Work schedule application. Shift calendar

There are many areas of employment for citizens, including in those enterprises and companies where downtime cannot be tolerated. Because of this, it is necessary to define work in shifts so that the functioning of the company does not stop. The shift schedule has its own nuances and differences from the usual one.

Shift work

Shift work is a necessity for enterprises where the production process must run continuously to maintain smooth operation and generate income for the company. When workers work shifts, this affects:

  • product quality;
  • quantity of products;
  • efficiency of the equipment used;
  • volumes of trade turnover.

Uninterrupted industrial process allows reach the required daily requirement, but no person can work 24 hours a day without breaks, which is why there is a need to create shifts.

In order to introduce a shift schedule, it is necessary to draw up a schedule based on the requirements of the trade union. This need is spelled out in Article No. 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

When creating a collective agreement, a work schedule must be attached to it.

The schedule should be drawn up according to the following points:

  • the working hours for one employee cannot exceed the standards established by the state;
  • some citizens have the opportunity to work under a special regime;
  • on a holiday, the employee’s daily work rate is reduced by 1 hour. If the enterprise works continuously, then this hour is compensated by increased pay, or the rest time is increased;
  • at night, the employee’s workload is reduced by 1 hour;
  • the employee should not work two shifts in a row;
  • Continuous rest for each employee must exceed 42 hours per week.

But most production companies cannot afford to provide the required periods of rest, which is why the limit set by the state is exceeded.

If the company does not have the ability to change this, then the best solution is to summarize working hours. Such limits will be established within the enterprise, which is permitted by Article 104 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

How is it different from normal

The differences can best be seen with a visual example.

Shift work assigns employees to shifts, for example, into two: the first is from 09:00 to 21:00, and the second is from 21:00 to 9:00. The size will depend on the number of shifts and whether the enterprise has a break. This type of chart is also called a moving chart.

Shifts will be compiled in accordance with the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, since no special procedures for determining regimes are provided for in the legislation.

Work 2/2, 12 hours a day - a rotating schedule.

Since the document is drawn up by the enterprise itself, each the employee must read and sign local regulations, which determine the order of work. The absence of a signature will indicate that the citizen was not familiar with or agreed with the requirements provided.

When drawing up a schedule, they most often refer to Article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, where you can find information about acceptable work periods. The main thing is to familiarize employees at least a month in advance about the transition to the changed system. The notification period can be changed, for example, reduced to two weeks, if there is a corresponding clause in the local act. This document will have full legal force, since it is drawn up in accordance with legislative acts.

If an employee has any complaints against the employer regarding the schedule and shifts, then he may contact the appropriate authorities, based on the lack of standards that could regulate the conditions of a sliding schedule at the legislative level. A positive turn for the applicant will be accepted if the court is provided with evidence of the lack of information about the conditions of the shift schedule in the employment contract.

In order for work on a sliding scale to take place in accordance with the verified terms of the employment contract and management acts of the enterprise, it is best to introduce summarized recording of working time. This will help avoid non-compliance with daily or weekly work quotas. The main thing when drawing up such a schedule is to take into account the period so that it collects information on time worked in accordance with the necessary conditions without any shortcomings or rework.

Citizens often work according to the “in two days” scheme and similar. This regime cannot be called rolling, since the employee fulfills his obligations within 24 hours.

Shift work implies the presence of shifts that alternate within one day. The legislation does not establish a special schedule that can be followed when drawing up a work schedule.

There are also nuances in the area of ​​payment for work on a shift schedule. Regular hours are paid at the end of the work week, including weekends. And if a person works in shifts, then his rest may fall on weekdays, and during the weekend he will be busy at the enterprise. A particularly common situation is when an employee completed overtime tasks that deviated from the norm, or was unable to achieve the minimum goal.

To take into account all these nuances, it is necessary to compare the actual hours worked and the hours for the accounting period that were recorded in the standards. Processing must be paid, according to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

Drafting rules and sample

The form is a document that consists of three consecutive parts:

  • Hat includes:
    • Document's name.
    • Date, place of creation.
    • A number valid within the company.
    • Period of validity of the schedule.
  • The main block includes:
    • Employee's full name.
    • Date of signing.
    • Shift number.
    • Information about the weekend.
  • Notes on the opinions of employees and their signatures.

The document must be available for approval of the developed schedule by the manager or manager. The fields must include your full name and position. The place where this data is entered is not regulated; the main thing is its availability.

