Is it possible to get pregnant with the IUD, and when to plan a pregnancy after it is removed? How likely is it to get pregnant with the IUD?

The intrauterine device is one of the most popular means of contraception. It is effective, affordable, safe for the body and provides a fairly high percentage of protection. However, there is no absolute certainty in this case either. We'll find out why now.

Types and principle of operation of intrauterine devices

REFERENCE! The intrauterine device has been known since ancient times: the Bedouins believed that a foreign object in the uterus interfered with conception, and used small stones for contraception. And at the beginning of the 20th century, the first design called the “Lipps loop” appeared - a serpentine plastic spiral of the first generation. Over time, it decreased in size, became more convenient, and various metals were added to its composition, which do not provoke inflammation and increase the effectiveness of the contraceptive. To date, hundreds of samples have been developed that can make a woman’s life easier and prevent unwanted conception.

Externally, the spiral can resemble a T-shaped stick made of inert and flexible medical plastic, or have the shape of an umbrella or horseshoe. The sizes are small - from 24 to 35 mm. You can purchase the spiral at any pharmacy without a prescription.

There are 3 groups of IUDs:

  1. First generation spirals. Consist exclusively of plastic. Such a homogeneous composition often provokes various kinds of complications (infectious diseases, ectopic pregnancy, ulceration of the mucous membrane). These IUDs often fall out during exercise or from heavy menstrual flow. Currently they are trying not to use them.
  2. Second generation coils. In addition to plastic, the composition includes metal. The most popular is copper, but silver and gold can be added. Spirals have a depressing effect on male sperm, oxidizing the environment. Silver and gold not only increase the shelf life of the device, but also have a good effect on the immune system, protecting a woman from inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.
  3. Third generation spirals. A certain amount of the hormone levonorgestrel is released, sufficient for contraception, but not capable of causing harm to health: neither male potency nor female hormonal levels. The substances only affect eggs, their maturation and release, do not allow the fertilized egg to attach to the walls of the uterus, and sperm, once in the female genital tract, lose activity and are destroyed. At the same time, the mucous membrane of the cervical canal thickens and endometrial proliferation is inhibited.

REFERENCE! Spirals can be installed not only as a contraceptive, but also for the treatment of a number of gynecological diseases (endometriosis, uterine fibroids and others).

Only an experienced gynecologist should install the spiral. He must first probe the uterus, determining the distance between the uterine angles. Before installation, a number of tests are required:

  • blood for hepatitis C, HIV and RW, general analysis;
  • colposcopy, ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • smear from the vagina and cervix;
  • analysis for hidden sexually transmitted infections;
  • Analysis of urine

It is best to install the IUD in the first days of the menstrual cycle (at this time the cervix is ​​slightly open). The procedure is quite painful and is accompanied by blood loss. If side effects appear in the following days (discharge of a small amount of ichor, pain in the lower abdomen), it is allowed to use pain-relieving suppositories.

In the first week after installation, you should avoid increased physical activity. In addition, you cannot:

  • lie in a hot bath;
  • have vaginal sex;
  • use tampons;
  • douche;
  • visit public baths, saunas and swimming pools, swim in open water;
  • take acetylsalicylic acid in tablets or products.

Why does pregnancy occur with the IUD?

The efficiency of the spiral is about 98%. The remaining interest most often falls on situations where:

  • the coil was not installed correctly;
  • fell out or shifted (for example, due to active sports, lifting weights, after several abortions);
  • a low-quality product was purchased;
  • expiration date has expired.

IMPORTANT! An expired coil should be removed immediately. Otherwise, it will begin to grow into the walls of the uterus, and surgery will be required to remove it. In addition, the risk of infection, fallopian tube obstruction and infertility increases.

Signs of pregnancy with IUD

In a woman who has an IUD inserted, and in a woman without an IUD, the signs of pregnancy will be absolutely identical. This is swelling of the mammary glands, lightheadedness in the morning, changes in taste, aversion to certain foods and smells, frequent urination, sudden mood changes. And, of course, a delay in menstruation.

