Microlax baby suppositories for constipation for newborns. How to administer Microlax to a newborn: instructions for using microenemas. Microlax for children and newborns

Microlax ® is a modern laxative drug that is used for constipation of various origins, in preparation for intestinal examinations and surgical interventions. One of the main distinguishing features of this product is its effectiveness and high safety profile, which are ensured by the combination of active components and the method of administration into the body. In this article we will talk about how Microlax ® works and what advantages this drug has.

How Microlax ® works: three active ingredients

The speed at which stool moves through the intestines and its consistency are two interrelated indicators. The wall of the large intestine absorbs fluid. The slower the stool moves, the more water has time to be absorbed. If stool becomes too dense, the speed of its movement through the intestines decreases, and problems with stool occur.

The Microlax ® laxative contains three active components, each of which in its own way increases the water content in stool, makes it soft and facilitates passage through the intestines:

  • Sodium citrate. This substance works as a peptizing agent. It displaces and releases water that is bound in the feces, thus dissolving dense feces.
  • Sodium lauryl sulfoacetate. Envelops the formed fecal lumps and flakes, preventing them from sticking together.
  • Sorbitol. Strengthens the two previous components by promoting the flow of additional water into the intestinal lumen, facilitating the excretion of feces.

After the medicine has performed its functions, it is not absorbed in the intestines, but leaves the body along with feces.

What are the advantages of Microlax ® microenemas?

The characteristics of the drug's action are also influenced by the form in which it is produced. While most laxatives are available in the form of capsules, solutions and suspensions for oral administration, Microlax ® are microenemas. The drug solution is administered directly into the intestines. This provides some benefits:

  • Microlax ® does not pass through the entire body. It is practically not absorbed into the bloodstream and does not have a systemic effect. Due to this, one of the main features of the drug is its effectiveness and high safety profile. It can be used in young children, pregnant and lactating women.
  • The medicine immediately reaches the site of action. Microlax ® is injected immediately into the intestine and begins to exert its effects. It usually begins to act after 5-15 minutes.
  • Each tube already contains the dose needed to relieve constipation. There is no need to calculate dosages or measure anything. There are marks on the tip that show how deep it needs to be inserted into a small child. It's comfortable.

In what cases is Microlax ® effective?

Constipation can be caused by a variety of reasons, and sometimes it is so severe that laxatives alone cannot be treated. In such situations, you need to visit a doctor, undergo an examination and begin special treatment. For example, Microlax ® does not help solve the problem of malignant tumors, intestinal phlegmon, or adhesions in the abdominal cavity.

In what cases is it necessary to consult a doctor?

  • Constipation does not go away despite the use of a laxative.
  • Stool frequency is less than 3 times a week.
  • Constipation is accompanied by other symptoms: abdominal pain, deterioration of health, fever, nausea, vomiting, etc.

And, of course, you shouldn’t get too carried away with laxatives. When the intestines constantly receive “doping”, over time it begins to be “lazy” to work on its own - addiction develops. This leads to the fact that normal bowel movements without a laxative become impossible.

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To solve the piquant problem of constipation in adults and children, today they often use not the usual enema, but new generation drugs in the form of microenemas. These include Microlax. The product helps to quickly overcome constipation and provide relief in both adult patients and the youngest. We will discuss how to use Microlax correctly and how long it takes for the drug to work, in the material below.

Composition and description of Microlax

Microlax is a combined remedy from the group of laxatives. The microenema release form is a light milky solution. The liquid is enclosed in an individual bottle made of polymer material with a tip and seal. The capacity of the bottle is 5 ml (the volume of the solution for one-time use). The original cardboard packaging contains 4 Microlax bottles.

The microclyster has an optimal composition, which allows you to quickly cope with congestion in the intestines and stimulate its emptying. In general, the composition of the drug and the effect of each of its components looks like this:

  • Sorbitol solution. Stimulates the process of water entering the intestines, thereby increasing the volume of stagnant and coarsened feces. As a result, swollen feces begin to irritate the intestinal walls, causing bowel movements;
  • Sodium citrate. Actively displaces bound water from accumulated feces, which, in turn, provokes their removal from the intestinal lumen. The microclyster in this case is already beginning to act;
  • Sodium lauryl sulfoacetate. Directs its action to actively dilute feces.

