Parents have 1 positive blood group. We determine the blood type, gender and Rh factor of the child from the parents. What groups exist

During the period of pregnancy, parents are already interested in learning as much as possible about the future baby. It is, of course, impossible to determine the eye color or character of an unborn baby. However, if you turn to the laws of genetics, you can quickly calculate some characteristics - what blood type the child will have and his future Rh factor.

These indicators are directly dependent on the properties of the blood of the mother and father and, having familiarized themselves with the ABO blood distribution system, according to which all blood is divided into 4 groups, mom and dad can easily understand the processes of inheritance. Tables compiled based on a study of the probabilities of borrowing will also help you calculate the blood type and Rh factor of the unborn child.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, scientists discovered four blood groups with individual antigenic characteristics of red blood cells. In two blood categories, antigens A and B were present, and in the third they were not present at all. A little later, research revealed another blood group with the presence of antigens A and B at the same time. This is how the system of dividing blood into ABO groups was born, where:

  • 1 (O) – blood without antigens A and B;
  • 2 (A) – blood with the presence of antigen A;
  • 3 (B) – blood with the presence of antigen B;
  • 4 (AB) – blood with A and B antigens.

With the advent of the ABO system, geneticists have proven that the principles of forming a child’s blood group are identical in nature and this pattern made it possible to formulate some laws of genetics on the borrowing of blood.

In humans, inheritance of blood type occurs from parents to child, through the transmission of genes informed about the content of antigens A, B and AB in the red blood cells of the mother and father.

The Rh factor, like the blood group, is determined by the presence of a protein (antigen) on the surface of human red blood cells. When this protein is present in red blood cells, the person's blood is Rh positive. However, there may be no protein, then the blood takes on a negative value. The ratio of Rh factors in the blood of positive and negative populations is 85% to 15%, respectively.

The Rh factor is inherited according to the predominant dominant trait. If the parents are not carriers of the Rh factor antigen, then the child will inherit negative blood. If one parent is Rh positive and the other is not, then the baby has a 50% chance of being a carrier of the antigen. In the case when the mother and father are Rh-positive, the child’s blood will also become positive in 75% of cases, however, there is a possibility that the child will receive the gene from the closest blood relative with negative blood. The table for borrowing the Rh factor according to the blood group of the parents is as follows:

Rh mothers Father's Rh Rh child
+ + + (75%), – (25%)
+ + (50%), – (50%)
+ + (50 %), – (50%)
– (100%)

Determining the blood type of a child based on the blood type of the parents

Blood type is passed on to children from parents according to their general genotype:

  • When the mother and father are not carriers of antigens A and B, the child will have blood type 1 (O).
  • It is easy to calculate the blood type of a child when mom and dad have 1 (O) and 2 (A) blood groups, since only antigen A or its absence can be transmitted. With the first and third blood groups, the situation will be similar - children will inherit either group 3 (B) or group 1 (O).
  • If both parents are carriers of the rare group 4 (AB), it will be possible to find out the blood of the children only after a laboratory analysis at birth, since it can be either 2 (A), 3 (B) or 4 (AB).
  • It is also not easy to find out the characteristics of a child’s blood when mom and dad have 2 (A) and 3 (B) antigens, since the baby can have each of the four blood groups.
Since erythrocyte proteins (antigens) are inherited, and not the blood group itself, the combinations of these proteins in children may differ from the parental blood characteristics, therefore, often the child’s blood type may differ and not be the same as that of the parents.

