Causes of heavy sweating at night. Causes of severe night sweats. Fighting nocturnal hyperhidrosis

Sweat production is a natural physiological process by which the human body regulates body temperature. But sometimes the real problem is increased sweating during night sleep, when not only underwear, but also the entire bed becomes wet. In this case, we are talking about nocturnal hyperhidrosis, a disorder characterized by overactive sweat glands. Why does this happen, and what can people do about it?

Causes of nocturnal hyperhidrosis

Why do people sweat a lot at night? The reasons may vary. Conventionally, they can be divided into two groups:

  • household factors;
  • medical reasons.

Household factors

Before sounding the alarm and looking for pathological causes of nocturnal hyperhidrosis, you need to assess your sleep conditions. Quite often the answer to the question: “Why?” completely obvious.

Excessively warm bedding

Very often a person sweats a lot because the blanket is too warm. Today, manufacturers often use synthetic winterizer as fillers. This synthetic material, of course, retains heat perfectly, but it also contributes to overheating of the body. This is what ultimately causes heavy sweating at night during sleep.

A wet bed can be the result of an incorrectly selected bedding set. When purchasing, you should opt for natural fabrics, since synthetics can also affect the processes of sweating.


The culprit of hyperhidrosis may be the pajama fabric in which a person sleeps at night. Don't chase fashion and choose silk models. It is better to give preference to good old cotton fabrics, in which the body “breathes” during sleep, and the sweat released is absorbed by the material.

Air temperature in the bedroom

You can also wake up sweating because the bedroom is too hot. The temperature norm at which it is comfortable to sleep at night is approximately +18…+20. If these indicators are very much exceeded, then at night the person breaks into a sweat. And this is a normal reaction of a healthy body.

Food and alcohol

The root causes of waking up sweating at night can be incredibly simple. If hot or spicy dishes or alcohol were served for dinner, then such food can activate blood circulation processes. The result is increased sweating, which is a forced reaction of the body. After all, it is necessary to cool a sufficiently large volume of blood in a short time.

Medical reasons

The reasons why you break into a sweat at night may not be so harmless. There are several groups worth highlighting here.

Various infections

Very often a person sweats heavily in his sleep when he is sick with classic colds, accompanied by an increase in body temperature - flu, colds, acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections. And here, increased sweating is a natural reaction.

But if nocturnal hyperhidrosis lasts more than a month, it may indicate a more serious problem. In particular, he can talk about the development of pathologies such as:

  • tuberculosis;
  • endocarditis;
  • diseases of the lymphatic system;
  • fungal infections.

But in this case, other symptoms indicating the existing disease must be present:

  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • weakness;
  • headaches and muscle pain, etc.


If you experience night sweats, it is recommended to check your blood sugar, as this may be a sign of hypoglycemia. A similar condition can develop if the insulin dosage was chosen incorrectly, or the person, for example, did not eat on time. And a sharp decrease in sugar that occurs at night is manifested by hyperhidrosis.

Gastroesophageal reflux

Gastroesophageal reflux is a pathology in which a hiatal hernia is diagnosed. This leads to the fact that stomach contents can enter the respiratory tract. And the body reacts to such short-term stressful conditions with increased sweating.


Nocturnal hyperhidrosis can also be caused by cancer. Most often, severe night sweats are accompanied by:

  • non-Hodgkin's lymphomas;
  • Hodgkin's disease;
  • lymphogranulomatosis;
  • metastatic lesions of the spinal cord.

Side effect when taking medications

Nocturnal hyperhidrosis can be triggered by taking the following categories of drugs:

  • drugs that lower blood pressure;
  • antipyretics;
  • fetosians;
  • antidepressants.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

The reasons in this case are:

  • persistent hypertension;
  • heart failure;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Hot flashes, constant fatigue, and general weakness are also typical for these pathologies.

Deviations in the functioning of the endocrine system and hormonal imbalances

Hormonal imbalances can also cause increased sweating at night. In particular, the neck can sweat a lot here. And in this case, problems with the thyroid gland can be suspected. The neck can also sweat heavily at night and with giardiasis of the gallbladder. But in any case, people with such problems need specialist consultation and diagnostics.

