Famous Scientologists. Tom Cruise and other famous followers of Scientology. Penetration into government agencies

Scientologists are Hubbardists, NARCONON and Russian national security.
More about Hubbard, Scientologists, Narconon

Specialists - experts about the Scientology sect, narconon, Hubbard
Krasnoyarsk NARCONON
The leader of the Russian NARCONON left Scientology, declaring the teaching satanic.
Exposing Scientologists, Narconon http://www.k-istine.ru/sects/scientology/scientology.htm

In the USA, his former comrades long ago outlawed him [discussion]

According to their rules, they can now declare a hunt for him and calmly take his life. The whole sin of the Canadian Gerald Armstrong is that he once left the so-called “Church of Scientology”, where he was the personal assistant of the organization’s founder, Ron Hubbard. And he travels around the world, talking about the behind the scenes of this organization, openly calling Scientologists sectarians. The other day, Gerald Armstrong visited Moscow and, after talking with students of St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Humanitarian University, answered questions from KP.


- Mr. Armstrong, how did you come to this sectarianism?

I was involved in Vancouver in 1969. I, like many others, was attracted to the idea of ​​increasing my intelligence through Scientology.

- Have you been promoted?

- (Laughs). It turns out, yes: I acquired enough intelligence to escape from the sect. Although he stayed there for twelve and a half years.

- Did you personally know the founder of Scientology, Ron Hubbard?

Certainly. I rose to the rank of head of his legal department, and I was responsible for contacts with the customs and police of the states where we docked. Then he became responsible for PR and headed intelligence on the Apollo ship, on which Hubbard and his fans were hiding from the tax authorities of a number of countries. The ship was the headquarters apartment The elite Scientology order "Sea Organization" is the brain center of the entire Scientology organization. He was Hubbard's personal archivist. Although he was twice in the “Rehabilitation Projects Squad” - ORP...


- What is this?

ORP is a Scientology prison, a kind of Gulag. This structure appeared in 1974. They are placed in it, for example, because a person does not work as he should, according to the leaders of the movement. Or other nonsense. Once, in my presence, a man was punished simply because Hubbard did not like his smell. There is no term of imprisonment in the sentences, and the “convict” receives only a quarter of his salary, and all the time he must move only by running. There they feed only scraps, those who end up there are forbidden to talk, only to answer the questions posed... The goal of this “Gulag” is to break the will of a person. In addition, for repeated violation of the rules, you can end up in a more cruel prison - the “rehabilitation squad” projects team of rehabilitation projects." There the person is generally kept under 24-hour surveillance.

- What have you done wrong?

Once I dared to object to the secretary of Hubbard's third wife. The second time I got there was because Hubbard thought I was joking about how he made films.

- Does it still exist now, after Scientology was recognized as a religion in the USA?

Certainly! Moreover, in the United States last year it was decided that Scientologists have the right to hold people in captivity, persecute them and forcibly return them to prison, since all this is part of the fundamentals of the doctrine. They declared me a submarine...


- What is a submarine?

Suppressive personality. According to Scientology adherents, these are the people who are to blame for all the evil on earth. Here I am, for example (laughs). In fact, SPs are ordinary people who are not afraid to tell the truth about Scientology. After all, the doctrine itself makes the organization criminal. Any new adherent will be explained at the first meeting that Scientology is all time is in a state of war.

- With whom?

With PL. In relation to the submarines, the so-called fair game is being played. According to the rules formulated by Hubbard, any Scientologist can take away both property and life from a SP. If you are declared an SP, then other Scientologists have no right to communicate with you. On the Internet you can find a video in which perhaps the most famous Scientologist today, Hollywood actor Tom Cruise, at the ceremony of presenting him with a special Scientology medal, expresses the hope that soon there will not be a single submarine left on earth.

- Some kind of Nazism...

This is the closest parallel that comes to mind. Hitler's doctrine of “subhumans” is indeed akin to a number of postulates of Scientology.

- Did they try to kill you?

