Moderately expressed diffuse famma of the mammary glands. What is FAM of the breast: types and treatment. discharge from the milk ducts, both independent and appearing when the nipple is squeezed

Women know that there are many different types of breast tumors, but when they discover a lump in their breasts, they naturally hope that it is not cancer. There are many benign breast diseases. In most cases they are successfully treated. But if you don’t pay attention to your ailments for a long time and put off visiting a doctor, your condition will worsen, as some of these diseases turn into cancer. And here the likelihood of a cure will directly depend on its stage. Therefore, it is important to have an idea of ​​what signs should not be ignored.


What is fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland? Types of this disease

This is one of the benign pathologies associated with abnormal changes in breast tissue. Fibroadenomatosis is a type of diffuse mastopathy. This disease occurs when a pathological proliferation of connective tissue occurs, causing cysts to form in the breast.

Note: There are other types of fibrocystic mastopathy, for example, mammary adenosis. This disease is characterized by the proliferation of glandular tissue (lobules).

There are several types of fibroadenomatosis:

  • lobular - proliferation of connective tissue, leading to an increase in the number of lobules;
  • ductal, in which the network of ducts becomes more branched, they expand;
  • fibrous, when connective tissue grows into muscle (fibrous), and the structure of tissue fibers is disrupted;
  • cystic - the formation of a large number of cystic cavities of different sizes;
  • proliferative - with the growth of the epithelium into the area of ​​​​formed cysts, as well as milk ducts.

With the proliferative form of fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland, fusion of the septa separating individual cysts is possible. Growths form that can increase in size and fill the entire cavity. Small growths appear in large numbers in the gaps between cysts and ducts. Several layers of such growths are formed, lining the entire internal surface of the cyst or dilated duct (in this case, the duct is completely blocked).

A diffuse form of fibroadenomatosis is possible, in which many cysts are scattered in the gland. In the local form, the affected areas are located in a group. The seal is easier to feel. If several cysts merge, a painful node is formed (the so-called nodular form of fibroadenomatosis).

Fibroadenomatosis occurs most often in the upper part of the chest, on the outside. Lumps that look like dense cakes may appear in both mammary glands at once. This benign disease most often occurs in women 35-40 years old.

Symptoms of fibroadenomatosis

Due to the formation of voids and growths in the tissues, women may experience stabbing pain in the chest, especially before the onset of menstruation. During this period, swelling of the glands occurs. The pain is caused by overfilling of cysts, the elasticity of the walls of which is reduced due to the presence of growths that compress the nerve endings. There is a burning sensation in the chest, and there is a feeling of swelling of the gland. It becomes denser as swelling forms in the connective tissue.

When pressing on the breast, fluid may leak out of the nipple (sometimes it comes out in a stream). Discharge from the breast can be clear or pink, green, or black. Possible enlargement of the axillary lymph nodes. In the area of ​​the mammary gland affected by fibroadenomatosis, a compaction occurs, which cannot always be detected upon palpation, since it has a rather soft consistency. Chest pain becomes worse during physical exertion or after nervous strain.

The woman exhibits side symptoms: the regularity of menstruation is disrupted, signs of neuropsychiatric disorders arise (depression, anxiety, obsessive thoughts about death). Pregnant women may have a miscarriage.

Video: Lumps in the chest, how to conduct a self-examination

Causes of fibroadenomatosis

The main cause of most breast diseases in women is hormonal disorders. Particularly sharp changes in the ratio of hormones occur during pregnancy, as well as during its artificial termination, or refusal to breastfeed after childbirth.

The cause of fibroadenomatosis is an imbalance in the levels of estrogen, progesterone and prolactin. It can occur with increased levels of estrogen in the body and decreased production of progesterone.

