I dreamed about my own poop. Dream book of psychologist A. Meneghetti. Why do you dream about animal excrement?

How to understand why you dream about poop, that is, excrement. You will be surprised, sleep has the most positive meanings. This especially applies to dreams with infant formulations. That is, if you are sure that you saw poop in your dream, and not feces. The differences are subjective, but no less significant.

Baby poop, animal poop in dreams - it's just wonderful, although inexplicable from a logical point of view. From a psychological point of view, excrement is perceived by young children as an extension of their own body. Until a certain age, children do not have the slightest disgust towards excrement.

In addition, poop is not easy to obtain; one might say, it is obtained with the most difficult labor possible for the child. Those around you also rejoice at this amazing achievement, which convincingly proves the significance of the event. The child is happy to give his loved ones a precious gift that he produced from his own body.

Apparently, all this is somehow fixed and, despite all the later cultural layers, a person subconsciously perceives poop in a dream as an exceptionally good and happy sign.

  • Pooping in a dream should not make you feel disgusted. in general, they are pleasing to the eye. Much like young mothers, who are able to examine the child’s discharge with interest and primitive curiosity. The smell is absent or also neutral. Fresh and even warm poop reveals your complacency. You are quite happy and are not planning any drastic changes in the near future. if in a dream you were not too lazy to touch the discharge with your hand to make sure that it was at an acceptable temperature, you simply plunged into the abyss of complacency and happiness. Most likely, you are a really young mother, and your body is protecting itself in this way.
  • Old, dried poop. They still don't cause disgust, but they look sloppy. This means you are unhappy. First of all, you are not too happy with yourself; you feel like you could do more and spend some time on yourself. So far this is impossible, which causes your dull murmur. However, the overall meaning is rather favorable.
  • Poop in the baby's potty, bucket or toilet. They may already cause some negative feelings. You gradually move away from the childish contemplation of excrement and the naive look. Actually, you dream of such poop as money. Your own money, and not for the general well-being and well-being of the family.
  • Excrement in the bed looks terrible, but such a dream means that everything will be fine with your money, although you will prefer to hide some facts.
  • Advice. Don't tell your friends about sleeping with poop. Not everyone will be able to share your enthusiasm or rejoice in the positive meaning of the dream. Most likely, the details will be forgotten, and you will remain in the memory of those around you as an abnormal person with poop in your head, who talked only about excrement all day. If you want to talk about this, find a psychoanalyst. Freudians will happily entertain the poop conversation and find it extremely entertaining, rewarding, and respectable.

Why do you dream about poop according to the dream book?

According to Freud's dream book, poop symbolizes self-knowledge, spiritual and material growth - Freud never made a clear distinction between these concepts. Psychoanalysis believes that a high spiritual level must certainly be accompanied by financial success. Freud takes excrement extremely seriously and with great sympathy.

The women's dream book treats poop in a dream with great attention. According to the women's dream book, washing off poop means making large profitable purchases. Clothes stained with excrement means unpleasant gossip about you and your family. However, you will be able to deal with stupid and ridiculous rumors without much difficulty.

Eating excrement in a dream means returning to what has already been done, repeating old mistakes. Collecting excrement in a bag for some purpose - to get rich, to gain experience.

Why do you dream about animal excrement?

  • Back in the Middle Ages, it was noticed that horse apples in a dream are a sign of wealth and a luxurious life. Such a dream would have been considered unusually aristocratic in medieval France.
  • Cow cakes promise the usual simple wealth and honor. Perhaps such a dream is less aristocratic than horse apples, as far as the aristocracy and elitism of dreams with poop can be judged. If horse apples promise elite entertainment in the company of the highest nobility, then cow pats simply mean recognition among friends and acquaintances.
  • Dog poop in a dream means recognition from friends, help, success.
  • Cat poop means possible surprises of the universe, unexpected gifts, hiding places, treasures. This especially applies to cat excrement in shoes.
  • Goat excrement promises a lot of small money, but it is constant. The same goes for rabbit poop. Great harvest, general success, luck.


Seeing poop in a dream, any kind, even cow dung, always means success, public recognition and money. The more naive and simple your attitude towards excrement in a dream, the better the meaning of the dream.

To put it simply - poop that evokes absolute and unconditional trust and not the slightest denial - fortunately. Disgusting stool is associated with money. Animal excrement is mainly a sign of fame and success. Manipulating poop - smearing, drawing - you solely believe in your abilities and luck is with you.

