Animals in the forest after the banquet. He gnawed at the aspen with a sour expression. They live where there are ice floes

Know the rules of the road

How animals went into the forest to pick mushrooms


Leading : Once upon a time there lived a bear, a wolf and a hedgehog Egorka on a hill. Bobik, the little fox and the cat were guarding the gate. The animals did not study at school, they ran and frolicked. And playing, right from the doorway, they ran out onto the road. But, and there is the flight of cars, the scream of signals, the sounds of tires. The animals had no idea that there were losses there! Autumn is already around the corner and mushrooms are starting to appear in the forest. They took buckets and baskets and ran along the path. They didn’t know any rules; the wolf ruled them all the time.

Wolf:When crossing the road, raise your legs higher! And look around if someone honks at us!

Leading : The animals surprise everyone; they don’t know the rules of movement. They obeyed the wolf without arguing, without seeing a traffic light. They jump along the road together, carefree, that is! The bear ran into oncoming traffic and fell straight into the river. And the bear growls and lies down,

bear : rrrrr I might drown!

Leading: The cat crossed the path and landed right in a ditch! He can’t get out of it, he’s waiting for at least someone to help! The hedgehog was in a hurry and rolled into a ball; he, all prickly and prickly, punctured the tire with a needle. The wolf seemed the most cunning of all. He knows a lot about roads, he will find the crossing himself, and cross in the right place.

Here, like a crane, a kind guy - a giant - is approaching you. This faucet told us sternly:

Traffic light: Be careful, there is a road here! Get to know me, I am the owner, I see everything from afar, I control all movement, although the work is not easy. I am always on guard, I don’t even sleep at night! I have three eyes on my forehead, I look with them vigilantly, I impose very strict order on the road. If the light is shining yellow, that means wait, the light is green, that means you can go ahead, but the red light is on, that means the path is closed!

Leading: Everyone trembled with fear and ran even faster!

And the puppy, named Bobik, is a real pedestrian, he walks across the street without his father and without his mother. He will find a striped path on the asphalt; these white stripes are a pedestrian crossing.

Fox:Bobik, Bobik, wait, don’t leave without me! Show the fox the way, I will repay you with something!

Leading: And the two of them went, without regretting anything.

Fox:What kind of horse is it, all striped, sunbathing on the road, everyone runs and walks along it, but it doesn’t run away?

Bobik:What happened to you, the fox, apparently, didn’t go to school? This is a zebra, not a horse, all the stripes are in order. Walk along it boldly, there is a clearing ahead!

Ved : The animals came out onto the meadow,

Wolf: Everyone stand in a circle, count everyone, my friend! Apparently, we have lost our way, we need to find all the animals!

Fox:The cat meows in the ditch, we are all responsible for him! We need to save him, we need to get the cat.

cat: Meow, meow, meow, I’m lying here in the ditch. I crossed the path in the wrong place, I fell straight into a hole, help me friends, I’m somehow lost!

Bobik:The cat didn’t listen to us, everything turned out the other way around.

Ved : Our little top clenched his teeth on the hook out of shame.

He whispered embarrassedly, looking around from all sides.

Wolf: We need to learn the rules, don’t go anywhere!

Ved: Someone started roaring here, and a bear swam out of the river.

bear : RU. Ru, finish the game!I was swimming that hour, and completely forgot about you, tell me, animals, which side am I on?

cat: Apparently you don’t know the rule, and that’s why you’re suffering!

Leading : Fox with respect:

Fox:“Know the rules of the road!”

Bear: Well, forgive me, I give up, I bow to you!

Ved: The hedgehog sat for a long time, was silent, and shook his head! He hissed bashfully:

Hedgehog:“God knows, I didn’t mean to, I didn’t see the traffic light, I punctured without talking!

Ved : Then the animals went into the forest, a bear climbed up a tree, everyone scattered among the bushes, some here, some there! They picked a full basket and ran along the path. All the rules, they insisted, they forgot about adventures.

Hedgehog:What a good traffic light, because I have improved since then!

Ved the bear twitched its paw,

bear : I’m a clubfoot after all

Ved : Fox plays the pipe

Fox:I won't do this again

Ved: And Bobby barks loudly and bites the fox by the tail.

Bobik:With all due respect, the wolf misled us

Kitty:I don't agree!

Ved : the cat purred,

cat: you need to know where the transition is!

Wolf:To go into the forest, friends, you need to learn the rules! A road runs through the forest, the traffic light sparkles strictly, soon it will light up its green, kind eye for us! After waiting just a little, cross the road!

All : We want to give you advice: take responsibility for your life. Have respect for the road, know the rules of the road! And you need to be friends with them in order to live a very, very long time!