What blood type a baby should have at birth can be determined by a table showing the inheritance of blood:

Father Mother Child
1 (O) 1 (O) 1 (O) – 100%
1 (O) 2 (A) 1 (O) – 50% or 2 (A) – 50%
1 (O) 3 (B) 1 (O) – 50% or 3 (B) – 50%
1 (O) 4 (AB) 2 (A) – 50% or 3 (B) – 50%
2 (A) 1 (O) 1 (O) – 50% or 2 (A) – 50%
2 (A) 2 (A) 1 (O) – 25% or 2 (A) – 75%
2 (A) 3 (B)
2 (A) 4 (AB) 2 (A) – 50% or 3 (B) – 25% or 4 (AB) – 25%
3 (B) 1 (O) 1 (O) – 50% or 3 (B) – 50%
3 (B) 2 (A) 1 (O) – 25% or 2 (A) – 25% or 3 (B) – 25% or 4 (AB) – 25%
3 (B) 3 (B) 1 (O) – 25% or 3 (B) – 75%
3 (B) 4 (AB)
4 (AB) 1 (O) 2 (A) – 50% or 3 (B) – 50%
4 (AB) 2 (A) 2 (A) – 50% or 3 (B) – 25% or 4 (AB) – 25%
4 (AB) 3 (B) 2 (A) – 25% or 3 (B) – 50% or 4 (AB) – 25%
4 (AB) 4 (AB) 2 (A) – 25% or 3 (B) – 25% or 4 (AB) – 50%

Using the inheritance table, it is possible to predict a child’s blood type for sure only in one case, when there was a combination of 1(O) blood groups of the mother and father. In other combinations, you can only find out the probability of what the child’s blood type may be in the future. Therefore, exactly whose blood affiliation the baby inherits will become clear after his birth.

Gender of the child by blood type

There is an opinion that the sex of a child can be determined without the help of an ultrasound, based on the blood group of the mother and father. Special combinations of groups provide certain guarantees that a boy or girl will be born:

However, this method of determining the sex of a child has given rise to many doubts, since the same couple, according to the method, can only have girls or boys during their lives, and having children of different sexes is impossible.

If we rely on science and genetics, the probability of having a child of one sex or another is absolutely dependent on the chromosome set of the sperm that fertilized the egg. And the blood type of the parents, in this case, has nothing to do with this.

A common classification of blood groups is the ABO system. Let's figure out how a child's blood type is inherited and what options there are if the parents have the same or different groups, as well as how the Rh factor is inherited.

Read about how to do a test to determine a child’s blood type in another article.

Mendel's law

Mendel studied the transmission of genes from parents to offspring, as a result of which he made conclusions about how certain traits are inherited. He formalized these conclusions in the form of laws.

He learned that a child receives one gene from each parent, so a child in a pair of genes has one gene from the mother and the other from the father. In this case, the inherited trait may manifest itself (it is called dominant) or not manifest itself (it is recessive).

With regard to blood groups, Mendel found that genes A and B are dominant (they encode the presence of antigens on the surface of red blood cells), and gene 0 is recessive. This means that when genes A and B are combined, both genes will encode the presence of agglutinogens, and the blood group will be the fourth. If genes A and 0 or B and 0 are passed on to the child, then the recessive gene will not manifest itself; accordingly, in the first case there will be only agglutinogens A (the child will have group 2), and in the second - agglutinogens B (the child will have the third group) .

AB0 system

This system for the typology of blood groups began to be used in 1900, when the presence in the blood (on red blood cells) of antigens, which were called agglutinogens, as well as antibodies to them, which began to be called agglutinins, was discovered. Agglutinogens are A and B, and agglutinins are designated alpha and beta. Possible combinations of such proteins create 4 groups:

  • 0 (first) – contains alpha agglutinin and beta agglutinin.
  • A (second) - contains beta agglutinin and A agglutinogen.
  • B (third) - contains alpha agglutinin and B agglutinogen.
  • AB (fourth) – contains A agglutinogen and B agglutinogen.

Rh-factor system

In 1940, another protein was discovered on the surface of red blood cells, which was called Rh blood. It is detected in approximately 85% of people, noted as Rh+, and the blood of such people is called Rh-positive. In the remaining 15% of people, this antigen is not detected in the blood; their blood is Rh-negative and is designated as Rh-.

If mom and dad's blood types are the same

Even if the blood type of the mother and father is the same, due to the possible carriage of the recessive gene 0, the baby may have several variants of the blood type.

If mom and dad's blood types are different

With a different group of parents, there will be even more options for passing on genes.