Hormone imbalance can be the result of diseases of the endocrine system (pituitary gland, pancreas and thyroid glands), long-term use of hormonal contraceptives. Increased estrogen levels are observed after hormone replacement therapy with drugs containing estrogen. In order to reduce the risk of breast diseases, medications containing progesterone are prescribed, which helps suppress estrogen synthesis.

Diseases of the ovaries and other reproductive organs contribute to the occurrence of hormonal imbalance. Refusal of breastfeeding or its abrupt cessation not only causes an imbalance of hormones, but can also cause stagnation of milk, blockage of the milk ducts, and the occurrence of inflammatory processes. In liver diseases, the course of biochemical reactions associated with the synthesis of hormones is disrupted, which also leads to an imbalance.


The doctor, when asked by the patient whether fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland threatens health, will explain that it is a benign tumor, there is no immediate danger, but examination is necessary. During the examination, it will be found out what the nature of the changes in the tissues is, whether there is a tendency for the number and size of cysts to increase, whether treatment should be done or whether it is better to remove them immediately. The presence of inflammatory processes and improper cell development can cause precancerous conditions.

The main methods for diagnosing fibroadenomatosis are:

  1. Palpation. The doctor palpates the mammary gland to detect lumps and their location. What matters is the number and shape of compactions, consistency and the presence of clear boundaries. Palpation is carried out with the woman in a horizontal and vertical position. Typically, lumps are best felt around the 7-10th day of the cycle, when the breasts are the softest.
  2. Mammography. An x-ray of the breast is taken in two projections.
  3. Ductography. X-ray to study the condition of the milk ducts by introducing a contrast agent into them.
  4. Ultrasound. This study complements mammography. On the screen you can clearly see the presence of modified areas in the tissues, their approximate location and shape.
  5. Color Doppler sonography is an ultrasound examination of the vascular system of the glands. A color image is obtained showing the branching of the vessels and the presence of an anomaly.
  6. Biopsy of tissue from the lesion and examination under a microscope to study the nature of changes in cells, detect atypical structure, and the presence of precancerous diseases.
  7. Laboratory tests for estrogens, progesterone, prolactin and hormones produced by the thyroid gland.

A gynecological examination is also carried out to identify diseases of the genital organs, consultations with the participation of an endocrinologist.

Video: Types of breast diseases, their diagnosis and treatment

Treatment of fibroadenomatosis

When suffering from fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland, ailments and fears associated with possible consequences reduce the quality of life. Treatment is prescribed taking into account the woman’s age, type and stage of the disease. The results of tests for hormones, the presence of endocrine and other diseases are taken into account.

Surgical removal is performed only in the case of the formation of large cysts localized in a specific location. The affected area is peeled. Sometimes a sectoral resection is performed, that is, a separate sector of the gland affected by large cysts is removed. In rare cases, when they are located throughout the entire volume, atypical cells are detected in the tissues, the mammary gland is completely removed (mastectomy).

If there are small cysts in a small area, drug therapy (conservative) is used. First of all, treatment is carried out for diseases that could cause fibroadenomatosis. To improve hormonal composition, agents are used that have the following effects:

  • elimination of hypo- and hyperthyroidism, treatment of thyroid diseases (euthyrox);
  • suppression of estrogen production in the ovaries (tamoxifen, fareston);
  • reducing the level of pituitary hormones that stimulate the production of estrogens with drugs containing androgens (danazol);
  • decreased concentration of prolactin in the blood (bromocriptine);
  • restoration of the menstrual cycle (Janine);
  • increased levels of progesterone (progestogel, duphaston).

Vitamin complex preparations must be prescribed, which contain vitamin A (weakens the effect of estrogens in the body), B6 ​​(reduces prolactin levels), vitamin E (increases the effect of progesterone), as well as vitamins that strengthen blood vessels and improve blood circulation (C and PP).

If necessary, sedatives are used. In addition, herbal-based drugs with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects (mamoclam), as well as products to improve liver function (essentiale, karsil), are used.