Purpose of the competition: to develop healthy lifestyle skills in preschool children and primary schoolchildren.

Competition objectives:

  • introduce children to physical education and sports;
  • to intensify the motor activity of preschoolers and younger schoolchildren;
  • arouse in children a cognitive interest in the world of wildlife;
  • promote the manifestation of children's intellectual and athletic abilities;
  • encourage children’s desire to achieve their goals and demonstrate strong-willed qualities;
  • cultivate friendly relationships, mutual assistance and mutual assistance.

The hall is decorated in the form of a forest edge: green tinsel hangs from chandeliers, green balls with leaves glued on, stumps, fake hummocks covered with grass and flowers, streams, clearings, trees are placed. Here and there there are animals hiding - soft toys: a hare, a fox, a squirrel, a bear cub, etc.

The participants of the game run in to the sound of cheerful music: 2 teams of 6 children each. The first team is represented by students of the 1st grade of secondary school, the second team is represented by students of senior groups of a preschool education institution.

On everyone's chest there is an image or. Players sit on stumps: on one side are wild animals, on the other are domestic animals. They are introduced to the audience one by one:

1 team: 1st grade students

Little squirrel

little fox

Teddy Bear



little hare

2nd team: senior group students







Leading(addressing the audience): Today, what animals have gathered at the forest edge?

Spectators: Wild and domestic.

Leading: Do you think these are adult animals?

Spectators: No, these are cubs, because they introduced themselves as a kitten, not a cat, etc.

Leading: Right. And they gathered in order to resolve the eternal dispute: who is smarter, more savvy, cunning, faster, more dexterous - wild or domestic animals?

This is what we will decide in a fair fight.

Before you start the first competition, take out the baskets, there are jars of fruit puree prepared for you to refresh yourself before the competition.

Have you refreshed yourself? Let's begin!

1st competition – “Fold the animal” duel

The whole team participates in the competition. The presenter shows the teams images of animals: the wild animal team - a foal, the domestic animal team - a fox cub.

At a signal, participants take squares with depicted animal parts and take turns placing the desired animal on the floor (easels). The team that quickly and correctly assembles the picture wins.

Leading: Since all animals - babies - have big sweet tooths, we will solve the dispute with the help of candies: whose basket at the end of the game will have more candies, that team will win.

And our dispute will be decided by the Council of the Wise: the Owl is the wisest of the wise, the Fox is the cunning of the cunning, the Deer is the fastest of the fastest and the Hedgehog is the hardest working of the hardworking.

Leading: We tested you for speed, agility and intelligence, and now - a competition in intelligence, ingenuity, and horizons.

2 Competition “One out of three”

1. Here are photographs (pictures) of wild animals that live in countries with hot climates.

Which one runs the fastest?

a) elephant, b) cheetah, c) monkey.

2.And these three animals live in our forests. Which one of them sleeps in winter?

a) fox, b) hedgehog, c) wolf.

3.Which of the named animals has the longest neck? (no pictures)

a) camel, b) llama, c) giraffe.

4. One of these animals is an excellent builder. Who?

a) bear, b) squirrel, c) beaver.

5.Which animal carries its baby in a pouch?

a) tiger, b) kangaroo, c) zebra.

6.What animal can go without food and water for two weeks?

a) elk, b) bison, c) camel.

7.What wild animal in our forests is not afraid of poisonous snakes and even eats them?

a) fox, b) deer, c) hedgehog.

8.Whose team can name the most wild animals living in countries with hot climates?

(teams are named alternately).

Leading: Both domestic and wild animals, especially in childhood, love to run, jump, jump, and climb. Let's see who does it better.

3 Competition-duel “Let’s treat a friend”

  • Jumping between stumps.
  • Climbing under an arc with a trap.
  • Jumping over a stream.

One participant from the team is allocated to distribute treats from the basket, which will be brought by the last participant in the relay of each team.

Wild Animal Basket:

Nuts for the little squirrel,

Honey for the little bear,

Apples for a hedgehog

Twigs for a deer,

Carrot - bunny.

Pet Basket:

A bone for a puppy,

Milk for the kitten

Cabbage for the kid

Sugar for the foal

Hay for the calf.

Leading: This competition will require one participant from each team.

4 Competition “Who will collect the most animals”

Within one minute, 2 participants from the teams are asked to collect as many pictures of animals cut in half as possible.

5 "Art Competition"

One child per team participates in the competition. For a few seconds, participants are asked to look at a picture of an animal: 1 – camel, 2 – giraffe. Children draw from memory for one minute. After this, team members must correctly identify which animal is drawn.

The quality of the drawing and the teams' answers are assessed.

