A 2 year old boy has red foreskin. The child's penis is red and swollen. Maternal factor in inflammation of the foreskin in a child

Sooner or later, almost every mother who has a boy faces purely “male” problems with her baby. The genital organ itself raises a lot of questions, and many different fears are associated with it. Even in the maternity hospital, doctors must teach every mother to take care of her baby’s foreskin. The most important instruction here is the following - do not touch, so as not to suddenly cause inflammation of the foreskin in the child.

Every boy is born already having congenital temporary phimosis. The foreskin is a fold of skin that covers the head of the penis (scientifically called the prepuce). The connection between the inner surface of the foreskin and the head of the penis is provided by delicate adhesions or synechiae. This is the skin that protects the head itself and practically does not extend to the base of the child’s (boy’s) penis, unlike an adult man.

As the child grows, the external opening of the foreskin increases, which eventually leads to the opening of the head. This is also facilitated by spontaneous erections and special enzymes secreted by the sebaceous glands located in the foreskin - smegma. This process lasts individually for each child. It is generally considered normal for the head to fully dilate at approximately 6 or 7 years of age. Although for some boys this happens at 3 years old or after 10 years.

Often, mothers’ excessive anxiety or curiosity pushes them to take various, not always deliberate, actions. Especially if the neighbor’s child’s head has opened for a long time, and the “experienced” neighbor advised him to push the flesh away on his own, otherwise surgical intervention would suddenly be needed. This basically leads to real “man” problems in boys.

Balanoposthitis is an inflammation in a child (boy) of the foreskin, as well as the head of the penis. The name at first glance is quite formidable, but this disease does not pose a serious threat to the child until it becomes chronic.

Causes and symptoms of inflammation of the foreskin in children

The most common cause of balanoposthitis is independent attempts to open the foreskin. As a result, an infection enters the preputial sac from the external environment, provoking an inflammatory process.

Sometimes there are physiological reasons for the occurrence of such inflammation. As already mentioned, the synechiae of the foreskin gradually diverge and smegma accumulates under the flesh itself. Moreover, if the head opens gradually, then the body itself gets rid of its excess - it washes it out when urinating with sterile urine. But there are situations when the synechiae partially diverge, forming a pouch. The smegma that accumulates in this sac turns into a very dense smegmolite. It cannot get out, leading to inflammation - acute balanoposthitis.

Quite often recently, this inflammation has an allergic origin. Inflammation of the foreskin in a child can be caused by the following external irritants:
a) bad diapers,
b) dirty laundry,
c) things washed with chemical powders,
d) intimate hygiene products.
In addition, allergens may be contained in the urine, especially if the child is prone to allergies to any foods or medications. Such urine irritates the foreskin, which leads to inflammation.

Quite often, a sign of phimosis (impossibility of exposing the head of the penis) is precisely recurrent balanoposthitis. This disease causes the foreskin to become so narrow that it does not allow the head of the penis to open. It is with phimosis accompanied by recurrent balanoposthitis that circumcision is prescribed. This is a completely simple surgical procedure.

The first symptoms of inflammation of the foreskin are itching, pain, redness and swelling in the area of ​​the head of the penis. Sometimes pus may come out from under the foreskin. And pain when urinating, a rash on the head, as well as a white coating are evidence of chronic balanoposthitis, which, in turn, often leads to cicatricial phimosis.

Treatment of inflammation of the foreskin in a child

There are almost never any difficulties when treating inflammation of the foreskin in a child. With proper treatment, all signs of the disease disappear completely within two days. For this, baths and various antibacterial ointments are used. Baths with furatsilin and chamomile decoction are considered the most effective.

A. Two furatsilin tablets are diluted in a glass of warm boiled water.

B. Chamomile decoction is prepared in the most usual way, as for internal use.

When performing the procedure, there is no need to open the head of the child’s penis, since the medicine already enters the preputial sac in sufficient quantities.

Quite often you can hear doctors recommend using potassium permanganate for rinsing and washing. But its use is not entirely desirable due to its drying effect. Liquid ointments (Levomikol or analogues) can also be prescribed for insertion into the opening of the foreskin. You can also apply the ointment as a bandage, wrapping it around the “sick organ” overnight.

But such treatment will not help with chronic balanoposthitis. The child's condition will, of course, improve, but only for a short period of time. Recurrence of the disease results in surgery to circumcise the foreskin.