Note: After consultation with the doctor, in addition to these medications, folk remedies and methods are often used to help reduce inflammation and pain, improve hormonal levels (with the help of phytoestrogens) and replenish vitamin deficiencies.

Prevention measures

Strengthening the body's defenses is the most important measure for the prevention of fibroadenomatosis. Strengthening the immune system is facilitated by fortified nutrition, as well as additional intake of vitamin complexes containing iodine (to support the functioning of the thyroid gland), selenium (anti-cancer effect) and other elements important for the body.

It is necessary to avoid chest injuries and wear a comfortable bra. A normal lifestyle, giving up smoking and other bad habits, plays an important role. It is necessary to protect the nervous system.

Correct contraception and refusal of abortions, regular sex life, and long-term breastfeeding help prevent hormonal disorders. Breast self-examination (once a month) is of great importance, as well as a preventive check of the condition with the help of a mammologist.

Video: Fibrocystic mastopathy. Prevention measures

The underlying cause of the development of fibroadenomatosis is considered to be an imbalance of the hormonal system in the body. As a rule, changes in a woman’s hormonal background occur in the following cases:
stressful situations - mental instability, psycho-emotional breakdowns. Especially if a person is under stress constantly or for a long time;
gynecological diseases accompanied by a disorder of the functional ability of the ovaries, provoked by inflammatory processes of the reproductive organs, menstrual irregularities;
abortions, including medical ones.
refusal or early cessation of breastfeeding a baby provokes congestion in the mammary glands. Breastfeeding should be practiced for at least a year after the baby is born;
sexual problems – practice of interrupted sexual intercourse, irregular sex or lack of a regular sexual partner, unsatisfaction of sexual needs;
pathologies of the thyroid gland - a lack or excess of thyroid hormones also affects the balance of sex hormones;
bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol).
Fibroadenomatosis can occur in various forms:
The form of the disease is determined by a mammologist or oncologist.
Symptoms of the disease may include:
frequently recurring stabbing pain in the mammary gland;
engorgement and hardening of the mammary glands a few days before the start of menstruation or regardless of the cycle;
feeling of pressure and burning pain in the mammary gland;
discharge from the milk ducts, both independent and appearing when the nipple is squeezed;
enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit (sometimes).
Soreness tends to intensify after nervous or physical stress.
If you discover at least one of the above signs, you should immediately consult a mammologist or oncologist!
In order to notice changes in breast tissue, it is necessary to conduct a monthly examination!
Every woman can do it on her own. To do this, you need to carefully feel the chest around the entire circumference, and then more carefully in each quadrant.
Currently, X-ray (digital mammography) and ultrasound research methods are widely used.
Ultrasound examination is more preferable for young women.
Dear patients, please note that in our clinic, both methods are actively performed using modern equipment.
Women over 39 years of age must undergo mammography, regardless of whether they have complaints or not.
From 39 to 50 years, if there are no complaints, it is necessary to perform an examination once every 2 years, after 50 years - once a year.
The frequency of examination primarily depends on the presence of risks, heredity, and also if there are any complaints.
In addition, you need to avoid unfavorable factors and hypothermia, eat right and wear comfortable underwear.
Basic principles of fibroadenomatosis therapy
To determine the necessary scheme of therapeutic measures, it is important to establish and eliminate the cause of the pathology, as well as balance the functioning of the hormonal system.
The selection of treatment is carried out depending on the patient’s age category, stage of the disease, metabolic and hormonal characteristics, and the presence of any other related pathologies in the body.
Currently, therapy for this disease involves the prescription of hormonal drugs, homeopathic remedies, vitamins, antidepressants, and adaptogens. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be prescribed to relieve pain, but this is done for a short period.