Song “An Elephant Bought a Bicycle” Words by I. Brusov, music. E. Aseeva (pupils of a preschool education institution)

Leading: Our animals have rested, now we can continue the competition. Come on, guess the riddle:

With a beard, not an old man,

With horns, not a bull,

With down, not a bird,

Loves to treat himself to cabbage (goat).

Leading: Right! What do kids like?

Players: Cabbage, jump, butt...

Leading: Now you will all become little goats and play a game.

6 Competition-duel “Who can collect the leaves faster and put them in a pan”

The game is played in the form of a relay race. Children, one at a time, crawl on all fours to a head of cabbage, tear off one leaf, hang it on a rope, and pin it with a clothespin. The last of the participants from each team runs up to the leaves, removes them from the rope one by one and puts them in a pan.

Leading: You said that kids love to butt and fight, but all kids like this -

animals: wolf cubs, kittens, bear cubs, puppies, etc. Let's compete in fighting qualities, determine who is stronger.

7 Competition “Who can stay on the bridge the longest”

Children (one from each team) walk along the bridge towards each other and try to knock each other over with a pillow. The whole team participates.

Leading: Guys, do you like surprises? Today a trainer came to us with his friend.

With whom, you will find out by guessing the riddle:

The owner lives in the house:

Satin fur coat,

Velvet paws,

Ears are sensitive.

During the day he sleeps or tells fairy tales,

At night he wanders and goes hunting (cat).

The trainer takes the cat out of the box, tells him what his habits are, what he likes, shows how he jumps, plays, and laps up milk. Says goodbye to the children and leaves.

Surprise moment.

The “trainer” with a long whip, wearing a tailcoat, top hat, and a large mustache, enters the hall with importance and solemnity; takes a “lap of honor.”

Trainer: Dear audience! For the first time in the city of Svetlogorsk, traveling from Rio de Janeiro to Copenhagen, an unsurpassed, one-of-a-kind master of training - maestro Simpampulkin. Together with him, the incomparable, brilliant, conqueror of all countries and continents - the tiger Marusya - made this voyage! Maestro, music please!

Slowly, waving his tail, emitting a growl, the tiger Marusya enters.

Trainer: The first issue of our brilliant program – « Jumping through a hoop».

Tigger accelerates, runs up to the hoop and slows down in front of it. Then he measures the distance from the hoop, like athletes, marks it with his paw, takes a sports stance, accelerates and jumps into it. Curtsies to the right, to the left. Applause!

Trainer: Dear audience! Next issue of our program"Martin"! Marusya! Stand!

Tigger sneaks up from behind, grabs a whip and forces the trainer to jump through a hoop. Then she pats him on the shoulder encouragingly. The trainer “gets furious,” snatches the whip and forces Marusya to perform the “swallow.”

Trainer: Dear audience! A now the highlight of our wonderful program– fatal number "There are tigers in their mouths" I ask the faint of heart to leave the hall!

Marusya sits down on the pedestal and opens her mouth. The trainer tries to put his finger there, but Marusya turns away with disgust and hands him a clean napkin. The trainer wipes his finger and puts it in Marusya’s “mouth”. Bows. Applause!

When he wants to pull his finger back, Marusya does not let him go. The presenter comes up, offers Marusa a piece of candy (a large, fake one) and then she releases her finger. The trainer and Marusya say goodbye to the audience and leave .

Leading: Guys! Did you like our guests - kittens? Do you want to be kittens? Since kittens love to lap up milk, sour cream, and cream more than anything else, I propose a competition.

8 Competition “Who can lap milk out of a saucer faster”

Children, one at a time, crawl on all fours to a table with saucers of milk, drink the milk without using their hands, and crawl back. The rest of the participants meow encouragement.

Leading: Dear viewers! Who is man's best friend?

Spectators: Dog!

Leading: I offer you a task related to this kind, faithful, devoted animal. Name songs, fairy tales, cartoons that have a dog in them.

(“Holidays in Prostokvashino”, “The Adventures of Pif”, “The Dog is Missing”, “Come to Me, Mukhtar”, “Who Said Meow”?, etc.)

Song “Behemoth” Lyrics by S. Mikhalkov, music. E. Larionova (students of the high school music class)

Leading: Have you rested? Then let's continue. I am sure that there is not a single child in the world who does not love cartoons. And most of the cartoons about “our little brothers” are about animals that are endowed with human characters and names in the cartoons. You know them well and love them.

9 Competition "Chain"

The presenter names cartoon characters for each team in turn, and team members must continue this chain with the missing animal characters.

