Lip fillers. Lip augmentation with filler: features of the procedure, contraindications. Lip fillers - review of the best drugs and administration technology, indications and possible complications Increasing lip volume with fillers

There is more than one. Their popularity continues to grow, as today many women pay special attention to their lips and want to add a little plumpness and sensuality to them.

Using fillers, you can correct the shape or improve the condition of the skin in this part of the face. Moreover, you can also find balms and creams with filler effects, such as Librederm,.

What are lip fillers?

Fillers are drugs that are used for injection. With their help you can change the shape, volume of your lips, etc. The composition of such products may include bovine collagen, various additives of synthetic origin, and much more.

Fillers are used for different purposes. This may include:

  • raising the corners of the lips;
  • shape correction;
  • increase in volume.

To inject the drug into the skin, a special syringe with a thin needle is used. The procedure itself lasts about 15-30 minutes.

Many fillers contain an anesthetic. This helps reduce pain after the injection.

If filler is used to reduce wrinkles, then the drug is injected into its base. If a woman wants to increase the volume, then the specialist injects the product directly deep into the tissue, distributing it over the entire area.

The effect of such injections can be seen immediately. But it disappears after a while. Depending on the individual characteristics of the filler used, the effect will last from six months to a year.

The fact is that the products contain substances that have the properties of dissolving after a certain period of time.

Pros and cons of using fillers

2-3 decades ago, lips were enlarged using polymer gels of synthetic origin. In this way it was possible to achieve a positive change in volume, to really make the lips bigger.

But the problem is that such gels are not excreted by the body and remain there forever.

Quite often, patients encountered complications, as a result of which they had to resort to surgical methods to remove the injected composition.

In addition, there were cases when migration of the gel under the skin was observed, so the woman was constantly faced with a new inflammatory process.

Fortunately, lip fillers have been created. If the procedure for their introduction is performed by a good doctor, then the risk of encountering complications is reduced to zero.

But, unfortunately, such fillers require periodic injections, since after a certain time they dissolve. As a result, the lips become the same as they were.

The disadvantages of the product include its rather high cost. The price for 1 ml of filler is about 10-35 thousand rubles.

What fillers are used today?

The most popular fillers are those based on hyaluronic acid, polylactic acid, and bovine collagen.

It is worth noting that products based on the latter component are used less frequently, as they have a high risk of allergies.

Some fillers have gained great popularity and are included in the ranking of the best products. Below is a list of them.

Juvederm VolumeThis filler has gained great popularity and is often used by cosmetologists. It contains hyaluronic acid and an anesthetic.
Surgiderm 24 XP and Surgiderm 30 XPThe base is hyaluronic acid. They differ in density and speed of action. To get a more pronounced result, the first filler option is used.
PrincessPrincess is a fairly popular lip filler, which is confirmed by numerous reviews. Hyaluronic acid is used for its production.
Belotero intenseThe filler is a gel based on sodium hyaluronate. These are salts of hyaluronic acid.
SculptraPolylactic acid is used to produce this filler.
Glytone 4This is a drug for the production of which native and synthetic hyaluronic acid is used.
DermalaxDermalax is produced in France and is a popular lip filler, as evidenced by reviews. It is based on hyaluronic acid, which has undergone the highest purification. Using this filler, you can correct the skin texture, eliminate wrinkles, and also well moisturize the epidermis.
EllanseThere is a whole line of fillers with this name. All of them have a prolonged action. Polycaprolactone is used for the production of drugs.
Zyplast, Resoplast, ArtefillTo create such products, bovine collagen is used. They are rarely used by cosmetologists, as they often provoke side effects. But they can be an excellent alternative drug for those people who have an allergic reaction to hyaluronic acid.

But which filler is best for lips? It is impossible to accurately answer this question, because the drug is selected individually for each person.

Quite often, Surgiderm and Princess are used to enlarge lips. After the injection, you can immediately notice the effect, but there is a slight swelling that disappears after a while.

Important rules when choosing a filler (and the procedure itself)

It is impossible to determine exactly which lip fillers are best to use. The fact is that they all have their pros and cons.

The choice of a suitable product should be entrusted to a professional. Often, to enlarge lips, cosmetologists use preparations that contain hyaluronic acid.

