Purulent meningitis in adults and children. Treatment of purulent meningitis in children Secondary purulent meningitis

Meningitis is an infectious disease characterized by inflammation of the soft membranes of the brain or spinal cord. Until the mid-20th century, meningitis in most cases resulted in death or severe disability of the patient.

Meningitis can develop as an independent disease or as a complication of another infection.

Modern medicine has the means to treat this pathology, therefore, with timely diagnosis and timely initiation of drug therapy, the risk of death and complications is minimized. If the patient does not receive the appropriate medications on the first day from the onset of the disease, the course of the disease is significantly aggravated and unpleasant consequences of meningitis may remain.

General information

According to the mechanism of occurrence, meningitis is divided into primary and secondary. Primary meningitis is spoken of when the disease begins directly with damage to the meninges. Secondary is a consequence of some other pathology, when the infection enters the nervous system from the primary focus in various ways. Tuberculous meningitis stands out separately - its clinical symptoms increase slowly, over several weeks or months.

The most dangerous form of the disease is reactive meningitis due to the high rate of development and transience of the clinical picture.

In a short period of time, purulent foci form on the surface of the brain, which lead to death. A favorable outcome is possible only if a correct diagnosis is made in the first hours after the onset of the disease and appropriate treatment is started.

Purulent meningitis in adults and children is expressed in the development of cerebral and meningeal syndromes, which are accompanied by symptoms of an infectious lesion and an inflammatory reaction of the cerebrospinal fluid. The first symptoms of purulent meningitis are similar to those of the flu, which after a few hours are supplemented by a severe headache, severe vomiting, impaired consciousness, tension in the neck muscles and pain when trying to pull the legs towards the stomach.

In conditions of timely and adequate treatment, the prognosis is good - in most cases, the disease is completely cured, leaving no negative consequences. Serious consequences of meningitis develop if medical care was not provided on time or the patient has a history of severe concomitant diseases. Complications are more common in children than in adults.

Undesirable consequences after meningitis

On average, consequences after meningitis are observed in 10-30% of patients who have suffered this disease, most of whom are preschool children and adults over 60. Neurological complications after meningitis are divided into early and late.

The early ones include:

  • Increased intracranial pressure.
  • Epileptic seizures.
  • Thrombosis of the venous or arterial network.
  • Subdural effusion is an accumulation of fluid under the dura mater.
  • Hydrocephalus (water on the brain).
  • Damage to cranial nerves.

Main symptoms and consequences of meningitis

Late complications include:

  • Residual effects of focal neurological deficit.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Dementia.
  • Sensorineural hearing loss.

In addition to neurological symptoms, meningitis can be complicated by other systemic lesions, such as: sepsis, endocarditis, pneumonia, PE (pulmonary embolism), purulent arthritis.


The negative consequence of hydrocephalus is more common in children than in adults. In newborns who have had meningitis, hydrocephalus occurs in approximately 30% of cases. In most cases, the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid is associated with impaired absorption of cerebrospinal fluid, less often - with blockage of the ducts and the impossibility of normal outflow.

Epileptic seizures

Convulsive seizures are observed in 30-50% of patients who have had meningitis, with the majority being children. In most cases, the first seizures develop already on the 3-4th day from the onset of the disease, after which the risk of developing primary seizures decreases. Often, epileptic seizures are the first symptom of inflammation of the meninges, sometimes turning into status epilepticus (a condition in which seizures follow one another). When examining the brain using an EEG (electroencephalogram), one can note the formation of epileptic foci or generalized epileptic activity.

Meningitis can become a background for the development of epilepsy

The main cause of epilepsy after meningitis is considered to be ischemia of brain tissue due to insufficient blood supply.

Less commonly, seizures are associated with high fever, low sodium levels, high intracranial pressure, or the toxic effects of inflammatory products or bacterial toxins.

Sensorineural hearing loss

Hearing loss after meningitis is quite rare (5-10%). The first signs of hearing loss are observed already in the first days of the disease, and recovery takes about 2 weeks. In some cases, complete hearing restoration does not occur - such a complication is associated with serious irreversible damage to the cochlear apparatus of the ear and the vestibulocochlear nerve. Pneumococcal meningitis is most often complicated by hearing loss, especially with frequent epileptic seizures.

Meningitis is a serious disease that requires urgent hospitalization to prevent serious consequences. Do not neglect suspicious symptoms - delay can cost your life.

Shoshina Vera Nikolaevna

Therapist, education: Northern Medical University. Work experience 10 years.

Articles written

Purulent meningitis is an acute inflammatory disease that affects the soft membranes of the brain. If it is launched, then death is inevitable. Both children and adults can suffer from it.

At risk are anyone who has a weakened immune system, has recently suffered a severe infectious or inflammatory pathology, has had a head injury, as well as children born prematurely. With timely treatment, relapse is extremely rare. The disease is considered seasonal.

The disease occurs due to meningococci - specific microorganisms. It can be spread through close contact with a sick person, or through airborne droplets. In adults, the cause of the pathology may be Haemophilus influenzae, pneumococcus, sinusitis, acute otitis media, exacerbation of a viral or bacterial disease.

Important! At risk are alcoholics, drug addicts, people who have suffered stress, hypothermia, severe sore throat or an infectious disease, or open head injury.

A newborn can become infected from a sick mother while still in the womb and be born sick with all sorts of developmental abnormalities. Children under 5 years of age who suffer from streptococcal infection, salmonella, or E. coli are at risk.

An ill small child will cry, act agitated, and the clinical picture may be similar to serious food poisoning. always proceeds difficultly and is dangerous with painful consequences.

Important! The main feature of the pathology in newborns is swelling of the fontanel, convulsions, cries with simultaneous throwing of the upper limbs.


How meningitis can be transmitted is determined, but the causes of its occurrence are also important. Meningococcus is the leader of this pathology. Haemophilus influenzae provokes the disease in half of the patients, a little more than 10% are caused by pneumococci. Salmonellosis, Escherichia coli, and streptococci affect newborns, causing purulent meningitis. Based on how the pathogen entered the brain, doctors classify the disease into primary and secondary.

Causes of primary infection

Purulent, viral and bacterial meningitis of the primary type occurs when the pathogen enters the body through the nose or throat. Most often this is transmission by airborne droplets or direct contact of mucous membranes, as with a kiss.

You can get primary meningitis by breaking the skull, or by receiving an open head injury, injury to the mastoid process, or paranasal sinuses. Doctors can also become infected if their surgical instruments were poorly disinfected.

Causes of secondary infection

Secondary pathology occurs when the body already has a primary septic focus, from which microorganisms can enter the lining of the brain.

Such contact transmission is possible when a person has a brain abscess, osteomyelitis of the skull bones, or septic sinus thrombosis. Bacteria spread through the blood and/or lymph. ENT diseases are the most dangerous in this regard, especially if they are long-lasting and acute.

The causative agent of this pathology can also penetrate the blood-brain barrier when the body is weakened by frequent colds, hypovitaminosis, stress, physical and mental overload, and dramatic climate change.


Doctors classify pathology according to how it occurs and the severity of the course. The clinical picture is:

  • light;
  • moderate;
  • heavy.

The latter type of symptoms is diagnosed mainly in patients with extremely low immunity.

The course of the disease is:

  • lightning fast;
  • abortifacient;
  • sharp;
  • recurrent.

More often they suffer from an acute form of the pathology. 2–5 days. If treatment is started on time, there will be no special complications. The most difficult thing for doctors to diagnose is abortive meningitis, because many people mistake it for ordinary food poisoning without any special symptoms. The incubation period of this form of the disease is from 2 to 48 hours.

The favorite age for recurrent meningitis is adults who have experienced complications with the acute form of the disease. Usually with incorrect, untimely or incomplete therapy. The clinical picture will be bright and characteristic, and incubation lasts 48–96 hours. Perhaps a division into serous and rhinogenic, otogenic subtypes of the disease.


All ages are characterized by certain symptoms:

  • weakness;
  • cough;
  • runny nose;
  • loose stools;
  • gagging;
  • skin rashes.

If it develops due to a concomitant illness, then the bones, brow ridges and area under the eyes hurt, and the person becomes drowsy.

Children under 3 years old

For children of this age it is typical:

  • pressing hands to head;
  • tension and swelling/sinking of the fontanel;
  • difficulty waking up;
  • moaning, crying and moody behavior;
  • restless sleep with cramps;
  • skin rash;
  • lying sideways with legs tucked and head thrown back.

At risk are children who have had otitis media, bronchitis, or pneumonia.


Signs of pathology in adults are different from children:

  • severe headaches;
  • negative reaction to light;
  • vertigo;
  • weakness;
  • neurology that the patient cannot control: problems with bending the neck, hip, knee joints, legs cannot straighten at the knees;
  • rashes on the body;
  • lack of orientation, coma, preceded by hallucinations;
  • the stomach, kidneys and bladder are malfunctioning.

How is it diagnosed?

The characteristic clinical picture, neuralgic, focal lesions allow the doctor to assume that the patient has a purulent form of meningitis. But when this is an abortive pathology or there is already a septic focus in the body, the diagnosis becomes more complicated.

Therefore, the doctor will prescribe a lumbar test, which will show that the volume of cerebrospinal fluid is increased, cloudy or has an opalescent color. The liquor will be sent for further testing. If the diagnosis is confirmed, then protein and cellular elements will be increased in the cerebrospinal fluid. Sowing the cerebrospinal fluid in a nutrient medium will confirm the presence of pathogenic microorganisms.

The patient's blood and epithelium from the skin rash will be analyzed. If a secondary form of meningitis is suspected, then examinations will depend on the primary site of the disease. Therefore, the patient will be examined by an ENT specialist or a pulmonologist. He will have an X-ray of his nose and lungs and an otoscopy.

Previous infectious disease will also be analyzed. It is important to determine the exact type of pathology and separate it from other forms of meningitis and diseases with similar symptoms.


Classical medicine recognizes only drug treatment and surgery if necessary. Therapy with traditional methods is life-threatening and cannot be considered as separate from basic medical treatment.


At the slightest suspicion of this pathology, the doctor prescribes therapy without obtaining laboratory tests. If this is not done, the consequences can be dire. The first remedy will be a broad-spectrum antibacterial drug. The patient is sent to the hospital.

An antibiotic is used until an accurate diagnosis is obtained. Once the pathogen is identified, the doctor prescribes penicillin, cephalosporins, or macrolides to target the pathogen.

The dose of the drug will be maximum per patient every 4 hours until the patient gets better. Antibacterial therapy lasts up to 30–40 days.

Symptomatic treatment is carried out:

  • Cerucalom to relieve nausea and eliminate vomiting;
  • Baralgin and Ketanol to reduce headaches;
  • sodium chloride solution, glucose, osmotic compounds to eliminate dehydration and intoxication;
  • diuretics to relieve swelling of the brain.

The operation is performed to remove pus when there is a lot of it. For secondary pathology, medications are used to suppress the primary one. After completing therapy in the hospital, the patient will continue to receive treatment at home. He will be prescribed a diet and observation at the dispensary.

Important! Children who have had a purulent form of meningitis are observed by doctors for a couple of years. Every quarter after recovery, they are examined by a pediatrician, an infectious disease specialist, and a neurologist. After a year - every 6 months.

In adults, the pediatrician is replaced by a therapist and the above list is supplemented by a psychiatrist. After discharge, the patient must visit doctors twice a month for 90 days, after - once a quarter, after a year - once every six months. All this applies only if there is no deterioration in health.


The main methods of traditional therapy are aimed at eliminating negative symptoms. For this use:

  • thistle infusion to relieve cramps;
  • chamomile tea to relieve tension and calm;
  • lavender infusion relieves cramps and relieves swelling;
  • a tandem of lavender, primrose roots, valerian, mint, rosemary in equal parts soothes and relieves headaches.

Until the ambulance arrives, the patient should lie in a darkened room and silence. Not only the body, but also the soul should be in a calm state.

Possible complications and prognosis

The consequences of a dangerous pathology can be different and depend on the age, health status of the patient at the time of infection, the type of meningitis, and the development of additional diseases, for example, ventriculitis. For adults this is:

  • fatigue, fatigue;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • cerebrasthenic syndrome;
  • aggression and irritability;
  • tearfulness, lethargy;
  • not only immediately after infection, but throughout the entire stage of therapy.

With timely and correct treatment, the chances of an adult patient surviving the disease without complications are high. Death is possible if therapy is not timely. On average, this is 15% of all cases.

In children, the disease can lead to:

  • hydrocephalus;
  • epilepsy;
  • migraine;
  • deterioration of development, memory;
  • problems with the psyche, speech, hearing.

In severe cases of the disease, swelling of the brain, kidney failure, and disruption of the endocrine system are possible.

In newborns, meningitis causes the following complications:

  • hydrocephalus;
  • blindness;
  • deafness;
  • epilepsy;
  • mental retardation;
  • convulsions;
  • swelling of the brain.

Important! Up to 20% of newborns die from a purulent form of meningitis.

Prevention methods

The best prevention is. Vaccination is carried out against the main pathogens. In our country, it is not mandatory, and it is done either at the request of the person or according to indications. Vaccinations against hemophilus influenzae infections are given in childhood from 3 months to 5 years. And also for people with immunodeficiency from HIV, with oncology, after removal of the thymus, spleen and other important organs. It is also recommended for people with anatomical defects of the skull.

Doctors recommend it for both children after one year and adults. For children - according to epidemic indications, especially when someone in the family has had meningitis, or when living in an area where the safe threshold of pathology has been passed. It is given to children and people who often suffer from pneumonia, otitis and severely weakened immunity.

Parents should monitor the child's health. His nutrition must be correct and complete. Start treating colds in a timely manner, do not self-medicate, but consult a doctor.

Dress your baby according to the weather to avoid hypothermia or excessive sweating, which is no less dangerous than cold. A hardened child is less likely to catch those ailments that provoke a purulent infection. For adults and older people, these recommendations are also relevant. You should also avoid contacts that could be potentially dangerous.

Purulent meningitis is a disease that is very dangerous for any child. With untimely diagnosis and delayed treatment, mortality increases many times over.

A particularly unfavorable and dangerous course of the disease is observed in newborns and children in the first months of life.

Most common reasons

Inflammation of the soft membranes of the brain and spinal cord is called meningitis. When pathogenic bacteria enter a child’s body, they quickly provoke inflammation and the appearance of life-threatening symptoms.

If treatment is not timely, it can even lead to the child’s disability or death.

The most common purulent forms of diseases are:

  • Meningococcal. Caused by various types of meningococci. They are capable of causing inflammation in approximately 60% of cases. In their structure, bacteria have a protective capsule that reliably protects them from the harmful effects of immune cells. The protective cells of the immune system are simply not able to destroy the dense shell of microbes. This promotes the rapid and unhindered proliferation of microorganisms.
  • Pneumococcal form. Sources of infection are pneumococci. This form is less common than meningococcal. However, it also manifests itself as a purulent process. Pneumococcal infection occurs in every tenth child with meningitis.
  • Hemophilic form. It occurs when infected with Haemophilus influenzae type B. It is quite often recorded in young children - in approximately 25% of cases. The bacterial agent has a pronounced toxic effect on the children's body. Rapid spread through the blood vessels contributes to the rapid development of the process and the onset of inflammation.

Most often, all pathogenic microorganisms spread through the blood. Some subtypes of bacteria can spread quite quickly through the lymphatic system, as well as through the perineural space.

In some cases, contact infection may occur. In this case, the focus of primary inflammation is in close proximity to the spinal cord or brain.

The pathogen, as a rule, enters the child’s body from a patient or a carrier of infection. In the case of purulent meningitis, it becomes a sick person. This can be either an adult or a child. It is especially worth noting that simply carrier status is often noted. In such cases, the person does not even know that he is a carrier of a dangerous infection. Due to a good immune response, he does not develop clinical symptoms of the disease. Such a carrier remains infectious for a long time.

Disease outbreaks are often typical in crowded groups. The causative agents of meningitis remain viable in the environment for quite a long time. Even disinfection and treatment do not guarantee absolute sanitation.

Children can become infected through airborne droplets. Pathogenic bacteria travel from the patient or carrier to the healthy mucous membranes of the child, causing an inflammatory process. Meningitis often develops rapidly. In more rare cases, you can also become infected by sharing cutlery or dishes. Together with the remains of saliva, the microbe enters the mucous membranes of the oral cavity.

Typically, the human body is quite resistant to bacterial agents that cause meningitis. However, with a decrease in local immunity and individual characteristics, infection and development of the disease can occur.

Main symptoms

The main clinical manifestations of purulent primary meningitis are very unfavorable. They greatly affect the baby’s well-being.

Failure to provide medical care in a timely manner can significantly worsen the prognosis for life and recovery.

All aspects of such a disease as purulent meningitis will be examined and told to us by Dr. Komarovsky in the next video.

The most common symptoms include:

  • Rapid and acute start. The disease develops at lightning speed. During the first day, body temperature rises to 38-39 degrees. In more severe cases, an increase to 39.5-40 is typical. This symptom is quite specific and persistent. Even despite taking paracetamol or other antipyretics, the child’s body temperature remains very high and does not decrease well.
  • Severe headache without a clear epicenter. Whenever you turn your head or change your body position, the pain increases significantly. There is also a spread of pain along the back of the neck. When exposed to strong and intense sounds or light, the pain intensifies.
  • Severe nausea unrelated to meals. Against the background of a severe headache, vomiting may even occur. This is also an important specific sign of the disease. Vomiting usually occurs spontaneously. Even the use of medications does not always eliminate severe nausea.

  • Soreness in the eyes, worse in bright light. When trying to look at objects located away from the center, the painful syndrome intensifies. The baby cannot tolerate bright light coming into his eyes.
  • Rashes on the body. The most characteristic symptom of meningococcal infection. Most often found on the sides of the body, lower abdomen, and also in the oral cavity. The rash spreads to the legs and feet, as well as the thighs and buttocks. Elements can be of different diameters and merge with each other. The appearance of a rash is a very unfavorable sign of the disease.
  • Cramps and meningeal symptoms. Most often, when the legs are pulled towards the body, the tension on the back of the neck increases and the headache increases. This is a positive meningeal sign and indicates the presence of meningitis.
  • Manifestations of intoxication syndrome. The child's well-being is severely affected. Young children are more likely to be held. Children become apathetic, lethargic, refuse food and feeding. Against the background of high temperature and fever, babies feel severe drowsiness.
  • In severe forms of the disease, there may be trembling of hands and feet, as well as severe convulsions. This is an extremely unfavorable sign of the disease. In these situations, emergency qualified medical care is required in an intensive care unit.

Consequences and complications of purulent meningitis

Inflammation of the membranes of the spinal cord and brain is one of the most dangerous conditions for a child’s body. Even with medical care, weakened babies can experience numerous complications. Some of them can even cause death.

In severe forms of the disease, cerebral edema may occur. This condition is very dangerous. During this process, clinical death may occur. Only timely administration of droppers with electrolyte solutions will help prevent this formidable complication.

Also, babies with purulent meningitis may develop the following adverse consequences of the disease:

  • Spread throughout the body and development of sepsis.
  • When the body's reserves are depleted, multiple organ failure develops. The kidneys and heart are most often damaged.
  • The spread of microorganisms to the inner lining of the heart and the development of endocarditis. In this case, the conduction of internal cardiac impulses is disrupted. Various types of life-threatening arrhythmias may occur.
  • Flow of purulent masses under the cranial vault and the development of empyema.
  • The prolonged presence of convulsive activity can lead to the appearance of an episyndrome.
  • In the most severe case of the disease, coma appears.


The disease should be treated as early as possible! Treatment of purulent meningitis requires mandatory hospitalization of the child in a hospital.

In critical condition, the baby is hospitalized in the intensive care unit. There he is given the necessary intravenous injections and infusions of various medications.

If the causative agent of the disease is a bacterium, antibacterial therapy is mandatory. Serious doses of antibiotics are prescribed. This is a vital condition for successful treatment of the disease.

Before prescribing an antibacterial drug, doctors determine the causative agent of the disease. Currently, there are many different rapid tests to identify the cause of a purulent disease.

Treatment must be carried out strictly in a hospital. Meningitis can be a very dangerous disease and can even be fatal. Timely treatment will help prevent complications of the disease and promote recovery.

You can learn about the main symptoms of purulent meningitis and the characteristics of the course of the disease from the following video of the program “Live Healthy”.

Purulent meningitis is an extremely severe pathology, which is accompanied not only by an inflammatory process localized in the area of ​​the meninges, but also by their purulent melting, which is fraught with the development of persistent and irreversible consequences.

Purulent meningitis is an inflammation of the brain with a complicated course.

general description

Acute purulent meningitis is a pathological process characterized by damage to the meninges. Its peculiarity is that purulent exudate leads not only to functional disorders, but also to structural ones. A purulent process is usually a consequence of serous inflammation when adequate treatment is not carried out.

In most cases, meningitis develops against the background of other pathologies of a viral, bacterial or fungal nature. Most of these diseases are relatively mild and rarely cause brain damage. The causative agents of meningitis have one feature - they must have trophism for nervous tissue. The membranes of the brain have a number of features that increase the risk of infection and make the course of the disease especially severe. These include:

  • Good blood supply. Since nerve cells are extremely sensitive to changes in the concentration of nutrients and oxygen in the blood, nature has created an extremely extensive blood supply system. The human brain has the densest circulatory system compared to other vital organs. The entry of the pathogen into the bloodstream creates a high probability of tissue infection.

The membranes of the brain have a developed blood supply network and are therefore susceptible to infection

  • High permeability of the vascular wall in children. It is worth noting that meningitis is much more common in children than in adults. This is due to the fact that the child’s circulatory system is imperfect, and the walls of the vessels of the cerebral circulatory system are extremely thin. Through them, the pathogen can penetrate tissue almost unhindered.
  • The presence of a large amount of nutrients in the liquor. Cerebrospinal fluid is an excellent breeding ground for various pathogens. Once in the cerebrospinal fluid, they begin to actively multiply and develop, which makes the development of the disease possible.


The most common cause of serous-purulent meningitis is a viral infection. This is due to the fact that the size of viruses is much smaller than that of bacteria, protozoa or fungi. Some diseases of a viral nature can be complicated by meningitis, and some viruses lead to the appearance of the primary form of the disease, immediately affecting the membranes of the brain.

The main cause of the disease is a viral infection

In bacterial forms of the disease, infection more often occurs from other foci in the body, when bacteremia or septicemia develops, which have a common name - sepsis. These conditions are characterized by the fact that bacteria, their toxins and pus particles circulate in the circulatory system, spreading throughout the body. The higher their concentration, the greater the risk of developing meningitis.

Inflammation of a fungal nature occurs due to the fact that spores are introduced into the membranes. The size of the fungi is large enough that it does not allow them to penetrate the capillary membrane. A special place is occupied by meningitis, which develops as a result of open head injuries. This situation is dangerous because there is a polyinfection - the presence of several types of pathogens at once. Injuries may introduce viruses, bacteria and fungi.

The mechanism of transmission of pathogens may differ. Most often they are airborne and hematogenous. The airborne mechanism is observed in primary serous-purulent meningitis (meningococcal infection), and the hematogenous mechanism in secondary ones (sepsis).


According to the mechanism of development, it is customary to distinguish primary and secondary acute serous-purulent meningitis. Primary meningitis develops in situations where the pathogen, after entering the body, immediately causes damage to the membranes of the brain. It is worth noting that such cases of the disease are more severe, since most pathogens are specific and require special drug treatment.

Secondary purulent meningitis is a complication of the disease. It can be of different nature. What is common to all pathogens is that the complication develops after sepsis has developed.

The greatest danger is posed by those pathologies that are localized in the skull area. These include diseases of the ear, teeth and gums, as well as the air sinuses. This pattern is due to the fact that these areas of the human body have common branches of blood vessels with the brain.

Meningitis is one of the possible complications of dental diseases

Classification of meningitis by nature of origin is important only when prescribing treatment. Thus, we distinguish:

  • Bacterial.
  • Viral.
  • Fungal.

Regardless of the nature of the origin of the disease, the clinical picture is practically the same. The only thing that matters is the age of the patient.

Symptoms of meningitis are the same for all forms of the disease


Symptoms of inflammation of the serous-purulent membranes of the brain are quite specific, which does not cause difficulties in making a diagnosis. The following symptoms are typical for adults:

  • Headache. With meningitis, the headache is annoying in nature. It cannot be relieved by analgesics or other means, as it is caused by damage to nerve cells and developing cerebral edema.
  • Fever. An increase in body temperature is observed in almost all patients, with the exception of those who suffer from profound immunodeficiency. In such a situation, the immune system is unable to give an adequate response to the infection. Depending on the type of pathogen, the temperature can vary from 38 to 40 degrees. Moderately elevated temperature is characteristic of tuberculosis.

Patients have severe headache

  • Meningeal symptoms. There are symptoms that occur exclusively with meningitis. They are usually considered together, since the appearance of one of them may not be a sign of inflammation. These include neck rigidity, Kerning and Brudzinski symptoms associated with the extensor ability of the muscles of the lower extremities. The appearance of several of these symptoms is an absolute sign of meningitis. Several decades ago, diagnosis was based precisely on these clinical manifestations.
  • Vomit. Inflammation of the membranes of the brain is characterized by the appearance of uncontrollable vomiting, which does not bring relief. Some sources describe it as “fountain” vomiting. It is not associated with food intake and can occur at any time of the day.

Purulent meningitis causes vomiting

  • Cramps. The most dangerous manifestation of meningitis is convulsive syndrome. If there are no medical personnel nearby, this can cause death. It is worth noting the fact that seizures begin abruptly, unlike epilepsy, without the appearance of warning signs.

The symptoms caused by serous-purulent meningitis are extremely dangerous at any age. But in children they pose the greatest threat, since the child cannot independently explain his complaints. Parents should pay attention to the following behavior patterns:

  • A sharp cry, without objective reasons. If a child screams for a long time and shrilly, this may be caused by a severe headache.
  • Long sleep. It is extremely difficult to wake up a child, and in his sleep he holds his hands near his head or hugs her.

In children, meningitis can be recognized by the appearance of a prolonged cry

  • Protrusion of a large fontanel. Due to increased intracranial pressure, which is caused by cerebral edema, there is a bulging in the area of ​​the large fontanel, which is clearly noticeable in children of the first year of life.
  • Skin rashes. Meningococcal infection is characterized by the appearance of a roseola rash on the skin.
  • Special pose of the child. In order to alleviate the condition, the child will constantly take the same position - on his side, throwing his head back and tucking his knees to his stomach.

If a child experiences such symptoms or manifestations, it is necessary to immediately contact a medical facility to receive full medical care.

With meningitis, a baby's fontanel bulges


Complications of serous-purulent meningitis are associated with persistent disorders, as well as the spread of the pathological process. Thus, the following complications and consequences of serous-purulent meningitis are distinguished:

  • Meningoencephalitis. It develops when the process spreads from the membranes of the brain to its own tissue. This leads to a deterioration in the general condition, which manifests itself in the form of loss of consciousness, as well as the risk of coma.
  • Paralysis. The consequences of serous-purulent meningitis may be associated with impaired motor activity. Such consequences are more common when the affected area is large.
  • Sepsis. It develops in cases where pus enters the bloodstream. Sepsis is dangerous because new purulent foci may appear against the background of serous-purulent meningitis.

Inflammation of the brain can cause paralysis

Complications and consequences of meningitis occur in 80% of patients, since the pathological process progresses quite quickly.


Diagnosis of serous-purulent meningitis is aimed at determining the cause of the disease. For this purpose, diagnostics includes:

  • Bacteriological studies of biological fluids. Diagnostics must necessarily include several tests on the tank. examination of cerebrospinal fluid and blood. This is carried out in order to determine the species of the pathogen, which will make it possible to prescribe effective medications. It is worth noting the fact that only bacteria and fungi can be identified in this way.

Diagnosis of the disease requires a bacteriological blood test

  • Serological studies. To identify a viral pathogen, PCR or ELISA is necessary. Such diagnostics are aimed at identifying the RNA of the virus and antibodies to it. A high titer of antibodies is a sign that the pathogen is present in the patient's body.
  • Tomography. A brain tomography is necessary to determine the location of the lesions. Based on these data, it is possible to predict the development of complications and the course of the disease.

The rest of the diagnosis for secondary meningitis will include those examinations that are aimed at identifying the primary pathology.

During the diagnosis of meningitis, the patient is sent for tomography


Treatment of purulent meningitis should be aimed not only at eliminating the cause of the disease, but also at stopping the symptoms, because they pose a direct threat to life. Thus, treatment includes the following groups of drugs:

  • Antiviral. To treat viral purulent meningitis, it is necessary to prescribe antiviral drugs in combination with interferons. This treatment allows you to quickly destroy the pathogen in the body.
  • Antibiotics. The bacterial form of meningitis can be treated with antibacterial drugs. It is worth remembering that prescribing antibiotics for viral forms is strictly prohibited, since the immune system is suppressed and the disease will rapidly progress. Antibiotics are prescribed only after a qualified diagnosis has been carried out and the relationship of the infection to bacteria has been established.

Treatment of meningitis requires taking antibacterial drugs

  • Anticonvulsants. Convulsive syndrome during meningitis must not be stopped, but prevented. Anticonvulsants are prescribed for prophylactic purposes. The choice of drug and its dosage are determined taking into account the patient’s age.
  • Forced diuresis. In order to speed up the removal of infection from the body, as well as to exclude the development of infectious-toxic shock and cerebral edema, it is necessary to use the technique of forced diuresis. It is based on a combination of saline infusion solutions and diuretics. Most often, isotonic sodium chloride solution and powerful diuretics are prescribed by parenteral route. This treatment requires careful control of the amount of urine produced.

Treatment should be carried out exclusively in a hospital setting, and in the presence of certain types of infection in the body, it is recommended to keep the infectious diseases department in the boxes in order to prevent the spread of the disease.

Infusion therapy will help remove the infection from the body


Preventive measures for primary and secondary meningitis differ. To prevent primary meningitis, personal protective measures must be followed, which include:

  • Ventilation of rooms in crowded places.
  • Avoid contact with sick people.
  • Maintaining immunity in winter, as well as in the autumn-spring period.
  • Compliance with the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

The basis for the prevention of secondary meningitis is the timely treatment of developed diseases. This will eliminate sepsis and its consequences.

A healthy lifestyle is the best way to prevent the development of the disease

Purulent meningitis is an extremely serious disease that is highly likely to cause death. If a person has symptoms of inflammation of the membranes of the brain, then they need to immediately go to the hospital so that a diagnosis can be made and effective treatment can be provided.

You will learn more about the symptoms of meningitis from the video:

The content of the article

Purulent meningitis- a group of diseases with predominant damage to the meninges of a bacterial nature, combining a number of separate nosological forms characterized by common clinical and morphological signs. The causative agents of purulent meningitis can be meningococci, staphylococci, pneumococci and other bacterial agents.
In recent years, due to the widespread use of effective antibacterial agents, the number of diseases caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus vulgaris and other microorganisms resistant to antibiotics and sulfonamides has increased. Purulent meningitis can be primary and secondary.

Meningococcal meningitis

Etiology of meningococcal meningitis

A typical representative of primary purulent meningitis is meningitis caused by the meningococcus Neisseria meningitidis. Meningococcus is a gram-negative Weichselbaum diplococcus, which is easily detected by microscopic examination and leukocytes or extracellularly. There are four groups of meningococcus, differing in their biological properties. The most common are group A meningococci, which are more sensitive to the effects of sulfonamides. Cocci of groups B, C and D are less sensitive to the effects of these drugs. Recently, several more groups of Weixelbaum's diplococci have been discovered.

Epidemiology of meningococcal meningitis

Meningococcal infection is transmitted by droplets. The source of infection is a sick person or a healthy carrier. Meningococci are very unstable to external factors - temperature fluctuations, insufficient air humidity, exposure to sunlight and quickly die outside the human body.
Apparently, this partly explains the relatively low contagiousness of the disease. Undoubtedly, the degree of susceptibility of the macroorganism to meningococcal infection also plays an important role.
As a rule, the disease is sporadic, but sometimes small epidemics occur. Their expression has a certain periodicity. In Europe and America, the last rise in meningococcal infection was observed during the Second World War and in the early post-war years. The disease is also characterized by a fairly distinct seasonality - the largest number of outbreaks is recorded in the winter-spring period. The disease occurs in people of all ages, but it mainly affects children, especially toddlers and preschoolers.
Meningococcal infection can manifest itself in various forms - asymptomatic bacterial carriage, nasopharyngitis, arthritis, pneumonia, meningococcemia, purulent meningitis and meningoencephalitis. Therefore, the old name “epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis” has been replaced by a more correct one - “meningococcal meningitis”, as a particular manifestation of meningococcal infection [Pokrovsky V.I., 1976].

Pathogenesis of meningococcal meningitis

After entering the body, meningococcus first grows in the upper respiratory tract, causing primary nasopharyngitis, which usually occurs latently. In individuals who are less resistant to infection, meningococcus then enters the blood and spreads throughout the body. The most convincing evidence of this route of infection is meningococcemia, often accompanied by a characteristic hemorrhagic rash.

Meningococcal meningitis clinic

As a result of the penetration of meningococcus into the membranes of the brain, an inflammatory process develops in them, externally manifested by the clinical picture of purulent meningitis. The disease usually develops suddenly. The onset is so acute that the patient or those around him can indicate not only the day, but also the hour. The temperature rises to 38-39 °C, a severe headache occurs, which sometimes radiates to the neck, back and even to the legs. The headache is accompanied by vomiting, which does not bring relief.
General hyperesthesia, meningeal symptoms - Kernig, Brudzinsky, and stiffness of the neck muscles appear, but their severity may vary and does not always correspond to the severity of the process. Bradycardia is often noted at the onset of the disease - 50-60 beats per second. During the course of the disease, the pulse rate increases, and in some cases arrhythmia occurs.
Consciousness is initially preserved, but if treatment is not started in a timely manner, it becomes darkened and the patient falls into a soporous state. There may be a sharp motor agitation, sometimes a delirious state. As the disease progresses, excitement gives way to drowsiness and stupor, turning into coma. The fundus remains normal, sometimes there is some dilation of the venous vessels. In infants, the onset of the disease is manifested by general anxiety, sharp crying, and clonic-tonic convulsions often occur, sometimes turning into status epilepticus. The symptom of bulging and tension of the large fontanelle is very important for diagnosing meningitis in infants.
Often on the 3-4th day of illness, herpetic rashes are observed on the skin and mucous membranes of the mouth and lips.
Of the local neurological symptoms, damage to the oculomotor nerves is most often observed: diplopia, ptosis, anisocoria, strabismus. Damage to other cranial nerves is less common. Before the use of penicillin, the auditory nerves were often damaged, and deafness was one of the most common complications of meningitis. Currently, irreversible damage to the VIII pair is rarely observed.
A blood test reveals neutrophilic leukocytosis and increased ESR. However, there may be cases of the disease with a normal blood picture.

Morphology of meningococcal meningitis

The subarachnoid space is filled with purulent exudate. Superficial veins are dilated. The accumulation of pus is observed mainly on the convexital surface of the cortex, along the base of the brain, and on the membranes of the spinal cord. From the membranes of the brain, the inflammatory process passes through the perivascular spaces to the substance of the brain. As a result, swelling, small purulent foci in the brain substance, minor hemorrhages and blood clots occur in the vessels. Microscopically, a pattern of inflammatory cell infiltration is determined in the membranes of the brain. At different stages of the disease, it is predominantly polymorphonuclear in nature, and then lymphocytes and plasma cells appear. The ventricles, often significantly dilated, contain turbid fluid.
The cerebrospinal fluid (in the first hours of the disease) may not be changed, but already on the 1st-2nd day its pressure increases sharply, transparency is lost, it becomes cloudy, sometimes grayish or yellowish-gray. The number of cells is sharply increased and reaches hundreds and thousands per 1 mm3. These are predominantly neutrophils and a small number of lymphocytes. With a sluggishly developing process, a predominance of lymphocytes is possible. Meningococci can be found in the cells. The amount of protein in the liquor is increased, sometimes up to 10-15% - The glucose content is sharply reduced. The decrease in chloride levels is secondary, being caused by frequent vomiting, and has no diagnostic value. The level of immunoglobulin IgM increases, as well as the activity of many enzymes, especially in cases where the course of the disease becomes chronic. The Lange reaction has a recess on the right side of the curve.
The duration of the disease with adequate treatment averages 2-6 weeks, but hypertoxic forms are possible, occurring at lightning speed and leading to death within the first day.


A characteristic clinical feature of this form of meningococcal infection is the appearance of a hemorrhagic rash on the skin - usually rough, in the form of stars of various shapes and sizes, dense to the touch, protruding below the skin level. More often, the rash appears in the area of ​​the buttocks, thighs, and legs. Sometimes the joints are affected. The temperature rises, tachycardia develops, blood pressure decreases, shortness of breath and other symptoms of general intoxication occur. Meningococcemia may be accompanied by damage to the meninges, but it can also occur without the symptoms of meningitis.
The most severe manifestation of meningococcal infection is bacterial shock. In this case, the disease develops acutely. The temperature suddenly rises and chills occur. Soon a profuse hemorrhagic rash appears, first small and then larger, with necrotic areas. The pulse quickens, blood pressure decreases, heart sounds become muffled, and breathing becomes uneven. Sometimes seizures occur. The patient falls into a comatose state. A picture of vascular collapse develops. Very often, the patient dies without regaining consciousness. For a long time, this outcome was associated with the destruction of the cortical layer of the kidneys (Waterhouse-Friderichen syndrome). It is currently assumed that the cause of such a severe course is mainly endotoxic shock, leading to hemodynamic disturbances as a result of damage to small vessels and increased blood clotting, accompanied by the formation of a large number of microthrombi (disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome). Damage to the adrenal glands is not detected in some cases.

Secondary purulent meningitis

Etiology. Secondary purulent meningitis occurs when there is a purulent focus in the body. They can develop either as a result of direct transmission of infection from purulent foci to the membranes of the brain, for example, with purulent otitis or sinusitis, thrombosis of the dural sinuses, brain abscess, or by metastasis from purulent foci located at a distance, for example, with abscesses or bronchiectasis lungs, ulcerative endocarditis, etc. Purulent meningitis sometimes complicates penetrating wounds of the skull.
The causative agents of secondary purulent meningitis can be various bacteria: - pneumococci, staphylococci, Haemophilus influenzae Afanasyev-Pfeiffer, salmonella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Listerella.

Clinic of secondary purulent meningitis

The disease begins with a sharp deterioration in general condition, headache, fever, chills. Meningeal symptoms occur early. Often, especially in childhood, seizures appear. A disturbance of consciousness quickly sets in, accompanied in many cases by psychomotor agitation and hallucinations. Damage to the cranial nerves is quite common: ptosis, strabismus, diplopia, facial nerve paresis. Tachycardia develops, which is then replaced by bradycardia and tachypnea. Muscle tone decreases. Deep reflexes are difficult to evoke, and abdominal reflexes disappear early. Plantar reflexes do not change at first, but in later stages of the disease pathological signs may appear. The general serious condition of patients is often accompanied by dysfunction of the pelvic organs. The cerebrospinal fluid is turbid, flows out under high pressure. Neutrophilic cytosis is sharply increased, reaching several thousand cells, the protein content is increased, sometimes up to 8-10%. High neutrophilic leukocytosis is detected in the blood, with a shift of the formula to the left, reaching 15-20-10v9/ l, increased ESR.
The course of meningitis is acute. But both fulminant and chronic course of the disease is possible. In some cases, the typical clinical picture of meningitis is masked by pronounced symptoms of a general septic condition. With late onset or insufficiently active treatment with antibiotics, the disease can result in hydrocephalus, as well as the development of persistent paralysis, ataxia, visual and hearing impairment, epilepsy, and dementia.
With any form of purulent meningitis, severe complications may occur that require emergency care - acute swelling and swelling of the brain, as well as subdural effusion. Edema and swelling of the brain are usually observed in hyperacute forms of meningitis and are accompanied by a rapid increase in cerebral symptoms. Infringement of the brain stem in the tentorial foramen of the cerebellum and in the foramen magnum by the displaced cerebellar tonsils causes severe disorders of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
A progressive increase in focal symptoms against the background of subsiding meningeal symptoms, accompanied by the appearance of congestive nipples and hectic temperature, indicates the formation of a subdural effusion. For differential diagnosis from encephalitic syndrome, one should resort to echoencephalography, which allows one to detect displacement of the midline structures. If necessary, angiography is performed. Reliable results can be obtained with computed tomography.
Establishing the etiological factor that caused a specific case of meningitis presents significant difficulties and requires special bacteriological studies.
The relative frequency of pathogens causing the development of purulent meningitis according to Gilroy (1969) is as follows. During the neonatal period: E. coli, salmonella, streptococci, Staphylococcus aureus, pneumococcus. In childhood: meningococcus, Afanasyev-Pfeiffer bacillus, pneumococcus, E. coli, streptococcus. In adults: meningococcus, pneumococcus, streptococcus, Staphylococcus aureus, Afanasiev-Pfeiffer bacillus. For example, pneumococcal meningitis mainly affects young children and people over 40 years of age.
The source of infection is chronic otitis and sinusitis, mastoiditis, etc. Infection in the membranes of the brain is facilitated by skull injuries (especially with fractures in the anterior cranial fossa with damage to the lamina cribrosa), operations on the paranasal sinuses and other manipulations in this area. The onset of the disease may be preceded by prodromal nonspecific symptoms in the form of general malaise and a slight increase in temperature. Skin rashes, often found in meningococcal meningitis, are not typical for pneumococcal meningitis, with the exception of herpes labialis. The clinical course is characterized by exceptional severity, the presence of not only meningeal, but also encephalitic symptoms - convulsions, damage to cranial nerves, disturbances of consciousness.
Cerebrospinal fluid in pneumococcal meningitis is cloudy and greenish in color. Bacterioscopy can reveal extracellularly located lanceolate diplococci. Even with adequate treatment, mortality reaches 20-60%. Pneumococcal meningitis is characterized by the relatively common development of subdural effusion. It is suggested that if there is no improvement within two days under intensive antibiotic therapy (ampicillin, chloramphenicol), a neurosurgical examination is indicated to identify indications for craniotomy.
Meningitis caused by staphylococcal infection is also severe. The occurrence of meningitis is usually preceded by chronic pneumonia, abscesses, osteomyelitis, and a septic condition. In the latter case, the picture of meningitis is often masked by the severe general condition of the patient. Meningitis caused by staphylococcus is prone to abscess formation and blockage of the cerebrospinal fluid spaces.
The clinical picture of meningitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae Afanasyev-Pfeiffer is peculiar. Most often, weakened children under the age of one year suffer from chronic catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, otitis media, and pneumonia. The development of the disease is usually slow, less often acute. The course is sluggish, undulating, with periods of deterioration and improvement, although ~cases are possible~with a severe and acute course and an unfavorable outcome. Cerebrospinal fluid is usually cloudy, milky white and yellow-green in color. The number of cells can be relatively small (up to 2000 in 1 μl). With timely initiation of treatment and proper management, the disease progresses relatively favorably and often leads to complete recovery.
Purulent meningitis caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella, Escherichia coli, and Listerella are much less common. The etiological diagnosis of these meningitis, as a rule, can only be established as a result of bacteriological examination of the cerebrospinal fluid and blood.

Treatment of purulent meningitis

The general principle of treatment is that as early as possible, at the first suspicion of the possibility of meningitis, the most universal antibiotic is prescribed. At the same time, they strive to isolate the infectious agent and determine its sensitivity to various antibiotics. Subsequently, they switch to treatment with those to which this bacterial agent turned out to be the most sensitive. In practice, however, it is not always possible to isolate the pathogen and determine its sensitivity to a particular antibiotic.
As shown! many years of experience, the maximum effect in meningitis caused by coccal flora is observed with intramuscular administration of benzylpenicillic acid salts at the rate of 200,000-300,000 units per 1 kg of body weight in adults and 300,000-400,000 units in children under 3 months of age, which is depending on the weight of the patient, from 12 to 18 million units per day. Repeated administration of the antibiotic every 4 hours in adults and every 2 hours in infants allows maintaining a relatively constant level of its concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid. The clinical effect of therapy is manifested by an improvement in the condition of patients, clarity of consciousness, a decrease in headaches, a decrease in temperature, the disappearance of meningeal symptoms, and sanitization of the cerebrospinal fluid.
The duration of treatment is determined by the clinical course of the disease and is usually 5-7 days. The main criterion for discontinuation of penicillin is the sanitation of the cerebrospinal fluid:
a decrease in cytosis below 100 cells in 1 μl, with a predominance of lymphocytes (at least 75%), which is usually achieved by this time. With timely initiation of treatment and a sufficient dosage of antibiotics, most patients experience complete recovery [Pokrovsky V.I., 1976].
If the patient is admitted in a severe comatose state or with obvious symptoms of meningoencephalitis in the late stages of the disease, on the 4-5th day from the onset of the disease, intravenous administration of penicillin sodium salt from 4 to 12 million units per day is indicated with simultaneous intramuscular administration of 800 000-1,000,000 units of penicillin per 1 kg of body weight per day. In some cases, if treatment with penicillin is ineffective, other antibiotics must be used. Levomycetin, especially its form for parenteral administration - sodium chloramphenicol succinate, has become widespread. It is prescribed at a rate of 50-100 mg/kg and administered 3-4 times a day. The duration of treatment is 7-10 days. Levomischetin penetrates the blood-brain barrier better than other antibiotics. In some cases of meningococcal meningitis, a satisfactory effect is observed from the use of tetracycline. Semi-synthetic penicillins - ampicillin, oxacillin, methicillin - are increasingly used in the treatment of purulent meningitis.
They are especially effective for pneumococcal and staphylococcal meningitis. Ampicillin is prescribed at a rate of 200-300 mg/kg per day with six doses, and oxacillin and methicillin up to 300 mg/kg per day. Methicillin is administered after 4 hours, and oxacillin after 3 hours. For purulent meningitis of various etiologies, the broad-spectrum antibiotic cephaloridine (zeporin) is also a highly effective remedy; it is administered parenterally at a dose of 1 g every 6 hours. Cephaloridine and its analogues are much more resistant than penicillin to staphylococcal penicillinase, which makes its use especially indicated for meningitis caused by staphylococci resistant to benzylpenicillin.
Successful treatment of purulent meningitis is also carried out with long-acting sulfonamide drugs, in particular sulfamonomethoxine. When treated with sulfamonomethoxine, the effect occurs earlier than when treated with penicillin. The temperature normalizes, the blood picture improves. Somewhat more slowly, however, sanitation of the cerebrospinal fluid occurs and meningeal symptoms disappear. Sulfamonomethoxine is prescribed orally in tablets according to the following scheme: on the first day 2 g 2 times a day, subsequent days - 2 g 1 time a day.
The duration of treatment is 5-9 days. Treatment with sulfamonomethoxine can be carried out in combination with penicillin therapy. Treatment begins with penicillin injections, then after improvement of the general condition, cessation of vomiting and normalization of consciousness, sulfamonomethoxine is prescribed. When carrying out penicillin therapy, it should be borne in mind that injections of the potassium salt of penicillin must be done slowly to prevent the possibility of tachyarrhythmia. Excessive administration of penicillin sodium salt may be accompanied by fluid retention in the body.
If the etiology of purulent meningitis cannot be established, combination therapy with two to three antibiotics or a combination of antibiotics and sulfonamide drugs is indicated. Effective for most purulent meningitis is a combination of benzylpenicillin and chloramphenicol, which has a wide spectrum of action. Levomycetin is administered parenterally in the form of sodium chloramphenicol succinate at a dose of up to 100 mg/kg 3-4 times a day. Parenteral administration of other broad-spectrum antibiotics is less desirable, since intramuscular injections of tetracycline antibiotics are very painful, and their intravenous infusion is often complicated by phlebitis. Antibiotics - macrolides (erythromycin, oleandomycin) poorly penetrate the blood-brain barrier.
Complications may occur when treated with large doses of antibiotics. The use of penicillin and semi-synthetic antibiotics may be accompanied by headache, fever, skin rash, urticaria, and joint pain. It is possible to develop leukopenia when ampicillin is prescribed or hematuria when treated with methicillin. Tetracycline use sometimes causes skin rashes or symptoms of gastrointestinal irritation. In especially severe cases, when signs of infectious-toxic shock appear (high fever, hemorrhagic rash, vomiting, drop in blood pressure, shortness of breath, “cadaverous spots” on the skin, convulsions, loss of consciousness), the whole range of resuscitation measures is indicated, primarily parenteral administration corticosteroid hormones (hydrocortisone 5-75 mg/kg per day or prednisolone 15-30 mg/kg per day depending on the patient’s condition), norepinephrine, solutions of polyglucin, rheopolyglucin, oxygen therapy.
The development of cerebral edema is stopped with mannitol (10-15-20% solutions) in combination with injections of corticosteroids, Lasix and ethacrynic acid (uregitis). At the same time, electrolyte balance is corrected and fluid is administered to avoid dehydration. You should not strive to reduce elevated body temperature, which subjectively makes the patient feel better, since the concentration of antibiotics in the blood at high temperatures is more significant. Correction with lytic mixtures (primarily phenothiazine derivatives) and antipyretics (reopirin intramuscularly) is necessary only in cases of severe hyperthermia, reaching 41-42 ° C.
To alleviate the patient's condition, cold on the head and painkillers are prescribed. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the bladder and intestines, and protect the patient from the formation of bedsores. In cases of secondary purulent meningitis, surgical treatment of purulent processes in the ear or paranasal cavities that are the cause of the disease is indicated.