Women may sweat in their sleep in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy;
  • upon the onset of menopause;
  • a couple or three days before your period.

All three situations are characterized by hormonal changes that have occurred.

How is night sweats treated?

When a person first contacts a specialist, a diagnostic test is prescribed. This:

  • laboratory tests of blood and urine;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • X-rays of light;
  • cardiac examination.

Diagnostics makes it possible to identify somatic factors of nocturnal hyperhidrosis. This excludes diseases such as tuberculosis and oncology.

If during the examination the true causes of the pathology could not be identified, then consultation with other specialists and more detailed testing of the body will be required.

The treatment regimen is prescribed depending on what diseases (accompanied by waking up in sweat) have been identified. And therapeutic measures will be aimed at eliminating the very pathology that causes nocturnal hyperhidrosis.

In cases where diagnosing the causes is impossible, the use of remedies that specifically eliminate sweating may be recommended. These will be medical antiperspirants, but the use of such deodorants is not always justified. Do not forget that large areas of the body sweat during sleep - the back, chest.

You can use Botox injections, which block the work of the sweat glands, and sweat is no longer produced in such volumes, or electrophoresis procedures.

In cases where conservative methods do not produce results, surgical treatment may be prescribed. In particular, thoracoscopic or percutaneous sympathectomy.

Sympathectomy is an operation during which the work of the nerves responsible for the activity of the sweat glands is suspended. After such an intervention, sweat is produced in smaller quantities. The procedure is effective, but has some contraindications and side effects.


Night sweats without any objective reasons are always an alarming sign and a reason to seek qualified advice. This is especially important if severe night sweats have been bothering you for more than a month.

Excessive night sweats are a common complaint with which people consult a doctor. Most people suffer from such a problem as nocturnal hyperhidrosis for many years, and sometimes throughout their lives, not daring to bother doctors with such a “trifle.” Meanwhile, examination by a specialist for such a problem is the most important step that can prevent the development of serious diseases. After all, excessive night sweats can be a sign of an extremely serious health problem, and neglecting a visit to the doctor is strictly not recommended.

Causes of night sweats

Excessive sweating during sleep can occur due to everyday reasons, which depend on external conditions, and physiological reasons, which are formed as a result of any internal diseases. First of all, you need to try to eliminate everyday problems. Under what conditions do people sweat at night? These factors include:

  • Overly warm bed linen and blanket. When choosing a blanket for the winter, you don’t need to be too zealous. Wool blankets that cover a person at night provide excellent protection from the cold in the winter, but if covering them makes you sweat at night, it would be wiser to abandon them and switch to a lighter option. It is also important to consider the material of manufacture. Inexpensive blankets are made from padding polyester or other artificial fabrics, which, on the one hand, warm well, but on the other hand, do not allow air to pass through well, creating a closed hot environment underneath, which provokes overheating of the human body and, as a result, excessive sweating at night . The same goes for bed linen. Synthetic sheets have a strong effect on the body's thermoregulation.
  • High room temperature. If the bedroom is too hot, stuffy and rarely ventilated, you often break into a sweat at night even under thin blankets or without them at all. The ideal temperature for sleeping would be 18-20°C. In addition, you should ventilate the room every day a couple of hours before bedtime. If this is not possible, a person should install an air conditioner in the bedroom, which can maintain coolness and purify stale air.
  • Sleepwear. Nightwear is no less important. It can be very comfortable, but if a person wears clothes made of satin or silk, it can provoke increased sweating, especially in the armpit area. At night it is better to wear linen or cotton items.
  • Food. At night, a person may sweat a lot due to their diet. Spicy, hot and spicy foods, chocolate, coffee, soda, as well as high-proof alcoholic drinks significantly increase blood circulation. This leads to the body trying to cool down the “hot” blood, which results in sweating at night.

Physiological causes of night sweats

But it is not always the case that a person sweats very much at night due to external reasons. In some cases, it makes me sweat at night due to certain internal diseases. If external factors have been excluded, and sweating during sleep in the armpit area continues to plague you, you should think about visiting a doctor. So, what disease symptoms are manifested in excessive sweating at night?