These are safe drugs, as they rarely cause side effects. In addition, the biodergradation of hyaluronic preparations has the best speed, since the resorption of fillers occurs from six months to a year.

Before deciding on the choice of remedy, the doctor takes into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body and his age. It is also important for him to know whether the person is allergic to any substances.

In some cases, one filler injection session is not enough. Therefore, the doctor repeats the procedure after a few weeks.

In order not to run into trouble, the doctor must conduct a test that will help determine the presence of an allergy to the drug. To do this, the specialist injects the product into the forearm area. If itching, burning, and swelling do not appear, then you can proceed to the main procedure.

The fact is that active facial expressions can provoke displacement of the drug. It is better to give up cosmetics for a couple of days, alcohol, sauna, and it is recommended to sleep on your back.

Filler injection scheme

The procedure for introducing any filler is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Often, the doctor initially numbs the lip area using a special gel.
  2. Next, the doctor gradually injects the selected filler using a thin needle.
  3. At the end, the lips are treated with a cream or other product that soothes the skin.

These are all the manipulations that the doctor performs. The work will take less than an hour.

Basically, the doctor uses up to 1 ml of the product to enlarge lips. But there are cases when more gel is used (2 ml is the maximum permissible volume).

5 important rules after the procedure

In order to avoid complications and get a beautiful result, you should follow these simple rules for several weeks:

  1. You should see a doctor 2 weeks after the filler injection. It may be necessary to repeat the adjustment procedure.
  2. It’s worth trying not to move your mouth too much. Vivid facial expressions can worsen the result.
  3. It is forbidden to go to the sauna or engage in strenuous sports. Alcoholic drinks and spicy foods are prohibited. You even need to eat nuts carefully so as not to hurt your skin.
  4. It is worth giving up kissing during the rehabilitation period. Cool compresses will help reduce swelling.
  5. If there are any irregularities, it is prohibited to try to correct the defect yourself.


Most cosmetic procedures have certain... Filler injections are no exception.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to abandon this procedure in some cases.


  1. if cancer or blood disease is detected;
  2. when an inflammatory process appears in the lip area, for example, herpes, pimple;
  3. if a person systematically experiences epilepsy;
  4. if the patient has recently had an infectious pathology;
  5. when a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding a child.

It is important to tell your doctor about all the medications you are taking, as well as about any specific medical conditions you have. If you ignore contraindications, you may encounter unwanted complications.

Possible complications after fillers

There are some minor complications after the injection of fillers, which disappear after some time. They are considered temporary and therefore do not cause harm.

These could be hematomas, swelling, allergies. Such effects disappear after a week. Patients especially often experience swelling, which goes away within a couple of days. This is a normal reaction.

But if inflammation appears and fibrosis develops, then you should seek medical help. The doctor will prescribe the necessary medication.

You may experience more serious consequences after the injection. In some cases, the following problems appeared:

  • compactions appeared;
  • the drug has migrated;
  • pigmentation appeared;
  • an infection developed.

In rare cases, doctors encounter vascular ischemia. This happens if the gel was injected too deeply.

If a patient encounters such a complication, he needs immediate medical attention. Otherwise, more serious consequences can be expected.

Question answer

Fillers cannot be cheap. This needs to be understood. The price of the lip augmentation procedure is influenced by the amount of gel required, doctor’s consultation, and anesthesia.

Many estheticians usually recommend Restylane for lips if you want a more natural look. Restylane Silk has proven itself especially well. However, if you want fuller lips and don't like the effect of Juvederm or Restylane, then we recommend trying Perlane or Juvederm Ultra Plus.

We strongly recommend that you return to your injection specialist so that he can correct the situation. Often cosmetologists correct the result 2 weeks after the procedure. To correct such defects, for example, hyaluronidase is often used.

Filler creams

You can find filler creams on sale. What is it? These are products designed to care for lips and facial skin.

They are relevant for those women who do not have advanced skin conditions, since they are not able to penetrate deep into the epidermis. Such products provide excellent hydration, visually enlarging the lips.

Quite recently, a serum called L'Oreal Revitalift filler appeared on sale. The manufacturer has done a great job to attract people's attention to its products.