Looks like they haven't really tried it. But there were six physical attacks. Another time I was hit by a car. And in Southern California, representatives of the “church” tried to push me off the highway at speed. They would move on, I'm sure, but they are afraid that they will go to prison. And there are countless threats and lawsuits. In the USA, a case was fabricated against me, as a result of which I do not have the right to utter the words “Scientology”, “Dianetics”, “Hubbard”, etc. aloud. For each such word I should be fined 50 thousand dollars. So I’ve already told you a couple of million (laughs). At the same time, the court allowed them to say whatever they wanted about me. This is American justice...

- How did this happen?

I have already said that the case against me was fabricated. And there was some corruption and blackmail here. According to my information, they spent about 5 million dollars on this verdict against me.


- Mr. Armstrong, several US federal departments immediately put Hubbard on the wanted list and searched for him all over the planet. And then suddenly - peace and harmony, they even recognized it as a religion...

In my opinion, everything is obvious. At first, the US federal government really opposed Scientology very strongly. In 1977, FBI officers searched the organization's offices in Washington and Los Angeles and found hundreds of documents stolen from government agencies. After this, the then head of the FBI told reporters that “Scientology has one of the most effective intelligence agencies in the United States, which can rival even the FBI.” But since 1993, the process unexpectedly went in the opposite direction: Scientology was recognized as a religion...

- In 1993, Bill Clinton came to power in the United States...

Yes, and he also sympathized with the Scientologists. And Madeleine Albright, and then Condoleezza Rice, openly defended the organization. That is, they actually made her their ally. Since that time they have defended Scientology around the world. I think that this decision was made at the suggestion of the intelligence services.


- Why do they need this?

Scientology itself is a very developed intelligence service. I'll tell you a little about how this happens. According to Hubbard's teachings, every Scientologist must constantly increase his intelligence, striving for self-improvement, undergoing the so-called auditing procedure. During this process, under the guise of improvement (there is a primitive lie detector called the E-meter), all his secrets are pulled out of a person: details about his family, complexes, grievances, sexual experiences and all sorts of personal stories. Scientology claims that this is a kind of confession, but it is not. All information is recorded on tape and transmitted to the intelligence organization. Then this information can be used to blackmail the same relatives or acquaintances about whom the adept confessed during auditing.

- A powerful tool of influence...

Exactly! In addition, Hubbard intelligence itself searches for people of interest, but first collects dirt on them. There are politicians, and employees of international organizations, and police officers, and FBI agents...

About the same US tax department. As far as I know, when it put Hubbard on the wanted list, Scientology collected information on all prominent tax officials and paid for any information that could compromise the employees of this service. It can be said with a high degree of probability that they found something similar on the then director of the tax department, because the service suddenly developed friendly relations with Scientologists. And with the US intelligence services too, as I already said. So the presence of Scientologists in any country threatens not only degraded individuals and destroyed public morality. This is also a matter of national security of the country. I spoke about this recently at your Ministry of Justice...

Why is this possible in Russia?

When will the RUSSIANS expel the sectarians from Russia? Why don’t Russian organizations raise this issue publicly and globally, as they raise the problem of illegal migration, or the power of Russophobes? Organize counteraction to sects. There are many legal ways.
Sects are the fifth column of the US and the EU.

