Can I drink alcohol when I'm on my period? Is it possible to drink alcohol during menstruation: recommendations from doctors Is it possible to drink alcohol during menstruation

The menstrual cycle accompanies a woman most of her life. For some, “these days” pass painlessly and are considered a normal physiological phenomenon. Other representatives of the fair half of humanity do not know what to do with pain and discomfort. And then analgesics and sometimes alcohol come to the rescue. Does alcohol affect women's periods? This question worries most women around the world.

The concept of normality in relation to menstruation

The physiological cycle, which begins in girls at the age of 11-13 and ends with the onset of menopause, is popularly called “menstruation.” At the same time, critical days have characteristic features:

  • Should begin after 28 days with normal cycle length;
  • The maximum delay in a healthy body does not exceed 3-4 days;
  • The duration of menstruation can vary - from 3 to 8 days;
  • The blood released during this period has a characteristic odor and bright color. Sometimes clots may be found in its composition;
  • Total blood loss is 50-150 milliliters;
  • Normal periods should not be painful.

The listed characteristics in combination are not often found in real life; most women complain of a feeling of discomfort, nervousness, large blood loss and a long time for the uterine mucosa to renew itself.

Deviations from the norm of menstruation are influenced by many factors:

  1. Poor environmental situation;
  2. Bad habits;
  3. Health status;
  4. Presence of stress;
  5. Changes in climate zones and much more.

Pathology is any deviation from the norm. In relation to menstruation, this includes the following phenomena:

  • The cycle is too long - more than 35 days;
  • Delay replacing too frequent periods and vice versa;
  • The duration of menstruation exceeds 10 days;
  • The volume of blood loss is either less than normal (50-150 ml) or significantly exceeds it;
  • Too many clots;
  • Severe pain, loss of strength, nausea and other unpleasant symptoms.

You cannot plan any celebration (wedding, anniversary, corporate party, etc.) based on the cyclical menstrual cycle. And a woman has to drink alcohol. How much does this harm the body, which is experiencing a kind of renewal?

Alcohol during menstruation

Alcohol helps a girl or woman relieve the unpleasant sensations she experiences during menstruation. There may be several reasons for painful critical days:

  1. PMS. A few days before the onset of menstruation, the female body begins to experience not very pleasant changes: the lower abdomen pulls, the breasts swell and hurt, the mood can change dramatically during the day, etc.;
  2. The periods themselves are more intense (compared to the norm). At this time, abdominal pain worsens, and spasms are also added to it.

It is not surprising that a woman calls on alcohol to help herself. Is this approach harmful and how does it affect the reproductive system at this time?

In total, two opposing points of view on the problem have the right to exist: the interaction of alcohol and the body during menstruation:

  1. Small doses of alcohol have no harmful effects on a woman with her period. A glass of dry red wine can help you relax and relieve pain;
  2. The second approach is more categorical - alcohol is prohibited during menstruation. At this time, the body already loses a lot of blood, so alcohol can intensify this process, which threatens cycle disruptions in the future. A delay in the next period after libations in the previous cycle is a common occurrence among fans of club life.

The decision whether or not to take alcohol during menstruation is made by each woman independently. The ability of red wine to replenish blood loss should not be interpreted literally; moderation is good in everything. During menstruation, the body is already weakened, is it worth exposing it to unnecessary stress?

Delay and alcohol

Despite the assurances of many girls who are confident in the neutral relationship between alcohol and menstruation, doctors are sure that nothing passes without a trace.

Drinking alcohol from time to time leads to the following consequences:

  1. Delay of menstruation from 2 to 4 days (if you drink alcohol before the onset of your period);
  2. Reducing discharge and, accordingly, increasing its duration;
  3. The appearance of spasms and nagging pain in the lower back.

In other words, alcohol has a detrimental effect on the female body during menstruation. And delay, which, among other things, can be a symptom of pregnancy, is not the rarest manifestation of ethanol use.

Traditional menstrual periods, the natural menstrual cycle, regular important visits to the gynecologist are familiar concepts to all girls. There is no need to be ashamed or afraid of this.

Any menstruation or period begins with premenstrual syndrome.

Any woman doesn’t really like this moment:

  • some people develop a terrible, restless appetite;
  • girls are characterized by profuse sweating;
  • a woman may suffer from periodic headaches;
  • mild pain appears in the lower abdomen;
  • there is nervousness, a desire to cry and weakness.