The packaging resembles a syringe in appearance; in this way, this product is compared to the effectiveness of an injection. But, unfortunately, these are different things.

With the help of cream it is impossible to achieve the same results as after the introduction of filler. But you can improve the condition of your lips. The cream moisturizes the skin well, but it is not able to remove wrinkles. This should be taken into account when purchasing a product.

You can also find Faberlic lip filler balm on sale, about which there are many different reviews on the Internet.

A large number of people note that the product helps add a little volume to the lips and provides them with moisture.

The balm contains a complex of brown algae. They provide tissues with the necessary nutrition, which results in better collagen production. The product also contains an extract obtained from cayenne pepper.

It improves blood circulation, as it has a warming effect and increases skin tone. The balm also contains vitamins E and F.

The first component accelerates wound healing, and the second adds firmness and elasticity.

After using the product, volume and shine are added to the lips. The balm does not spread and provides long-lasting hydration.

Features of Librederm balm with 3D effect

Today, many women want to make their lips plumper. But not everyone decides to undergo injections. Do not despair, as there are other more gentle methods.

The hyaluronic lip filler Libriderm deserves special attention, as it is in demand among people and has many reviews of a different nature. What kind of remedy is this?

The manufacturer promises that with the help of such a balm you can increase the volume of your lips and add an attractive shine to them. Lip filler Librederm fills the skin with moisture, improves the contour of the lips, adding sensuality to them, which is confirmed by reviews from women.

The balm contains hyaluronic acid, which provides thorough hydration to every cell. The product also contains the Pal-KMO2K peptide, which gives youth by improving the contour and smoothing out wrinkles.

Irina Dorofeeva

practicing cosmetologist

Any doctor will not be able to answer the question of which filler is best for lips. There is no universal remedy available. Each gel is suitable for a specific situation and solves a specific problem. For example, I would advise young people to pay attention to fillers such as “Princess Volume” or, for example, “Juvederm Ultra Smile”. They will add sensuality to your lips. For older patients, Restylane Lip Volume is suitable, but many other gels have also worked well.

Michelle Green


Fillers differ in their composition and duration of resorption. In addition, some gels are injected superficially, while others are injected deeply. The doctor will help you choose the appropriate remedy, taking into account the individual characteristics of the person and his wishes. Personally, I think Juvederm fillers are great for lip enhancement. To correct the contour, I advise you to pay attention to Restylane Silk.

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Wanting to transform their appearance and beauty, many girls and women resort to risky and radical methods. A fairly well-known and popular option now are lip fillers. They come in the form of a variety of substances injected under the tissue to enlarge the lips. Also used under the eyes, for the chest, chin.

The material can be of animal or synthetic origin. The most famous is natural collagen, adipose tissue.

There are two drugs on everyone’s lips – hyaluronic acid. They give different effects and imply different effects. It has a liquid consistency, protein nature, and is produced by special bacteria. In fact, it blocks the muscles, weakens their tone, eliminating wrinkles from the skin. Natural facial expressions are created, but there is no way to create a shape or change the volume when using the material.

It is plastic, viscous, gel-like. The only drawback is tissue dehydration in areas where there are wrinkles. This substance is injected into the skin, high molecular weight and purified. Hyaluronic acid is divided into:

  1. Monophasic material. Ideal for people with a low pain threshold. With single-phase administration, there is a low probability of infection.
  2. There are biphasic fillers. They help to get the effect for up to one and a half years, but are quite difficult to correct. Often such material is distributed unevenly, which causes problems with appearance.

There are fillers created from animal or human collagen. In this case, the base for the created substance is the skin areas from which it is released and then synthesized. A big advantage is the absence of rejection or allergies to the drug.

When are fillers used?

If we consider, the actual use of the material is:

  1. To remove age wrinkles near the lips.
  2. To create plump lips if they are very thin from birth.
  3. When solving various problems related to aesthetics - the consequences of injury after an accident, and so on.

What is the advantage of using the material?

Modern drugs receive either complete or partial solubility. As a result, it becomes necessary to introduce the substance into the body again and again - the result lasts from several months to several years. Note that even if the product is removed from the body, the lips will not lose their shape. They will be the same as usual.

