration of drug use beyond 4 weeks should be done only after consultation with a doctor.

It should be remembered that Afobazole can be used in repeated courses, keeping an interval of at least 4 weeks between them.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Afobazole is contraindicated for use throughout pregnancy and during breastfeeding. If a woman needs to take Afobazole while breastfeeding, then the child will have to be switched to artificial milk formula.

Impact on the ability to operate machinery

Afobazole does not impair the ability to operate machinery and perform any type of activity that requires a high reaction rate and excellent concentration. Moreover, Afobazole improves memory and attention, therefore, on the contrary, it makes a person’s ability to control mechanisms better and of higher quality than before starting to take the drug.


An overdose usually develops when the drug is taken simultaneously in high dosages. With long-term use at a dosage of 60 mg per day, an overdose does not develop, since Afobazole does not accumulate in the tissues of the body.

An overdose manifests itself in the development of sedation and drowsiness in a person without excessive muscle relaxation.

To treat an overdose, an antidote is used - a 20% solution of caffeine sodium benzoate. The caffeine solution is administered subcutaneously, 1 ml, 2 to 3 times a day at regular intervals.

Interaction with other drugs

Afobazole does not interact with ethyl alcohol and does not affect the severity of the hypnotic effect of sodium thiopental. However, Afobazole enhances the anticonvulsant effect of carbamazepine and the anti-anxiety effect of diazepam.

Afobazole and alcohol

Afobazole and alcohol are compatible, that is, while taking this drug, a person can afford to drink alcoholic beverages without fear of developing severe intoxication or poisoning.

However, this approval is purely pharmacochemical, that is, it only takes into account the absence of any negative effects due to the possible interaction of the drug and ethyl alcohol in the body. But, in addition to the pharmacochemically permissible combination of Afobazole with alcohol, it is also necessary to take into account the mental effects of both substances, which should be considered individually and a balanced decision must be made in each specific case. Let's consider situations in which moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages while taking Afobazole is acceptable, and when this is undesirable and even dangerous.

Afobazole is ideal for use after consuming alcoholic beverages to relieve withdrawal symptoms, which are almost always accompanied by depression, guilt and moderate transient mental disorders. Afobazole relieves the painful psychological symptoms of hangover and makes it easier to get out of this state.

In case of hangover, in addition to the anti-anxiety effect, Afobazol has the following positive effect due to the auxiliary components included in its composition:

  • Potato starch coats the gastric mucosa, which reduces the absorption of remaining alcohol into the blood;
  • Microcrystalline cellulose and povidone bind and remove toxic substances formed during the breakdown of alcohol. It is these substances that cause various painful hangover symptoms;
  • Lactose stimulates the nervous system, eliminating lethargy, apathy, etc.;
  • Magnesium stearate has a calming effect that enhances the anti-anxiety effect of Afobazole.
Thanks to these effects, Afobazol perfectly relieves hangover in a short time. For hangover treatment, it is recommended to take the drug 10–20 mg 1–2 times a day.

When taking Afobazole against the background of a person having cardiovascular diseases, one should refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages, since in this situation ethanol can worsen the course of somatic pathology. In principle, for cardiovascular diseases it is generally not recommended to drink alcohol, either alone or in combination with medications. Therefore, in such cases, the undesirability of the combination of alcohol + Afobazole is not due to their combined effects, but to the fact that it is strongly recommended to avoid drinking ethyl alcohol.

Also, you should not combine alcohol consumption with Afobazole for neuroses, since they have multidirectional effects on the central nervous system. Thus, Afobazole activates the central nervous system and relieves tension, while alcohol, on the contrary, inhibits mental processes. This means that against the background of alcohol consumption, Afobazol will be useless for neurosis, since its effect will be suppressed by the opposite effect of ethyl alcohol.

Hormonal imbalance is often accompanied by various states of anxiety, depression and mood swings, which Afobazol helps eliminate. However, when drinking alcohol, the effect of Afobazole is neutralized, and treatment is useless.