Chairman of the Krasnoyarsk Russian Heritage Foundation

Yuri Tsybin

Principles and Practice
However, the Church of Scientology has attracted much controversy and criticism. Critics attack the Church as a self-serving commercial organization. Many non-Scientologists and critics have tried to explain the Scientology religion and practice in their own way and have made their accusations for various reasons and reasons. The principles of Scientology are questioned as pseudoscientific by many medical and mental health professionals, and the Church is often called a cult. In response, the Church is trying to convict psychiatric and medical organizations of abusing their position and wanting not to lose billions in profits.
Scientology teachings were developed by L. Ron Hubbard over a period of 33 years - from 1952 until January 1986, when he died and allegedly left his body. The most key principles of the Scientology worldview were outlined by him during the 50s and 60s.
Scientology arose from the further development of Dianetics, an earlier self-improvement technique described by L. Ron Hubbard in his 1950 book Dianetics: The Modern Science of the Mind. In the mid-1950s, L. Ron Hubbard incorporated Dianetics as a component of Scientology. The fundamental difference between Dianetics and Scientology is that Dianetics is aimed at working with the mind of the individual, focusing entirely on restoring a full conscious memory of his previous experiences, while Scientology is entirely aimed at improving the human spirit. In addition, Scientology also contains guides on ethics and moral codes (Code of Honor, The Way to Happiness), on removing various toxic substances from the body in order to increase spiritual prosperity (Purification Program), on communication, on marriage, on raising children, on solving problems related to work and production, on the basics of learning (Technology of Education), and on the true nature of life (Dynamics of Survival) and so on.
Scientology procedures are clearly laid out in a series of sequential steps because L. Ron Hubbard was convinced that improvement occurs on a gradual basis, step by step. For example, it is necessary to pay attention to the negative effects of drugs or drugs before the next step can be taken. The steps gradually lead to further, more advanced levels of Scientology's most esoteric knowledge. This is described as moving along a "Bridge to Total Freedom" (or simply "the Bridge"), in which each step of the Bridge is a promise of even greater freedom for the individual in the area of ​​life that is detailed in terms of that Bridge.
The most significant beliefs of Scientology:
Man is actually an immortal spiritual being (called a "thetan" in Scientology) who has a mind and a body.
The thetan has lived a huge number of previous lives and his existence does not end with the death of the physical body.
A person is fundamentally good, but he can become “aberrated” (irrational in behavior and thinking) due to the occurrence of incidents in his life that contain pain and unconsciousness.
What is true for you is true. The truth cannot be imposed on anyone. Thus, the principles of Scientology are offered not as what is believed, but as what is practiced.
Scientologists try to convince their followers that they have a precise methodology on how to help a person achieve awareness of his spiritual existence and greater effectiveness in the spiritual world. These methods of teaching and practicing spiritual counseling, as they were created, supposedly make it possible to achieve these changes. According to the Church, the ultimate goal is for the spirit (thetan) to regain its original natural state of complete freedom, whereby it becomes complete cause over matter, energy, space, time, thoughts, forms and life. This state of freedom is called an "Operating Thetan" or OT for short.

In the 50s of the last century, a certain semi-philosophical, semi-psychological doctrine called “Dianetics” appeared in the USA, incorporating various kinds of ideas that did not have a serious scientific basis. In this teaching, fragments of all kinds of philosophical views are collected into a single whole: from ancient Greek to Buddhist and from Vedic to Jewish. This whole mixture is brightly flavored with fragments of Nietzsche's philosophy and mixed with some of Freud's psychotherapy techniques.

This doctrine began to spread quite easily among people who, using special psychological techniques and attitudes, tried to set themselves and those around them to succeed in various areas of life and business. The author of Scientology is Hubbard L. Ron, an American science fiction writer.

Dianetics promises its followers relief from problems in life, failures and illnesses. It is argued that this is the most perfect philosophical and scientific system, capable of revolutionizing humanity’s understanding of itself. A kind of “science of the mind,” as its followers position it, “the manifestation of the soul in the body through the mind.”

This doctrine has been preached by the religious organization “Church of Scientology” for decades. The word “Scientology” itself is a combination of two ancient Greek terms, synonyms, each of which essentially means the same thing. Scio in translation means “knowledge”, logos - “knowledge”, “science”. In other words, this is knowledge about knowledge, science about science.

Scientology is a sect that is a more expanded version of Dianetics, a certain philosophy of life that needs to be applied more widely in practice. Clear your mind of psychological trauma and blocks, your body of toxins, and think exclusively positively. Scientology is a sect that preaches very unique morals and ethics.

History of the emergence and spread of Scientology

In 1955, the first Church of Scientology was opened in Washington, and a little earlier the Dianetics College was created by L. Ron Hubbard. In 1982, the Center for Religious Technology was founded, which stores and controls the use of all trademarks, symbols and texts and is a non-profit organization, a kind of library of the works of L. Ron Hubbard.

