Skin diseases: photos, symptoms and treatment options. Infectious skin diseases, symptoms and treatment How to treat infectious skin diseases

The skin is the largest organ in humans. Therefore, the condition of your skin directly speaks to your overall health. Skin diseases occur for various reasons, but the main thing is to know the main causes and methods of treatment.

Common dermatological problems and causes

The skin protects the entire body, affects the process of thermoregulation and metabolism. Different skin problems are localized in different parts of the body. You need to understand that many skin diseases go away with almost no symptoms and can be easily gotten rid of.

For example, mechanical damage occurs due to friction of the skin with any materials. For this reason, dermatitis or hemorrhages often appear. Thermal injuries occur due to excessive exposure of the skin to low or high temperatures. Dermatoses appear as a result of chemicals. For example, this happens in adults who are forced to work with chemicals (doctors, technologists). Pyoderma, skin tuberculosis, leprosy are often due to harmful bacteria.




Skin problems are often due to endogenous causes. The functioning of the endocrine glands may change or excessive pigmentation may appear. Dermatological diseases can also be caused by problems in the central or peripheral nervous system.

Common skin diseases:

  1. – among skin diseases, this problem occupies a leading position. Most often it occurs in adolescence. But in the absence of proper care, it can develop into a chronic form.
  2. and often occurs in children. They suffer from severe itching. A common cause of this disease is an allergic reaction of the body.
  3. Herpes – There are different forms, but the most common form is herpes simplex.

Acne: causes and treatment

Photo and description of acne.

This disease begins due to blockage of the sebaceous glands and inflammation of the hair follicles. There are many reasons for the appearance of skin rashes. Dermatologists note that this can occur at any age. Acne is characterized by open or closed comedones, papular acne and nodular formations.

Why do rashes appear?

Acne can be caused by problems with two hormones: testosterone or progesterone. Testosterone is a male hormone. With excessive synthesis of this hormone, the work of the sebaceous glands increases, as a result of which too much sebum is released. It leads to the development of bacteria. Progesterone is also produced in both men and women. Significantly increases the work of the sebaceous glands, and with an excess of the hormone, the skin becomes swollen and less elastic. It is because of a sharp surge in hormones that acne appears in teenagers. Although other factors also play a role.

Problems with skin cleanliness can arise due to improper functioning of the nervous system. This can be caused by both stress and lack of sleep, as well as changes in the body. For example, after the birth of a child.

One of the most significant factors is the active work of the sebaceous glands. Sebum is important for protecting the skin, it prevents premature aging of the skin. But in large quantities it is not distributed evenly, but accumulates in the sebaceous gland. This is a favorable environment for the proliferation of harmful bacteria. They influence the appearance of acne.

Poor skin defenses lead to acne. Their reduction is affected by the incorrect use of cosmetics and the influence of ultraviolet radiation. It is worth monitoring proper nutrition and fighting bad habits. It is worth paying attention to the hereditary factor. Indeed, in some cases it is worth paying special attention to skin care.

If your skin condition worsens, the first thing to do is take a general blood test and visit a gastroenterologist. Diseases of the digestive system lead to a deficiency of nutrients. In addition, in adults, toxins accumulate in the body, so this immediately affects the condition of the skin (excretory function).


It is worth understanding that acne is a disease, and not just periodic rashes on the skin. Among medical prescriptions, medications containing tretinoin predominate. These can be various gels or creams.

In some situations, taking antibiotics is relevant. They help destroy bacteria and reduce inflammation. But antibiotics have a number of contraindications. There is individual intolerance to certain components, and they are also undesirable during pregnancy. Special injections show good results. Drugs are selected that accelerate the process of skin regeneration and minimize inflammation. In the early stages, home treatment is acceptable, but it is better to approach the issue comprehensively. This is necessary to avoid scars and acne marks.

What you need to know about eczema

This is a chronic inflammation of the upper layers of the skin. The treatment of eczema should be based on its type. Photos and names will speed up the process of diagnosing eczema.

There are these types:

  • idiopathic variety;
  • atopic type;
  • professional;
  • microbial

In any case, pathogenetic therapy is the main type of eczema. This is necessary in order to minimize the impact of external factors. Sometimes biostimulants are prescribed.

