Social project for disabled people. The “we are together” project is aimed at social support for families with disabled children Svetlana Viktorovna Epishina, director of a budgetary social institution. Social projects of the disabled people's society

Personal growth

Implement: Social project Creative club for people with disabilities “No Borders!”



Social project Creative club for people

with disabilities “No Borders!”

People with disabilities, people with disabilities, are everywhere. According to United Nations (UN) estimates, almost every tenth person on the planet is disabled.

It is not a person’s fault that he was born or became this way. It is not his fault that he cannot always work and provide for himself. The way of life of disabled people is to take daily medications that help maintain the body’s vital functions, but do not cure diseases.

Disabled people are the same as all people, although with their own characteristics. Who doesn't have them?! It is necessary that people with disabilities study and work together with ordinary people. They need understanding and equality.

We must help people with disabilities!

The state, as best it can, helps disabled people by providing medical care. All regions of the country are trying to provide education for disabled children who need home schooling.

According to official statistics, people living in Russia

about 10 million people with disabilities.

For a long time it was believed that a disabled person was only his defects and could not bring anything useful to society, and the optimal solution in his situation was isolation. Fortunately, today the situation has changed for the better. But so far these changes are not enough for every disabled person in our country to live a full life: communicate, work, have a full-fledged family, travel.

Today, not every vocational educational institution is able to accept a wheelchair user or a person suffering from blindness; not every employer is interested in employing a disabled person, therefore he has only one option: sit at home and watch TV.

In this regard, there is a need to seek integration of people with disabilities into society. And a club for creativity and communication in this case is the best option for solving the problems of people with disabilities. So, this project gives a person the opportunity not only to “go out into the world”, but also to acquire new knowledge, skills, communication skills with others, build a family, and, as a result, overcome their fears and complexes.

Project " Creative club for disabled people “Without Borders!” brought together people who know first-hand about all the problems of people with disabilities. The club team consists of families whose members are disabled people.

They will inspire, support and teach you to live life to the fullest!

Natalya Ulchenkova takes care of her daughter Marta, who has been disabled since childhood. Disappointing statistics show that in the last five years the number of disabled children has increased by almost 10%. Many fathers of such families cannot withstand the load and leave, leaving their wives and children to cope with all the difficulties alone. Natalia, with her example, is able to inspire the mothers of such children.

Also taking part in the project are professional psychologists, teachers, lawyers and simply caring people.

What do we offer:

  • Regular meetings for disabled people and members of their families 1-2 times a month, at which various thematic circles, communication, and tea drinking will be held.
  • Subjects of the circles:
  • DIY creativity: making crafts, gifts and other Handmade products
  • Conversations and communication on topics about family, healthy lifestyle, character, becoming a successful personality, work.
  • Conducting seminars, meetings, consultations with psychologists, lawyers, doctors, businessmen, artists, etc.
  • Organization of outdoor events: picnics, trips to museums, trips to Russian cities.
  • Conducting a job fair for people with disabilities, etc.

What do we need for this:

  • Premises for holding the listed events. The premises should be easily accessible and equipped with a ramp.
  • Furniture: tables, chairs, wardrobe.
  • Bus for transporting people.
  • Supplies for creative meetings, food for tea parties.
  • Any assistance in the development of the project.
  • And also your attention and any interesting ideas!

Our details:

Charitable Foundation "City of Mercy":

TIN 5638032637 / KPP 563801001, OGRN 1105600002793

JSCB "Forstadt" (CJSC), Orenburg, account number 40703810201000006183,

BIC 045354860, code 30101810700000000860

In the purpose of payment write: Voluntary donation. Without VAT.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Completion Criteria

Launch the project, hold the first introductory meeting. Photo or video report.

Personal resources

I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me. (Bible: Phil.4:13): I have time. Friends, like-minded people, and this is strength, together we can do a lot. Well, I have a desire to do this.

Environmentally friendly goal

I want to realize myself and be useful to society. As a child, I dreamed that I would motivate other people to live by the example of my life, and this project is a step towards realizing my childhood dream.

The social project “Open World” was developed on the initiative of the Public Organization of the Soviet Administrative District of the Pervomaisky Administration of Omsk, the Omsk Regional Organization of the All-Russian Public Organization “All-Russian Society of Disabled Persons” (PO VOI SAO PP Omsk).
The problem of socio-psychological adaptation of disabled people to living conditions in society is one of the most important facets of the general integration problem. Due to major changes in approaches to people who are disabled, this issue takes on additional importance and urgency. The creation of the Open World leisure center was caused by the need to involve all people with disabilities in a full life on an equal basis with other members of society.
The project is aimed at promoting the integration of people with disabilities into society, creating favorable conditions for meeting spiritual, cultural needs and having fun.
Target group of the project: disabled people in need of support.
Project implementers: members of the organization PO VOI SAO PP of Omsk, involved specialists (trainer, psychologist, medical worker, technical executive), social partners and volunteers.
To implement the project it is necessary:
1. Develop and implement activities of the Center for cultural and leisure activities aimed at expanding communication between people with disabilities;
2. Create a project team and a volunteer group for project implementation and social support for people with disabilities.
3. Equip the training room for people with disabilities with new modern technical and gaming equipment (TV, sound reinforcement system, microphone, video camera, board sports games).
A comprehensive leisure center “Open World” will open under the public organization of disabled people, which will include:
1. Cinema hall;
2. Creative workshop;
3. Mass events;
4. Sports board games of the peoples of the world.
The duration of the project is 6 months. To implement the project to organize the Open World leisure center, 493,000 rubles (Four hundred ninety-three thousand rubles) are requested.