In other cases, alcohol does not have a significant effect and does not suppress the effect of Afobazole, so it can be consumed throughout the entire period of therapy. However, it is still recommended to abstain from alcohol during Afobazole therapy, so as not to encounter any unexpected and unpleasant manifestations of their interaction.

Side effects

As side effects, Afobazole can provoke various allergic reactions and headaches, which, as a rule, go away on their own, without requiring special treatment or discontinuation of the drug.

Some people note the appearance of pronounced sexual desire a few days after starting to take Afobazole. Doctors and scientists do not classify this effect as a side effect, but associate the appearance of libido with the relief of tension and anxiety.

Contraindications for use

Afobazole is contraindicated for use if a person has the following diseases and conditions:
  • Individual hypersensitivity or intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • Galactose intolerance;
  • Glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Breastfeeding period;
  • Age under 18 years.

Afobazol: therapeutic effect, indications and contraindications - video

Afobazol - analogues

Afobazole has synonymous drugs and analogues on the pharmaceutical market. There is only one drug that is synonymous - Neurofazol, which contains the same active substance as Afobazol. However, Neurofazol is used in the form of intravenous infusions (droppers), which makes its use not entirely convenient and therefore limited. In fact, Neurofazol is intended only for use in specialized departments of medical institutions, and Afobazol can be used independently at home, at work, etc.

In addition to the synonym, Afobazole has analogue drugs that contain other active substances, but have the most similar anti-anxiety effect. Currently, the following anxiolytics (tranquilizers) are classified as analogues of Afobazole:
1. Adaptol tablets;
2. Anvifen capsules;
3. Divaza lozenges;
4. Noofen capsules;
5. Mebicar tablets;
6. Mebix tablets;
7. Selank nasal drops;
8. Strezam capsules;
9. Tenoten lozenges;
10. Tenoten for children lozenges;
11. Tranquesipam tablets and solution for intramuscular and intravenous injections;
12. Fezanef tablets;
13. Fesipam tablets;
14. Phenazepam tablets and solution for intravenous and intramuscular injections;
15. Phensitate tablets;
16. Phenibut tablets;
17. Phenorelaxan tablets and solution for intramuscular and intravenous injections;
18. Elzepam tablets and solution for intramuscular and intravenous injections.

What is better than Afobazole?

In medical practice there are no concepts of “best” or “worst” drugs; doctors prefer to use the term “optimal”. The fact is that for each specific person in a certain situation, any one, maximum two, drugs are best suited. It is these drugs, which are the most effective in a particular situation, that are considered optimal. It is necessary to understand that the optimal drugs for each individual person will be different. Moreover, even for the same person, different drugs may be optimal in different situations. Thus, it is simply impossible to calculate 1 – 2 “best” drugs that would be universally suitable for all people with all forms and variants of anxiety. Therefore, for some Afobazol will be the best drug, while another person will need a different drug that will be “best” for him.

Afobazole is a moderate anxiolytic that works well for many people to relieve anxiety. However, some note that for them its effect is insufficient, since anxiety is not relieved and the condition does not approach the desired one. This category of people prefers to use anxiolytics with a stronger anti-anxiety effect, which include the following drugs:

  • Phenibut;
  • Phenazepam (one of the most powerful anxiolytics);
  • Diazepam;
  • Lorazepam;
  • Alprazolam.
The above tranquilizers are benzodiazepines and have a pronounced anti-anxiety effect, which, however, is combined with drowsiness, lethargy and depression, which are absent in Afobazole. It is these powerful tranquilizers that people usually say that they put you into a “vegetable” state, when, along with anxiety, any desire to do anything disappears.

The following drugs occupy an intermediate position between powerful benzodiazepines and Afobazole in terms of the severity of the anti-anxiety effect:

  • Chlordiazepoxide;
  • Bromazepam;
  • Gidazepam;
  • Clobazam;
  • Oxazepam.
Among the listed drugs, Gidazepam is most often used to relieve anxiety, which many people consider better than Afobazole. In addition to those mentioned, there are quite a large number of drugs that have an anti-anxiety effect, but it is necessary to find the “best” one among them individually.