Glycerol, sorbic acid and purified water are included as additional components in the microenema.

Important: by acting in this way, Microlax microenema significantly facilitates the process of defecation in patients with constipation or in persons suffering from hemorrhoids and experiencing significant psychological problems with the process of bowel movement.

Instructions for use of the drug

The microenema drug according to the instructions for use is used in the following cases:

  • Constipation for more than three days;
  • Problems with bowel movements after childbirth or the use of spinal (epidural) anesthesia in the absence of the urge to defecate;
  • Preliminary bowel cleansing before X-ray examination or sigmoidoscopy.

It is important to know that Microlax works the same in adults and children. In this case, the use of the drug should look like this:

  • Hands must be thoroughly washed before administering a microenema;
  • Then remove the seal from the tip of the bottle and squeeze out a drop of solution to lubricate the tip;
  • The prepared dispenser is carefully inserted completely into the rectum and slowly squeeze out all 5 ml of the solution;
  • The tip is removed from the rectum without ceasing to exert pressure on the walls of the polymer bottle.

Important: the time after which the solution begins to act in adults is approximately 5-15 minutes. In this case, it is advisable to keep the microenema in the lumen of the rectum for as long as possible.

Contraindications and side effects

The use of Microlax microenema is strictly prohibited if you have individual sensitivity or intolerance to one/several components of the drug. It is also undesirable to use the product for intestinal bleeding.

In general, the laxative solution was well tolerated by patients of all groups. However, adverse reactions due to intolerance or sensitivity to the components of the drug cannot be excluded. They look like this:

  • Burning in the anus and rectum;
  • Rash in the anal area;
  • Redness and itching near the anus.

Microlax for children and newborns

Surely, every mother realizes that in newborn babies, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract stabilizes by about 4-5 months. At the same time, newborns often experience problems with stool. Mothers try to overcome frequent constipation in various ways, from enema with chamomile decoction to the use of rectal suppositories. It is worth noting here that the use of Microlax as a laxative is allowed in newborns from 3 months.

Important: but only with the prior permission of the pediatrician after examining the baby.

Using the Microlax enema for children is almost no different from using the solution in adults. The main difference is the incomplete insertion of the tip into the lumen of the baby’s rectum. In this case, the tip is inserted only halfway, to the special mark on it. Otherwise, the actions are the same as described above.

Taking into account the baby’s delicate skin and mucous membranes, the tip of the bottle must be inserted very carefully. Most likely, the baby will experience some discomfort when the drug is administered and during its action in the intestines. However, after time (10-20 minutes) the baby will be able to empty his bowels. Rarely, the process of defecation may occur after 30 minutes. All this time, before the release of feces, you can massage the baby’s tummy in the navel area with light circular movements or carry the baby in your arms in a supine position to facilitate the process.

It is worth understanding that Microlax is a drug from the “emergency care” category. It is not recommended to constantly solve stool problems with its help. It will be better if the mother manages to adjust the baby’s nutrition and thereby improve the stool.

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How to help an infant who suffers from constipation? There are many methods to solve this problem. One of the simplest and most effective is Microlax for newborns. After using this remedy, bowel movements occur easily and without problems within a few minutes. Today this drug is well known - it is prescribed by pediatricians and gastroenterologists. Enemas can be used from birth and are also suitable for pregnant and lactating women.

The drug Microlax will help quickly solve the problem of constipation.

Why does a newborn have digestive problems?

In the first few months of life, a newborn is in the process of adaptation. His digestive system is just starting to work - the intestinal microflora is not yet formed, enzymes are not always produced on time and in the required volume. All this leads to various problems in the newborn’s gastrointestinal tract - some have diarrhea, bloating, and some of the babies suffer from constipation. Sometimes stool disorder is random or various symptoms alternate.