The main block table can be supplemented with any columns if they help make the document more convenient or informative. Below the table there should be a full transcript of all the information provided.

The sample document is suitable for recording any form of shift work, even for 12 hours, even according to the “every other day” system. You can create it for any period of time, from a couple of weeks to several months.

Calculation of shift schedule

  • determine the summarized accounting of working hours;
  • reflect work during the day and at night;
  • take into account legal regulations on rest, allotted time for meals, and so on;
  • Time records must be kept for each employee individually.

All data can be recorded using the example provided in the table above. Particular attention must be paid to the rule of 42 hours of uninterrupted rest provided weekly.

As an illustrative example. The turner has a summarized work time record for two weeks; he works 11 hours a day according to the 2/2 scheme. This means that in 14 days he must work at least 77 hours to fulfill the plan. But the turner exceeded the norm and worked 80 hours. Then the accountant must make calculations based on an hourly rate of 200 rubles:

  • salary for work done

80 x 200 = 16,000 rubles

  • processing amounted to

80 – 77 = 3 hours

  • the employee worked during the accounting period

80 / 11 = 8 days

  • calculation coefficient:

3 / 8 = 0.375 hours/day

  • surcharge amount:

200 x 3 x (1.5-1) = 300 rubles

  • total salary:

16,000 + 300 = 16,300 rubles

Should also bonuses are awarded for working shifts on holidays. The standard minimum odds are two. If the employer wishes to independently increase the amount of payments, then he can do this without limiting the maximum amount. All holidays included in the list of paid ones can be found in Article No. 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Information on any payment, including holiday supplements, must be transferred to the company’s local act to reflect the transfer of funds. Holidays start at 00:00 and end at 24:00, this must be taken into account when determining the work schedule for employees and assigning additional pay.

This video contains detailed instructions on how to maintain and fill out a shift schedule.

The article will be useful to managers of large organizations and departments that employ many people. A sample work schedule (you can download a ready-made example in Excel below) will help plan the uninterrupted work of employees and avoid situations when everyone is absent for some reason and there is no one to work.

What is a work schedule

Labor legislation stipulates that an employee may have standardized or irregular working hours. It is installed rules internal labor regulations, collective agreements, agreements, and for employees whose regime differs from the general rules - an employment contract.

The normal working hours include the following modes: a 5-day week with 2 days off, a 6-day week with 1 day off, a week with days off on a rotating schedule or a part-time work week; in case of irregular hours, a shift schedule is established for some categories of employees. This is a document that is established in accordance with Art. 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and is introduced in cases where the duration of the production process exceeds the employee’s working time. In production, groups of employees replace each other to ensure continuity of the process, and there is a need to work or provide services around the clock. In order to keep their working hours within the norm, shift schedules are introduced. As a rule, they are annexed to the collective agreement, and when approved, the opinion of the representative body of workers is taken into account.

So, an employee is given a certain work schedule, for example, he works for two days, then rests for two days. During the two days that he rests, another worker takes his place. In such circumstances, the regime qualifies as shift work and requires the preparation of a specific work schedule. This is why you need a sample employee work schedule for a month.

Download monthly work schedule sample blank form

What are the differences from a time sheet?

It is necessary to distinguish the document recording the working regime from that maintained by the employer in accordance with the requirements of Art. 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and is a kind of document recording how much employees worked, as a rule, per month. The norm is 40 working hours per week. The employer is obligated to keep records of actual time worked for each employee.

There are no special requirements for familiarization with the report card within a certain period and there is no need to coordinate it with the representative body of employees. The employer can only not exceed the established duration of the working day and provide workers with rest in accordance with the requirements of Art. 110 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Keeping timesheets is mandatory for any organization. But with a continuous flow, when people work in shifts, a working time schedule is required. You can download the Excel work schedule template below.

In both cases, it is necessary to specify these features in the employment contract in the section that concerns the working hours.

Free download in Excel working time schedule for 2019

Why do you need a work schedule?

Its functions are quite diverse. It is required for:

  • streamlining employee work time;
  • to calculate wages when fulfilling specific obligations;
  • to calculate average earnings;
  • to calculate benefits;
  • when determining the employee’s insurance length;
  • to avoid errors when determining earnings and compensation for vacation (in addition to time sheets, it can also be a document on the basis of which wages and other payments are calculated);
  • to identify overtime overtime and determine additional payments.

After approval, the team is introduced to it under signature one month before its implementation. If a signature is refused, a special act is drawn up signed by two witnesses. Failure to comply with the established regime is a serious disciplinary offense.