Afobazole, Persen or Novopassit?

Persen and Novopassit are natural herbal sedatives with an almost identical spectrum of therapeutic effect, designed to relieve anxiety, anxiety and other exclusively psychological unpleasant symptoms and manifestations associated with increased anxiety.

Afobazole is a drug intended to relieve severe anxiety, as well as associated not only unpleasant psychological symptoms, but also somatic manifestations, such as pressure surges, extrasystole, palpitations, etc.

That is, Persen and Novopassit relieve exclusively psychological discomfort, and Afobazol additionally eliminates somatic manifestations of increased anxiety. In addition, Afobazole moderately activates the central nervous system, improving memory and attention, and practically without causing drowsiness.

Therefore, Persen and Novopassit can be recommended for use solely for the purpose of calming down, when a person is tormented by fears, anxiety, tension and other psychological symptoms of nervousness that are not associated with somatic manifestations. Afobazole is recommended for use in the presence of not only psychological symptoms of increased anxiety, but also somatic manifestations of this condition (sweating, palpitations, extrasystole, pressure surges, etc.).

In addition, Afobazole does not cause drowsiness and moderately activates the central nervous system, so the drug can be taken by people who want to lead an active lifestyle, drive a car, negotiate constructively and solve complex problems, and not “explode” and get irritated for various reasons. Persen and Novopassit are not suitable for solving such a problem, since they only calm down, without inducing them to solve any problems at all, but introducing a person into a state of conditional “not giving a fuck.”

Tenoten or Afobazole?

Tenoten is a sedative with an anti-anxiety effect, and Afobazole is a purely anti-anxiety drug. This means that Tenoten has a more pronounced anti-anxiety and sedative effect compared to Afobazole and can help with anxiety combined with depression. Afobazole with a combination of anxiety + depression will be an ineffective remedy, since it does not have the necessary effects.

In addition, Tenoten has an immediate effect, so it can be taken occasionally as needed. But the effect of Afobazole develops only after 5–7 days of use and the drug is intended for a course of use, so it cannot be used occasionally when you need to quickly calm down and relieve anxiety for a certain amount of time until the situation returns to normal.

Also, many people note that Afobazole can cause drowsiness, which does not happen with Tenoten, so if you need to be in good working shape, it is recommended to take Tenoten periodically.

The disadvantages of Tenoten compared to Afobazole are its higher cost and prescription from pharmacies.


Reviews about Afobazole are mixed - among them about 2/3 are positive and 1/3 are negative. In positive reviews, people who took the drug noted that it helped them cope with the onset of depression and severe anxiety associated with difficult circumstances in life, as well as eliminate nervousness and constant “breakdowns” with others. People note that they have become much calmer in reacting to many things, they no longer shout or lash out, but try to think about and solve the problem constructively. Some note that Afobazol made them more balanced, eliminating vulnerability, tearfulness and the ability to take everything to heart, thereby giving them self-confidence and their own strengths, as well as a normal, calm attitude towards numerous everyday problems and concerns.

Negative reviews about Afobazole are associated with two main factors - the ineffectiveness of the drug in a particular case and the development of side effects that were difficult to tolerate and forced to stop therapy. Thus, for some people, Afobazol did not normalize the condition and did not relieve anxiety so much that they felt comfortable, which naturally caused disappointment and negative feedback. In other people, Afobazole caused daytime sleepiness, which forced them to stop taking the drug due to the inability to continue working.

There are reviews in which people who have previously taken very powerful anxiolytics from the benzodiazepine group indicate that at first glance Afobazol has no effect at all in comparison with them. However, these same people write that this impression is formed only after the recent withdrawal of benzodiazepines, since these drugs are so powerful that the effect of Afobazole is simply lost against their background. And if you start taking Afobazole after stopping benzodiazepines at least 2 - 3 months ago, then its effect is felt and is quite normal, since anxiety goes away no worse, and a state of complete indifference to everything does not occur.