And, naturally, no sane gynecologist would think of offering alcohol during menstruation. Every woman's reaction to it during her menstrual period is different. It all depends on your health and body.

Essential general and important information about menstruation

The slight bleeding that accompanies the life of every healthy woman is called menstruation. Sometimes they are, as if jokingly, called critical days. Vaginal discharge is caused by the reproductive, childbearing function of the female body.

Traditionally, girls begin menstruation at the age of 10-11 years. Heavy or weak dark discharge lasts from 3 to 8-10 days. This is an individual indicator.

It is by the first menstruation that one can already determine the timing of subsequent bleeding. The beginning is unpleasant. Sometimes it is accompanied by previously incomprehensible aching cramps in the lower abdomen and a headache in the first days. Then it goes away.

Each arrival of menstruation has its own specific cycle. It is called in medicine – menstrual or follicular.

Why is that?

Everything is quite logical: The follicles in the eggs, the purpose of which will be the birth of the baby, are maturing. During menstruation, the likelihood of pregnancy is high. The cycle has its own calculations.

From the beginning of menstruation to the appearance of the next, an accurate count of days is carried out. It usually lasts 28 days, but no more than 36. If the menstrual cycle is constantly disrupted, you should immediately contact your personal gynecologist. The delay may be a consequence of disturbances in the functioning of the female genital reproductive organs or a congenital discrepancy or pathology.

Menstruation lasts up to 45-55 years on average. It’s different for everyone, until the onset of “menopause” or “menopause,” that is, the complete cessation of a woman’s reproductive function. With the cessation of menstruation, a woman is no longer able to have a child or become pregnant.

Is it dangerous to drink alcohol before menstruation and during menstruation?

Alcohol consumption itself can have a negative impact on women's health.

During critical periods, alcohol is especially unacceptable:

  • strong drinks like vodka and cognac dilate blood vessels. During menstruation, this can lead to heavy bleeding and immediate hospitalization. How do you take a drunk person to the hospital? First, alcohol is removed from the body through droppers and injections, and then the work of doctors begins to stop the bleeding;
  • the state of exciting euphoria after drinking alcohol causes a great desire for activity in a person, and during menstruation it is necessary to rest more and reduce physical activity;
  • The proper functioning of the kidneys is also impaired. Some women notice that during menstrual periods, urination increases. Alcohol also makes you want to go to the toilet no less. And if you load the kidneys on both sides at the same time, they will definitely not work correctly afterwards;
  • alcoholic drinks make you want to consume nicotine, not in the usual doses, but even more. Alcohol dilates blood vessels, nicotine constricts them. And what will happen to the cardiovascular system next? Heart disease, changing blood pressure, vascular problems, blood clots and heart attacks;
  • spare your nerves! The effect on the nervous system during menstruation is very strong, and alcohol has its own ways of making you nervous. So again it turns out to be a double blow to the body.

Have you changed your mind about dabbling in alcohol yet? Read on.

Harm from drinking alcohol during menstruation

The female body has radically different organs and their functions than the male body. Let’s not forget that men don’t give birth to children, they raise them. But reproductive function is an advantage of the female body.

Alcohol will not allow you to give birth to a normal, healthy baby, and plus it will significantly ruin your mental state. Women should be especially careful about the frequent use of alcoholic beverages than men. The same amount of alcohol consumed is much worse for the female body than for the male body.

Ethyl, which is included in any alcohol, does not spare the female, more sensitive body, but on the contrary causes harm and a negative effect on the menstrual cycle, changing the quality of menstruation.

Don't forget about the important reproductive function. This is important for young, self-confident girls to remember. She suffers even more from drinking alcohol, especially during menstruation.

Menstruation and alcohol will never be compatible concepts:

  • A woman's menstruation is often accompanied by painful and unpleasant symptoms. Drinking is strictly prohibited. Alcoholic drinks will provoke acute attacks of pain; painkillers will not help;
  • harm to kidney function increases. The characteristic pain in the lower abdomen and aching in the kidney area is simply impossible to bear;
  • alcoholic drinks cause heavy bleeding that is abnormal for menstruation. Even a good gynecologist will find it difficult to stop him. Bleeding has consequences;
  • alcohol can stop the menstrual cycle altogether;
  • premenstrual syndrome and menstruation itself bring with them a loss of mental balance for girls. Drinking strong and not too alcoholic drinks will only worsen a woman’s psyche.