Hormone therapy is relevant. This should be fully supervised by a specialist. Taking corticosteroids is fraught with exacerbation of chronic diseases, and an infectious disease may develop. The immune system is also weakened, which makes a person vulnerable to infectious diseases. The names of such antibiotics can be found on the Internet, but only a doctor should prescribe them.

With eczema, the body's defenses weaken, so vitamin therapy is carried out. But recent studies show that synthetic vitamins do not always have a positive effect on your general condition. The diet should focus on vitamin E and folic acid. Antihistamines are also necessary for any type of eczema.

What causes eczema:

  • exposure to chemicals;
  • immune system disorder;
  • central nervous system disorders;
  • allergic reaction.

The above describes the fundamental principles of treating eczema. But each type has its own specific features that must be taken into account.

Causes of herpes and its treatment

To date, doctors have not found an ideal remedy to combat herpes. The cause of this problem is a virus. A significant amount of time may pass after it arrives and before it manifests itself. The stimulus for external manifestations can be stress or weakened immunity.

There are 3 routes of infection: airborne, household contact and sexual transmission. And the incubation period takes from 2 to 7 days (depending on immunity). Herpes affects almost the entire population on Earth. However, not everyone has it actively. The weaker the immune system, the higher the chances of getting this disease. Genetic predisposition also plays a role. An interesting fact is that most children become infected through airborne droplets. And many people become infected with herpes while breastfeeding.

Basic principles of treatment

Medicines developed on the basis of abnormal nucleotides can be easily purchased at any pharmacy. Most often they come in the form of an ointment. Abnormal nucleotides as a means of combating herpes were developed more than 20 years ago. They are especially effective in the early stages. Of course, it is not possible to completely get rid of herpes, but it is quite possible to forget about its manifestations.

A person may experience persistent colds on the face. In this case, the entire treatment process should be entrusted to doctors. The immunologist will prescribe all the necessary tests and, based on them, select a course of therapy.

In the early stages of the fight against herpes, home treatment is applicable. For example, tea tree oil has a strong antifungal and antibacterial effect. Inflammation and pain are reduced. This essential oil disinfects wounds well. The healing process takes much less time; it is enough to lubricate the affected area with oil several times a day. A similar effect can be obtained from fir oil.

The use of fir tincture is popular. Propolis has strong antibactericidal properties. It also produces a general strengthening effect. Propolis is often used internally. But this option requires external influence. Propolis must be added to alcohol and left for several days in a dark place. Afterwards, locally lubricate the areas where herpes appears. Thanks to its good antibacterial properties, the infection will not spread further.

Lemon is a source of vitamin C, which provides good prevention against herpes. They are also recommended to lubricate their lips when they have a cold. This is due to the fact that it resists viruses well.

Prevention of skin diseases

There are different types of skin diseases. Therefore, it is advisable to talk about their treatment only after a thorough diagnosis of the body. But since the skin takes part in the metabolic processes of the whole body and performs a protective function, it is necessary to take this issue seriously.

There are a number of basic recommendations for preventing skin problems. You need to carefully select cosmetics. They should not violate the water-lipid barrier. Otherwise inflammation will begin. In addition, existing chronic skin diseases are exacerbated.

Facial skin diseases are often the result of improper care. This problem is especially acute in adolescence. In the absence of proper hygiene procedures, bacteria actively develop. Pyoderma or other diseases may begin.

It is important to avoid stress and saturate the body with sufficient oxygen. Regular exercise or meditation in the fresh air are suitable for this. It is worth paying attention to your diet. A deficiency of vitamins and microelements immediately affects the condition of the skin. And with poor nutrition, toxins accumulate in the body, which leads to the occurrence of.

Videos about skin diseases


Skin diseases are characterized by a violation of the structure of the skin. Their main signs are the appearance of redness on the skin, accompanied by itching.

Skin structure

The skin consists of three layers:

  • The epidermis is the top layer of skin, the thickness of which is 1-3 mm. Consists of keratinized cells containing keratin. It performs a protective function.
  • The dermis is the second layer of the skin, consisting of connective tissue fibers. The thickness of this layer is 1-3 mm. Thanks to the dermis, the skin is very elastic. It has a developed vascular system and nerve endings
  • Subcutaneous tissue is the third layer, also consisting of connective tissue. It contains many fat cells that form subcutaneous fat, which has a protective function for internal organs.