Mom's blood type

Father's blood type

Child's blood type

First (00)

Second (AA)

Second (A0)

First (00)

Second (A0)

First (00) or second (A0)

First (00)

Third (BB)

Third (B0)

First (00)

Third (B0)

First (00) or third (B0)

First (00)

Fourth (AB)

Second (A0) or third (B0)

Second (AA)

First (00)

Second (A0)

Second (AA)

Third (BB)

Fourth (AB)

Second (AA)

Third (B0)

Second (AA)

Fourth (AB)

Second (A0)

First (00)

First (00) or second (A0)

Second (A0)

Third (BB)

Second (A0)

Third (B0)

Second (A0)

Fourth (AB)

Third (BB)

First (00)

Third (B0)

Third (BB)

Second (AA)

Fourth (AB)

Third (BB)

Second (A0)

Third (B0) or fourth (AB)

Third (BB)

Fourth (AB)

Third (B0)

First (00)

First (00) or third (B0)

Third (B0)

Second (AA)

Second (A0) or fourth (AB)

Third (B0)

Second (A0)

First (00), second (A0), third (B0) or fourth (AB)

Third (B0)

Fourth (AB)

Fourth (AB)

First (00)

Second (A0) or third (B0)

Fourth (AB)

Second (AA)

Second (AA) or fourth (AB)

Fourth (AB)

Second (A0)

Second (AA or A0), third (B0) or fourth (AB)

Fourth (AB)

Third (BB)

Third (BB) or fourth (AB)

Fourth (AB)

Third (B0)

Second (A0), third (BB or B0) or fourth (AB)

Rh factor inheritance

This protein is inherited according to a dominant principle, that is, its presence is encoded by a dominant gene. For example, if this gene is designated by the letter D, then a Rh-positive person may have a DD or Dd genotype. With the dd genotype, the blood will be Rh negative.

Mom's blood type







What is the probability of mutation?

The mutation, as a result of which a parent with the fourth group can give birth to a child with the first group, occurs in 0.001% of cases. There is also the so-called Bombay phenomenon (its name is due to its frequent detection among Hindus), according to which a child may have genes A or B, but they do not manifest themselves phenotypically. The frequency of this phenomenon is 0.0005%.

When using the concept of blood group in relation to a person, we mean groups designated according to the AB0 and Rh system, which means the Rh factor. The calculation of the first is carried out by the presence or absence of certain antigens in the blood, the sign of the second is lipoprotein - a special protein, it is either in the blood or not. Is blood type passed on to children from parents? How to find out which group is inherited by the baby? Today there are answers to these questions that interest many parents.

What are the blood types?

The developed AB0 system, according to which today the blood group is calculated, is based on the order of arrangement of antigens, which are conventionally designated A, B and 0. They are located on the outer shell of red blood cells, more often we hear the name erythrocytes.

This system distinguishes four groups:

  • l (0) – absence of A and B antigens;
  • ll (A) - presence of only A antigen;
  • lll (B) - there is only B antigen;
  • lV (AB) - both antigens are present.

This division occurs on the principle of blood compatibility, since a person with a certain group is not recommended to receive a transfusion of inappropriate blood that does not suit him. When carrying out such a procedure, the body will have to fight with antigens that are absent in its blood.

A test to determine a person’s blood type and such an important trait as the Rh factor is not difficult to carry out; specialists in a regular laboratory simply add antibodies to the patient’s blood and observe the reaction to them.

What determines a child's blood type?

Every person should know their blood group in case they have to undergo a transfusion procedure, this is especially true for young children; parents are required to know the group of their child. In the maternity hospital, immediately after birth, the child is tested to calculate the blood type and inheritance of the Rh factor. And overly curious parents, even before the baby is born, can determine with a high probability what kind of blood the baby will get, because, naturally, the blood type of the parents influences the child’s outcome. How? Everything happens according to the laws of genetics, since genes A and B are considered dominant, and genes 0 are considered recessive. A person always receives one gene from each parent, therefore, in a simplified form, genotypes are represented as follows:

  • first (l) ― 00: children will inherit 0;
  • second (ll) - AA or A0;
  • third (lll) - BB or B0: and inheritance can occur equally;
  • fourth (lV) - AB: the child will receive A or B.