Almost all modern formulas serve as an excellent substitute for breast milk, but the natural method of feeding is most optimal for the baby. Mother's milk is intended specifically for a newborn; its composition and characteristics help the child to establish the digestion process. According to statistics, constipation occurs more often in those children who are bottle-fed.

An important question that often arises among new parents is what is considered constipation? The norm for a person is to have stool once a day. In a newborn, the boundaries of the norm are slightly blurred: bowel movements can be more frequent - 6-7 times a day, and vice versa - once every two days.

If the baby has not had a bowel movement for more than three days, it makes sense to talk about constipation. In this case, the child becomes restless, he is tormented by gas, and his tummy increases in size.

Coping with the problem is quite simple - the Microlax enema is one of the most effective means. Such help will not harm the child, since the effect of the drug is local. The enema has no side effects and there are no serious contraindications to its use.

If the child becomes restless, presses his legs to his tummy, or cries, he may be constipated.

Components and action of the medication

The drug Microlax is a local laxative (we recommend reading:). The product liquefies stool and promotes easy bowel movements. After using an enema, a bowel movement should occur within fifteen minutes or earlier. The drug contains several active components, the complex action of which gives a good effect. These are sorbitol, sodium citrate and sodium lauryl sulfoacetate:

  • Sorbitol – promotes intestinal motility, indirectly affecting its receptors, which greatly facilitates the act of defecation. This component also attracts water, thinning stool.
  • Sodium lauryl sulfoacetate – increases the moisturizing and penetrating properties of the drug.
  • Sodium citrate - this component binds and displaces water molecules from stool. At the same time, it stops the processes that lead to the absorption of water into the walls of the large intestine.
  • Sorbic acid – ensures sterility, preservative.
  • Glycerin binds all ingredients, with its help a homogeneous texture of the drug is achieved.

The enema also contains water. All components are excreted during defecation and do not enter the bloodstream. Due to its harmless composition and effectiveness, this drug is prescribed to pregnant women, breastfeeding women, patients who are preparing for a gastrointestinal tract examination, as well as to patients before surgery.

The child should go to the toilet approximately 15 minutes after using the enema

Who should refrain from using the drug?

Microlax enema has almost no contraindications, however, an allergic reaction to the components of the drug may occur, although this is very rare. The use of Microlax should be taken with caution if there is a burning sensation, itching, or reddened skin in the anus. It is advisable to refrain from enema treatment for people with damage to the rectum or sensitivity to any component of the medication.

The convenient form of release of Microlax will not allow you to make mistakes with the dosage. One tube contains a dose of the drug sufficient to administer to a child or adult - 5 ml. A cardboard package contains four microenemas. They can be stored for five years at room temperature. One tube per day is recommended for use.

Advantages of microenemas for a newborn

Microlax has already gained the trust of many mothers and today is popular for caring for newborns. This is not surprising, because the drug has a number of advantages over other medications that are used to combat constipation:

  • Comfortable. Thanks to the tip and soft packaging material, the tube is easy to open and convenient to use without any aids. It’s not difficult to give a microenema to a baby; you don’t need a video for this. It is enough to place the baby on his side and insert the tip up to half its length into the anus. If the small patient is older than three years, the tip should be inserted completely. Holding the child with one hand, try to introduce the entire contents of the tube to him with the other.
  • Safely. The drug cannot cause harm, since its components are completely safe for health. In addition, the medication has a low likelihood of side effects. Due to its safety and release form, Microlax is ideal for newborns. The drug is convenient to use not only for caring for babies, but also for treating constipation in pregnant and lactating women.

Thanks to the convenient release form and ready-made dosage, the drug is completely safe
  • Without consequences. The components of the drug do not penetrate into the blood, since they are almost not absorbed by the intestinal walls. The action of Microlax is local - everything that enters the rectum is excreted in a short time along with the feces.
  • Quick effect. Almost always, the effect of using a microenema is observed within a period of five to fifteen minutes. Pediatricians recommend not to panic if the child does not have a bowel movement within the specified period. In some cases, stool may occur later, which is also normal.
  • Budget. The drug does not contain any rare or expensive substances, so its cost remains affordable. In addition, a tube of Microlax is used once, as needed - there is no need to buy it in large quantities.