Infectious diseases

Most infectious diseases are accompanied by an increase in body temperature. This always causes increased night sweats. These are diseases such as:

  • Lung abscess. With this disease, purulent processes form in the lung tissues, which arise due to bacterial infection or long-term chronic diseases.
  • Infectious mononucleosis. This acute viral disease disrupts the functioning of the spleen, liver, lymph nodes, changes the composition of the blood and causes a feverish state, which often causes sweating at night.
  • Tuberculosis. A person with this condition almost always experiences profuse sweating at night.
  • Endocarditis. The inner walls of the heart become inflamed, which leads to very severe pain in the joints and muscles, weakness in the body, high fever and, as a result, sweating at night.
  • Fungal or HIV infections. Diseases such as histoplasmosis or coccidiodomycosis almost always cause very heavy sweating at night, usually in the armpit area.

Endocrine system diseases

  • ovarian failure;
  • orchiectomy;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • diabetes.

Rheumatological diseases

Almost all rheumatological diseases cause severe pain, which often provokes increased sweating at night.

  • Takayasu arteritis. With this disease, the blood vessels become inflamed, causing muscle pain, dizziness and nighttime hyperhidrosis.
  • Temporal arteritis. A disease in which the inflammatory process occurs in the temporal region of the brain tissue. In addition to severe night sweats, it is accompanied by severe pain in the neck and temple. If left untreated, temporal arteritis can cause loss of visual function.

Other diseases

  • Lymphomas, malignant neoplasms. The spread of cancer metastases to the lymph nodes and blood vessels often causes profuse sweating at night, usually in the armpits.
  • Obstructive sleep apnea. This is a syndrome in which breathing stops during sleep. This happens as a result of the fact that the upper respiratory tract narrows and hypoxia of the body tissues occurs.
  • Osinophilic chronic pneumonia. Causes severe underarm sweating at night.
  • Gastroesophageal disease. With this disease, gastric contents reflux up the esophagus.
  • Granulomatosis. Most often this disease occurs in men. The disease manifests itself in chronic lesions of the intestines, skin, sinuses, oral cavity and lymph nodes.
  • Diabetes insipidus. A rare disease in which there is not only severe sweating of the armpits, but also constant thirst, as well as frequent urination (up to 15 liters of fluid can be released per day).
  • Prinzmetal syndrome. The disease usually occurs in people who suffer from atherosclerotic pathologies. Signs of the disease are irregular heart rhythms, the appearance of phobias, neuroses and fears, which often cause sweat to flow at night, especially in the armpit area.

Nocturnal hyperhidrosis can also occur with diseases such as chronic fatigue syndrome, disorders of the nervous system, hyperplasia of the lymph nodes, hypertension and tachycardia. Taking certain medications can also cause hyperhidrosis. Night sweats in the armpits are a side effect when taking antipyretics (antipyretics), antidepressants, phenothiazines, and drugs to lower blood pressure.

Night sweats in women are often associated with hormonal or physiological changes. These changes occur during pregnancy, before the menstrual cycle, or during menopause. In all these cases, the female body undergoes changes in the hormonal system. The level of progesterone and estrogen can sharply increase and decrease, and this causes disruptions in thermoregulatory processes. During such periods, women sweat a lot at night, with the chest or armpit area especially sweating. Usually this problem goes away on its own when the level of sex hormones returns to normal.

Eliminating the cause of excessive sweating at night

To get rid of night sweats, it is necessary to determine exactly what problem caused this pathology. If the reasons are due to a specific disease, you will need to consult with the appropriate doctor. First of all, you should go to a therapist so that he can examine the general condition and determine whether there are other symptoms that may indicate a particular disease. Next, the therapist issues a referral to the appropriate doctor who is treating the disease that caused nocturnal hyperhidrosis.

If increased or profuse night sweats in the armpit area were caused by taking certain medications, you should ask your doctor to prescribe other medications that will have the same effect, but without the same side effects.