The instructions for use for the drugs Afobazole and Grandaxin contain the same indications for the use of these medications. Therefore, the question of which of these drugs is better is quite natural. The properties of afobazole and grandaxin are different, therefore, in order to decide which drug to give preference to, you need to familiarize yourself with them in more detail.

Description and purpose of drugs

Most often, tranquilizers, which include afobazole and grandaxin, are prescribed for the treatment of neurosis-like conditions. Very common mental disorders in the modern world are panic attacks and neuroses. When a person seeks medical help from his attending doctor regarding periodic attacks, a competent specialist will definitely redirect him to a psychiatrist or psychotherapist. You should know that a psychologist will not help in such a situation, since he does not have the appropriate medical education, and he does not have the right to prescribe any medications.

Panic attacks and neuroses often manifest themselves against the background of frequent stressful situations. Such disorders are characterized by the occurrence of an attack of unreasonable fear or constant nervousness. Tranquilizers quickly remove unpleasant symptoms and restore a person’s condition. But since these drugs can be addictive, they can be taken continuously for no longer than two to four weeks. Tranquilizers are prescribed by a highly specialized doctor only after diagnosing nervous disorders. The dose of the drug is determined strictly on an individual basis.

Description of afobazole

This drug belongs to the group of selective anxiolytics. A modern targeted tranquilizer is developed on the basis of fabomotizole dihydrochloride. This active substance relieves anxiety and reduces the level of psychological discomfort. Afobazole does not lead to the development of muscle weakness and does not provoke drug dependence. The medicine is produced in tablets of 5 and 10 mg. The following symptoms of nervous disorders are relieved with the help of the drug:

  • increased nervousness and irritability,
  • causeless internal concern,
  • bad feelings.

In addition, afobazole allows you to successfully cope with the consequences of nervous breakdowns and stressful situations, such as tearfulness, fear, and sleep disturbances. The drug begins to act approximately 5-7 days after the start of its use. The drug can be taken for no more than 4 weeks and during this period its maximum effectiveness is observed. After discontinuation of the drug, its effect remains for approximately a couple of weeks. But for each specific patient, all indicated periods may vary due to metabolic characteristics.

Absorption of the drug occurs through the intestines. Afobazole is eliminated from the human body quite quickly, which reduces the risk of overdose. In addition to eliminating neuroses and other mental disorders, this remedy is often used as a means of simplifying smoking addiction. This medicine also relieves nervous tension in the following pathologies:

  • oncology,
  • alcohol poisoning,
  • painful premenstrual state,
  • irritable bowel syndrome,
  • hypertension,
  • arrhythmias,
  • bronchial asthma,
  • coronary heart disease.

For mental disorders caused by stressful situations, the dosage of the drug is 30 mg per day. Tablets are taken 3 times a day, 10 mg after meals. The course of treatment is no more than 4 weeks. In severe cases, the doctor may decide to increase the daily dose of the drug to 60 mg and extend the course of treatment to 3 months.

This tranquilizer is contraindicated for use in children under 18 years of age. Also, afobazole is strictly forbidden to take during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Undesirable consequences can be caused by the use of the drug in case of intolerance to its individual components. First of all, the drug should not be used by patients who are allergic to lactose, since it is one of the components of this product. In case of overdose, a sedative effect develops, manifested by weakness and a desire to constantly sleep.

Afobazole does not change the narcotic properties of alcohol, that is, it does not enhance the effect of alcoholic beverages. No poisoning was observed when this tranquilizer was taken simultaneously with alcohol. But it has been proven that alcohol significantly reduces the effectiveness of the medicine itself. Among the various side effects, headache is extremely rare. But there is no need to stop taking the drug, since the pain syndrome disappears on its own after a few tablets.