Emergency help

Usually, after administering the Microlax enema, the effect occurs immediately - most often the drug acts within the stated 5-15 minutes. It happens less often that bowel movements occur within thirty minutes, which is also normal. The instructions indicate that after half an hour you should try to induce stool in the child - give him water, then lay him down for a while on his stomach. At the same time, it is recommended to monitor the mood and condition of the baby - if he is calm and does not cry, it means that the intestines are not completely filled and emptying will occur later.

How many days in a row can you use microenemas? This question does not have a clear answer; in each case, a separate decision must be made. Pediatricians remind that Microlax cannot be used constantly, but should be considered only as an emergency medicine. With regular constipation, you need to try to find the cause of the disease, and not seek salvation in enemas. If the baby is breastfed, the mother should reconsider her diet. If a child is fed formula, the reason may be an incorrectly selected diet. Sometimes the problem turns out to be even deeper, but a good doctor is quite capable of finding it.

If constipation constantly torments your baby, you need to contact your pediatrician for advice.

Other Help

Microlax is the only drug of its kind that is approved for use in infants. However, there are medications that can be an alternative to microenemas.

To begin with, you should try to solve the problem using simple methods. If the baby is breastfed, the mother needs to reconsider her diet and introduce foods that have mild laxative properties. Freshly squeezed juices from carrots and beets are a great way to improve digestion in infants from six months to a year. Prune compote helps a lot. Before feeding, it is useful to massage the tummy to start the digestion process.

Children 1-3 years old, who can already eat on their own, can be given steamed prunes and figs. You should also not forget about fermented milk products. Pediatricians recommend making sure that the child moves more, for which you need to encourage the baby to play actively.

What medications can help with constipation? We will talk about the two most popular:

  • Glycerin suppositories. This method is quite harmless and has been used for quite a long time. You should follow the instructions and not give your baby too much dosage. For a child aged 2-3 months, it is enough to administer half a suppository (we recommend reading:). If suppositories contain 0.75 g of glycerin, they are intended for a child under five years of age. For older children, it is recommended to use candles containing 1.5 g of glycerin. This method of dealing with constipation has disadvantages: giving a half dose to a newborn is not entirely convenient; After using suppositories, you should wash your hands.
  • . This product may be produced under a different name, but its basis is the right bacteria. The drug populates the intestines with bacteria and improves its microflora. As a rule, by 3-4 days the baby’s stool returns to normal. The obvious disadvantage is the delayed effect. There is one more drawback - syrup can be given to a child starting from one and a half months.

Consequences of constipation

Children suffer from constipation almost as often as adults. Many people do not take this problem seriously, hoping that the stool will improve on its own. However, the problem may not disappear, but only get worse over time. Why shouldn’t this situation be left to chance and how serious can the consequences be? There are three main reasons why the problem must be solved as quickly as possible:

  • Rare bowel movements can cause intoxication of the entire body with decay products. Manifestations may include tearfulness, lethargy of the child, as well as restless sleep. A very young child of 1-2 months can react to constipation by vomiting, which provokes dehydration.
  • Daily bowel movements prevent stool from hardening and compacting. The less often the baby has stools, the harder and denser the intestinal contents become. Emptying may cause discomfort in the newborn. The next time, before defecation, he will prepare for pain in advance, squeezing the sphincter and further aggravating the problem.
  • If constipation is regular, there is a possibility that this trouble will cause the development of hemorrhoids.

Do not forget that a child’s body is more fragile than an adult’s, so self-medication is unacceptable. It is necessary to treat constipation in a child comprehensively, and in order to act competently, it is important to find the root of the problem. Let the pediatrician examine the child, and, if necessary, a gastroenterologist. It is advisable to undergo all prescribed examinations to help the specialist quickly identify the problem and eliminate it without consequences for the baby’s health.