Based on which group belongs to the parents, it is possible to calculate the blood types of the children, and it will mostly be the same; there are exceptions when the child’s blood type is different from the parent’s.

Blood type from parents

The table below clearly shows the relationship between the blood types of parents and their future children.

Mom + DadPossible options for obtaining group IPossible options for obtaining group IIPossible options for obtaining group IIIPossible options for obtaining group IV
I+II (100%)- - -
I+III (50%)II (50%)- -
I+IIII (50%)- III (50%)-
I+IV- II (50%)III (50%)-
II+III (25%)II (75%)- -
II + IIII (25%)II (25%)III (25%)IV (25%)
II + IV- II (50%)III (25%)IV (25%)
III+IIII (25%)- III (75%)-
III + IV- II (25%)III (50%)IV (25%)
IV + IV- II (25%)III (25%)IV (50%)

Rh factor is

Lipoprotein is a protein, it means Rh factor (Rh), this protein is very specific and in the majority of humanity (85%) it is present on the membranes of red blood cells and these people are Rh positive, and those people in whose blood it is absent are considered Rh negative. The absence or presence of this protein does not affect human health, but if the blood group is incompatible according to the Rh factor, in some cases parents may experience certain problems with conception and even with bearing a fetus.

Rhesus conflict is

When the mother’s blood is Rh negative, and the father of the unborn child’s blood is positive, against the background of incompatibility, an Rh conflict can develop. In the predominant number of cases, according to statistics 75%, the future fetus receives the paternal rhesus, such incompatibility causes aggression of the mother’s body towards the child’s red blood cells, which she considers foreign. The immune system begins to produce antibodies and strives to destroy the “enemy.”

Losing red blood cells, the fetal body tries to produce new ones, this process leads to problems with the liver and spleen, they begin to increase in size and often the current situation ends in brain damage or even death of the fetus.

Usually during the first pregnancy the risk is not yet so great, but with each subsequent pregnancy it constantly increases.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, women with the possible development of Rh conflict should be constantly monitored by specialists and tested for the presence of antibodies.

The influence of the Rh factor on blood group

It is not difficult to determine the inheritance of the Rh factor, if there is no protein in the blood of both parents, then the child will also lack it, if it is present in the blood of the parents, in 4 out of 5 cases it is inherited by the baby, there is also an exception when the protein is absent, but this happens in only 1 out of 5 cases. If the mother has +Rh, and the father has -Rh, or vice versa, then the absence or presence of protein in the blood of the unborn child determines the probability (as a percentage).

Rh factor inheritance

To determine which Rh factor a child will inherit, there is a simple table.

Determining sex by blood type

There is a theory that you can find out the gender of the unborn child by the ratio of the parents’ blood groups. The probability, of course, is not one hundred percent.

Mother's blood typeFather's blood typeMost likely gender of the child

What do you know about blood type? Do you know what group you and your partner have? What is your child’s?

If the baby does not have the blood type of one of the parents, this is not a reason to suspect the spouse of infidelity, and the maternity hospital medical staff of substituting the baby. Blood type is not a hereditary factor! And this will be proven by the blood type table of the child from the parents.

What is blood type anyway?

Why did blood transfusions kill many patients from doctors before the 20th century? This became known in 1901 in connection with the discovery of the Austrian physician Karl Landsteiner. As Landsteiner found out, after studying many samples, all the blood of the world's population can be divided into 4 groups according to the presence or absence of special protein molecules, which are called “antigens”. Antigens regulate the immune system's response to invading foreign protein molecules during blood transfusion.

Each blood group is determined by the presence or absence of antigens on the surface of red blood cells and antibodies of the same type in the plasma. You can often hear the names of groups in numerical value: from the first to the fourth. In international meaning, another name is accepted:

Predicting what blood type a child will have is not easy. A child acquires an individual blood group, depending on the combination of parental antigens. Sometimes it coincides with the one that the parents have. But in about half the cases the combination turns out to be different.

