Open pie with fresh berries. Pie with berries made from yeast-free dough

Pies with fresh or frozen berries always remind you of summer. Favorite berries in biscuit, cream or yeast dough are a joy for adults and children.

Baking a berry pie doesn't take long. This simple dessert can be prepared very tasty, even if the berries are frozen. It will serve as a wonderful treat for guests who unexpectedly appear on the doorstep.


  • lemon zest 2 tbsp. l.
  • flour 210 g;
  • olive oil 30 g;
  • sugar 50 g;
  • apple juice 120 ml;
  • pinch of salt.

For cream

  • feta cheese 255 g;
  • juice of 1 lemon.
  • strawberries 1/2 kg;
  • squirrels 4 pcs.;
  • gelatin 11 g.


  1. Mix the sifted flour with sugar, a pinch of salt and lemon zest.
  2. Add olive oil and apple juice to flour. Knead elastic dough. Place the dough in a plastic bag and refrigerate for half an hour.
  3. To prepare the cream, beat the egg whites until they form a white, stable foam. Grind the cheese and strawberries. Soak the gelatin. Mix together lemon juice, cheese with strawberries, egg whites and gelatin.
  4. Remove the dough from the refrigerator and roll it out into a thin layer. Place in a greased pan, folding the edges of the dough into a basket shape. Place in a hot oven, bake for 10 minutes at 180 degrees.
  5. Place the cream in the cooled pastry basket and refrigerate for 2 hours. When the curd cream has hardened, the berry pie is ready to eat.

Redcurrant Pie

Products for the recipe

  • eggs 3 pcs.;
  • butter 210 g;
  • baking powder 1 tsp;
  • wheat flour 210 g;
  • powdered sugar 75 g;
  • sugar 240 g.

For filling

  • sugar 80 g;
  • berries 490 g;
  • starch 100 g.


  1. Mix soft butter with sugar and eggs. Beat with a mixer until smooth.
  2. Add sifted flour mixed with baking powder to the liquid part of the dough and mix.
  3. The dough turns out soft, like sour cream. On a sheet covered with oiled paper, spread the dough in an even layer. Place berries mixed with sugar and starch on top.
  4. Place the pie in a hot oven. Bake at 200 degrees for about half an hour. After checking doneness with a toothpick, remove it from the oven.
  5. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Pie with berries and cottage cheese

Recipe Ingredients

  • 1 tbsp. l. vinegar;
  • flour 210 g;
  • 1/2 tsp. soda;
  • butter 110 g;
  • egg 1 pc.;
  • sugar 110 g.

Ingredients for filling

  • lemon 1/2 pcs.;
  • berries 410 g;
  • eggs 2 pcs.;
  • sugar 125 g;
  • cottage cheese 410 g;
  • starch 40 g.


  1. Mix sugar, softened butter, egg and 1 tbsp. l. vinegar.
  2. Sift the flour and add half a teaspoon of baking soda.
  3. Roll out the dough, place it in the mold, lifting the edges to form a basket. Place in the refrigerator for ten minutes.
  4. Prepare the filling by mixing cottage cheese, eggs, sugar and starch. Remove the base from the refrigerator and place the curd mixture on top.
  5. Top with berries of your choice (raspberries or sweet strawberries).
  6. Bake at 180 degrees for about forty minutes.

Blackcurrant Pie

Products for the recipe

  • salt;
  • powdered sugar;
  • eggs 2 pcs.;
  • starch 40 g;
  • flour 310 g;
  • baking powder 1 tsp;
  • black currant 490 g;
  • sugar 210 g;
  • butter 210 g.


  1. Break eggs into a bowl, add sugar. Beat until smooth. Add vanillin, a pinch of salt, mix flour with baking powder and add softened butter. Knead the dough.
  2. Divide the dough into two equal parts, place in plastic bags, and place in the freezer for 2 hours. The dough should freeze well.
  3. When the dough has set, remove it from the refrigerator. Using a coarse grater, grate one half of the dough onto a baking sheet.
  4. Mix black currants with starch. Place the berries on the dough, sprinkle powdered sugar on top.
  5. Grate the other half of the dough on top. Place in a hot oven for 40 minutes. Bake at 180 degrees.
  6. When the berry pie is ready, remove it from the oven. Cool, cut into pieces, and serve.

Pie with cottage cheese and raspberries without baking

Products for the recipe

  • sour cream 60 g;
  • oatmeal cookies 490 g;
  • sugar 125 g;
  • butter 155 g;
  • vanillin;
  • gelatin 25 g and 15 g;
  • cottage cheese 455 g;
  • 160 g raspberries and raspberries for decoration;
  • raspberry juice 2 tbsp.