In the eighties, a group broke away from the united Church and called itself the Free Zone. Her followers left the Church due to a split in their views on Hubbard's teachings. The free zone is a movement that is not united in its organization, since it consists of a variety of groups that practically do not cooperate with each other. However, they use in their activities lifetime, legally published copies of Hubbard's works.

Today, Scientology is widespread in 154 countries around the world, where more than three thousand different communities and groups operate, and there are over 13 thousand official employees of this religious organization. Fortunately, this sectarian movement is already prohibited in our country. But has it been completely eradicated? We'll talk about this later.

Many famous people and Hollywood stars call themselves followers of Scientology. For example, Tom Cruise, Anne Archer, Priscilla Presley and others. These people will be discussed further.

Tom Cruise and Scientology

In 1990, the famous Hollywood actor Tom Cruise became a follower of the Church of Scientology. He was introduced to this teaching by actress Mimi Rogers, his first wife. For Tom Cruise, Scientology is what he lives by. He is extraordinarily devoted to the Church. The actor even divorced his second wife Katie Holmes precisely because she rejected this religious sect. The third wife, the wonderful actress Nicole Kidman, also refused to devote her life to Scientology, so Tom Cruise divorced her too.

Today his only love is the Church, to which he devotes himself with great dedication. The Scientologist actor sold his very expensive real estate in the United States and went to England, to the estate where L. Ronald Hubbard once lived. Today this building houses the headquarters of this organization. Tom Cruise is going to live there, and “invests all his money in the development” of Scientology.

However, the matter does not stop there. For two years now he has not seen his daughter Suri, with whom the Church forbids him to meet. When Tom Cruise's adopted daughter, whom he raised with Nicole Kidman, got married, he did not attend the wedding because Isabella's husband is not a Scientologist.

E. Archer

Anne Archer, a famous American actress and winner of the Miss Golden Globe title, has been a very active follower of Scientology since the 1970s. Her son today heads the Celebrity Center in the Church of Scientology. In 2006, actress Anne Archer organized a non-profit organization of actors for the protection of human rights, which is very actively supported by Scientologists.

A. Hayes

Another Hollywood celebrity, Isaac Hayes, is also a fan of Scientology teachings. He once had to refuse the role, which was due precisely to his religious views.

In the popular animated series South Park, Isaac Hayes voiced the Chief, and quite successfully. However, he had to refuse the role because in the episode entitled “Stuck in the Closet” the actor did not like the sharp satire of Scientology. That's why Isaac Hayes left the series, telling reporters that South Park was no longer tolerant.

M. Nichols

Hollywood actress Marisol Nichols is a very serious follower of the teachings of Scientology. She is an active participant in various programs of this organization. Marisol Nichols was introduced to Dianetics and Scientology by her personal chiropractor. He took the actress to the organization's Celebrity Center in Hollywood and gave her an extensive tour. Marisol Nichols herself is very pleased that she accepted this religion. She believes that with the help of psychotechnics used in Scientology she can solve all her problems. Marisol Nichols states that after she came to Scientology, her life changed dramatically, her career took off sharply, and she herself became simply a wonderful person.

Elvis Presley's wife

John Travolta, another active member of the Church of Scientology, brought Priscilla Presley into the fold of this organization. The fact is that the daughter of Priscilla and Elvis Presley, Lisa Marie, began using drugs at the age of 13. Priscilla Presley tried to save her daughter from this vicious addiction, and it must be said that Scientology helped with this. This is the official version of this journalistic story. However, Lisa Marie herself claims that she has never taken drugs before.

N. Cartwright

Hollywood star Nancy Cartwright is also a very active member of the Church of Scientology. She found here what she was looking for, namely a purpose in life, says the actress. Nancy Cartwright claims that Scientology helped her greatly increase her abilities, thanks to which she received an Emmy award and released gold and platinum albums. She follows the rules and goes up to success. According to actress Nancy Cartlight, she has a wonderful family, friends and colleagues. Her family supports her, shares her views, dreams with her and helps her realize her plans only because she is a Scientologist.

