Her circle celebrates the New Year. New Year in countries around the world. The French celebrate the New Year with close friends and relatives. Family New Year's entertainment: "Literary competition"

New Year in France is celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1. The French welcome him among close friends and relatives. They organize home gatherings, go to parties in clubs or restaurants, have fun, sing and dance on the streets of cities in fancy dress.

The heart of New Year's events is the capital of France - Paris. During the winter holidays, a special atmosphere of magic reigns here. The city streets are illuminated with magnificent illumination. Boutique windows are decorated with unusual trees and Christmas designs. The windows of the Lafayette and Printemps shopping galleries attract the attention of citizens and tourists with live doll miniatures. The main Christmas tree of France is located in Paris on the square in front of Notre Dame Cathedral. It amazes with its size and beauty.

Traditions and rituals

An interesting and vibrant tradition is cheerful festivities on the city streets on the evening of December 31st. The French wear cone-shaped caps and fancy dress. They jokingly call each other Sylvester Claus and shower each other with candies, tinsel and streamers.

A favorite New Year's entertainment among friends is a holiday lottery, in which you can win an unexpected gift: a pig's head, a chicken or turkey carcass.

Among French housewives there is a tradition of placing a bean seed in a closed pie. A guest who comes across a piece with a bean is jokingly called the “Bean King” throughout New Year’s Eve.

Winemakers have their own tradition. The owner goes down to the wine cellar, clinks glasses with a barrel, congratulates it on the New Year, and wishes himself a rich harvest in the coming year.

The French give each other cards, souvenirs, toys, books, and money on January 1st. Cards are sent to loved ones who were not there on New Year's Eve.

history of the holiday

New Year's Eve in France is called Saint Sylvester's Day. The name comes from the name of the Pope, who died on December 31, 335. According to legend, Saint Sylvester defeated the terrible serpent Leviathan, who was about to destroy the world. Therefore, on New Year's Eve, the French make noise and have fun in the streets and squares in fancy outfits, which, according to legend, should scare away evil spirits.

New Year decoration

In France, the New Year and Christmas holidays last a whole month - from December 6 to January 6. Streets and houses begin to take on a solemn appearance from the end of autumn.

The streets light up with festive illuminations. The windows of restaurants and cafes are painted with snowflakes, paintings with a New Year's theme and funny inscriptions. Houses are decorated with flowers. The French place them in bouquets, bunches and one at a time in all rooms and place them on the dining table.

In city squares, in the halls of restaurants and cafes, and in apartments, the main attribute of the winter holidays is installed - a spruce tree, decorated with garlands and balls. Another important New Year's symbol in France is mistletoe. The decoration made from it has the shape of a ring or sphere with a wire frame entwined with greenery. Mistletoe is considered a symbol of good luck for the coming year.

Festive table

The French New Year's table amazes with its luxury and abundance. Different geographical areas of the country have their own characteristics in the holiday menu. The main attribute of the New Year's table in the north-eastern part of France is baked goose, in Burgundy - baked turkey with chestnuts. In Brittany and Provence, housewives serve buckwheat flatbread with sour cream. Parisians prefer seafood (oysters, lobsters) and goose liver dishes.

The French festive table surprises with the number of sweets, which reaches up to 13 items. The most popular dessert is a log-shaped cake.

Among the alcoholic drinks on the New Year's table, there is always sparkling wine (champagne), whose homeland is the French province of Champagne.

MOSCOW, December 29 – RIA Novosti. Without exception, all the leaders of the State Duma and parliamentary factions, after the stormy 2012, which brought back discussions in parliament sometimes past midnight, and rallies of thousands in the streets, intend to celebrate the New Year at home with their families.


The first person of the chamber, Speaker Sergei Naryshkin, who from the non-public offices of the presidential administration ended up in the parliament, red-hot with the intensity of passions, and spent a year under the gaze of deputies and television cameras turned to him, will be with his family with his children and grandchildren, whom he calls “his youngest children.” .

Naryshkin, who, as the pre-New Year days showed, knows how to organize holidays for those around him, did not say what he would give to his household for the holiday, but promised that “there will definitely be gifts.”

United Russia

The head of the United Russia faction, Vice Speaker Vladimir Vasiliev also intends to celebrate the holiday at home with his family.