1. Crocodile Gena and... (Cheburashka, lion Chandra, Tobik),

2.Winnie the Pooh and... (Piglet, Eeyore, Rabbit, Tigger),

3.Brother Fox and... (Brother Rabbit),

4. Cat Matroskin and... (dog Sharik, bull Gavryusha, etc.),

5. Monkey, boa constrictor and... (Parrot, Baby Elephant),

6. Little Raccoon and ... (Monkey),

7. Panther Bagheera and... (bear Balu, python Kaa, wolf Akela, tiger Sherkhan, etc.),

8. The lion cub who loved to sing and... (Turtle).

Leading: Well done! And now another mystery:

What kind of forest animal

Stood up like a column under a pine tree?

And stands among the grass,

The ears are larger than the head (hare).

Leading: What do hares like most?

Spectators: Carrots, cabbage, apples. And also run, jump, tumble.

10 Competition “Who can eat an apple the fastest”

Children with rubber bands around their legs below the knees jump to the tables on which there are saucers with sliced ​​apples, take a piece of apple, eat it and run back.

Leading: Today we argued, argued, competed in running, jumping, agility and strength, as well as in intelligence, ingenuity, and ingenuity. The time has come for the Council of the Wise to make a verdict: who is the winner?

(Summing up)

Leading: I think our argument was ultimately resolved in favor of friendship. Let's always be friends, love each other, help each other.

All: Heaven and earth are friends,

The stars and seas are friends,

The children of the whole earth are friends,

Everyone is friends - both you and me!

Long live the friendship of children and animals!

Dance of friendship.

Award ceremony for competition participants.

The competition script was prepared by T. Evdokimova

KOU VO "Zemlyanskaya boarding school for students with disabilities."

Event scenario

"Animation of a fairy tale."

Prepared by: teacher

Safonova N.V.

With. Zemlyansk.

Goals and objectives of the event:

Expand children's knowledge about Russian folk tales;

Learn to understand the emotional and figurative content of the work;

To cultivate a love for Russian folk art.

Decoration of the hall: balloons, children's drawings.

Materials and equipment: chest with prizes, tree decorations, song “Winter's Tale”, pine cones, brushwood.

Characters: children, presenter, Teddy Bear, Fox, Wolf, Hare, Magpie, Nastenka;

Progress of the event.


Hello guys. I want to invite you on an exciting journey through fairy tales. Guys, do you like fairy tales? (Yes) And I love it. Happy and sad, scary and funny. Our ideas about good and evil, peace and justice are connected with them. What kind of fairy tales are there? (Author's and folk) Tell me, why are fairy tales called folk tales? (Fairy tales are called folk tales because people invented them and passed them on from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation, from mothers to children, from grandmothers to grandchildren). The most incredible miracles happen in fairy tales.

The music “Visiting a Fairy Tale” plays.

Pupils read poems

The floorboard is creaking about something,

And the knitting needle can’t sleep again

Sitting on the bed, pillows

Ears are already pricked up.

And immediately the faces change

Sounds and colors change...

The floorboard creaks softly,

A fairy tale goes around the room...


Guys, today we will watch a winter fairy tale, because now it’s winter and New Year is coming. But first, let’s play a little.

What proverbs do you know about winter?

(Children's answers).

Proverbs with winter words.

In winter, the sun laughs through tears.

The frost is not great, but it does not require you to stand.

Prepare a sleigh in the summer and a cart in the winter.

In a winter coat and frosts are a joke.

A snowdrift and a blizzard are two friends.

Frost and iron tears and hits the bird in flight.

August gathers, and winter eats.


Now guess the riddles

Riddles and winter words.

She grows upside down

It grows not in summer, but in winter.

But the sun will bake her -

She will cry and die


And not snow, and not ice,

Will he remove trees with silver?

Blanket white

Not made by hand.

Not woven

And it didn’t fit

fell from the sky to earth

A bridge is being paved without planks,

Without an ax, without a wedge (ice).

Script for the dramatization of the fairy tale “The Winter's Tale”

Educator: Dear viewers!

Would you like to see a fairy tale?

Sit down next to me

Sit down nicely.

Hush, children, don't make noise!

Don't scare away our fairy tale!

The fairy tale has come a long time ago,

She was waiting for you!

Prepare your ears and eyes -

Let's begin our fairy tale!

Flies into the hall to the music


I am Magpie-White-sided

She flew from afar.

I'm flying back and forth here

I know everything about everyone in the area.

I'll tell you everything I know,

I'll tell you and show you.

You sit quietly

Just look at it all for yourself!

Nastenka appears to the music, she walks through the forest, collecting brushwood.

Magpie: Nastenka, where are you going? There's a snowstorm in the forest, it's cold, it's scary!

Nastenka: My stepmother sent me to a dense, dense forest.

Magpie: How can you go in a snowstorm?

And the frost is bitter?

Nastenka: I put on felt boots

Hat, mittens

And a scarf for me today

Here is the forest, there is snow all around,

White, silver.