REFERENCE! When using some types of contraception, for example, Mirena, there may be no menstruation at all, or they will be irregular and scanty. In this case, pay attention, first of all, to indirect signs.

The first thing a woman who suspects conception should do is take a test. However, it is best to visit a gynecologist and undergo a full examination. Even modern tests can make mistakes, and lost time, especially with an ectopic pregnancy, threatens a woman with big health problems and hassle.

IMPORTANT! The cause of the delay may be a tumor, sexually acquired infection or an inflammatory disease. In this case, the spiral must be removed as soon as possible and the disease treated.

What to do if conception occurs through an IUD?

If the pregnancy is intrauterine and the IUD is not hormonal, it does not need to be removed until delivery. The contraceptive does not affect the child's development in any way, but the risk of spontaneous abortion doubles. In addition to the threat of miscarriage, there is a risk of pulling out the gestational bladder from the uterus.

Hormonal IUDs can negatively affect the development of the fetus, so they must be removed. But it is not always possible to save the embryo.

REFERENCE! After giving birth, a woman should wait 6-7 weeks before inserting the IUD. After all, during pregnancy the uterus stretches greatly and it takes time for it to return to its previous shape. The same applies to abortion: be sure to wait for the doctor's permission.

Is it possible to give birth with an IUD?

Whether a woman wants to give birth or not is her own business. But with an ectopic pregnancy this cannot be done.

REFERENCE! An ectopic pregnancy is characterized by the fixation of the fertilized egg outside the walls of the uterus. More than half of pregnancies with the IUD are ectopic. The embryo has no chance of normal development, and the woman’s life is at risk: if the moment is missed, a rupture of the fallopian tube, bleeding and peritonitis may occur.

How long before you can plan a pregnancy after removing the IUD?

There are no physical obstacles to conception after removing the IUD. However, doctors advise waiting 3-4 months. Non-hormonal IUDs can cause microdamage to the uterine walls and local inflammation in the endometrium. That’s why you need to give the body time to regenerate, otherwise this factor can cause early miscarriage. Wait some time, get examined by a specialist, take a cytology test and a general smear, and only after that start planning for a child.

The recovery time for the body after hormonal IUDs increases to 6 months. During this time, the “dormant” ovaries will begin to function fully again, and the natural regular cycle will be restored. During this period, you cannot switch to birth control pills; choose condoms.

IMPORTANT! After installing the IUD, you are required to undergo a medical examination: first after a month, then after 3, and then once every six months. It is enough to do an ultrasound of the uterus once a year. Don’t forget to check the length of the IUD antennae yourself - if they become longer, it’s time to see a doctor and have the IUD reinstalled. If the threads cannot be felt at all, this may indicate that the product has fallen out.

ATTENTION! It is rare, but it happens that gynecological diseases arise due to the IUD, which prevents you from conceiving a child. If the desired pregnancy has not occurred a year after the IUD was removed, consult a doctor.

All the pros and cons of using an intrauterine device

IUDs, like other contraceptives, have positive and negative sides.

Positive aspects of installing an IUD:

  • the spiral can be purchased at almost any pharmacy and at an affordable price;
  • it does not require special care;
  • it protects against unwanted pregnancy for several years;
  • the spiral can be removed at any time;
  • The IUD does not affect the general condition of the woman (nausea, vomiting, weight gain does not occur), does not interfere with lactation and surgical procedures;
  • a correctly installed IUD cannot be felt during sex and the fact of the presence of an IUD can be completely hidden from the partner;
  • has a positive effect on the body in a number of diseases.

Installation disadvantages:

  • since the uterus remains slightly open after insertion of the product, pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate into it and provoke an inflammatory process in the pelvis: the uterus and appendages;
  • the installation itself causes discomfort;
  • installing an IUD most often makes menstrual bleeding heavier and more painful, which causes discomfort and the need to frequently take painkillers;
  • constant damage to the uterine mucosa and the presence of a foreign object in it often causes an increase in menstrual flow and prolongs menstruation;
  • the risk of ectopic pregnancy increases;
  • The longer a woman uses the IUD, the thinner the endometrium becomes. This can lead to problems with conception in the future and miscarriages;
  • if the spiral moves and the woman misses this moment (which most often happens), an unwanted pregnancy will occur;
  • the IUD does not protect against sexually transmitted infections;
  • Doctors strongly recommend placing an IUD in women who have already given birth.