The most important thing for both treatment and prevention of this disease is to provide proper care for the boy.

2 . You should not treat your penis with disinfectants every day.

3 . It is necessary to wash the child with plain water at least twice a day, and also after each bowel movement.

4 . Diapers should be changed promptly.

5 . Twice a month you need to make hygienic baths with various decoctions of herbs (chamomile, chamomile, celandine).

6 . You should not self-medicate, and at the slightest suspicion of inflammation, immediately consult a doctor.

7 . Particular attention must be paid to timely treatment of the very first manifestation of balanoposthitis in order to completely exclude the possibility of its transition to a chronic form.

8 . During illness, provide your child with plenty of fluids - this will help to better rinse the urethra.

Always remember that inflammation of the foreskin in a child is far from the most terrible disease in his life, but it is necessary to treat the child with all responsibility. At the same time, there is no need to panic and draw hasty conclusions.

Health to you and your baby!

Balanitis is a fairly common disease, which is an inflammation of the head of the male genital organ. Most often it affects boys under 5 years of age. The disease can affect only this part of the penis or the inner side of the foreskin, which is defined as posthitis. If suppuration simultaneously affects both of these areas, then balanoposthitis is diagnosed.

The disease can negatively affect the sexual activity of a mature man and his ability to fertilize. A spermogram will help you obtain all the information to identify infertility and eliminate causes of concern.

The painful condition does not appear immediately. The child gradually develops the following symptoms:

  • decreased feeling of hunger, decreased appetite;
  • increase in body temperature up to 38 degrees;
  • pain, burning, redness in the area of ​​the penis;
  • problem of urinary incontinence (enuresis);
  • lack of sleep, weakness, irritability;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin area.

Within 5-6 days, signs of the disease can intensively increase and lead to acute balanoposthitis. The child's temperature rises, redness, pain when urinating, discharge and swelling of the tissues of the foreskin appear.

Often the acute form occurs as a response to an infectious disease or in case of neglect of personal hygiene rules.

If proper treatment is not started in a timely manner, the disease will become chronic and may result in major male problems in the future. Therefore, the situation should not be left to chance and you should not self-medicate, but rather get professional help, take the necessary tests: blood, spermogram (for adult men), urine.

Sometimes a child may develop purulent balanoposthitis. It is characterized by redness of the skin, swelling of the head of the penis, and itching. The boy feels pain when urinating, accompanied by purulent discharge with a specific odor.

The root of the disease

Balanitis or inflammation of the glans penis often flares up due to various microorganisms. Typically, the disease affects those males who do not take good care of the hygiene of their genitals.

The main reason for problems with the penis is the secretion of a special lubricant (smegma) by the urethra and skin glands. It collects under the foreskin and, when suppurating in the urethra, aggravates the situation, increasing irritation and inflammatory reactions.

In a healthy boy, this substance on the organ has the appearance of a curdled mass, consisting of secretions of the glands of the skin, on the mucous membrane of the penis. However, when smegma contains secretions from the sebaceous and sweat glands, the risk of microbial damage to the tissues of the penis increases.

The lubricant is concentrated in the skin fold of the foreskin, which reduces the protective properties of the skin. As a result, infection occurs and intensive proliferation of microbes begins. Sometimes, to make sure that there is no accumulation of bacteria that threaten the fertilization process in the area of ​​the head of the penis, men are prescribed a spermogram.

The disease can also develop in a child with skin lesions on the penis or local reactions to any chemical compounds. Often these are the results of improper self-medication or wearing poor-quality, tight underwear, which leads to rubbing of the head and foreskin.

Inflammatory processes are possible with primary or secondary balanitis. In the first option, the source of the disease is fungal and bacterial infections, the presence of which can be seen on a spermogram or smear. Harmful microorganisms multiply under the outer layer of skin of the foreskin and lead to severe inflammation of the penis. In such situations, there is only one way out - contact a surgeon to circumcise the foreskin.

Purulent balanoposthitis occurs due to yeast fungi, staphylococci and streptococcal microorganisms.

Diagnosis of the disease

If inflammation is suspected, parents should take the child to a pediatric surgeon or urologist. Often, special instrumental studies are not needed to diagnose the disease. After analyzing the complaints, examining the penis and taking laboratory tests, a conclusion can be made.

A general urine test will help detect leukocytosis and the presence of harmful microbes.

To identify the pathogen, a bacteriological study is carried out. The situation is different when diagnosing the disease in men. To exclude the possibility of developing serious diseases that will affect reproductive function in the future, a spermogram is necessary.

Balanoposthitis brings many sexual problems to males. It affects both a man’s reproductive function and his overall health. Spermogram is considered one of the most important methods in the diagnosis of urological diseases. It helps to obtain information about the possibility of procreation, the presence of inflammatory processes, infections, and bacteria. The data obtained in the spermogram can present a clear picture of the course of the process and show whether there is inflammation of the mucous membrane.

Treatment of balanoposthitis

There are no particular difficulties in treatment. With a good and correct approach, symptoms can be overcome in a few days.

Basically, hygienic baths and antibacterial ointments are used to treat the disease. The most effective remedies are chamomile decoction, which is prepared using the usual method, or furatsilin. You will need to dilute the tablets in boiled water at room temperature at the rate of 2 pieces per 200 grams. Such sitz baths should be taken once a day for a week. Even if the inflammation has passed, treatment should be continued to prevent relapse.

You should not rinse or wash the genital organ with a solution of potassium permanganate; this is not always beneficial, since it has a drying effect. Sometimes liquid ointment is injected into the opening of the foreskin. It is applied to a bandage, gauze, wrapped around the diseased organ and the bandage is left overnight.

During treatment, the patient needs to drink a lot of water. This will ensure active rinsing of the urethra. And after the illness, you need to wash the boy for a month and gently wipe him dry with a soft towel after each visit to the toilet.

In the case of chronic balanoposthitis, such procedures will not be effective, but will only improve the child’s condition for a short time. Therefore, it is very important to take a responsible approach to the treatment of the primary process in order to prevent the further development of a more serious form of the disease.

Preventive action

The development of inflammatory processes on the glans penis is always associated with the lack of adequate prevention. First of all, proper care is necessary. In addition, it is important to follow the basic rules.

Due attention should be paid to the hygiene of the boy's penis. Parents need to wash their child every day. Under no circumstances should you open the head and wash it thoroughly with soap. Such procedures remove the natural protective barrier that protects the mucous membrane of the foreskin from inflammation. Therefore, once a week you can slightly open the outer part and gently pour it over with water diluted with baby bathing foam.

You cannot uncontrollably use disinfectant solutions or antibacterial ointments every day to protect your child from germs.

Men, even with unexpressed symptoms, should check their health by regularly consulting a spermogram, which is prescribed by a doctor.

It is recommended to buy comfortable, high-quality underwear and select the right diapers for babies, changing them regularly. Tightly fitting items disrupt the circulatory system and promote inflammation, so you should give preference to loose underwear to avoid friction with the mucous membrane.

Do not forget about hygienic baths based on herbal infusions.

Urological diseases associated with inflammation of the foreskin are not considered the most terrible problem in the life of a child or an adult man. The main thing is to remember about preventive measures, treat treatment responsibly and not panic. And as soon as you suspect problems with men’s health, contact a specialist as soon as possible without self-medicating.

In boys, the area of ​​the foreskin and head of the penis often becomes inflamed. This inflammation is called balanoposthitis. Infants get sick especially often, since the anatomy of a newborn differs from the structure of the genital organs of an adult. Balanoposthitis in a child appears due to insufficient or infrequent washing, infectious diseases, allergies, diabetes, and excess weight. The temperature rises, the head of the penis becomes red and swollen, the boy complains of painful urination.

Causes of balanoposthitis

Balanoposthitis in children is usually caused by bacteria. The causative agents of the inflammatory process are staphylococcal and streptococcal infections, herpes virus, fungal infection (candida) and other microorganisms. Bacteria multiply in the sac between the glans and the foreskin. The surrounding tissues and skin become inflamed, and this is how balanoposthitis begins. The allergic nature of the disease is also possible, in which case the allergen becomes the cause of inflammation.
The causes of inflammation are varied. The following factors can trigger the development of balanoposthitis:

  • Insufficient washing. With insufficient hygiene, smegma and urine residues are not washed out from under the skin of the foreskin. In young children, smegma consists for the most part not of foreskin secretions, but of dead epithelial cells. If these secretions are not washed out regularly, then an infection develops in the place where they accumulate, which leads to inflammation.
  • Diabetes mellitus and hormonal disorders are common causes of balanoposthitis. High sugar in the urine creates a sweet environment in which bacteria grow quickly.
  • Phimosis. In all infants, the head of the penis cannot be opened; it is covered by the foreskin (physiological phimosis). Closed areas of the head promote the accumulation of bacteria.
  • Adhesions (synechia) of the foreskin. This is an anatomical feature of all male newborns. As the boy gets older, the adhesions disappear on their own and do not require special treatment. However, synechiae prevents complete cleansing of the head, which can lead to balanoposthitis.
  • Washing a boy with soap too often can also be a provoking factor. Soaps and other detergents can irritate the skin if used frequently. In such cases it is possible. Allergies are often caused by leftover detergents on diapers. A newborn boy comes into contact with such underwear with his genitals. This can cause contact dermatitis, and then allergic balanoposthitis. With allergies, redness and rashes are also observed on the skin around the genitals.
  • Rarely changing diapers sometimes leads to inflammation. In older boys, balanoposthitis can be triggered by prolonged wearing of tight panties or swimming trunks, especially with rough seams in the front.
  • Overweight children are susceptible to balanoposthitis. Obesity impairs metabolism and immunity; in addition, it is more difficult for an overweight child to maintain hygiene.
  • Boys suffering from chronic diseases of the genitourinary system often suffer from inflammation of the head and foreskin.
  • Lack of vitamins and hypothermia also cause inflammatory diseases.

Washing the boy with soap too often

Balanoposthitis in infants

Balanoposthitis often occurs in infants. This occurs due to the fusion of the head and foreskin.
This physiological feature in infants is considered normal. In infants, the foreskin protects the head. This is observed in 96% of boys at birth. Usually by the age of one and a half years the head begins to become exposed. But for some children this happens much later: at 6 years old, and sometimes at 10 years old. It is also not considered a pathological condition.
Usually the smegma is washed out along with the urine. But it happens that the removal of smegma is disrupted, and then conditions are created for the growth of bacteria and the occurrence of inflammation.
Sometimes parents themselves try to expose the head of the baby’s penis in order to clean the boy. This is very harmful, as it can injure the genitals and cause infection.
Balanoposthitis is very common in childhood, so parents should know the symptoms and treatment of this disease.

Signs of childhood balanoposthitis

First, the child develops balanitis (inflammation of the head), then the inflammation spreads to the foreskin (posthitis). When both inflammations occur simultaneously, it is called balanoposthitis.

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How does acute balanoposthitis manifest in children?

Acute balanoposthitis in boys begins unexpectedly, without a hidden period. In the evening I felt normal, but in the morning signs of illness suddenly appeared:

  • pain in the penis;
  • painful difficulty urinating;
  • hyperemia (redness) and swelling of the penis;
  • foul-smelling discharge;
  • elevated temperature;
  • enlarged lymph nodes in the groin;
  • bad feeling.

In the photo of a sick child you can see the swelling and redness characteristic of acute balanoposthitis.
While the disease is acute, it can be easily cured with local remedies (baths, ointments) within two to three days. Redness and swelling decrease, general condition improves. In the first days the disease is easily treated. But if treatment was insufficient or absent, and signs of inflammation remain, then balanoposthitis becomes chronic over time.

How does purulent balanoposthitis manifest in children?

Purulent balanoposthitis in a child is caused by an infection: streptococci, staphylococci or yeast. Clinical manifestations begin suddenly:

  • heat;
  • sharp pain and burning sensation in the urethra;
  • Pus comes out of the penis in clots.

Balanoposthitis of a purulent nature is dangerous due to complications. Sometimes the infectious process spreads upward, resulting in pyelocystitis and urethritis.

Symptoms of chronic balanoposthitis in boys

If the child does not receive treatment or the therapy is insufficient, then the disease takes a chronic course after about 3 weeks. In this case, the following signs are observed:

  • Worried about itching in the genital area.
  • When urinating, there is pain and burning. The pain is moderate, not as intense as in the acute form.
  • Swelling and redness are reduced. The head is covered with plaque.
  • Body temperature is not elevated.
  • The discharge is constantly coming out.
  • Scars and phimosis form.
  • Inflammation can spread to the urethra and cause urethritis.

Acute balanoposthitis in children is much more common than chronic balanoposthitis. Typically, children under 10 years of age are more likely to be ill in an acute form, while adolescent boys experience a chronic form of the disease. In a chronic course, balanoposthitis can last for months, periods of relief alternate with exacerbations.

Features of balanoposthitis in newborns

The baby cannot speak, and therefore it is sometimes difficult for parents to understand what is bothering him. But it is in newborns that balanoposthitis occurs very often due to their physiological characteristics. Parents should pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • the child becomes capricious and cries often;
  • the skin on the head of the penis looks reddened, sometimes acquires a bluish color;
  • swelling of the head is noticeable;
  • rashes and sores appear on the genitals;
  • Diaper rash is noticeable in skin folds (powders and creams do not help);
  • the child urinates frequently.

Possible complications of balanoposthitis

Advanced balanoposthitis in boys becomes chronic, which can have serious consequences:

  • Phimosis may develop - narrowing of the foreskin. And then paraphimosis occurs. With this disease, the head is compressed by the ring of the foreskin. Blueness and swelling appear. This condition requires immediate medical attention.
  • The infection can spread to other genitourinary organs and kidneys. This happens especially often with a fungal infection.
  • A gangrenous form of the disease may develop, which in the future can lead to gangrene of the penis.
  • If the disease is neglected, an ulcerative form of balanoposthitis may occur.
  • Untreated balanoposthitis can provoke the development of cancer of the genital organs.
  • Advanced inflammation leads to curvature and deformation of the head of the penis.

Diagnosis of balanoposthitis in children

If the symptoms of the disease are pronounced, the pediatrician can make a diagnosis during an external examination. If necessary, the doctor can refer the child to specialists - a urologist or surgeon. Additional tests may be needed:

  • urine test for tank culture;
  • urine test for leukocytes;
  • swab from under the foreskin;
  • Ultrasound of the genitourinary organs;
  • blood sugar test (if the cause of the disease is diabetes);
  • enzyme immunoassay for antibodies to infections.

Urine test for tank culture

These examinations are safe and painless for children. They help to accurately determine the cause of the disease and prescribe treatment.

Treatment methods for balanoposthitis in children

Treatment of balanoposthitis in children is carried out with medications - local (ointments, baths) and antibiotics. Most often, the disease responds well to treatment with local remedies. Ointments and baths work well against inflammation.

Antibiotics have to be used only when the disease is caused by staphylococci or streptococci. If the disease is fungal in nature, penicillin antibiotics are contraindicated. The use of cephalosporin antibiotics will be required. There are also surgical methods of treatment, but they have to be resorted to very rarely.

Local treatment methods

  • Baths. For baths, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory solutions are used: chamomile decoction or a solution of Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, Potassium Permanganate. Instead of Chamomile, you can use Sage or Plantain. To prepare a Chamomile decoction, you need to take 2 tablespoons of the mixture and pour a glass of boiling water over them, then put the decoction in a water bath and heat for 15 minutes. Cool the broth before use. To prepare a solution of Furacilin, take 2 tablets per glass of warm water. It is necessary to lower the head of the penis into the prepared solution for 10 minutes, after opening it as far as possible. You need to wash the inflamed area 5-6 times a day.
  • Ointments. If baths do not help, then ointments are prescribed. When treating balanoposthitis in children, the following ointments are used - Levomekol, Miramistin, Locacorten, Baneocin. Before using the ointment, wash your child's genitals. You can make a bath with one of the disinfecting solutions. Then you need to put ointment under the foreskin. If it is impossible to open the head, then the ointment should be applied to a bandage and a bandage should be made. The doctor will tell you which ointment to use based on the symptoms and diagnostic results.

Use of internal medicines

If the use of baths and ointments does not lead to an improvement in the condition, or the disease is complex, medications are used. Antibacterial and antifungal therapy may be required:

  • Balanoposthitis is treated with cephalosporin antibiotics. The drugs Cephalosin, Cefixin, Ceftriaxone are used. These drugs can act on a wide range of bacteria. If the disease is caused by a fungal infection, the antifungal drug Fluconazole is prescribed. The antimicrobial drug Furagin is also used.
  • For pain, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed - Ibuprofen.
  • For balanoposthitis of allergic origin, antihistamines are used.
  • Antipyretics, vitamins and drugs to strengthen the immune system are used as symptomatic therapy.
  • If balanoposthitis is caused by endocrine diseases and obesity, then treatment of the underlying disease and diet are necessary.