Who fills it out

A sample schedule for employees to go to work for the next month is drawn up by the manager or the person responsible for drawing up such a document, authorized in accordance with the order. In practice, this is usually done by a personnel employee, but this is wrong. The schedule should be drawn up by the head of the structural unit.

After drawing up, the document is finally approved and signed by the head of the organization or a separate structural unit. For simplicity, you can download a sample work schedule in Excel and use it as a template.

Is there a required form?

Due to the lack of an established unified form, each employer can independently develop its own document form. You can use our example for this.

It must contain a complete list of employees indicating their positions. After the names, the days on which a particular person will have to go to work are noted. It is advisable to develop the document in such a way as to prevent shortcomings or overwork beyond normal working hours, as well as to ensure optimal workload on the team and on production processes. The schedule is most often developed for a month.

Filling procedure

A sample monthly work schedule table, a blank form, is filled out taking into account the working hours in accordance with the internal labor regulations in force in the organization. It indicates the beginning and end, duration of the working day, breaks, number of shifts, alternation of work and rest.

The length of the day is regulated by internal regulations, taking into account the working time regime established by the employment contract. A reduced working day may also be provided, as, for example, in industries with harmful and dangerous conditions (Part 4 of Article 94 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) or when the work of disabled people and minors takes place (Parts 1, 3 of Article 94 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) ).

Download a free monthly employee work schedule form

Where and how long is it stored?

Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated August 25, 2010 No. 558 (as amended on February 16, 2016) “On approval of the “List of standard management archival documents generated in the course of the activities of state bodies, local governments and organizations, indicating storage periods”” (registered with the Ministry of Justice Russia 09/08/2010 No. 18380) established a list for storing documents indicating deadlines.

According to paragraph 586 of the order, time sheets (schedules), workday logs are stored for 5 years; when working with difficult, harmful and dangerous working conditions, the storage period is set at 75 years.

However, some sources believe that this paragraph concerns time sheets, not work schedules, and that this paragraph does not apply to the latter document.

Still, some employers prefer to store such documents for a year in the human resources or accounting department in case of a labor dispute with an employee regarding the issue of standardization of working hours or payroll.

In this article we will tell you in detail how to create a schedule for working with a sample.

Basic criteria for scheduling work


There are three types of work schedules: shift, rotating, weekly. All schedules have both advantages and disadvantages, but their type is necessary to meet the specifics of the work of a particular institution.

The shift schedule is used mainly by organizations with a 24-hour work system. In addition, in those organizations (the majority of them), the schedule assumes that employees work in succession. Sometimes charts calculate the period of joint work of two or more specialties at one workplace; this is mainly found in education, culture and healthcare. Shift work allows for non-stop production. The definition of the shift work schedule is given in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 103.

The law identifies 2 cases of using a shift schedule:

  1. Non-stop (continuity) of the production process. The working hours exceed the daily production norm - 7.2 hours (women), 8 hours - men.
  2. Efficiency of the equipment used(stopping the operation of units, or constant switching on/off leads to production losses).

Shift work schedules are compiled according to the forms offered by the electronic version of the program. Shifts, their number, time period are determined, and then the data is entered into the program. Most often, the shift schedule is made for a month in order to change employees in shifts within a month (1,2, night). If shifts are arranged correctly, there will be no overtime for one employee and shortcomings for another.

Shift work schedules can be changed or left unchanged. It all depends on the capabilities and characteristics of production.

Flexitime work is used in institutions where the traveling nature of work (business trips) is used: employees of railway institutions. In their schedules, the start time of the working day (train crews) and the end of the work shift (freight transportation), for road transport (long-distance trips) and other similar services are unknown. The personnel officer records upon receipt of information that the employee has begun his duties and their completion. From the fact of finishing work, the calculation of time for rest begins, then the start time of work (trip, departure on a flight) is determined again, i.e. Truly, the schedule slides according to the calendar and is individual for each individual employee. The electronic version of the sliding schedule allows you to track the hours worked by each member of the work unit. The weekends here are also sliding, only approximate dates are set, and the fact is revealed during the labor process.

Weekly chart is used when employees work out the standard hours without being directly at their workplace every day, but only in the sum of the numerical values ​​of the time worked per week. The departure to work is selected by a specialist and agreed with the head of the department, workshop, etc. individually. This mode is also called flexible working mode. It is considered the most common abroad. There are many benefits to the weekly regimen: increased work efficiency, a decrease in the level of disciplinary violations, and improved psychological health of employees.