  1. Crush the cookies and mix them with softened butter. Grind the mixture until smooth with a blender.
  2. Place the mixture in a springform pan and place in the freezer.
  3. To prepare the filling, mix cottage cheese with three tablespoons of sour cream and 100 g of raspberries, add sugar, vanillin, and beat with a blender.
  4. Soak 25 g of gelatin in half a glass of raspberry juice and heat for several minutes in a water bath. Add gelatin to cottage cheese, stir.
  5. Remove the cake base from the freezer and place half of the curd mixture on top. Sprinkle some raspberries and top with the remaining curd filling.
  6. Place the pie in the freezer. Start preparing the top layer of jelly.
  7. Soak 15 g of gelatin in half a glass of raspberry juice and heat in a water bath. Add sugar to taste to a glass of raspberry juice and pour in gelatin.
  8. Remove the berry pie from the freezer. Place a few raspberries on top of the curd mixture as a decoration, pour half a glass of jelly. Place in the freezer for 10 minutes to allow the filling to set. After ten minutes, take it out and pour the remaining jelly on top of it. Place in the refrigerator or freezer until set.
  9. To make it easier to remove the berry pie, wrap the pan in a hot towel.

Yeast pie “Snail with black currants”

Products for the recipe

  • flour 410 g;
  • milk 255 ml;
  • dry yeast 1/2 packet;
  • vegetable oil 55 ml;
  • salt 1/2 tsp;
  • sugar 60 g.


  • sesame;
  • black currant 1.5 tbsp.;
  • starch 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • powdered sugar 3 tbsp. l.


  1. Heat the milk and add butter, sugar and salt. Put 2 tsp in milk. dry yeast, leave for 10 minutes to begin the fermentation process.
  2. Add sifted flour to milk. Knead the yeast dough. It should be elastic and not stick to your hands.
  3. Leave the dough for an hour and a half in a warm place until it doubles in size.
  4. Wash the blackcurrants and place in a colander to drain. Mix currants with starch and powdered sugar.
  5. Roll out the finished yeast dough into a thin layer (0.5 cm thick) into a rectangular shape. Cut the layer into strips three centimeters wide.
  6. Place blackcurrants on each strip, pinch the edges so that the juice does not leak out during baking. You should end up with several thin, long “sausages” stuffed with currants. Place the “sausages” one after another in the form of a horizontal spiral or snail on a greased baking sheet. Sprinkle sesame seeds on top.
  7. Place the berry pie in a hot oven. Bake at 250 degrees for about half an hour. The finished yeast pie with berries has a beautiful, original shape and a very pleasant taste.

Frozen berry pie

Recipe products

  • baking powder 1 p.;
  • flour 290 g;
  • berries 490 g;
  • butter 140 g;
  • vanilla sugar 2 g;
  • sugar 140 g;
  • milk 60 g;
  • eggs 3 pcs.;
  • breadcrumbs 60 g.


  1. Put soft butter into the sifted flour, add sugar, break three eggs, add vanillin and baking powder.
  2. You can take any berries: strawberries, cherries, raspberries, currants, etc. If you are preparing them from frozen, you must first defrost them in a bowl on the table and drain off the excess juice.
  3. Mix defrosted berries with breadcrumbs. This must be done so that the crackers absorb the juice (if you need to drain a lot of it). Sour berries can be sweetened with sugar.
  4. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place the dough from the bowl into a greased pan and sprinkle the berries on top. Bake until done.

From the recipes given it is clear how to create a delicious berry pie. You can also fill the filling with biscuit dough and prepare a berry charlotte. Cover the berries with sour cream and sugar, whipped cream or meringue. They also go well with nuts. Sprinkle the berry filling with walnuts or roasted peanuts to get a new original taste.

Good luck in your culinary career!

In general, you can take any berries you like. And you can start eating the pie immediately after cooking, it’s very tasty.

for test

  • 2 eggs,
  • ½ tsp. salt,
  • 1 glass of kefir or 2 natural yoghurts,
  • 100 g margarine,
  • 1 tsp baking powder,
  • flour (the dough should be like thick sour cream) ~ 250 g,
  • 100 grams of sugar,
  • a little vanilla.

For filling

  • package of frozen cherries 450 gr.,
  • sugar.

