The dog chews the base of the tail. Why is a dog chasing its tail - normal behavior or an alarming symptom? How to help a dog

A dog chasing its own tail is a completely familiar picture. At this moment, the dog can simply play, but sometimes this happens due to unpleasant or painful sensations.

Attention! The owner needs to pay attention to the pet, especially if it has been chewing its tail for several days, blood appears, and the dog whines or growls.

Young dogs and puppies often play around by trying to bite their tail. They behave this way most often out of boredom. The pet is taken into the home at the age of one to two months. The puppy is taken from the friendly company of its mother, brothers and sisters. At first, the dog is alone in the new house. The puppy perceives its tail as a moving toy and does not understand that it is part of its body. The pet tries to catch this interesting object with its teeth, but the tail escapes at the last moment.

When a puppy is healthy, he is easily distracted from his work, runs to his owner, and plays with members of the household.

Important! If tail chasing is obsessive and your pet shows anxiety, then it needs to be shown to a veterinarian.

An adult dog bites its tail

Playing with the tail is not the norm for an adult dog. An animal bites parts of its body when something bothers it. In this case, the dog may lose orientation in space and fall exhausted.

Causes of tail chasing can be:

  • physiological;
  • psychological;
  • household

Important! The dog needs to be examined by a specialist, undergo the necessary tests and be treated according to the veterinarian’s recommendations.

Physiological factors

The desire to bite one's own tail is often caused by problems with the animal's physical health. The table shows possible causes.

For adult dogs Fitoelita, Bim, Lugovoi, Dana, Bars, Celandine;
for puppies – Doctor Zoo.
Effective sprays and drops against fleas and ticks - Frontline, Bolfo, Beaphar.

Preventive treatments include repellent drops (such as Advantix) and flea collars.

All products are purchased at a pet store or veterinary pharmacy. The drugs are used in the recommended dosage so as not to cause an allergic reaction on the dog’s skin.

Psychological factors

Among the psychological problems that cause a dog to chase its own tail are:

  1. Stress. The dog’s nervous system can be shaken by: a change of owner, a change of place of residence, severe fright, or causing physical pain. It takes time for an animal's nervous system to recover from stress. A veterinarian's consultation is required.
  2. Boredom. If the owner does not engage with his pet, the animal begins to have fun on its own. In such cases, the tail becomes a favorite toy. By biting its tail, an animal can cause physical harm to itself.
  3. Too intense training. The opposite situation to the previous one also causes exhaustion of the dog’s nervous system.

Household factors

Improper maintenance and untimely hygiene lead to the formation of hairballs. Matted fur pulls on the skin, causing itching and pain. The dog's tail can get thorns and burrs, which bothers it. The pet grabs its tail and pulls out the burrs along with its fur. The owner needs to monitor the condition of his pet's fur.

If a dog bites its tail until it bleeds

By chewing its tail, the pet injures itself. The wounds hurt, they get infected, the dog behaves even more restlessly, and sometimes gets seriously ill. It is important to identify the problem even when the dog starts chasing its tail. Timely measures will prevent you from gnawing parts of your own body until they bleed.

How to help a dog?

The fact that a dog bites its own tail is not an independent problem. There is a reason for this; it needs to be found out and the irritating factor eliminated.

Important! To clarify the problem, you need to consult a veterinarian. It will be necessary to analyze and correct many factors.

Table of possible causes and methods for eliminating them

The owner can prohibit the dog from biting its tail, but this is the worst solution to the problem. An obedient dog will most likely follow the owner’s orders, but there may be negative consequences:

  • aggression;
  • the emergence of the habit of swallowing objects not intended for food;
  • compulsive walking in circles;
  • violation of the dog's trust and attachment to its owner.

In addition, the owner cannot be with the pet around the clock and control it. In the absence of the owner, the dog may injure itself.

The problem should be given attention and solved with the help of a specialist, not prohibitions.

