Integration of educational areas. Integration of the educational process in a preschool institution

An integrated approach makes it possible to develop in unity the cognitive, emotional and practical spheres of the child’s personality. An integrated approach to educational activities corresponds to one of the main requirements of preschool didactics: education should be small in volume, but capacious.






You need to constantly work with children, promote them, lead them to development, because nothing happens by itself. (T.S. Komarova)

Many psychologists characterize preschool age as containing great unrealized opportunities in understanding the world around us. Integrated educational activities can provide effective assistance in their disclosure.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, the main educational program is built taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of pupils, the specifics and capabilities of educational areas and is based on a comprehensive thematic principle of constructing the educational process, which provides the preschooler with a holistic perception of the world around him. The basis for compiling a list of educational areas was the activity approach. Each educational area is aimed at developing some activity:

  • “Physical development” - motor activity;
  • “Social and communicative development” - gaming activity;
  • “Cognitive development” - cognitive and research activities;
  • “Speech development” - communicative activity;
  • “Artistic and aesthetic development” is a productive activity.

The Federal State Educational Standard determines that educational activities are carried out in the process of organizing various types of children's activities, as well as during routine moments, in the independent activities of children and in interaction with the families of preschool children.

Integration of content allows you to create a model for organizing the pedagogical process, where the child comprehends basic categories (part, whole, etc.) from different points of view, in different educational fields. In pedagogical science, integration is considered as the leading form of organizing the content of education.

The principle of integration has a psychological basis associated with the age characteristics of preschoolers: “grasping” the whole before the parts allows the child to see objects integrally. An integrated approach makes it possible to develop in unity the cognitive, emotional and practical spheres of the child’s personality. An integrated approach to educational activities corresponds to one of the main requirements of preschool didactics: education should be small in volume, but capacious.

By building the educational process on the principle of integration of educational areas, we solve such problems as:

  • Formation of deeper, more versatile knowledge in children; a holistic view of the world. The world surrounding children is known by them in its diversity and unity;
  • Integration promotes the formation of generalized ideas, knowledge and skills, increases the effectiveness of the upbringing and development of children, encourages them to actively understand the surrounding reality, comprehend and find cause-and-effect relationships, develop logic, thinking, and communication abilities.

The essence of an integrated approach to educational activities is the combination of knowledge from different fields on an equal basis, complementing each other. At the same time, during the lesson, teachers have the opportunity to solve several problems from various areas of the program, and children master the content through the main types of children's activities: cognitive-research, labor, artistic-creative, communicative, motor. Within the framework of an integrated approach, children consider this or that phenomenon or event from different angles, highlighting and studying different aspects: social, including moral and ethical; emotional and sensual, including musical, artistic and aesthetic; logical-mathematical; natural sciences

When planning and conducting educational activities on cognitive and speech development, the teacher uses methods such as:

  • surprise, game moments;
  • examination, observation, comparison, examination;
  • comparative analysis, comparison, heuristic activity (partial search);
  • problematic questions that stimulate the manifestation of a kind of joint “discovery” with the teacher, helping the child find the answer;
  • a variety of speech didactic games to activate the vocabulary, expand the understanding of the diversity of facets of the native language, and cultivate a sense of self-confidence.

Form of conducting GCD- non-standard, interesting, it can beexciting travels, educational excursions, interesting meetings.In connection with the implementation of the federal state standard, play becomes the content and form of organization of children’s lives. Game moments, situations and techniques are included in all types of children's activities and communication between the teacher and the preschooler. The teacher fills children's daily lives with interesting activities, games, problems, ideas, includes each child in meaningful activities, and promotes the realization of children's interests and life activity.

Children's education is structured as an exciting problem-based play activity that ensures the child's subjective position and the constant growth of his independence and creativity. The construction of the pedagogical process involves the primary use of visual and practical methods and ways of organizing activities: observations, excursions, elementary experiments, experimentation, game problem situations, etc.

At each age stage, the teacher solves different developmental problems and his role should change flexibly. In some cases, the tasks of the development program will be solved more successfully only with the help of an adult - direct training. In others, the teacher creates a special environment and situations for the child’s cognitive activity and organizes his cognitive and research activities. Sometimes he leads the child by example, showing generally accepted patterns of behavior, while supporting the child’s initiative, building the child’s self-confidence.

The teacher uses all the variety of forms of work with children to solve pedagogical problems, but at each regime moment he thinks through specific organizational situations. The qualitative result of educational activities depends not only on the program, but primarily on the personality of the adult, who creates an emotionally rich environment for the child to master a particular area of ​​knowledge (regime moments, independent children's activities). The tasks of developing the physical, intellectual and personal qualities of children are solved in the course of mastering all educational areas in an integrated manner.

Currently, the kindergarten is tasked with developing not integrated classes through a synthesis of educational areas, but offering a holistic integrative process of interaction between an adult and a child on a specific topic within one day or week, in which various educational areas will be harmoniously combined for a holistic perception of the world around them .

The use of the project method in preschool organizations is one of the methods of integrated education for preschoolers.

Project is a set of actions specially organized by adults and performed by children, culminating in the creation of creative works.

Project method - a system of education in which children acquire knowledge in the process of planning and performing increasingly complex practical tasks - projects. The project method always involves students solving some problem.

The project method describes a set of actions of a child and methods (techniques) for a teacher to organize these actions, that is, it is a pedagogical technology. Using this method in the educational process helps you learn to work in a team, and develop your own algorithm of actions to achieve your goal. Teachers are free to choose methods and types of activities. The choice of a specific project topic also determines the selection of educational areas for it that will comprehensively reveal its content to the child.

The goal of our compensatory preschool educational institution is to create a unified correctional and educational space that ensures optimal correction of developmental deviations, full physical and mental development of children and equalization of their starting capabilities when entering school.

Our teaching staff has been working for many yearsa unified long-term thematic plan. A wide range of specialists work with each child. Every teacher refracts the lexical topic in his classes in his own direction, thereby creating a holistic idea for children about certain phenomena and objects. In addition, the concentric arrangement of educational material helps to deepen and consolidate acquired knowledge and skills.

For preschoolers with SLD, educational work is based on material that is close and understandable to children, maximally covering the range of phenomena that they encounter.

The peculiarity of organizing an integrated process in a preschool educational institution is that all of the listed forms cannot exist in their pure form; the choice of a specific topic also presupposes their integration. The study of some topics takes place as a project activity.

For example, the theme “Day of Defenders of the Fatherland” determines the choice of such educational areas as “Social and communicative development”, “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Physical development”, as well as types of activities: artistic- creative, gaming, reading, cognitive-research, motor. During the week, children are read works about the Russian army by L. Kassil, S. Marshak, look at reproductions of paintings about the army, an exhibition “Our Dads Are Soldiers” is being prepared, a collage about the army, an exhibition of toy military equipment, military uniforms. During educational and speech therapy classes they talk about army, get acquainted with the types of troops, military uniforms, equipment, play various speech games, make up a story based on a series of paintings “Dog-Orphan”, make a gift for dad - an applique postcard, listen to musical works dedicated to the army (military march), the Unified Organizational The form can be a complex educational and musical themed lesson (entertainment), a sports festival “Strong, Brave, Agile”, held together with parents (fathers).

On such a day, children not only immerse themselves in the atmosphere of a joint holiday, but also master the traits of a future soldier, such as composure, dexterity, courage, determination, ingenuity, and learn to appreciate and respect their dad. Here there is spiritual, moral, patriotic and gender education (especially since the main contingent of pupils are boys), social, personal, artistic and creative, cognitive and speech development, physical development, as well as the formation in children of such integrative qualities as activity, curiosity, emotional responsiveness, creativity.

The technology for integrating organized educational activities may be different, but in any case it is necessary to demonstrate the creative activity of the teacher. This is one of the important conditions during its implementation for the development of children's abilities.

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Integration of educational areas
in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions

Dybina O.V., Anfisova S.E., Bolotnikova O.P., Yenik O.A., Kuzina A.Yu., Penkova L.A., Sidyakina E.A., Shchetinina V.V.


E. N. Pristupa -Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Social Pedagogy, Moscow State Pedagogical Institute.

M. I. Bogomolova -Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after. I. N. Ulyanova.”


The relevance of the problem of integration of educational areas in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions is dictated by the Federal State Requirements (FGT) to the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 23, 2009 No. 655), establishing the norms and regulations mandatory for the implementation of the basic general education preschool education programs by educational institutions that have state accreditation.

The content of the program includes a set of educational areas that ensure the diversified development of children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in the main areas - physical, social-personal, cognitive-speech and artistic-aesthetic - and should be built taking into account in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of the pupils , specificity and opportunities of educational areas. This determines the importance of studying the problem of integrating educational areas in the pedagogical process.

Pedagogical practice shows that, although children have a sufficient supply of knowledge, they cannot always use it in behavior and activity, as well as in solving practical problems. This is evidenced by observations of the pedagogical process and conversations with teachers of preschool educational institutions. This is due to the fact that formative knowledge is most often fragmentary and is not sufficiently focused on its further use in activities. To change the current situation, the implementation of integration is necessary.