Description of Grandaxin

Grandaxin is considered a daytime sedative, that is, the medicine does not affect reactions and has a moderate effect. This means that a person taking the drug as prescribed by a psychiatrist can perform all his duties without feeling any discomfort. The active ingredient of this medicine is topizopam, which belongs to the group of benzodiazepines. This drug is widely used for neuroses and prolonged problems with the nervous system. But besides this, the medicine can be prescribed for the treatment of drug addiction and alcoholism. In a short time, the drug successfully removes external signs of intoxication of the body, such as poor coordination of movements, chills or tremors. In addition, it allows you to fight depression, which always accompanies the treatment. The drug is also indicated in the following cases:

  • in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia,
  • in the treatment of various disorders of the heart,
  • in the treatment of somatic neuroses,
  • to stabilize the nervous system of women during menopause,
  • to relieve painful premenstrual conditions,
  • in the treatment of muscle atrophies of various types,
  • in the treatment of myopathy and myasthenia.

A distinctive feature of this tranquilizer is its rapid absorption into the blood through the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. The maximum concentration is observed a couple of hours after taking the tablets, and after 8 hours the drug is completely eliminated from the human body. Thus, tofisopam does not accumulate in the body, and, therefore, its overdose is practically impossible if the doctor’s recommendations are followed. This tranquilizer is different in that it allows you to very quickly eliminate the symptoms accompanying various types of neuroses, such as:

  • emotional stress,
  • apathy,
  • anxiety,
  • decreased activity.

Treatment with this tranquilizer is carried out strictly on an individual basis after diagnosis and determination of the severity of mental disorders. This takes into account not only the degree of development of the pathology, but also the general physical condition of the person. Grandaxin is prescribed only after 14 years of age and the maximum dosage for an adult is 1-2 tablets three times a day.

Contraindications and side effects

This tranquilizer is contraindicated in cases of obvious psychomotor agitation, and it should not be taken by people who are in a state of deep depression. This drug is strictly prohibited from being prescribed together with immunosuppressive drugs, such as sirolimus, tacrolimus, cyclosporine. Other contraindications to taking the drug:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, in particular to lactose,
  • first trimester of pregnancy and breastfeeding period.
  • sleep apnea syndrome,
  • respiratory failure.

Very carefully and only if absolutely necessary, a tranquilizer is prescribed for:

  • epilepsy,
  • glaucoma,
  • brain pathologies.

An overdose can occur if the concentration of the active substance of the drug in the body exceeds 120 g per 1 kg of body weight. It is expressed by general dysfunctions of the central nervous system, such as:

  • confusion,
  • vomit,
  • epilepsy attacks.

In any case, first aid for such symptoms involves gastric lavage and taking activated charcoal. The instructions for use of Grandaxin also note other possible side effects, these are:

  • problems with the functioning of the digestive system: constipation, flatulence, nausea, loss of appetite, etc.
  • headache and insomnia,
  • difficulty breathing,
  • skin itching,
  • muscle pain,

This drug enhances the effect of drugs that suppress the nervous system. This means that sedatives and antidepressants should be used with Grandaxin with caution, as this may cause depression of respiratory function. Nicotine, ethanol and antiepileptic drugs weaken the effect of this tranquilizer. Alcohol and this drug are not compatible, as their simultaneous use can have a toxic effect on the liver.

Afobazole and Grandaxin: what to choose

It is impossible to give a clear answer to the question of which drug is better to choose. Both afobazole and grandaxin belong to the class of tranquilizers that are prescribed to relieve nervous disorders. Based on reviews, Grandaxin acts much faster, and a lasting effect is achieved within a short time. Already after the first use of the tablets, a person’s nervous tension is significantly reduced. The mild action of this medicine allows it to be prescribed to elderly patients. Another advantage of the drug is that it can be prescribed during pregnancy, with the exception of only the first trimester.

Compared to Grandaxin, afobazole does not begin to act immediately, but only after some time. And this period depends on the individual characteristics of the human body. But an important advantage of this drug can be considered the minimum of negative side effects. On the other hand, with severe stress, panic attacks and severe anxiety states, the medication is ineffective.

It is important to understand that you cannot self-medicate with tranquilizers. This can provoke serious consequences and aggravate a person’s condition. Only a psychiatrist can prescribe medications after examining the patient and establishing a diagnosis.

Afobazole and Grandaxin are very similar drugs in their action. They help cope with stressful conditions and eliminate various nervous disorders. Each remedy has its own advantages and disadvantages, so only a doctor should decide on their prescription.