Scientology Creed

The Scientology cross, in accordance with Hubbard's teachings, is a beautiful symbol - the vertical line symbolizes the human spirit, and the horizontal line symbolizes the Universe itself. The eight ends of the cross are the eight spheres of human life: man, his creativity, the survival of the group, the survival of the species, forms of life, the physical universe, the dynamics of the spirit, the desire for endless existence, immortality.

In fact, this symbol is in appearance a fusion of the satanic symbol in the form of the cross of Aleister Crowley. According to John Attack, this is a symbol of a crossed out Christian cross.

Each pastor of this church receives the Scientology Cross after two weeks of training along with a white collar worker. However, the creator of Scientology did not come up with anything new in the symbolism of his religion. All the same collars, crosses, uniform-like robes. Protestant pastors wear something similar - a black suit, black vest, white collar and silver cross. And the very name “Church” has been familiar to humanity for hundreds and hundreds of years.

Although Hubbard himself claimed that he accidentally found a mold of a similar cross in the sand in Arizona near an ancient Spanish mission.

Scientology in Russia

Famous people in our country also know firsthand what Scientology is. It all started in 1990, when cosmonaut Pavel Popovich, deputy editor of the Izvestia newspaper Igor Andreev, narcologist Vladimir Ivanov, director of the Soyuz Theater Vladimir Todorov visited the headquarters of the Church of Scientology in London. They were invited to this trip by an organization representing one of Scientology’s Narcocon programs, which deals with the fight against addictions and the recovery of people suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction. As a result, a Narcocon center with 400 beds was opened in Moscow. The program began to spread in Russia under the auspices of the “Foundation for the Rescue of Children and Adolescents” under the leadership of Vladimir Ivanov, and Pavel Popovich’s daughter got a job in the Swedish branch of Narcocon.

It is unlikely that when Scientology appeared in Russia, famous people knew about the nature of this religious organization. Alexander Malinin, planning to do a good deed, visited Narcocon in Los Angeles and promised to help spread this organization in Russia. Only with time did the scale of this error become clear.

Experiments on victims

Then, in 1991, three English Scientologists arrived in Russia to apply their very dubious “Marathon” method, which caused repeated conflicts with scientific and medical institutions in different countries. It involves cleansing the body of toxins using a sauna and vitamins. The use of this technique was supposed to perform a miracle and restore health to the victims of the Chernobyl accident. The Russian Academy of Medical Sciences funded these human experiments, and the government gave awards to Scientologists. How effective this technology turned out to be is a question that remains, as they say, “behind the scenes.”

Penetration into government agencies

Naturally, Scientologists did not intend to limit themselves to dubious medical procedures. Their attempts to penetrate the political and government structures of different countries are known. At one time, a court decision was made in Canada about the illegality of the actions of the Church of Scientology in this country and the attempt to penetrate law enforcement agencies and government structures. Eleven people were arrested in connection with the case, including Ron Hubbard's wife.

Therefore, it is natural that Scientologists tried to “make friends” with high-ranking officials and deputies in Russia. In particular, they actively tried to establish connections with deputies of the Supreme Council - 72 people received their religious literature, in particular, the book “Dianetics: the modern science of mental health.” Sergei Stepashin, being a KGB officer at that time, spoke very flatteringly about the works of L. Ron Hubbard, and Deputy Rutskoi simply sprinkled quotes from Dianetics in his interviews with the press.

Control of educational institutions

Not only famous people became victims of the teaching. Scientology in Russia was spreading at a tremendous pace. In the same “hot” nineties, at St. Petersburg University, Scientologist from England Peter Wakely gave 15 lectures on Dianetics. At his instigation, the first Scientology mission in Russia was opened - Dianetics courses. During the year, 800 people completed these courses. The head of this mission, Tatyana Rudikova, was invited to the USA as a reward, where she was awarded an honorary prize.

The country's main university, Moscow State University, has not been spared Scientology. And here the Scientologists worked very competently. Their target was the Faculty of Journalism. Dean Ya. Zasursky posthumously awarded Ron Hubbard the title of Doctor of Science, but that’s not all. March 13, 1992 was declared Ron Hubbard Day, and a special hall was opened in his name, where students, future journalists, should study the works of the founder of Scientology. The same reading room was organized at Surgut University.