How to behave correctly and properly during bleeding and menstruation

If nothing is possible, then what is possible?

Be sure to go to a gynecologist if you are not sure about the lifestyle you lead during your menstrual cycle. There is nothing shameful or awkward about such questions. All girls are destined by physiology to have monthly bleeding. Don't be shy and ask!

Useful information:

  • try not to burden your body with too much activity, don’t go to fitness classes or the gym;
  • going to the bathhouse and sauna during menstruation is contraindicated. Possible bleeding and infectious diseases, spasms and pain in the vagina, ovaries, lower abdomen, unpleasant aching headache;
  • give up sexual relations during your period. Fungi and microbes can easily settle in your body during menstruation;
  • clearly write down the menu for the period of critical days: eat fruits, vegetables, light broths, steamed dishes, fish and seafood. It’s good to treat yourself to vitamin-rich grapefruit during this period. Add greens, especially celery, to your food. Ban yourself from alcohol, nicotine and fatty foods;
  • It’s better not to go to beauty salons. Recommendations from gynecologists and cosmetologists during this period exclude any procedures. A woman does not control the hormones in her body during this period. And their relationship with perm, hair coloring and other methods of perfecting oneself has not yet been fully studied. In some cases, allergies appear.

It is not only possible, but also necessary during menstruation:

  • Change intimate hygiene products (pads, tampons) as often as possible to avoid germs and infection. The individual product is used for no more than 5 hours;
  • Avoid tight, uncomfortable clothing. Wear comfortable, roomy clothes;
  • eat only light, low-fat foods, drink water or juices, kefir;
  • go for walks, but don't run. Walk at a calm pace, slowly;
  • visit the bathroom more often. The purity and soothing properties of water will be beneficial;
  • limit stressful situations. Read funny stories, watch comedies or chat with a funny friend;
  • treat yourself to something sweet.

These days are not so critical! You can and should spend them with benefit for your health and a full state of positive emotions.

The effect of alcohol on the course of menstruation

Girls are familiar with the unique concept of critical days (or menstruation). A woman and the characteristics of her body suggest the presence of menstruation. It is the release of blood from the body that helps in subsequent pregnancy. Minor bleeding continues differently for everyone. On average: from 3 to 5 days.

The follicular menstrual cycle (counting from the first day of the onset of menstruation until the next beginning of the next month) lasts up to 35-36 days. Menstruation usually begins at the age of 10-11 years.

For standard monthly bleeding due to menstruation:

  • duration up to 5 days;
  • follicular, menstrual cycle from 28 to 36 days;
  • unnatural delay up to 4 days maximum;
  • the discharge should not be too abundant and should not exceed the dose of 150 ml;
  • signs of menstruation irregularities are any pain: in the vagina, lower abdomen, ovaries.

The course of menstruation, the urge for which is given to the body precisely by the central nervous system and the brain, is characterized by disturbances of mental balance, uncontrolled nervous breakdowns, and aggression towards the outside world.

The above symptoms also describe premenstrual syndrome, the most severe. It is often jokingly called “PMS syndrome.”

There are deviations from the norm. Late onset of menstruation or delay:

  • from frequent consumption of strong and not very cheerful alcoholic drinks;
  • nervous breakdowns, stress;
  • changing of the living place. If the climate is radically different from the previous one;
  • any diseases associated with gynecological problems or congenital pathologies.

Formal events, holidays and family gatherings cannot be adjusted to your individual menstrual or follicular cycle. And that's a fact.

So you have to drink during your critical days. The effect of alcohol on a woman’s cycle has been proven by gynecologists.

  • the duration of the menstrual cycle increases by more than 36 days;
  • Heavy bleeding and unnatural discharge often appear;
  • unjustified delays in menstruation;
  • menstruation lasts more than 8-10 days;
  • the cycle is accompanied by painful and frequent symptoms;
  • menstruation occurs in parallel with a migraine-like headache;
  • unbearable pain in the ovaries and lower abdomen;
  • gagging, as if severely poisoned.

How can you drink after this?

Girls think that drinking alcohol can cope with painful symptoms during and before menstruation.