30 years ago, synthetic gels were popular - silicone, polyacrylamide. They remained in the body forever, and in the most severe cases it was necessary to remove them surgically. There were cases when the substance simply moved under the skin, due to which new sites of inflammation were created. Now such problems are excluded, however, the cost of the lip augmentation procedure will vary from 10,000 to 35,000 rubles per 1 ml of material used.

Ladies who agree to undergo surgery, despite the fact that the procedure itself is not painless, will have to endure a lot to get beautiful lips.

Operation from a legal point of view

Naturally, many doctors try to protect themselves and minimize their responsibility for performing their work. The main task of the patient is to determine which doctor should be entrusted with his beauty in order to get the desired result and not worry about the consequences. When choosing a specialist, you need to take into account the main nuances, which include:

  1. Availability of the necessary license from the establishment or salon that provides this type of service.
  2. Familiarization with the quality certificate of drugs that are administered during injection. The products must be approved for use in the country where the patient lives, and also approved for use.
  3. It is necessary to carefully read the agreement on the responsibility of the parties for the operation. You can learn a lot of useful things there.
  4. Upon your first request, the specialist must present a document certifying his knowledge and certification in this area. It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the maximum number of reviews that are online and can indicate the qualifications of a given doctor and speak about the results of the operations he performs.

Separately, we note that girls under 18 years of age can be operated on only with written permission from their parents.

Who should refuse the procedure?

Filler will not always be an ideal option for solving external imperfections. The doctor conducting the consultation needs to tell as much information about himself as possible and answer all questions honestly. If this is not done, and some secret later concerns the health and appearance of the patient in the future, then it is possible that responsibility on the part of the person performing the operation will be completely removed.

It should be noted that contraindications for using filler include:

  1. Lactation and pregnancy.
  2. Taking estrogen orally.
  3. Formations that appear regardless of their location.
  4. Traces of injections, injuries, invasive procedures at the surgical site.
  5. Inflammation in the body or infectious processes.
  6. or skin problems.
  7. Diabetes.
  8. Arthritis.
  9. Problems with blood clotting.
  10. Immune diseases.

Naturally, any of these indicators can lead to problems after the operation, and only the patient will have to answer for them.

How is the work done?

Let's look at how filler is injected into the lips and what are the stages of the operation.

Doctors note that the optimal time to solve problems with your appearance is the first half after the start of the menstrual cycle, preferably the first week.

How is the work carried out?

  1. Before the material is removed under the skin, the reaction to the allergen is checked.
  2. Anesthesia will be given if the filler itself does not contain a special anesthetic.
  3. When using a special syringe, the material is injected under the lip border.
  4. Repeated treatment with an antiseptic is carried out, soothing gels or creams are used. The procedure usually takes no more than an hour; about a milliliter of material is injected under the skin at a time. This amount is more than enough for normal correction. In rare cases, a volume of 2 milliliters is used, but this issue is decided purely individually.

If the materials are of high quality, the instruments used to carry out the work were selected with respect to quality, then the doctors hide the sterile packaging in front of the patient and take out the instrument for performing the injection.

Many young ladies note that the pain during the procedure is similar to a mosquito bite or a small puncture. For example, going to the dentist's office is a more stressful experience for them.

This question interests many girls. Usually, a couple of weeks after using the filler, you need to go to the doctor for an examination and consultation; another correction may be performed. Repeated administration of the drug is possible after at least 14 days.

In 100% of cases, it is advisable to give up the opportunity to talk and laugh a lot; you will have to be very careful about your facial expressions. You must avoid going to the gym, baths, saunas, spicy food, alcohol, and traveling by plane. At the same time, you cannot kiss. It is necessary to minimize the likelihood of injury to the skin of the lips, so it is not advisable to eat nuts and seeds. If you don’t immediately like the results of the procedure, you need to visit a doctor who will advise what is advisable to do. The most commonly used are medicinal and cosmetic preparations.

When swelling occurs, compresses made on grass, pre-cooled, are used. They must be done carefully so as not to displace the substance from its place under the skin. It is important to understand that during healing it is important not to exert any influence on the affected area. Do not press on the lip or injure it, this way you can avoid the release of filler from the tissue. But if they change quickly and cause concern, it is advisable to visit a doctor as soon as possible.

