What to do if Mcv in the blood test is low? Possible reasons for deviations. What does it mean that the average volume of red blood cells in the blood is reduced in an adult? What is mcv in a blood test is reduced?

A blood test is a study that allows you to find answers to many questions about a person’s health. Each indicator that is part of a qualitative study is important and significant for the diagnosis of any disease, but it is difficult for the average patient to understand some of them.

For example, the mcv number in a blood test can be misleading due to its English abbreviation, but in fact shows the average volume of red blood cells in plasma. Literally this means Mean Cell Volume and is considered a generally accepted calculation value for determining the size of red blood cells.

Red blood cells perform an important function in human blood because they carry oxygen within the body. If their normal quantity or volume is disturbed, functioning problems may arise that need to be sorted out.

Often, a general analysis is done to obtain the volume and number of red blood cells, although in some cases the doctor may order additional tests to obtain this value. In this case, the patient’s blood is taken from a vein on an empty stomach, and the interpretation is carried out by a qualified laboratory specialist or directly by the attending physician.

Average mcv values ​​in blood

mcv is measured using one of two calculation options: often this quantity is determined in femtoliters (fl), but sometimes another value is used - cubic micrometers. The size of red blood cells is maximum in young children, and begins to decrease with age. In newborns, the normal average is 140 fl.

After just a year of a little person’s life, the mcv level in the blood drops almost by half, and its normal level is 70-80 fl. As the child grows older, the indicator may fluctuate within the range of 75-85 fl.

According to world medical standards, the volume of red blood cells in an adult can vary from 80 to 100 fl. And most often, it is slightly higher in women than in men. If the level decreases, the doctor will characterize the red blood cells as microcytic, and if the value is increased, macrocytic.

A peculiarity of the analysis of this indicator is that human plasma may contain red blood cells of different sizes, small and large. This condition is not classified as a pathology; it is important that the average volume of red blood cells remains within normal limits.

Causes of abnormal mcv levels in the blood

There can be a great variety of prerequisites for a decrease or increase in the volume of red blood cells. If deciphering the results showed a violation of the norm in one direction or another, it is necessary to carry out additional diagnostic methods to determine why the analysis showed such a level.

Reduced red blood cell volume

A violation for an adult is a mcv value in a blood test below 80 fl. The prerequisites for such a decrease in this indicator may be:

  • dehydration of the body, which leads to disruption of water and electrolyte balance;
  • anemia resulting from a lack of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • malignant formations in the body.

If the doctor has diagnosed the presence of anemia in the patient, further research will be aimed at clarifying its type and characteristic features.

Anemia is a disease in which the body's normal flow of oxygen is disrupted, which can become a serious problem if left untreated. Oxygen starvation of organs leads to disruption of their functioning, human weakness, sleep disturbance and loss of performance.

The mcv level in the blood is elevated

If the analysis showed an increase in the volume of red blood cells, the value of which exceeded 100 fL, this situation is also a deviation. Doctors call the main reasons for the increase in red blood cell volume:

  • alcohol and cigarette abuse;
  • women taking oral contraceptives;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • liver or intestinal diseases;
  • drug intoxication.

Deciphering the analysis and further actions

The interpretation of the analysis is carried out only by a doctor. Having noticed an mcv value that is outside the normal range in the results, the specialist must determine the reasons for such a violation. To do this, additional diagnostics are carried out, which includes a survey and study of the patient’s medical history. It is important to find factors in a person’s life that provoke a decrease or increase in the volume of red blood cells.

If diagnostics reveals the presence of a disease, efforts must be directed toward its treatment. The medications that will be used in this case, affecting a specific problem, will help restore the required volume of red blood cells. There are no medications that can simply affect the mcv value in the blood, and taking them would be inappropriate, since the deviation of this indicator itself is not a disease. It is important to understand what exactly provokes its change.

If the reason for the violation of the norm of red blood cells is an incorrect lifestyle or the consequences of treating a serious disease with antibiotics, the patient’s efforts must be directed to restoring the body. Healthy sleep, moderate exercise, proper nutrition and taking vitamin complexes will help restore the desired shape and normal value of red blood cells.

Thus, mcv in the blood is a reflection of the normal functioning of many organs and systems. Its deviation from the norm can be detected during a general blood test, after which additional studies can be carried out to understand the reasons for changes in the normal volume of red blood cells.

It is important to get advice from a qualified specialist and not to neglect the problem, so as not to treat its complications later.

When taking a general blood test, many indicators are taken into account. It is with the help of these indicators that the doctor analyzes the patient’s condition and prescribes treatment. Among such indicators may be MCV. What is MCV in a blood test?

MCV in the analysis (without ESR) shows the number of red blood cells. It is also called the general erythrocyte index. Is this indicator important? Of course, since it is with its help that you can assess the general condition of red blood cells in the blood. Red blood cells are red blood cells. It is thanks to them that the blood acquires a red color. Their quantity significantly exceeds the content of other elements in the blood. The shape of the blood cells resembles a flat disk concave on both sides. Taurus do not have a nucleus.

So, the main functions of red blood cells:

  • Thanks to these bodies, the blood acquires its red color.
  • Contains hemoglobin, which transports air to all human organs.
  • Maintains water-salt balance.
  • Red blood cells also help maintain temperature in the human body.
  • Provide some immune functions in the body.