The drug "Afobazol" is part of the group of anxiolytics - products that suppress the manifestations of anxiety. Also, its use relieves sleep disorders, negative obsessions, and inability to relax. Neurologists introduce the drug as part of complex therapy for neuropsychiatric disorders.

If for some reason Afobazol is not suitable for a person, analogues should be selected by the attending physician. Attempts to do this without the intervention of a professional threaten to aggravate the situation and create additional problems. Modern pharmacies offer dozens of effective substitutes for Afobazole, the features of which are difficult to understand on your own.

Indications for use

The tranquilizer has anti-anxiety properties, which are accompanied by a mild stimulating effect on the body. It comes in the form of tablets for oral administration. Signs of positive dynamics appear after a week of its course use. The drug reaches its peak effectiveness a month after the start of therapy. The result lasts for at least a couple of weeks after stopping the medication.

"Afobazol" and its analogues are prescribed for the following conditions:

  • neurasthenia, adaptation disorders;
  • withdrawal syndrome due to alcohol or drug addiction;
  • psycho-emotional breakdowns caused by dermatological diseases;
  • oncology – as part of complex treatment to improve the patient’s emotional background;
  • PMS, severe menopause, disruptions in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system;
  • sleep problems of various etiologies;
  • "neurosis of the heart";
  • somatic pathologies of a neurological nature, which are accompanied by anxiety, fear, mood swings;
  • psychologists can prescribe a tranquilizer to emotionally fragile, vulnerable and unstable people even in the absence of medical grounds.

The result of using Afobazol is the disappearance of signs of anxiety, restlessness, and obsessive negative ideas. The patient's irritability disappears, his mood improves, and his sleep quality improves. All this happens against the background of normalization of the general psycho-emotional state.

Advantages and disadvantages of "Afobazol"

The only obvious disadvantage of the medicine is its price, which averages 380-450 rubles. The high cost often scares consumers. Many of them immediately ask the doctor to tell them about Afobazole analogues and to find a replacement for it. Before deciding to take such steps, it is worth assessing a number of strengths of the drug that make it stand out from other tranquilizers.

Advantages of using the drug "Afobazol":

  • the drug does not have additional hypnotic or sedative properties characteristic of most tranquilizers. It does not relax muscles, does not cause memory impairment or decreased concentration;
  • the product is not capable of causing drug dependence or causing withdrawal syndrome, which cannot be said about many of its analogues and substitutes;
  • “Afobazol” relieves not only manifestations of the psycho-emotional type, but also accompanying unpleasant sensations - sweating, dry mouth, abdominal pain;
  • regardless of the severity of the clinical picture, the feeling of psychological discomfort is dulled;
  • the functionality of the autonomic nervous system increases;
  • suppression of consciousness does not occur, the person is fully aware of his actions;
  • When taken as a course, concentration and memory improve.

The composition has a number of contraindications that should not be ignored. It is better to immediately replace the product if there is a history of hypersensitivity to the components of the product or lactose intolerance. The medication is not suitable for treating patients under 18 years of age, pregnant or lactating women.

The list of possible adverse reactions to Afobazole is very short. The start of a medication course is sometimes accompanied by a headache, but in most cases it goes away on its own within a few days. Some patients develop skin rashes in response to the medication. In such a situation, the decision to continue therapy is made by the doctor.

List of inexpensive substitutes of Russian and imported production

It is difficult to name one most successful analogue of Afobazole. Pharmacies offer a lot of equally effective and cheaper products. Some of them are made in Russia, some came from European countries. Considering the synonyms of the drug, one drug can be singled out - Neurofazol. It contains the same active substance as Afobazol, but is available in the form of a solution for droppers. This feature makes the dosage form inconvenient for use at home. The medication is used according to strict instructions in a hospital, under the supervision of medical personnel.