Types of skin diseases and their photos

Purulent skin diseases (pyoderma)

This type of disease can be caused by infection in the skin. Typically, such microorganisms can be:

  • Staphylococcus;
  • Streptococcus;
  • Escherichia coli;
  • Blue-green pus.

Pyoderma can be of two types:

  • Invasive – the spread of infection occurs in human tissues;
  • Non-invasive - suppuration occurs on the surface without affecting the internal tissues.

Symptoms of purulent diseases:

  • Formation of redness and inflammation;
  • Painful sensations in the area of ​​redness;
  • A white core of pus is visible in the center of the inflammation.

The most common pyoderma:

  • Erysipelas;
  • Abcess;
  • Furuncle;
  • Folliculitis;
  • Impetigo;
  • Carbuncle.

Let's celebrate! When treating pyoderma, antibiotics (ointments, tablets, injections), vitamins and exfoliants are prescribed. In severe cases, surgery is used.

Fungal infections (mycoses)

Skin fungus is the most common disease. Almost every person has encountered it at least once. Basically, mycoses can be cured on their own, and only in advanced forms should you consult a doctor.

The causes of a fungal infection can be:

  • Contact with an infected person, animal, plant;
  • Infection in damaged epidermis;
  • Wearing tight shoes and clothing;
  • Flat feet.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • Peeling;
  • Inflammation and redness of the skin;
  • Blistering;
  • Thickening of the nail plate.

Note! Antifungal drugs are used to treat mycosis. Drug treatment should be alternated with traditional medicine.

Causes of the disease:

  • Weak immunity;
  • Infection from domestic animals;
  • Contact with an infected person.
  • Severe itching;
  • Blistering;
  • The appearance of red spots;
  • Fever;
  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Scabies is when a scabies mite gets under the skin.
  • Pediculosis is a disease caused by lice bites. There are three types: head, pubic, wardrobe.
  • Demodectic mange is a disease caused by the penetration of subcutaneous mites. A characteristic symptom is a severe rash on the epidermis, similar to acne, and loss of eyelashes.

Treatment is prescribed by a dermatovenerologist. He prescribes ointments that should be used strictly as directed.

Infectious and viral diseases

These types of diseases are caused by the virus entering the skin. They can be either congenital or acquired. The disease is transmitted by contact.

Symptoms of viral and infectious diseases:

  • Inflammation and redness;
  • The appearance of small bubbles with liquid.

The most common diseases:

  • Varicella (chickenpox);
  • Herpes;
  • Rubella;
  • Measles;
  • Shingles;

Note! With prolonged exposure to sunlight, the disease can progress.

Genetic diseases

These diseases are caused by chromosomal disruption of cell integrity.

Causes of the disease:

  • Exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • Exposure to chemicals;
  • Unfavorable environment;
  • Alcohol and drug use during pregnancy.

Types of genetic diseases:

  • Ordinary ichthyosis is a disease that affects children from three months to two years. It is finally formed by the age of 8. It is characterized by increased peeling of the skin. Lack of sweating and salivation. Mostly children suffering from this disease are developmentally delayed.
  • Congenital ichthyosis is a congenital disease, the signs of which can be seen even during pregnancy. The keratinized layer of the epidermis also covers the oral cavity, nose and ears. This leads to modification of some organs.
  • Epidermolysis bullosa is a disease in which the skin is constantly covered in blisters. The causes of the disease are unknown.

Dermatitis and neurodermatoses

Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin under the influence of external or internal factors.

Causes of the disease:

  • Prolonged exposure to sunlight;
  • Constant friction and pressure;
  • Impact of temperatures
  • Dysfunction of the sebaceous glands;
  • Exposure to medications;
  • Nervous tension

Types of dermatitis:

  • Frostbite;
  • Intertrigo;
  • Attrition.

Neurodermatosis is a disease accompanied by the appearance of rashes and itching. The cause is prolonged nervous tension.

Types of disease:

  • Skin itching;
  • Neurodermatitis;
  • Hives.