Article 102 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation also defines the weekly operating hours. The weekly schedule is used in the following cases:

  1. Working outside the office(workplace at home, comes to the organization to receive a task or to coordinate assignments, hand over completed work), so-called homeworkers.
  2. Real estate companies where employees are forced to work according to a schedule that is set not by the employer, but by the client. These are, for example, real estate specialists: agents, managers, couriers.
  3. Accountant. Nowadays it is becoming fashionable to hire one accountant. Small companies, private entrepreneurs, and individual entrepreneurs prefer not to maintain an accounting staff, but to carry out accounting through a separately hired specialist. In this case, the accountant processes documents at home, or in some room, but outside of production. It makes no sense to set him any kind of work schedule other than a weekly one, since he can complete the entire amount of work at a time convenient for him.

The wages of these employees do not depend on the time worked, so the employees themselves control its implementation. The norm for them corresponds to the norm of ordinary workers, but the regime is different. It is difficult to record the work time of a given employee in a specific schedule, so the form is filled out, indicating the approximate standard of hours, rather than tracking the actual value.

The schedule must include time to restore physical strength. Rest time usually divides the working day into two parts of approximately equal time. Most often, this is one lunch break. The actual length of time used for rest and nutrition is not included. According to Art. 108 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, breaks provided to an employee during a working day (shift) can be no more than 2 hours and less than 30 minutes. There are organizations where they choose short technological breaks, they last no more than 15 minutes.
If you have been tasked with drawing up a work schedule, then you must first decide on the type of schedule that is most appropriate for your organization (enterprise).

Types of charts

There are quite a large number of types of schedules, but most enterprises have now switched to the same unified forms of the electronic version of personnel programs. They allow you not to waste time on creating your own forms, entering formulas and other tasks that programmers perform. The document specialist selects the type of schedule.

Types of charts:

  • tabular;
  • program;
  • diagrammatic.

The schedule is being drawn up in stages.

1. Select an accounting period

It is necessary to set the working time recording period - month, quarter, year. The selected time period directly depends on the nature of production, its specifics, and the characteristics of labor.

Example. College employees must complete an hourly workload from September to May. We distribute the hours of workload for the teacher according to the accounting period. In this case, summer is excluded and included in the vacation period. If the earned vacation time is not enough (for example, vacation is 44 days, the teacher is not involved - 90 days), the teacher is offered rest at his own expense, additional workload or other options. The accounting period in this case is the academic year (not the financial year).

2. The time fund for servicing a specific workplace is calculated

For each workplace, the fund of serviced time is calculated. Loading the workplace. The load for any type of schedule is calculated in hours and minutes.

For example. The workplace of a turner-milling operator functions according to the action of the machine. The machine works for 3 hours non-stop. After three hours, the unit takes 1.5 hours to cool down. Therefore, the operating time of the machine is 15 hours per day. The last rest for the machine is given for 3 hours. During this time, shift changes can be arranged in the work schedule. Men work on these machines - their working hours are 8 hours, so with the right schedule, you can easily assign two staff units to one machine.

If the employee’s place is occupied for 24 hours (power grid manager). This norm is calculated for the accounting period (year) and is evenly distributed over the working time of individual employees.

3. The hourly rate is determined

The duration of work of individual specialties has a different meaning from that of the entire staff. The schedule assigns a value to each employee if his standard working time differs from the standard of work of others.

Example. Various specialists work in an educational institution. The length of their working week is different, for example, a teacher is required to work 36 hours a week, a music director - 24 hours, a teacher - speech therapist - 20 hours. The maximum operating time per month (production rate) is different for them, it should be reflected in the schedule. The load should not be allowed to exceed the norm, as it will require additional financial investments.

4. Counting the number of workers

The number of employees per workplace and the total number of staff are calculated. This number of employees must serve the workplace and fulfill the plan. This results in a quantitative staffing structure – staff. Standard indicator of staffing units of an enterprise.

Example. The duty dispatcher of the power grid organizes round-the-clock duty at the control panel. The accounting period of its work is calculated for the financial year. The total service time for the dispatcher's workplace is 8760 hours (365 calendar days × 24 hours). We calculate the number required to service this workplace; it is approximately 4.8 people. In practice, an employer can hire five people, or maybe four, distributing part-time wages among employees.

5. A schedule is formed

Job positions are entered into the selected form, then data is filled in for the specialists serving the jobs, and the hourly rate is distributed between them. A production is exhibited that includes all the individual features of each workplace. Weekends and holidays are included. The principle of filling is the principle of uniformity, distribution in approximately equal volumes between specialists.