Integration in the content of education means the unification of generalized knowledge. The introduction of integration into the practice of preschool educational institutions helps to solve a set of problems: didactic, methodological, educational. Integration acts as an equivalent to interscientific connections, and the methodological basis is the process of integration and differentiation of scientific knowledge. The implementation of connections involves the coordinated study of concepts that are common to different educational areas.

The integration of educational areas in the pedagogical process of a preschool educational institution ensures the achievement of readiness for school, namely: the necessary and sufficient level of development of the child for his successful mastery of the basic general education programs of primary general education.

An integrated approach leads to systemic changes in the educational process:

justification of the content of education and its organization emphasizes the interconnection and interdependence of social and pedagogical objects, processes and phenomena;

the result expresses the degree of adequacy of education to the goals of development and self-realization of the individual.

The study of this problem took place on the basis of the ANO DO “Planet of Childhood “Lada” in Togliatti, and it was attended by deputy heads for educational and methodological work: Khramova I.K. (DS No. 66), Terskikh E.A. (DS No. 67 ), Arturskaya O. A. (DS No. 82), Shestopalova I. S. (DS No. 119), Bartoshevich T. I. (DS No. 140), Manenkova V. A. (DS No. 146), Flegontova M. R. (DS No. 150), Kudrina A. A. (DS No. 160), Sennova T. N. (DS No. 169), Erenburg E. A. (DS No. 171), Yakovleva A. V. (DS No. 175) , Kuznetsova N. G. (DS No. 179), Gorina L. V. (DS No. 184), Karataeva G. M. (DS No. 186), Ignatieva N. A. (DS No. 188), Strizhkova M. V. (DS No. 189), Andreeva Zh. V. (DS No. 192), Belyaeva O. M. (DS No. 207).

List of abbreviations

OO – educational field.

O – unification.

k – coordination.

F – educational field “Physical Education”.

H – educational area “Health”.

B – educational area “Security”.

C – educational area “Socialization”.

T – educational field “Labor”.

P – educational area “Cognition”.

K – educational field “Communication”.

CHL – educational field “Reading fiction”.

HT – educational field “Artistic Creativity”.

M – educational field “Music”.

Ways to integrate educational areas

Approaches to defining integration in accordance with FGT

According to the FGT to the structure of the main general education program of preschool education, pedagogical work in preschool educational institutions should be built on the basis principle of integration of educational fields in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of students, the specifics and capabilities of educational areas.

According to researchers such as M. V. Krulekht, A. G. Gogoberidze, M. V. Lazareva, the implementation of the principle of integration contributes to the formation of a holistic picture of the world in children, the development of communication skills and the ability to freely share impressions, and makes it possible to realize creative abilities.

The principle of integration requires the selection and selection of the content of education, as well as ways of its implementation, ensuring the integrity of the child’s perception of the world around him, awareness of the various connections between its objects and phenomena.

First of all, it is important to define such a definition as "integration". The term “integration” is one of the general scientific concepts. Its active use in domestic science has been noted since the 1980s. Philosophy, and then pedagogy, gradually moved towards characterizing such phenomena as fusion, connection, interconnection, etc. Understanding the concept of “integration” came from comprehending the categories “connection”, “relationships”, “integrated approach”, “system”, "integrity".

At first, philosophers worked quite deeply on the concepts included in the category of “integration”. Having achieved some unity in understanding their meaning, we came to the definition of the concept of “integration”. The definition of this concept has been clarified, supplemented and deepened over the years. Let us give several definitions from philosophical dictionaries of different years.

In 1975, integration was understood as “unification into a whole, into the unity of any elements, restoration of some kind of unity” (N.M. Kondakov). Integration was defined in 1983 as “a side of the development process associated with the unification of previously heterogeneous parts and elements into a whole” (S.S. Averintsev). In 1987, integration was considered as a concept “meaning the connections of differentiated parts and functions of a system, an organism into a whole, as well as the process leading to such a state” (Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary).

Philosophers now understand integration both as a process and as a result of resolving any contradictions through the establishment of connections, as the highest level of interconnection, giving such a product as an integral consistent system.

This concept came to pedagogy from philosophy. The problem of integration in education was dealt with by O.P. Petrova, A.V. Petrov, V.S. Bezrukova, N.S. Antonov, A.V. Antonova, T.S. Komarova, M.S. Asimov, A. N. Tursunov, Yu. S. Tyunnikov, N. K. Chapaev, M. N. Berulava, A. A. Kharunzhev, V. G. Ivanov and others. Initially, as V. S. Bezrukova notes, teachers followed the path of directly borrowing definitions and characteristics of integration from philosophical sources. But this deprived the pedagogical theory of integration of independence and reflection of the specifics of the integration of pedagogical phenomena, so later the concepts of pedagogical integration appeared.

Pedagogical integration, according to V.S. Bezrukova, this is the establishment of connections and relationships by pedagogical means and for the sake of pedagogical goals. It is carried out within the framework of pedagogical theory and practice, therefore pedagogical principles, forms and methods of integration are used. Pedagogical integration has several essential characteristics that determine its categorical status. Most often, integration is viewed as a process and as a result of this process. But, in addition, integration is often characterized as a principle for the development of pedagogy and teaching practice. The triune role of integration (principle, process, result) explains the objectivity of the existence of several definitions of this concept. We are interested in such definitions as process and result.

As process integration is considered as “the direct establishment of connections between objects and the creation of a new integral system in accordance with the intended result” (V.S. Bezrukova). This is a kind of procedure for integrating objects, including the selection of necessary and appropriate connections from the entire set of their types and types, and methods for establishing these connections.

As result integration acts as the form that objects acquire when interacting with each other. Integrative programs, integrative types of children's activities, integrative forms of organizing psychological and pedagogical work, and various technologies can be presented as a form.

We propose to carry out the integration process and its design in two stages.

First stage consists of preparing for the integration process, which involves:

– determining the direction (goal) of integration;

– selection of integration objects and their analysis;

– selection of the form of the integration process with its essential and formal-logical characteristics.

The result of the preparatory stage should be model of integrative educational process, that is, an established general idea of ​​what exactly is being integrated and what should come out of it.

Second stage of integration represents the direct development of the chosen form of integration, namely:

– choice of system-forming factor;

– creation of a new structure of the neoplasm;

– establishing connections and dependencies of integration components;

– application of integration methods;

– fixation of a new integrative education.

Integration in general, it means unification, interpenetration - the unification into one “whole” of various elements or parts. The “whole” always has more advantages and opportunities than the individual elements. Integrated activities make the pedagogical process more interesting and meaningful.

Integration in preschool education ensures the total impact of educational components on students, which is many times more active and preferable than the influence of each of them separately, which ensures a positive result of educational work. Integration consists in the implementation of both priority goals and objectives of education and personal development based on the formation of holistic ideas about the world around us; in the implementation of not only substantive, but also formal goals and objectives of education and development; in strengthening the connections between the content components of different sections of the program (interspecific integration) and within sections (intraspecific integration); in the interaction of methods and techniques of education and organization of direct educational activities of children (methodological integration); in the synthesis of types of children's activities; in the introduction of integrated forms of organizing joint activities of adults and children and independent activities of children with a complex structure.

The FGT identifies ten educational areas that ensure the diversified development of children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in the main areas - physical, social-personal, cognitive-speech and artistic-aesthetic (Table 1). This gives us the right to talk about two levels of integration: integration of the main areas of child development and integration of educational areas.

Table 1

At the level integration of the main directions of child development various elements (parts) are combined into one “whole”, conceptual categories of different directions of child development are combined, which makes the pedagogical process more interesting and meaningful.

At the level integration of educational areas connections are established between the goals and objectives of one educational area and the goals and objectives of other educational areas. Solving integrated problems in the course of joint activities with the teacher, the child, with the help of an adult, “stretches” chains of associative connections and highlights some attribute not on its own, but in the system of other properties and connections of integrated educational areas, which is the basis for generalization. Thanks to the consistent study of different aspects of the cognizable educational field using the main analyzers (the child sees, hears, feels), the preschooler can easily reorient from the knowledge of one educational area to the knowledge of another educational area. The process of identifying essential features is more successful the broader the child’s orientation in a given educational field. A more complete and in-depth knowledge of a particular educational field greatly facilitates the selection of the necessary characteristics.

However, as an innovative phenomenon in the pedagogical practice of preschool educational institutions, integration is difficult to implement in practice due to its weak theoretical and methodological validity.