Papulosquamous diseases

These are skin diseases, the signs of which are the appearance of red and pink spots on the epidermis and peeling.

Types of papulosquamous diseases:

  • Psoriasis;
  • Lichen planus;
  • Lichen filiform;
  • Seborrheic dermatitis;
  • Pityriasis rosea.


Erythema is a disease characterized by the formation of pink and red spots on the skin. The reason is vasodilation.

This disease can be divided into two types:

  • Physiological erythema is a short-term skin ailment that appears due to nervous breakdowns, exposure to temperatures and chemicals.
  • Pathological erythema is a disease caused by infectious diseases, exposure to sunlight, and circulatory disorders.


Seborrhea is a disease of the scalp caused by increased secretion of the sebaceous glands.

Divided into two types:

  • Dry – brittle, thinning hair.
  • Oily – accompanied by severe itching and the appearance of dandruff in the form of yellow flakes.


  • Unfavorable environment;
  • Metabolic disease;
  • Genetic predisposition.


The causes of this disease are:

  • Excessive amount of pigment;
  • Partial or complete absence of pigment.

Types of ailments:

  • Dipigmentation (albinism);
  • Freckles;
  • Vitiligo.

Oncological diseases

Malignant tumors are becoming more common every year among patients in the oncology department.

They are divided into two types:

  • Melanoma is a flat and sometimes colorless growth on the skin. It is very difficult to detect it in the early stages.
  • Basalioma is a disease accompanied by the appearance of reddish bumps on the skin

The main reason for the appearance of cancer on the skin is exposure to natural and artificial ultraviolet rays.

Metabolic diseases

Metabolic disease is associated with metabolic disorders.


  • Necrobiosis lipoidica is a disease in which fat is deposited in certain areas of the skin;
  • Calcification – deposition of calcium salts;
  • Amyloidosis is a disease in which amyloid accumulates in tissues.

Occupational diseases

Occupational diseases arise under the influence of one or several harmful factors over a long period.

Examples of occupational diseases:

  • Occupational eczema;
  • Occupational allergic dermatosis;
  • Oily folliculitis;
  • Pig face;
  • Occupational mycosis.

The most common skin diseases


Acne is a disease characterized by inflammation of the hair follicles and clogged pores. Acne occurs in people of all ages, despite the fact that it was previously considered a teenage problem.


  • Exposure to high temperatures;
  • High humidity;
  • Exposure to sunlight;
  • Use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • Constant friction;
  • Squeezing pimples;
  • Reaction to medications;
  • Contact with chemical irritants.

Treatment includes:

  • Use of antibacterial drugs (externally and internally);
  • A course of taking hormonal drugs;
  • Proper body care;
  • Use of traditional medicine.


Eczema is an inflammatory skin disease. It is not contagious, that is, it is not transmitted by contact.

The causes of eczema can be:

  • Negative effects of certain types of fabrics;
  • Allergic reactions to food, medicines, pollen;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Weakened immunity;
  • Nervous tension.

You should consult a doctor if you notice symptoms such as:

  • The appearance of redness and inflammation;
  • Severe itching and burning;
  • Formation of blisters and weeping red spots;
  • Dryness and flaking.

Most often, eczema appears on the scalp, face, arms and legs.


Herpes is the most common viral disease, characterized by the appearance of small blisters with liquid. The herpes virus can be in the body during the sleep stage and manifests itself only at times when the immune system is weakened. The disease is contagious.

Causes of herpesvirus infection:

  • Contact with an infected person;
  • Hypothermia;
  • Nervous tension and stress.

Signs of the disease may include:

  • The appearance of redness on the skin and mucous membrane;
  • Formation of small bubbles;
  • Painful sensations when pressed.


Melanoma is a malignant tumor of the skin. It is formed from pigment cells. The reason for the appearance of this formation is damage to the DNA of the melanocyte.

This may happen due to:

  • Exposure to natural or artificial ultraviolet radiation;
  • Poor nutrition;
  • Previously suffered oncologies;
  • The appearance of benign formations;
  • Overweight;
  • Reduced immunity.