"Divaza" (Russian production)

Among Russian-made Afobazol analogues, Divaza deserves special attention. This is an effective nootropic in tablet form. It is not addictive and does not have sedative or muscle relaxant properties. It is used in the presence of problems with brain activity, various disorders in the functioning of the central and autonomic nervous system. The drug is prescribed to persons who have suffered head injuries or ischemic stroke. It is prohibited to use in case of individual intolerance, in childhood. The product is practically no different in price from Afobazol.

"Persen" (Slovenia)

A slightly cheaper analogue, which costs an average of 250 rubles. It is based on natural ingredients of plant origin. The medication successfully combats psychological discomfort, but is not able to stop the somatic manifestations of pathological processes. It is prescribed for malfunctions of the nervous system, which are accompanied by irritation, extreme emotional arousal, and decreased quality of sleep.

The drug is not recommended for use in cases of lactose intolerance, hypotension, gallstones, or inflamed bile ducts. The product is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women and children under 12 years of age. Taking Persen reduces concentration, so during therapy you should refrain from driving or working in hazardous industries.

"Tenoten" (domestic generic)

An effective sedative that, in addition to its anti-anxiety effect, has antidepressant properties. Many analogues of Afobazole begin to act a few days after the start of the course, and Tenoten has an immediate effect. This allows, if necessary, to use it not constantly, but only against the background of the appearance of alarming symptoms. A course of medication increases the body's resistance to stress, emotional and mental stress. The product costs on average 250 rubles. A special adapted form of antidepressant is available for children.

"NovoPassit" (Czech Republic)

The product has properties and characteristics similar to Persen, but costs an average of 220 rubles. It is also based on plant substances that help get rid of anxiety, absent-mindedness, irritability, and neurotic reactions. The product has an additional advantage - it relieves headaches, which often occur against the background of psychological pressure. Due to its natural origin, it is better not to use the medication for allergy sufferers and children under 12 years of age. Therapy is carried out with caution in persons with diseases of the liver and digestive tract. It is strictly forbidden to combine the medicine with alcoholic drinks, otherwise the depressant effect on the nervous system will be excessive.

"Phenazepam" (Russia)

An effective but potentially dangerous product that costs an average of 170 rubles and is available only with a prescription. It is a powerful anxiolytic with anticonvulsant, hypnotic, sedative, and muscle relaxant effects. Most often, as an independent drug, it is prescribed to people with insomnia and low quality sleep. As an additional remedy, it is part of the complex therapy of psychoses, neuroses, psychopathy, phobias, and some forms of epilepsy. The medicine has a lot of contraindications, it can cause addiction and withdrawal symptoms, and serious side effects.

"Phenibut" from a domestic manufacturer

The cheapest analogue of Afobazole on the Russian market of all those that are close to it in terms of characteristics. The medicine costs an average of 70 rubles, but is available with a doctor’s prescription. This is an effective remedy from the group of nootropics, which improves metabolic processes in brain tissue by stimulating blood circulation. Additionally, the drug has the properties of a tranquilizer and psychostimulant. Taking it normalizes sleep, restores brain activity, and relieves anxiety and fear. Phenibut is often used as a prophylactic agent, for example, in the process of preparing a patient for surgery. The composition is contraindicated for children under 3 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.

"Afobazol" is considered a safe, effective, relatively affordable remedy. He copes with the goals set for him and rarely causes negative consequences.

During times of stress, neurosis, and anxiety disorders, people turn to sedatives. Which is better to choose from the popular and available drugs, Afobazol or Novopassit, depends on the prevailing symptoms, the use of other medications, and the need not to lose focus.

Characteristics of Afobazole

Afobazole is an anxiolytic. The main effect is a reduction in anxiety. Affects inhibitory mediators in the nervous system.

Afobazole is an anxiolytic that affects inhibitory mediators in the nervous system.

The drug does not cause drowsiness and a decrease in the speed of reactions, which can be observed when taking tranquilizers.

The most common use is for anxiety disorders that are accompanied by somatic symptoms. Together with psycho-emotional stress, it eliminates increased heart rate, dizziness, headache, increased body temperature, tremors, sweating, weakness or tension in the muscles, and disorders in the digestive system.