There, a fluffy little bunny flashed behind the tree.

Bunny appears to the music, he jumps between the Christmas trees

Nastenka: Bunny, Bunny, from whom

Are you jumping without looking back?

Bunny: I'm running from the cold, my paws are frostbitten.

Nastenka (feels sorry for Bunny)

Poor Zainka, don’t cry,

I'll warm you:

Take my mittens

And put it on quickly!

Bunny: I’ll warm my paws-

You can also play hide and seek

To the music, Bunny and Nastenka play hide and seek, Bunny runs away.

Nastenka walks through the forest to the music, collecting brushwood T.

Nastya collects brushwood.

The Bear appears to the music.

Nastenka: Mishka, Mishka, what's wrong with you?

bear: Frostbitten ears, oh!

Nastenka: Poor Mishenka, don't cry!

I'll warm you

Here is my woolen scarf,

Put it on soon!

Teddy bear puts on a scarf:

I'll cover myself with a scarf now

And I’ll bury myself deeper in the snow.

The bear leaves to the music.

Nastenka walks through the forest to the music, collecting brushwood.

The Wolf appears to the music.

Nastenka: Why, Volchok, are you trembling, what’s wrong with you?

Wolf: My back is freezing

It's cold in winter.

Nastenka: Poor

Wolf, wolf, don't cry!

I'll warm you-

Wash my warm fur coat

Put it on soon!

Wolf puts on a fur coat. Lisa appears to the music.

Nastenka: Tell me, Lisa, why

Are you buried in the snow?

Fox: My paws are cold

Hidden from the frost.

Nastenka (feels sorry for Lisa) Poor thing,

Lisa, don't cry

I'll warm you:

Take my felt boots

And put it on quickly!

Lisa: Now for sure

I'll dance the hopaka!

Lisa and Nastenka are dancing to cheerful music.

For your kindness

I’ll collect the brushwood in no time!

All the animals come out: And so do we, and so do we

We'll help you collect brushwood!

To the music, all the animals collect brushwood, light a “bonfire” and dance around it. Then line up.

Magpie: That's what I saw here,

Yes, and I told you everything.

All the heroes of our fairy tale

We tried our best here for you.

If you were interested -

You clap now!

To the music, the “artists” come out to bow.


There are many fairy tales in the world:

Cheerful and funny.

And live in the world

We can't live without them

Good afternoon dear readers, here you are Gennady Korolev The mini skits on the theme are funny.

Funny mini skits will be useful for you to celebrate the New Year, anniversary or birthday in an interesting and fun way. In practice, these scenes do not require preparation on the part of the guests, and only you must organize everything correctly.

This fun funny mini skit is called “Beasts in the Forest”. Here are my tips and tricks:

Distribution of roles:
Bear is a man;
Wolf is a man;
Cuckoo is a woman;
The frog-bear's friend is a woman;
Kabanchik-Razdolbaychik – woman/man;
Shameless Fox is a woman;
Thief Mouse – female/teenager
Presenter – man/woman
- A chair is placed on which the Bear will sleep, and you need a bottle of alcohol or any liquid that you can drink.

The text is read by the presenter with expression and stops in those places where necessary

If possible, it is advisable to wear appropriate animal masks or costumes

The presenter reads the text of the mini skit, and the characters perform the actions described there

Actions must be performed funny and artistically, supplemented with sounds and small remarks from yourself

If any execution of the game seems insufficient or incorrect to the presenter, you can “prompt” or make a humorous remark

Look how these funny mini skits were performed at our parties.

Here is the text of the cool mini-scene:

  1. The bear returned to the den in the morning. An unfinished bottle in my hand, my head was buzzing from yesterday. It was difficult to keep balance. The bear put the bottle near the bed and went to bed. The cuckoo crowed 5 times.
  2. There was a knock on the door. He was a cheerful guy who liked to drink and have fun. Wolf. Seeing the unfinished bottle, the Wolf offered the Bear a drink, but attempts to wake him up were in vain. The bear seemed to refuse. The Cuckoo agreed and crowed 6 times.
  3. There was a knock on the door. It was Frog - Medvedev's friend. Seeing all this disgrace, the Frog began to sweep and swear. The Wolf offered to dance, the Frog refused. The Cuckoo agreed, started dancing and crowed 7 times. The bear was still snoring in the corner. The frog was sweeping. The wolf howled.
  4. There was a knock on the door. This is the Razdolbaychik Pig. He really liked the Frog and the broom. He began to stupidly jump over the broom and disturb the Frog. The wolf offered to drink. Kabanchik-Razdolbaychik refused. The Cuckoo agreed and crowed 8 times.
  5. There was a knock on the door again. It's Shameless Fox. She had been pining for the Wolf for a long time and immediately began to harass him. The wolf offered to drink and dance. Lisa refused. The Cuckoo agreed, started dancing and crowed 9 times.6. The bear did not stop snoring. The frog was cleaning up and swearing. The Fox was exhausted without the Wolf's caresses, and the Wolf howled. Suddenly the Wolf put the bottle on the floor and turned his attention to the horny Fox.
  6. There was scratching at the door, but no one heard it. The Thief Mouse leaked into the den. She saw the unfinished bottle, immediately grabbed it - the most valuable thing in the den, and slipped through the door.
  7. The Bear woke up from the noise and began looking for the unfinished bottle. The wolf, in fear of inevitable retribution, jumped out the window. Shameless Fox jumped out after him. Little Boar - Razdolbaychik, quietly on tiptoe, slipped through the door. The bear offered me a drink. The frog refused, continuing to furiously sweep the floor. The cuckoo agreed, but there was nothing left to drink. The cuckoo crowed 9 times and fell asleep, exhausted from the amount of drink.
  8. And the Bear stretched, left the den and went into the forest to look for something to drink. Dear ladies and gentlemen, give the Bear a drink!