The number of shifts is calculated and the shifts between employees are recorded.

The main task of creating a schedule is accessibility when perceived by the employee, and simplicity and legibility for calculation by the accounting department. All full-time employees of the enterprise are included in the schedule.
The schedule requires daily adjustments (business trips, time off). If the basic data is entered in advance, this process is easier than entering data every day.

  • Salary. The work schedule is the basis for remuneration; it is transferred to the working time sheet and the employee’s wages are calculated. Therefore, it is important to make a schedule in such a way that there is no possibility of erroneous calculations.
  • Payment for overtime is based on payment for hours worked by the employee in excess of the norm. Only correct data entered into the chart will give accurate recycling figures.
  • Pay for night work. Night work time is considered to be the period from 22:00 to 6:00. In the schedule, night hours are recorded and counted in a separate column. Their pay is higher than regular hours, 35% of the basic salary, in addition to wages for hours worked. The employer, taking into account the complexity of night work, can establish other increased payment indicators.

A work schedule is a routine that must be followed in every organization. Duration of the working week and (or) shift, in accordance with Art. 100 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is established by a collective agreement, an employment contract, and internal labor regulations. At the same time, Art. 101–105 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provide for various labor regimes, for which a working time schedule (or timesheet) is drawn up to record the payment of working hours. Let's consider wage options with different work schedules and a sample schedule for employees to go to work, as well as other examples of documents.

In personnel records management, there are two concepts that are similar in sound, but different in meaning: a work schedule (planned) and a work accounting schedule, or time sheet (drawn up at the end of the month, using which the results are summed up). Let's consider both options, but first let's define the basic concepts.

So, according to Art. 91 Labor Code of the Russian Federation, normal working hours should not be more than 40 hours per week. The planning and recording of working time worked by each employee must be organized by the employer. Usually for such accounting they use unified forms T-12 or T-13. You can download a sample monthly working time schedule using standardized forms at the end of the article.

In what cases is a schedule drawn up?

If an organization has adopted a single working time schedule for all employees (a 40-hour work week (five days) with two general days off), such a document does not need to be drawn up.

The need arises in cases:

  • irregular working hours ( Art. 101 Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • work in flexible working hours ( Art. 102 Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • shift mode ( Art. 103 Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • summarized working time recording ( Art. 104 Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • dividing the working day into parts ( Art. 105 Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The work schedule in these cases is drawn up in order to monitor compliance with the normal working hours as a whole for the accounting period (month, quarter and others, but not more than one year). Based on the data for each employee for a certain accounting period, wages are calculated, including taking into account the time of overtime or shortfall.

In order not to waste time drawing up your own document form, a HR specialist can download a blank form - a sample work schedule for the month, prepared by experts (it is attached at the end of the article).

The length of the accounting period should be determined by each organization. It should be borne in mind that it is advisable to set an accounting period as a month if the employee monthly works the number of hours corresponding to the normal working hours, or more hours than provided for by the norm (i.e., overtime hours are initially included in the schedule). This will allow you to determine the number of overtime hours each month and make appropriate additional payments.

If the employee’s schedule shows that in some months he works more hours, and in others less than the norm, it will be fair that overtime in one month is compensated by underwork in another. In this case, it is advisable to set the duration of the accounting period to more than one month. The number of months in the accounting period should be set so that the sum of working hours according to the schedule coincides with the standard working hours. In this case, the determination of the number of overtime hours will be made not monthly, but once for the entire accounting period as a whole.

What are the work schedules?

Let's take a closer look at what it means to have a flexible work schedule, irregular working hours, shift work, cumulative recording of working hours and a fragmented working day.


A flexible working mode requires employees to independently regulate the start and end of their shift. It is important to work a specific number of hours established for a certain accounting period.

Irregular working hours provide for periodic involvement in work duties outside the working day. The list of positions with such working hours must be fixed by a collective agreement or internal rules of the organization.


The shift schedule involves working in two, three or four shifts during the day. It is needed when the work cycle exceeds the norm for one person. In this case, employees replace each other.

In this case, companies draw up work schedules - the template can be seen below. As can be seen from the sample, such a local act is approved by the head of the enterprise. Employees must confirm the fact that they have familiarized themselves with and agree to work according to the approved schedule by affixing their signatures.