Afobazole combines anti-anxiety and mild activating effects, reduces vascular spasm. Returns to normal cognitive functions that could be impaired under the influence of stress, reduces the manifestation of depressive symptoms.

Afobazole is also used in the treatment of neuroses, as part of the complex treatment of bronchial asthma, systemic lupus erythematosus, hypertension, arrhythmia, coronary heart disease, irritable bowel syndrome and some dermatological and oncological diseases. It can also be used for sleep disorders, PMS, and during withdrawal symptoms caused by quitting alcohol or nicotine.

Available in tablet form.

Characteristics of Novopassit

Novo-Passit is a sedative drug, the active components of which are a combination of medicinal plant extracts and the substance guaifenesin. The main effect of herbal extracts is sedative. Novo-Passit contains extracts of valerian, lemon balm, St. John's wort, passionflower, hawthorn, black elderberry and hops. Guaifenesin has an anti-anxiety effect and reduces muscle tone.

Novo-Passit is a sedative drug, the active components of which are a combination of medicinal plant extracts and the substance guaifenesin.

The drug is available in the form of tablets and solution.

It is used for neuroses, especially with signs of anxiety and irritability, and psycho-emotional stress. Novo-Passit helps with mild forms of insomnia. Prescribed for headaches, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and dermatoses caused by nervous tension. Can be used for menopause and neurocirculatory dystonia.

What are the differences and similarities between Afobazole and Novopassit?

Novo-Passit is a drug of plant origin, unlike Afobazol. It has a milder sedative effect and is not a tranquilizer. Afobazole has a more pronounced anti-anxiety effect and additionally has a slight stimulating effect.

Novo-Passit is available in the form of a solution and tablets, Afobazol - only in tablets.

Ease of reception

Afobazole is taken 3 times a day after meals. The drug has a cumulative effect, so the course lasts about a month. The first results can be noticed after a week of use. According to your doctor's recommendations, you can increase the dose and duration of use.

Novo-Passit is taken 3 times a day after meals. If the drug is used in the form of a solution, it can be taken undiluted or diluted with water.

Efficacy of the drug

Both drugs have a calming effect. They help improve sleep and reduce psycho-emotional stress.

Afobazole has a stronger anti-anxiety effect, so it can be prescribed for generalized anxiety disorders when the effect of Novo-Passit is not enough.

Side effects

When taking Afobazole, allergic manifestations on the skin are possible. This occurs if the drug is used by people with hypersensitivity to its components. Rarely, headache may occur. It goes away on its own, there is no need to stop the drug.

Novo-Passit rarely causes side effects. In isolated cases, allergies, digestive disorders, weakness and drowsiness, dizziness, and deterioration of attention occur. If such symptoms appear, the drug should be discontinued.


A package of Afobazole will cost about 400 rubles. There are 60 tablets in a pack. A similar number of Novo-Passit tablets will cost 2 times more. The product in a bottle costs 200-400 rubles, depending on the volume.

What is better to take - Afobazol or Novopassit

If anxiety is severe, it is better to take Afobazole, as it has a stronger anxiolytic effect. Afobazole is also prescribed to people with diseases of the heart and digestive system.

Novo-Passit contains many herbal extracts, some of which have restrictions regarding drug interactions. If you want to take other medications at the same time as Novo-Passit, you should consult a doctor to avoid negative consequences.

If you suffer from depression, you should opt for Afobazole. It reduces the symptoms of depressive disorders, Novo-Passit can increase them.

You should not take both drugs during pregnancy. Novo-Passit can be used in the treatment of children after 12 years of age; Afobazol is prohibited for use in childhood.

Novo-Passit enhances the inhibitory effect on the central nervous system when taking alcoholic beverages, Afobazol does not.

If you are often in the sun, it is better to stop taking Novo-Passit or avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation. When taking hormonal contraceptives, it is better not to use Novo-Passit, since the St. John's wort extract included in its composition may reduce their effectiveness.

Of the 2 drugs, Afobazole is suitable for people driving a car, because it does not affect the reaction rate.