In this article you can read the instructions for use of the drug Microlax. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Microlax in their practice are presented. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of the laxative Microlax in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of constipation in adults, children (including newborns), as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Microlax- combined laxative drug. Sodium citrate is a peptizing agent that displaces bound water contained in feces. Sodium lauryl sulfoacetate thins the intestinal contents. Sorbitol enhances the laxative effect by stimulating the flow of water into the intestines. Increasing the amount of water due to peptization and liquefaction helps soften stool and facilitate the process of bowel movement.

The laxative effect occurs 5-15 minutes after taking the drug.


Data on the pharmacokinetics of the drug Microlax are not provided.


  • constipation (including with encopresis);
  • preparation for endoscopic (rectoscopy) and x-ray examination of the gastrointestinal tract.

Release forms

Solution for rectal administration (for enemas).

There are no other forms, be it tablets or capsules, it is possible that Microlax in this form is a counterfeit of the original drug.

Instructions for use and method of use

The drug is prescribed rectally.

Adults and children over 3 years of age are prescribed 1 microenema (5 ml). The tip should be inserted into the rectum along its entire length.

For newborns and children under 3 years of age, the tip should be inserted halfway (see mark on tip).

The patient should be warned that if complaints persist for a long time, then it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Directions for use of the drug

1. Break off the seal on the tip of the tube.

2. Lightly press on the tube so that a drop of the drug lubricates the tip of the enema (to facilitate the administration process).

3. Insert the tip of the microenema the entire length (for children under 3 years old - half the length) into the rectum.

4. Squeeze the tube and squeeze out its entire contents.

5. Remove the tip while continuing to lightly squeeze the tube.

Side effect

  • slight burning sensation in the rectal area;
  • hypersensitivity reactions.


  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

If necessary, use during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding) does not require special precautions.

Drug interactions

Drug interactions with Microlax have not been described.

Analogues of the drug Microlax

The drug Microlax has no structural analogues for the active substance. However, there is a group of drugs with similar mechanisms of action and laxative effect:

  • Agiolax;
  • Black elderberry flowers;
  • Gastric collection No. 3;
  • Mil-Par;
  • Mucofalk;
  • Naturolax;
  • Proctophytol;
  • Antihemorrhoidal collection;
  • Laxative collection No. 1;
  • Softovak;
  • Transulose;
  • Fleet Phospho-soda;
  • Endofalk.

If there are no analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases for which the corresponding drug helps, and look at the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.


The drug is a laxative, helps soften stool, stimulates the process of defecation. Contains active ingredients that, as numerous studies have shown, do not cause side effects. This article describes Microlax - detailed instructions for use, after reading which you will learn about all the intricacies of a drug suitable for any age to relieve stool.

Microenema Microlax - instructions for use

The described dosage form is an enema. Before using it, read the instructions. First you need to break off the seal located at the tip of the tube and squeeze out a drop of the drug. Next, the tip is inserted into the anus, applying slight pressure to completely extract the fluid contained in it. Important point: for adult patients and children over 3 years old, the tip should be inserted completely, and for children under 3 years old - only up to the special mark. After administration of Microlax, the contents of the intestine are released within 5 to 15 minutes.

Composition and release form

Microlax is a combined laxative, which is a solution for rectal administration, produced in 5 ml polyethylene tubes intended for use as an enema. There are no other forms of release of the drug. If you come across Microlax tablets or capsules, keep in mind that they are fake.

1 cardboard package of the drug contains 4 microenemas made of dense polyethylene with special tips, and instructions. The solution is a colorless viscous liquid. Below is a table with the components included.

Pharmacological properties

Microlax is a combination product intended for rectal use. The drug contains sorbitol, which, acting indirectly on the receptors of the intestinal mucosa, stimulates its peristaltic function and increases the amount of water in it. Lauryl sulfoacetate thins stool. By complementing each other, the components of Microlax facilitate bowel movements. The product is not addictive and has an almost instant effect - the desire to visit the toilet will arise in about 10 minutes.

