Volzhanka salted for the winter. How to salt volnushki: cold and hot method

Volnushki belong to the conditionally edible mushrooms of the Russula family. There are two types of mushrooms. Before preparing them for food, long heat treatment can be avoided. It is necessary to salt volushki for the winter using a certain technology, following the recipe. Then the dish will turn out delicious, and the mushrooms will be crispy and juicy.

Appearance of the wave

A common mushroom, often found in forest thickets and clearings. Volnushki grow in large families of 10-15 pieces in one place. As the mushroom grows, the cap becomes flat, with a dimple in the center. The cap of a large mushroom does not exceed 15 centimeters in diameter. Has a pinkish tint.

The height of the leg can reach 4 centimeters. The big wave has an empty leg inside.

White volnushka grows in well-lit meadows, pink - in dark and damp places. The growth period is from mid-July to the end of August.

Volnushki are very fragile mushrooms and can be easily damaged when harvested.

Basic rules for salting

Volushka mushrooms can be salted in different ways. In case of gross violation of the rules, severe poisoning does not threaten, but gastrointestinal upset is guaranteed. When cooking, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

One of the most delicious and suitable for pickling mushrooms are pink mushrooms. These mushrooms can be prepared by marinating, hot or cold pickling. The tastiest and crispiest are the volushki prepared according to the latter option.

How to salt volushki in a cold way - write down the recipe.

Ingredients for pickling mushrooms:
- 1 kg of fresh trumpets,
- horseradish leaves,
- cherry leaves,
- currant leaves,
- Bay leaf,
- peppercorns,
- 40-50 g rock salt.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Fresh mushrooms must first be thoroughly cleaned of wormholes and inspected for the presence of worms. Ideally suited for cold salting are strong young fish of approximately the same size. When cleaning, separate the stem from the cap. To get rid of bitterness, soak in water. Place clean mushrooms in a large bowl and cover with cold water for 2 days. The water should be changed twice a day, on the third day the volushki will be ready for salting.

For salting, we will select a suitable container; it is convenient to salt in a large plastic bucket or basin. Place horseradish leaves, cherries, currants, bay leaves, and peppercorns at the bottom of the container. You don’t have to chop the leaves, but we will serve the mushrooms without the leaves.

Place a layer of frills on the leaves and spices and sprinkle with coarse salt.
Continue this way until you run out of mushrooms. One kilogram of mushrooms requires 40-50 grams of coarse table salt. Use only rock salt for salting. Using iodized or sea salt can lead to unpleasant consequences - the jars will not last long. Irreversible fermentation processes will begin in them.

Layer out all the mushrooms layer by layer, not forgetting to add leaves and salt. Cover the last layer with a wooden round piece or lid of a suitable diameter. You can also use a suitable flat plate. For the load on top, we’ll put a jar of water, a pack of cereal or a brick - something heavy that we have on hand.

On the second day, the mushrooms produce juice and can be left to salt for another 20-30 days, or transferred to jars on the fifth day of pickling. Roll up the lid.
The mushrooms will be ready right in the jars.

Cold salted volnushki are a very successful appetizer for any holiday. Add thinly sliced ​​onions, some green onions, unrefined vegetable oil - and a wonderful vodka snack is ready.
If your "silent hunt" was very successful, look

If you are faced with the question of how to pickle volushki for the winter, then you should know that this can be done in at least two ways: cold and hot. In this part of the article, we will talk specifically about the first method of preparation, since it is much simpler than the hot method, and the fritters turn out much tastier.

Volnushki are very cute and elastic mushrooms that can be found in forests from approximately mid-July to November. By the way, they should not be consumed by people with certain diseases of the digestive system, so if in doubt, consult your doctor.

It is important to know that the mushrooms must be soaked before any preparation, especially before cold salting, since the mushroom is a so-called conditionally edible mushroom and contains caustic juice. There are many varieties of this mushroom.

For cold pickling at home, you can use any convenient container (jars, pans, tubs). The container for the preparation must be sterilized in advance so that harmful microorganisms do not multiply in it.

Utensils made of clay, aluminum, galvanized or polyethylene are not suitable for cold salting for the winter. Oxidation reactions and mold development are possible. It is optimal to use wooden (oak) tubs, enamel or glass containers.

The amount of these ingredients must be increased proportionally depending on the number of waves.


For soaking:

  • 1 liter of water
  • 20 g salt
  • 0.5 tsp citric acid

For boiling:

  • 2 tbsp. salt for boiling
  • a pinch of allspice
  • 2-3 bay leaves
  • 2 pcs cloves

For cold pickling:

  • 1 kg of volushki
  • 40-50 g coarse salt (not iodized)
  • 5-7 currant leaves
  • 2-3 leaves of horseradish
  • 1 dill umbrella
  • 10-14 cloves of garlic

If there are no fresh herbs in late autumn, you can add horseradish root or dried herbs. Small and dense frills are ideal for cold salting; large ones can be cut in half or into 4 parts.