Many studies examine various aspects of pedagogical integration: the content of preschool education using the example of the relationship between visual activity and familiarization with the visual arts, other types of art, and the formation of ideas about the world around us; individual elements of integrated learning are touched upon - play as an integrating factor, questions about the connections between the goals and objectives of integrated classes, the directions of integration (intraspecific and interspecific), etc. (M.V. Lazareva, N.A. Vetlugina, T.I. Komarova, A.V. Antonova, O.V. Dybina, B.P. Yusov, L.S. Vaginova, L.V. Goryunova, L.I. Ermolaeva, R.L. Nepomnyashchaya, P.G. Samorukova, V. I. Loginova M.V. Krulekht, N.M. Krylova, R.M. Chumicheva, N.A. Kurochkina, T.I. Lazar, N.B. Khalezova, etc.).

In connection with the provisions of the FGT, it is necessary to develop possible ways of integrating various educational areas. Analysis of reference literature and the studies mentioned above allows us to consider integration as a process of combining incommensurable parts into a whole and their coordination.

We call “method” actions that make it possible to implement the principle of integration, that is, to ensure restoration and replenishment of the whole in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of students, the specifics and capabilities of educational areas.

Within the framework of the stated topic, we defined the concept "method of integration" as a fundamental characteristic of the structural components of unification and coordination, which includes two main features: the nature of the relationships between the foundations (tasks of educational areas, types of children's activities) and the degree of their interpenetration (relationships, interconnections).

The definition allows us to identify two ways to integrate educational areas: unification and coordination(see Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Ways to integrate educational areas

Association (“connection”)– this is a method of integration that contains all the elements of several initial educational areas; obtaining from several objects one whole, consisting of several elements, allows you to use the funds of one area to organize and optimize the educational process during the implementation of another educational area or the main general education program of preschool education as a whole.

Coordination (“alignment”)- this is a method of integration that allows you to establish connections and relationships between the tasks of educational areas, types of children's activities, forms of educational work to solve psychological and pedagogical problems of two or more educational areas.

The implementation of the identified methods of integration of educational areas (combination and coordination) involves the identification of integration options. This requires not only identifying the bases, but also clarifying some aspects related to their specificity.

In accordance with the FGT, we define the following grounds for the integration of educational areas:

1) types of children's activities;

2) tasks of educational areas.

Characteristics of ways to integrate educational areas based on types of children's activities

FGT determine that educational activities are carried out in the process of organizing various types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, labor, cognitive-research, productive, musical and artistic, reading. Moreover, each type of activity is a priority in the corresponding educational field and provides the most effective solution to its problems. The question arises about the possibilities of each type of activity in solving problems in other educational areas.

In this regard, we ranked the types of children's activities (a rank was assigned from 1 to 10) according to the degree of manifestation of their capabilities in solving the problems of each educational area (see Appendix 3 “Integration of educational areas based on types of children's activities (ranking)").

Identification of the priority type of activity of the ranked educational areas allowed us to determine an integrated type of activity in each case. This is the result of integration based on the types of children's activities.

The assigned ranks determine the method of integration as follows. The “union” method is recommended for ranks from 1 to 4.0, and the “coordination” method is recommended for ranks from 4.1 to 8.0. A rank from 8.1 to 10.0 means that integration capabilities are weak (see Appendix 6 “Ways to integrate types of children's activities” (based on a comparative analysis of tasks, the structure of each type of activity)).

Integrated activities can include several types of children's activities, the content of which is determined by one topic. At the same time, attention should be paid to the fact that the structure of integrated activities should be represented by the components of each type of children's activity included in it.

This necessitates the need to clarify the specifics of types of children's activities: essence, types and structure.

Play activity

Play activity- a form of child activity, aimed not at the result, but at the process of action and methods of its implementation, and characterized by the child’s adoption of a conditional (as opposed to his real life) position.

Types of gaming activities:

Creative games:

– director’s (based on ready-made content proposed by adults; based on literary works; with plots independently invented by children);

– plot-role-playing;

– dramatization games;

– theatrical;

– games with building materials (with specially created materials: floor and tabletop building materials, building sets, construction sets, etc.; with natural materials; with auxiliary materials, etc.);

– fantasy games;

– improvisational sketch games;

Games with rules:

– didactic (in terms of content: mathematical, speech, environmental, etc.; according to didactic material: games with objects, board-printed, verbal (assignment games, conversation games, travel games, guessing games, riddle games ));

– mobile (by degree of mobility: low, medium and high mobility; by predominant movements: games with jumping, running, climbing, etc.; by subjects: games with a ball, with a hoop, etc.);

– developing;

– musical;

– computer (based on the plots of works of fiction; strategies; educational).

Structure of gaming activity (game as an activity):

motivation– voluntary participation in gaming activities, the opportunity to choose, competition, meeting children’s needs for activity, approval, self-affirmation, self-realization;

goal setting- the goal of the play activity is specific, recognized by the child as play actions that he intends to carry out (feed the doll, catch up with those running away, lay out cards by color, etc.);

planning– preliminary or ongoing consideration of its procedural side during the game, for example, the sequence of game actions, the unfolding of the plot, etc.;

facilities– toys, objects, materials, play environment;

actions– actions with the help of which the plot of the game is embodied, roles are played, and the game problem is solved;

result– is expressed, in contrast to productive activities, in positive emotions, satisfying children’s needs for activity, approval, self-affirmation, and self-realization.

The structure of creative play as a process (D. B. Elkonin):

roles, which the players take upon themselves;

actions, methods of implementing roles that are generalized and abbreviated;

use of objects in which real objects are replaced by game objects (conditional);

plot, content– the area of ​​reality conditionally reproduced in the game;

real relationships between children playing, expressed in a variety of remarks and remarks through which the course of the game is regulated.

Game structure with rules:

Didactic task (formulated as a game task for children);

Means of implementing the game task;

Play actions (ways of displaying a child’s activity for play purposes);

Rules (are universally binding);

Result (child’s solution to a game problem).

The identified features of gaming activity determine its significance for solving problems in all educational areas. It should be emphasized that the implementation of any activity can be of a playful nature or proceed as a certain type of game. For example, motor activity - outdoor play; cognitive and research activity - didactic game, etc. This allows us to determine Union as a way to integrate play activities with any other type of children's activity.

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Natalia Sokolova
Using the integration process in preschool educational institutions

Sokolova N. A.

teacher MBDOU d/s No. 45


Annotation. This article addresses the problem integration preschool education, its modernity and importance have been proven, both for theory and practice. / In this article the problem of integration of preschool education, modernity and proven its importance for both theory and practice.

Keywords. Integration, educational technologies, modern education, systematization. /Integration, educational technology, modern education, systematization.

It is known that preschool age is a sensitive period for the formation of children’s phonemic perception, the development of all aspects of speech, the expansion and enrichment of children’s ideas about the diversity of the world around them. Therefore, the task of a kindergarten is not to quickly teach a child to write and count, but to enrich his speech and ideas about the world around him, to teach him to see patterns, dependencies, and mutual influences in it; teach to freely and competently construct their statements, support them with arguments and facts from various fields of knowledge available to students, awaken cognitive interests.

One of the main forms of implementation integrative approach in kindergarten, allowing children to save time for communication, walks, independent creativity and play activities - integrated

classes. IN process In such classes, children master the content of various sections of the program in parallel.

Children develop their own early "picture of the world". This concept means a visible portrait of the universe, a figurative and conceptual model of the Universe, in which its spatio-temporal boundaries and the place of man in it are indicated.

Concept "integrity" is connected into one semantic node with the concept

"harmony" And « integration» . Idea integration in teaching originates in the works of Ya. A. Komensky, asserted: What integration- one of the most important and promising methodological directions in the development of modern education.

Using the integration knowledge in education allows us to identify components of content that correspond to holistic ideas about phenomena and processes occurring in the environment.

Before starting work on implementation integration we, using the works of K. Yu. Belaya, we are performing a number of important actions:

We define areas of knowledge, integration which are appropriate and will contribute to the child’s creation of a holistic understanding of the object of study;

We analyze and select from these areas such content as integration which is most important;

We take into account program requirements and age characteristics of preschool children;

We determine one or more basic directions in integration content of education;

We identify the basic principle of building the system integrated classes;

We think through developmental tasks;

we use various types of activities that have the opportunity integration with each other;

we use a large amount of varied visual and attribute material (demonstration, handout, game)

we use methods and techniques of a productive nature in work (problem situations, logical tasks, experimentation, etc.);

Integrated We conduct classes on the following directions:

speech development - expansion and systematization of vocabulary,

development of initiative speech, improvement of the grammatical structure of speech;

Familiarization with the surrounding world - systematization and deepening of knowledge about

objects and phenomena, development of cognitive motivation, formation interest to various forms of knowledge of the world;

modeling and experimentation, observation, reading, discussion,

productive activity.

Preparation for learning to read and write - development of speech hearing, sensory development of the child in the field of language, formation of sound analysis and synthesis, familiarization with the sentence and the word in the sentence;

productive activity - realization of impressions, knowledge, emotional state in role-playing games, visual arts, dramatizations;

musical education to a greater extent than any other form of art available to the child. IN process Listening to children's perception of musical images is formed. They learn to relate them to literary and expressive images of the visual arts of various types (painting, graphics, sculpture, decorative and applied arts);

familiarization with fiction can act as a kind of core that unites other types of art;

fine arts contributes to the development of attention, observation, detail of the perceived image, emotional coloring;

dramatization connects artistic creativity with personal experiences and allows you to get acquainted with the world around you through images, colors, and sounds.