The woman does not want to use painkillers, attributing to them a negative effect on the body. And when you can no longer do without them, the pain intensifies, alcohol eliminates their influence. The woman begins to get nervous and drink alcohol again.

It turns out to be a vicious circle of alcohol consumption. Drinking is strictly prohibited during menstruation. All known recommendations of gynecologists prohibit this.

The results of drinking alcohol are very insidious:

  • increased unpleasant pain in the lower abdomen, cramps unnatural for menstruation;
  • long protracted delay in the beginning of the cycle;
  • instability of the duration of menstruation in different months;
  • the most dangerous thing is profuse and terrible bleeding, which can lead to hospitalization and consequences.

Try not to drink at all during your period. You can wait a week, unless, of course, you suffer from drunkenness and binge drinking and do not belong to the category of people with alcoholism.

Rules for girls: what to do and how to behave if alcohol was consumed during menstruation

It is clear that we all break any rules, even those that can cause irreparable damage to our health. It is impossible to refuse, especially for young attractive girls full of strength and energy, from drinking alcoholic beverages and strong alcohol.

I want to feel a slight euphoria, gain confidence, especially for modest women, have fun from the heart and not become touchy and “black sheep” in the company! Such erroneous opinions are common among young people.

But the notorious premenstrual syndrome and the subsequent bleeding itself through menstruation are not included in your plans. The regularity of experiencing them every month is inevitable.

What to do during menstruation during the holidays:

  • Limit your drinking to 1 glass. It's better to drink wine. It is the most gentle for the body and menstruation;
  • Homemade alcoholic drinks infused with herbs or infusions are prohibited. Some of them can worsen the course of menstruation or increase blood discharge;
  • Before an important event, refuse a hot, pleasant bath, use a shower and warm water. The influence of any fungus, infection during the menstrual cycle will easily enter your vagina and uterus;
  • Don’t overdo it with dancing and active competitions. Menstruation loves peace;
  • try to smoke less. It will be difficult with alcohol, but try it anyway;
  • if you have already had time to drink, then prefer salads, low-fat, steamed or grilled dishes as an appetizer; you can eat fish, your favorite seafood, fruits will also not be superfluous;
  • limit strong emotions and take care of the nervous system, which already suffers during menstruation.

These are important rules that must be followed before and during the menstrual cycle. Save your nerves. It is possible to refuse the invitation; it is better to stay at home.

Every woman's body undergoes changes called the menstrual cycle. One of the phases of this cycle is menstruation, during which, due to the failure of pregnancy, an unfertilized egg and the endometrial layer are released from the uterus along with the blood. Menstruation begins in girls during adolescence and ends when a woman is approximately 50–55 years old. During this age period, pregnancy may occur as the body is in reproductive age.

There are basic indicators of the normality of the menstrual cycle. Its duration is 20–35 days (counted from the first day of menstruation until its next onset), regularity, volume, duration and consistency of discharge, as well as the absence of various unpleasant symptoms. To answer the question whether a woman can drink alcohol during her period, it is necessary to understand how this will affect the main indicators of the cycle.

The normal course of the menstrual cycle is influenced by many factors. First of all, this is a woman’s lifestyle, her habits, illnesses, stress and similar factors. The environment also has a significant impact.

It should be noted that most women in the modern world have some deviations from the normal course of the menstrual cycle. For example, this may be a delay in discharge for several days or an earlier onset. And one of the folk remedies for facilitating menstruation is drinking alcohol before they start or while they are going on. But is such treatment normal and won’t it lead to even worse consequences?

Alcohol and periods

Why do women start drinking alcohol during their periods? This is due to painful sensations and other unpleasant symptoms that may appear during premenstrual syndrome and directly during menstruation.

Most often these are pulling, aching sensations in the abdomen and lower back, swelling of the breasts, and mood swings. And the desire of many women to make their lives easier using various methods is understandable. But does alcohol help cope with symptoms, or will it only worsen the situation and should not be consumed during menstruation?

Doctors have 2 main points of view on this situation.