Step-by-step instructions on how to cold pickle volushki

Before you start salting, the volnushki must be soaked.

Clean them thoroughly from spruce needles, sand and other debris, the legs can be trimmed a little, and put in a large basin. Fill with cold water and leave for 2-3 days, changing the water to fresh approximately every 3-5 hours. Then fold it back and dry. The longer the volushki are soaked in cold water, the more bitterness comes out of them. Well-soaked mushrooms will not taste bitter! It is believed that the caps are ready for further processing when their caps bend easily without breaking.

Some mushroom pickers believe that the cold pickling method does not involve pre-boiling, and skip the first point described below. But be careful! Additional heat treatment of mushrooms reduces the chances of getting an eating disorder, even if you are sure of the place of collection and the cleanliness of the environment!

  1. Place the soaked mushrooms in a convenient cooking pan, add clean cold water, adding salt, allspice, bay leaf and cloves (optional, since the spice is very spicy), and bring to a boil. Cook over low heat for 20-25 minutes, discard in a colander, and remove the bay leaf. After this, it is advisable to spread the mushrooms on a clean cloth so that excess liquid is absorbed as much as possible.
  2. Peel the garlic and cut each clove in half lengthwise.
  3. Place a few washed dry leaves and an umbrella of dill at the bottom of the barrel (or pan, jar). Then lay out the fritters in layers, sprinkling them with salt and garlic.
  4. Cover with horseradish (or cabbage) and press with a wooden circle (you can use a hot plate, a small clean board, etc.). You can cover it with a flat plate of small diameter.
  5. Cover with gauze, tying it around the neck of the vessel, and place pressure on top of the gauze (a clean stone, a jar of water) and place in the basement for about 1.5-2 months for pickling. The first sample can be taken no earlier than after 45-50 days.

Before use, the mushrooms are washed from salt and lightly dried. Then you can add a little vegetable oil,

Salting is the most popular and widespread method of preparing trumpets. Salted mushrooms are eaten instantly in winter. And now I’ll tell you how to properly and tasty pickle volushki at home so that they are crispy and aromatic.

There are two ways to salt volushki – cold or hot. I prefer hot salting - this method is faster and does not require certain conditions.

The following mushrooms are suitable for pickling: volushki (also called Volzhanka), bitter mushrooms and milk mushrooms.

There are many options for preparing mushrooms for the winter: they are boiled, dried, cooked, but salting mushrooms takes much more time, but it’s worth it - the salted mushrooms turn out crispy, appetizing and very tasty.

Since salting volushki for the winter using the cold method takes quite a long time, many people choose the hot method to speed up the process of preparing salted volushki. It is very easy to pickle volushki using a hot method.

For 1 kg. we need waves:

2 dill umbrellas

10 blackcurrant leaves

3-4 cloves of garlic

3 tablespoons coarse rock salt (without iodine)

bay leaf, cloves, allspice and black peppercorns - optional

Preparing mushrooms:

1). Both large and small ones are suitable for pickling. The volnushki need to be sorted out - cleaned of dirt, leaves and other debris. We do this carefully, as they are fragile and can crumble in your hands. We throw away spoiled and wormy specimens.

2). Unlike other mushrooms, cleaning the mushrooms does not take much time, so you can immediately start cutting them - cut off the stems (if they are too long, cut them in half), cut the caps of large mushrooms into 4 parts, medium ones into 2, and small caps can be left untouched .

3). Then we thoroughly wash the mushrooms to remove any remaining dirt. Then, in order for the volushki not to taste bitter, they need to be soaked in cold water for two days. This must be done before salting the trumpets!

We place a plate of smaller diameter on top and some weight on it to prevent the waves from floating up. The mushrooms should be completely covered with water. During the soaking period, you need to change the water at least twice a day, otherwise the mushrooms will begin to sour. If possible, leave them in a cool place; if this is not possible, then change the water more often.

4). After two days, drain all the water. Then we boil them in lightly salted water for 20 minutes over low heat, removing the foam with a slotted spoon and stirring occasionally. Make sure that the mushrooms do not stick to the bottom. If there are a lot of mushrooms, we do this in several stages. We throw the waves into a colander.

5) . Next, we move directly to salting the tremors. Place currant leaves and dill cut into pieces on the bottom of an enamel bowl (you can also take cherry, horseradish or oak leaves) and add cloves and pepper to your taste.

Next is a layer of frills (layer thickness is about 5-8 cm) - place them caps down and add about one tablespoon of salt and cut the garlic into slices.