My right breast has been hurting for a month now. When contacting the clinic, tests were carried out: bilateral mammography, ultrasound. The mammographic picture corresponds to diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy, a mixed version with the presence of a cystic component (the presence of a cyst on the right is confirmed by ultrasound). A biopsy was performed at the oncology clinic: 1. Cuboidal epithelial cells without atypia. 2. Cyst lining cells without atypia. Objective status: condition is satisfactory, regional lymph nodes are not palpable. The mammary glands are symmetrical, lumpy, painful. On the right - at 9 o'clock a cyst of 1.0 cm was evacuated, at 23 o'clock there was a fuzzy induration up to 1.0 cm - FAM? On the left – used. The skin of the nipple and areola is not changed. There is no discharge from the nipples. Diagnosis: N60. 2 Diffuse FAM of the mammary glands with a tendency to be focal on the right. Right breast cyst. Prescribed: mastadinone, progestogel, indinol, vitamins, mastopathy alfit. Is the treatment effective? Is the tendency to focality safe?

Yulia, Novosibirsk

ANSWERED: 12/08/2015

Before prescribing treatment, it is necessary to determine the level of blood hormones (sex and thyroid). And the complex prescribed to you will only help with menopause. For ANY form of mastopathy, regardless of the reasons for its development, the prescribed complex is useless. The maximum is short-term subjective improvement.

Clarification question

QUESTION FOR CLARIFICATION 08.12.2015 Yulia, Novosibirsk

I forgot to specify my age - 36 years old. But then why didn’t the oncologist at the cancer center order hormone tests? He prescribed treatment for 3 months and a follow-up visit for 4 months with the results of a control ultrasound.

ANSWERED: 12/08/2015

This question should be addressed to the oncologist. I have outlined to you the standard tactics for detecting ANY mass formation in the mammary glands.

Clarification question

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Good evening. Help decipher the results of a cytological analysis of discharge from the mammary glands. A few days ago I had an ultrasound - no pathologies were detected. Cytological examination
In the obtained material (1st grade), altered red blood cells were found in significant quantities, structureless
substance, there are cells of the macrophage type, a few separated and in a single
accumulation of cells of degeneratively changed mammary epithelium.

Diffuse fam (fibroadenoma) of the mammary glands is the most common diagnosis made by breast specialists. Fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland is a benign neoplasm, a “nodule” localized in the breast. It occurs due to a malfunction in the hormonal activity of the female body.

Fibroadenoma is a great danger, like any benign neoplasm, since it can easily develop into cancer. Therefore, if such a disease has been discovered, its signs and symptoms have appeared, you need to urgently consult a specialist and immediately begin drug treatment or prepare for surgery - removal of tumors.

Causes of the disease

Diffuse fibroadenoma can occur due to:

Basically, the reasons listed above arise due to hormonal imbalances in the female body.

Signs of diffuse fibroadenomatosis

Diffuse fibroadenomatosis may differ in its signs and symptoms from other breast tumors, such as leaf tumor.

Unlike other neoplasms, this type of pathological growth of connective tissue in the breast can be either a single small compaction or multiple elastic elements spread over the left and right breasts. Most often, diagnostics carried out by a breast specialist show tumor formations localized in the upper outer quadrant of the breast.

  • One of the main symptoms of the disease is increased breast sensitivity. The patient complains that this part of the body hurts very much even in cases of simple contact with underwear.
  • Before the onset of menstruation, the glands become very rough; on such days, during the process of diagnostic palpation, they are easy to palpate.
  • On the last day of menstruation, it may seem to a woman that the nodules have disappeared, the breasts no longer hurt, the engorgement disappears, however, despite the decrease in the intensity of symptoms and signs of fibroadenoma, one should not take the problem lightly and postpone a visit to a specialist.

If an ultrasound is not done in time to identify the disease and treatment is not started, diffuse fibroadenoma of the breast can develop into small nodular cysts distributed throughout the breast. With the development of pathology and its gradual transition to cancer, discharge may appear from the nipples, the color of which directly depends on the stage of development of the disease - from transparent to dark brown.