Problems after injection

Filler may not always be safe. Problems arise both from improper management of the substance and from the use of low-quality materials. The consequences can be very diverse. The minimum that can manifest itself is an allergy. In the worst case, tissue necrosis, formation of benign tumors and gel migration are possible.

Let's look at the most popular problems that arise when using fillers

  1. Swelling, swelling, redness, hematomas. At the same time, lip asymmetry occurs. All these signs are normal, there is no need to worry. If inflammation or allergic reactions occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. Early treatment guarantees a quick response and normalization of the lips. There are also medicinal corrections. In this case, even ultrasound is used.
  2. Dry lips. This reaction is often observed after filler injection. The reason for the problem is simple - a lack of moisture appears on the skin, and at the same time the substance begins to interact with the body. It is not possible to avoid this drawback; you just need to be patient during the procedure, and after it is done, moisturize the skin of your lips.
  3. Movement of the gel under the skin, the appearance of herpes, nodes, compactions. In this case, you need to consult a doctor as quickly as possible. If the problem cannot be removed by conventional means, then it is solved using the surgical method.
  4. Appearance of nodules- not the effect the client expected. In this case, the gel can be dissolved using special substances, unless contraindications for their use have been indicated by a specialist.

From the above information it is clear that there are many negative manifestations and consequences of performing such a procedure. Therefore, it is advisable to think about whether the beauty risk is worth what transformations can be obtained after injections.

Getting to know popular fillers

Before carrying out the procedure, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the material that can be used, as well as its advantages and disadvantages.

  1. Princess filler. A drug developed using one of the latest technologies in Austria. It has an excellent viscous consistency, the acid itself can easily affect the level of homogenization, the drug contains long cellular chains that give a longer lasting effect. The advantages include:
  • Noticeable effect immediately after the procedure.
  • Completely painless injection.
  • Compatibility of fillers with other popular cosmetic preparations.
  • The ability to quickly adapt the body to the material.
  • The probability of negative results and complications is only 2%.

The only disadvantages include standard contraindications - scarring, the presence of chronic diseases, lactation and pregnancy, herpes, specific immunotherapy.

  1. Juvederm filler. The brand produces 6 types of fillers, which are very often used during appearance correction. All drugs are created with hyaluronic acid. To correct the lips, substances such as Juvederm Volbella, Juvederm Ultra4 can be used. The biggest advantage of fillers is that they can be easily mixed and matched during the procedure. This makes the job easier. The material is produced through biosynthesis; fillers are not of animal origin. The company guarantees results after using the material for up to 2 years, and the special substance used for injections will provide a long-lasting beautiful effect.

Negative consequences include compactions in the correction areas, which will still appear after 2-3 days. Swelling also occurs at the injection site. Contraindications to the use of materials are standard.

  1. Filler Radiesse. It differs in that the drug was created on the basis of calcium and phosphorus. The connection creates a specific matrix near which collagen fibers will form. There will be a double effect on the existing crease in the skin, which will help restore the cover and give volume to the lips. The advantages of the injection include the absence of allergic reactions to fillers, the production of the substance from a synthetic material similar to bone tissue, and the preservation of the result for up to two years. The drug has a peculiarity - a couple of months after the injection, the effect may weaken slightly, since the biodegradation time of the material is lower than that of other drugs. Contraindications to the use of materials are standard.

Is the procedure worth it?

Considering the expensive drugs, as well as the high cost of doing the work, many girls are looking for an alternative. For example, they use special balms to increase lip volume, use self-dissolving mesothreads, or resort to plastic surgery.

Naturally, each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. If we are talking about, then you need to make sure that the possibility of falling into the hands of scammers is excluded, and large amounts of money will not be spent on cosmetic services, which can then disfigure your appearance.

If there are attempts to save on the purchased drug, the quality of the clinic or the qualifications of the specialist, it is advisable to simply refuse such beauty injections. Otherwise, it will be possible to see from your own experience that such a choice was not entirely correct.

Innovations in cosmetology have occurred over the past 30 years, and will continue to occur. Whether it is worth giving your voice to fillers is something each beauty must decide for herself. However, it is first advisable not only to read the reviews of clients who visited a certain doctor or clinic, but also to talk with them yourself, to learn as much as possible about the procedure and the responsibilities of the parties.