  1. Alcohol can be consumed during menstruation, but some rules must be followed. It should be wine of good quality and in limited quantities, and the woman should not have diseases that would be worsened by drinking alcohol. One glass of dry red wine a day during or before menstruation will help significantly reduce all unpleasant symptoms and help a woman relax.
  2. Any alcoholic drinks during menstruation are prohibited. Since their use can increase blood flow in a woman’s body, which can cause an increase in the abundance of menstruation. Moreover, immediately after drinking alcohol, the reproductive system reacts in such a way that the amount of discharge decreases. However, after a short time, menstruation becomes more abundant.

Each body is unique, so it’s up to you to decide whether you can drink alcohol during your period or not.

For example, if you have a disease such as anemia, then during menstruation there is a fairly noticeable loss of blood for the circulatory system, and drinking red wine can compensate for this loss.

Doctors are most categorical about such an alcoholic drink as beer. The fact is that they usually drink not just one glass at dinner, but several liters. This leads to the fact that the negative effect of alcohol on the body only intensifies.

Harm from alcohol

At any time of the cycle, alcohol abuse brings many problems to a woman’s body. First of all, systems such as the nervous and reproductive systems, as well as many important organs, are affected. But drinking alcohol directly during menstruation can harm the body much more than on other days.

  • Alcoholic drinks do not always reduce pain. Sometimes they affect the nervous system in the opposite way and only increase pain in the abdomen and lower back. You should not take painkillers together with alcohol.
  • Before the onset of menstruation, a woman’s hormonal levels change significantly, which affects the instability of the emotional sphere. Drinking alcohol can only increase disturbances in the emotional state, which has an extremely negative effect on the functioning of the body’s nervous system and can cause the appearance of certain diseases.
  • Hormonal fluctuations affect not only a woman’s emotional state. The level of the main sex hormones progesterone and estrogen changes constantly during menstruation. Alcohol, by acting on the brain, can disrupt the functioning of regulatory centers and cause an imbalance of sex hormones, which disrupts the functioning of the reproductive system. This is manifested by excessive swelling of the breasts and involuntary contraction of the walls of the uterus. Beer produces the greatest changes in balance due to its composition.
  • Drinking alcoholic beverages during menstruation can cause such manifestations as a delay in the removal of excess fluid from the body. Such a delay negatively affects the functioning of many organs and systems, which only worsens the woman’s overall well-being. During menstruation, the excretory system already works much more intensely than at other times. Alcoholic drinks during this period directly affect the appearance of edema and the accumulation of harmful substances in the body. Many women may object, because beer is a diuretic drink, and therefore its use should lead to the removal of excess fluid. Where does her delay come from? In the case of beer, there will be no delay, but on the contrary, beer can cause dehydration and disturbances in the water-salt balance.
  • Alcohol directly affects the reproductive system, and therefore the normality of the menstrual cycle. Drinking such drinks during or before your period may well result in your cycle becoming irregular over time. And for many women, a delay in menstruation is an extra headache, especially if pregnancy is not planned yet.
  • Drinking alcohol leads to increased cravings for smoking. Cigarettes negatively affect many body systems, primarily by narrowing blood vessels and increasing many unpleasant symptoms.
  • Narcologists have a negative attitude towards the question of whether it is possible to drink alcohol during menstruation, as they believe that traces of the drinks consumed will remain in the body much longer than usual. And these traces will poison the organs and cause a negative effect until the onset of the next period.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the use of alcohol during premenstrual syndrome during the period of life when you are trying to conceive a child.

Even if you do not know whether you are pregnant or not yet, you should not drink alcoholic beverages, especially if your period is late.

In general, in the event of a possible pregnancy, unless you are planning to have an abortion, you should not drink alcohol. If there is a desired and planned pregnancy, gynecologists say that you should not drink alcohol about six months before conception, otherwise it will lead to various diseases in the baby.

How to reduce the influence of alcohol?

If you still decide that you cannot do without alcoholic beverages during your period, then you can minimize the effect that alcohol will have on the body. This can be done in different ways, they all cause approximately the same effect.

  • Take special medications - adsorbents. The most famous of them is Activated carbon, the more modern is Polysorb.
  • Along with alcoholic drinks, you can eat foods such as prunes and beets.
  • Drink more water or green tea throughout the day. But this does not always help, since it can also cause fluid retention in the body if the kidneys work poorly and cannot cope with such volumes.
  • Eat foods that are low in sugar, salt and fat.
  • Reduce consumption of baked goods, rice and pasta.