IMPORTANT! Spirals cannot be installed when:

  • sensitivity to product components
  • pregnancy
  • postpartum endometritis
  • malignant formations in the uterus, cervical dysplasia, organ development abnormalities
  • genitourinary tract infections, pelvic organ diseases
  • deep vein thrombosis of the legs


Each contraceptive method has its own advantages, but there are also many disadvantages. When choosing an intrauterine device, be sure to undergo an examination and consult with an experienced gynecologist. Your health is in your hands.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

The question of whether it is possible to get pregnant with an IUD often visits women. Choosing contraception is a rather complicated matter. Only those who abstain from sexual activity during their reproductive years can protect themselves 100% from unwanted pregnancy. Well, all other methods of contraception, no matter how modern and expensive they are, allow for “errors.”

Even the IUD (intrauterine device) recommended by many women does not save everyone without exception from pregnancy. According to statistics, out of 100 women protected by the IUD, two have a chance of becoming pregnant. This, of course, is not much, but it turns out that all women have a risk (chance) of becoming pregnant. Therefore, if you were interested in the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant with an IUD, then the answer is - it is possible! To find out why this happens and what are the features of pregnancy with the IUD, read on.

What is a spiral and how does it work

Before we talk about pregnancy with an IUD and its consequences, let's find out what an intrauterine device is and what its effect is. The IUD is an intrauterine contraceptive device, which is a small device made of plastic and metal that prevents sperm from penetrating into the uterine cavity. The IUD is a foreign body for the uterine cavity, which means it constantly injures it. Therefore, the fertilized egg does not have the opportunity to implant, and pregnancy does not occur. In addition, the spiral increases contraction of the uterus, and the fertilized egg is “expelled” in the early stages, before it has time to mature for implantation. The contractile function of the spiral also prevents sperm from moving through the fallopian tubes, which also prevents conception. By the way, the copper contained in the coils is harmful to sperm due to its toxic effects. Thus, the IUD has many properties that prevent pregnancy, but it does not always save.

There are two main types of intrauterine devices - copper-containing and hormone-containing. The former contains gold and silver, which protect the genitals from infection, while the latter contain progesterone and are more reliable, because the hormone prevents pregnancy from occurring. But the first option, with metal, acts mechanically, and therefore there is a high probability that the fertilized egg will “slip” past the spiral and become entrenched in the uterus. Is it possible to get pregnant with a hormonal IUD? It is possible, but less likely.

Why can you get pregnant with the IUD?

So, you now know whether you can get pregnant with the IUD. But why does this happen? We have already noted that failures can be purely mechanical, but there are several other options for pregnancy with the IUD. These are inflammatory processes associated with the use of an IUD, which is quite rare, an incorrectly placed or simply fallen out spiral. By the way, the latter option happens quite often, so all women who have chosen this method of contraception should check the presence of the IUD in the uterus regularly.

Pregnancy with an IUD: signs and symptoms

We found out whether it is possible to get pregnant with the IUD. How can you tell if a woman is pregnant with an IUD? Unfortunately, it's not that simple. The fact is that the signs of pregnancy with the IUD may not differ at all from the symptoms of normal conception, or may be completely absent. But sometimes women may still suspect that the spiral did not work.

The most common signs of pregnancy with the IUD include: lack of menstruation, pain in the lower abdomen, spotting, drowsiness and nausea. It is especially important to pay attention to pain, because it can be caused by an ectopic pregnancy. It often happens that a zygote, a fertilized egg, encounters an obstacle on its way to the uterus and finds another place for implantation. Therefore, women often experience ectopic pregnancy during the IUD. Its symptoms are pain in the lower abdomen, usually on one side. But sometimes a woman may not notice the problem until trouble happens. Therefore, everyone who uses a spiral should regularly visit a gynecologist.