“I always celebrate the New Year with my family. So on this New Year’s Eve at a dacha in the Moscow region we will gather with family and friends, there will be many children: first we will traditionally sit at the table, and then we will set off fireworks in the area,” Vasiliev told RIA Novosti.

And on the morning of the first day of the new year, Vasiliev dreams of leaving for the Tver region.

“I’ll go for a walk in the forest there, go hunting and fishing with friends. Closer to Christmas, I’ll return to Moscow,” Vasiliev said.

During the New Year holidays, Vasiliev wants to spend time with his children, communicate more with loved ones and get some sleep.

“I plan to take my granddaughter and her friends to the circus. I also want to talk to loved ones, read, and, of course, get some sleep during these holidays,” Vasiliev said.

The first deputy head of the United Russia faction, Vyacheslav Timchenko, will also celebrate the New Year with his family.

“I will celebrate the New Year traditionally. We will decorate a Christmas tree in the forest in advance to surprise and delight the kids. And closer to 12 o’clock we will go there with the whole big family. We always celebrate this holiday together - my wife and I, adult children, grandchildren. And we always do in Russia," he said.

Communist Party of the Russian Federation

The leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov traditionally plans to celebrate the New Year in a cozy home environment with family and friends, especially since he has eight grandchildren who will not let their grandfather get bored. In addition, the communist leader’s plans include participation in a billiards tournament during the New Year holidays. He also does not forget about work - preparations for the upcoming 2013 Congress of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation will be in full swing.

“I have eight grandchildren, I need to visit everyone, congratulate everyone, play snowballs with everyone, go sledding, give wise advice. This is a home holiday. We will gather in the home circle, under the Christmas tree,” Zyuganov told RIA Novosti.

He clarified that his son has five sons, and his daughter has two sons and a daughter.

“Ivan is the youngest, he is five years old. He loves to play chess. I’m sure that he will definitely pester you and say, “let’s play a New Year’s tournament.” He already plays seriously, you have to strain your brains with him, not relax,” said the leader of the Communist Party of Russia .

“We will also have a New Year’s billiards tournament, 20 people will participate in it, good masters. I usually participate too, I hope to win something,” Zyuganov added.

Just Russia

The leader of the Socialist Revolutionary faction, Sergei Mironov, answering a question from journalists about how he wanted to celebrate the New Year, smiled and answered briefly that he would greet it - like most Russians - traditionally at home with his family with Olivier salad.

“The weather is winter, the main thing is not to get carried away with walks on the street, not to freeze, and be careful with fireworks and other fiery activities, because the year of the dragon is passing, but it can still burn someone too hot,” Mironov advised.


LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky believes that it is best to celebrate the New Year outdoors, at the dacha, but the most important thing is to congratulate all your loved ones, wish them joy and do not forget to call those with whom you will not be able to meet that evening.

“I believe that we should all be kinder. Invite everyone you need to visit, agree to any invitations. Give any gifts. Be sure to call, forgive each other, so that there is joy, because this is the only universal holiday - everyone else political, industry, and this is a common holiday,” Zhirinovsky told RIA Novosti.

He emphasized that the most important thing on New Year's Eve is to try to return to childhood and feel the holiday atmosphere.

“Return to childhood, holding hands, dancing around the Christmas tree. We walk, walk, walk... half an hour, an hour, two, tired, collapsed, fell asleep, and woke up - it’s already a new year. This is how we cope,” said the LDPR leader.

According to him, the New Year's table in his family will be modest: jellied meat, vinaigrette, capital salad. “A little bit, a spoonful at a time. And no vodka or champagne. Just clap your hands that the New Year has come and tell each other: be happy, brother or sister, kiss, go your separate ways,” the parliamentarian said.

The leader of the Liberal Democrats plans to give modest, small gifts to family and friends.

“I’ve already given them everything. I’ve already given them everything I can. Well, I’ll give them some trinkets: a T-shirt for someone, a snake for someone, all the little things. There’s no need for expensive gifts,” Zhirinovsky concluded.

When we are still making the final feverish preparations for the New Year, some inhabitants of the Earth not only met it and had a lot of fun, but by this time they even managed to rest and sleep. For there are places in the world where the New Year is celebrated much earlier than here. In our photo gallery we present those places where the New Year is celebrated first on our planet.