1. beat butter and sugar, add eggs and kefir, add flour, vanillin, baking powder
2. Pour the dough into a greased mold (I have a rectangular one 20 by 30 cm), place the berries on top (you don’t need to defrost them), sprinkle sugar on top.
3. bake for 30 minutes at 200 degrees
4. Let it cool in the pan, you can decorate with whipped cream - it will spread and the pie will be creamy and beautiful in color.

Recipe 2. Shortbread pie with frozen berries

The pies turn out VERY BEAUTIFUL AND TASTY!!!
The guests are delighted!

  • 300-350 g flour
  • ½ tsp. baking powder
  • 150 g sugar
  • 1 sachet (10 g) vanilla sugar
  • 150 g butter (or margarine), softened
  • a little milk (or water, sour cream) - if necessary
  • 1 egg (or 2 yolks)
  • a pinch of salt

Pre-soften the butter at room temperature.
Beat soft butter with sugar and vanilla sugar until creamy.
Continuing to beat, add the egg (or yolks).
Mix flour, baking powder and salt.
Sift over top of butter mixture.
Knead the dough until it forms a coma.
If necessary, add a little milk - the dough should be smooth and elastic.
Place on the table and form into a ball.
The dough can be used both immediately and by putting it aside for a while.

* Using the dough immediately after preparation, you need to line the mold with it.
Then leave to cool for at least 30-40 minutes. in a refrigerator.

Then take 800 grams of any frozen berry (in the top photos, first strawberries, then cherries). Defrost completely, pour the juice into a glass and bring the same juice or water to 250 ml. We use this juice to make jelly.
Place the berries on the dough laid out on the mold, sprinkle lightly with sugar (optional, depending on the acidity of the berries and the tastes of the absorbents of this product). Yes, by the way, the mold is 26 cm in diameter.
In preheated to 180 gr. We put our cake in the oven (I have an electric one) for 30-40 minutes. Take it out, let it cool, and then pour in the jelly prepared on the basis of Dr. Oetker CAKE JELLY. I used red packets to make the pie brighter. Keep in mind that the jelly hardens instantly, so pour it onto the berries quickly and carefully.

I serve it in the form, because... I have a knife for cutting using Teflon, so the shape is intact and the cake looks impressive.

I used to make similar pies without jelly, but, firstly, they were inferior in appearance, and, secondly, when cutting the berries, they all fell off the pie, although they were still very tasty. I think that if there is no jelly, you can fill it with whipped sugar. powdered proteins, but then it will be something else.

Recipe 3. Another shortbread pie with frozen berries (you can use any)

  • 200 gr. butter (margarine)
  • 150-180 gr. sugar (depending on berries)
  • 3 eggs
  • 200 gr. flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 packet vanilla sugar
  • frozen berries, fruits (I have blackcurrants and raspberries)

Beat softened butter with sugar.

Add eggs, vanilla sugar, baking powder and flour to the butter mixture.

To stir thoroughly. The consistency of the dough resembles thick sour cream.

Defrost the berries.

Grease the baking dish with vegetable oil. Distribute the dough evenly over the pan.

Place the berries on top and lightly press them into the dough.

Bake the pie in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30-35 minutes.

Check readiness with a toothpick.

Recipe 4. Lenten pie with frozen berries


I made it with black currants. The pie turns out to be very aromatic, the dough is a little crispy, the filling can be made with apples or any other berries, as well as with thick jam.

The recipe is designed for a small mold, measuring 19 cm.

  • 1.5 cups flour
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar
  • 5 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 6 tbsp. spoons of ice water
  • 1 packet vanilla sugar
  • soda on the tip of a knife
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1 cup frozen blackcurrants
  • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of sugar
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of flour

Defrost the berries.
Sift a glass of flour into a bowl, add salt, sugar, vanilla sugar, water, vegetable oil, mix, add the rest of the sifted flour and soda. Knead the elastic dough, wrap in film, put in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
Add flour and sugar to the berries and mix. Turn on the oven at 180 degrees, grease the pan with vegetable oil.
Divide the dough into 2 parts, one more and one less.
Roll out a large part, place it in a mold, make sides.

Spread the filling on top.

Roll out a smaller portion of the dough, cover the top of the pie, carefully pinch the edges, brush the pie with vegetable oil, sprinkle with sugar, and make a small hole in the middle for steam to escape.

Bake the pie for 30-35 minutes, it doesn’t brown well, so don’t overcook it in the oven, just check the dough itself for readiness by piercing it with a toothpick; if it’s dry, the pie is ready.
Cool the cake slightly in the pan, then transfer to a plate.

Enjoy your tea!