Pregnancy with an IUD: what to do

If you find out that you are pregnant despite having an IUD, don't panic. In the recent past, pregnancy with an IUD was an indication for abortion, and now women around the world successfully give birth to healthy children conceived with an IUD, although in some cases women are recommended to have an induced abortion. So, you found out that you are pregnant with an IUD. What to do? Contact an experienced specialist who will prescribe all the necessary examinations and tell you what to do next.

It often happens that the IUD falls out in the middle of pregnancy, but some doctors recommend that expectant mothers remove it without waiting for this moment. The fact is that the IUD can cause infection to enter the uterus, which can threaten the health of the mother and fetus. But this is not at all necessary, and pregnancy may well proceed without complications if there is an IUD, which cannot mechanically harm the fetus.

Pregnancy with an IUD: consequences

Despite the fact that conceiving a child with an IUD is not as scary as many imagine, managing a pregnancy with an IUD requires a special approach. The fact is that the IUD can injure the wall of the uterus, which can cause its contraction and, as a result, a miscarriage. In rare cases, an IUD can interfere with the growth of the fetus, which can also lead to miscarriage. In any case, to avoid unpleasant consequences, pregnant women need to regularly visit a doctor and follow all his recommendations.

The method of intrauterine contraception has been known for a long time, but it has its supporters and opponents. Women who have abandoned popular methods of blocking reproductive function are wondering whether it is possible to get pregnant with the IUD. This is not the most popular method, since it is classified as an abortifacient in the early stages. Therefore, the IUD has many opponents, especially among devout people and anti-abortion activists. A device in the uterus will not provide 100% protection against unwanted pregnancy, and there may be problems with its removal. Those who intend to use it always have many questions, for example, after removing the IUD, when can you get pregnant.

Features of the use of the IUD

Young women are often interested in “the IUD to avoid getting pregnant, what is it, how to use it correctly?” An intrauterine device or IUD is one of the ways to prevent pregnancy. But they are in no hurry to use it for various reasons, including the possibility of getting pregnant with the IUD. The contraceptive is placed in the gynecological office and is observed by the doctor for the entire period while it is there. But many women are frightened by the very fact of finding a foreign body in the uterine cavity. This is what an intrauterine device looks like - photo:

This method, like any means of contraception, is not without its disadvantages and contraindications. The IUD is a cheap method of preventing unwanted pregnancy, widely used in different countries in the 20th century. An installed intrauterine device can remain “in utero” from six months (as recommended) to several years, if the woman does not intend to remove it. Some people write on forums - “I got pregnant with an IUD,” and this is true.

Removal of the T-shaped coil with copper wire should take place in the women's office. But many women do not like to climb onto the “hated chair” and try to remove it themselves when they are planning a child. Their motivation is to see a doctor if they can’t do it themselves. The specialist removes the T-shaped body using a medical instrument so as not to widen the passage for removing the IUD.

It has been proven that if the IUD is in place, you can get pregnant; it can stay close to the placenta. There is a possibility of harming the development of the fetus. Therefore, if the IUD was present before the wedding, it is abandoned when the sex life is stable. In everyday life, women pull it out on the 2nd day of menstruation, when the cervix is ​​maximally dilated. The IUD is pulled out by a tendril or line that extends from the cervix into the vagina in order to become pregnant after the IUD. But if something goes wrong, she will get stuck. There is a possibility of injury to internal organs and possible other complications.

The IUD sometimes falls out on its own, for example, during menstruation (if you strain hard during bowel movements). It's difficult to say when this happened. Women may not know for some time that the IUD, which is used to prevent pregnancy, has fallen out. They do not use other contraceptives, and then they cannot say for sure whether there is an IUD in the uterus or not. If there is no uterine tendril in the vagina, most likely it is not there. Theoretically, any fishing line can break off, then extraction will be more problematic.

Of course, there is no more reliable method of contraception than the absence of sexual activity, which is what those who have had a difficult birth decide to do. But over time, you need to get involved in normal married life and choose a method of protection against unwanted pregnancy. Usually they consult with a gynecologist, clarifying the percentage of getting pregnant with the IUD, or choosing more suitable means. Maternity hospital patients are also interested in whether a woman can get pregnant if she has an IUD in place. Most often they are used by women who have given birth.

What is the operating principle of the IUD?

Not everyone who uses a spiral understands its operating principle. This device prevents the fertilized egg from fixing in the uterine cavity. Without a suitable place in the uterus, the fertilized egg dies and is expelled during the next menstruation. Spirals have some differences in shape and metal content (copper, gold plated, silver). It is difficult to answer how they affect reproductive functions.

Girls often ask why it is difficult to get pregnant after the IUD. Everyone's body has individual characteristics. The shape and materials of the VSM should reduce sperm activity, blocking functionality. Therefore, the IUD can be classified as a broad-spectrum contraceptive; it works “before” and “after” conception. Strengthening the contraceptive effect gives it some advantages over other methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy:

  • approximately 95% guarantee (this is related to the question “is it possible to get pregnant with the IUD”);
  • a long-acting agent that does not require preparation for the next sexual intercourse;
  • the use of an IUD does not affect hormonal levels and sexual activity;
  • can be combined with other contraceptives (if a woman is not confident in any one method);
  • there is no discomfort during intimacy (but the man does not feel whether the woman is protected from unwanted pregnancy);
  • possibility of use in the postpartum period and for breastfeeding women (it is believed that it is impossible to become pregnant during this period, but practice shows how high the probability is).
The positive thing is that the spiral does not affect the reproductive functions of the female body. Therefore, you can get pregnant immediately after removing the IUD. This is explained by the fact that full-fledged eggs continue to mature even with prolonged use of an intrauterine device. At the same time, the growing layer of epithelium continues to be periodically shed, a sign of stable periodicity of menstruation.
Attention: Among the shortcomings, gynecologists point out the very fact of a foreign body being inside a woman’s body. The IUD is located in close proximity to the tissues involved in fetal maturation.

How to get pregnant with an IUD and what to do if you become pregnant?

Questions like “how to get pregnant with an IUD” are meaningless, since IUDs are installed to prevent it. The embryo and the helix are essentially antagonists, forced to fight to stay in the uterus. One of them must be rejected, that is, come out. Most often, “in the struggle for life,” inanimate matter wins. It is this “drama of events” that makes many women refuse to use intrauterine contraception. But after the IUD is removed, there are no obstacles to conception.

In nulliparous women, the IUD can cause rejection and inflammation, which can cause infertility. Virgins are not given IUDs at all. You can get pregnant with the IUD; symptoms of pregnancy should appear, including absence of menstruation, nagging pain in the lower abdomen. In this case, be sure to contact an antenatal clinic. The sooner the IUD is removed, the better for the health of the mother and the unborn baby. There are known cases of IUD removal after childbirth.

Intrauterine contraceptives are widely used by women all over the world. Their effectiveness, along with hormonal contraception, is high, but the likelihood of getting pregnant with the IUD remains. Unwanted pregnancy is associated with violation of the rules for using this product or with the installation of an intrauterine device (IUD) without taking into account contraindications.

Pregnancy with an IUD is associated with a high risk of miscarriage, while the IUD is not only a mechanical obstacle, but also facilitates the penetration of infection from the vagina. To understand the reasons for conceiving with the IUD, you need to know the mechanisms of contraceptive action, as well as the indications and contraindications for using this method.

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    Intrauterine contraception: what is it?

    Intrauterine contraception is carried out using special means that are inserted by a doctor into the uterine cavity.

    All intrauterine contraceptives are divided into two groups:

    1. 1. Non-drug (inert) spirals. They are made of plastic and come in various shapes. Today, this type of spirals is practically not used, since it has low efficiency and causes complications.
    2. 2. MedicationNavy. They are plastic rods of various shapes with the addition of metal (copper, silver, gold) or a hormone (levonorgestrel). This contraceptive is highly effective with minimal risk of complications. The most common use is the F-shaped copper-containing spiral Multiload - Cu 375 and the T-shaped Cooper T 380.