Not all women can stop drinking alcohol during menstruation. And most often this leads to various cycle disorders. Some people experience a delay in their periods, while others experience noticeably more abundant discharge. At the same time, women who try to adhere to a healthy and measured rhythm of life during this period note that menstruation is much easier to tolerate and does not cause major problems.

Pain in the lower abdomen during and before the menstrual cycle worries most women. Relieving pain by drinking alcohol is not an option, especially with heavy discharge. During a cycle, a woman’s body loses up to 250 ml of blood per day, and drinking strong alcohol such as cognac or whiskey increases the amount of discharge to 600 ml.

If you drink alcohol during menstruation, then in addition to heavier discharge, women suffer from surges in blood pressure. Alcohol-containing drinks first dilate blood vessels and then cause them to spasm. Drinking alcohol to relieve pain during premenstrual syndrome causes a delay from 2-3 hours to several days. The issue of drinking red wine is controversial.

Alcohol and the menstrual cycle

Among doctors, the question of women drinking red wine during menstruation is still open. This drink restores the volume of circulating blood in the vessels. Only red table wine can do this, but not fortified or sweet. It is more advisable to drink small doses of red wine 2-3 days after the end of menstruation.

Relieving painful sensations with alcohol-containing drinks during premenstrual syndrome and menstruation causes:

  1. 1. Delay of menstruation for several hours or days;
  2. 2. Increase the cycle by 2-3 days;
  3. 3. Double the amount of blood released;
  4. 4. Worsening blood pressure fluctuations.

In addition to menstrual irregularities, there is a negative impact on reproductive function. Women experience spontaneous abortions, increasing the likelihood of infertility. Alcohol leaves its mark on future children, causing pathologies of varying severity.

The effect of alcohol on the female body during menstruation

Under the influence of alcohol, hormonal levels are disrupted. Menstruation only provokes imbalance.

The desire to get rid of pain during menstruation pushes young girls and women to drink alcohol. The expected effect does not occur for long. After 15-30 minutes, the pain intensifies, and the general condition of the body worsens under the influence of alcohol.

A woman’s emotional state during her period depends on the level of hormones: progesterone and estrogen. When bleeding occurs, the hormonal levels change, and along with it, the mood. Apathy and irritability, aggravated by alcohol, are possible.

Alcohol affects the duration and timeliness of the onset of the cycle. Strong drinks can delay the first day of bleeding and prolong menstruation by 2-3 days. Failures in the onset of menstruation lead to serious illnesses, including infertility. In case of heavy discharge, alcohol should be a kind of prohibition for a woman.

Your menstrual cycle may coincide with holidays. A complete abstinence from alcohol at a feast is not always possible, so you can drink a little while observing a number of rules:

  1. 1. A little red wine won't hurt. Strong drinks: vodka, cognac or whiskey, which can increase bleeding, should not be drunk even in minimal doses.
  2. 2. During menstruation, a woman should follow a diet, avoiding spicy and fried foods, thereby not causing gastrointestinal problems. Champagne causes bloating and increased gas formation, increasing the size of the intestines. It puts pressure on the pelvic organs and increases bleeding.
  3. 3. Dancing, participating in competitions or other active activities during the holiday can cause a rise in blood pressure. Alcohol will make you feel even worse. On critical days, especially at the beginning, maximum rest is indicated.
  4. 4. Some girls prefer to drink beer during menstruation, as it is a low-alcohol and, in their opinion, harmless drink. However, beer causes fermentation processes in the intestines. The bend in the colon puts pressure on the uterus, increasing bleeding.
  5. 5. Smoking in combination with alcohol increases bleeding and painful menstruation.
  6. 6. Drinking alcohol must be washed down with plenty of liquid: water, juice. It provokes the kidneys to work actively. In addition to urination, they participate in the process of producing liquid blood, which is more easily excreted during menstruation, and the negative effect of alcohol on the body is reduced.


Nature intended that the inner layer of the uterine cavity undergoes self-renewal every month under the influence of hormones. For some women, menstruation is a serious test; some calmly continue to lead an active lifestyle these days, visiting places where there is an opportunity to drink. Is it possible to drink alcohol during menstruation, does it pose a danger to the female body?

Does alcohol affect your periods?