Summarized accounting

Cumulative recording of working hours allows you to count longer periods of work. The bottom line is that the average duration of work during the day should be equal to the norm for the period. This period can be a week, a month, a quarter, a year.

Let’s say you need to work 40 hours a week, but a shift can last 12 hours or a day. This is how salespeople in convenience stores, watchmen, and cleaners often work. The Labor Code does not say anything about what the break between two 12-hour shifts should be, but earlier, when drawing up such a schedule, the recommendations of the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated September 24, 1929 were taken into account - which prescribed a break between 12-hour shifts of at least double duration working hours the day before - that is, at least 24 hours. Now this resolution has lost force - however, some departmental regulatory documents contain similar conditions: for example, Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 N 541 “On departmental security of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation” says:

We offer a sample: how to create a work schedule for 4 people, 12 hours each. The sample uses the following conventions:

  • U - work from 7.00 to 19.00;
  • B - work from 19.00 to 7.00;
  • * - day off.

The example shown is quite universal - it can also be used as a sample work schedule for salespeople in a store, a sample work schedule for guards for a month - if their work shift lasts 12 hours. To use our example, you need to download the shift schedule for 2019 in excel below.

If you need to create a cleaning schedule - for example, in a 24-hour cafe, where cleaning must be done every half hour, and managers and cleaners work 12 hours a day - you can use this sample.

Dividing the day into parts

Dividing the work day into parts is allowed in accordance with the regulatory local act of the organization and taking into account the opinion of the trade union. The day is divided into parts by a break, which is not paid. This arrangement can be used in trade or in transport companies or in government agencies.

Working time schedule for 2019 (timesheet): how to fill it out

There are two unified forms: T-12 and T-13. The difference between them is that the T-12 schedule can only be filled out manually or in a text editor, and it has a special section for calculating wages. Timesheet T-13 can be filled out using specialized computer programs and access control systems, which are used to record visits by company employees to their work. This form does not have a block for calculating wages; it must be calculated in other registers.

The time sheet is the primary document on the basis of which employees’ wages, payments from them and additional payments accepted in the organization are calculated. Since the listed payments reduce corporate income tax or taxable income under the simplified tax system, this document should be fixed as a primary document in the accounting policy of the organization. It is not necessary to use the unified form from 01/01/2013. It is important to consolidate your version of the form in the accounting policy and ensure that it contains all the necessary details, the mandatory presence of which for primary documents is established by law 402-FZ.

The time sheet is drawn up in one copy by a person authorized to monitor the control of working hours throughout the organization or in a separate structural unit. The list of persons signing it is established by the internal administrative act of the organization. At the end of each month, the completed timesheet is transferred to the accounting department.

Let's look at the procedure for filling out the timesheet using the T-13 form as an example.

The name of the organization and structural unit must be filled in the header (when monitoring working hours in structural units). The serial number is assigned in accordance with the accepted numbering in the organization. The date of compilation and the reporting period must be filled in as details of the primary document.

You can download a sample work schedule in Excel at the end of the article. Now let’s look at how to calculate a work schedule and draw it up correctly.

Step-by-step registration instructions

Step 1. Design the header

Here is a sample of filling out an employee work schedule for a month, using February 2019 as an example.

Step 2. Fill in columns 1-3

Column 1, serial number, is filled in according to the number of employees in the timesheet. Columns 2-3 contain identification information for each employee: Full name. employee, his position and personnel number.

Step 3. Fill in columns 4-6

Column 4 contains notes on attendance and absence from work for each date in the corresponding month. In the given example of a timesheet for February 2019, there are 28 days, so there are 28 cells to fill in the data. For this information, there are four lines in the chart (two for each half of the month).

The top line of each half of the month reflects the letter designations of the reasons for attendance and absence (the letter correspondence of the reasons is presented on the title page of form No. T-12) - these are codes for appearances and absences for the working time schedule. The decoding of the codes is given in the file at the end of the article.

Notes explaining the reasons for absence from work, about working part-time or outside normal working hours, etc., are made on the basis of documents: a certificate of incapacity for work, a certificate of fulfillment of state or public duties, a written warning about downtime, the employee’s written consent to overtime work in cases established by law, etc.

Under the letter designation there is a numerical indicator corresponding to the number of hours and minutes actually worked by each employee.

Columns 5 and 6 contain the total indicator of time worked for each employee for each half of the month in hours, minutes and days (column 5) and for the entire month (column 6) in hours, minutes and days.