You should be wary if you notice the following symptoms:

  • Change in color - the spot can be either much darker than the color of the skin or lighter.
  • The appearance of itching and burning;
  • The appearance of inflammation and redness;
  • Hair loss in the affected area.
  • The formation of small moles around one large one;
  • Skin thickening.

If you notice any of these signs, you should consult a doctor immediately.

Diaper rash

Diaper rash is a disease caused by inflammation of the skin. As a rule, it forms in places of folds.

Causes of diaper rash:

  • Allergic reaction;
  • Intolerance to hygiene products;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Slow metabolism;
  • Urinary incontinence;
  • Constant friction.

Typically, this disease affects children and overweight people.

Signs of diaper rash are:

  • The appearance of inflamed red spots;
  • Formation of microcracks and wounds in affected areas;
  • The appearance of expressions.


A wart is a benign growth on the surface of the skin. They can be located anywhere on the human body, including on the face. Their size is mainly up to 5 mm, but there are warts of large size.


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Dermatology(Greek derma - skin, logos - doctrine, literally “study of the skin”) - a medical discipline, the objects of study of which are the skin, its appendages (hair, nails, sebaceous and sweat glands), mucous membranes, their structure and functioning, and also diseases and diagnosis, prevention and treatment. Within dermatology as a medical science, there are special clinical sections that study individual diseases and their treatment (mycology, trichology). Dermatology is closely related to venereology, cosmetology, allergology and other medical disciplines.

The skin is part of the integral structure of the body and is the largest human organ visible to the eye. It, as an indicator, reflects the state of all organs and systems of the body, protects them from mechanical damage and infection. As a rule, skin diseases indicate some kind of dysfunction of internal organs, unhealthy habits and lifestyle of the patient. Skin diseases, in turn, can lead to serious consequences for the body as a whole if they are not treated promptly.

The structural features of the skin, the variety of its functions and the influence of a large number of internal and external factors determine the variety of skin diseases, or dermatoses.

The impact of external, or exogenous, factors is very diverse. Physical and chemical agents cause inflammatory skin diseases - dermatitis

When the first signs of skin diseases appear (such as itching, burning, soreness, changes in skin color and texture, skin rashes), you should consult a specialist dermatologist. An experienced doctor can make a correct diagnosis even at the first careful examination of the skin and careful collection of the patient’s life history. To clarify or confirm the diagnosis in dermatology, additional methods of examining the skin, mucous membranes, hair, nails are widely used: instrumental, laboratory, radiological, special skin tests, etc.

Treatment of skin diseases requires patience and strict adherence to the treatment algorithm from the patient. An important role in successful treatment is played by hygienic care of the affected skin, adherence to diet and drug therapy. Drug treatment of skin diseases can be general and local. In dermatological practice, physiotherapeutic and instrumental procedures, psychotherapy, spa treatment, herbal medicine, and homeopathy are widely used. In some cases, if there is no clinical effect from conservative treatment, surgical intervention or the involvement of specialized specialists is indicated. Most often, the treatment of skin diseases is complex and combines several different methods. Today, with the help of the latest treatment and diagnostic techniques, dermatology makes it possible to achieve a cure for diseases that until recently were considered incurable.

Skin diseases are among the most common human diseases, and almost everyone encounters one or another of their manifestations in their lifetime. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over 20% of the entire world population suffers from skin diseases.

Many dermatoses have a chronic, relapsing course and are difficult to treat. The most common skin diseases are dermatitis of various origins, eczema, fungal diseases, acne (acne), skin warts, herpes simplex, psoriasis, skin cancer.

Modern dermatology pays great attention to the issues of restoring skin health, studying the mechanisms of age-related and pathological changes in the skin, nails and hair, treating cancer, and searching for new methods for diagnosing and treating dermatological diseases.

With the site “Beauty and Medicine” you will always be up to date with the latest information about skin diseases and methods of treating them.

The popular scientific online publication “Dermatology Directory”, included in the Medical Directory of Diseases posted on the website, does not pretend to be an exhaustive presentation of all information about skin diseases, but contains the most necessary general practical recommendations in everyday life.

Infectious skin diseases are predominantly bacterial in nature, less often the causative agents are fungal spores. The most common types of skin infections are folliculitis, felon, impetigo and dermatomycosis. These inflammatory processes can occur at any age, regardless of a person’s gender. External signs of infectious diseases of the skin and hair, as well as the causes of their occurrence, are described below.