Often, the reason for drinking alcoholic liquids in women during menstruation is the possibility of eliminating the pain symptom. We must remember that alcohol can have certain effects on the female body:

  1. Drinks containing a certain degree have the property of dilating blood vessels. The speed of blood flow increases throughout the body, including the pelvic organs. Due to this, blood loss during menstruation can increase significantly. This is especially dangerous for those who suffer from heavy menstruation.
  2. Ethanol provokes fluid retention in the intercellular space by affecting the renal tubules. Menstruation has a similar effect on the body, so it is not surprising that combining it with alcohol causes swelling of the face and body.
  3. Due to the formation of stagnation of fluid in the cells, the duration of menstruation may increase.
  4. Regular consumption of alcoholic beverages leads to hormonal disruptions, which lead to disturbances in the course of monthly bleeding. The cycle loses regularity, and the volume of discharge increases. With prolonged alcoholism, menstrual function stops completely, which leads to the formation of infertility.

Is it possible to drink during menstruation?

Each girl answers the question “To drink or not to drink during menstruation” herself. No one can prohibit drinking alcohol, but achieving long-term pleasure without consequences is unlikely. It is better to think several times before drinking alcohol, to evaluate all the risks for the sake of imaginary benefits.

Is it possible to drink beer during menstruation?

Beer, in general, should not be consumed by a woman, both during menstruation and during the intermenstrual period. Beer during menstruation deals a double blow to the kidneys and is the main cause of fluid retention in the body. The next day swelling forms. Intoxicating drinks also help to activate fermentation processes in the intestines.

Is it possible to drink wine during menstruation?

Of all alcohols, wine, especially red, is the safest drink during menstruation. But it must be a quality product, and not a cheap surrogate in paper packaging. Red wine has a positive effect on the level of hemoglobin in the blood, which is important when it is lost monthly in the blood. Drinking wine may cause your period to start a little earlier. It is sometimes recommended to drink wine in small quantities (1 glass of dry red), but only for women with scanty or average menstruation.

Is it possible to drink strong alcohol during menstruation?

Strong alcohol during menstruation is prohibited for women. At the beginning of use, it causes vasodilation, which can help eliminate pain in the abdominal area and relieve nervous tension. Then the opposite effect is observed: the alcohol is eliminated, all symptoms return, and the pain syndrome may intensify. Eliminating these unpleasant sensations can be very difficult. The vessels narrow, and if this process occurs abruptly, the capillaries cannot stand it and burst. “Stars” form on the skin.

Warning! Strong alcohol can have a serious impact on the quality of eggs, subsequently reducing the chances of pregnancy.

Can alcohol cause periods?

There are several versions of the answer to this question, which do not have an evidence base. They were formed after reviews from women who drank alcohol during menstruation. Some representatives of the fair sex, under the influence of alcohol, experienced menstruation ahead of schedule, several days ahead of it. The other half has the opposite effect: after drinking strong drinks, menstruation is delayed. From this we can conclude: alcohol affects the female body differently. Most likely, it depends on the proportions of the body, the state of the reproductive system and health in general.

Why you shouldn't drink during your period

Alcohol is used to relieve pain during menstruation, but when they start drinking it, they forget about its ability to cause the opposite effect: provoking painful menstruation. The period of alcohol exposure may be accompanied by mood swings, also caused by hormonal changes during menstruation. The body experiences alcohol intoxication, which is much more difficult to eliminate against the background of menstruation. While still drinking alcohol, you often want to engage in more active games, move, dance, which is best limited during menstrual periods. This is an extra burden on a weakened body. Due to the dilation of blood vessels in the head with the combination of alcohol and menstruation, a woman experiences headaches, which are quite difficult to relieve with painkillers.

Doctors' opinion

Gynecologists are divided on this issue, although the destructive effect of alcohol on the female body has long been proven. Nevertheless:

  1. Some doctors believe that you can drink, but in small quantities and low-alcohol drinks. These include dry red wine, which is the best option in this situation.
  2. The other half is firmly convinced of the negative impact of alcohol on critical days and their course. This is especially true for women whose blood loss during menstruation is quite significant. Alcohol in this case can cause serious damage to health.


Is it possible to drink alcohol during menstruation or not? Drinking alcohol for the female body in itself is a difficult burden, and during menstruation it forces all systems to work at double capacity. It is worth remembering that strong alcoholic drinks have a negative impact on a woman’s reproductive health and future offspring.