After such words, it is very appropriate to sit down at the table and propose a toast to the actors, and also wish that such funny mini skits are always present at your meetings for interest and fun.

Skits for children as home entertainment are always interesting, useful, and creative. Prepared as role-playing games, dramatizations of fairy tales, life stories, and riddles develop children's artistry and provide an outlet for emotions. Participation in the preparation and performance of skits involves children in the creative process and strengthens self-confidence. In addition, staging and participating in skits for children is the best way to show independence. And the joint creative work of children and parents on a production is the best activity for a friendly family.

The benefits of funny skits for children

1. For home use, humorous sketches on various topics have proven themselves to be the best. They are popular with children because they do not require such a display of acting skills, as, for example, in a mini-play. The desire to act out a funny miniature to make the viewer laugh will reveal all the child’s hidden talents. In addition, funny scenes for children will help:

  • get rid of fears and timidity;
  • develop memory;
  • express emotions;
  • increase self-esteem;
  • take a creative approach to the design and execution of the scene.

2. Children are more willing to take on scenes related to their daily life and habits, for example, a comic meeting with a friend; what can happen to a candy lover; How does a child behave who is late everywhere or constantly loses something? Such performances help children look at their qualities from the outside. In addition, even without special artistic abilities, a short funny miniature can be shown to guests during the holiday and invited to participate.

3. Ideal for preschool children are short skits that imitate the life and habits of animals that children love and know well (cats, dogs, tiger cubs, monkeys). Preschool children with flexibility and spontaneity will easily portray their favorite characters. This activity expands preschool children’s knowledge about the world around them.

How to prepare funny scenes at home

Few parents use this type of creativity in home education, but absolutely everyone loves it when their children perform in kindergarten during the holidays. However, in order for the performance to always be a pleasant event for both the child and the adult, you need to teach your child to perform. Skits for children are great for this purpose. Where to start for parents who would like to make small theatrical scenes on weekends for the whole family a home tradition.

  • The main thing is to ensure the child’s participation in preparing for the performance. You should come up with costumes and props, draw up a script, and choose a location for the scene together with your son or daughter.
  • You can find the text of the words on the Internet, in a book with scripts, or come up with it yourself. The best indicator of proper preparation will be the absence of imposition of ideas or coercion to perform a particular task.
  • When showing a skit at home, the responsibility to “ignite” the child with creativity falls entirely on the parents. It is recommended to start with joint performances in which children and parents participate.
  • Games, including role-playing ones, will be a good help for developing creative abilities.
  • After children have mastered performance skills, they gradually move on to performances by little artists without the participation of parents.

In order to prepare for the presentation, participants must:

  • learn words;
  • pronounce them as expressively as possible;
  • use gestures and facial expressions;
  • conduct 1-2 rehearsals.

When preparing a skit, parents need to:

  • Choose a topic so that the child is sure that he chose it.
  • Prepare the props together with your child.
  • Learn words together.
  • Provide a role model when performing a role.
  • Show restraint and patience if the child fails to portray the character the first time.

The interest and desire of children and parents to participate in funny funny scenes is a guarantee of a successful performance in front of the audience.