  1. Promoting the integration of people with disabilities into society, creating favorable conditions for meeting information, cultural needs and meaningful socially useful pastime, through the organization of the Open World Leisure Center.


  1. Equip the training room for people with disabilities with new modern technical and gaming equipment (TV, sound reinforcement system, microphone, video camera, board sports games).
  2. To help overcome social isolation of people with disabilities through the organization of educational leisure.
  3. Create a project team and a volunteer group for social support for people with disabilities and project implementation.
  4. Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented project. Conduct an information campaign.

Justification of social significance

Nowadays, a lot of words are heard about mercy, about attention to people, especially to those who need it more than others - people with disabilities, who, like no one else, need understanding and protection. They are different from you and me, but they just as much, and even more, need help in socialization and adaptation. People with disabilities are full members of our community, and we can help them integrate into society. Creating equal opportunities for people with disabilities, as a direction of social policy, is associated with ensuring accessibility not only to education and work, but also to various forms of culture, cultural and leisure activities. This activity is one of the essential resources for optimizing the social activity of people with disabilities, which has the ability to stimulate the process of socialization, enculturation and self-realization of the individual. Among the administrative districts of the city of Omsk, the Sovetsky District is in 2nd place in terms of population. It is home to about 255 thousand people. The number of people with disabilities is 8% of the total number. In Omsk, as in Russia as a whole, this is one of the largest, most disadvantaged and poorly adapted groups. People with disabilities, especially those who are single, constantly feel unclaimed, weak social security, and isolated from society. They are disconnected from each other. Involving them in social and cultural activities, moral support will help overcome the complexity of uselessness and fill the human right to a decent existence with real content. Therefore, there is a need to create a leisure center on the basis of the Family House Library Center. The development of the project was preceded by a sociological survey, which made it possible to assess the need for its development for a specific target group. The results of the study showed that people with disabilities in the district have the greatest need for communication and mutual understanding, for help and support, and for leisure activities. Of 128 (100%) respondents, 53% would like to attend concerts; 64% – meeting interesting people; 83% – participate in relaxation evenings; 71% - watch and discuss films and programs, 68% - engage in arts and crafts. Based on the results of the research, the main activities of the Center were determined: a creative workshop, visiting festive events and concerts, meetings with interesting people, a cinema hall, board games.

7th grade team of MBOU secondary school No. 7



7th grade students


Project leaders:

Klimova L.V., Gerasimova N.A.

2. Project goal

3. Project objectives

4. Target audience

5. Geography of the project

6. Relevance

7. Presentation

8. Expected results

9. Useful resources

10. Appeal to deputies of the city assembly

7th grade students of Municipal Educational Institution – Secondary School No. 7 under the guidance of history and social studies teacher L.V. Klimova. and class teacher Gerasimova N.A.

Objective of the project

Project objectives

v rooting in the school the traditions of a tolerant attitude towards people, towards the world as a single whole;

v assistance in the rehabilitation and development of the abilities of children with disabilities;

v fostering a culture of communication;

v creating optimal conditions for the full development and disclosure of the capabilities of disabled children through joint forms of activity;

v help students understand the role of value orientations in the life of every person;

v organization of interpersonal interaction between the school and the RiF society.

v development of tolerant personality traits in schoolchildren with the aim of educating sensitive and responsible citizens capable of valuing freedom, respecting human dignity and the individuality of other people.

The target audience

Students of grades 1-9. During adolescence, social values ​​are tested. The presented project will allow each student to find himself through socially significant activities and will attract interest in social life. It will allow us to diversify the forms of educational work within the school. During the project, students will acquire skills that will be useful to them in later life and will contribute to social adaptation.

Geography of the project

Municipal educational institution - secondary school No. 7 of the city of Petrovsk, Saratov region,

Petrovsky branch of the State Institution OK DYUSASH "RiF".

“We are different, but we are together!”

L.N. Tolstoy

The world around us is many-sided and diverse .

Everyone- This microcosm, unique in its manifestation, but a free person, possessing a psychological culture, ready to take responsibility for his behavior and actions, can be considered one who is able to build his relationships with other people on the basis of universal human values.

On December 3, Russia celebrates World Day of Persons with Disabilities. The most vulnerable among people are children, especially disabled children.

Every year it acquires increasing medical, socio-economic, moral and spiritual significance. The disability indicator can be considered a concentrated reflection of the level and quality of health of the younger generation. It most clearly illustrates the sharp decline in the functional capabilities of the body of children and adolescents, adaptation and defense reactions.

Currently in Russia there are about 80 thousand disabled children, what is 2% child and adolescent populations. According to scientific research, in the coming decades Russia will experience increase number of disabled children. That is why in the message of the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev to the Federal Assembly of November 30, 2010. A special place is given to the problem of assistance and rehabilitation of disabled children.

The main problem of a child with disabilities is his connections with the world, limited mobility, poor contacts with peers and adults, limited communication with nature, access to cultural values, and sometimes even basic education.

This school year, our good neighbors turned out to be children from the Petrovsky branch of the State Institution OK DYuSASH "RiF" (children's youth sports and adaptive school "Rehabilitation and Physical Education", founded on April 15, 2003 by the Ministry of Social Development and Medicine.