Business ruin and control again

Scientologists actively established contacts among Russian business, offering heads of various commercial structures to take special management courses, and in fact, to familiarize themselves with the same works of the unforgettable Hubbard.

In particular, Alexander Mironov, at that time the president of the Moscow Fan Plant, took this course for 6 thousand dollars in the USA; he was the first “swallow”. His other employees followed him. In total, 100 million rubles were spent on this training, and this was in the midst of the economic crisis of the nineties in Russia.

Moreover, all employees of the enterprise were forced to study Scientology, and those who disagreed were simply punished with rubles. As a result, qualified specialists left this enterprise, the leading bureaucratic elite grew to the number of workers. For the right to train his employees, Mironov paid Scientologists in the USA another 100 million Russian rubles. The result was unexpected and terrible - Alexander Mironov was found murdered in his own office. About a billion rubles were spent on the introduction of “new management technologies” according to the method of L. Ron Hubbard.

And this is just one of many examples of siphoning money from illiterate managers who have placed too much faith in overseas “benefactors.” Scientologists have created a whole network of various training centers in Russia. The Moscow Dianetics Center alone “trained” 14 thousand people in 1994. This is the extent to which Scientology has grown in Russia. Famous people - thousands of managers of various enterprises and organizations, despite the crisis and difficult economic situation, paid millions and millions of rubles for this “knowledge about knowledge”.

Espionage in defense plants

Scientologists have also reached employees of defense enterprises, for example, Hubbard College, organized in Perm, is actively “spudging” the Perm Instrument-Making Plant, which produces products for military aviation, and the Perm Motors plant, which produces engines for the Il-76.

The Ural Optical-Mechanical Plant, which is also a very important defense enterprise for the country, also came under the influence of Scientology. Its director ignored the FSB report that the Church of Scientology in Russia is an organization that conducts espionage activities in favor of relevant US structures.

Scientologists even conducted psychological testing of employees of defense enterprises who had access to technologies that constituted state secrets.

Control over regions and cities

Not only business, but also officials of various ranks were involved in this business, which was very profitable for a religious organization. For example, mayors of cities in Central Russia attended a special seminar in Valdai. The governor of the Novgorod region was also involved in a similar learning process.

How strong the influence of this religious organization in Russia can be judged by the fact that the mayor of Perm, Vladimir Fil, who studied at one of the Russian dianetics centers, wished to completely change the entire management of the city to the teachings of Hubbard. And this despite a serious confrontation with sensible representatives of culture, science and Orthodoxy in the city.

In 1995, the mayor of Perm presented a representative of the Church of Scientology from the USA with symbolic keys to the city. In other words, he handed over the city to occupation by a destructive sect.

In general, a huge network was created throughout Russia, essentially controlling hundreds of enterprises and organizations, business structures, including insurance companies and even banks.

Scientology is a movement banned in Russia

Finally, in 1996, the Church of Scientology was officially recognized as a destructive religious organization in Russia. The State Duma specifically issued a corresponding resolution. And only in 2015, the court, following a claim by the Russian Ministry of Justice, liquidated this organization. Today Scientology is officially banned in Russia. What were the complaints? It’s not the activity of the organization itself, but just the fact that the charter of the Church of Scientology does not comply with the law.

But, unfortunately, the fact that Scientology is banned in Russia is not a barrier for many. Changing signs for such active and enterprising sectarians is not a difficult task. They are not at all going to lose the positions they have won in Russia, they are simply changing names and documents, but the essence remains the same.

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Scientology is a religion founded in 1950 by American science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard.

Religion contains a system of knowledge that is built on certain fundamental principles:

  • Man is an immortal spiritual being.
  • His experience extends over a much longer period than one human life.
  • His abilities are unlimited, even if at the moment they are not fully realized.

Scientology believes that man is fundamentally good and that his spiritual survival depends on himself, on his fellow men, and on his attainment of oneness with the universe.