    Hormonal intrauterine system - Mirena

    The Mirena intrauterine system is T-shaped; its structure has a reservoir with a semi-permeable membrane that contains the hormone levonorgestrel, which belongs to the group of gestagens. Every day, 20 mcg of this medication is released into the uterine cavity. Mirena combines the properties of an intrauterine and hormonal contraceptive.

    IUD in the uterus

    The service life of almost all types of IUDs is about 5 years.

    Mechanism of action

    Prevention of unwanted pregnancy when using an IUD is associated with the following mechanisms:

    • the progress of sperm is hampered (the intrauterine contraceptive itself is a mechanical obstacle);
    • cervical mucus becomes thicker (when using a hormone-containing IUD);
    • the maturation of the follicle with the egg in the ovary is disrupted (when using Mirena);
    • there is an increase in peristaltic movements of the fallopian tubes (due to this mechanism, the movement of the unfertilized female reproductive cell into the uterus is accelerated);
    • implantation of a fertilized egg becomes difficult due to changes in the endometrium caused by the presence of a foreign body (spiral).

    Terms of use

    When using an IUD, a woman must follow several rules:

    • after each menstruation, check for the presence of spiral tendrils in the vagina;
    • use the contraceptive for as long as the instructions recommend, after which it must be removed;
    • if you experience pain, discharge from the genital tract, delayed menstruation, unpleasant odor, increased temperature, or absence of the spiral antennae in the vagina, be sure to consult a doctor;
    • Visit a gynecologist regularly for preventive purposes.

    The use of an IUD is contraindicated for inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs, bleeding, neoplasms of the uterus and ovaries. Installation of an IUD is possible after excluding all gynecological pathologies and pregnancy.

    Causes of pregnancy with the IUD

    Taking into account the mechanisms of contraceptive action and the rules for using intrauterine devices, we can identify the following reasons why a girl can become pregnant with the device:

    1. 1. Incorrect use, exceeding the service life (the contraceptive becomes ineffective).
    2. 2. Expulsion (loss) or displacement of the intrauterine device (the correct position of the contraceptive is disrupted).
    3. 3. Incorrect installation of the spiral.
    4. 4. A situation where contraindications were not taken into account during installation.

    Pregnancy with an IUD is terminated in the early stages (in 50–70% of cases). In some situations, it continues to progress, ending in childbirth, and the spiral comes out along with the placenta and its membranes.

There are many in modern medicine, they come in different shapes and are made from different materials. The spiral is placed in the area of ​​the uterus, and the “” remain in the vagina, and are then removed with their help.

This type of contraception protects against unwanted effects in the following ways:

1. The spiral has the ability to kill sperm.
2. Prevents the movement of a fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus.
3. When using a spiral, mucus of a viscous type is formed in the cervical canal - this prevents the active advancement of sperm.
4. When using a copper coil, sperm are damaged by exposure to copper ions.

From the above it is clear that the effectiveness of the IUD is high, but nevertheless there are many cases of pregnancy when using it and these cases are not unique. The spiral prevents the fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus, that is, it terminates the pregnancy at the very beginning. It does not prevent ectopic pregnancy.

What can cause pregnancy

Conception when using the IUD can occur in the following cases:

1. Incorrect installation of the spiral (uneven, loose fit).
2. Helix displacement. May occur due to prolonged use, sudden movements, deep penetration during sexual intercourse.
3. The spiral may not “take root” and even fly out.

To prevent when using:

You cannot lift weights exceeding five kilograms.
- You need to pull it out in time (optimally 3 years), some manufacturing companies prescribe a longer period, then focus on it.
- Get checked by a gynecologist at least once every six months.
- Monitor how you feel, as there may be many side effects. If you have the slightest pain or discomfort in the groin area, consult a doctor.

Contraindications to the use of the spiral:

- individual anatomical features of the uterus;
- heavy vaginal bleeding;
- predisposition to infectious inflammation.