Infectious inflammatory disease of human skin folliculitis

When bacteria get on the skin, they can cause infectious diseases of the human skin - this is facilitated by a weakened immune system or the presence of various lesions that serve as a gateway for infection.

Folliculitis is an infectious-inflammatory skin disease, the cause of which is most often a bacterial infection, less often a fungal one.

Superficial folliculitis- a mild disease, expressed in the appearance of small pustules around the hair and developing most often on the face, arms or legs.

The symptoms of this skin infection are gradually growing pustules. Initially, a small red spot or nodule appears on the skin around a hair, from which an abscess forms, filled with yellowish-green pus. The abscess opens or dries out. Often it can cover large areas and turn into. This disease is especially dangerous in newborns.

To treat folliculitis, as a rule, it is enough to follow the rules of personal hygiene and local use of antiseptics.

The causes of this infectious disease of the skin and hair are:

  • lack of personal hygiene;
  • friction of skin on clothing;
  • dissection of the skin due to itching, after improper application of compresses, and excessive sweating.

The cause of deep folliculitis - a boil - is usually the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus). Boils are usually localized on the face, scalp, neck, armpits and buttocks. The accumulation of pus leads to the appearance of a painful, warm-to-touch follicular pustule accompanied by red erythema with a white core (necrosis) in the center. It is necessary to touch the boil with great caution, as this carries the risk of spreading infection.

Attention! Boils on the face require immediate medical intervention due to the risk of severe complications (purulent meningitis, sepsis).

The appearance of boils at different stages of development is called. If several boils appear in one area, around which a purulent-necrotic process develops, this is called a carbuncle.

Acute inflammatory infectious skin disease felon

Felon is an acute infectious disease of the skin of the fingers, less commonly of the toes, caused by Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus) and manifested in purulent inflammation of the tissues.

As you can see in the photo: an infectious skin disease, felon, can sometimes occur after a manicure, when the nail fold is inadvertently injured:

Penetration of the pathogen occurs through small wounds, injections, abrasions, scratches, hangnails, splinters, which often go unnoticed and are not given due importance.

A symptom of an infectious skin disease, panaritium, is a painful inflammation, usually localized at the edge of the nail. If pus from this acute inflammatory infectious skin disease appears under the nail, urgent surgical intervention is required to prevent the spread of infection.

Infectious disease with skin rashes impetigo and its external signs

Impetigo- a bacterial infectious disease with skin rashes caused by staphylococci or streptococci. Impetigo is often a secondary infection to eczema.

Impetigo is a highly contagious disease that primarily affects children under 10 years of age.

The disease is characterized by the formation of superficial vesicular-pustular rashes. Impetigo usually begins with the appearance of painful red spots that develop through the blistering stage into honey-crust-like scabs.

Most often, rashes appear on exposed parts of the body - the face, legs, hands, but can also appear on other areas of the skin, at the site of damage to the skin.

The rashes are scattered or crowded in groups, surrounded by a narrow rim of reddened skin. They open quickly. After the blisters rupture, weeping, superficial red ulcers appear; later they are covered with honey-colored crusts, which fall off after 5-7 days.

Erysipelas: what a skin infection looks like

Erysipelas (mug - from French rouge - red)- an acute infectious disease, the causative agent of which, as a rule, is streptococcus. Characterized by acute, sudden inflammation.

Most often the face (primary erysipelas) and legs (recurrent erysipelas) are affected.

In the vast majority of cases, erysipelas is well cured, but tends to recur. The disease can leave behind pigmentation, peeling, pasty skin, and the presence of dry dense crusts. It is possible to develop a complication such as lymphostasis, leading to elephantiasis of the extremities.

What does erysipelas look like on the skin 6-12 hours after the onset of the disease? The following symptoms appear first:

  • burning sensation and bursting pain in the area of ​​inflammation;
  • redness and swelling at the site of inflammation, here the formation of blisters containing light and transparent liquid is possible (they later subside, forming dense brown crusts that fall off after 2-3 weeks);
  • a raised, sharply painful ridge separating the affected area from healthy skin.