Types of funny scenes

They can easily turn into a funny dramatization:

  • Fairy tales, fables, stories remade in a modern way. Ideal for home dramatizations are funny works in which the plot quickly develops and there is dialogue between the characters. These can be both folk and original fairy tales and stories, for example, I. Krylov’s “The Monkey and the Glasses”, “Dragonfly and the Ant”, K. Chukovsky’s “The Buzzing Fly”, “The Cockroach”, “Telephone”; S. Marshak “The Three Little Pigs”, “Luggage”, “He’s so absent-minded...”; A. Tolstoy "The Wolf and the Little Goats"; N. Nosova “Mishkina Porridge”, “Living Hat”; G. Oster "Bad advice" and many others. It all depends on the creativity and interest of the parents, who will be able to adapt the text of the work to the family events and habits of the child.
  • Mixed tales (mix of different texts). For example, based on the famous ones: “Kolobok”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “The Little Thumb”. The dramatization can be the actions of heroes from different fairy tales, united by one plot. In such a scene, impromptu is successfully used, adults begin to improvise, and children continue.
  • Funny stories from everyday life. Children look very funny in the role of adults. Preschoolers, in turn, like to copy and imitate adults. You can swap family roles and improvise funny home stories: a trip to the country, a trip to the zoo, meeting your grandmother, mom’s cosmetics. Here, for example, is how in a kindergarten they act out scenes based on home stories, which allow adults to look at the upbringing of their children from the outside.

  • Funny songs, ditties, poems. The poems of E. Uspensky, G. Oster, A. Barto, B. Zakhoder are well performed. For example, these:

B. Zakhoder

We've got a mischief maker.
The whole family is grieving.
In the apartment from his mischief
There is literally no life!

O. Matytsina

The cat ate sausages in the morning,
An hour later, again at the bowl:
- Meow meow! - I hear again,
- I would like something meaty!
- You'll burst, dear cat!

Or ditties:

In the morning to mother our Mila
She gave me two candies.
I barely had time to give it,
She immediately ate them herself.

Grandfather taught a mouse to write,
And what came out was scribbles.
The mouse got a deuce.
And both cried bitterly.

I taught my sister Masha:
“You need to eat porridge with a spoon!”
Eh! I taught in vain -
I got hit in the forehead with a spoon.

  • The plot for the sketch can be stories from “Jumble” or your favorite cartoon.

Examples of comic skits for children 5-7 years old

When choosing a skit for a child, you need to take into account his age. The younger the preschooler, the shorter it should be. Experts consider the ideal age for theatrical activities to be 5-7 years. In addition to age, the personal qualities of children should be taken into account. If the baby is shy, he may not be able to play the leading role right away. You should start by choosing a role based on your temperament and abilities. Then they gradually move on to more complex roles and miniatures.

"Alone at home"

Comic miniature

To prepare skits of this kind, it is good to use “Bad Advice” by Grigory Oster or an impromptu on this topic. The props for this scene can be a small table covered with a tablecloth to the floor. Below it are the necessary items, which during the show, participants take out from their side of the table and place on the table. If it is possible to use old things for props, it is recommended to “cook the dish” for real.

1st: If you stayed at home
Alone without parents

2nd: I can offer you
An interesting game.

1st: Titled "The Brave Chef"
Or "The Brave Cook".

2nd: The essence of the game is cooking
All kinds of delicious dishes.

1st: I suggest for a start
Here's a simple recipe:

2nd: Need to wear daddy's shoes (takes it out from under the table and puts it on the table)
Pour out my mother’s perfume (takes out a bottle from under the table and puts it on the table),

1st: And then these boots
Lubricate with shaving cream (takes out a tube and puts it next to it),

2nd: And, watering them with fish oil (takes out a large bottle with a sticker, puts it on)
With black ink in half (shows a bottle of ink/jar of gouache, places it next to it),

1st: Throw into the soup that mom
I prepared it in the morning (take out the pan and place it on the table).

2nd: And cook with the lid closed
Exactly seventy minutes.

Both participants in chorus: You’ll find out what happens,
When the adults come.

Fable by I. Krylov “The Crow and the Fox”

Theatrical game

Performed in two persons, the text of the words is as in the original. You can add humorous notes to the fox and crow costumes. For example, a fox can be imagined as a forest robber. At the end of the fable, in response to the fox’s request to sing, the crow takes the cheese out of its beak and says: “I sing with dignity in baritone and falsetto at the Bolshoi Theater. This is not the place for a concert."

Scene “Morning porridge”

Miniature which can be played by children of different ages together with their parents

Mom in the role of daughter, sitting at the table. Son/daughter as mother in an apron.
Details: porridge in a plate, spoon.

Daughter: What's for breakfast? Porridge again?

Mother: Yes, useful Hercules.

Daughter: I won't eat it.

Mother: Porridge gives you strength! Fill your mouth with it quickly!

Daughter: Better give me a sandwich!

Mother: Well, come on, a spoonful. (Gives porridge from a spoon into your mouth). This is to be strong. (The daughter sits with her mouth pouting, does not swallow the porridge, shakes her head). To be beautiful! (Swallows. The daughter doesn’t let me put the next spoon in her mouth, she doesn’t open her mouth, she shakes her head. The porridge stains her cheeks and mouth.)

