Conscious dream technique. How to enter a lucid dream. Lucid dreaming: theory, personal experience, practice Meaningful dreaming

It is believed that the ability to lucid dream is manifested in every second person. But others can also learn to travel during night sleep - this requires special training. What is this condition and how is it beneficial? How can you achieve lucid dreaming?

What are lucid dreams?

There are several points of view on the nature of lucid dreams:

  • Complete denial - dreams of this type do not exist. This is either outright nonsense, or a hoax created for the purpose of money laundering.
  • A lucid dream is a journey into parallel worlds. From this point of view, lucid dreaming represents a shamanic journey into other universes. The human spirit leaves the body and wanders through different worlds and eras.
  • The concept of reflection of the unconscious. During a lucid dream, a person has the opportunity to study in detail the features of his psyche.
  • The concept of the collective unconscious. According to this idea, the practice of lucid dreams allows you to connect to a certain “higher mind” and travel in the collective “psychological Internet.”

Where does the soul actually go during a lucid dream? But this depends on the personal attitudes of the person himself, his thoughts while falling asleep. In this regard, young children have a much greater chance of “visiting an alien civilization” than adults. And the final destination during a lucid dream depends on where the person would like to go.

What are the benefits of lucid dreaming?

Firstly, for fun. So far, no modern technology can provide such entertainment.

Secondly, many serious scientific discoveries were made in a dream - and this is not only the periodic table. In a dream, Niels Bohr saw a model of an atom, and Kekkule saw the structure of a benzene molecule. Frederick Banting discovered insulin in a dream.

Thirdly, this is an opportunity for personal growth and working through psychological conflicts. In this case, it is better to first consult with a psychologist so as not to “break the woods.”

Check - start! How can you tell if you are in a dream?

During sleep, everything happens very realistically. At the same time, logic completely fails, and it is so easy to believe in all the fairy tales that happen to you. That is why, in order to achieve lucid dreaming, it is necessary to test all dreams for reality.

It’s easy to do this – to start, just ask yourself the question while you’re awake: “Am I dreaming or not?”. Or maybe you are still sleeping? Take your eyes off this article and look around. If the text has changed, it means you are in a dream.

Continue to test the surrounding reality. Touch the surface of the wall. If it doesn’t fail, it means everything is happening in reality. Try to take off against the force of gravity. Happened? Go back and read the useful information.

Remember what happened before this story began. If you can recreate a clear chain of events, it means you are not dreaming.

To wake up one day in a dream and realize that you are dreaming, get into the habit of checking from time to time whether you are dreaming. And then one day you will be able to find yourself in a lucid dream.

A lucid dream can be a real healer and friend, an inexhaustible source of creative ideas. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for it with due responsibility. With the help of regular reality testing and the use of other techniques, you will certainly be able to experience this unusual state!

Lucid dreams are control of consciousness when the body is asleep. How to get into a lucid dream and is it possible to do it the first time?
Lucid dreaming is a state between the boundaries of wakefulness and the REM sleep phase. In such a dream, a person realizes that he is dreaming, but he is dreaming and can control the course of events. The state of lucid dreaming has not been scientifically proven, but interest in it began in the 20th century.
Not many people know how to get into a lucid dream, so this topic is very interesting. The phenomenon fascinates and attracts people's minds, which explains their curiosity.

How to induce a lucid dream? Theory and practice.

Dreams in which you can influence the outcome of certain events are not so common. But every person who wants to take an active part in his own dream can fall into it intentionally. It is possible that you will not be able to experience a controlled dream the first time. Periodic practice will make it easy to bring consciousness into the desired state.
How to induce a lucid dream yourself? There are many answers to this question. Before moving on to the algorithm of actions, you need to study the theory of lucid dreams.
In the REM sleep phase, the brain actively works: it studies what it sees, analyzes it. Human consciousness is disposed to perceive time and space. Dreams are remembered only in this phase, although people dream in the other four stages of sleep.
The boundary between the physical world and the realm of Morpheus projects lucid dreams. Science cannot explain the state of dream control, but esotericism has its own interpretation. Dreams are the exit of the mind into another dimension, the astral world, through which a person receives and exchanges information with other worlds.
No matter how fantastic the interpretation of lucid dreaming may be, the practice is quite real.
To enter controlled dreams, preparation is necessary:

  • Avoid drinking large amounts of liquid before bed. The urge to go to the toilet can prevent you from achieving the desired result;
  • You can prepare a pen and notebook to write down your visions, feelings and emotions. Keeping a dream diary will allow you to analyze the smallest details and improve your skills in behavior in unreality;
  • Have a great desire and motivate yourself to achieve your goal.
Important! A tired person will not be able to experience lucid dreams. In this case, it is better to go to bed early, wake up around four in the morning and try to immerse yourself in dreams, where all actions are subject to control.
Stages of inducing a lucid dream:
  • The first sleep should be no more than six hours. The body will have to be awakened by an alarm clock;
  • It is necessary to wake up the brain: walk around the house (drink water, go to the toilet), while lying down, read the news from the phone for 20 minutes;
  • Lie on your back, relax as much as possible and close your eyes. The moment of falling asleep lasts several seconds, it needs to be controlled and not allow the brain to “switch off”;
  • If the consciousness remains awake, then the person is in a state of lucid sleep. You can check this by looking at your reflection in the mirror (during sleep it will differ from the real reflection) and other similar methods.
If the first time you couldn’t keep your consciousness under control and it fell asleep, you can try again after 2-3 hours. You can also try during the day when you are not very tired.

Is it possible to get into a lucid dream the first time? Success factors.

The first attempt to enter a lucid dream may be a failure. As a rule, a person is not prepared for such actions, but even a beginner has the opportunity to fall into a controlled sleep the first time.
What can be done for a successful experiment?
  • Accidentally waking up at night and closing your eyes again in a state of half-asleep, you can project a picture (for example, walking through a field of flowers). The first such attempts to enter a lucid dream are successful;
  • At the moment of falling asleep, you can imagine that the body remains lying in place, and the soul or body double (what you call it and how you present it is up to everyone) separates. There is no need to see yourself from the outside; you need to directly participate in the process. It is important not to move, otherwise you may wake up. This method can scare newbies into waking up;
  • Peering into the darkness of closed eyes, you need to try to see some object, mentally touch it. If you succeed in doing this, then the goal has been achieved and you can project a further dream.
Success factors for achieving lucid dreaming:
  • Rested body and mind;
  • Healthy state of the body;
  • Elimination of overeating;
  • Sleeping in a new place (the brain cannot completely fall asleep, which will be beneficial to those who want to have a lucid dream);
  • Falling asleep earlier.
All people are individual; for some it is easy to fall into controlled unreality, while others train for months to make it work. Getting into a lucid dream the first time is difficult, but it is possible. Desire and effort will allow even people without experience to achieve what they want.

What is the technique of lucid dreaming?

The technique of lucid dreaming involves understanding and feeling yourself in absurd events and circumstances, influencing your behavior.
By learning to fall into consciously controlled dreams, you can learn many useful skills:
  • Give vent to your emotions without harming others;
  • Achieve complete relaxation by swimming in your sleep, flying in the sky, or relaxing on different beaches around the world every night;
  • Some claim that by participating in lucid dreams, a person discovers supernatural abilities.
One of the main points of lucid dreams is to force yourself to doubt reality. You need to periodically ask yourself the question “Am I dreaming?” and find a positive answer. You can do this by looking at the same inscription or object twice; the first and second versions of what you see should be different. This is necessary in order not to confuse a lucid dream with reality. It sounds scary, but this question to oneself quickly becomes a sleeper’s habit.

Mask for lucid dreams - just marketing or something more

Masks and other devices that keep the mind awake while sleeping are gaining popularity. They cost a lot, so consumers want to figure out how effective they are.
Masks for lucid dreaming contain sensors that monitor the movement of the eyelids and eyes. When the movement is the fastest, the REM sleep phase begins. At this time, the LEDs turn on, which excite the consciousness, preventing the relaxed body from waking up - at this moment the person begins to see controlled dreams.

This happened when I was 17 years old. That night I dreamed that a big dog was chasing me. The dog was not quite ordinary - with a leopard-print body, and its muzzle was unnaturally long. I ran away from her very quickly, but she was getting closer every second. I was getting more and more scared.