Symptoms of erysipelas on the first day:

  • strong;
  • chills;
  • general weakness;
  • possible nausea, vomiting;
  • increase in body temperature to 39-40°C.

Erysipelas requires immediate antibiotic therapy.

Infectious skin disease dermatomycosis: photos and symptoms

Dermatomycosis often begins after various injuries to the skin, although sometimes they manifest on apparently healthy skin. This is facilitated by poor personal hygiene, a weakened immune system, excessive heat and sweating. In rare cases, mycoses can spread into the underlying tissues, causing a generalized infection with a severe course.

The symptoms of this fungal skin infection are as follows:

  • inflammation (redness, blisters);
  • itching, burning;
  • pain;
  • scales;
  • change in the shape and color of nails;
  • hair damage and loss.

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Skin lesions can be inflammatory, traumatic, aseptic, infectious or autoimmune. Skin diseases are very common, since the epidermis is the most important organ of the immune system and, accordingly, takes on all the “blows” both from the outside and from within the body. Very often, skin diseases in adults are closely associated with improper functioning of the liver, intestines, central nervous and endocrine systems.

In this article, we propose to consider common types of skin damage that can occur as a result of injury, frostbite, burns, or the introduction of pathogenic microorganisms. All human skin diseases are presented with a detailed description of the clinical picture. The presented types of skin diseases are the most common and in most cases are difficult to treat using the methods of official medicine.

Purulent damage to the skin

Abscess- limited purulent skin damage with the formation of a purulent cavity, abscess. It can develop in subcutaneous tissue, muscles, bones, etc., as well as in organs (liver, lungs, spleen, brain, etc.) or between them (interintestinal abscess, subphrenic abscess, etc.).

Damage to the skin in the form of an abscess can occur either independently or as a complication of another disease (pneumonia, trauma, etc.). The development of an abscess is associated with the entry of pyogenic microbes into the body through damage to the skin or mucous membranes or with the transfer of the pathogen through the blood and lymphatic vessels from another purulent focus. Microbes that enter the tissue cause inflammation followed by necrosis of the tissue or organ. The abscess is surrounded by an area of ​​inflammation. The body’s protective reaction is manifested in the formation of a capsule that limits the abscess from healthy tissue.

Inflammatory lesions of the skin (with photo)

Furuncle (boil)- acute purulent-necrotic lesion of the skin in the area of ​​the hair follicle and surrounding connective tissue, caused by pyogenic bacteria, mainly Staphylococcus aureus.

The appearance of a boil is facilitated by pollution and microtrauma of the skin, increased sweating and fat secretion, metabolic disorders, etc.

When boils are localized on the face, severe complications are possible (purulent meningitis, sepsis).

Panaritium is an acute purulent inflammation of the nail folds of the fingers (usually on the hand).

Look at these inflammatory skin lesions in the photo below, which shows their main symptoms and signs:

Dermatitis is a skin disease

Dermatitis is a disease of the skin or an inflammatory process on the skin that occurs under the influence of the direct influence of various irritants on it - mechanical, physical or chemical. The skin disease dermatitis is often a consequence of external use of drugs (iodine, novocaine, streptocide, etc.) with increased skin sensitivity to these substances; occurs from contact with nettles, geraniums and other plants. Dermatitis is often caused by mechanical damage (for example, abrasion). Dermatitis caused by temperature irritants includes burns (including sunburn and electrical burns) and frostbite.

There are acute and chronic forms of dermatitis.

It is characterized by redness, swelling, swelling of the skin, accompanied by a feeling of heat, burning, itching. In the future, bubbles filled with transparent content may appear.

Treatment of dermatitis is carried out depending on the causes of its occurrence.

Psoriasis is a skin disease on the human body

Skin disease (lichen planus)- chronic recurrent non-contagious lesion of the epidermis. It is characterized by the formation of a skin disease on the body in the form of itchy scaly pink plaques. Neuropsychic trauma, metabolic disorders and disorders of the endocrine glands play a role in the occurrence of this skin disease on the human body.

Psoriasis rashes occur anywhere on the skin, most often on the elbows, knees, sacrum and scalp. In some cases, psoriasis affects the nail plates, the surface of which resembles a thimble. In some patients, the rash is accompanied by swelling and pain in the joints (so-called arthropathic psoriasis).