Relevance of the topic

The beauty of the modern world lies in its diversity and versatility. Not everyone can understand and accept this. Of course, now a significant task of society has become the unification of various individuals into a common humanity that understands each other. In order to unite all together, we need to show respect for things, cultures, customs, traditions that are alien to ourselves, we must learn to listen to the opinions of others and admit our mistakes.

All this is a manifestation of tolerance. The problem of tolerance can be classified as an educational problem. The problem of communication culture is one of the most acute in school, and in society as a whole. Understanding perfectly well that we are all different and that we must perceive another person as he is, we do not always behave correctly and adequately. It is important to be tolerant of each other, which is very difficult.

In recent years, numerous scientific works have been published on the rehabilitation of disabled children (Dobrovolskaya T.A., 1991, Barashnev Yu.I., 1995, Bogoyavlenskaya N.M., 1992, Bondarenko E.S., 1995). However, despite the existing experience in restorative treatment of disabled children, the issues of organizing and conducting this type of treatment have not yet been fully resolved, both in theoretical, organizational, methodological (Zelinskaya D.I., 1995), and in spiritual terms.

The main problem of a child with disabilities is his connection with the world, limited mobility, poor contacts with peers and adults, limited communication with nature, access to cultural values, and sometimes even basic education.

This school year, our good neighbors turned out to be children from the Petrovsky branch of the State Institution OK DYUSASH "RiF" (children's youth sports and adaptive school "Rehabilitation and Physical Education", founded on April 15, 2003 by the Ministry of Social Development and Medicine.

Having met these guys, we decided to create our own social project that will help solve the problems that most concern disabled children.

Today the state does not ignore the problem of childhood and adolescent disability. A number of legislative and governmental acts of the Russian Federation are being adopted aimed at protecting the rights and supporting children and adolescents with disabilities. Medical and social care for this category of children and adolescents is being improved, which required the introduction of new medical indications for establishing disability in children and adolescents (1991), changes in state statistics of child and adolescent disability, based on a three-dimensional assessment of health status and taking into account health disorders, disabilities and social insufficiency of a disabled child (1996).

According to the UN, there are approximately 450 million people in the world with mental and physical disabilities.

Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) indicate that the number of such people in the world reaches 13% (3% of children are born with intellectual disabilities and 10% of children with other mental and physical disabilities) in total there are about 200 million children with disabilities in the world.

Moreover, in our country, as well as throughout the world, there is a tendency

increase in the number of disabled children. In Russia, the incidence of childhood disability over

has doubled in the last decade.

Disability in children means a significant limitation

life activity, it contributes to social maladjustment, which

caused by developmental disorders, difficulties in self-care, communication, training, and mastering professional skills in the future. The acquisition of social experience by disabled children and their inclusion in the existing system of social relations requires certain additional measures, funds and efforts from society (these may be special programs, special centers

rehabilitation, special educational institutions, etc.).

The Petrovsky branch of the children's youth sports adaptive school "RiF" has existed since 2003. Since September 2010, the department has been located on the territory of Municipal Educational Institution – Secondary School No. 7 and has 47 people. Disabled people from the age of 4 can attend school, mainly with diseases of the musculoskeletal system (MSD) and a diagnosis of cerebral palsy, as well as the hearing impaired, the visually impaired and people with intellectual disabilities.

The school lives a busy life: competitions, shows, competitions, holidays replace each other, enriching leisure time. People with disabilities can improve their health by doing exercise equipment, swimming, and athletics.

Among the pupils of this school there are stars:

Barsky Alexander - 1st place – poetry reading;

Pushkareva Tatyana – 3rd place – poetry reading;

Kuznetsov Ivan – 1st place – pull-up on the crossbar;

Rudykh Vladimir - completed the CMS in athletics at the Russian Championships; graduated from SGSEU with honors, works as an economist at the AZCh plant;

Kulikov Dmitry – 1st place in cross-country skiing;

Churdin Ilya – 1st place in table tennis competitions, student of the Faculty of Philosophy of the SSTU.

The pupils of the RiF school were able to achieve high results thanks to a well-coordinated team of people who are not indifferent to the fate of children, led by director Vladimir Ilyich Gutarov. In connection with the move to the school building, the problem with transporting children to the place of classes has worsened. The passenger transport stop is located near the school, but for many children the routes do not coincide with their place of residence, so transport is needed to transport children to school.

The department has no office equipment at all: a computer, printer, fax and scanner. It is also necessary to update exercise equipment and sports equipment.

Expected results

Having learned about the existing problems, we, as good neighbors, decided to help the RiF school. Having created an initiative group, we developed an action plan to help resolve the current situation.

Stages of work:

I. Organizational (September – November)

1. Creation of an initiative group of students.

2. Studying problems.

3. Development of project goals and objectives.

II. Project implementation (December – April)

1. Organization and holding of joint events, competitions, quizzes, promotions, competitions, etc.

2. Involving organizations in interaction: culture, medicine, social protection, representatives of branches of Saratov universities and technical schools.

III. Final (May)

Summing up the project.

We turned to the administration of our school to provide the children of the RiF society with the opportunity to use a computer class, Internet resources and a gym with exercise machines, sports equipment for sports events and training.