The beauty of your lips will be your responsibility alone. Remember that it is difficult to prove the clinic’s guilt if the contract signed with the clinic has not been carefully studied. It is necessary to read even the smallest points that were indicated in it. An additional consultation with a lawyer is possible in order to protect yourself from falling into the clutches of scammers.

Fillers are injected by a cosmetologist into the deep layers of the skin using a thin needle. The procedure in most cases does not take more than half an hour.

“Beauty injections” are used in the following situations:

  • Required.
  • Creating the required form.
  • Increasing the volume of the upper or lower lips.
  • Creating a beautiful and correct bend of the nasolabial fold.

It is known that lip fillers can be of biological or synthetic origin; a cosmetologist will help the client decide which one is suitable in a particular situation.

You will find all the detailed information about lip contouring in.

We invite you to watch a video about what fillers are:

How to prepare the injection area?

  1. It is better to avoid procedures in the first three days of the menstrual cycle and in its second phase, since during this period the subcutaneous fatty tissue retains and accumulates water.
  2. Three days before the procedure, you should apply Troxevasin gel to your lips; it will help strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  3. If herpes often appears on the lips, then before “beauty injections” to prevent it, you need to use Acyclovir or Zovirax ointment for three days.
  4. The day before the procedure, you should not use painkillers, for example, Analgin, Tempalgin, Ibuprofen and some others, as they reduce blood clotting, which leads to the formation of bruises.

It is worth noting that “beauty injections” should be abandoned if a cold, herpes or acne suddenly appears on the lips.

Allergic reaction test

  1. Before introducing filler into the lips, the cosmetologist conducts tests to determine whether the patient has an allergic reaction to the drug.

    If there are any contraindications or individual intolerance to certain components in medicinal and cosmetic products, you should immediately notify a specialist.

  2. Next, the cosmetologist selects a special syringe that matches the drug being administered and the area of ​​the lips being treated.

It is worth noting that the procedure must be carried out not only by an experienced specialist, but also under certain sterile conditions.

Administration techniques

The choice of filler injection technique and correction scheme depends on the problem at hand. which the patient wants to correct and the drug used.

How to inject the drug? Cosmetologists use several injection techniques:

How much medication is needed to correct lip contours? The volumes of administered drugs are directly dependent on the goals that the patient wants to achieve. If fillers are introduced to give the lips a beautiful contour, then the cosmetologist injects no more than 0.5-0.7 ml into the lower and upper parts in one procedure. How much drug is needed for lip augmentation? If “beauty injections” are carried out in order to increase the size of the lips and make them plump, then from 0.8 to 1 ml of the drug is used in one procedure.

The aesthetic effect after injection of fillers lasts for 6-9 months. Some modern drugs can act for 12-15 months.

We invite you to watch a video about how the procedure for injecting fillers into the lips is carried out:

Immediately after the procedure, the cosmetologist treats the areas where “beauty injections” were given with an antiseptic and a cream or gel with a soothing effect.

The patient should also visit the cosmetologist again in a few weeks to get a consultation or re-inject the drug.

In the first days after “beauty injections,” you should smile and laugh less. Cosmetologists recommend giving up kissing for a short period of time, visiting saunas and swimming pools, alcoholic beverages, and spicy food. There is no need to touch your lips with your hands, massage them or apply care products to them. The injection area takes time to heal. You will learn about what you can and cannot do after administration, how to maintain the effect, and what the possible consequences are.

What to do if side effects occur?

If the procedure was performed incorrectly or low-quality drugs were used, side effects may occur. Side effects from the procedure:

  • Allergic reaction.
  • Purulent inflammation.
  • Blockage of blood vessels.
  • Gel migration.
  • Formation of benign tumors.
  • Tissue necrosis.

Small swelling, redness and swelling are a normal reaction of the body to “beauty injections”, but if they bother you, it is better to consult a specialist.

How and with what to remove side effects? The consequences of filler injections are removed:

  1. By medication, introducing special substances into the body.
  2. How to remove severe swelling? They are removed using ultrasound.
  3. How to completely remove filler? If drug treatment does not help, then you need to resort to removing the gel surgically.