Hyperhidrosis can also occur as an independent disease. In this case, increased sweating haunts a person at any time of the day, not only at night. Now there are a huge number of methods for treating this disease. To reduce night sweats, you can use special lotions, creams, gels, and medications. If hyperhidrosis cannot be treated by other means, your doctor may recommend injections of Dysport or Botox. Iontophoresis or thoracoscopic sympathectomy can have a good effect. The doctor can prescribe a specific form of treatment only after a complete examination.

  • eliminate stress and emotional overload during the day;
  • maintain the temperature in the bedroom around 20 degrees;
  • ventilate the room daily, or provide fresh air by installing an air conditioner or air freshener;
  • sleep only in clothes made from natural materials, choose light cotton blankets and sheets;
  • do not eat spicy or heavy foods before going to bed, do not drink coffee, strong tea or alcoholic beverages;
  • an hour before bedtime you can eat carrots, buckwheat porridge, salad, parsley - these foods reduce sweating;
  • It is not recommended to watch intense films or TV shows before going to bed - it is better to read a book or listen to calm music;
  • An hour before bedtime, it is recommended to dim the lighting in the bedroom - with low light, the body begins to produce the sleep hormone (melatonin);
  • a person should devote more time to physical activity during the day so that by the evening the body gets tired and does not bother itself with excessive sweating at night.

Yoga or meditation, avoiding tonics (alcohol and cigarettes), healthy eating, a friendly attitude towards others, as well as an atmosphere of love and understanding in the family circle can have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

What's in the article:

Today decided to find out whether the reasons for severe sweating in a dream are serious or minor?

If you watched horror movies and went to bed on a summer night under several blankets and covered yourself with a woolen blanket, then it’s quite understandable why you were sweating a lot. However, there are other “horror films”, not the most pleasant, but they could not be kept silent within the framework of this article. So.

I sweat a lot in my sleep: reasons

Often, severe sweating is caused by hyperhidrosis, that is, a chronic disease, the causes of which have not yet been fully established in medicine.

Excessive sweating, which is associated with significant weight loss, chills, and may have other causes. Including cancer. Of course, you can’t make a diagnosis yourself, and we won’t tell you such terrible news online. But it’s worth seeing a doctor, and the sooner the better.

Sometimes the answer to the question of why a person sweats a lot at night during sleep is infectious processes:

  • tuberculosis - usually in smokers;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • endocarditis;
  • AIDS.

There is no need to panic, because if you are a woman and ask yourself the question why I sweat a lot at night in my sleep, then the answer may be related to the characteristics of your body.

Hormonal features

During pregnancy, sweating at night may be increased. This is not a pathology, but simply the specifics of your current interesting situation.


Another reason for increased sweating at night. Indeed, at this time of day, the concentration of sugar in the blood decreases significantly, that is, a condition occurs that in medicine is called hypoglycemia. Against the background of perceived discomfort, sweating increases. If you know that you have such a diagnosis, then be sure to maintain your health in normal conditions, monitor your blood sugar levels and do not forget to come for consultations with your doctor in a timely manner.


Sometimes the cause of excessive sweating is a problem with the thyroid gland. If, against the background of a disturbing symptom, an enlargement of this gland is also noticeable, immediately consult a doctor.

You sweat a lot during sleep: the reason may be the food you eat at night

the site also wants to draw attention to other reasons. For example, your diet. If you ate the so-called unhealthy food at night, then it’s not surprising that during sleep your body “thanked” you with profuse sweat.

So, what should not be “killed” at night:

  • too fatty foods;
  • fried food;
  • spicy food;
  • pickles;
  • preparations for the winter.

If the reason is precisely in the diet, then sweating will be episodic, that is, it will not bother you systematically every night. Strictly speaking, evening overeating cannot be equated with the causes of constant night sweats. Let's consider the mechanism. Due to excessive food intake, breathing is impaired. A full stomach puts pressure on the diaphragm, which increases even more when you are in a horizontal position. Less efficient breathing causes increased sweating at night.

Wrong daily routine

Sometimes if you realize that you are sweating a lot in your sleep, the reasons are due to the irregular rhythm of life. You are probably pushing yourself like a racehorse, and you no longer want to give your body rest, because there are still so many things that need to be done! So your body gives you signals, and this happens at a time when you have practically no control over it, that is, at night.