Recipe 5. Curd and berry pie with frozen berries

This beautiful holiday dessert is reminiscent of cheesecake with cottage cheese, and the berries add juiciness and tenderness. It is even easier to prepare than cheesecake, and the result is much superior in taste.

  • flour (250 grams),
  • margarine (150 g),
  • sugar (1 cup + filling 150 grams),
  • egg,
  • vanilla sugar,
  • soda (half a teaspoon),
  • sour cream (250 grams),
  • powdered sugar
  • cottage cheese (200 grams),
  • starch (100 grams).
  • black currants or other berries (300 grams).

Beat eggs with sugar, add pieces of margarine softened at room temperature, add soda. Add flour and starch and knead the dough. The soft dough, dusted with flour, is easy to handle. Place it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, or knead it in a mixer or blender, add an egg and 2/3 cup of sugar, sour cream. Grind the cottage cheese with additives and get a creamy mass. Grease the baking dish with butter and sprinkle with flour. We spread the dough with a flat cake, form the sides and bottom. Spread the curd mixture onto the dough and level the surface. Place the berries on the cottage cheese and place in the oven.

Juicy berries that bake quickly (raspberries, blueberries, blueberries, we have black currants) can be placed 20 minutes after the start of baking. Temperature – 180 degrees. The pie turns out simply wonderful, not at all simple.

Recipe 6. Yeast dough pie with frozen berries

Yeast pie is the most satisfying pastry. Soft pastry is all the more pleasant because it doesn’t take much time to prepare it. A standard set of products: yeast, sour cream, flour - and an excellent addition to lunch or breakfast is provided.

  • milk (1 glass),
  • yeast (15 grams),
  • salt (half a tablespoon),
  • sugar (two glasses),
  • any fresh berries (1 kilogram),
  • flour,
  • vanilla sugar,
  • sour cream (1 glass).

Dissolve the yeast in half a glass of warm milk, add salt and add a glass of sugar. Add flour until it reaches the consistency of pancakes. We leave our dough to ferment in a warm place. When the dough has risen well, add sifted flour, butter, milk and sugar, add margarine and eggs at the end.

The elastic dough should stand for 20 minutes. Knead it until smooth and roll it out into a layer 3 mm thick. Place into a baking dish.

Filling: pour a glass of sugar over the berries and let stand for 15-20 minutes. Remove any excess juice, pour into the pan and smooth out. Bake for 30-40 minutes.

Recipe 7. Puff pastry pie with frozen berries (from ready-made dough)

Baking from puff pastry is essentially a lifesaver, as it greatly facilitates the process of preparing any dish. The main thing is to defrost the dough in time, and everything else is trivial.

  • puff pastry – 500 g (this is a whole store package);
  • any berries and fruits - 500 g;
  • potato starch - 3 tablespoons;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sugar – 0.5 cups.

Remove the finished puff pastry from the freezer in advance and defrost it. Wash the berries thoroughly and remove twigs and leaves directly under running water. Afterwards, we chop the large fruits, and leave the small ones as is, filling them with sugar and mixing. The excess juice that forms after 10-15 minutes must be drained and starch added to the berries (this is done so that during baking the starch becomes a binding link for the berries).

Take a baking dish, I use a large baking sheet, grease it with oil and set it aside for now. We carefully roll out the puff pastry in one direction, place one layer on a baking sheet so that the edges stick out a little, and leave the other on the table and make slits in it.

Place the berries in starch and sugar on the dough,

Cover the top with the cut layer and pinch the edges on all sides. The slits in the top layer of dough should open up slightly to create holes. Gently brush the future puff pastry pie with berries with a beaten egg

and place in an oven preheated to 200°C, baking for 20-25 minutes.

The layer pie with berries is ready, but before removing the pie from the mold, it must cool slightly. In my opinion, the recipe for making the pie is very simple. Use it yourself and share with friends.

Pie with frozen berries is most often prepared in winter. At this time of year, almost every housewife has several bags of strawberries, raspberries, cherries, blueberries, cranberries or currants in her freezer. It's time to put these reserves to good use. Preparing such baked goods takes very little time, and the pie turns out very aromatic and tasty.

This recipe for a pie with frozen berries is good because it allows you to prepare an original and at the same time tasty dish that even children will enjoy enjoying. After all, as you know, not every child likes oatmeal.

For baking you will need:

  • 175 g oatmeal;
  • 145 g flour + 35 g for filling;
  • 30-40 g walnuts;
  • 175 g sugar;
  • 135 g butter;
  • 720 g mixture of frozen blueberries and raspberries;
  • 3 g cinnamon;
  • 3 g nutmeg;
  • 60 ml lemon juice.

