Criminal record in England, expensive cars and lack of work: Navalny’s investigation into the son of Putin’s press secretary. Navalny's investigation into Peskov's son exposed

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Politician Alexei Navalny notes that the eldest son of Putin’s press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, manages expensive real estate and cars, while being formally unemployed. The man Navalny identified as the official's son, Nikolai Choles, called the publication a "nightmare" and a "provocation."

The politician published a detailed investigation about Nikolai Choles, a former employee of the RT television company, on Thursday.

There is no official confirmation that the hero of Navalny’s investigation, Nikolai Choles, is in fact the son of Dmitry Peskov. The spokesman did not respond to the BBC's request for comment.
It is worth noting that Dmitry Peskov’s eldest son’s name is Nikolai. On Choles' Facebook page there are a large number of photographs with the daughter of the presidential press secretary, Elizaveta Peskova, some of them signed with the word sis (probably an abbreviation for the English sister).
Information about the relationship between Choles and Peskov was confirmed by a source, noting that they practically do not communicate.

FBK, based on photographs on Chouzla’s Instagram (the account is currently closed), notes that the man owns Tesla cars worth approximately 10 million rubles, and also drives a Range Rover, Ferrari, Mercedes CLA and a Harley-Davidson motorcycle.

Choles regularly flies on private jets and travels on yachts, according to the Diamond Daddy's Golden Child investigation. In addition, he has an apartment with an area of ​​110 m in the center of the capital.

Choles' Facebook page states that he works for the RT channel and is the creative director of Fight Nights.

The sponsor of this company, according to media reports, is businessman Ziyavudin Magomedov. It was his politician who accused Dmitry Peskov of giving a bribe - it seems that Magomedov paid for the press secretary’s multimillion-dollar vacation on the Maltese Falcon yacht. The Summa group, owned by Magomedov, denied this information.

But in a comment to FBK, Choles said that he has not been working anywhere recently. Since February of this year, one company has been registered under it, which, according to FBK, is currently not conducting any activities.

FBK also found out that Nikolai Choles violated traffic rules at least 116 times a year, and several years ago spent approximately 1 year in an English prison on charges of assault and battery.

“He doesn’t work anywhere, but he buys apartments on Rublyovka, Range Rovers, Ferraris, Teslas, watches, travel, and rides horses all day long,” the investigation says.

“This is just some kind of nightmare,” Nikolai Choles said regarding the investigation, calling it a “provocation.” “Well, what else can this be considered? Horror,” he emphasized.

This is not the first time that the Peskov family has been the subject of Alexei Navalny’s investigation. Exactly 2 years ago, the politician reported in his blog that Peskov was vacationing on the Maltese Falcon yacht in Sardinia.
Renting such a yacht costs €385 thousand, or 26 million rubles per week, Navalny noted in his blog. The press secretary then denied this information, noting that he lived in a hotel in Sardinia.
On August 1, at the wedding with Olympic champion Tatyana Navka, a Richard Mille RM 52-01 watch was seen on the hand of a Kremlin official, the cost of which is 620 thousand dollars (38 million rubles) - which is several times higher than the amount of income that Peskov indicated in his declaration.
Navka later reported that the watch was her gift.

The investigation materials indicate that Nikolai Choles did not study at any prestigious university in the UK. However, he appears in the British court database. He was sentenced to 15 months in juvenile prison on charges of assault and theft in 2009, the investigation said.

Nikolai Choles, the son of Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov, moved to Russia in 2014. At the same time, he purchased an apartment of 110 square meters. m overlooking Moscow City on Bolshaya Dorogomilovskaya Street. A year later, Choles bought another apartment - on Rublyovka (in Gorki-10). Navalny reported this with reference to registry data.

The investigation also reveals that Choles briefly worked as a correspondent for Russia Today in 2012. Now in his Facebook profile it is indicated that he is"creative director" of the promotion company Fight Nights. This company was associated with “Peskov’s friend, businessman Ziya Magomedov.”

Choles himself told the authors of the investigation that he has not worked anywhere since 2015. However, his social media profiles reveal the luxurious lifestyle the unemployed man leads. He is fond of horse riding, flies on private planes, and has a fleet of luxury cars.