If you are very tired at work, experience constant stress, are dissatisfied with everything in general and with some particulars, and chronically sleep little, then you are likely to sweat more than usual at night.

Self-medication is dangerous!

I would like to once again emphasize that today, in the age of the Internet, many people think that they can diagnose themselves by looking for the corresponding symptoms on the Internet, prescribe a treatment regimen there, order certain medications and start taking them. But this threatens with big health problems and complications.

However, sometimes doctors prescribe drugs that do not have the desired effect or even along with it can cause complications.

One of the side effects of taking certain medications is increased sweating.

I sweat a lot at night in my sleep: the reasons are in medications

Which ones? Pay attention to the composition. If it contains hydralazine, niacin, tamoxifen, nitroglycerin, then there is a possibility that it was these components that provoked such a reaction in the body.

If systematic night sweats persist for a month or more, there is a risk that the body is sending signals about some kind of violation. Of course, you shouldn’t take summer into account, when there is intense heat outside the window and in the apartment, and you, for example, cover yourself with a blanket that is too warm and sleep in pajamas with the windows closed.

Excessive sweating at night is familiar to many women - this unpleasant symptom brings significant discomfort and interferes with normal rest.

Sweating in a dream is a nonspecific phenomenon; it accompanies many different diseases or occurs on its own, acting as an independent symptom. Why do women sweat in their sleep? Basically, increased sweating at night in the fair sex is associated with the same reasons as in men; only to some extent this symptom is associated with conditions characteristic only of women.

The causes of night sweats in women may be physiological or may indicate the presence of diseases.

A little physiology

Sweating is the most important process in the body, responsible for several functions:

  • Together with sweat, a large amount of toxic substances are removed from the body.
  • Sweating helps maintain body temperature at the desired level - if necessary, excess energy and heat are removed along with sweat.
  • Sweat, combined with the secretion of the sebaceous glands, forms a special protective layer on the skin.
  • Maintaining water-salt balance by removing excess minerals along with the liquid.

Excessive sweating in women is indicated if the volume of fluid leaving the body is 100 ml in 5 minutes.

Causes of increased sweating at night in women

All causes of excessive sweating at night during sleep can be divided into non-medical, or external, and medical, or internal.

Non-medical reasons why women sweat in their sleep

  • Stuffy, poorly ventilated sleeping area. Maintaining the right microclimate is an important condition for good sound sleep. In the warm season, it is recommended to sleep with the windows open; in winter, ventilate the bedroom immediately before going to bed.
  • A warm blanket. Often the reason why a woman sweats profusely during sleep is that the blanket is too thick.

It’s trivial, but the cause of sweating at night can be a blanket that is too warm

  • Warm clothes for sleeping. It is important to choose the right nightwear - pajamas made of silk or thick fabrics easily lead to overheating, which causes profuse sweating at night while sleeping.
  • Nature of nutrition. Excessive sweating at night can be related to diet, especially the last meal before bed. Increased sweating during sleep can be caused by eating chocolate, coffee, sweet carbonated drinks, spicy foods and garlic.

Medical factors that contribute to excessive sweating during sleep

In the absence of everyday causes of increased sweating at night, a connection between hyperhidrosis and various pathological processes in the body is possible. There are many acute and chronic diseases, the symptom of which is increased sweating.

Most infectious diseases are accompanied by an increase in body temperature combined with excessive sweating. Most often, increased sweating is accompanied by:

  • Acute respiratory infections (ARVI).
  • Endocarditis.
  • Mononucleosis of an infectious nature.
  • Fungal infections of the skin, mucous membranes and internal organs.
  • Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
  • Tuberculosis.

Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Endocrine pathologies:

  • Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.
  • Ovarian hypofunction.
  • Diabetes mellitus with episodes of nocturnal hypoglycemia.

Oncological diseases:

  • Leukemia.
  • Hodgkin's disease (lymphogranulomatosis).

Other pathologies:

  • Sleep apnea syndrome.
  • Dyspeptic phenomena.
  • Pneumonia.

Specific causes of female night sweats

Excessive sweating at night in women is associated with conditions in which hormonal changes occur - pregnancy, menstruation and menopause.