Place the oat flakes, pieces of melted butter, 145 g of sugar and nuts into the bowl of a food processor. At low power, beat everything into crumbs for several seconds. Place the berries in a colander and leave for a while so that they completely melt and release all the water. Then sprinkle them with the remaining portion of sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, flour (35 g) and mix with lemon juice. Combine the prepared filling with oatmeal and butter crumbs and place in a greased heat-resistant form. Cook at 180˚C for 55 minutes.

Berry-chocolate pie with beer

This dessert can even be baked on the stove. But it’s still better to cook chocolate pie with frozen berries in the oven - this way it will bake faster and better. Let's take for it:

  • 0.3 kg flour;
  • ¾ cup sugar;
  • half a stick of butter;
  • half a bar of dark chocolate;
  • 160 g beer (dark);
  • a couple of eggs;
  • 12 g baking powder;
  • 1 g salt;
  • half a kilo of frozen berries.

Cut the butter into cubes and break the chocolate. Combine the prepared ingredients in a bowl and melt in a water bath. After the mixture has cooled, add a pinch of salt, sugar, eggs and pour in beer. Mix everything. Add the flour sifted with baking powder in small parts. Add thawed berries and mix everything again. Transfer the dough to a heat-resistant form lined with parchment and cook in an oven preheated to 185˚C for an hour.

Jellied berry pie with white chocolate

Let's look at another recipe with a photo of a pie with frozen berries. For it you will need:

  • white chocolate bar;
  • one and a half glasses of 10% or 20% cream;
  • 1 egg + 4 yolks;
  • 2/3 cup flour;
  • 100 g almond crumbs;
  • half a stick of butter;
  • 55 g sugar;
  • 250 g frozen raspberries;
  • vanilla for aroma.

Place the chilled butter pieces, chopped almonds, flour and sugar into the bowl of a food processor. Using the Metal Knife attachment, beat the ingredients into crumbs. Add 1 egg and knead the dough. The result should be a dense lump. Roll it into a layer, put it in the form in which the baked goods will be prepared, and put it in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes. Then prick the pie base with a fork, put it in the oven and bake for 20 minutes at 200˚C.

Prepare the filling: bring the cream to a boil in a saucepan, pour it over the broken chocolate and stir until it is completely dissolved. Let cool slightly, then add the yolks and mix everything again. The filling should be uniform. Remove the base from the oven, place the berries on it, and spread the creamy chocolate mixture on top. Reduce the oven temperature to 165˚C and bake the cake for 35 minutes. As soon as the surface is baked, the dessert is ready!


  • half a kilo of puff pastry;
  • half a kilo of frozen berries;
  • 90 g starch;
  • egg;
  • half a glass of sugar.

Thaw the puff pastry. Place the berries in a colander over the sink and wait until all the liquid has drained. Sprinkle them with sugar. After a quarter of an hour, drain the resulting juice and mix the berries with the indicated portion of starch. Divide the dough into two parts. Place the first layer on an oiled baking sheet; on the second layer, use a sharp knife to make small cuts in a checkerboard pattern. Distribute the berries on the sheet of dough that is in the mold, cover them with a second sheet, and pinch the edges. In this case, the slots should open up a little. Beat the egg with a fork and brush the pie with it. Cook in an oven preheated to 200˚C for 25 minutes.

Pie "Tigranin"

Products that need to be prepared for frozen berry pie:

  • a pair of eggs;
  • pack of butter;
  • 150 g sugar + 5 table. spoons for filling;
  • 210 g sour cream;
  • 3.3 cups flour;
  • one and a half glasses of frozen berries;
  • 60 g starch;
  • two or three pinches of powdered sugar.

Pour 150 g of sugar into a bowl, add softened and diced butter and sugar. Grind the ingredients, add sour cream and mix well. Add sifted flour in small portions - you may need a little, more or less than indicated in the recipe, as a result the dough should become elastic. Separate a third of it and set aside. Roll out the remaining portion and place in a heat-resistant form, forming sides. Distribute the defrosted berries on top, sprinkle them with sugar and starch. Roll out the reserved piece of dough and cut it into long strips. Place them on the berries in the form of a lattice. Place the pie in an oven preheated to 180°C and bake for 35-40 minutes. Sprinkle the finished dessert with powdered sugar.

Berry pie made from yeast dough

For yeast pie with frozen berries you should prepare:

  • a couple of teaspoons of yeast;
  • 450 g flour;
  • egg;
  • glass of water;
  • 65 g plums. oils;
  • 30 g sugar + a couple of tablespoons for filling;
  • 2-3 g salt;
  • 3 cups of berries;
  • 12 g starch.