Indications for use

Prescribed for the treatment of constipation, facilitating bowel movements, difficulty in excreting feces, and for patients with pronounced symptoms of encopresis. It can be prescribed for prophylaxis, for the purpose of cleansing the colon (liquefying its contents), for preparing the intestines before X-rays, rectoscopy, endoscopic examination of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. The duration of use of Microlax, specific doses, and frequency of use can only be determined by the attending physician.

Directions for use and dosage

For normal constipation, adults and children over 3 years of age need to administer 1 microenema containing 5 ml of solution once. For children under 3 years of age, the treatment regimen is selected individually by a pediatrician. After just one use, the result will be noticeable and the elimination of feces will be facilitated. If you suffer from chronic constipation, be sure to consult with your doctor before using Microlax - the instructions for use will help you correctly calculate the dosage.

During pregnancy

Almost every pregnant woman knows what constipation is. This problem becomes especially acute in the last trimester. However, not every medicine is suitable for treating such an unpleasant disease. In these cases, it is necessary to use fast-acting medications to dilute the intestinal contents that do not affect the organs of the digestive system. One such remedy is Microlax microenema, which can be used at all stages of pregnancy and even during feeding, following the instructions.

Microlax during breastfeeding

A fast-acting drug for topical use can be used not only by pregnant women, but also by lactating women. As a rule, after childbirth, the problem of timely bowel movements becomes especially acute for a new mother. The act of defecation can be extremely painful for her due to ruptures and stitches that occurred during childbirth. In this case, Microlax is indispensable because it has a very mild laxative effect.

Medicinal substances act in the intestines and do not pass into breast milk, therefore they are completely harmless to the baby. For the same reason, a mini-enema can be recommended not only for a woman during lactation, but also for her newborn child in case of problems with stool.

Microenema for children

The laxative Microlax has active ingredients and excipients that do not cause side effects, so even infants can give enemas. Doctors recommend administering 5 ml of solution once for constipation and preparation for examination of the gastrointestinal tract, and for chronic constipation - in accordance with the treatment regimen. Important: microenema is an emergency treatment, so its long-term use is excluded.

Drug interactions

You should carefully study the composition of medications used in conjunction with Microlax. Any oral or rectal product containing sorbitol and sodium polystyrene sulfonate may cause blood flow and colonic necrosis if used in conjunction with Microlax microenemas. Therefore, before using any other medicine together with microenemas, be sure to study the instructions and composition of both products.

Side effects and overdose

In rare cases, the use of microenemas can cause a burning sensation in the anus. Such cases occur in patients with hypersensitivity, as well as in persons with damaged rectal lining or cracks in the rectal mucosa. Some patients may experience allergic reactions, rashes in the anal area or itching when used. If these symptoms are detected, treatment should be interrupted immediately. Excessive use may cause bleeding in the rectum.


Microlax can be used by almost everyone, even women during pregnancy and infants from the first days of life. Numerous studies and patient reviews have shown that microenemas have no contraindications as such, but are not prescribed to persons who are intolerant to the components that make up them.

Terms of sale and storage

The drug Microlax must be transported and stored at a temperature not lower than 15 and not higher than 25 degrees Celsius, away from sunlight. If all storage conditions are met, the shelf life is 5 years. The drug is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. The product is contained in cardboard packages, each of which contains 4 or 12 microenemas of 5 ml, and instructions.

Microlax analogue

There are many means that help facilitate the process of bowel movement, but the drug has no analogues as such. There are many drugs that contain sorbitol, which is responsible for enhancing the laxative effect. Its amount varies in different drugs. The additional active components included in the composition are also different, so you should not use them based on the indications for use of Microlax. Analogues with similar laxative effects include:

  • Enema Wedge (solution);
  • Duphalac (syrup);
  • Glycelax (suppositories);
  • Senade (tablets);
  • Fitolax (tablets).

Microlax price

Before purchasing Microlax, like any other medicine, carefully read the product offered to you and do not purchase pharmaceuticals on suspicious sites - do not risk your health! Different pharmacies offer different prices for this topical drug; the table below shows the average cost of the drug.