Important! Just because the dog obeys its owner, itching, pain and other unpleasant sensations will not disappear.

Video - Why does a dog chew its tail?

Positive effects of training

During the training process, the dog learns to control its behavior. Therefore, having ruled out health problems, begin training with your pet. One of the stages of training is learning games that should satisfy the animal's hunting instinct. An active lifestyle, games with the owner and exercises form the correct behavior of the dog. Training such as Frisbee, fetch, and skijoring are a kind of therapy for the dog’s mental state.

Many dog ​​owners can observe the following picture: a dog bites its tail with anger. Some people think this is normal and don't pay attention to it.

But this is not correct, because any strange behavior of your pet is a sign of his dissatisfaction, or a sign of some kind of disturbance in his well-being. There are several reasons why your dog bites his tail.

If your dog is a little puppy

If you have a puppy, then you should not worry about tail bites. For small dogs, this is quite normal; this is how they play with themselves. When your puppy gets bored, he uses his tail as a toy and starts running after it on the floor and chewing on it. It is very good if you are a baby, train the dog before exhibitions.

Tail bruise or injury

Another reason for biting one's tail may be an injury or bruise to the tail. If you suspect that this is an injury, then it is best to take your dog to the vet. He will be able to recognize the fracture on an x-ray and apply a special fixator. After all, the tail is an extension of the spine, and any damage to it can lead to disorders in the musculoskeletal system.

Poor dog nutrition

It is very bad if your dog is not eating properly. In dogs, this has a very negative effect on the body. And the first sign of improper nutrition is if your dog bites his tail. To ensure this, never mix dog food with table food. If you cannot avoid this, then go to the veterinarian, he will advise you on what food to exclude from your pet’s diet.

If you are preparing your dog for exhibitions, our salon can help you. Be vigilant and take care of your pets.

Many dog ​​owners have observed this picture when their four-legged pet begins to actively chase its tail and bite it. At first glance, it seems that this behavior is very funny and, as a rule, the owners do not pay due attention to it. But in fact, this may be a symptom of some dangerous disease.

As mentioned above, this does not always mean that the animal is simply having fun. In fact, the reason may lie in the presence of a certain pathology. The fact is that in this way the dog tries to remove what is bothering it - it could be some kind of foreign body, pain, itching, etc.

The reasons that provoke a dog’s desire to chase its tail can be divided into two categories:

Psychological reasons

Dogs, by nature, are very energetic, active and cheerful animals. They usually love to play, they like it when their individuals pay a lot of attention. Excessive activity of the nervous system can provoke overexcitation. In this case, the pet will run around the house or enclosure like mad, jumping anywhere and, among other things, attacking its tail.

This behavior does not last long. In addition, it can be stopped by restraining the dog in an appropriate manner, although it will be quite difficult for him to calm down.

Another classic psychological cause is neurosis. This term refers to an obsessive state that the animal tries to cope with through some monotonous activities. For example, a pet may lie for hours and lick its paw, or run in circles behind its tail and bite it.

Many dog ​​owners have observed this picture when their four-legged pet begins to actively chase its tail and bite it.

The dog itself can be anxious, because not all of them can boast of a strong nervous system.

Such pets are almost constantly restless. This is manifested, among other things, by attempts to bite one’s own tail.

You should also understand that a four-legged friend may simply get bored with his owner. Especially if he is not at home or does not pay enough attention to him. The animal tries to “call” the owner by barking or, and also to attract attention by actively hunting for its own tail, as if showing that it wants to play.

This cannot be ruled out either. Moreover, the risk of a dog chasing its tail and trying to bite it due to illness is quite high, so special attention must be paid to this.

The tick, as you know, can cling to almost any place, but, as a rule, it chooses an area where the fur is not so thick, for example, near the anus. In addition, it is very difficult for the dog to reach here to get rid of the uninvited guest. That is why fleas predominantly settle here, which are also attracted to the sebaceous glands located in this area.