Daughter: Tired of porridge! (Mom quickly puts the spoon in her mouth.)

Mother: Smart and happy! (Opens mouth, swallows.) And as soon as you chew the porridge, you’ll immediately go outside.

The daughter swallows the porridge and runs away.

Mother: Oh, these persuasions, arguments and quarrels over porridge (Wipes his forehead, shakes his head). It takes so much effort to feed a child.

"Grandmothers at the entrance"

Dramatization for older preschoolers. The scene will be more interesting if the grandmothers in headscarves are portrayed by two boys or a father and son.

1st grandmother: Oh, Semyonovna, the grandchildren are already going to school!

2nd grandmother: Oh, Fedotovna, first grade already! We've got enough to do now!

1st: Oh, it’s scary, maybe someone will offend them! No adult will see...

2nd: And we will protect them and not give them offense. We will take them to school and carry their schoolbags!

1st: In order for our grandchildren to study well, we need to work hard.

2nd: Sign up for a sports gym and do some fitness building.

1st: Buy a computer, study it, and then teach lessons.

2nd: Drive a car and roller skate, and don’t get bored and grab your heart.

1st: Oh, the grandchildren are growing up so quickly, look at the institute!

2nd: Let's go, Fedotovna, get ready for school.

They get up from the bench and in unison read:

Lukomorye has a green maple,
An omelette hangs on the maple tree.
Both day and night the dog is a scientist
Sits and guards the maple tree.

"About foreign languages"

The miniature can be imagined as a theatrical game for younger preschool children. To do this, you need to select appropriate soft toys for which children will speak.

Kitty: Meow meow! This is ma-ma.

Puppy: You read it wrong. It says woof-woof. This is definitely ma-ma.

Piglet: I'll read it from the ABC book. It says oink-oink. It means ma-ma.

All participants in chorus: All the power is in foreign languages!

In a similar way, you can act out comic scenes from cartoons. If adults teach a child how to properly drive a toy and speak for it, such short miniatures will become a favorite game for children.

"I do not want to study"

A re-enactment for older preschoolers who are about to enter school.

Vova: If I were a minister,
I would close all schools.
And to all the children instead of school
Allowed to play on the computer
Ride a hoverboard
Or do nothing.
Play, walk and have fun,
And there is no need to study at school.
(Sits on a chair, plays on the phone. A fairy with a magic wand appears unnoticed on the sidelines. Vova doesn’t see her. She props her head up with her hand and falls asleep.)

Fairy: I am a fairy and the wishes of preschool children
In honor of the holiday, I will easily perform it.
Kohl Vova wants to be a minister
He will be. (waves his wand) One! Two!
(The fairy leaves. The king runs out in anger.)

King: Where is the minister? (Vova wakes up screaming)
We have a war here! The hordes are coming here!
How to repel an attack? How to protect the kingdom?

Vova(surprised): Am I a minister? That's it!
So what if it’s war!
There are tanks, planes and we are not afraid of war!

King: We don’t have that! This needs to be built! (Spreads his hands)
We need to count the troops and place them clearly in their places!
Check gold reserves,
Distribute the costs, otherwise bankruptcy awaits us!

Vova confused: I’m not a minister, I’m just Vova.
I still can’t read or count.

King: Well, you go to school, right?

Vova: No, I closed the schools... when I was still a minister.

The king runs away: Let's save ourselves! Let's run!

Vova: But I really want to study. I will never be lazy!
I will read books and solve difficult problems!

All participants appear in front of the audience.
In chorus: Everyone really needs schools!
Knowledge is always important!

"Magic Paw"

Theatrical game

You can sew a “magic paw” for this game yourself. She looks like a rag doll on her hand. If it is not possible to sew, the “magic paw” is imitated using an ordinary hand according to imagination. The essence of the miniature is the magical transformation of the owner of such a paw. From timid to decisive, from small to big and vice versa. The paw can serve as an assistant and advisor, ask questions and ask for anything. Parents play out the role of the “magic paw” with their child in ordinary everyday situations.
The listed examples can be diluted with improvisation and adapted for each specific child and specific case.

Performing in front of an audience, even if it is grandparents, always causes excitement for the participants and organizers. Some useful tips to help you stage a skit so that everyone is happy.

  1. Everyone is in a good holiday mood - the actors are less nervous.
  2. If the child has forgotten the text, you need to prompt him in a whisper.
  3. If you mishandle the props, you need help.
  4. Spectators should clap and encourage the participants in the scene with laughter.
  5. At the end of the miniature - applause, or better yet, prizes.
  6. Adult support from the beginning to the end of the entire creative process consolidates success and stimulates further creativity.