Using educational program of the kindergarten, based on the program “From birth to school”, edited by N. E. Veraksa and the above authors, we carried out classes: sports festival dedicated to "Defender of the Fatherland Day", which included the following region:physical education, cognitive, speech, communicative-personal and event "Clean city" on recycling and recycling waste use, where it was also very successfully held integration of areas. The theatrical production of the fairy tale “Turnip” in poetic form made an unforgettable impression on the children, which also included used all five areas of educational activity. Practice confirms that good reasons for conducting integrated classes give the following combinations items:

Music + mathematics

Literacy + math

Fiction + speech development + literacy training

Speech development + music + drawing

Mathematics + labor and others.

Integration deeply restructures the content of education, leads to changes in work methods and creates new teaching technologies, provides a completely new psychological climate for the child and teacher in learning process.


Program "From birth to school" ed. N. E. Veraksy.

Bezrukova V.S. Integration processes in pedagogical theory and practice. Ekaterinburg, 1994.

Belaya K. Yu. et al. Integration- as the main tool for creating a new model of preschool educational institution // Preschool Educational Institution Management 2003 No. 4.

Dick Yu. I. Integration educational subjects // Soviet pedagogy. 1987.No.9.

"Integrated approach to the educational process

in preschool educational institution

Preschool age is characterized by many psychologists as containing great unrealized opportunities in understanding the world around us. Educational activities help to reveal them. In the classroom, in joint and independent activities, independence, creativity, mental abilities, and educational interests are successfully developed, which contributes to the process of active acquisition of knowledge.

Until today, in preschool educational institutions there has been a tendency to increase the number of classes during the day, to include in them content that is not always useful and necessary for the pupil, representing, as a rule, fragmentary information from different fields of science. Such information does not become knowledge because it is not updated by the child in his life, and, accordingly, a holistic idea of ​​the world as a single system where everything is interconnected is not formed. The perception of such information also affects the decrease in motor activity of children.

All this led us to an active search for interdisciplinary connections and their use in differentiated teaching and education. We were faced with the question of using integrated approach in the education of preschool children. One of the forms of implementing this approach, which allows children to save time for communication, walks, independent creativity and play activities, is integrated classes.

The relevance of this approach is explained by a number of reasons.

1. The world surrounding children is known by them in its diversity and unity, and often sections of the preschool educational program aimed at studying individual phenomena of this unity do not give an idea of ​​the whole phenomenon, breaking it up into isolated fragments.

2. The use of an integrated approach in the classroom develops the potential of the students themselves, encourages them to actively understand the surrounding reality, comprehend and find cause-and-effect relationships, develop logic, thinking, and communication abilities.

3. The form of the classes is non-standard and interesting. The use of various types of activities during the lesson maintains the students’ attention at a high level, which allows us to speak about the sufficient effectiveness of the lessons. Classes using an integrated approach reveal significant pedagogical opportunities, significantly increase cognitive interest, and serve the development of imagination, attention, thinking, speech and memory.

4. Integration in modern society explains the need for integration in education.

5. By strengthening interdisciplinary connections, time is freed up for students’ independent activities and physical exercise.

6. Integration provides an opportunity for self-realization, self-expression, creativity of the teacher, and the discovery of his abilities.

In kindergarten, we organized a creative group that tests and implements the methodological development: “An integrated approach to organizing the educational process in preschool educational institutions”; in practice, teachers develop and implement a series of integrated classes in various areas based on unified thematic planning.

Essence The integrated approach is to combine knowledge from different fields on an equal basis, complementing each other. At the same time, during the lesson, teachers have the opportunity to solve several problems from various areas of development, and children master the content of various sections of the program in parallel, which saves time for organizing play and independent activities.

It is important to note that methodology for conducting the lesson using an integrated approach differs significantly from the methodology of conducting a regular lesson. During the learning process in such classes, various methods and techniques are used.

The most effective of them are the following:

Comparative analysis, comparison, search, heuristic activity;

Problematic questions that stimulate the manifestation of a kind of joint “discovery” by the teacher, helping the child find the answer.

A variety of speech didactic games to get acquainted with cultural and speech standards, activate the vocabulary, expand the understanding of the diversity of facets of the native language, and cultivate a sense of self-confidence.

Such classes are characterized by a mixed structure, which allows maneuvering in organizing the content and presenting its individual parts in different ways.

Structure integrated classes differs from the structure of regular classes, and the following requirements are imposed on it:

Clarity, compactness, conciseness of educational material;

The thoughtfulness and logical relationship of the studied material of the program sections in each lesson;

Interdependence, interconnectedness of the material of integrated subjects at each stage of the lesson;

Large informative capacity of educational material used in the lesson;

Systematic and accessible presentation of the material;

The need to adhere to the time frame of the lesson.

Basic principles of interaction with children:

1. Demonstrate a positive attitude towards the child, do not show irritation, do not speak in a commanding tone, show sincere interest in the child’s actions, and be ready for emotional support.

2. Communicate emotionally, which contributes to the development of children’s cognitive activity; monotonous speech quickly tires, gradually increasing the emotional intensity of the lesson, so that the most interesting fragments of the work are assigned to the period of increasing fatigue.

3. Fewer comments, more praise, since “the psychological characteristics of many children are such that the defect of sensitivity to negative stimuli is very low,” discover the strengths and weaknesses of the child and take them into account in solving educational problems.

4. Stay nearby, maintain eye contact, and if necessary, tactile contact (to attract attention, take the hand, touch the back, stroke the shoulder).

5. Permissiveness and fawning over a child are unacceptable.

The integration of directions is presented in the diagram.

Integration of directions

One of the central problems of preschool research is the consideration of the relationship between training, upbringing and development of the preschool child. By the end of the 30s. XX century There have been three main theories devoted to this problem.

The first theory considers the development of a child as a process independent of training and upbringing (A. Gesell, Z. Freud, J. Piaget, etc.). This theory corresponds to the didactic principle of accessibility, according to which children can be taught only what they can understand, for which their cognitive abilities have already matured. This theory does not recognize developmental learning. In this theory, the main thing is spontaneity of development, independence from the adult and his role.

The second theory recognizes the relationship between development and learning (T.S. Kostyuk, N.A. Menchinskaya, etc.). According to this theory, development is determined by certain internal factors and, at the same time, by training and education, the specific nature of which depends on the actual level of human development. Development and learning are identical to each other.

The third theory believes that the development of a child is mediated by his training and upbringing (L.S. Vygotsky). An adult, relying on the “zone of proximal development,” “runs” a little ahead, outstripping the child’s development. The adult “leads” the child’s development, which brings to life a whole series of development processes that would be generally impossible without education. Education is an internally necessary and universal moment in the process of development in a child, not of natural, but of cultural and historical characteristics of a person. These provisions were specified and justified by certain subject content in the works of the Academy of Sciences. Leontyeva, P.Ya. Galperina, D.B. Elkonina, A.V. Zaporozhets, L.A. Venger and others. The results obtained made it possible to substantiate the position on the leading role of training in development, to identify psychological and pedagogical conditions developmental education(L.V. Zankov, D.B. Elkonin, V.V. Davydov).

The theoretical and methodological basis of the new standard of preschool education was the cultural-historical system-activity approach, developed in the works of domestic psychologists L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontyev, P. Ya. Galperin, D. B. Elkonin, as well as the doctrine of the structure and dynamics of psychological age (L. S. Vygotsky) and the theory of periodization of a child’s mental development, which determines age-related psychological characteristics of personality development and cognition (D. B. Elkonin).

The book “The History of the Development of Higher Mental Functions,” published in 1960, provides a detailed presentation of the cultural-historical theory of mental development: according to Vygotsky, it is necessary to distinguish between two plans of human development - natural (the result of biological evolution) and cultural (the result of the historical development of society), merged in the development of the psyche. The essence of cultural behavior is its mediation by tools and signs (language, numbers); this is facilitated by learning. Today, cultural-historical theory is the most popular in the educational systems of Europe, and since 1970, all the works of L.S. Vygotsky have been translated and formed the basis of the US educational system.

The methodological basis of the new standard is also the system-activity approach of A. N. Leontyev. The system-activity approach arose in 1985 as a result of scientific disputes between A. N. Leontiev and B. F. Lomov. This approach grew out of the cultural-historical theory of L.S. Vygotsky. Systematic methods make it possible to present educational information in a form adequate for perception and memorization, give a more holistic description of the subject and move for the first time from the inductive path to the inductive-deductive one. The essence of the activity approach is as follows: the personal, social, and cognitive development of students is determined by the nature of the organization of their activities, primarily educational ones. This approach formed the basis of modern pedagogical theories of integration, which involve the integration of educational areas.