Diagnosis of diffuse fibroadenomatosis

The diagnosis of “diffuse fibroadenoma of the breast” is made only after a specialist has conducted several types of examinations, on the basis of which a conclusion is made:

Only a comprehensive diagnosis allows a specialist to accurately identify fibroadenoma and understand how much time it will take for treatment and what methods should be used for it, and whether surgical removal of the pathology is necessary.

Treatment of diffuse fibroadenomatosis

Diffuse fibroadenoma can not only be removed by surgery or laser, it can also be stopped with drug therapy.

To determine the need for pharmaceuticals and develop therapy aimed at getting rid of pathology and preventing cancer, the mammologist needs to know how long the pronounced presence of symptoms of the disease lasts, what is the stage of its development.

It is also worth paying attention to concomitant pathologies of internal organs and carrying out comprehensive treatment, using both hormonal drugs and immunomodulatory agents.

You should not prescribe treatment yourself and try to get rid of breast fibroadenoma with folk remedies, such as boron uterus. This can not only greatly distort the symptomatic picture in the future, but also provoke the transition of the pathology to cancer in the absence of the necessary therapy.

Breast fibroadenoma: when to operate - video

Benign formations are one of the most common forms of mammary gland pathologies in women. They appear in more than 50 forms and are adenofibromatosis, fibromatosis, etc.

What's happened

What is it - FAM of the mammary gland? FAM stands for fibroadenomatosis. This is a benign disease that occurs in the connective tissue of the mammary gland, where fibrous tissue grows under the influence of hormones.

Depending on the ongoing pathological process, this disease takes various forms, which differ from each other in the nature and extent of the lesion.

Causes and risk factors

The main reason for the development of such problems is hormonal imbalance in women. This may happen for some reasons:

  1. Stress – constant stress overexertion affects the functioning of the endocrine glands, which disrupts the functioning of many body systems.
  2. Problems in the sexual sphere - irregular sexual intercourse, no permanent partner, etc., changes in hormonal levels.
  3. Gynecological diseases - problems with the functional functioning of the ovaries; failure of the menstrual cycle leads to disruption of the normal production of hormones. Of particular importance in provoking the disease is abortion.
  4. Early cessation of breastfeeding before the child is one year old, as well as refusal to feed the child after his birth, provokes stagnation in the milk ducts, hence, inflammatory diseases in the breast.
  5. Thyroid diseases cause improper production of hormones.
  6. Some diseases of the liver, which removes hormonal breakdown products from the body, which can lead to hormonal imbalance.

In addition, there are provoking factors, the presence of which suggests an increase in the likelihood of developing FAM of the mammary glands.

They are based on a chemical and hormonal nature:

  • work in hazardous production;
  • unhealthy lifestyle, alcohol abuse and smoking;
  • tight underwear;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • frequent pregnancies or refusal to bear children.


There are different types of lumps in the mammary gland, so the mammologist relies on the accompanying symptoms to make the correct diagnosis:

  • frequently recurring stabbing chest pains that occur during the premenstrual period;
  • a feeling of pressure or burning in the chest during the premenstrual period;
  • discharge from the nipples that appears independently or when squeezed;
  • possible enlargement of lymph nodes in the axillary region;
  • The mammary glands swell and become denser.

It is worth noting that the manifestations of these symptoms intensify during periods of nervous overstrain and physical fatigue.