Blood type remains unchanged throughout life and does not change even with transfusion! The most common on earth is the first group, and the most rare is the fourth.

Table of inheritance of blood groups in children from their parents

How to determine a child's blood type using a table? Before using the table, make sure that you reliably know the blood groups of both yours and your other half. In the table, find the “sum” of your groups, and on the contrary, you will see what the percentage of the probability of having a child with each blood group is.

MOM + DAD Child's blood type: possible options (B%)
I+I I(100%) - - -
I+II I(50%) II(50%) - -
I+III I(50%) - III(50%) -
I+IV - II(50%) III(50%) -
II+II I(25%) II(75%) - -
II+III I(25%) II(25%) III(25%) IV(25%)
II+IV - II(50%) III(25%) IV(25%)
III+III I(25%) - III(75%) -
III+IV - I(25%) III(50%) IV(25%)
IV+IV - II(25%) III(25%) IV(50)

The child whose father and mother both have group I (0) will 100% inherit the blood type of their parents. The children of a married couple with II(A) and III(B) are characterized by the most unpredictable inheritance of the group: the child with an equal degree of probability can have any of the four variants of blood types.

Is it a myth or reality - compatibility of blood groups for conception? The blood groups of partners do not matter for the fertilization of the egg and the onset of pregnancy. But the Rh factor may well cause a couple to become childless.

Does the Rh factor of parents affect the blood type of children?

The Rh factor (Rh) is a special protein in the blood. You either have it, like the majority of the world’s population, or you don’t (this occurs in only 15% of the Earth’s inhabitants). The law of mathematics about pros and cons does not apply here. If the parents have the same Rh, the child will have it either positive or negative, like mom and dad. For parents with different Rhesus, it is impossible to predict whether the child will be positive or negative.

Women with negative Rh are at risk for miscarriage if the father of the child is Rh positive. In the case when the baby inherits the father's Rh, a Rh conflict may occur between the woman and the fetus. The situation only gets worse with each subsequent pregnancy, which is why Rh-negative mothers cannot have abortions if family planning has not yet been completed and the birth of children is expected in the future. However, if an Rh-conflict pregnancy is under the supervision of a good specialist, in most cases, problems can be avoided.

Video on the topic

Many parents are interested in the question of what blood type the child will be born with. After all, many believe that a child inherits the blood type of his mother or father. But what are things really like, and is it possible to calculate a child’s blood type based on the parents’ blood parameters? This is exactly what will be discussed in this article, where we will try to talk in as much detail as possible about the features of the formation of a blood group and the combination of blood groups.

A little history

At the beginning of the 20th century, scientists proved that there are only 4 blood groups. A little later, Karl Landsteiner, conducting experiments, found out that when mixing the blood serum of one person with the red blood cells of another person, a kind of gluing occurs - the red blood cells stick together and clots form. But in some cases this does not happen.

Landsteiner also discovered special substances in red blood cells, which he divided into two categories B and A. He also identified a third group, which included cells that did not contain such substances. Some time later, Landsteiner's students discovered red blood cells that simultaneously contained A- and B-type markers.

Thanks to these studies, it was possible to derive a certain ABO system, in which one can see the division of blood into groups. It is ABO that is used in our time.

  1. I (0) – this blood group lacks antigens A and B.
  2. II (A) – this group is established in the presence of antigen A.
  3. III (AB) – presence of B antigens.
  4. IV(AB) – presence of antigens A and B.

With the help of this discovery, it was possible to accurately determine which blood groups are compatible. This also made it possible to avoid disastrous results during blood transfusions, which arose due to the incompatibility of the blood of the donor and the sick person. Until this time, transfusions were also carried out, but most of the cases ended in tragedy. Therefore, it was possible to talk about the safety and effectiveness of transfusion only by the middle of the 20th century.

Subsequently, geneticists began to study blood closely and were able to reliably find out that a child inherits a blood type according to the same principle as other characteristics.