Step 4. Fill in columns 7-9

Columns 7-9 in form T-13 are filled out using an automated accounting system, taking into account the following features:

  • if for all employees of the organization, wages are calculated only according to one type of remuneration and using one corresponding account, then the indicators “type of payment code” and “corresponding account” can be placed above the group. 7, 8 and fill out only column 9 - for the total number of days and hours worked (in brackets) for each employee;
  • if accruals are made for several types of payment (2 or more) and using several accounting accounts, then gr. 7 and 8 are filled in with the relevant data, in gr. 9 reflects the total number of days and hours worked (in parentheses) for each employee;
  • an additional block with similar columns is provided in case the number of types of remuneration exceeds 4.

Step 5. Fill in columns 10-13

They provide information on absences for the accounting period according to the corresponding codes in days and hours (indicated in brackets). Two blocks of columns are also provided in case the number of reasons for absence exceeds 4.

It should be remembered that the timesheet does not include persons working under civil contracts. The timesheet can be maintained in one of two ways, which the organization records in its accounting policies:

  • in a continuous way, that is, to register all attendances and absences from work;
  • a method of recording deviations, that is, registering only deviations (absenteeism, being late, overtime, etc.).

At the end of the month, the time sheet is signed by the responsible persons, the list of whom is established in the regulatory act of the organization, and is transferred to the accounting department for calculating wages and other payments.

If in an organization the salary for the first half of the month (advance) is calculated for the time actually worked, the time sheet can be compiled separately for the first and second half of the month.

You can download a work schedule template (excel) at the end of the article. , for non-compliance with labor legislation, a fine is set for organizations in the amount of 30,000 to 70,000 rubles, and for managers and persons without legal entity formation - from 1,000 rubles. up to 20,000 rub.

Depending on your specific needs, you can choose, or more precisely, you and I together can choose the appropriate product from the family of programs Geocon. They will ensure that you organize one of the following main operating modes:

  1. "Plan" You move (from Excel or other non-specialized software) to a modern information system for creating shift schedules. At the same time, you can create an annual vacation schedule in the Geokon database. Or import it into Geocon from your existing program that you want to continue using.
  2. "Fact" Maintaining a timesheet, combining timesheets of different divisions of a branched company or group of companies. Integration with payroll programs (1C, SAP, etc.)
  3. "Plan + Fact" You create schedules in the Geokon database, and at the same time keep records of the actual time worked by each employee. You fill out the Timesheet, keep summary records, monitor absences and leaves, and control overtime in real time.
  4. “Plan + Fact + ACS” If you have ACS/s, or plan to install them, then you can fill out an accounting sheet directly from the ACS in Geocon, comparing the Fact with the Plan in real time. At the same time, you can choose how to subsequently use the information generated in the independent Geokon database for accounting and calculation of wages.
  5. “Plan + Actual + Export” Geokon calculates all the necessary time values ​​in days and hours in the form of deviations of the Fact from the Plan or in the form that is convenient for you. Exports, in a format convenient for you, this information to your existing payroll program, for example, 1C. Or it doesn't export. Prints, generates files, help, reports, statistics. The choice is yours.

Of course, there may be different variations and additions to the above most popular modes of using Geocon products. We will do what is most profitable and useful for you.

We will tell you below about the most popular programs - Geocon PlanProfessional, Geocon PlanExpert, Geocon PlanTime. It is no coincidence that they are called that - PlanProfessional, PlanExpert… This is management software that saves a lot of time for schedulers, minimizes errors and optimizes everything that can be optimized in terms of staff working time. It is from the point of view of optimizing planning processes that Geocon also provides for the Accounting of actually worked time - in order to show the planner information about actual work in real time in the same screen where he makes schedules.


Geokon's programs are designed not only to automate and optimize planning (draw up shift schedules) and record staff working hours. The work of planners is greatly facilitated and simplified, the organization of working time for employees of various qualifications is taken to a new level, as well as the possibility of interaction and control for managers at all levels. At the same time, compliance with the requirements is of paramount importance. Labor Code in relation to staff working hours and their work schedules. Time sheet is the final document for the summarized recording of working time, which the program compiles and prints.

Geocon PlanProfessional is a specialized software product developed in long-term collaboration with various users for automatic, semi-automatic or manual scheduling of shifts and automation of the creation of time sheets. Despite the volume and complexity of the tasks performed, the program remains simple and easy to use and ensures high efficiency in personnel management. Flexibility in modeling working hours, integration with accounting programs and access control systems, ease of drawing up and printing documents and certificates are important advantages of our program!