1. Traditionally, Kiribati will be the first to celebrate the New Year 2015. More specifically, on the Linear Islands, which are located further east than the other islands of this country. In 1994, one of the presidential candidates promised citizens that if he won the election, he would make Kiribati the first to celebrate the New Year in the whole world. He won and kept his word: he moved the demarcation line of time (the conventional line on the map of time zones). Since then, Kiribati has been divided into three time zones, and in the easternmost one, midnight occurs 14 hours earlier than in London. (Photo: DS355/flickr.com).

2. In the same time zone as Kiribati is Tokelau, which includes a group of islands consisting of three coral atolls: Atafu, Nukunono and Fakaofo. It is a dependent territory of New Zealand. The time zone change here occurred as recently as 2011, and the main reason for this was the problem of interaction in contacts with New Zealand, since previously the island was on the other side of the time demarcation line. (Photo: Haanee Naeem/flickr.com).

3. Residents of Samoa will celebrate the New Year an hour later. In 2011, there was also a time zone change; the date December 30, 2011 was not in the Samoan calendar. This was done for better interaction and development of cooperation with Australia and New Zealand. Interestingly, the previous time zone change was carried out in 1892 in order to adjust the time to California. (Photo: Savai’i Island/flickr.com).

4. At the same time as Samoa, residents of Tonga, an island located one-third of the way between New Zealand and Hawaii, south of Samoa, will celebrate the New Year. (Photo: pintxomoruno/flickr.com).

5. Chatham Islanders will be next to ring in the New Year. This small archipelago consists of two inhabited islands - Chatham and Pitta. Other small islands have reserve status and are largely inaccessible to both island residents and tourists. Interestingly, Chatham Island has its own time zone, which differs by 45 minutes (less) from the time in New Zealand. (Photo: Phil Pledger/flickr.com).

6. After the Chatham Islanders, New Zealand will be the next to celebrate New Year 2015. (Photo: Philipp Klinger Photography/flickr.com).

7. At the same time as in New Zealand, they will celebrate the New Year in Fiji. This is a state that is located on 322 islands and islets of volcanic origin, surrounded by coral reefs, of which only 110 islands are inhabited. (Photo: brad/flickr.com).

8. The first mainland state whose residents will celebrate the New Year 2015 (at the same time as the residents of New Zealand and Fiji) is Russia, or more precisely, the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, located in the southeastern part of the volcanic Kamchatka peninsula. (Photo: Jasja/flickr.com).

9. In the same time zone as Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, there are numerous small islands and archipelagos in the Pacific Ocean: Tuvalu, Nauru, Wallis and Futuna, Wake and the Marshall Islands. In the photo: Nauru island. (Photo: Hadi Zaher/flickr.com).

10. We travel further and move west. Next to celebrate the New Year will be the residents of New Caledonia, a French overseas territory located in the Western Pacific Ocean, in Melanesia, about 1,400 kilometers east of Australia and 1,500 kilometers northwest of New Zealand. (Photo: Tonton des Iles-Bye bye Everyone /flickr.com).

Countries that celebrate the New Year at the same time as New Caledonia are: Vanuatu, Federated States of Micronesia and Solomon Islands.

11. Together with New Caledonia, the New Year 2015 will be celebrated by residents of another Russian city - Magadan. (Photo: Tramp/flickr.com).

12. On our journey, we finally arrived in Australia, where the first to celebrate the New Year, of course, were the residents of the east coast - Sydney and Melbourne. (Photo: El Mundo, Economía y Negocios/flickr.com).

13. Simultaneously with the residents of Sydney and Melbourne, the New Year will be celebrated in Vladivostok and on such Pacific islands as Guam, the Mariana Islands and Papua New Guinea. In the photo: the island of Guam. (Photo: orgazmo/flickr.com).

We end our journey in this time zone, and if you want to continue it, the atlas will help you with this!

How to celebrate the New Year at home with your family in an interesting and fun way

New Year has long been considered a family holiday. It was not customary to celebrate this holiday separately. On the contrary, the whole family tried to gather at one table on New Year's Eve.