But there is another side to the coin; it is believed that Scientology is a totalitarian sect with a lot of capital. Ron Hubbard is the founder, and during his lifetime he was declared persona non grata in a number of countries. Scientology is a psycho-cult and pseudo-religion in which Hubbard essentially takes the place of God, and all his works, including science fiction novels, are sacred scripture. Scientology uses deception to control the minds and behavior of its believers. Spiritual growth in the sect is realized by taking numerous expensive courses, gradually, over many years, revealing the subjects of the Scientology faith, and is ensured by the thickness of the client’s wallet - to reach the last level of the “Bridge to Complete Freedom” a person from the street will cost about three hundred thousand dollars.

Currently, the topic of Scientology is extremely popular, especially in Hollywood. There are many famous people among Scientology adherents.

Tom Cruise has long been the “face of Scientology.” He is Hollywood's leading evangelist for Scientology. Through his efforts, many celebrities became Scientologists. But it was faith that destroyed a seemingly stable marriage Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes.

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Actor Will Smith He built a Scientology school with his own funds, but is in no hurry to join, although his wife is passionate about Scientology. I almost succumbed to Tom's influence and Penelope Cruz

Travolta says his first encounter with Scientology was in 1975, when he was filming his first film in Mexico. Of course, Travolta also converted his wife, actress Kelly Preston. abandoned this religion. For example, Patrick Swayze said that after the death of his father he also turned to Scientology. However, he did not take anything useful out of it, so he turned to Buddhism.

Once upon a time David and Victoria Beckham moved from the UK to the USA and settled in Los Angeles, Cruise tried to introduce the couple to Scientology. After Victoria stated that she was “not going to buy into this nonsense and spend her money on it,” Tom began to process David. At the end of 2007, David Beckham stated that, despite all the respect he has for Tom Cruise, he does not intend to become a Scientologist.

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Demmy Moor wanted to be a follower of Scientology, but Bruce Willis forbade her. The ex-husband did not want his daughters to have connections with the Scientology Church, so he forbade the actress from even approaching Scientology supporters. Although there are rumors that Demi, after her divorce from Ashton Kutcher, again turned to this “religion.”

© Getty Images

Information for Scientologists only. Any post on this blog is not a call to action or an invitation to join. It is exclusively educational and aimed at conveying information.

When we talk about celebrity Scientologists, we usually immediately remember Tom Cruise And John Travolta. And although these are stars shining in the sky like Sirius and Altair, among the smaller stars there are many Scientologists, without whom the “starry firmament” would look completely unusual. I have already written about some of them, but it would not be a sin to recall some of these famous Scientologists in this article. Naturally, we will talk about those whose names are known one way or another by many people on this planet Earth.

In passing, I also want to note that « famous scientologists» And « celebrity scientologists» This is not exactly the same thing, in my personal opinion. Due to the fact that public people sometimes do not want increased attention to their personal affairs, some well-known Scientologists may not advertise that they are involved in Scientology. The staff of the Church of Scientology takes this seriously and tries to protect the peace of its parishioners as much as possible. For this purpose, the post of President of the Celebrity Center was specially created in the Church of Scientology of Moscow (CSM). She (and this is a wonderful and very sweet girl) will help you get comfortable, protect you from unnecessary attention, and also give you an interesting tour of our four-story building, located right on Taganka. For example, I can say that when I came to Scientology at the very beginning, I instantly learned that John Travolta was a Scientologist. I learned about Tom Cruise much later. He probably did not then consider it necessary to publicly declare his religious affiliation. That is, he was “famous”, “famous” and was a “Scientologist”, but I did not know this at the time. Then, of course, I heard that Cruise was a Scientologist. But after September 11, 2001, when terrorist attacks occurred in America, Tom Cruise decided that something urgently needed to be done about this mess on planet Earth and began to really actively promote Scientology. It was from this moment that many people learned about Tom Cruise as a “celebrity Scientologist.”

So, let's start with the most popular and famous Scientologists at the moment - with stars of the first magnitude.

Actor-Scientologist, known to many primarily for the series of blockbuster action films “Mission Impossible”. In the early 90s, they wrote about Cruise that he saved Hollywood from an imminent crisis by bringing audiences back to movie theaters. The image he created of a successful, active, smiling young man was very warmly received at a time when the previous heroes “died” like dinosaurs. It is possible that this is not directly related, but it was during the Reagan period that prosperity and success in business began to be praised in America, and young and purposeful people came to replace punks and hippies. yuppie" Tom Cruise loves fast motorcycles and racing cars.