Why does sweating occur in these situations? Hormonal balance is regulated by the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. During pregnancy and in the first days of menstruation, there is a sharp jump in the level of female sex hormones - estrogens, which are responsible for maintaining many functions in a woman’s body, including thermoregulation.

Women over 45 years of age suffer from sweating due to the onset of menopause. At this moment, a complete restructuring occurs in the woman’s body - ovarian function fades and the menstrual cycle stops. The level of estrogen drops sharply, the regulation of heat exchange in the body changes, so women begin to worry about the so-called hot flashes, accompanied by sweating during sleep. This symptom causes significant discomfort, causing you to wake up in the middle of the night in sweat, often the sweat is so intense that you have to change your night clothes. The condition of sweating at night during menopause requires special medical correction using hormone replacement therapy.

It is the sharp change in hormonal levels that is the reason why representatives of the fair sex sweat at night while sleeping.

Prevention of night sweats

If sweating is caused by external factors, then to eliminate it it is enough to create a comfortable microclimate in the bedroom

To reduce discomfort during sleep, it is recommended to reconsider your lifestyle and change your habits. It is important to monitor the microclimate in the bedroom - the air should be fresh, the humidity should be at least 60%, and be sure to ventilate the bedroom before going to bed. It is advisable to choose sleepwear from natural fabrics.

It is not recommended to consume spicy or too hot food, strong tea and coffee before going to bed. Excessive sweating significantly reduces the volume of fluid in the body, so it is important to drink enough clean water, but no later than two hours before bedtime.

In the event that changing your lifestyle and habits does not bring any results, and other suspicious symptoms are added to night sweats, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible for diagnostic measures. In this case, treatment will be aimed at the underlying disease that caused excessive sweating.

You may due to disorders associated with the functioning of the endocrine system. Often, excessive sweating occurs due to hormonal imbalances, for example, with dysfunction of the thyroid gland, neurological and tumor diseases. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) also causes night sweats.

The use of certain medications, such as antidepressants, medications containing aspirin, antihypertensive drugs, can also cause night sweats. Be sure to consult a doctor if you notice such a reaction in your body to taking medications. Your doctor will prescribe you a different drug or reduce your dosage.

Some foods, such as garlic and spices, cause a strong rush of blood and can cause increased sweating. Therefore, it is better to avoid eating hot and spicy foods before going to bed. By the way, alcohol has a similar effect.

In very rare cases, night sweats are a consequence of idiopathic hyperhidrosis. This is a problem in which the appearance of night sweats is not associated with any disease, but is associated with psychological factors. In such cases, comprehensive treatment in the form of antidepressants, deodorants, herbal baths and tea will help.

Night sweats in middle age are often caused by pressure changes and emotional stress. Increased sweating may be associated with menopause, during which the body and causes sweating occur.

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  • sweating at night

Sweating is a natural and necessary process by which the body gets rid of too much heat. In some cases, sweating during sleep begins to bother you. It can be caused by external and internal reasons.

night sweats

Sweating during sleep can be caused by improper temperature conditions in the bedroom. At approximately three o'clock in the morning, a person's body temperature reaches its minimum value. If the room is too warm to reach this value, the body is forced to “turn on” the sweating mechanism. A person may sweat because the blanket is too warm, which can interfere with heat transfer. Night sweats are also caused by poor diet in the evening. In this case, it is not recommended to eat spicy, spicy food for dinner, drink alcohol, or smoke. Night sweats can be triggered by emotional stress: family conflicts, troubles at work, unbalanced character.

The optimal temperature in the bedroom should be between 15-18ºC.

A change in the body's self-regulation mechanism can be caused by taking medications at night: antipyretics, vasodilators, antidepressants. Excessive night sweating of the back, chest, neck causes a number of serious diseases (tuberculosis, HIV, malignant tumors, endocrinological diseases (hypoglycemia, hyperthyroidism), apnea (prolonged cessation of breathing during sleep). If severe sweating occurs too often, you should consult at the doctor's.