Suddenly I felt a delicate floral scent...I found myself in some kind of garden. There were tall bushes and a house could be seen in the distance. I wanted to hide in the house, but when I ran towards it, a gray barbed wire fence suddenly grew in front of me.

I froze in despair in front of her, realizing that in a few seconds the dog would overtake me. And then a thought occurred to me: what if I try to take off?

I moved away from the fence, took a running start and, overcoming a little wind resistance,...took off! I was flying over some rural area, over houses and fences. There were people below, they stood in a group, and I could hear snatches of their voices.

Suddenly one person raised his head and, noticing me, began pointing in my direction with his hand. The others also raised their heads and started shouting something to me.

I remember the thought came to me: “Why are they looking at me and screaming?” And after her - another: “They are probably surprised that I can fly.” Then I had the following dialogue with myself:

- But really, how is this possible, since people don’t know how to fly?
- Maybe it’s just a dream?.. And the dog was kind of strange...

And that’s when I realized that I was dreaming. That everything that happens around me is a dream.

This amazing discovery gave me the idea that if this is a dream, then I can do whatever I want in it. I decided to go down to the ground and find some person to talk to.

Landing softly, I approached a group of people standing nearby. However, when I approached them, I was embarrassed to intervene in the conversation.

I stood and thought: I wonder: if this is my dream, then it means that all of them are not real? But I see them, they are completely real! One has a handkerchief sticking out of his pocket, the other has a wrinkle above his eyebrows.

A dog barked in the distance. Suddenly it got dark and clouds rolled in. It smelled like ozone. “Let’s go inside, it’s going to rain now,” one woman suggested. Everyone followed her. I stood there and didn’t understand what to do.

“What if we try to wake up,” I thought. And at that same second she opened her eyes. It was already light outside the window.

This was my first lucid dream in my life.

What happened after

I think it would be unnecessary if I say that this experience left an indelible impression on me. All day I just dreamed about how evening would come quickly so that I could experience something like this again.

However, the next night nothing similar happened, and a lot of time passed before I was able to experience this state again. Then, of course, I didn’t know, intentionally, and I had to rely on chance.

Since then I have been interested in this phenomenon. For some reason unknown to me, until a certain time I did not question whether the same thing was happening to other people.

Quite a long time passed before I came across a forum on the Internet where out-of-body travel was discussed, and I was surprised to learn that there are entire groups of people who research and practice it.

So what is this phenomenon?

What is a lucid dream

Lucid dreaming (abbreviated as lucid dreaming) is a state in which a sleeping person sees a dream and at the same time understands that he is dreaming and that what is happening around him is a dream. The consciousness of the sleeping person continues to be awake and critically perceive everything that happens to a person in a dream.

Accordingly, this makes it possible to control the dream - change its scenario, environment, and so on. The difference between such a dream and an ordinary dream is obvious: an ordinary dream is not perceived critically by us, and we cannot control the events occurring in it at will.

Those. if, for example, we dream of something unpleasant or scary, then in a lucid dream we can avoid danger by turning the monster into a beautiful elf or moving to another place (for example, to another country) or even, if desired, waking up.

An ordinary dream does not provide such an opportunity, and often the only way out of it is a forced natural awakening. In addition, lucid dreams are many times more “natural” than ordinary ones. The colors in them are brighter, the sensations are more realistic, everything is like in life. When a person enters them for the first time, he is usually surprised at how plausible everything is there.

According to the sensations of the OS, it is impossible to distinguish from reality, and only the presence of additional opportunities that we do not have in our usual life reminds us that we are still dreaming...

One of these capabilities includes, for example, the ability to fly. Just further we will talk about what you can do in a lucid dream, what such dreams provide, and what practical benefits they can have.

In general, this topic is very broad and is now of considerable interest. We can say that the world is divided into three categories of people)

  • The first category is those who have experienced out-of-body travel at least once. Such people do not need proof, they do not need to be convinced that lucid dreams exist, they know this from their own experience. Some of them have become experienced practitioners in this matter, others treat this phenomenon calmly and do not attempt to repeat it, but they all know that lucid dreams exist, that it is true.
  • The second category are those who heard about lucid dreams from other people and believed that they exist. Usually these people make deliberate attempts to enter the OS, but for some reason they have not yet succeeded. From time to time they doubt that this is available to them.
  • And the third category are those who do not believe in this phenomenon and believe that these are fictions or hallucinations of not entirely mentally healthy people. You can understand them because, having never experienced it yourself, it is quite difficult to imagine that consciousness can be awake in a dream, controlling the events in it.

In addition, certain fears and prejudices are associated with this phenomenon, which we will definitely talk about later. For example, some are afraid that they may not come back from such a dream, others wonder whether there is a danger that these experiences may gradually completely replace reality.

The fact is that many things cannot be comprehended and understood without passing them through yourself. As soon as a person makes his first exit into the OS, these fears go away and are replaced by other concerns.

For example, how to stay longer in the OS, because it can be difficult, or how to get through a wall so as not to go out through the door. However, this, as they say, is a completely different story.

What can you use the OS for?

The lucid dream itself is of interest, if only because, in essence, it is a virtual reality in which all feelings and sensations are no different from real ones, and the scenario of which is completely subordinate to you. Therefore, there are two interesting directions here.

The first is the process of being in the OS itself. What opportunities does it provide? Of course, getting a wide variety of sensations! In addition to all the actions available in real life (for example, trying your favorite dish or driving a car), the OS also provides special features, namely:

  • Change your environment the way you want
  • and move in other unusual ways
  • Pass through windows, walls, houses, etc.
  • Communicate with people who are far from you or who have already left this world
  • Move objects and change them at will
  • At any moment, with the power of thought, be transported to any point in the city, country, planet
  • , find intuitive solutions to complex situations

It is simply impossible to list everything. What you have ever seen in fairy tales or fantasy films - all this and much more is possible in the OS.

In my opinion, this is also one of the most vibrant and amazing states that you can experience in life. However, in addition to this, if you wish, you can also get practical benefits from it. The OS can be used to:

  • Get new unique ideas for creativity
  • Solve the problems you face in everyday life (and there are even special methods for this)
  • Train willpower and any other skills and qualities in a safe space
  • Heal yourself, improve your mental state
  • Know yourself more deeply

And a lot of other things.

How to get into a lucid dream

You can log into the OS in different ways, and each person can choose those that suit him. In my opinion, the easiest way to get into a lucid dream from a state of half-sleep is to use one of the special techniques.

I talked about them in a separate article - you can read it and start using them today. These techniques are suitable even for beginners.

The purpose of this article was to introduce you to the phenomenon of lucid dreaming and tell you about its possibilities.


If you have experience of out-of-body travel, tell us about it in the comments to this article! How did you first get into OS? What were your impressions?

Write comments, but I don’t say goodbye - see you in the next post!

Humanity has long been interested in lucid dreams, but until recently they were not studied by anyone and remained something unknown, incomprehensible and even strange. Today's practical studies and research by specialists provide us with a lot of information about this extraordinary phenomenon. Lucid dreaming is attracting more and more attention, because it turns out that this state is controllable, and you can enter it yourself. Special training will help you achieve any results in your sleep and realize your plans.

Lucid dream - what is it?

Conscious dream - a dream in which a person knows that everything that happens to him is virtual, he understands that he is dreaming. Being in such an altered state, a person can easily control his actions, for example, transform into a movie character, fly and jump from roof to roof without difficulty, and accomplish things that are unattainable in real life. It all depends on imagination and unresolved problems in reality. Immersed in a lucid dream, people experience what is happening very emotionally. Sensations and feelings seem completely natural to them. There are entire teachings about such conditions. They say that anyone can experience lucid dreams and out-of-body travel.

How to use lucid dreaming

In fact, a person knows much more than he thinks. After all, the subconscious of each of us has enormous resources. Our dreams are the work of the subconscious, and if a person learns to communicate with it, then new opportunities will open up for him. By working in this direction and improving, you may even be able to become a pioneer. There are many stories when people came up with something in their dreams or found a way out of a difficult situation. The main thing here is to at least remember the dream.

Fighting Fears

If a person is afraid of something or suffers from phobias, he is not confident in his capabilities, then by immersing himself in a lucid dream, he will be able to model a plan of action, learn to behave correctly, and master fears, emotions and actions. Having learned to control himself in difficult situations during night dreams, he will easily transfer this experience into everyday life, and it will be much easier for him to act in reality.

Many psychotherapists offer their patients to play out difficult life stories in their sleep several times. If you find it difficult to complete an important task in real life, you can “rehearse” it in a dream. There a person will pay special attention to his feelings, reactions and all the details of what is happening. Properly designed sleep will help you prepare for business meetings, interviews or exams.

A lucid dream lasts on average about five minutes. Therefore, in order to achieve a good result, you need to learn to stay in this state for a long time. Moreover, lucid dreams are not so frequent that you need to spend them fighting your fears. It is better to fight phobias in reality, this is the only way to get rid of them for sure.

Lucid dreaming as inspiration

When lucid dreaming, you can see a suitable theme for a painting, find inspiration for new works and subjects for poets, inventors will be able to model a new model or get a hint for their creations.

Scientists have found that for the brain it does not matter where a physical action occurs with a person - in a dream or in reality. When processing information, the brain can form new neural connections. It turns out that the theory of a planned action can be worked out in a dream, but practical skills will still have to be acquired in reality. The sleeper is able, for example, to juggle perfectly, and the pins themselves can fly, since the laws of gravity are somewhat different there. But muscle memory cannot be fooled.

In a dream, significant people or sages may meet. The conversation does not take place with real people, and a person receives smart thoughts and instructions not from someone, but from himself, from his consciousness.

Projections of the subconscious

Lucid dreams and out-of-body travel can be combined, because in this state it is easy to get to the most remote corners of the planet and even the galaxy. The human consciousness can simulate any environment - from the roof of a skyscraper, London parks and moonlit walks. The main thing is not to forget that if you find yourself on the ocean shore, everything you see will only be a projection of the subconscious, which will be based on general knowledge about this area. Information long forgotten by a person will be automatically reproduced by the brain.

High-speed flights or trips will be great entertainment. To get adrenaline from racing in a dream, to find yourself inside a spaceship, to feel the excitement of what is happening, and most importantly - to develop actions according to your scenario, to realize that you are the main character - all this will cause real euphoria.

One of the main beneficial properties of lucid dreams can be safely called the fight against nightmares. Those people who are very bothered by night terrors are recommended to develop the ability to lucidate dreams. After all, at the most terrible moment, you just have to realize that you are dreaming - and all your nightmares will turn into comics. It will be possible to defeat all the monsters, villains and other enemies without much stress.

When do lucid dreams occur?

They may appear during rapid eye movement in the process. When they begin to move in different directions, the person sees a dream. Movements appear at completely different moments of this action. Thus, you can become aware of a dream several times a night.

There are five stages of sleep. The first occurs in the first 5-10 minutes of “falling asleep,” when the body enters a state of rest after being awake. A person may not yet realize that he is already asleep. Then comes the second phase. This period is characterized by unconscious muscle twitching and general relaxation of the body. The next (third and fourth phases) are characterized by too slow wave activity in the brain. These periods cause deep sleep. At such a time, it is very difficult to wake a person, and the person who wakes up will feel weak and will not immediately adapt to the surrounding environment.

The first four phases last for two hours (and several times each, we will talk about this below). Then comes the most important one - the fifth, in which a person is able to dream. Eye movements last from 10 to 30 minutes, at this time the brain is most active, blood flow to it increases, and we are able to dream. At the same time, the muscles are immobilized so that they do not walk or jump in their sleep. The brain studies the subconscious, analyzes available information and independently creates for a person his own internal reality.

It is interesting that when falling asleep, a person goes through the first, second, third phases, and after the fourth he returns to the third and second. Only then comes the fifth - rapid eye movement and sleep. This cycle can occur several times during the entire rest period, but it is not constant. During the night, the time of the third and fourth phases is reduced, when the fifth increases to an hour. This means that a person can experience lucid dreaming up to 5 times per night.

Many are afraid to enter such states, but practice shows that there is nothing complicated or scary here; on the contrary, it is very exciting. Scientists from different countries have tried lucid dreaming on themselves. They outlined how to enter it in their numerous works. You just need to figure out what you need for this and follow the prompts step by step.

Lucid dreaming in 7 days

Bradley Thompson is the world's leading expert on methods of influencing the human subconscious. His developments are used all over the world. By studying and researching dreams, he developed a step-by-step diagram of how to enter a lucid dream in seven days. Following his instructions, some people achieved excellent results much earlier.

The technique of lucid dreaming on the first day involves familiarizing a person with general information about dreams and recognizing oneself in them.

How to recognize yourself in a dream

Many people who begin to practice dream awareness have a logical question: “How can I understand that I am not dreaming?” There are ways to enter lucid dreams. Practice includes several of the most precise actions that need to be done for everything to become clear.

  1. Look at your palms. If they are clear and the lines are clearly visible, then this is not a dream. If the palms are poorly visible, then the person is sleeping.
  2. You need to try to find a mirror in your dream and look into it.
  3. You have to taste something.
  4. In your sleep you can breathe underwater.
  5. Actions in visions do not comply with the laws of physics.
  6. The ability to see dead people. This is one of the most common factors in dream awareness.
  7. Inconsistency of time factors. For example, a person dreams of something that has not been there for a long time. Or the people around you are much younger or older than they really are.
  8. A person finds it difficult to return to the place where he just was. And if it succeeds, then it has already changed.
  9. It is impossible to get out of the room - additional rooms appear, someone stops you, detains you.
  10. A person sees the same things in different places. For example, a friend is talking to you, and when you look back, you see that he has suddenly disappeared or is far away.
  11. People and objects are in different places at the same time.
  12. Ability to pass through walls or any other solid objects. You can easily stick your hand into the wall.

These are the most common methods for those who do not know how to enter lucid dreams, how to learn not to get lost, and try their hand again and again.

The second day of the teaching tells that a person must learn to remember his visions. When you wake up, you need to immediately remember what you dreamed, and it’s better to write it all down. Thompson suggests keeping a diary in which, after waking up, even if it is at night, the student will write down the main characters and details.

On the third and fourth days they suggest starting to test reality. As often as possible, ask yourself the question: “Am I dreaming?” The point is that the question should be repeated often in reality. Gradually, this will become a kind of habit, and a person, while in a dream, will also be able to automatically ask himself this question. After doing a few actions learned on the first day, he will be able to understand what is happening to him. Noticing flying cows or dead people around, of course, makes it easier to realize that you are sleeping.

In four days, a person will be so deeply imbued with the task of realizing a dream that his brain, already at the subconscious level, will automatically help achieve the goal. After re-reading the diary, in which at least four visions can be recorded, one can identify the main signs of an individual dream. This means that you need to determine the nature of dreams, highlight what is more common. If the statistics turn out to be completely different, then Thompson advises not to get upset, but to continue to practice awareness further.

The fifth day promises to exponentially increase the chances of entering lucid dreams. Practice shows that even on this day, not every student can succeed. The challenge for day five is all about technology.

It is necessary to set the alarm clock so that it rings exactly 6 hours after the person goes to bed. After this time, you need to wake up and stay awake for an hour and a half. In the meantime, you can re-read your diary and focus on your dreams. After 90 minutes we go back to bed and for another 10 minutes we practice self-hypnosis and set ourselves up to enter a lucid dream. After this, we fall asleep, and, in theory, awareness should occur.

The sixth day is identical to the fifth, with only minor changes. After 90 minutes of waiting have passed, you need to lie down and concentrate on the score. Repeat to yourself: “1, I am sleeping, 2, I am sleeping...” It is recommended to count until a certain effect is felt: flickering, vibrations, sounds, images. Such appearances mean that a person is on the verge of entering sleep. If he can maintain awareness, he will be able to do whatever he sets his mind to.

Thus, if you tune in correctly and follow all the instructions exactly, you can enter a lucid dream in 7 days. Practice shows good results. And to increase the speed of awareness, special glasses were developed.

Are there risks of entering lucid dreams?

The practice of awareness has not yet had time to “acquire” risks and is currently safe. The scientific study of lucid dreams, one might say, has just begun. The only exceptions can be those people who are unable to draw a clear line between real life and sleep. The experience they have in the virtual world may be too vivid and completely different from their real life. People who are able to become aware that they are dreaming without any problems sometimes become addicted to these dreams, similar to a drug addiction.

Devices for dream lucidity

Research by many scientists has proven that dreams bring great benefits to humans. They are the keys to self-knowledge, a kind of introspection. Scientists have developed a unique device that helps you enter the world of dreams. They produced special glasses for lucid dreaming.

The invention is a gadget shaped like a regular sleep mask. It runs on batteries and does not require additional chargers.

Inside the mask there are buttons that help you turn on the device and adjust the brightness. The mask for lucid dreaming is compact, comfortable and its sizes are universal. Dream control is carried out using LEDs. Several built-in light bulbs provide a light signal, which allows a person to see a specific blinking in a dream and understand that he is sleeping.

Glasses for lucid dreaming are supposed to catch a person's deep sleep phase and provide several signals to each eye. They are not enough to wake up their owner, but enough for him to realize that he is sleeping. Here a person will be able to fully control his actions, do the impossible and realize his dreams.

People who have experienced lucid dreams leave a wide variety of reviews. The mask helped them find their bearings in time and told them that they were sleeping. With its help, people rarely missed the deep phase, which could not but please them. The dreams, according to their stories, were very vivid, believable and completely changed their lives.

Now you know what lucid dreaming is and you can practice it every day.

I’ll note right away that this is a serious practice and before using it, it’s better to read the materials from the “My Dreams” section. The methods given below can give much more than simple control of dreams and the formation of your own reality in them. To have some idea about the possible consequences of such a hobby, read my description of the meeting with, and then decide whether you are ready to plunge into this transcendental world. As for me, I have always been interested in the mystical or transcendental side of the issue and it is from this that I will start. You can watch these videos and you will understand what I mean:

I'll tell you about my experience of lucid dreams. If you have anything to add, don't hesitate. In order to enter a lucid dream, I use several combined techniques.

First technique is extremely important and will bring awareness not only to your dreams, but probably to life in general. You should do one simple exercise throughout the day. So here it is:

Do you remember how you ended up here?

When you find yourself in a new room, in a new room, in any new place, mentally say who you are and how you got here. For example: “I am Pavel (your name), a dreamer. I came into the room from the hall. I am Pavel and came into the hall from the corridor. I'm Pavel, I came to the store from the street. To the street from the store and so on whenever you move. Remember the last 3-4 places you visited.

This is an extremely effective technique. If you do it day after day, you will easily fall into lucid dreams, even if you are not immediately successful with the second technique. In a dream, you will automatically remember who you are and where you came from! This way you will gain awareness. But be patient and don't expect too quick results. In addition, considering how much time a person usually spends on all sorts of stupid thoughts and watching television programs, everyone can find half an hour of physical and half an hour of mental training a day.

This exercise will also bring a little awareness into your daily life (I don’t say real, since there are very convincing arguments about the relativity of the real). For example, here’s a test of awareness: has it ever happened that a light bulb in your room burned out and you, knowing full well that it was burned out and there was no light, after a while you went in there and tried to flip the switch? If this happens, then, unfortunately, your life is unconscious. Your actions are like reflexes and you are simply used to doing the same thing. Therefore, it is necessary to train. Then in your dreams you will remember who you are and where you came from, and you will become more focused in life.

How to enter a lucid dream using Tensegrity

There is a very good exercise called “Tensegrity” and described by Carlos Castaneda in his books. This practice allows you to control the energy flows in the body in such a way that, by moving the assemblage point or attention, induce a state of consciousness that will facilitate entering a lucid dream or astral plane. It is best to perform the exercise in an open space or standing by a window in order to more clearly imagine how you “throw” your attention into the distance. You can repeat the series several times and not only before bed.

The next thing we need to learn to do is master one of the basic yoga poses.

It's called Sivasana - Corpse Pose

Don’t be afraid of such a scary name; this pose is intended for rest and relaxation. But it is not easy and requires training. In general, the ancients correctly said that in a healthy body, a healthy mind. If you want to engage in spiritual practices, first take care of the strength and health of your body. Train every day, do squats, push-ups, run. There is also such a very useful thing as a jump rope. In a strong and healthy body, the spirit will grow stronger. This is quite enough.