A famous actor-Scientologist with incredible plasticity of movements and such strong spiritual charm that he can lift any mood. In Soviet times, there was an article in the magazine Ogonyok about how a popular film had appeared in the West in which a handsome, well-dancing boy spends his days off on God knows what, thereby distracting workers from the class struggle (Saturday Night Fever). It’s funny, of course, but now it seems so naive and ridiculous against the backdrop of modern social problems. Who could stop a guy who likes to go dancing?

: Speaking about celebrity Scientologists who are known here in Russia, I cannot miss this famous motorcyclist. Keith Coad became a famous coach and trained many national and world champions in motorsports. Keith has also written many books on driving, and links to his special cornering techniques can be found online on our biker and motorcyclist websites. "according to the Code".

Well-known entrepreneur and founder of EarthLink (Internet provider). It all started when Skye sat down at his first computer at the age of 9 and learned the BASIC programming language. Then, after going through several stages in his early career as a businessman, Skye Dayton, at age 23, decided to create a company that would provide Internet services. And now it's a $1 billion company. And why all? Because Skye went to a school that taught according to L. Ron Hubbard's teaching methods.

Famous model and actress-Scientologist who became Miss Venezuela and won the honorary prize crown at Miss World. She starred in one of the Bond films as a James Bond girl (Living Daylights - “Sparks from the Eyes”). She is currently actively promoting L. Ron Hubbard's book, The Way to Happiness, and thanks to her efforts, crime in her country has begun to steadily decline.

From neighboring Colombia, he knows the problem of crime firsthand. He personally, with his squad of police, made his way in armored vehicles into areas controlled by drug lords to distribute to people the brochures “The Way to Happiness,” written by L. Ron Hubbard. Despite the shelling and explosions, Ricardo Prado tries to convey to people simple truths about honesty and truth.

As a musician and pianist, he is terribly loved and elevated to the very top of the musical Olympus. It's covered in Grammy awards like a Christmas tree is covered in toys. I have a CD with his music, it is original and touching, and leaves a special mark on my soul. And when he accompanies other famous musicians (), these wonderful compositions acquire indescribable softness and incredible charm. How famous Scientologist Chick Corea helps other musicians have more success in their lives.

They are a mega-fun jazz band, whose character evokes comparisons with the airy spirit of the film “Some Like It Hot.” And one could be convinced of this when these guys came to perform in Moscow. In addition, musicians at the last Olympics in London traveled around the city, performing as a group on the second floor of a city bus with anti-drug advertising, promoting the Church of Scientology's anti-drug campaign. So it's really famous scientologists, making life more joyful and happy!

: how can I write an article on the topic “ famous scientologists", and forget about old Billy! Well, of course, Billy Sheehan is the best bass player in rock, the founder of the super-popular rock band Mr. Big in the 80s and 90s. Now he is working on a new project Niacin (“Niacin”) and he is still in the ranks and is still distinguished by his virtuoso playing with three fingers of his right hand.

A well-known Scientologist actress who, in addition to filming films, is actively involved in charity work, helping many people, including residents of Haiti and Ethiopia, women prisoners in the United States, and also supports animal protection. When you read news from the topic " famous Hollywood Scientologists“Sometimes there are drug-related cases. This is quite understandable, because stars, performers and artists often have a fairly delicate mental makeup and can be susceptible to stress and depression (if they do not have the technology to deal with these things). Jenna Elfman In her youth, she also fell under the influence of this destructive habit, but with the help of technology (Narconon) she got rid of drugs and is now a successful actress in Hollywood. Therefore, it is not surprising that stars often support so that as many people as possible can quickly get out of these terrible networks of drug addiction.

Unfortunately, many famous Scientologists, whose names and achievements are familiar to us from newspapers or the Internet, could not make it into our TOP ten. Here, let's say, two more people, one of them is an inventor, and the other is a writer.