Our capabilities are not enough to solve the transport problem. Therefore, we want to turn to the deputies of the city assembly for help and petition to provide the RiF school with a bus. We invite participants in the social projects competition to put their signatures under the appeal to deputies.

In May we will sum up the results of our project. We hope that our joint activities will find a response in the hearts of adults, and that children with disabilities will successfully adapt to society and become full citizens.

Our school and our class are a small family. And we want KINDNESS, MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING and FRIENDSHIP to always reign in our family!


to the deputies of the city assembly of the city of Petrovsk, Saratov region

We, the undersigned, are participants in the city social competition

significant projects “Who else if not us!”, we petition the deputies of the city assembly to provide all possible assistance to the GU OK DYUSASH “RiF”, namely, the allocation of a vehicle and sports equipment for the full development of people with limited abilities.

4.12.2010 SIGNATURES:












Municipal educational institution
basic secondary school No. 7

named after Lieutenant General L.V. Kozlova




7th grade students


Project leaders:

Klimova L.V., Gerasimova N.A.



  1. Authors and project coordinators
  1. Objective of the project
  1. Project objectives
  1. The target audience
  1. Geography of the project
  1. Relevance
  1. Presentation
  1. Expected results
  1. Useful resources
  1. Address to deputies of the city assembly

7th grade students of Municipal Educational Institution – Secondary School No. 7 under the guidance of history and social studies teacher L.V. Klimova. and class teacher Gerasimova N.A.

Objective of the project

  • attracting public attention to the problem of children with disabilities.

Project objectives

  • rooting in the school the traditions of a tolerant attitude towards people, towards the world as a single whole;
  • assistance in the rehabilitation and development of the abilities of children with disabilities;
  • fostering a culture of communication;
  • creating optimal conditions for the full development and disclosure of the capabilities of disabled children through joint forms of activity;
  • help students understand the role of value orientations in the life of every person;
  • organization of interpersonal interaction between the school and the RiF society.
  • development of tolerant personality traits in schoolchildren with the aim of educating sensitive and responsible citizens capable of valuing freedom, respecting human dignity and the individuality of other people.

The target audience

Students of grades 1-9. During adolescence, social values ​​are tested. The presented project will allow each student to find himself through socially significant activities and will attract interest in social life. It will allow us to diversify the forms of educational work within the school. During the project, students will acquire skills that will be useful to them in later life and will contribute to social adaptation.

Geography of the project

Municipal educational institution - secondary school No. 7 of the city of Petrovsk, Saratov region,

Petrovsky branch of the State Institution OK DYUSASH "RiF".

The socially significant project of the competition “Who, if not us?”

“We are different, but we are together!”

To believe in goodness, you need to start doing it.

L.N. Tolstoy

The world around us is many-sided and diverse.

Every person is a microcosm unique in its manifestation, but a free person, possessing a psychological culture, ready to take responsibility for his behavior and actions, can be considered one who is able to build his relationships with other people on the basis of universal human values.

On December 3, Russia celebrates World Day of Persons with Disabilities. The most vulnerable among people are children, especially disabled children.

Child and adolescent disabilitiesEvery year it acquires increasing medical, socio-economic, moral and spiritual significance. The disability indicator can be considered a concentrated reflection of the level and quality of health of the younger generation. It most clearly illustrates the sharp decline in the functional capabilities of the body of children and adolescents, adaptation and defense reactions.

Currently in Russia there are about80 thousand disabled children, which is 2% child and adolescent populations. According to scientific research, in the coming decades Russia will experience increase number of disabled children. That is why in the message of the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev to the Federal Assembly of November 30, 2010. A special place is given to the problem of assistance and rehabilitation of disabled children.

The main problem of a child with disabilities is his connections with the world , limited mobility, poor contacts with peers and adults, limited communication with nature, access to cultural values, and sometimes even basic education.

This school year, our good neighbors turned out to be children from the Petrovsky branch of the State Institution OK DYuSASH "RiF" (children's youth sports and adaptive school "Rehabilitation and Physical Education", founded on April 15, 2003 by the Ministry of Social Development and Medicine.

Relevance of the topic

The beauty of the modern world lies in its diversity and versatility. Not everyone can understand and accept this. Of course, now a significant task of society has become the unification of various individuals into a common humanity that understands each other. In order to unite all together, we need to show respect for things, cultures, customs, traditions that are alien to ourselves, we must learn to listen to the opinions of others and admit our mistakes.

All this is a manifestation of tolerance. The problem of tolerance can be classified as an educational problem. The problem of communication culture is one of the most acute in school, and in society as a whole. Understanding perfectly well that we are all different and that we must perceive another person as he is, we do not always behave correctly and adequately. It is important to be tolerant of each other, which is very difficult.

In recent years, numerous scientific works have been published on the rehabilitation of disabled children (Dobrovolskaya T.A., 1991, Barashnev Yu.I., 1995, Bogoyavlenskaya N.M., 1992, Bondarenko E.S., 1995). However, despite the existing experience in restorative treatment of disabled children, the issues of organizing and conducting this type of treatment have not yet been fully resolved, both in theoretical, organizational, methodological (Zelinskaya D.I., 1995), and in spiritual terms.

The main problem of a child with disabilities is his connection with the world, limited mobility, poor contacts with peers and adults, limited communication with nature, access to cultural values, and sometimes even basic education.