“This is how the country works and this is how social elevators work. You can get an excellent education and be a terribly hard worker, but in this system, let's be honest, you still don't have much luck. And if you live in the region, then there is no light at all. But for a guy with no education and a prison record for robbery, the elevator doors immediately open and he is taken to the floor, where they pour champagne and give him a Ferrari,” Navalny writes in his investigation.

Dmitry Peskov has not yet commented on the information presented on the oppositionist’s website.

As Vedomosti writes, in 2016, Dmitry Peskov’s family was the leader in income in the presidential administration, declaring 133.6 million rubles. The wife of the president's press secretary, Tatyana Navka, also declared an apartment in the United States.

Its main character is 27-year-old Nikolai Choles, the son of Putin's press secretary Dmitry Peskov from his first marriage. Together with his mother (Peskov’s first wife), he moved to live in the UK in the late 90s, where he spent more than ten years, keeping his stepfather’s surname.

He returned to Russia relatively recently, in 2011-2012, but managed to post many pictures on social networks showing his luxurious lifestyle.

The authors of the investigation are perplexed where the young man got the money for numerous cars, an apartment and luxury goods: Choles admitted that he is not working anywhere at the moment, and opened his own company only recently.

“This is just some kind of nightmare,” he told RBC. “Well, what else can this be considered? Horror.” Choles declined to comment further, and Dmitry Peskov has still not commented on the investigation.

Peskov’s son, according to FBK, while living in England in 2009, was found guilty of causing bodily harm and theft and sentenced to 15 months in juvenile prison. As follows from the court documents (FBK claims that it ordered a transcript of the hearings in the court in Milton Keynes), he first attacked the girl, whose phone he took, and then, in the company of two acquaintances, attacked another teenager, took his money and beat him .

​Shortly after serving his sentence, Nikolai Choles came from Great Britain to Russia. After returning home, the official’s son became involved in a case of non-payment of alimony, and the database for his car contains more than 116 fines for traffic violations.

Choles has a rich fleet of vehicles in Russia, FBK claims: he is registered with a Tesla Model X electric car worth about 10 million rubles (there are several photos indicating that his father also drove this car), a Range Rover jeep worth about 9 million rubles and several others vehicles, including Mercedes and Ferrari.

On Instagram @ndchoulz (now closed), Peskov’s son posted photos from private jets and first class, as well as pictures from equestrian activities. In the photo below, he is taken in the arena along with Peskov’s current wife Tatyana Navka and other members of the official’s family.

According to FBK, Choles owns an apartment of 110 m2 in the center of Moscow on Bolshaya Dorogomilovskaya Street worth up to 30 million rubles.

Currently, Choles does not officially work anywhere, which he confirmed in a conversation with FBK employees. For some time he worked on the Russia Today TV channel, but his stories were published there for only a couple of months and did not appear after 2012.

On Facebook, Choles also calls himself the creative director of Fight Nights, an organizer of fights and sports competitions. The company belongs to Peskov’s friend, businessman Ziya Magomedov.

Peskov Sr. has already appeared in several FBK investigations. One concerned his house on the alleged Rublevskoe Highway (the mansion is registered to the official’s wife, figure skater Tatyana Navka), the second concerned the largest and most expensive sailing yacht in the world (its rental costs 26 million rubles per week).

A big stir on social networks was also caused by the fact that Peskov was at the wedding with Navka. Their cost was 37 million rubles. Peskov himself explained that it was a gift from his wife, but calculations showed that even the earnings of Olympic champion Navka would hardly have allowed him to purchase such an expensive gift.

Peskov himself does not comment on corruption charges.

Alexey Anatolyevich Navalny issued another “original investigation”. This time about Peskov’s children, and in particular, his son, Nikolai Choles (stepfather’s last name). And again, this “investigation” is reminiscent of the same joke about “not sports lotto, but poker, and I didn’t win, but lost.” In general, in short, Navalny “found” and even “unearthed” that Choles is a chronic violator of traffic rules, does not have a higher education, and is generally a “bad person.” By the way, Nikolai Choles himself has already called this investigation a provocation.

Navalny, by the way, is already “tearing and rushing”, and writes that “this is not enough” and prove your innocence of the charges brought. Well, that is, he behaves like a “first-class lawyer” who, of course, respects the presumption of innocence, which is characteristic of any judicial system in a democratic state.

At the same time, the oppositionist again, to put it mildly, does not say anything.