We put it under pressure and put it in a cool place for 2-3 days. During this time, a brine will appear that will cover the waves. As the mushrooms are salted, they will decrease in volume.

You can, of course, also immediately lay them in layers in glass jars, but I usually wait a couple of days until they settle and until the brine appears. Next, place tightly in regular jars with screw-on lids. Salted mushrooms can be eaten in this way within a month.

The recipe for salting volushkas using the hot method is the most common. Such volnushki are stored in a cool place.

Cold salting of volushki


1 kg. fresh waves

rock salt – 40-50 g.

horseradish, cherry and currant leaves - to taste

dill stems

garlic - to taste

citric acid – 2 g.

peppercorns, allspice - optional


The principle of salting volushki in a cold way is simple to the point of banality. Unlike hot salting, there is no need to boil them. We soak the cleaned and washed mushrooms in salt water for 2-3 days to remove the milky juice, which gives the mushrooms bitterness. Put 10 grams of salt per liter of water and add another 2 grams of citric acid.

We change the water several times a day. Then, on the third day, we place the mushrooms and herbs tightly in the selected container (bucket or basin) with the caps down. First put a leaf of horseradish, currant leaves, dill stems, peppercorns, allspice on the bottom and then put a layer of frills and sprinkle everything with salt. Per kg. Approximately 40 g of non-iodized rock salt. We continue like this layer by layer until then.

We put the mushrooms under pressure (we must put a weight on them) so that the mushrooms are subsequently covered with brine. After a couple of days, the mushrooms will release juice and settle down. After this, we put them in a cold place (the recommended temperature should be from 0-10 degrees). We leave it there to salt for 1.5 -2 months. Then we put the pickles in jars and roll them up. Some also pour boiling water over the waves before laying them in layers, but this is not necessary.

Before serving, rinse the finished salted volushki in clean water.

It’s up to you to decide which recipe to use for salting the volushki. If the salting technology has not been violated, then there is no risk of poisoning.

During the mass harvest season, many mushroom pickers are wondering how to prepare mushrooms for the winter. There are many options for preparing this product. Mushrooms can be fried and boiled. But some types are only suitable for a certain harvesting method. These include waves. They contain milky juice, which gives them bitterness and can cause poisoning if processed incorrectly. Therefore, let's talk about how to salt tremors.

They are usually cold-salted or pickled. The cooking process takes a little longer than some other types of mushrooms. However, the result is worth the wait.

Volnushki should be carefully sorted, removing old and damaged specimens. They are then washed using running water. After this, the mushrooms are soaked in slightly salted water. This process lasts about 3-5 days. To soak them, you need to take an enamel bowl or place the mushrooms in a prepared container and put a weight on top to prevent them from floating. During the soaking period, you should change the water at least twice a day. Keep the container with mushrooms in a cool place.

After soaking in volnushki, the bitterness disappears, and the cap becomes soft and not brittle. Therefore, this process must be carried out before salting the tremors.

Cold salting is the most optimal method for preparing tremors. The soaked mushrooms are placed in a prepared container (except for aluminum) with their caps down, forming layers. Every two layers should be sprinkled with salt and spices. They need to be prepared before salting the trumpets. Usually they take black peppercorns, dill (goes very well with mushrooms), bay leaves and leaves of some plants as desired (currants, cherries, etc.)

For one kilogram of mushrooms we take about 50 grams of salt.

When all the mushrooms are laid, they should be covered on top with clean gauze (in several layers) or a cloth. Then we lay a wooden circle and put a small weight on top. We leave the waves for several days. Usually after 5-6 days the brine appears. The mushrooms become dense. If this does not happen, then the weight of the load should be increased and the container should be covered with film. Mushrooms should be kept in a cool place.

During the salting process, mold may form on top. In this case, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the wooden circle and change the rag. You can remove the top layer of mushrooms on which mold has formed. As the mushrooms are salted, they will decrease in volume. You can add new layers, also sprinkling them with salt and adding spices.

After 1.5-2 months you can eat without much hassle.

You can also preserve salted mushrooms. To do this, take clean glass jars with a volume of 0.5 liters and put several peppercorns (allspice) and one bay leaf into each of them. Place the mushrooms in a colander and wash them. Place them in jars.

Next, you need to boil the brine in which the tremors were salted and strain. Pour two tablespoons of vinegar (5%) into jars with mushrooms. Then add brine to them. If there is not enough brine, then replace it with freshly prepared one. To do this, dilute 20 grams of salt in hot boiled water (1 liter).

After this, you should cover the jars with metal lids (but do not roll them up!) and sterilize them for about 40 minutes. Next, seal the lids hermetically and leave the jars until they cool completely. Here's how to cold-salt volushki and preserve them for a long time.

Can be served as a snack with any dishes and side dishes.