Skin disease eczema– an acute or chronic non-contagious inflammatory skin disease of a neuro-allergic nature and characterized by a variety of rashes, burning sensation, itching and a tendency to relapse. The affected areas of the skin are characterized by redness and the formation of blisters that become weeping and then crust over.

The occurrence of eczema is promoted by a variety of external (mechanical, chemical, thermal) and internal (diseases of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, endocrine and nervous systems) factors.

Neurodermatitis is thickened, eczema-affected skin that forms in areas of constant friction in susceptible individuals. Most often, the occipital region in women and the skin of the legs and feet in men are affected. The cause of exacerbation of this disease is stress.

Other types of skin diseases

There are even more terrible types of skin diseases caused by chronic infections or total disruption of the endocrine system. Skin diseases of tuberculous etiology have recently become increasingly common in dermatologist practice. Therefore, it is important to know their symptoms.

Skin tuberculosis is relatively rarely combined with severe pulmonary tuberculosis, although most often it is the result of the spread of tuberculosis from primary pulmonary glandular tuberculosis formations, less often - the result of direct infection through the blood. It most often manifests itself as lupus.

Lupus (lupus) is the general name for a number of chronic skin diseases, in which various internal organs are often affected:

  • with lupus erythematosus, a red scaly rash appears on the face and progressive kidney damage is observed;
  • lupus vulgaris is a tuberculous skin lesion that develops as a result of direct penetration of tubercle bacilli into human skin;
  • People who are repeatedly ill with tuberculosis develop tuberculous lupus (skin lesions are characterized by the appearance of warty areas on the skin, especially on the skin of the hands).

The course and symptoms of the disease depend on the activity of the pathogen, the routes of its penetration, the localization of the process, the general condition of the body and therefore can be very diverse.

Skin disease vitiligo (dog) is a pigmentation disorder, expressed in the disappearance of normal pigment in certain areas of the skin. The cause is unknown. It usually begins at a young age (more often in women) with the appearance of white spots of various sizes and shapes on the skin. The spots are usually located symmetrically (on both cheeks, on both arms, etc.), gradually increase in size, merge, forming large areas of a milky white color. Vitiligo lesions can occur on any part of the skin. The hair on the affected areas turns grey.

The disease does not affect the general condition and is only disturbing from an aesthetic point of view.

What other skin diseases are there?

Seborrhea is a skin disease characterized by disruption of the secretory function of the sebaceous glands. It is observed in individuals of both sexes, usually during puberty (12-18 years). The term “seborrhea” is translated as “seborrhea”. The activity of the sebaceous glands changes towards both hyperfunction and hypofunction, therefore two types of seborrhea are considered - dry (dandruff) and oily (with excess sebum secretion).

There is no doubt that the disease is related to neuroendocrine disorders. The skin of the scalp, face, chest and back, where a large number of sebaceous glands are located, is affected.

Blackheads (acne) is a collective designation for various skin rashes, often associated with dysfunction of the sebaceous glands.

There are several types of acne:

  • Common, or juvenile, acne occurs during puberty and is localized on the face, chest, and back. They look like pink nodules, reaching the size of a pea, sometimes with sebaceous plugs (comedones). They often fester. In their origin, hormonal changes, infection, and hereditary predisposition are important;
  • red and rosacea occur more often in women over 40 years of age and are characterized by the appearance on the facial skin of persistent dilations of small vessels and red nodules, sometimes with suppuration;
  • Occupational and medicinal acne occurs as a result of contact with petroleum products, taking iodide, bromide, hormonal and some other drugs.

Damage to the skin as a result of thermal burns and frostbite

Damage to the skin resulting from thermal burns due to exposure to high temperatures, chemicals, electric current and ionizing radiation is a serious injury.

The severity of the injury is determined by the depth and extent of the burn.

Classification of burns by assessing the depth of pathological tissue changes:

  • 1st degree- redness and swelling;
  • 2nd degree- formation of bubbles:
  • 3rd degree- skin necrosis (dry or wet with melting of dead tissue):
  • 4th degree- charring of the skin and underlying tissues.