It is worth noting that the result after “beauty injections” is noticeable immediately and if the patient is not satisfied with it, then the effect of the gel can be neutralized within 20 minutes after its administration using injections of hyaluronidase or the drug longidase.

The best drugs

Today, cosmetologists use fillers of various origins; any of them may have advantages and disadvantages. The main role is played by the individual susceptibility of drugs by the body. The most popular and safest are fillers based on hyaluronic acid.

There are also preparations based on calcium and phosphorus, which are well accepted by the body. In some cases, the patient's own fat is used as fillers. Modern “beauty injections” may contain polylactic acid, collagen, and polycaprolactone.

Cosmetologists most often advise doing “beauty injections” with the following drugs:

  • Juvederm Voluma.
  • Surgiderm 30 XP and Surgiderm 24 XP Source.
  • Glytone 4.
  • Princess volume.
  • Teosyal Kiss.
  • Sculptra.
  • Belotero intense.

These drugs have been highly appreciated by qualified specialists in the field of plastic surgery and patients.

All of the above drugs have undergone numerous tests, take root well in the body and do not cause side effects.

Useful video

We invite you to use the video to learn more about how to enlarge your lips using fillers:


The procedure for introducing filler into the lips, at first glance, is not complicated, but this is not entirely true. To avoid side effects, it is important to contact a highly qualified and experienced specialist, and also to know which high-quality and safe drug to choose.

Full, soft lips with a beautifully curved contour always attract attention to their owners. However, nature rarely endows women with ideal features. Modern plastic cosmetology can come to the rescue. The safest and most effective way is to use hyaluronic acid fillers. Let's consider this method in more detail.

In cosmetology, a filler is a special preparation that acts as an injectable filler. Their composition is different, most often gel-like. Their use ideally replaces the surgical correction method. The effect lasts from 2 months to several years. The cosmetic procedure helps to increase volume, change shape and contour, eliminate fine and deep wrinkles, and even out skin turgor.

All drugs used in correction are divided into 3 groups:

1. The most affordable, but not entirely safe synthetic fillers. They are created on the basis of purified silicone, polylactic acid or polyacrylamide gels. They often cause allergic reactions due to their high toxicity. One of the consequences is that they are able to move from the injection site to the side. Correcting the situation is only possible with the help of surgery. The effect lasts up to 2-3 years.

2. The biocompatible injection composition is distinguished by natural and natural ingredients. The most common use of hyaluronic acid. After its administration, the skin begins to intensively produce its own collagen. It is well tolerated by the body and has virtually no negative consequences or contraindications. However, it dissolves quickly, which requires more frequent repetition of the procedure. Biocompatible drugs also include autofillers. They are based on human tissue (fibroblasts, fat layers, collagen). They are usually used in plastic surgical correction.

3. Combined ones include both synthetic and biological fillers. They are less toxic but more effective. After administration, the synthetic part adds volume and fills wrinkles, and the biological components provoke the production of your own collagen. The effect can be observed almost immediately after correction.

Existing contraindications and indications

A disproportionate shape or size, the formation of wrinkles, a dystrophic appearance of the skin, the presence of scars or scars, a blurred arch - all this can be the reason for contacting a cosmetologist for lip augmentation with fillers. The risk and consequences depend on the drug, but despite choosing the most expensive option, there are a number of contraindications:

  • Age. Before reaching adulthood, augmentation with hyaluronic acid is possible only with the written consent of parents or legal guardians.
  • Diseases of the immune system.
  • Individual specific reaction to a particular component.
  • Metabolic diseases, in particular diabetes.
  • Frequent occurrence of colds.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.
  • During the period of infectious diseases with rising temperature.
  • Presence of wounds or cracks.

Any cosmetologist, before starting the procedure, must collect an anamnesis. Find out possible contraindications and allergic reactions. The best option would be to conduct a preliminary test on the selected composition.

Patient reviews

“I consider my lips to be thin, although such proportions are considered ideal. To begin with, to dispel doubts, I recommend starting with a minimum dose of hyaluronic acid of 1 ml. I chose Uviderm. Afterwards there was a little swelling, I slept quickly. The first few days are very drying, you need to use a moisturizing balm. But after a week everything returned to normal. The pain relief is good, the effect lasts for a couple of months for sure, I will do it again.”