Surgical methods of treatment

Sometimes with balanoposthitis it is necessary to perform a simple operation - circumcision of the foreskin. This surgical intervention completely eliminates complications and relapses of the disease. However, the operation is performed in very rare cases. Conservative treatment methods are usually sufficient.
Surgery is required only when balanoposthitis is complicated by narrowing of the foreskin - phimosis. Surgical intervention may also be required in cases of protracted chronic form of the disease, when drug therapy does not help. Usually operations are easy and without consequences. To carry out such an intervention, you do not need to go to the hospital; it is carried out on an outpatient basis. The operation is not performed in case of severe inflammation, when the disease is acute. Circumcision prevents the risk of complications.

Prevention of balanoposthitis

To prevent the development of balanoposthitis in children, the following rules must be followed:
  • Preschool boys need daily washing with boiled clean water without soap.
  • Older boys need to be taught daily genital hygiene, including exposing the head and washing out the smegma.
  • You should change your underwear daily.
  • Newborn babies need to change their diapers when they get dirty. It is also important to choose the right diaper size.
  • Hypoallergenic products should be used to care for infants.
  • The boy should use only his own towel and never take other people’s personal hygiene items.
  • It is necessary to avoid wearing underwear that is too tight. For children, it is better to wear underwear made from natural fabrics, without seams in the front.
  • If a child suffers from diabetes or obesity, then a diet and constant medical supervision are necessary. Overweight and obesity are common causes of inflammation. This also applies to children with diseases of the genitourinary system.

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Good afternoon. A comically alarming description of our problem will now follow. Well, I'll explain as best I can. Our son is 11 months old. Three days ago we discovered that a penis (not associated with that age - as in the joke), more precisely foreskin And testicular area, our boy in some places blushed. Of course, we were warned that we must constantly wash out the debris that accumulates under it (smegma, sperm, no idea), which we do constantly. So that day, in the morning, some white formations were discovered in the diaper in the area where the penis was located (well, pathos - I’m complex, sorry). Pushing aside foreskin, found the same substance under it, I would say, in sufficient quantity (never noticed before). Washed. Redness They attributed it to the skin staying in the urine for a long time - the diaper was thoroughly filled overnight. We let him run around without a diaper (we also do this regularly). The next day redness did not disappear, but no formations were found either. The only point worthy of attention from the point of view of a dark parent is that sometimes he began to write very little. Well, today he pees once a minute without stopping, literally milligrams... Naturally, we are concerned. It doesn’t cause him any trouble, and he doesn’t experience any unpleasant sensations when touched. In Germany, where we now live, the children's doctors did not inspire either trust or sympathy (especially since at the time of writing this letter, they had already finished their appointments and were resting on the weekend). Please give advice.

The genital organ of a newborn boy has always raised a lot of questions and fears among the whole family. Over time, any mother of her baby faces problems with the care and hygiene of the “main” organ of her beloved little one. The main goal here is not to touch it again, so as not to cause harm. in children, it mainly occurs in boys between the ages of birth and 5–6 years; in men it is detected quite rarely. This disease is called balanoposthitis, when the head of the penis and the inner sheet of the foreskin become inflamed. Almost every second child suffered such a disease in childhood.

In newborn babies, inflammation of the penis and its flesh is diagnosed quite often. At birth, the end of the flesh of a baby is narrowed and fused to the head. This most often leads to the onset of the disease. The toddler's behavior becomes restless, swelling and redness appear and, as a result, pain occurs. Since all children at birth already have physiological phimosis, the reasons for the appearance of balanoposthitis in them is the intervention of parents who forcibly tried to open the head of the penis. This effect on the foreskin leads to its tearing and penetration of infection inside. As the famous doctor, pediatrician Komarovsky says: “If the child is bathed regularly, he does not overheat, his diaper is changed on time, then there should be no problems. Parents themselves create, through their inept actions, a situation in which inflammation occurs. When the child is doing well and nothing is causing concern, there is no need to try to open the head of the foreskin on your own, even if someone strongly recommends that you do so.” When balanoposthitis is detected, treatment is required immediately so that the process does not develop into a complicated form.

Reasons for appearance

All boys are born with physiological phimosis and a lubricant – smegma – collects inside them under the foreskin, which is very difficult to clean hygienically. Since this skin covers almost the entire head of the penis and is fused with it.