Throughout the 20th century, integration was used by teachers at different levels of education as a harmonious combination of various subjects, which made it possible to bring integrity to the child’s knowledge of the world. Particular interest in the problem of integration appeared at the end of the 20th century. At the same time, the term “integration” itself appeared. At the UNESCO session (1993), a working definition of integration was adopted as such an organic relationship, such an interpenetration of knowledge that should lead the student to an understanding of a unified scientific picture of the world. The greatest achievement of practical science in the late 1980s – early 1990s was the creation of a variety of integrated courses for preschool children (“Mathematics and Design”, “Natural Science”, “The World Around us”). At the beginning of the 21st century. Domestic methodologists have developed an integrated course of reading and writing during the period of literacy training, and practical teachers in various regions of Russia have described individual cases of the use of partial integration: reading, music, fine arts, the surrounding world. Integration of subjects allows a younger student to see and understand any phenomenon holistically. Knowledge is a set of mental forms, a person’s attitude to the world. Integration leads to generalization and compaction of the information capacity of knowledge.

Currently, preschool educational institutions are faced with a completely different task - to develop not integrated classes through a synthesis of educational areas, but to offer a holistic integrative process of interaction between an adult and a child on a certain topic during one day, in which various educational areas will be harmoniously combined for a holistic perception of the world around them. This is a fundamentally new approach to preschool education. Until recently, preschool educational institutions had a subject-based system of training and education, and it turned out that knowledge remained scattered, artificially divided according to the subject principle. The need to implement the principle of integration in preschool education lies in the very nature of thinking, dictated by the objective laws of higher nervous activity, the laws of psychology and physiology. The use of integration in preschool education is explained, first of all, by a biological phenomenon, which is characterized by intensive maturation of the body and the formation of the psyche: rapid physical development occurs, body proportions change, muscle mass increases, and brain mass increases. A child of preschool age goes through all stages of human development in a relatively short period. According to some scientists (A.F. Yafalyan and others), holographic (holistic) and subsensory (hypersensitive) perception of the world, which are innate, ensure the rapid development of the child. High sensitivity and integrity of perception of the world give him the opportunity to most fully, voluminously, quickly and, most importantly, accurately assimilate human experience. At birth, the child is a large sensitive organ or, more precisely, is in a holographic (integral) state. He is capable of holistically, undividedly, and therefore accurately and adequately perceive the world. Children's perception is holographic: the child “hears” with his whole body, “sees” with his whole body. The world and external influences permeate the body, psyche, brain and are adequately perceived. Gradually, over time, differentiation of sensory organs occurs. The fading of subsensory and holographic, according to scientists, sharply reduces the pace of child development. Ensuring the systematic functioning of the integration process makes it possible to create a holistic system for the development of cognitive activity in preschool children and makes it possible to holistically perceive the world around them without disturbing its nature.

The main factor in the integration process is the integration of the main types of activities of preschool children: cognitive-research, labor, artistic-creative, communicative, motor. Activity as a psychological basis for integration is capable of uniting disparate components within itself and providing the necessary conditions for the emergence of a new educational product, in the creation of which teachers, children, and parents are included. Such an educational product can be new knowledge, a drawing, a dance, a performance, a text compiled by a child, etc. Some scientists, when integrating various types of activities, propose creating synthetic activity blocks. So, D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya is developing a “creative field” that allows children to be included in creative activities. As an integrator of all types of child activities in preschool education, it is also appropriate to consider the game. As a result of mastering integrative activities, the child develops holistic social and psychological formations, integrated methods of activity that are easily transferred from one sphere to another, an individual style of activity, the development of social experience, and the development of creative abilities. The formation of integral personality qualities can be considered as the final result of the educational activities of preschool educational institutions. At its core, personality is holistic and systemic. In the process of personal development, the child gradually gains independence as the ability for autonomous existence and social activity as the ability to create and maintain his relationships with the environment. The integral individuality of each individual is formed in the process of upbringing, development and training.

In order to qualitatively carry out integration into preschool educational institutions, it is necessary to identify forms of integration that will ensure the synthesis of educational areas, the interrelation of different types of activities and the formation of integral qualities of the personality of a preschooler in the process of education. The forms of the integrative process characterize the final product, which acquires new functions and new relationships between the teacher, student, and parents within one day, one week. Such integrative forms in preschool educational institutions can be joint creative projects, holidays, experiments, excursions, and role-playing games. The peculiarity of the organization of the integrative process in preschool educational institutions is such that all of the listed forms cannot exist in their pure form; the choice of a specific topic presupposes their integration. The theme “My Family” (senior preschool age) assumes, as the leading form, the choice of a project organized on the basis of the integration of all educational areas: “Health”, “Physical education”, “Cognition”, “Music”, “Work”, “Reading art” Literature", "Communication", "Safety", "Artistic Creativity", Socialization". The project is quite labor-intensive, so its completion can take 3–5 days. A system-forming factor in the integration of educational areas can be the activity of compiling a “Family Tree” (in the context of the past and future) together with parents, the presentation of this project and its defense by each family. At the same time, it is important to talk not only about family members, but also about their rights, responsibilities, and professions. It is also possible to defend a mini-project “Family Traditions and Hobbies”, in which children, together with their parents, in free form (drawing, dance, photography, dramatization) represent their family, diagrams of their neighborhoods, houses, apartments. As materials for projects, children together with their parents select proverbs and sayings about family. Projects may also include role-playing games (“Family”, “Furniture Salon”, “My Apartment”, “Home”); games-dramatization of fairy tales (“Turnip”, “Geese-Swans”); creative storytelling (“How I help at home”, “Who will I be”, “I will be a dad”, “I will be a mother”, “Our favorite pets”). In addition, such projects may include the publication of family newspapers and the organization of the “Family Hobby” exhibition. The project can also include listening to works by P.I. Tchaikovsky from the “Children's Album”, songs about mother were learned and performed, and A. Lingren’s fairy tale “The Kid and Carlson” was read.

Thus, integration as a holistic phenomenon that unites educational areas, different types of activities, techniques and methods into a single system acts in preschool education as the leading means of organizing the educational process, the leading form of which is not classes, but joint activities with adults and independent activities of children.

An integrated approach in preschool education consists in the implementation of not only substantive, but also formal goals and objectives of education and development, as well as in establishing a system of the following connections:

Content components of different sections of the program (interspecies integration) and inside program sections (intraspecific integration)

In the interaction of methods and techniques of education and training (methodological integration)

In the synthesis of children's activities (activity integration)

IN integration of various organizational forms of interaction between teachers and children and parents.

Three main levels integrated process was proposed by Yu.S. Tyunnikov. He identified low - modernization of the learning process only in relation to its content, medium - integration of components of the learning process, and high - synthesis of an integral new formation.

Different levels of integration can be considered using the example of one of the educational areas, for example, the educational area “Music”.

The first level (according to Yu.S. Tyunnikov – low level) is intraspecific (intra-subject) integration. Intrasubject integration is characterized by a spiral structure based on the principle of concentricity. Cognition of value in such an organization can be carried out either from the particular (details) to the general (whole) or from the general to the particular. This is the first level of integration - within musical activity, within the educational field of “Music”. All types of musical activities are aimed at achieving the goal - the development of a positive emotional and evaluative attitude towards music that is valuable in its artistic level, the formation of the foundations of the musical culture of children. Such integrated content is “more information-intensive and is aimed at developing the ability to think in information-intensive categories” (V.T. Fomenko). The most striking example is the use of O.P. Radynova’s “Musical Masterpieces” program in her work, where this type of integration is very clearly visible.

The second level (According to Yu.S. Tyunnikov - the average level of integration) is integration within the artistic and aesthetic direction, which promotes the development of generalized ideas about different types of art and artistic activity and is aimed at demonstrating a value-based attitude towards them, at forming the foundations of the artistic culture of children. One of the forms of such integration is the integrated course. It is characterized by block supply of material. The characteristics are breadth, comprehensiveness, versatility and at the same time brightness and accessibility. The content of such courses can be different both in the selection and structuring of the material and its implementation in the educational process. An example of such integrated courses is the work of the music director under the programs “Synthesis” by K.V. Tarasova, “Journey to the Beautiful” by O.A. Kurevina, “Inspiration” by N.V. Korchalovskaya in the form of a circle or studio. For example, the integrated course “School of Beauty and Harmony” was implemented based on the “Synthesis” program by K.V. Tarasova.

The third level (according to Yu.S. Tyunnikov - average level) - interspecific (interdisciplinary) integration, i.e. between educational areas based on comprehensive thematic planning. Such integration is manifested in the use of one area when studying another, and this systematization of content leads to the formation of a holistic picture of the world in the minds of children. Interspecific integration significantly enriches intraspecific integration. One of the forms of integration work is integrated organized educational activities (IOED). Such activities combine blocks of different educational areas, so it is extremely important to correctly determine the main goal of the integrated activity. If the general goal is determined, then only the information that is necessary for its implementation is taken from the content of the areas. The structure of IOOD differs from previous classes in the following features:

1) extreme clarity, compactness, conciseness of the presented material;

2) logical interdependence, interconnectedness of the material;

3) its large information capacity.