If running in a circle and trying to attack your tail is accompanied by symptoms such as weakness, lack of appetite, diarrhea, excessive salivation, vomiting, then this may indicate serious problems with internal organs, for example, the stomach, intestines, liver, etc.

Please note that if your pet has a docked tail, he may try to attack it, since he simply will not recognize the part of his body. Such a desire of the dog must be decisively suppressed.

What should the owner do?

Of course, a dog owner can help his pet, and this should definitely be done. The owner’s actions directly depend on what specific reason provokes this behavior of the dog:

The dependence of this behavior on the breed

Is there a connection between a dog's desire to chase its tail and bite it with breed? Partially yes. It's no secret that dogs of one breed can be calmer than others. The calmer the animal, the lower the likelihood of this behavior.

It is important to understand that all dogs are susceptible to disease to a certain extent, regardless of their breed. So there is no difference here. For example, German Shepherds and Japanese Spitz are equally affected. In any case, you will have to find the reason for this behavior and eliminate it, since the proper health and mood of your four-legged friend depends on this.

In the article I will look at the reasons why a dog chews its tail, sometimes to the point of bleeding. I'll tell you what to do in such a situation.

A pet that pays too much attention to its tail may be trying to draw the owner's attention to its health. Problems that are caused by pet anxiety:

Allergy or individual intolerance to the product

Incorrectly selected food or external factors can harm the dog.

Fleas bite the back and back of the head because that's where it's hardest to get them.


A tail pinched by a door or injured during a walk causes pain to the animal, and she tries to eliminate the cause of the anxiety.

The thorns can cause great discomfort and pain to the pet, and he wants to get rid of them on his own and gnaw the object.

Inflammation of the paraanal glands

Inflammation causes itching and irritation in the anal area.

Psychological stress

Stress can cause an animal to self-flagellate.

Poor contact with the owner, resentment, jealousy can harm not only the psychological, but also the physical condition of the animal.

Animal boredom

The pet can have fun chasing its tail and catching it.

This is a reason to think about spending time with your pet more often, before such a hobby develops into damage to furniture or aggression.

By biting and injuring itself, the dog can introduce infection into the wounds

What to do if your dog starts biting its tail

The thorns found during examination of the dog must be carefully pulled out, and the damaged area of ​​skin must be washed with hydrogen peroxide.

A dog whose tail has been pinched needs to be examined by a veterinarian. Broken cartilage may heal incorrectly and cause even greater discomfort for the dog, so consultation with a veterinarian and appropriate treatment is necessary.

A dog chewing its tail is a symptom, not an independent disease, so there is no single treatment regimen

When stressed or severely frightened, the pet not only chews its tail, but apathy, refusal to eat and play, hidden aggression, and general malaise of the pet are also noticeable. Stress may be associated with moving to a new home or a change of ownership. In this case, human love and affection, active games and frequent walks will help.

Seemingly insignificant actions of a dog can indicate a problem that is hidden in its body.

If a person notices that his pet is increasingly chewing its tail, then it is necessary to pay due attention to this point. Because there is a possibility that the dog is not easy to play with, but feels some discomfort.

If a dog chews its tail and whines or generally growls at it, this indicates that the pet is experiencing pain in this area.

What to do if your dog starts biting its tail?

When a person is faced with the fact that his pet is biting its tail almost until it bleeds, there is no need to panic. You must immediately pick up your pet and take it to the veterinary clinic. The specialist will identify the reason why the animal exhibits this behavior, and then give the pet owner detailed instructions on how to care for it.

It is worth noting that if a puppy bites its tail, this is not a reason to panic, since most dogs at this age love to play with their own tail. But to be sure, you can still take the puppy to the vet.

Trying to diagnose and treat your pet on your own is strictly not recommended. Because it can cause additional harm.

For preventive purposes, it is necessary to vaccinate your pet. Since this step can provide the dog with relief from a number of unpleasant problems, and subsequently he will not have to worry about his health.