Here a favorable environment is formed for the activation and growth of pathogenic bacteria. Phimosis in boys persists until 5–6 years of age. Also, the cause may simply be poor hygiene of the child’s genital organ - this omission on the part of the parents gives rise to the occurrence of an inflammatory process. Some of the most common pathogens of this disease are staphylococcal infection, fungal infection, herpes virus, intestinal bacteria, and Proteus. In addition, there are other factors that can also cause the disease:

  • incorrectly selected underwear (too tight synthetic panties that injure the child’s foreskin);
  • allergies to detergents (washing powder, soap or hygiene gel);
  • infrequent diaper changes for infants;
  • too frequent intimate hygiene, with increased PH content;
  • endocrine diseases (overweight, diabetes);
  • lack of vitamins or other microelements;
  • reduced immunity (causes fungal infection).

Symptoms of the disease

Signs of inflammation of the foreskin in children begin to manifest themselves gradually. Against the background of excellent health, the child after sleep experiences painful urination, itching, burning, and may experience restlessness and restlessness in behavior. The penis becomes swollen and red, this condition is accompanied by increased body temperature. If you do not pay due attention to these symptoms, the disease begins to progress. The lymph nodes in the groin enlarge, involuntary urinary incontinence may develop, purulent discharge is released from the urethra, the temperature rises to 39 degrees - this means that the disease has entered the acute phase.

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If the cause of inflammation of the foreskin is an infection that is detected after smear culture, then certain drug therapy is prescribed. The doctor selects the medications based on the results of the study. These may be antibiotics or antifungal medications. Local antiseptic procedures will also help treat inflammation. They consist of treating the affected area with disinfectants. Apply compresses soaked in an antiseptic to the affected area. Levomekol ointment, which has a powerful antiseptic effect, has proven itself very well; it is advisable to apply it before bed, wrap the head with a bandage and do not touch it until the morning. If the cause is a fungal infection, then Clotrimazole ointment is prescribed. All antiseptic drugs are used only as prescribed by a doctor; independent use is unacceptable.


There are advanced cases of balanoposthitis, in which the disease cannot be cured. If all methods of drug treatment provide temporary relief and the symptoms return again, then it is recommended to resort to the surgical method.

Adhesions formed during physiological phimosis prevent the glans penis from opening slightly. The surgeon separates them from the foreskin and cleanses the pus and smegma that has accumulated inside, rinsing the cavity with chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide. This surgical intervention does not require anesthesia and is well tolerated by the child.

When the disease is in a chronic stage and periods of exacerbation alternate with remission, tissue deformation occurs and a complete narrowing of the foreskin may be observed. Then a purulent inflammation forms underneath it. In this condition, circumcision is prescribed - circumcision of the foreskin, after which the head of the penis comes out. This operation is performed under general anesthesia, and after it the patient recovers completely.

Preventive measures to help prevent inflammation

The main mission of parents is to observe the rules and norms of personal hygiene of the child, to provide proper care for the genital organ:

  • Daily hygiene procedures (rinse the penis with warm water, without special detergents, after each bowel movement).
  • Select high-quality cotton underwear that matches the size and age of the child (do not allow it to become dirty).
  • Change the baby's diaper on time (try to use it only at night and for walks; when changing a diaper, give air baths, leaving the baby naked for 10–15 minutes).
  • Do not try to forcibly open the leaves of the foreskin (you need to show the child to the doctor if he has noticed phimosis).
  • Wash children's clothes only with special powders or laundry soap, without aggressive agents that can cause an allergic reaction in the genitals.
  • Conduct regular preventive examinations with a pediatric surgeon for the purpose of early detection of pathology.

It is strongly recommended to completely cure any form of balanoposthitis so that it does not become chronic. It is important to understand that all boys between the ages of 0 and 10 years can experience physiological phimosis. The existing adhesions prevent the foreskin from being separated from the glans. They are destroyed independently when the body secretes a special secretion. If you forcefully release the head, you can get an infection that will cause an inflammatory process. It is dangerous for the development of serious complications, which may subsequently affect reproductive functions. And as the respected pediatrician Komarovsky says: “There is no need to climb there and pull anything unnecessarily, it is better not to touch anything at all, so as not to worsen the situation, and if in any doubt, it is better to seek help from a qualified family doctor.”

Do you have serious problems with potency?

Have you tried a lot of remedies and nothing has helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • sluggish erection;
  • lack of desire;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to increase potency! Follow the link and find out how experts recommend treating...