The fourth level of integration (According to Yu.S. Tyunnikov - activity integration) involves the unification of the main types of activities of preschool children: cognitive-research, labor, artistic-creative, communicative, motor. Activity as a psychological basis for integration is capable of uniting disparate components within itself and providing the necessary conditions for the emergence of a new educational product, in the creation of which teachers, children, and parents are included. As a result of mastering integrative activities, the child develops holistic social and psychological formations, integrated methods of activity that are easily transferred from one sphere to another, an individual style of activity, the development of social experience, and the development of creative abilities. An example is the implementation of the pedagogical technology “Development of the social competence of a shy child through the acquisition of social experience through communicative dances.”

The fifth level is intersystem integration (according to Yu.S. Tyunnikov – high level). This level can be characterized as a combination of the content of educational areas of study, organized according to the second level of integration, with the content of education received by children outside the preschool educational institution, for example, through participation in child-adult projects outside the walls of the kindergarten in the surrounding society.

Scientific research by scientists (A.Ya. Danilyuk, V.T. Fomenko, K.Yu. Kolesina, O.G. Gilyazova, A.G. Kuznetsova and others) has proven that the content of the educational process can be built on the basis of various approaches to implementation of integration. Thus, in addition to the levels of integration, other types of integration are distinguished in pedagogy. V.T. Fomenko, A. Katolikov, I.V. Kommina distinguish between horizontal and vertical integration. Horizontal integration refers to a common way of combining similar content of a number of subjects. Vertical integration means combining material that is repeated in different years, combining at different levels of complexity, combining on a specific educational topic.

Integratedly organized educational activities, as the most consistent with the physiological and psychological characteristics of preschool children responsible for the implementation of their cognitive processes and personal development, have a number of significant advantages compared to non-integrated ones.

1. First of all, it contributes to the consideration of a subject or phenomenon from several sides: theoretical, practical, applied, which is important for the formation of a holistic scientific picture of the world of a preschooler and the development of his intellectual abilities.

2. It contributes to the development, to a greater extent than non-integrated activities, of aesthetic perception, imagination, attention, memory, thinking (logical, artistic, creative) of preschool children.

3. Integrated educational activities, having a large information capacity, allow each child to be involved in active work and contribute to the creative development of children.

4. Integration of components of educational activities increases motivation and forms the cognitive interest of preschoolers.

5. Integrative activity, by switching to its various types and components, better helps relieve tension, overload, and fatigue in children, and allows creating conditions for supporting children’s initiative in various areas of activity.

6. In addition, it has a positive impact on the activities of the educator, helps to increase the growth of the teacher’s professional skills, requiring him to have a variety of broad knowledge and mastery of the methodology; a variety of integrative enriched activities are the conditions for preventing emotional burnout of a teacher.

Thus, integration in preschool education should be considered one of the basic principles of constructing educational programs, as it corresponds to the physiological and psychological characteristics of the development of a preschool child and provides unconditional positive effects on his development.

Let's consider the functions of educational programs in the educational process of an organization, taking into account the methodology of the new standard and the principle of integration of their content.

Functions of the main educational program and features of planning educational activities in preschool education in accordance with the principles of integration of the educational process and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

First function: educational programs serve as a mechanism for implementing standards; programs indicate the way to achieve the educational results contained in them. This method traditionally indicated the content of the activities of students or pupils, the methods of the teacher’s activities and distribution, the order of deployment of educational activities over time (for example, mode, schedule, etc.). Moreover, the discussion was about their necessity and sufficiency to obtain the required results. It was understood that it could be determined - theoretically substantiated and identified through testing programs in practice.

However, in the standards of preschool education, the planned results are presented not as goals, but as targets, which are understood as qualities, knowledge, skills, abilities, values, etc. that are not obligatory for all children, emerging or developed by a certain age, but only as possible, probabilistic results. Unlike goals, they are not correlated with the age of children, that is, they are not determined in time. Moreover, in early preschool childhood, the child is considered as a subject of his own development, who is socialized and learns with the help of adults from his own experience. The role of the adult in this case is to support the child’s initiative, create an environment for its manifestation, provide assistance, carry out partnership activities with him, analyze together with the child his development, and in the child’s understanding - state, mood, desires, plans, etc. .moments of everyday life.

This feature of the Federal State Educational Standard is reflected in the nature of preschool education programs and in the planning of the educational process as a whole. The main function of the programs will be due to the absence of strictly defined and proposed from above, that is, by the teacher themselves, the results to which the child is “pulled up” will be different.

Educational programs for preschool education should indicate what the child himself does at different stages of age development and how it is recommended for adults to interact with children (meaning not only the teacher, but also parents), so that the interaction that arises between them, the existing relationships and the general atmosphere are aimed at targets contained in the standard. This is the main function of educational programs - to reveal the content, principles of organization, methods, techniques, techniques, the procedure for organizing joint, collectively distributed, partnership activities of children and adults in space and time, best directed, facilitating the implementation of target guidelines, as well as approaches to integration of educational activities of preschoolers. In the standards, the purpose of the PEP of an educational organization is defined as follows: “The program is formed as a program of psychological and pedagogical support for positive socialization and individualization, personality development of preschool children and defines a set of basic characteristics of preschool education (volume, content and planned results in the form of targets for preschool education) .

If program and programming are fairly rigid concepts akin to algorithms, then in this case we are talking about the impossibility of using any algorithms in the education of preschoolers. This is planning, which, as a rule, is used in situations of high uncertainty, that is, when it is impossible to accurately determine the results and the time of their receipt due to the probabilistic occurrence and uncertainty of the development of the process itself. In a situation of uncertainty, planning cannot be built and executed from above - from the goal. It is carried out from below, based on the previous results of the child’s development. However, its direction is maintained, that is, the target orientation is maintained.

In a situation of uncertainty, the teacher is forced to plan his activities, following the child, observing his development, analyzing his results and correlating them with general targets. In the process of analytical work, the teacher will have to determine whether the child’s activity, behavior, relationships with adults and peers contribute to his development, acquisition of basic competencies and target guidelines. With such planning, the role of virtually continuous observation, studying the development of each child and the importance, and most importantly, the quality of the teacher’s analytical work, increases incomparably.

The goals and plans for the next stage of work with children, or rather the “size” of the step, are determined depending on how much the individual development of each child will coincide or, conversely, differ from certain general trends and patterns in the development of children of each age group. The more deviations from the general, that is, differences, individual, unique development of each specific child, the shorter the teacher’s step should be when planning his own activities and the more important the analysis will be after each such “step” or stage of work.

The second function of programs: programs serve as the basis for organizing the real educational process according to them, as well as for monitoring and correcting it if it ceases to meet the requirements necessary to obtain results.

Two things are being adjusted.

First, the actual process. If a deviation in the process is of a threatening nature for obtaining positive results, then they try to correct it so that it returns to its previous course, that is, it becomes consistent with what is provided for by the program as the best way to obtain the expected results.

Secondly, the program itself is being adjusted. This is necessary if its implementation does not give the expected results. A program is a forecast of the desired future, but it may be erroneous, outdated, or not appropriate to specific conditions. In all these situations, the original program needs correction.

Often, and not only in school, teachers are required to fully implement the program or they themselves strive for this. The complete implementation of programs and plans means that the organization has created all the conditions and the educational service has been provided in full. However, it is wrong to blindly execute any program and follow everything it contains. Its quality and compliance with the conditions of implementation must be analyzed.

Preschool education programs are also needed in order to monitor and correct the educational process, both for the teachers themselves and for the inspection bodies. However, the Federal State Educational Standard makes significant adjustments to the understanding of this process.

In kindergarten, unlike in previous years, the priority for organizing work with children is not the program of the educational organization, even the most ideal one, and not the plans written by the teacher, but the child’s own activity. The approach to planning according to the Federal State Educational Standard is directly opposite to the methods of collective “training” of children for any program. It does not allow the inclusion of preschoolers in pre-planned programs and plans of adults: games, walks, excursions, holidays, classes and other events, and even more so their constant tugging, coercion, and forced inclusion in what needs to be done. Individual activities in kindergarten are determined by the child himself, and collective activities are determined jointly by a general gathering of children and adults. And even with young children, everything that will happen next in their lives must be discussed, so that they can perceive the plan as their general decision, and not the plan of the adults themselves, in the execution of which children are included.

All of the above largely determines the features of preschool education programs, including those that serve as exemplary ones, taking into account which organizational programs will be developed, and methods for monitoring their implementation. If the teaching staff has sufficient qualifications to adapt the educational program, it is enough to have a program that will have a generalized universal character, that is, contain general models, ideology, and principles for constructing the educational process. Along with them, programs can be as detailed as possible, but at the same time variable, for example, built as modular ones. Explain and justify how, with the help of what methods and techniques, it is best to support the development of the child and how to act in various situations. Explain what behavior and what results should not be mistaken for developmental deviations and, therefore, the program should be adjusted. Describe how to act in situations of lag, advance, and other features of a child’s development. It is known that many things are corrected during the development process itself and without the special intervention of an adult.