The meaning of the dream about Shit (interpretation of the healer Fedorovskaya)

It has long been believed that seeing poop - feces, human excrement - is a joyful prediction, promising you a quick receipt of money. Therefore, if you suddenly dreamed of poop at night, think about where you can expect to receive monetary profit. You will probably receive it in the very next few days, even today. Please note that poop in a dream does not indicate anything about how large the amount you will receive should be. Perhaps it will only be a few rubles.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about Poop?

Poop in night dreams symbolizes making profit and money in reality. You can expect a particularly large income if you dreamed about eating poop. The dream often says that you will make a profit even in a situation that seemed to you to be losing, absolutely unprofitable. Sometimes a dream in which you eat poop tells you that you will soon receive a large inheritance. Therefore, you should rejoice in any case, although the dream itself, for obvious reasons, might not seem very pleasant to you.

The meaning of a dream about Poop (Modern dream book)

It has long been the custom to believe that if you see poop - feces - this is a sure sign of a quick profit. Modern interpretations adhere to the same opinion. If you dream of poop at night, you need to be happy and wait for the money to arrive. Perhaps from some completely unexpected source. Or perhaps you will simply be given a salary or your debtor will decide today to return his debt to you. Seeing animal poop - manure - for an ordinary person is a prediction of some kind of surprise. But for farmers or other rural workers - a rich, bountiful harvest.

The Dream Guide by David Loff

Psychological analysis of a dream about bowel movements

As noted in one of the chats, it doesn't matter how bad fate treats your children; There will certainly be people who will say that this is the result of a perverted upbringing. In principle, this approach to psychotherapy is one of Freud’s perpetuated achievements (after the theory of penis envy). Why do you dream of feces - in any case, this interpretation is based on Freud’s theory that feces are perceived by the child as something produced by himself, and therefore as something valuable. It would be amazing if an adult woke up because he dreamed of feces and felt light and free from it. The issue of money can also be raised here, if someone's influence goes too far or others interfere in your life too intrusively.

Miller's free dream book online - your guide from the world of mysterious dreams to the realities of the present

Do you want to combine scattered, intricate dream images into a colorful mosaic of reality? Take a look at the famous dream book of Gustavus Miller! Discover the amazing research of a great psychologist!

Signs and beliefs associated with dreams

Do you want to always get enough sleep and have good dreams? Get acquainted with folk wisdom regarding dreams and passed on from generation to generation.

Men are more likely than women to have erotic dreams

Dreams are the eternal companion of man. Dreams have been studied by scientists at all times. Many facts have appeared and been refuted, but there are eternal facts that are undeniable theorems. One of them reads: “Men are much more likely than women to have dreams with erotic content.” The question automatically arises: why?

Why do you dream about Poop?

Poop in a modern dream book

Poop is considered a symbol of monetary gain. If you saw excrement in a dream, it means that in reality you will certainly receive significant benefits in any, even a very dubious enterprise, which requires not so much effort as trivial luck. It is quite possible that you will unexpectedly become the heir to a huge fortune, which is good news. The larger the size of the poop in your dream, the greater the profit awaits you. I dreamed of manure - such a dream foreshadows a series of unexpected joys, big and small. For a farmer, a dream about manure promises a rich harvest. Liquid feces indicate possible deception, so be prepared to be deceived or defamed. If you get dirty in feces, you will accidentally become the owner of some secret from the personal lives of loved ones, and they won’t even know about it. If you looked at poop in a dream, it means that now you are desperately in need of money. If you were visited by a strange vision in which you persistently searched for poop, but could not find it, your intimate life will soon become the subject of active discussion among colleagues and acquaintances. Vacuum cleaners predict communication with unpleasant and intrusive interlocutors, from whom it will be very difficult to get rid of. Scooping poop out of the toilet yourself is a bad sign, symbolizing poverty and misery. If you dreamed that you stepped on a pile of excrement, it means that in reality you will get into an unpleasant situation because of your pessimistic mood. The dream warns: urgently change your worldview, otherwise you face big losses.

Poop in Miller's dream book

If you saw poop in a dream, you will change your place of residence in the near future due to personal problems. If you emptied in a public place, losses and adversity await you ahead. Stepping on poop is a favorable sign, foreshadowing the receipt of a large sum of money.

Poop in Freud's dream book

Human poop appearing in a dream indicates that you are suffering due to some problem in your personal life. It's hard to understand, but you prefer to suffer completely alone, rather than hold the culprit of the difficult situation accountable. If you hastily washed excrement from your clothes or body, it means you will find yourself in an awkward position. Smeared in other people's feces - you will learn secret information from the personal life of a colleague or acquaintance.