This school year, our good neighbors turned out to be children from the Petrovsky branch of the State Institution OK DYUSASH "RiF" (children's youth sports and adaptive school "Rehabilitation and Physical Education", founded on April 15, 2003 by the Ministry of Social Development and Medicine.

Having met these guys, we decided to create our own social project that will help solve the problems that most concern disabled children.

Today the state does not ignore the problem of childhood and adolescent disability. A number of legislative and governmental acts of the Russian Federation are being adopted aimed at protecting the rights and supporting children and adolescents with disabilities. Medical and social care for this category of children and adolescents is being improved, which required the introduction of new medical indications for establishing disability in children and adolescents (1991), changes in state statistics of child and adolescent disability, based on a three-dimensional assessment of health status and taking into account health disorders, disabilities and social insufficiency of a disabled child (1996).

According to the UN, there are approximately 450 million people in the world with mental and physical disabilities.

Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) indicate that the number of such people in the world reaches 13% (3% of children are born with intellectual disabilities and 10% of children with other mental and physical disabilities) in total there are about 200 million children with disabilities in the world.

Moreover, in our country, as well as throughout the world, there is a tendency

increase in the number of disabled children. In Russia, the incidence of childhood disability over

has doubled in the last decade.

Disability in children means a significant limitation

life activity, it contributes to social maladjustment, which

caused by developmental disorders, difficulties in self-care, communication, training, and mastering professional skills in the future. The acquisition of social experience by disabled children and their inclusion in the existing system of social relations requires certain additional measures, funds and efforts from society (these may be special programs, special centers

rehabilitation, special educational institutions, etc.).

The Petrovsky branch of the children's youth sports adaptive school "RiF" has existed since 2003. Since September 2010, the department has been located on the territory of Municipal Educational Institution – Secondary School No. 7 and has 47 people. Disabled people from the age of 4 can attend school, mainly with diseases of the musculoskeletal system (MSD) and a diagnosis of cerebral palsy, as well as the hearing impaired, the visually impaired and people with intellectual disabilities.

The school lives a busy life: competitions, shows, competitions, holidays replace each other, enriching leisure time. People with disabilities can improve their health by doing exercise equipment, swimming, and athletics.

Among the pupils of this school there are stars:

Barsky Alexander - 1st place – poetry reading;

Pushkareva Tatyana – 3rd place – poetry reading;

Kuznetsov Ivan – 1st place – pull-up on the crossbar;

Rudykh Vladimir - completed the CMS in athletics at the Russian Championships; graduated from SGSEU with honors, works as an economist at the AZCh plant;

Kulikov Dmitry – 1st place in cross-country skiing;

Churdin Ilya – 1st place in table tennis competitions, student of the Faculty of Philosophy of the SSTU.

The pupils of the RiF school were able to achieve high results thanks to a well-coordinated team of people who are not indifferent to the fate of children, led by director Vladimir Ilyich Gutarov. In connection with the move to the school building, the problem with transporting children to the place of classes has worsened. The passenger transport stop is located near the school, but for many children the routes do not coincide with their place of residence, so transport is needed to transport children to school.

The department has no office equipment at all: a computer, printer, fax and scanner. It is also necessary to update exercise equipment and sports equipment.

Expected results

Having learned about the existing problems, we, as good neighbors, decided to help the RiF school. Having created an initiative group, we developed an action plan to help resolve the current situation.

Stages of work:

I. Organizational (September – November)

1. Creation of an initiative group of students.

2. Studying problems.

3. Development of project goals and objectives.

  1. Project implementation (December – April)
  1. Organization and holding of joint events, competitions, quizzes, promotions, competitions, etc.
  2. Involving organizations in interaction: culture, medicine, social protection, representatives of branches of Saratov universities and technical schools.

III. Final (May)

Summing up the project.

We turned to the administration of our school to provide the children of the RiF society with the opportunity to use a computer class, Internet resources and a gym with exercise machines, sports equipment for sports events and training.

Our capabilities are not enough to solve the transport problem. Therefore, we want to turn to the deputies of the city assembly for help and petition to provide the RiF school with a bus. We invite participants in the social projects competition to put their signatures under the appeal to deputies.

In May we will sum up the results of our project. We hope that our joint activities will find a response in the hearts of adults, and that children with disabilities will successfully adapt to society and become full citizens.

significant projects “Who else if not us!”, we petition the deputies of the city assembly to provide all possible assistance to the GU OK DYUSASH “RiF”, namely, the allocation of a vehicle and sports equipment for the full development of people with limited abilities.

4.12.2010 SIGNATURES:









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It is possible to earn money and solve social problems at the same time. Rehabilitation, training, and employment of people with disabilities are examples of the areas of work of social entrepreneurs. In Russia, this type of business is still in its infancy, but there are already successful examples. Especially for DISLIFE, Everland specialists prepared a review of 6 business projects that have already changed and continue to change the lives of people, including those with disabilities.


Founders of the project: Lyubov Ermolaeva, Alina Zubareva

Year of foundation: 2016

BuySocial is a social online store. Any purchase at is a help to people in need, a contribution to nature conservation or the development of cultural projects.

Everland infographic

All producers are Russian social entrepreneurs and charitable organizations. They provide jobs for people with disabilities or older people in the outback. This is an opportunity to earn money and feel needed while doing what you love. Some manufacturers donate their profits to charity, helping people with serious illnesses, children from orphanages, girls who have suffered from violence, and grandparents from nursing homes.