In this case, the inspector will have to correlate the actual implementation process with the methodology, principles, models of preschool education programs, and not with specific content distributed over time, strictly tied to deadlines and other program requirements. Control will have to be more reminiscent of an examination: identifying and analyzing the appropriateness of the teacher’s choice of certain methods of supporting and organizing the interaction of children.

Sanitary and hygienic conditions and the degree to which they are conducive to the development of the child can be checked more strictly for compliance with the program; subject-spatial environment - the extent to which it contributes to development and allows one to achieve the targets of the standard; the competence of teaching staff in planning their work from the child, his individual development and personal initiative, that is, the standard of conditions.

The program serves as the basis for monitoring one’s own activities on the part of the teacher and educator, the head of the kindergarten. Such analytical work must be carried out by them constantly.

However, based on its results, the child’s behavior (his activities, activity), as well as his own activities, should be adjusted only when there is complete confidence that the current situation is either insufficient or impedes the child’s development. Drawing such a conclusion from a first impression is not easy and therefore not always correct. In most cases, you need to have a large amount of data, and therefore time for observation and analysis. Adjustment of one’s own activity, as well as the child’s activity, must therefore occur thoughtfully and reasonably, that is, as a result of long-term competent observation and analysis.

And, finally, what main program will need to be improved and when. If the program is indicative: generalized or flexible and variable, then it will not need frequent revision. Such programs are universal. If the kindergarten program is a specific, step-by-step and time-regulated example of educational activity, then it will simply very soon be doomed to failure, since it will not be able to serve as the basis for effective activity in a variety of situations. It is unlikely that the actual development of children will correspond to such a program.

The third function of the programs: thanks to the presence of general programs, that is, developed to a single standard, a single educational space is maintained throughout the country, all children receive equal opportunities for education. To do this, programs must rely on the methodology, those basic theoretical principles contained in the standard, and comply with common target guidelines.

Disclosure of the functions or purpose of programs makes it possible to understand what should be considered a program that meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The preschool education program is a theoretically and empirically based model containing a description of the independent activities of children, supported by teachers, leading to the development of preschoolers; content, forms, technologies, methods and techniques of activities of adults (teachers and parents) supporting this development, indicating appropriate options for organizing their collectively distributed activities and its integration over time (during the day, week, month, year) in the subject-spatial environment kindergarten and the surrounding society; as well as the possible educational results of this activity, which serve as targets for the implementation of the program.

The specific requirements that, in addition to the qualities listed above, must be met by a good exemplary basic educational program and the main program of an educational organization are set out in detail in the content of the Federal State Educational Standard, thanks to which they can be identified and formulated to solve the problems of program development and examination.

Characteristics of existing types of preschool education programs as the basis for the formation of exemplary and basic educational programs of preschool organizations

In accordance with the Law on Education of the Russian Federation, basic educational programs are developed either independently or taking into account programs that serve as exemplary ones. Kindergartens also have the right to take programs that are classified as exemplary and link to them without developing their own. In this regard, a very important question arises: what programs can serve as exemplary programs and what requirements they must meet. To do this, let’s look at what preschool education programs are available today and are being developed in the practice of preschool education (Scheme 1).

Scheme 1. Classification of programs that can be used as examples for the development of basic educational programs for preschool organizations.

In our preschool education, there are two types of programs that differ in the degree of coverage of the educational system: these are comprehensive basic educational programs of preschool education and partial educational programs of preschool education. The name partial programs comes from the Latin “partialis”, which means partial, forming part of something. Partial programs can be devoted to solving a specific problem in the development of preschool children, a specific educational area or technology, or method of activity. BEFORE the adoption of the Federal State Educational Standard, there were 12 comprehensive and more than 50 partial programs in preschool education. Thanks to the presence of these programs, education has become varied, organizations and parents have opportunities for choice.

Among the available comprehensive programs, a small group (2 programs) are classified as original ones. Unlike other comprehensive and partial programs, the author's ones are characterized by a clearly expressed specific position of the developers on preschool education, the program and require special conditions for implementation.

Programs are written with varying degrees of generality, and therefore can be framework or specific. Most of the complex and partial programs that exist today are characterized by a high degree of specificity and detail in the elaboration of all the elements included in them: content, methods, mode of organizing educational activities, etc. This meets the needs of a large group of practitioners.

However, the complex nature and high level of detail in developing the content of the main programs does not leave room for creativity and does not encourage teaching staff to link the program to specific operating conditions. It is difficult to adapt partial programs into such programs, since they are already complete and sufficient in themselves and cover all parts of the educational system. This contradicts the implementation of the right of participants in educational relations to develop a part of the program (40% of the total volume) that corresponds to the needs, motives, interests of children and members of their families, determined by the characteristics of the individual development of preschoolers, the specifics of national, sociocultural and other conditions in which educational activities are carried out , established traditions, as well as the capabilities of the teaching staff. Their widespread use in practice can lead to a decrease in the variability of preschool education, to ignoring the uniqueness of educational organizations and their teams, to a lack of consideration of individual differences of students.

From a legal point of view, the programs that have passed the examination and are recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the development of basic educational programs of organizations should be considered exemplary. It is advisable to include among them those comprehensive and partial, as well as proprietary programs, the structure and content of which will comply with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and the targets for the education of preschoolers contained therein. At the same time, it is desirable that they have a framework character: have a high degree of generality, contain only general approaches, principles, models for implementing the standard, as well as mechanisms for adapting programs to specific operating conditions. Such programs, as well as a large number of partial ones complementing them, will largely contribute to the development of their own unique programs of educational organizations that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Requirements for the quality of exemplary basic educational programs of preschool organizations

The basis for the development and examination of sample programs are the requirements for their quality. Knowledge of the requirements for the quality of exemplary educational programs is important not only for their developers, but also for those who, taking into account exemplary ones, will develop their own educational programs, which means they must be able to make a choice of exemplary ones and understand their quality.

The main requirements for the quality of sample programs are, of course, dictated by its role as a mechanism for implementing standards. Its other functions, discussed above, are also subordinated to this purpose of the program: to serve as the basis for achieving goals, to be a means for monitoring and correcting the educational process being implemented. In addition to them, the sample program must also meet the requirements, thanks to which it could serve as a basis for developing your own programs. Thus, the requirements for example programs should answer three questions:

Which approximate program is of high quality, that is, will best perform the functions inherent in educational programs;

What approximate program can serve as a mechanism for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard;

What sample program will serve as a good basis for developing your own educational programs.

Acting as a mechanism for implementing the standard, the sample program shows how the provisions contained in it and, mainly, its new ideas can be implemented in practice. As an educational program, it must determine the requirements for joint activities of children and adults, the order and mode of its organization in time and space. They should also correlate with the ideology of the standards and contribute to the direction of educational activities towards the target guidelines contained in them, reveal ways of integrating the educational activities of preschoolers and the methods of work of the teacher.

In this regard, it is especially important that in the interpretation of the development processes of preschool children, and, consequently, in the choice of principles for constructing the content and methods of work of the teacher, the approximate program is based on the provisions of the cultural-historical theory of L.S. Vygotsky, which is the methodological basis of the standard.

One of the most important provisions for the creation of a new standard was the thesis of L.S. Vygotsky about the activity of the child. The child learns independently and should not be considered by teachers as some object subject to the activity of an adult - the influence of suggestions, positive or negative reinforcements, “training” for the sake of achieving external goals and plans set by adults. He is able to determine the zone of his current development himself. And that space of actions that the child cannot yet perform on his own, but can carry out together with adults in cooperation with them, is the “zone of his proximal development.” Thus, the child becomes not only what adults teach him to be, but what he has learned himself, including from adults and with them.

The thesis about the child’s activity and ability to self-learn made important the standard’s theses about supporting children’s initiative as the main way of planning “from the children” or “following the children,” which should also be taken into account when writing an example program. In this regard, the requirements of the standard are most fully reflected in those programs that describe the independent activity of children at different age periods and give its interpretation from the point of view of its significance for their development. The requirements of the new standard are met by those programs that describe how and what a child learns and correctly reveal the connection of the described activity with the planned results and areas of development included in the standard: social-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic, aesthetic, and physical development. A good program contains a description of methods for including children in the collective planning of their activities with the help of other peers and adults, for example, collective gatherings, etc. It reveals the features of planning common significant events with children during the week, month, year. The program, which allows you to meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, contains methods for planning “from the children”, “together with the children”, “following the children”.

In the exemplary programs, the new functions of adults should be correctly formulated in a new way, which, according to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, do not consist of organizing the child’s activities from above, but are supportive, creating conditions for the child to be active. Adults (teachers, educators) prepare the environment, present materials, observe the child’s behavior, record the most important points in his behavior that characterize development, support his initiative, provide assistance without doing anything for the child, encourage his independence and activity; teach by example, showing examples of performing activities, passing on their experience; do together with the child; help plan the day or more distant events, analyze the results of the day.