If you maintain physical fitness, then you can take up spiritual fitness, but I do not recommend using my practices to people who deliberately bring aggression and ignorance into this world. Such people will have corresponding dreams and will only lead them to madness. Remember that our dreams, including conscious ones, are formed by the subconscious and before delving into it, put things in order.

Let's get back to yoga. Sivasana is actually very beneficial in all respects and does not require you to be flexible or physically strong. In addition, it serves as a basis for other techniques such as access to the astral plane, lucid dreams, rapid restoration of the body and recovery. By itself, it allows you to restore the body not in 8 hours of sleep, but in 5, if done correctly. Moreover, if you suffer from insomnia, this technique is ideal for you. It can also be used to quickly get rid of minor illnesses.

How to do Sivasana?

Lie down on the bed or any other comfortable place so that nothing disturbs you. Lying on your back, extend your arms along your body, a short distance from your hips, and spread your legs slightly to the sides. Completely relax all your muscles and carefully listen to the sensations of your body: is it comfortable for you and is nothing bothering you? If something is in the way, adjust your position so that you can no longer move.

Now let's move on to complete muscle relaxation.

Focus on your little toes and completely relax them, then the next toe and so on, move up, feel every muscle, even the smallest one. Slowly relaxing your body centimeter by centimeter, reach your shoulders and relax your arms to your little fingers, then your neck, every muscle of your face, and so on to the top of your head.

Attention: turning point in the exercise

You should not move, not even a little bit, if you move you will lose the fight with the body! It is not stupid and will understand that you want to deceive it and will check you. Your nose will suddenly itch, so much so that you will forget about the exercise. If you scratch it, that’s it, you’ve lost for today. The eye or elbow may become extremely itchy.

Why does your nose or eye itch before bed?

The body is cunning and before falling into sleep, it checks whether the consciousness is asleep. Rather, it is such a concern for you. This is the most important point of practice. The brain checks that if the body and consciousness are asleep, then no one will care that the eye itches. The second pitfall is swallowing saliva. You will probably be distracted by this. Wouldn't it be a loss to swallow saliva? It will be a loss if you pay attention to this. You can swallow saliva, but you need to let it happen automatically. How?

Just don't think about it, directing your attention in the right direction. Proceed to the next stage (proceed to it after relaxing all the muscles). Breathing should be deep and calm, like that of a sleeping person, and as soon as you set your breathing to an even rhythm, calm your heart. Listen to the sensations in your chest and try to put him to sleep.

And now the most interesting thing: here you have a choice of what to translate shivasana into. Into a lucid dream, into the astral plane, or into the technique of rapid body recovery

To Enter a lucid dream Focus all your attention at the back of your head and try to fix it there. After some time, you will no longer feel your body. It will fall asleep. That is, it will literally be paralyzed. Only the mind will remain. You will find yourself in darkness, which you can turn into any world, while experiencing completely real sensations.

For those who have difficulties with shivasana in the first couple of days, I recorded this video material, which is designed to make the task easier for you.

There is one more point here: before creating your personal world, you can open your eyes by physical effort, then you will see your room in addition to the dream that has already come. You may see a scary monster or a naked woman there, each to their own. In medical practice, this is called “night demon syndrome.” Some people open their eyes randomly in their sleep and suffer from it.

Lucid dreams are the first step to entering the astral plane. Without mastering these techniques, you most likely will not be able to enter the astral plane - these are very similar techniques. If you have any additional questions, I will answer them in the comments below.

Sooner or later, dreamers may encounter so-called astral predators and other inhabitants of these spheres of the universe in their travels. If this happens, and you have strong concerns about this, I can offer a very powerful protective practice called “”

Another important point: people often have interesting dreams, but they forget them very quickly. All dreams must be written down in a dream diary, for example on my Forum in the section of the same name. The mind then begins to perceive dreams as something important and you will remember subsequent ones better. The main thing is not to be lazy and write down your dream immediately after waking up.

How to enter a lucid dream? Practice and methods
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