Blood type of the child and parents: principle of inheritance

After fruitful work on the study of blood and the principles of its inheritance, Mendel’s law appeared in all biology textbooks, which states the following:

  1. If parents have the first blood group, then they will give birth to children whose blood will lack A- and B-type antigens.
  2. Spouses with the first and second groups will give birth to offspring with the corresponding blood groups.
  3. Parents with the first and third groups will also have children with the corresponding blood groups.
  4. People with blood group IV may have children with groups II, III and IV.
  5. If parents have groups II and III, then their child can be born with any group.

Child's Rh factor: signs of inheritance

Quite often you can find on the Internet a lot of questions about how a child inherits not only the blood type, but also the Rh factor. And there are often discussions of rather sensitive topics, for example, the father’s doubts that it was from him that the baby was conceived. This is especially common in situations where parents have a negative Rh factor, and a baby is born with a positive blood type. In fact, there is nothing strange about this, and there is a completely simple explanation for such a sensitive issue. To understand the problem, you just need to study a little about what blood type depends on.

The Rh factor of the blood is a lipoprotein. It is located on the membranes of red blood cells. Moreover, 85% of people on the entire planet have it, and they are considered to be the owners of the Rh-positive factor. If the lipoprotein is absent, then this is called Rh-negative blood. These indicators in modern medicine are denoted by the Latin letters Rh, positive with a plus sign, and negative with a minus sign. To study the Rh factor, as a rule, you need to look at one pair of genes.

A positive Rh factor is usually designated Dd or DD; it is a dominant trait. The negative factor is designated - dd, and it is recessive. Therefore, in the union of people with heterozygous presence of Rh (Dd), in 75% of cases children with positive Rh are born, and only in the remaining 25% of cases with negative. Therefore, we can conclude that the parents have: Dd x Dd. Children are born: DD, Dd, dd. Heterozygosity can occur as a result of the birth of a Rh-conflict child from a Rh-negative mother, and this phenomenon can also persist in genes for many generations.

Inheritance of blood in a child

For many centuries, parents could only guess how their baby would be born. Nowadays, we can lift the veil of secrecy a little by looking into the “beautiful far away.” This became possible thanks to ultrasound, which allows you not only to find out the sex of the baby, but also some features of its physiology and anatomy.

Genetics have learned to predict the possible color of hair and eyes; they can determine in the early stages whether a baby has developmental defects. It also became clear what blood type the baby would have. To better understand this and learn how to determine a child’s blood type, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the table. Blood group table for parents and children:

Mom + dadPossible options for the baby's blood type in percentage
I+II (100%)
I+III (50%)II (50%)
I+IIII (50%) III (50%)
I+IV II (50%)III (50%)
II+III (25%)II (75%)
II+IIII (25%)II (25%)III (25%)IV (25%)
II+IV II (50%)III (25%)IV (25%)
III+IIII (25%) III (75%)
III+IVI (25%) III (50%)IV (25%)
IV+IV II (25%)III (25%)IV (50%)

Many parents also want to know how to calculate the Rh factor of their unborn baby. Another table will help with this. It’s worth saying right away that the table will help you with the question of how to find out your baby’s blood type. But sometimes children can be born with “their own blood type.”

Many experts confidently declare that if the father’s blood type is higher than the mother’s, then the baby will inherit not only the parent’s character (as the grandmothers assure), but also health, the baby will be born strong and healthy.

It is also worth saying that conflicts due to incompatibility in the blood type of parents occur quite often, but they are not as dangerous as with incompatibility of Rh factors. Therefore, timely examinations are the key to ensuring that the baby born will be healthy. Science does not stand still, and now parents can promptly learn about possible problems with the baby, and it is also possible to prevent infertility and miscarriage. Indeed, today doctors, knowing that the mother has a negative Rh factor, can prevent Rh conflict between the fetus and mother by introducing a special drug into the body - anti-Rh immunoglobulin. The study of blood and how it is inherited has made it possible to save hundreds of lives not only of children, but also of mothers.

The blood type of children and parents may be different. It is impossible to make an accurate calculation using tables. The only option that will help you find out for sure the blood type of a child born into the world is a laboratory analysis.