The second point taken as a basis is that the main source of development of a child’s personality is the social environment. In the standard it is called a developing subject spatial environment. Child development, according to L.S. Vygotsky, occurs through the child’s use of “psychological tools: such as language, writing, counting system through their natural maturation. In order to develop thinking, perception, memory and other mental functions, the child must initially go through a stage (form) of external activity, where cultural means have a completely objective appearance. At this first stage of external activity, everything that the child does must occur in his cooperation with adults. It is cooperation, that is, dialogical interaction with other people, that is the main source of development of the child’s personality.

As the child’s activity is practiced, it is curtailed, internalized, cultivated, moves from the external to the internal plane, and becomes interpsychic. The child’s mental functions and activities become increasingly automated, conscious and voluntary.

If a child has difficulty in thinking and other mental processes, then exteriorization is always possible - taking a mental function outside and clarifying its work in external objective activity, which serves as a developmental environment for the child. In case of difficulties, the idea present in the internal plane can be worked out by actions in the external plane.

In this regard, good programs should pay special attention to the description of the organization, saturation and use of the developing subject-spatial environment. The program should show how variability, flexibility, and mobility of the subject development environment can be achieved to organize various types of child activities and to integrate these types. It is desirable that the program reveals the possibilities of the environment for various aspects of a child’s development: social and communicative; cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic, physical, and for the development of children in general, including those preschoolers who have health problems. A good program should show possible ways for a child to independently use objects, materials and items in the environment to gain experience and knowledge of the world around him, as well as methods for using the environment in joint activities with adults.

Since, according to the theory of L.S. Vygotsky, communication with peers and adults is of great importance for the development of a child; sample programs should reveal how to create conditions for communication between children and adults, how to build communication with children in conflict situations, what methods to use in communication.

It is recommended that programs pay special attention to the issues of harnessing the potential of families of pupils. It is desirable that the sample programs show what opportunities families are offered to use in working with pupils of preschool organizations, and in what forms and methods interaction between teachers and parents can take place. A good program should contain recommendations for establishing interactive partnerships between professional educators and parents.

And finally, another one, which forms the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard, is the presentation of L.S. Vygotsky about development not as an evenly gradual process, but as a staged, step-by-step process. Periods of smooth accumulation of new opportunities are followed by stages of crisis. Despite the fact that crises are inevitable and pass painfully, the obvious disadvantage of a child during a crisis is not a pattern, and may be a consequence of the illiterate behavior of parents and other adults raising the child.

This provision determined a new approach to setting goals for preschool education. Now the standard, and therefore the approximate basic program, will have to formulate the planned results not as goals, but as targets. They differ from goals in that they cannot be determined in time, and, therefore, their receipt by a certain date cannot be verified. Based on the results of a child’s development, it is also impossible, according to the Federal State Educational Standard, to evaluate kindergarten workers and educational organizations themselves. Diagnosis of children's development should be carried out individually. Assessments of children's development should be carried out not on the basis of their comparison with the norm, but by identifying the characteristics of the child's individual development and analyzing the factors that influenced this. It is assumed that in the exemplary programs the results specified by the standard will be specified by the developers, taking into account the specifics of the variable programs: content, forms and methods of educational activities, organization of the developing subject-spatial environment. However, their specification should not lead to the dominance of knowledge results. The planned results of the exemplary program should be formulated in the form of basic characteristics of the child’s personal development and basic competencies.

In contrast to the main one, exemplary educational programs should have a more generalized nature, making them to some extent universal, but not average. They may also contain variable ways of carrying out educational activities and include recommendations for using the proposed options in practice.

The programs of organizations, along with the mandatory ones, contain a part formed by the participants in educational relations. It can be developed on the basis of several partial programs.

Methodological approaches to constructing the content of educational programs are further formulated in the form of a list of requirements for their quality.

Requirements for the quality of exemplary educational programs

1.General requirements for programs

1.1.The structure of PEP should include three main sections: target, content and organizational.

1.2.The basis for constructing the program should be the cultural and historical approach of L.S. Vygotsky, which is the methodology of the Federal State Educational Standard. The content of the PEP must have methodological and methodological unity.

1.3. The program must be written in Russian, the text material must comply with the norms of the modern Russian language, the presentation of the program material must be clear, logical, and understandable.

2. Requirements for the target section of POOP.

2. 1. Requirements for the content of the explanatory note to the programs

2.1.1. The explanatory note must contain principles and approaches to the formation of the PEP, which reveal the intent of its formation.

2.1.2. The principles and approaches to the formation of PEP must comply with the methodology and requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

2.1.3. The explanatory note to the program must include information significant for the implementation of the program, including the essence of scientific views on the development of children of early and preschool age, used as a justification for the formation and implementation of the program:

Variable forms, methods,

Mode of organization of educational activities,

Interactions with parents,

Integration of program components,

Equipment, use of the developing subject-spatial environment of the kindergarten and society, and other significant elements.

2.2. Requirements for the formulation of planned results - PEP targets.

2.2.1.PEP targets must correspond to and specify the targets of preschool education contained in the Federal State Educational Standard.

2.2.2.PEP may contain new promising targets that will contribute to the further development of the quality and content of preschool education.

2.2.3. The targets of vocational education and training must be meaningfully related to the vocational education of primary general education, formulated in accordance with the requirements of continuity and development.

2.2.4. PBL targets should be realistic in terms of. compliance of the planned results with the age and individual characteristics of preschool children; of providing in mass practice the corresponding educational process and conditions for the development of PBL: psychological and pedagogical, scientific and methodological, personnel, subject-spatial environment, etc.

2.2.5. The target section may include a methodology for diagnosing program targets and monitoring the development process of preschoolers, allowing one to determine the need and content of correction of educational activities and its conditions.

4. Requirements for the content section of POP (POP)

4.2.1. description of the independent activities of children supported by teachers, leading to the development of preschoolers (what and how children learn) in five educational areas: social and communicative development; cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development; reveal approaches to the integration of activities in these educational areas;

4.2.2. description of the content, variable forms, technologies, methods and techniques of activities of adults, teachers and parents as participants in joint educational relations (what and how adults do) to support children's initiative and the development process of children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics, specifics educational needs and interests;

4.2.3. description of variable forms and methods of partnership interaction between the teaching staff and the families of students;

4.2.4. description of options for organizing independent and collectively distributed activities of children and adults in time (during the day, week, month, year as the mode or order of their organization) and in the subject-spatial environment of the kindergarten and the surrounding society.

4.3. Requirements for part of the content section of PEOP for children with disabilities who need correctional work and/or inclusive education (if this work is provided for by the program).

This part should include:

4.3.1. description of educational activities for professional correction of developmental disorders of children;

4.3.2. description of special conditions for the implementation of vocational education and training programs for children with disabilities to receive education;

4.3.3. a description of the mechanisms for adapting a sample program based on complementary special partial educational programs for working with children in need of remedial work and/or inclusive education.

4.4. General requirements for the content section of the POOP.

4.4.1. The degree of generalization of the content and variable forms, methods, methods and other means of mastering PBL should be such that the teaching staff of the kindergarten can independently cope with the recommendations contained in it with its adaptation in relation to their own operating conditions and develop a unique PBL.

4.4.2. The level of detail in the content section of the PEP should not be excessive and be too specific, encouraging teams to mechanically copy an example program without adapting it to their own operating conditions.

4.4.3. The section should indicate ways to integrate program components at all levels: content, methodological, and activity.

5. Requirements for the organizational section of programs

The organizational section of the PPOP should:

5.3.reveal the features of planning and organizing recommended events, holidays, activities;

5.4.include a description of the features of the organization of the developing subject-spatial environment necessary for the full implementation of the program.

3. Requirements for the quality of basic educational programs of preschool organizations.

Unlike exemplary programs of educational organizations, they must take into account as much as possible the conditions of their own activities, which include:

· the size of the kindergarten, determined by the number of children and groups;

· needs, motives and interests of children, members of their families, determined by the characteristics of the individual development of preschool children, the specifics of national, sociocultural and other conditions in which educational activities are carried out, established traditions, and the capabilities of the teaching staff;

· contingent of parents, their capabilities and willingness to participate in the educational process together with kindergarten teachers;

· personnel, material and technical conditions (availability of premises, their equipment, etc.) of the kindergarten;

· opportunities of the surrounding society for the development of children;

· expected prospects for the development of this kindergarten and neighboring preschool organizations,

· solving the problem of providing children with places in preschool organizations in the municipality, etc.

The organization's program may also include those elements of activity that make it unique and distinguish the kindergarten from other organizations. These are our own traditions, foundations, our own findings in working with preschoolers, that is, relying on our own positive experience, etc.

The educational program of a kindergarten may include a part aimed at children with disabilities who need correctional work and/or inclusive education.