BuySocial's mission is to unite buyers who care about how and why a product is produced, and sellers who, along with the quality of the product, care about their contribution to the development of society and preserving the environment. The project is trying to solve the problem of poverty and usefulness to society.

Lyubov Ermolaeva: “If you decide to start an activity in the field of social entrepreneurship, I advise you to start trying a little bit at a time! Make prototypes and go show them to people - potential buyers of your product or service, constantly testing your hypotheses in practice. Find support from like-minded people—in your team and beyond. Tell us about your ideas and people who share your values ​​will be attracted to you, perhaps becoming partners or clients. You may have an idea for a social entrepreneurship project that no one has done before. Don't be afraid of this, sometimes ideas that seem completely unrealistic at first work! And at the same time, don’t fall too much in love with your idea, check whether other people really need it - your clients and beneficiaries. Be prepared for the fact that you will often have to balance between business and social contribution. Go for it!”

You can find out more about the project at.


Founders of the project: Elena Martynova, Igor Novikov

Year of foundation: 2016

Everland's mission is to help professionals with disabilities achieve professional self-realization.

Everland infographic

Everland was created on an interest-free loan of 4.5 million rubles from impact investor Boris Zhilin. In less than 2 years, the founders of the project invested another 5 million rubles from their own funds. Today the project is earning money, and the entrepreneurial part is paying off. The social component – ​​training of specialists and the work of curators – is not yet available. The project employs people with different types of disabilities from different regions of Russia and even CIS countries.

The first interviews at Everland took place on August 31, 2016 at Impact Hub Moscow.

Elena Martynova: “If you decide to start activities in the field of social entrepreneurship, you need to build a business plan, evaluate the project carefully, try to outline risk areas and opportunity areas. If there are already operating initiatives in other regions, it is better to negotiate a franchise and use their experience, this will reduce time, reduce financial risks, and be more efficient. If the approach is innovative and no one works like that, try to first understand why? Maybe this is a dead end? If you still have faith in the hypothesis, then get involved and work until the result.”

Igor Novikov: “When implementing, it is important to see and maintain a balance in both components - the effectiveness of solving a social problem and the quality of the service or product for the end client. We must remember that it will not be easy, and do not despair if it is difficult. This is a difficult area, labor-intensive, requiring full dedication, but it gives results and meaning. You can definitely feel like a creator in it.”

Learn more about Everland's work on the project.

"Mom is working"

Project founder: Olesya Kashaeva

Year of foundation: 2012

“Mom Works” is a project that helps young mothers get an education, find work at home, or start their own business. The network of free coworking spaces “Mom Works” is a space where mothers can work quietly while a teacher takes care of their children.

Everland infographic

The mission of the project is to solve problems of material income among young mothers by providing them with the opportunity to earn income during maternity leave, improving the standard of living of young families and providing women with opportunities for self-realization, professional development and income generation without interruption from raising children.

Photo courtesy of the project.

Olesya Kashaeva: “We help young mothers overcome such difficulties as planning their time, fear of being away from their child due to employment or absence on work issues, combining raising children with fulfilling job responsibilities.”

You can learn more about "Mom Works" at.

Charity Shop

Project founder: Daria Alekseeva

Year of foundation: 2014

Charity Shop is a social business that generates funds for the implementation of the programs of the Second Wind charity foundation. In the project’s stores you can buy items from well-known brands donated by city residents, and with the proceeds, the foundation recycles items in poor condition, provides jobs to people from socially disadvantaged groups, and provides clothes to the poor, including people with disabilities. The Charity Shop's mission is to financially support these programs.

Everland infographic

The Charity Shop's mission is to use unnecessary resources (clothes tired of previous owners) to generate benefits - new jobs, recycled materials, helping people in crisis.

Photo courtesy of the project

Daria Alekseeva: “If you decide to start activities in the field of social entrepreneurship, treat your business as a commercial one. If your business model doesn't fit and you earn less than you spend, it's not the high social burden that is to blame, but poor management. Think about what, besides the environmental or social component, makes you truly needed and competitive.”

Walk in the Dark Museum

Project founder: Elena Stakheeva

Year of foundation: 2016

“Walk in the Dark” is an unusual museum, the exhibition of which is immersed in absolute darkness! At the Walk in the Dark Museum, people learn a lot about themselves, as all senses except sight are put to the test. The project influences how healthy people perceive the lives of people with disabilities.

Everland infographic

The mission of the Walk in the Dark Museum is to give people a new experience and introduce them to the world of blind people.

Elena Stakheeva: “If you decide to start an activity in the field of social entrepreneurship, you need to understand what motivates you in the first place - the desire to create something new, build theories, take risks, assemble a team and manage it, solve the problems of all participants in the process, or do good? If the first, start boldly, don’t waste time, big victories and a lot of interesting things await you along the way. If you mostly just want to do good, I recommend getting a job in one of the existing projects and making a difference there.”

Photo courtesy of the project.

You can order a walk in the dark at the project.

Opportunity to develop your own project

If you yourself want to become a successful social entrepreneur, you have the opportunity to take part in the all-Russian competition program of Rosbank and Impact Hub Moscow - “START DIFFERENTLY” for projects that help people with disabilities.

Finalists will be included in a part-time incubation program, where they will work on the development of their project together with experienced experts. The authors of the most effective projects will receive a travel grant for studying in France (I place), 200,000 rubles (II place) and 150,000 rubles (III place).