Ksenia, Rostov-on-Don.

“My upper part is slightly larger than my lower part. I decided to remove this asymmetry. I found a good cosmetologist, this is important. I chose Juvederm 3 filler with a volume of 1 ml. It can be done without prior anesthesia, but I didn’t dare. I was satisfied with the correction effect. Only the next day after lip augmentation did bruises from the injections appear; they went away for a week. I went for the 2nd procedure six months later.”

Alevtina, Moscow.

“I succumbed to fashion trends and the desire for spring updates, since the very shape of my lips is voluminous. I love trying something new. The cosmetologist recommended Juvederm Ultra Smile 0.55 with anesthesia. At first I didn’t feel any pain, but then I almost lost consciousness. I even had to use ammonia. The result turned out to be much more than I planned. And massage after injections with hyaluronic acid is simply torture. For almost 2 weeks I walked around with terrible swelling and bruises, hiding my mouth in a scarf. I don’t plan to repeat such an experiment.”

Oksana, Krasnodar.

“I approach cosmetic procedures very carefully. I chose a cosmetologist for a long time, reading reviews. I have naturally very thin lips. And so I decided to enlarge them with fillers. They injected me with Princess Volume 1 ml and Emla for pain relief. I have very sensitive skin and swelling appeared almost immediately; I was advised to use Troxevasin ointment. After 4 months I came again because I liked the result.”

Angelika, St. Petersburg.

“My mother is a cosmetologist, so I have a good understanding of various drugs and I chose Surgiderm 30xp because its price is affordable. The injections themselves were felt, and there was even short-term bleeding. But this largely depends on the experience of the specialist himself. After 2 days, the slight swelling and bruising went away, but the lips were painful. I was able to enjoy the result only after a week. I liked it, but I haven’t decided yet whether I’ll go again.”

Svetlana, Moscow region.

How to lift the corners of your lips with filler (photo)

Point by point method

This method simulates linear injection, since the injections are administered pointwise, but without gaps. Place them on the fold line or. The drug is administered in small portions at certain points.

The method is ideal for particularly sensitive areas: (eye area), perioral (), neck area. This is how they enter it.


The purpose of this method is to strengthen a specific area. More often it is used to strengthen various facial areas (for example) and the décolleté area. The fillers are introduced either parallel to the dermis or intradermally. Injection is carried out at the moment the needle “emerges” from the skin, which is inserted at an angle of 45°. The filler seems to “raise” the bottom of the wrinkle. This is the simplest technique for introducing fillers.

Drugs such as, are administered intradermally. Using a linear technique, it is introduced.


The “fan” technique is carried out on the principle of a linear technique, but all the lines diverge from one point, forming something like a fan, which is why the method got its name. From 2 to 4 ray lines are performed. When performing them, the needle is not removed, but is turned at an acute angle. This method is used to inject fillers into the nasolabial folds and corners of the lips. It can also be used for .


The procedure consists of a numerous number of points that form a single line. For injection, needles are used that are inserted at an acute angle. The method is effective in areas of increased relief (and the bridge of the nose). This technique is also used in cases where it is necessary to stimulate wrinkles. When using multipuncture technique, concentration and depth of injection are very important.


“One puncture” technique

A low-traumatic method that appeared relatively recently. This method involves only one or two punctures in the problem area.

Fillers are injected using a flexible cannula. In this case, needles are not used. The blunt end of the cannula prevents damage to large vessels and nerves, which allows maximum control over the depth of injection and finding the right ratio. When using this technique, the risk of occurrence, development of inflammation, etc. is significantly reduced. The rehabilitation period is also significantly reduced. The procedure is almost painless.

The main point in the procedure is determining the desired point, choosing the most suitable cannula and filler.

Previously, markings are made for the introduction of fillers. They can also be different: markings according to Marina Landau, according to Hinderer, etc.

To successfully perform facial correction, several factors are important: choice of technique, choice of instrument, choice of filler. The most important point is a thorough analysis of the anatomical features of a person, which will subsequently make the right choice. But this already depends on the skill of the plastic surgeon.

This video shows the technique of introducing filler into the nasolacrimal groove: