Is it possible to drink kefir before bed, is it beneficial or harmful? Kefir at night - benefits and harm. How to take for weight loss

Which is only assimilated by humans. So, if you care about the condition of your skeletal system, you should drink a little kefir a couple of hours before bed.

During the night, kefir is completely digested by the body, so in the morning you will wake up with an excellent appetite, which will allow you to eat a light breakfast. Never forget about breakfast if you want. The simplest breakfast will give you energy until lunch, and also ensures that you don’t have a breakdown during lunch and eat a lot of extra food, which you will regret later.

Fermented milk products are absorbed by the body much easier than milk. The fact is that in fermented milk products, complex milk proteins partially break down into more easily digestible substances.

A glass of kefir before bed is an excellent and effective prevention of inflammatory diseases, dysbacteriosis and even damage to brain cells. Thanks to its beneficial substances and microelements, kefir has a wonderful effect on the body, especially when consumed regularly.

This is a very useful product. It quenches both thirst and hunger at the same time. Kefir differs from other fermented milk products in that special kefir grains are used for its preparation. Because of this, the alcohol content in kefir is higher than in yogurt. Despite the fact that this is absolutely not enough to get the condition, it has a sufficient effect on the digestive system. In particular, it fights harmful putrefactive microbes.

When to drink it?

To get the maximum benefit from drinking kefir at night, drink it one and a half to two hours before bed. You should not “seize” kefir with bread or cookies, this will reduce the positive properties of the drink, and if you regularly consume baked goods at night, you can gain several extra pounds in a short period of time.
You should only stop drinking kefir if you have serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or digestive problems. Of course, you should not consume kefir if you are allergic to it.

Japanese researchers have discovered substances in kefir and other fermented milk products that protect the intestines from cancer problems. They believe that any fermented milk products containing bifidobacteria and lactobacilli contribute to the production of special anti-cancer elements that help the immune system get rid of degenerated cells

There is a stereotype: kefir at night is beneficial. But is this really so? What changes will occur in the body if you follow this rule? What will change in bowel function? Is this method of maintaining health suitable for everyone?

A glass of kefir - and sleep! What will this do to the body?

Eating at night is harmful, unless we are talking about kefir. This is what nutritionists and some doctors say. For many, this has already become a tradition, and some cannot even sleep normally if they do not drink kefir before bed. Is this habit beneficial or harmful?

This fermented milk product has a reputation as the healthiest food. It contains 22 valuable for humans lacto- and bifidobacteria, lactic acid bacilli, acetic acid, lactic streptococci and other “benefits”.

Kefir can compete with some fruits in terms of the amount of vitamins, as it contains the entire subgroup B, retinol, vitamin A, H, PP, and beta-carotene. Its mineral composition is also impressive - calcium, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, iron and sodium, molybdenum and iodine, chromium and many other substances.

It is the healing composition, as well as the fact that it is an easily digestible product, that determines the benefits of kefir before bed. It will take an hour to digest it, while processing milk will take as much as three. Since kefir combines the properties of food and drink, it quenches hunger and thirst well without overloading the stomach and without being deposited on the sides and waist as fat. What does this drink do in the body of a sleeping person?

The effect of kefir taken before going to bed on health:

  • normalizes the entire digestive process, speeds up the digestion of food;
  • cleanses the liver;
  • reduces bad cholesterol;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • stabilizes high blood pressure (in combination with cinnamon);
  • improves the activity of the pancreas;
  • promotes more restful and quality sleep (this effect is provided by the amino acid tryptophan);
  • fresh kefir eliminates constipation and produces a mild laxative effect;
  • a three-day-old product strengthens, so it can help in the treatment of stool disorders;
  • strengthens the immune system, increases resistance to infections;
  • protects cells from cancerous degeneration (reduces the risk of rectal and colon tumors).

Kefir also helps to lose weight. It promotes weight loss by activating metabolism and forcing the body to burn unnecessary fat. But this effect is achieved by a low-fat product. A glass of kefir (2.5%) contains 50 Kcal, and if its fat content is 0, then it contains 30 Kcal.

This fermented milk product also strengthens bones. It supplies the body with calcium, which is best absorbed at night. For any conditions associated with a deficiency of this substance (osteoporosis, brittle nails, weak hair, bad teeth, fractures), kefir should definitely be included in the evening menu.

Important! Doctors advise diabetics to drink kefir daily at night. The benefit of consuming this fermented milk product for such patients is that it regulates blood glucose levels.

Although following such a ritual improves a person's overall well-being, the greatest benefit of taking kefir at night is for the intestines. The drink will restore the balance of intestinal microflora, which suffers from taking medications (especially antibiotics), eating food with synthetic additives and many other factors.

When can a good habit turn out to be bad?

But is kefir always good for everyone at night? The benefits and harms depend on contraindications to its use and the person’s well-being.

Diseases and conditions for which kefir should not be consumed before bed:

  • ulcer: with this pathology, it is allowed to drink only weakly acidic kefir “nulevka”, but not before going to bed, but in the intervals between meals;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice: if you have such a problem, this drink is categorically not recommended, because lactic acid can damage the gastric mucosa;
  • pancreatitis;
  • individual hyperreaction to casein milk protein;
  • enuresis: kefir has a diuretic effect, which will only worsen the situation;
  • diarrhea, flatulence;
  • swelling (including in pregnant women): with swelling, any liquid is undesirable at night.

Important! You should not wash down a heavy dinner with kefir!

The disadvantage of a kefir dinner is the presence of alcohol in such a drink, which is formed as a result of the activity of bacteria. True, its content is negligible (no higher than 0.1%), therefore it is not capable of causing dependence or symptoms of intoxication.

The health effect will be very doubtful if granulated sugar is added to kefir or consumed with cheese, milk, fruit or jam. This combination will cause fermentation in the intestines, which can lead to bloating and diarrhea. But if you add 2 tbsp to a glass of kefir. l. honey or the same amount of cinnamon, the healing effect will be even higher.

How to drink kefir: how many hours before bedtime, in what quantity?

Some people take the recommendation to drink kefir before bed literally. That is, they drink a glass of delicious sour milk, brush their teeth and go to bed. But doctors think this is wrong. For kefir to become a health drink, it should be drunk at least an hour before bedtime.

For an adult, 200-250 ml is enough. For a child under 3 years old, 50 ml is enough, for a child older than this age - 100 ml. Even with the best intentions, you should not exceed these standards.

Doctors have been giving this for hundreds of years.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the outstanding biologist Mechnikov, Nobel Prize laureate, came to the conclusion that daily consumption of fermented milk products is the key to longevity.

He believed that a person loses health and ages due to poisoning by waste products of pathogenic bacteria and proposed to constantly maintain normal intestinal microflora with lactobacilli.

Of course, kefir is not the elixir of eternal youth - but it is a very healthy drink (more details below). And the question of whether it’s worth drinking it at night arises because of the passion of some to reject everything traditional and destroy the old.

Why is kefir beneficial at all?


High-quality fresh kefir contains live cultures of lactobacilli and fungi. They help renew the composition of your own microflora, which promotes not only good digestion, but also stable immunity. It is known that the general health and appearance of a person depend on the state of the gastrointestinal tract.

In modern kefirs you can also find bifidobacteria, which also bring great benefits. Such drinks will successfully support the treatment of dysbiosis and digestive disorders.


Milk proteins are valuable for the body. But in whole milk, they can be difficult to digest and cause varying degrees of indigestion in many people.

In kefir, these substances are already partially broken down, so they are digested and absorbed very easily and completely. On average, kefir digests kefir three times faster than milk.


Micro- and macroelements in kefir are very diverse. There is sulfur, cobalt, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, copper and others. But, of course, the most important thing is the calcium content.

There is a lot of this element in high-quality kefir. It is calcium that is so necessary for maintaining the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Particular care should be taken to maintain a normal amount of this macroelement in a woman’s body.


Real kefir contains vitamins A, C, and group B.

Naturally, the more natural and fresh the drink you drink, the richer its composition.

Why is kefir good to drink before bed?

In general, it is good to drink this drink at any time of the day. But the habit of drinking a glass of kefir about an hour, half an hour before bedtime can be considered useful.

Kefir gives a feeling of fullness - thanks to this, a person can more successfully relax and fall asleep. At the same time, you can choose a drink with low calorie content and not be afraid that such a “snack” will result in extra pounds.

It is better to drink kefir that has stood at room temperature for a couple of hours. Do not heat the drink so that it does not lose its healing properties.

The version that kefir relaxes due to its alcohol content or amino acids tryptophan- It is fantastic. Both of these substances are contained in the drink in cosmically small quantities.

There is an opinion that lacto- and bifidobacteria reach the intestines better on an empty stomach. It is also believed that calcium is better absorbed during sleep. But this is just a pleasant addition to the benefits of kefir at night, and not the main reason to drink it before bed.

Can kefir be harmful?

There are no direct contraindications to the use of kefir in the diet.

Questions may arise with a general restriction of the drinking regime, kidney problems, or increased stomach acidity. Some medications may be less easily absorbed when combined with kefir...

But, in general, kefir is an excellent way to quench hunger and thirst, and take a step towards recovery and rejuvenation.

Numerous studies have revealed that kefir is endowed with a special list of chemical elements. This is what makes it so beneficial for the human body. But can the drink cause harm? Let's talk about everything in order.

Composition of kefir

Translated from Turkish, “kef” means health. Kefir is obtained from milk and a special starter; during the fermentation process, a balanced composition is obtained. It includes more than 20 different bacteria that have a healing effect on the body.

As for the list of elements included in the composition, kefir includes retinol, B-group vitamins, vitamin H, ascorbic acid, vitamin D, beta-carotene, choline. The drink is also rich in carbohydrates, protein, ethyl alcohol in small quantities, and fatty acids.

The product boasts a cluster of mineral compounds. The most popular are selenium, calcium, cobalt, fluorine, manganese, potassium, molybdenum and sulfur. Kefir also contains iodine, iron, copper, chlorine, and zinc.

The amount of alcohol in the composition varies. If the product is aged daily, this figure is about 0.06%. About 0.86% accumulates in three-day kefir.

It is known that kefir can be high-fat (up to 7.5%), low-fat (up to 1%), medium-fat (2.5-3.2%), fatty (4.5%). As for calorie content, it depends on the amount of fat in the composition. Typically, the indicators range from 30-59 Kcal. per 100 gr. product.

Not many people know that kefir accumulates several times more calcium than the notorious milk. It also contains B vitamins, which are responsible for the functioning of the peripheral and central nervous system.

The benefits of kefir

  1. Restores metabolic processes throughout the body, promotes better digestibility of food. Responsible for sound and healthy sleep, relieves fatigue (including chronic type).
  2. Relieves heaviness in the stomach after eating too heavy food. Does not allow carbohydrates to transform into fats, converting them into energy. Prevents esophageal cancer.
  3. Eliminates food fermentation in the intestines, frees internal organs from stagnation and toxic substances. Neutralizes the effect of poisons on the liver structure and restores its function.
  4. Treats and prevents dysbacteriosis. It is taken in case of food intoxication to eliminate the symptoms of poisoning. It dulls the feeling of hunger, so it is often used in various diets.
  5. Prevents liver cirrhosis and prevents premature aging of organs and body systems. Restores calcium deficiency, therefore it is used to treat osteoporosis.
  6. Kefir is indispensable for women who are breastfed. The drink replenishes missing protein, energizes the expectant mother, and forms the child’s skeleton and nervous system.
  7. The fermented milk product is recommended for use by categories of people with high blood cholesterol. Kefir prevents pathological changes in the heart muscle and reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis.
  8. Used for hair treatment. Effectively eliminates seborrhea of ​​all types, hair loss, excessive dryness or, conversely, oiliness. Also improves the condition of the skin.
  9. You can rinse your mouth with kefir to relieve bleeding gums and prevent the development of caries. The drink is used to prevent seasonal diseases and replenish missing vitamins.
  10. Due to its antidepressant properties, it is recommended for use by people with psycho-emotional disorders. This includes insomnia, irritability, apathy, and chronic fatigue.
  11. Kefir is responsible for cellular regeneration. Thanks to this, the tissues are quickly restored. The drink is included in the diet of people with cholecystitis, diabetes, and urolithiasis. It is used for speedy recovery after prolonged illnesses and operations.
  12. The fermented milk product improves the effect of medications, but does not allow antibiotics to accumulate in large volumes. Often used for allergic reactions.

  1. Many people have heard that the male part of the population is more likely than the female part to suffer from heart pathologies and vascular diseases. Kefir prevents diseases, fights atherosclerosis, and removes harmful cholesterol from blood channels.
  2. Men often suffer from nervous system disorders. The fermented milk product normalizes the psycho-emotional environment, restores sleep, and fights the effects of stress.
  3. Kefir products are used in the dietary nutrition of people who want to say goodbye to extra pounds. Men often develop a beer belly. It is easy to cope with such a scourge if you adhere to a certain diet.
  4. A low-fat fermented milk product (from 1% to 2.5%) is recommended for men who have addictions to alcohol and tobacco. The drink will quickly remove ethyl alcohol and toxins and improve liver function.

The benefits of kefir for women

  1. Representatives of the weaker half of humanity can make kefir masks for hair and skin. The product effectively eliminates dandruff, treats microcracks on the scalp, and fights hair loss and dryness.
  2. As for hair, fermented milk drink maintains water balance and copes with flaking.
  3. The product restores the balance of valuable microorganisms for thrush. Replenishes strength, psycho-emotional environment, and the condition of the digestive system.
  4. The composition is used for weight loss because it has the ability to cleanse the body and remove accumulated waste and toxins. In this case, it is better to take kefir at night.

The benefits of kefir for weight loss

  1. As practice shows, kefir is considered an excellent product for people who want to lose a few extra pounds. The product has a positive effect on the digestive system, cleansing the organs of toxins.
  2. The fermented milk composition is quite low in calories, its high nutritional value can saturate the body for a long time. In addition, the cells receive a sufficient amount of useful enzymes. As a result, you get a beautiful and healthy body.
  3. In most cases, it is the impaired metabolism that becomes a consequence of excess weight gain. Kefir, when consumed regularly, eliminates most problems and has a positive effect on all internal organs.
  4. When a fermented milk product enters the body, it eliminates congestion in the gallbladder. The composition normalizes blood glucose levels and restores the activity of internal organs. As a result, the body begins to function fully.

  1. Keep in mind that consumption of fermented milk for pancreatitis is allowed only after the 10th day from the attack. If you have previously been diagnosed with such an illness, ask a specialist in advance about acceptable products.
  2. To smooth out the consequences of an attack, take 60 ml. kefir with minimal fat content (1%). Next, the portion must be gradually increased. As a result, the daily norm should be about 250 ml.
  3. Kefir has a positive effect on the pancreas. It is recommended to drink the composition 1 hour before bedtime. Also, the product is quite capable of replacing a full dinner, relieving the pancreas.
  4. During the recovery period, it is allowed to consume kefir of normal fat content in the amount of 230 ml. per day. It is recommended to add a little vegetable oil to the fermented milk product during remission. You can also season fruit and vegetable salads with kefir. Abuse of the composition is prohibited.

Kefir for constipation

  1. With prolonged constipation, serious problems begin to develop in the human body. Most often, severe headaches, lack of appetite, sweating, irritability and a constant feeling of fatigue appear.
  2. Research has shown that fermented milk product copes well with this problem. To achieve maximum results, it is recommended to drink the drink along with garlic.
  3. In this case, a fairly high-quality product with a disinfecting effect is obtained. This drink perfectly cleanses the intestines and destroys harmful bacteria. For constipation, it is recommended to drink 200 ml of kefir up to 4 times a day. Take the last dose 1 hour before bedtime.

Kefir for gastritis

  1. Please note that drinking fermented milk drinks during gastritis must be done with extreme caution. It is enough to follow simple rules so as not to aggravate the situation. If the disease occurs in an acute form, then kefir should have minimal fat content.
  2. If you have gastritis with normal or low acidity in the stomach, it is recommended to drink the product for one day. In the case of high acidity, the drink can be consumed in limited quantities, only not sour.
  3. It is worth knowing that fermented milk drink is not always suitable for all people. In some individuals, the composition can provoke even greater acidity in the stomach. The first signs, as a rule, are heartburn, belching or an unpleasant feeling in the stomach.

  1. According to the classical scheme, it is recommended to drink kefir just before bed. As a result, you gain healthy digestion and normal sleep. It is important to know that it is during rest that essential microelements, in particular calcium, are better absorbed.
  2. The fermented milk product perfectly suppresses hunger, so it is recommended to consume the drink for dinner. As a result, you won't gain unwanted calories. Kefir is considered an indispensable product for liver disease.
  3. As for the disadvantages of a fermented milk product drunk before bed, it is the presence of proteins and a low alcohol content. In this case, do not panic; such substances are not harmful to the body. The content of substances is within normal limits.

Harm of kefir

In addition to its invaluable benefits, fermented milk drink has a number of contraindications, which, if not observed, can significantly harm the body.

It is forbidden to drink kefir in any quantity if you have an individual intolerance. Use the product with caution during exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity in the stomach.

It is forbidden to drink kefir in the first days after an acute attack of pancreatitis. It is also not recommended to drink fermented milk during an exacerbation of the ulcer.

Kefir is a natural antioxidant, which is why many people love the drink. People use fermented milk products to cleanse the body, as well as prevent and treat most ailments.

Video: 10 facts about kefir that you didn’t know

Kefir is a product that is appropriate both in the daily diet and during weight loss. It cleanses the body and stabilizes the intestinal microflora. There are fans of both morning and evening drinking of the drink. But when is the best time to drink kefir? It all depends on what goal you set for yourself: losing weight or improving your health.

When is the best time to drink kefir?

When is the best time to drink kefir?

A glass of fermented milk drink before starting the working day is a healthy habit. This drink is preferable to coffee and tea. If you are not allergic to lactose, do not be tormented by doubts - this habit will benefit you.

Benefits of drinking kefir in the morning:

· the drink tones the nervous system;

· awakens appetite;

· normalizes metabolism;

· eliminates unpleasant taste in the mouth after sleep;

· accelerates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is better to start the morning after the party with kefir - the headache and feeling of thirst will go away. For women during menstruation, menopause and pregnancy, this drink will give a strengthening effect.

Drinking kefir before bed: pros and cons.

· restores intestinal microflora. To get more benefit from the drink, drink it on an empty stomach;

· After taking kefir, you sleep soundly and don’t have nightmares. It's all about the amino acid tryptophan, this substance is the key to a healthy dream;

· the drink suppresses your appetite. This is important for losing weight, because a hearty dinner is one of the reasons why fat is stored in the body;

· absorption of calcium from kefir at night is faster;

By the morning this drink is completely digested, you will wake up with a slight feeling of hunger. A hearty breakfast is the energy needed to awaken the body, so your morning meal should be high in calories.

To speed up metabolism when losing weight, it is recommended to add to your drink:

· cinnamon – 1 pinch;

· honey – 1 tbsp. l.;

· crushed ginger root – 1 tbsp. l.;

· lemon – 1 slice.

If you have heartburn, then you should not drink kefir on an empty stomach at any time of the day. Consuming kefir will not benefit people whose body quickly loses fluid. To ensure a sound sleep and not be disturbed by anything, drink a fermented milk drink at least 2 hours before bedtime.