FAM of the breast has several forms:

  • Diffuse. This form is considered the first stage of the disease. What is it - diffuse FAM of the mammary glands? The examination reveals several nodules, which are usually located in the upper parts of the chest. Seals are detected in one or both mammary glands. Associated symptoms are hardening of the mammary glands before menstruation and increased sensitivity. They can disappear on their own, which happens after childbirth and completion of breastfeeding.
  • Localized. The question often arises, what is FAM lock of the mammary gland? In this case, a single formation is clearly defined in size from 1 to 6 cm. The compaction is a dense knot with clear boundaries, a bumpy surface and may have a granular structure. When palpated, it causes slight pain.
  • Localized FAM of the breast is a form of the disease that in 40% of cases occurs in nulliparous and unmarried women aged 30 to 40 years, of the remaining cases, 38% are women who have had multiple abortions.
  • Cystic. Multiple and multi-chamber cysts develop, which are heterogeneous in nature and arise in the ducts or alveoli. The disease often affects 2 breasts at once, where the cysts are located one at a time or in groups. Diagnosis requires x-rays, as well as puncture and trephine biopsies.
  • Focal. This form is similar to diffuse FAM, where the compactions also consist of glandular tissue, which is replaced by fibrous tissue. But in this case, there is no clear boundary between the tissues, and the patient feels constant pain.
  • Fibrous. In this form of the disease, compactions are formed due to the proliferation of fibrous tissue. Most often, such processes occur as a consequence of injury or an infectious-allergic disease.
  • Nodal. Small lumps appear locally, and the patient feels pain in the area of ​​the lumps. This form occurs in close connection with diffuse fibroadenomatosis.

Only a specialist can determine the form of the disease after a thorough diagnosis.


What is the diagnosis of FAM of the breast, and what methods are used to accurately diagnose it? To make a correct diagnosis, a mammologist, in addition to standard ultrasound and x-rays, can prescribe a number of special and additional studies. For example, aspiration and stereotactic biopsies, trephine biopsy, ductography help determine benign or malignant formation in each specific case.

For a more complete diagnosis, which allows you to determine the most successful treatment regimen, the following are performed: thermography, chest x-ray, MRI or CT, examination of lymph nodes, and various laboratory tests.



The main directions of treatment are optimization of hormonal balance and tissue restoration, as well as symptomatic therapy. The use of different drugs will depend on many factors, such as age, stage of the disease, etc.

In general, hormonal agents, vitamins, homeopathic drugs, antidepressants, adaptogens, and anti-inflammatory drugs are used. In some cases, medications for the liver and thyroid gland.


In cases where drug treatment is ineffective or in cases of advanced disease, surgical intervention may be used. This treatment is also indicated for some localized forms of FAM.

The operation can be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia, depending on the complexity of each case. During the operation, the necessary histology tests are taken.

Traditional methods

The use of folk remedies in the treatment of fibroadenomatosis is aimed primarily at optimizing hormone levels, normalizing metabolism and relieving nervous tension.

Many plants contain essential oils and active ingredients that have a positive effect on the treatment of the disease and the patient’s condition as a whole. A special advantage of such methods is the absence of side effects.

For example, to treat the mammary glands, burdock or cabbage leaves are applied to the breast. Some plants, such as valerian root, nettle, rose hips and others, have a mild effect by stabilizing hormonal levels.

But you should not think that by using only such means you can easily cure fibroadenomatosis, and especially its advanced stage. Traditional methods can be used as an addition to conservative treatment. Before use, you should consult your doctor.

Forecast and danger

With timely diagnosis, the diagnosis of FAM is not dangerous and responds well to treatment. What is FAM of the breast when compared to cancer?

It is worth noting that fibroadenomatosis is a benign formation, but these cells have the ability to develop into malignant ones over time. This explains the need for early diagnosis.


Preventive measures are aimed at maintaining general health, the absence of sudden changes in hormone levels, as well as breast renewal during lactation:

  • healthy lifestyle, physical activity;
  • comfortable underwear that helps avoid chest compression;
  • early diagnosis - involves self-examination of the breast and regular visits to a mammologist;
  • breastfeeding - from the moment the child is born until 1-1.5 years;
  • refusal of abortion;
  • regular sex life.

If you detect the first signs and the presence of seals, you should immediately consult a doctor for early diagnosis and initiation of treatment.


From our video you will learn about the causes, prevention and treatment of breast diseases.