Nowadays, many people are bored and not interested in celebrating this holiday at home; they celebrate either in restaurants or at some resorts, or at a party. But those who still value traditions and celebrate the New Year at home know that this holiday brings loved ones closer together.

Since 2019 is considered the year of the Yellow Earthen Pig (Boar) according to the eastern calendar. And the pig loves his family and friends very much, often sacrificing his interests for their sake. Then, even more so, all relatives need to reunite and have fun, to the boar’s delight.

In order for the celebration of this holiday to be equally fun for all generations, you should prepare for this holiday in advance. After all, celebrating the New Year is not limited to just a magnificent feast, but also includes various games, dances, as well as congratulations with gifts.

Let's consider a scenario for celebrating the New Year, which is equally suitable for both young people and the older generation.

Home scenario:

1. Feast - 18-00.

You need to start celebrating the New Year, of course, with a festive feast. But to prevent a hearty feast from turning into extra pounds on your waist, you should prepare light, but at the same time tasty, satisfying and elegant dishes. A buffet table is perfect for such an evening. After a small buffet with salads and appetizers, you can move on to the next stage.

2. Watching your favorite New Year's films 19-00.

Over the years, films such as “The Irony of Fate. Or Enjoy Your Bath”, “Operation Y”, as well as “Prisoner of the Caucasus” do not go out of fashion. Everyone loves them so much that watching them is often associated with the New Year, and their comedy genre will lift everyone’s spirits. So why not refresh your memory and watch your favorite films again. Children can be invited to watch children's New Year's comedies "Home Alone", "Christmas Santa" and others.

3. Dinner at 21-00.

After watching the film, everyone is probably already hungry. You can start the festive dinner with a more abundant feast.

4. Games 22-00.

After a late and very filling dinner, many people are already out of action. In order for the holiday to be a success and the family not to get bored, it’s time to start playing.

And there are a great many games for the New Year:

  • "New Year's toasts"
  • "forfeits"
  • "Guess what"
  • "puzzles",
  • “surprise”, etc.

New Year's toasts. Each of those present should come up with one funny New Year's toast for one letter of the alphabet from the letter A to Z. Come up with a “punishment” for the loser in advance.
Fanta. Write fun tasks on forfeits and put them in a bag or box and let everyone pull out a forfeit and do what is written on the forfeit.

Guess what. Each person present must write something about themselves on a piece of paper. Then all the leaves should be mixed and placed in a bag or box. Then, one by one, the participants take out the pieces of paper, read them and guess who they are talking about.
Puzzles. Write riddles and put them in balloons. The balloons should be inflated. Let each of the participants take the balloon they like, burst it with a needle, and guess the riddle.
Surprise. Write wishes on pieces of paper and bake them in cookies and distribute them to everyone present. Let everyone do what is written on their piece of paper.

You can also organize a competition of New Year's ditties and comic songs, and reward participants with symbolic prizes in the form of sweets, magnets or postcards.

I can also suggest watching a video clip that offers 5 more ideas for interesting and fun competitions for the New Year for adults and children:

5. Exchange of gifts and congratulations 23-00.

Having played enough and according to the rules, you can start congratulating and exchanging gifts. Perhaps this is the most favorite activity for adults and children. Place all the gifts in a large bag or box in advance, sign what is intended for whom. Let everyone recite a poem and receive a gift in return.

6. Champagne 23-59.

What's a new year without champagne, and this one is without exception. Open the champagne to the sound of the chimes and the clapping of firecrackers, congratulate each other on the New Year.

7. Dessert and watching New Year's TV shows 00-30.

Surely many are already a little hungry, you can start with dessert. It's good to watch New Year's programs while eating sweets - tasty and fun.

8. Walking on the square 01-00.

You can go with your whole family to the square for a walk, set off fireworks there, and take pictures. This will allow those who have had too much to sober up and will cheer up those who have fallen asleep.

9. Dancing until the morning 02-00.

You can and should dance until the morning, or whatever you can stand it, this will allow you to have fun and burn extra calories.

This simple scenario will allow you to celebrate the New Year in a fun and unforgettable way; you can also add some of your own ideas to it and add some zest to such an important family holiday.

That's all for me! I hope that you liked my New Year's scenario.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones! Happy New Year!