Geocon PlanProfessional guarantees noticeable ease of work. Optimizes the process of planning and recording working hours with high reliability of processing and systematization of information. Allows the best use of available human resources, qualities and qualifications of each employee. At the same time, warning managers against mistakes, missteps and violations of labor legislation. The system takes into account not only the requirements of the law, but also the accounting practices, rules and traditions of reporting that have developed in the country.
Thanks to a large selection of point settings and the ability to issue a variety of certificates, the program can be used in any organization, at any enterprise - if we know how to plan the non-stop work of a large hospital with its numerous types of shifts, on-duty and on-duty duties, then we can certainly cope with any other challenge. This program also has a convenient option for small and medium-sized companies.


In order to satisfy the ever-growing needs of our large customers for the production of shift schedules and time tracking, we have developed Geocon PlanExpert, which is the corporate, higher, version Geocon PlanProfessional.
Geocon PlanExpert means modern and flexible planning, an easy to use user interface, a completely user-centric solution with high standards and competitiveness.
Geocon PlanExpert built in the form of an information system. First of all, it helps employees whose daily activity is planning and recording staff working hours.
But Geocon PlanExpert It is also intended to assist in the work of many other employees throughout the organization - managers, personnel officers, planners, chief accountant, payroll accountants, although only part of the staff works directly with the system. Any manager who needs information and specific references and analyzes can have regulated access to certain functions and data of the program.
Geocon PlanExpert was designed on a modular basis, which leads to easier integration of new modules and modification of existing ones.
Geocon PlanExpert includes tools for managing access to the system and protecting data from unauthorized access, as well as tools for tracking changes in the database - who, when and what exactly changed in the program.
Geocon PlanExpert includes technological tools for integration with other information systems based on the XML standard, as well as other protocols.
Geocon PlanExpert works on standard compatible personal computers connected by a local network or via the Internet.
Geocon PlanExpert designed and implemented as a system that can organize personnel of medium and large organizations. It allows the use of a large number of workstations located over a large area throughout the country.
For optimal performance and speed Geocon PlanExpert implemented as a three-layer client-server application. It consists of clients, an application server (more than one server can be used) and a database management system. This architecture has the following advantages:

  • Provides load distribution through the physical distribution of layers.
  • Allows the use of various current technologies.
  • The layers are thin and independent and hence easy to maintain and develop.
  • Easy tracking of transactions and issues related to them. Traffic optimization.
  • High performance - All business logic resides in the database management system, which prevents large amounts of data from being loaded and processed over the network.

Communication between clients and the application server is based on TCP sockets. They provide a reliable two-way transport channel for exchanging data between two parts of an application. Applications that communicate over a socket can be run on the same computer or on different computers connected to each other over the Internet or through another TCP/IP network.
All this allows many users to work simultaneously with one database without reducing the speed and performance of the application.


PlanTime is a program developed as a separate module that can be integrated into products Geocon Software. We often call it a web module, or a self-service module, self-service. The system provides reporting of staff working hours, access rights to various program levels, and others.
A designated PC continuously monitors the entire system, storing data on employees with identification passwords, recording all checkpoint passes and loading all information into a charting program Geocon Software.
The software has the following features:
1. Registration of working hours through several types of systems - via computer or fingerprints.

  • The module provides real-time monitoring of working hours and employee access control.

  • Modern intuitive user interface.
  • Multiple network access for an unlimited number of users.
  • When entering a password (personal for each employee) or a fingerprint, the employee will be uniquely identified using the software and the module will register the corresponding event - entry or exit, beginning or end of the working day of this employee.

  • Next, from the working time control system, the information enters the program for planning and processing monthly staff work schedules Geocon Software.
  • It is possible to produce statistical certificates about attendance, lateness, business trips, absences, etc. for each employee based on a pre-defined schedule in Plan Expert.

2 . The opportunity for each employee to enter their wishes into the system (regarding the desired shift, vacation, time off, days off, etc.) plus the opportunity for everyone to be informed and monitor their personal schedule. This module is implemented in two environments:

  • Graphic - can be used within the organization, having ensured its installation in advance.
  • Web-based interface – for use outside the organization (from home, on the road) with access to the Internet.

To do this, each employee will have a password for limited access to the program, which stores it in encrypted form. Unlike users, an ordinary employee will not have access to the shift schedule, settings, printouts and statistics. Once registered, a menu will be visible that will allow him to enter his desired shifts or absences and track his own schedule.
The program also has a very practical way for employees to enter their own hours of work.