Photo courtesy of the competition organizer

Ilya Polyakov, Chairman of the Board of Rosbank: “Often social entrepreneurs focus on one income model - paid services for beneficiaries, in particular, people with disabilities. Since a significant part of the target audience is practically insolvent, the social entrepreneur does not understand how to cover costs, how to set pricing and work stably. A sustainable financial model is a constructor made of many elements: the ability to work in a team, build a marketing strategy, enter into profitable partnerships, inspire, resolve legal issues, etc. This is exactly what the participants of “START DIFFERENT” will learn.

Co-founder and director of Impact Hub Moscow Ekaterina Khaletskaya: “The development program “START DIFFERENTLY”, which is organized by Rosbank with the participation of Impact Hub Moscow, is a new format for Russia: firstly, it is designed specifically for those social entrepreneurs who employ people with disabilities or improve their quality of life in other ways. Secondly, it includes training for selected participants and awards for three winners (grants and a trip to France to exchange experiences). Thirdly, the program is practical: participants will test income models with the support of a curator who will help set goals and move towards them. The “START DIFFERENTLY” project involves Rosbank employees as consultants and nationally known experts in social entrepreneurship. Applications for participation are accepted until July 16.”

Read more about the competition at.

As a result, these children with disabilities have difficulties in self-care, communication and learning. Any child with a disability, even surrounded by the love and care of his family, due to the lack of full contact with the outside world of his peers and life experience, replaced by a specific way of existing in conditions of illness, being left alone with himself, begins to experience a feeling of loneliness and a sense of inferiority. A volunteer group “Step towards” was created at our school, consisting of teachers and students. She set herself the goal of influencing the solution to this problem, organizing conditions for development for at least some children, and also helping families raising children with disabilities.

Psychologists have proven that communication with children in need of help has a beneficial effect on reducing aggressiveness and developing tolerance in healthy children. In our society, there are a number of problems associated with the inclusion of a disabled child in the school environment at the place of residence: the presence of stereotypes and prejudices in the school environment in relation to disability; lack of information among schoolchildren about disability and about the capabilities of their disabled peers; lack of knowledge, appropriate training and methods for working with a child with disabilities in a non-specialized educational institution.

The presented project offers a way to overcome some of these contradictions.

Project goals:

  • Development of communicative competence of school students, tolerance in the process of working in the project.
  • Organization of an environment conducive to the socialization of children with disabilities.
  • Generalization and dissemination of experience of interaction with children with disabilities among other educational institutions of the city.

Project objectives:

In the future, we would like to create traditions of interaction between children with disabilities and their parents with the staff of MBOU Secondary School 1 and in the future, on the basis of an educational institution, an advisory center for parents and children with disabilities.

The work steps are presented below:

2010-11 academic year:

Stage 1

  1. Collect information about children with disabilities and introduce this information to students;
  2. To determine the degree of awareness of the problems of such children in grades 7-9.

Initiation of the problem: The children became interested in the situation in the family of a classmate whose sister is disabled as a child.

Collection of information: research into the relevance of the problem with children with health problems in our country and in our city. Questioning our students about what they know about the problems of such people. We also wanted to introduce students to the results of our research.

Stage 2

  1. Introduce students to the problems of children with disabilities;
  2. Create an initiative group of child volunteers ready to provide support to children with disabilities.

124 people took part in the survey. The survey showed that 74% of students have a very vague idea of ​​the life of children with disabilities. And 57% admitted that they had never thought about the fact that such people live nearby.

Students were introduced to the problems of children with disabilities in the form of a class hour “Children in Need.”

Stage 3

  1. Acquaintance with the experience of providing assistance to children with disabilities.
  2. Contact organizations working in our city with children with disabilities.

We formed a group of volunteers from students who responded to someone else’s misfortune and wanted to support children with disabilities (about 50 people).

Now we are thinking about how we can help such children? To do this, we decided to get acquainted with the experience of holding such events and learn about the needs of such children.

It turned out that various organizations provide support to such children, but did not find information on how schools cooperate with disabled children. We also learned that the administration of our city holds events for such children, but children with disabilities themselves are passive listeners, but not participants.

In our city there are the “Society of the Blind”, “Society of the Deaf”, “Society of the Disabled” and there is the Volga branch of the Volgograd Regional Public Charitable Foundation “Children in Need”, where more than 130 people with extremely serious illnesses are registered; children who cannot go to school and therefore have problems integrating into society. It is the seriously ill children who have the greatest need for our attention, so we began to cooperate with them.

Stage 4

  1. To identify the needs and capabilities of children registered with the Volga branch of the Volgograd regional public charitable foundation “Children in Need.” To plan our work, we decided to study the needs of these children. We turned to the Chairman of the Council of the Volga branch of the All-Russian Society for Children in Need, Valentina Vasilievna Nikolaeva, for consultation. During the conversation, we found out that children first of all need to communicate with healthy peers. Due to weak motor skills, they require exercises and activities that promote its development.

So, from a conversation with the chairman of the fund, we learned that parents of children also need advice from specialists (child psychologist, representative of the pension fund, social insurance)

Stage 5, stock

  1. Expanding the social circle of disabled children with healthy peers and adults, developing communication skills in children's groups.
  2. Development of moral personality traits in volunteer students (responsiveness, willingness to help, empathy).
  3. Involvement in activities that promote motor development through active activities.
  4. Organizing specialist consultations for parents.