Causes of night sweats in women and children

Women can. In this case, the level of estrogen decreases, the body reacts to this by releasing excessive heat, which it gets rid of through sweating. Night sweats occur during menopause. Hot flashes are provoked by a decrease in the level of progesterone and estrogen, and an increase in the concentration of other hormones.

Such changes in a woman’s body are usually accompanied by emotional instability.

Night sweats are considered a phenomenon. The nervous system is not yet fully regulated. Sweating occurs in the deep sleep phase, in which children stay longer and more often than adults. For a comfortable sleep, it is necessary to meet increased requirements for temperature conditions and bedding. In older adults, the cause of night sweats may be psychological discomfort. In this case, parents need to monitor the child’s condition and find out if he has unusually low or high vitality. You need to show your child to a doctor if he has a lot of sleep in his sleep, this could be one of the signs of rickets.

Tip 3: Why do people of different ages sweat a lot in their sleep?

Sweating is considered a normal reaction of the body to changes in body temperature. Almost all people sweat in certain life situations. But why does this happen in a dream?

Good sleep prolongs life. Sometimes this is accompanied by profuse sweating. This process is known as sleep hyperhidrosis. At its essence, hyperhidrosis is an increased production of sweat in much greater quantities than is necessary to cool the body. However, during sleep, sweating can vary in intensity. It can be soft, moderate and heavy. Mild and moderate sweating does not cause much harm to a person, but a severe form indicates the presence of dangerous diseases.

For all people, the causes of sweating are divided into internal and external.

Internal reasons why you sweat a lot in your sleep

1. Various infectious diseases: tuberculosis, HIV.

2. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels associated with changes in pulse and pressure.

3. Diabetes.

4. Diseases of the endocrine system.

5. Oncological diseases, in particular testicular cancer in men.

6. Gastric and duodenal ulcers in the acute phase, gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

7. Hormonal disturbances in the functioning of the body, observed in adolescents during puberty, and in older people during menopause.

8. Disorders of the kidneys and adrenal glands.

9. Having excess weight.

10. Various allergic reactions.

11. Idiopathic hyperhidrosis is a very rare disease associated with increased sweat production.

12. Pregnancy.

13. A hereditary factor when the sweat glands have increased sweating since childhood.

14. Taking medications, especially antidepressants.

15. Disorders of the nervous system, including stress and depression.

16. Colds and viruses, as well as weak immunity.

The presence of one of these diseases or malfunctions in the human body leads to the release of profuse sweat during sleep. Therefore, you should not self-medicate, but should seek help from a specialist. He will help determine the cause of this disease and select treatment.

But there are less dangerous reasons why a person sweats in his sleep. All of them are associated with various external factors.

External reasons why you sweat in your sleep

1. Eating at night. Before going to bed, it is better to avoid fatty, salty and spicy foods.

2. Various sleep disorders, including insomnia. The body can secrete sweat in this case, as a protective barrier in the fight against the disease.

3. High room temperature. Each person reacts differently to changes in environmental temperature.

4. Drinking alcohol and smoking.

5. Overwork and chronic fatigue.

6. Heavy physical activity before bed or throughout the day.

7. Poor quality bedding. Sometimes they are made of synthetic materials and are practically impervious to air.

8. Sleepwear that is too tight and too tight. Therefore, it is better to abandon it altogether or purchase only loose clothing.

9. Failure to comply with the daily routine.

10. Experiences associated, for example, with exams or some kind of public performance.

To solve all external causes of excessive sweating, you need to follow a number of preventive measures

1. Before going to bed, be sure to ventilate the room for 5-10 minutes.

2. In the evening, spend about 30 minutes outdoors, taking a walk.

3. Do not consume food or alcoholic beverages for 3 hours.

4. Use clothes and bedding only from natural fabrics.

5 . Buy an orthopedic pillow and mattress.

6. Maintain the temperature in the room. It is better for everyone to sleep at +18-+20 degrees.

7. You can take a shower or bath before going to bed.

In addition, there are folk remedies that can solve the problem of sweating during sleep. For example, you can prepare an infusion from oak bark or add chamomile leaves and flowers to your bath. These products will soothe and refresh the skin and prevent sweat from releasing profusely.

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