Heat the water, add 5 g of sugar, half a portion of flour and yeast. Stir and place in a warm place, leaving for a couple of hours. After the dough has risen, add another 25 g of sugar, egg, salt and mix. Add the remaining sifted flour in small portions. Knead into a smooth, elastic dough that should come off easily from your hands. Stir in the oil and leave for a couple of hours in a warm place. During this time, the dough must be kneaded three times. After the specified time, roll it out into a layer about a centimeter thick. Place in a greased ovenproof dish and leave for a quarter of an hour. Sprinkle the dough a little with starch, mix the rest of the portion with sugar and thawed berries. Place the filling, fold the edges of the dough over it and pinch. Cook in the oven at 220˚C for 50-55 minutes. The pie should turn out golden brown.

Curd and berry pie

This pie with frozen berries turns out incredibly juicy and satisfying. Let's prepare the products.

For the test:

  • 0.2 kg cottage cheese;
  • half a packet of vanillin;
  • 60 g oatmeal, ground into powder;
  • 40-45 g sugar;
  • 12 g bran.

For filling:

  • 0.36 kg cottage cheese;
  • 300 g frozen berries;
  • egg;
  • half a packet of vanillin;
  • 40-45 g sugar.

Place 200 g of cottage cheese in the bowl of a kitchen machine, add 40-45 g of sugar, vanillin and oat powder. Mix everything. Grease a heat-resistant pan, spread the dough over the bottom and form sides. Place in the oven and bake the base for 12 minutes at 180˚C.

Thaw the berries, let the liquid drain, transfer to the bowl of a food processor, add 360 g of cottage cheese, 40-45 g of sugar and vanillin. Beat into a homogeneous mass. Place the filling on the prepared base and cook the pie for about another half hour. Let cool.

Sand pie

Shortbread pie with frozen berries is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • 300 g margarine;
  • egg;
  • 1 g salt;
  • 5 g baking powder;
  • 5 tbsp. spoons of starch;
  • 450 g flour;
  • 360 g sugar;
  • half a kilo of frozen berries.

Place the berries in a colander and wait until all the liquid has drained from them. Cut the margarine into cubes, add half a portion of sugar, all the flour, baking powder and salt. Knead the dough from the indicated products, separate the third part from the total volume and set it aside. Spread the remaining dough over the bottom and sides of an oiled heat-resistant pan. Place the berries sprinkled with starch and remaining sugar on the prepared layer. Make flagella from a smaller part of the dough and cover the pie with them. Cook the dessert for 25 minutes at 200˚C.

Simple sour cream pie

  • a glass with a heap of flour;
  • ¾ stick of butter;
  • a couple of tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 g salt;
  • egg.
  • a couple of glasses of sour cream;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • 60 g starch (corn);
  • 4 eggs;
  • 250 g frozen strawberries with cranberries.

Place the cubed butter in the bowl of a kitchen machine. Add a glass of flour, sugar and salt. Grind the ingredients until fine crumbs form. Place the mixture in a bowl, beat in the egg and knead into a smooth dough. Grease a heat-resistant pan and spread the dough, forming sides. Prick the layer several times with a fork and place in the refrigerator for half an hour.

In a bowl, combine sugar (portion for filling), egg and sour cream. Beat everything with a whisk, add starch. Spread the prepared filling over the base and place cranberries and strawberries on top. Place the pie with frozen berries in the oven and cook at 180˚C for an hour.

Quick kefir pie

According to the following recipe, a pie with frozen berries in the oven is prepared from the following set of products:

  • a pair of eggs;
  • ¾ cup sugar + 4 tbsp. spoons for filling;
  • 190 g kefir;
  • half a stick of butter;
  • 1 g salt;
  • 6-7 g baking powder;
  • one and a half cups of flour;
  • 0.45 kg of berries;
  • a couple of tablespoons of sour cream;
  • vanillin for aroma.

Leave the butter on the counter for a couple of hours until it melts. Then cut it into cubes and beat together with ¾ cup of sugar. Add the egg, pour in the kefir and mix thoroughly again. Add flour sifted with baking powder in small portions, add vanillin. The result should be a homogeneous mass, the consistency of thick sour cream.

Grease a high baking tray with any fat and pour out the dough. Arrange the frozen berries and sprinkle them with sugar. If you are using large berries, such as cherries, you can press them into the dough a little. Send the pie to bake at 200˚C. Cooking time is half an hour. Grease the finished dessert with sour cream.