Dreams are a reflection of reality. Reality is a reflection of dreams.

Sometimes you wake up in the morning and don’t even want to remember what you saw in your dream. The leaders of night visions turn out to have a subtle sense of humor. Or maybe it is we ourselves who direct the pictures, freeing ourselves from the feeling of disgust? For example, Probably few people dream of looking at feces, even virtual ones, with the exception of those who understand the logic of the subconscious. Let's figure it out.

What the grandmothers said

People with experience don’t talk about what poop means in dreams. Many of them in the course of their own lives came to a pleasant truth. Feces appear in dreams as
a harbinger of profit.

Often the amount of this unpleasant mass is proportional to the size of future income. Our ancestors were especially happy if they had a chance to see the results of a child’s life. After such a dream there is no need to worry for what. Children's dreams poop - you will be surprised at the significant amount that came from nowhere. This will be an extremely pleasant surprise. The subconscious is trying to prepare you for a miracle. If you notice the gender of the child, then you can develop a clue to the dream. The boy craps himself, which means they will pay you for the work done. And if a girl stains you with her feces, you will be surprised and jump for joy. You will have a chance to understand that surprises can be pleasant.

Is sleep always good?

In general, interpreters agree that feces almost always bode well. Still, when understanding why you dream about poop, you need to pay attention to the nuances of interpretation. It is worth remembering if you had any unpleasant feelings when the night vision actions developed. Maybe the image caused disgust,
want to wash yourself urgently?

Then the vision must be interpreted differently. Most likely, a person will fall under the radar of evil gossips. This is unpleasant, but there is no need to despair. If you dream about a lot of poop, it means people saw something unworthy in your behavior. One said it, another told it to the neighbors, the third misunderstood, and so on. From all the conversations, gossip has emerged that will become known to you and obviously will not make you happy. This vision should be viewed as a warning. This is why you dream about poop, which awakens negative feelings.

About animal feces

Exotics sometimes visit our night visions. If an animal defecates next to you or directly on your hands, then you should guess based on the nature of the animal. For example, figuring out why dream about cats poop, you need to first determine what purring means. This animal indicates the presence of an evil enemy in your environment.

Cats are not a good sign. And if she also began to dirty you with feces, then it is clear that you should take a closer look at your friends. Some of them are already doing their best to discredit your name, trying to cause irreparable harm. But dog feces are more likely to indicate gifts. A dog is a friend in a dream. In combination with poop, we get a person who treats you well, through whom you will make a profit. After such a dream, you can borrow. Faithful and devoted people will not refuse. But you won’t intuitively go to the enemy.

Unreal visions of feces

Understanding why dreaming of poop, pay attention to the plot. If feces appear in an unnatural environment, it means you will encounter strange things in real life. Sometimes this indicates that you are entering a period characterized by unusual changes and contacts with sometimes incomprehensible people. The sequence of events can, with some degree of probability, be described based on the vivid scenes and images that are most memorable to you. For example, if you decide to defecate in a churchyard, then you should start the solution with what the very place you find yourself in in a dream means. And then weave the meaning of feces into the interpretation. Or another example. Imagine seeing yourself appear in public completely covered in poop. This may mean that you will have to endure shame in the dreamed place or among these particular people. Often, feces do not signify the storyline of the interpretation, but color it with peculiar tones and details, often unpleasant.

What does the modern dream book say?

Many sources explain why you dream about poop. The modern dream book considers this a favorable sign. Agreeing with the grandmothers, the authors of this authoritative interpreter believe that this image promises a pleasant receipt of money, an opportunity to escape at least for a while from the grip of savings. In addition, such a vision suggests that you can take on risky business. This is a kind of ticket to a must-win. This means the dream is favorable for businessmen and stock market players. And it should encourage an ordinary person to purchase a lottery ticket. The possibility of winning increases significantly after a strange dream.

Friends are enemies

Some interpretations are practically not in demand, since they explain very rare images. So, by understanding why you dream about poop, you can find information about what other people’s bowel movements mean. For the most part they are negative.

If you see a friend covered in feces, get ready to help that person. There is a possibility that he will come to you to borrow money at a time when you yourself find yourself in need. Try to find a mutually acceptable solution to the problem so as not to lose a friend. When an enemy appears in such a situation in dreams, do not rush to rejoice. No, it won't do any harm. But information about his illness will upset you. But this is a very rare story. But basically, feces mean the joy of receiving unplanned profit, which is why many people even make such a dream.