Firstly, Navalny’s “investigation” is not original. Publications about Choles also appeared in the Western press. At the same time, publications about “the children of Lieutenant Schmidt...”, er... about the deeds of Peskov - this has become a definite trend since several scandalous interviews with Liza Peskova. And Navalny simply follows him. But, in general, he did not find anything new.

Liberal bloggers also express doubts about the reliability of the information presented in the “investigation.” For example, Maria Baronova commented on the latest “shock, photos, secrets, intrigues” from Navalny as follows: “I read about Peskov’s son. There are a number of obvious oddities here.

1) What does his mother look like? It’s just that in some very obvious way he doesn’t look like Peskov’s biological child. My family has a wealth of experience in producing children from people with southern genes, and the dominance of these genes is greatly exaggerated among skull fans.

2) He was not raised by Peskov and, by all indications, was taken to England at a time when Peskov was in a deeply impoverished state and the child’s mother had plans for a long, beautiful life without a Russian woman.

3) It didn’t turn out to be a beautiful life and in general everything became obviously shitty. Probably, there is the mother’s fault here, but the same Peskov cannot be to blame in any way. When they take your child away (if it is your child at all) and leave you far away, then they plan to never let you near him again

4) At the prison stage, Peskov apparently decided to help a child from a long-forgotten life, as befits a sane person.

5) Well, he helps as best he can. Here we had no doubt about the lack of teaching abilities among Russian senior officials.

So it’s better to focus on the last luxury item in life. But I hope that the readers of my cozy channel from among the younger generation will understand that suing Peskov for his biography is most likely not even his biological son and for trying to do at least something when everything was fine for himself - this is wrong.

Peskov in this story looks decent until the moment he gives the luxury life away instead of trying to rehabilitate his comrade.” And in general, it must be said that Mrs. Baronova’s doubts are completely justified.

However, the point here is not so much in matters of genetics, but in the fact that Navalny took all this “compromising” information from information resources that are periodically used as “sink tanks” for compromising evidence. Well, like Navalny himself, only on a smaller scale.

Therefore, the reliability of all this information, to put it mildly, raises doubts. Well, the approach of Navalny and his associates to “investigations” on other issues also gives reason to assume that Alexey Anatolyevich again collected clippings from publications of the “yellow press”, presented them “boldly and beautifully”, and now demands “to refute if you can.”

Opposition leader Alexei Navalny today published an investigation from which it follows that Nikolai Choles, unemployed and prosecuted in the UK, the son of Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov from his first marriage, leads a luxurious lifestyle in Moscow and abroad.

In particular, the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK), with reference to photos on social networks, assures that Choles drives a Ferrari, Mercedes CLA, Range Rover, as well as a Harley-Davidson motorcycle.

At the same time, the cost of only the Tesla electric car, registered in the name of Choles, which the press secretary of the Russian President was also seen driving, is “comparable to the annual income of official Peskov,” Navalny writes.

Navalny also claims that Choles did not study at any prestigious university in the UK, but appears in the database of the British court.

Navalny also cites several episodes of offenses for which, according to him, Choles even spent time in a British prison. We are talking about robberies and beatings, as well as non-payment of alimony.

Having moved to Russia, Choles purchased an apartment of 110 square meters in 2014. m overlooking Moscow City on Bolshaya Dorogomilovskaya Street, and in 2015 he bought another apartment on Rublyovka (in Gorki-10). Navalny reported this with reference to registry data.

In 2012, Choles briefly worked as a correspondent for Russia Today. According to the investigation, Nikolai Choles does not currently work anywhere, but calls himself the creative director of the company Fight Nights, owned by Dmitry Peskov’s friend, businessman Ziya Magomedov.

Alexey Navalny argues that in a corrupt system a person can study well, but not achieve great heights in his career, and if he is from a small town, then the situation is aggravated many times over. And another is able to be held accountable and immediately occupy the highest positions in the company only thanks to family ties.

“This is how the country works and this is how social elevators work. You can get an excellent education and be a terribly hard worker, but in this system, let's be honest, you still don't have much luck. And if you live in the region, then there is no light at all. But for a guy with no education and a prison record for robbery, the elevator doors immediately open and he is taken to the floor, where they pour champagne and give him a Ferrari,” Navalny concludes.