We hope that by looking at the selection of recipes for pies with frozen berries with photos, everyone will be able to find a dessert to suit their taste. They are easy to prepare, and the execution options can be varied. Bon appetit!

In biology, berries are considered to be fruits with juicy pulp and small seeds. From a scientific point of view, these are not only currants, gooseberries, grapes, but also watermelon and tomatoes. But cherries and olives are not berries, but stone fruits; wild strawberries, raspberries and strawberries are multi-druplets and multi-nuts. However, a scientific definition is one thing, and our usual culinary ideas are another, especially when it comes to a process such as making berry pie.

You can use absolutely any berries for a berry pie, regardless of their botanical description. In the summer, you need to pamper yourself every day with fresh raspberries or strawberries, blackberries, gooseberries, and then you stock up on vitamins for the whole year, which means health. Despite the fact that this is a summer pleasure, and the season of each of them is fleeting, you can collect and freeze them in the freezer, cook compotes and jam, the berry pie will be just as tasty all year round and different every time.

Berry pie - food preparation

The dough will require a standard set of products - flour, sugar, sour cream and eggs. The berries for the filling should be carefully sorted, seeds, spoiled specimens and cuttings should be separated. Let them drain well through a sieve or colander.

Pie with berries - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Curd and berry pie with black currants

This beautiful holiday dessert is reminiscent of cheesecake with cottage cheese, and the berries add juiciness and tenderness. It is even easier to prepare than cheesecake, and the result is much superior in taste.

Ingredients: flour (250 grams), margarine (150 grams), sugar (1 cup + filling 150 grams), egg, vanilla sugar, soda (half a teaspoon), sour cream (250 grams), powdered sugar cottage cheese (200 grams), starch (100 grams). Filling – black currants (300 grams).

Cooking method

Beat eggs with sugar, add pieces of margarine softened at room temperature, add soda. Add flour and starch and knead the dough. The soft dough, dusted with flour, is easy to handle. Place it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, or knead it in a mixer or blender, add an egg and 2/3 cup of sugar, sour cream. Grind the cottage cheese with additives and get a creamy mass. Grease the baking dish with butter and sprinkle with flour. We spread the dough with a flat cake, form the sides and bottom. Spread the curd mixture onto the dough and level the surface. Place the berries on the cottage cheese and place in the oven. Juicy berries that bake quickly (raspberries, blueberries, blueberries, we have black currants) can be placed 20 minutes after the start of baking. Temperature – 180 degrees. The pie turns out simply wonderful, not at all simple.

Recipe 2: Shortbread pie with frozen berries.

Take note of this recipe if you have enough frozen varieties of berries in your refrigerator. All year round you can pamper yourself with this wonderful shortcrust pastry pie. After baking, the top torn layer becomes more crumbly and simply melts, and you can make an assortment of berries or prefer one variety - in any case, it is very tasty.

Ingredients: margarine (200 gr.), sugar (1 cup), soda (half a teaspoon), egg (1 pc), flour (3.5 cups), powdered sugar for decoration, sour cream (250 grams), berries (800 gram).

Cooking method

Grind the egg with sugar, add the remaining ingredients: flour, sour cream, soda. You will get a soft pliable dough. Let's divide it into two unequal parts. Place most of the dough into a mold greased with margarine, forming sides, then the filling. For the filling, mash the frozen berries and beat with sugar. We tear off the second piece into small pieces and gradually cover the filling. Dough that sticks to your hands can be easily removed with flour. Bake in a hot oven at 180 degrees, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Recipe 3: Yeast pie with berries

Yeast pie is the most satisfying pastry. Soft pastry is all the more pleasant because it doesn’t take much time to prepare it. A standard set of products: yeast, sour cream, flour - and an excellent addition to lunch or breakfast is provided.

Ingredients: milk (1 glass), yeast (15 grams), salt (half a tablespoon), sugar (two glasses), any fresh berries (1 kilogram), flour, vanilla sugar, sour cream (1 glass).

Cooking method

Dissolve the yeast in half a glass of warm milk, add salt and add a glass of sugar. Add flour until it reaches the consistency of pancakes. We leave our dough to ferment in a warm place. When the dough has risen well, add sifted flour, butter, milk and sugar, add margarine and eggs at the end. The elastic dough should stand for 20 minutes. Knead it until smooth and roll it out into a layer 3 mm thick. Place into a baking dish. Filling: pour a glass of sugar over the berries and let stand for 15-20 minutes. Remove any excess juice, pour into the pan and smooth out. Bake for 30-40 minutes.