Promotion “Colorful Childhood”

The teachers of our school developed a scenario for the event in the form of “Turntable”. The works of the sections were presented:

  1. Music box (introducing children to various musical instruments, the opportunity to pick them up and “create” an orchestra, watching a presentation about the sound of instruments).
  2. City of craftsmen (making rag dolls-amulets).
  3. Virtual city (creation of blogs for the purpose of communication via the Internet).
  4. Games and toys (testoplasty).
  5. Meeting of experts (guessing riddles, knowledge of fairy tales, proverbs, sayings).
  6. Fun starts (sports competitions).

Each child with disabilities was accompanied by a volunteer student to help move between sections and work in sections. While the children were busy, the parents accompanying them were offered consulting assistance from the chief specialist of the social payments department of the Volzhsky territorial Department of social protection of the population of the administration of the Volgograd region - Tatyana Vyacheslavovna Vlasova, and educational psychologist Polina Viktorovna Bureinikova, MOU VIEPP.

Deputies of the Volga City Duma from different parties were also invited, who presented books, puzzles, and sports equipment to those registered with the Children in Need fund.

3. In addition, an exhibition and sale of crafts that school students made in advance especially for the “Colorful Childhood” campaign was organized in order to raise funds for the treatment of a sick child. But the disabled children themselves made a gift to the school: they showed an exhibition of works by the “Children in Need” public foundation. The event ended with a friendly tea party.

  1. Development of moral personality traits in volunteer students (responsiveness, willingness to help, empathy)

Promotion "New Year's greetings"
It was carried out for seriously ill children who were unable to leave the house. A group of volunteer children in New Year's costumes, under the guidance of a teacher, presented a mini-performance.

  1. Creating a situation of success for children with disabilities.

Campaign "International Children's Day"

Children Protection Day. The action took place in the form of a joint activity with students - volunteers of school No. 1 with children from a school for hearing-impaired children

  1. concert numbers
  2. sports competitions “Fun Starts”
  3. reenactment of a fairy tale.

During the dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip,” children with disabilities were involved in playing roles.

2011-2012 academic year

  1. Organizing an environment that promotes socialization through communication with healthy peers.
  2. Development of moral personality traits in volunteer students (responsiveness, willingness to help, empathy).
  3. Inclusion of children with disabilities in various types of individual and collective activities, expanding their range of interests and creative opportunities.
  4. Expanding the social circle of disabled children at the expense of healthy peers and adults, developing communication skills in children's groups.

Promotion “Colorful Childhood”

An action that has become traditional in our school. Both children with disabilities and healthy children are looking forward to it.
Joint activity in the form of a “pinwheel”.

  1. Music Box.
  2. Cheerful artists.
  3. World of origami.
  4. Virtual city.
  1. Organizing an environment that promotes socialization through communication with healthy peers;
  2. Creating a favorable psychological environment for disabled children, overcoming psychological discomfort in communicating with sick and healthy peers.

Promotion "New Year's greetings"

New Year celebration. A meeting of the children by 7th grade volunteers was organized and they were escorted to the hall. Volunteer students of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School staged the play “New Year’s Tale.” Then children with disabilities and schoolchildren, holding hands, danced around the New Year tree. Children who could not move on their own were picked up by military personnel and carried in their arms around the Christmas tree in a New Year's round dance. Each child received a New Year's gift. The event was sponsored by the school's parents.

2012-2013 academic year

Development of moral personality traits in student volunteers (responsiveness, willingness to help, empathy). “Seriously ill” children were congratulated at home, showing New Year’s performances, in their homes with child volunteers in the roles of the Snow Maiden, Father Frost and the Cat.

In the process of working on the project, interaction with other organizations was organized: the Pension Fund, the Department of Social Protection of the city of Volzhsky, the insurance fund, the Higher School of Culture - the Department of Psychology, a military unit, a partnership with the Volga branch of the Volgograd Regional Public Charitable Fund (VOOF) "Children in Need" .

Each event became an event in the life of school students and children with disabilities; experience of communication between the school staff and children with disabilities and their families is accumulating, which significantly influenced the quality of the events; Due to the fact that many children with disabilities attend meetings traditionally, acquaintance with volunteers develops into friendship. Having become more familiar with the interests and needs of children with disabilities, we began to take a more individualized approach to the choice of means and methods.

After a meeting with children with disabilities, according to a survey (93 respondents), it was revealed that:
thought about the need to provide help and support for the first time - 63%
experienced empathy and compassion - 84%
expressed a desire to continue communication for the purpose of support - 46%
thought about the need to take care of their health for the first time - 56%.

On behalf of the parents: “We are filled with feelings of great gratitude that our children were given the opportunity to communicate with their peers, given a holiday, given the opportunity to spend at least a few hours in a “different” world. We look forward to new invitations.”

The school staff received a letter of gratitude from the Chairman of the Council of the Volga branch of the All-Russian Society for Children in Need, Valentina Vasilievna Nikolaeva.

The experience of a creative group of teachers working with children with disabilities was recommended by the city administration for dissemination in other educational institutions.

Tsarkova Tatyana Sergeevna,
Kirsanova Lyudmila Borisovna,
Chikrizova Elena Vladimirovna,
teachers of MBOU Secondary School No. 1 named after. F. G. Loginova