How to freeze berries

Before freezing, the berries must be thoroughly sorted and washed. Let the water drain and spread on a sheet of paper in one layer, place in the freezer. As soon as they freeze, pour them into a container or bag and leave them in the refrigerator. The storage container must be tightly closed so that the berries do not absorb odors, such as meat or fish. Different types of berries are stored separately.

Strawberries: spread in one layer, sprinkle with sugar. Collect in a container and close.

Raspberries: dark varieties are used for freezing. The raspberry beetle larvae can be destroyed by immersing the peeled berries in a saline solution for a few minutes, then removing the floating larvae and rinsing twice in a colander under running water. Dry the raspberries and sprinkle with sugar and freeze in one layer.

Currants: Place washed and sorted currants in a bag or puree them with sugar. Store in small containers in the freezer.

Gooseberries: remove stems and seeds. Rinse and place in a plastic bag.

Cranberry: this berry is the most unpretentious, it is well stored until frost and without a freezer. Whole berries do not lose their beneficial properties until spring; in this respect, they can only compete with lingonberries, which are stored without freezing until spring.

Freezer capacity is used more efficiently if storage containers are rectangular in shape. You can also remove frozen briquettes from the container and store them in several plastic bags.

In winter and early spring, you really want fresh berries, and a pie with frozen currants, raspberries or cherries will come in handy. When the excess moisture has drained, you can prepare the filling. If you choose juicy berries, then it is better to use a little more starch than usual, 25-30 grams. A pie with frozen berries turns out just as good as with fresh ones.

This pie looks appetizing, aromatic and incredibly tasty. Only, when you bake such a pie, you want the pie to become a bright golden color and bake well. After all, the berries can release juice, which will prevent the pie from baking well. Yeast pie with berries is suitable for everyday lunches and dinners, as well as for holiday celebrations.

Required Ingredients

Products for the test:

  • 0.5 kg of premium flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 gr. margarine;
  • 50 gr. sour cream;
  • 50 gr. Sahara;
  • 0.5 tbsp. milk;
  • 0.5 tsp. salt;
  • 8 gr. yeast.

Products for filling:

  • 130 gr. black currant;
  • 80 gr. apples;
  • 20 gr. starch;
  • 80 gr. Sahara.


Despite the presence of sugar in both the dough and the filling, the pie is not very sweet, since it contains a lot of sour berries. The pie will appeal to those who don’t like cloyingly sweet desserts.

Yeast dough pie can be prepared with frozen berries. For this, as a rule, frozen raspberries, currants or cherries are used. The berries need to be removed from the freezer and defrosted at room temperature. After the berries are defrosted, rinse them lightly in warm water and allow excess liquid to drain.

Yeast pie can be prepared not only from thawed berries, but also using berries and fruits from compote.

When preparing a yeast pie with berries, you can use not only different fillings, but also change the dough recipe. For example, a yeast pie with berries will be more tender and tastier if you prepare puff pastry with yeast. The convenience of such a pie for the housewife is that it remains soft and fresh for a long time, only because of the large number of berries, it is better to store it in the refrigerator.

To quickly prepare a pie from puff pastry, you can use one package of ready-made puff pastry.

Only a pie made from homemade yeast puff pastry is much tastier. At first it may seem that the process of making homemade puff pastry is complicated and tedious, but this is not the case at all.

To prepare yeast puff pastry you will need:

  • 100 gr. butter;
  • 6 tbsp. flour;
  • 2 teaspoons salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. milk powder;
  • 2.5 teaspoons of yeast;
  • egg;
  • 4 tbsp. l. sunflower oil;
  • 1.5 glass of water or milk.

Step by step recipe

  1. You need to roll out the dough thinly with a rolling pin, on average 6-7 mm thick;
  2. lightly grease the rolled out dough with soft butter or lard;
  3. Only the edges do not need to be lubricated with oil;
  4. then fold the edges of the rolled sheet into the shape of an envelope;
  5. carefully roll out this “envelope” to the original sheet size;
  6. When rolling out the dough, you need to make sure that the layers do not tear;
  7. grease the sheet of dough again with fat or oil, roll it into an “envelope” and roll it out carefully;
  8. this action must be repeated several times;
  9. then roll out the sheet of pie dough and place the filling in a greased pan;
  10. preheat the oven to 220-250 degrees;
  11. place the pie in a well-heated oven;
  12. However, under no circumstances should you open the oven for the first 10 minutes;
  13. Bake the pie until golden brown.

An open pie made from puff pastry with yeast looks original on the table and is quick to prepare.