Red blood cells play a fairly important role in the human body. That is why it is so important to monitor their quantity and periodically take a general blood test. The slightest changes in the content of red blood cells may indicate the onset of an inflammatory process or an allergic reaction.

To determine the number of red blood cells, a general (clinical) analysis is performed.

However, in some cases, patients are prescribed a special MCV blood test, which aims to determine the number of red blood cells. The meaning and interpretation of the MCV blood test is done by the attending physician. It is highly not recommended to do this yourself.

Analysis transcript

How to determine MCV in a blood test? To determine the number of red blood cells, the patient takes a clinical blood test. Blood cells have a constant composition, which is why, if their content changes sharply, the patient’s condition noticeably worsens.

How is the average red blood cell count determined? This indicator is calculated using a special formula:

MCV= ((%) hematocrit *10) : red blood cell content 106 µl

It is this formula that is used to calculate MCV in a blood test. What is the normal level of this indicator in the blood? The content of red blood cells depends on the age of the patient. Thus, we can say that the MCV level in the blood is different for everyone. Indicators vary especially strongly among children.

The average erythrocyte volume is normal in a child:

  • less than 12 months – 71-112fl;
  • from 1 year to 5 years – 73-86 fl;
  • from 5 to 10 years – 75-87 fl;
  • from 10 to 12 years – 76-94 fl;
  • from 12 to 15 years – 74-95 fl.

Among women:

  • from 15 to 18 years old – 78-98 fl;
  • from 18 to 45 years old – 81-100 fl;
  • from 45 to 65 years – 81-101 fl;
  • over 65 years – 81-102 fl.

For men:

  • from 15 to 18 years old – 79-98 fl;
  • from 15 to 18 years old – 80-99 fl;
  • from 45 to 65 years – 81-101 fl;
  • over 65 years –81-103 fl.

These are the MCV values ​​that are considered normal. Any deviations from the norm may indicate the onset of an inflammatory or infectious process in the body.

Decreased performance

What does a reduced average volume of red blood cells in the blood indicate? If the MCV in the blood test decreases to 75 fL, then this may indicate the presence of anemia in the patient. However, there is no need to be afraid in advance. Decoding the MCV is the responsibility of the attending physician. The reasons for low MCV can be varied.

MCV reduced – reasons:

  • Changes in water-salt balance in the body.
  • Hypertensive dehydration (high level of fluid deficiency). May occur due to insufficient consumption of water and other liquids.
  • MCV in blood tests is reduced when anemia occurs. Anemia – anemia.
  • A disease in which hemoglobin synthesis in the body is disrupted.
  • Low iron content in the body.
  • Use of certain medications.

Most often, a decrease in MCV levels occurs due to anemia. Leukemia can occur for many reasons. Among them: problems with the gastrointestinal tract, chronic diseases in which blood loss is observed, pregnancy, the effects of various infections, lack of iron in the body. If the average volume of red blood cells is reduced, then consultation with your doctor is necessary.

Anti-MCV shows the amount of antibodies. Anti-MCV can be determined using a biochemical test. Identifying antibodies will help prevent the development of rheumatoid arthritis. These elements may arise several years before the disease begins to develop.

If the level of the average number of red blood cells is below normal in children, this may indicate the development of anemia. Children react especially acutely to this disease.

Symptoms of anemia in children:

  • Lethargy.
  • Decreased activity.
  • Refusal of games and communication.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Frequent vomiting.
  • Swelling.
  • Body weight does not change in any way for a long time.

Increased values

What does increased red blood cell volume mean? The average volume of red blood cells is increased if the patient has a deficiency of vitamin B. Most often it is B12.

MCV is elevated – reasons:

  • Use of tobacco products.
  • Taking hormonal contraceptives.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • For diseases of the endocrine system - myxedema.
  • Liver diseases.
  • Diseases of the organ that reproduces blood - the bone marrow.
  • Taking antidepressants.
  • Anemia.
  • Disorders of the pancreas.
  • Intoxication of the body.

It is for these reasons that the level of red blood cells increases. By taking an MCV test, you can identify the development of alcoholism at an early stage. Clinical tests should be performed periodically to monitor MCV levels. Diseases identified at an early stage are much easier to cure than advanced ones.

So, MCV is the average volume of red blood cells. It can be either reduced or increased. Normal indicatorsMCVdepend on the patient's age. Red blood cells decrease due to the development of anemia, the use of certain drugs, and changes in the balance of water in the body. Increased average red blood cell volume occurs due to the use of alcohol and tobacco products. Increased MCV levels often occur in women when taking hormonal contraceptives. To monitor MC, you should take a general blood test.

Red blood cells are blood cells that give the blood its red color due to the iron they contain. They transport hemoglobin to the tissues of all organs and remove carbon dioxide from them. The characteristics of red blood cells can tell us about possible disorders in the field of hematopoiesis, oxygen saturation of the body, and bone marrow functionality.

The normal shape of a red blood cell is a biconcave disc.

The average volume value is one of the most common in blood tests. It can be calculated both for routine diagnostics and to identify possible anemia and its causes.

There are red blood cells of varying sizes in the bloodstream, but most of them should be of normal, correct size. This suggests that the cells are able to optimally perform their functions. Under the pressure of various factors, the percentage of abnormally large or small volumes can increase significantly. Analysis of the average volume will show which cell sizes predominate and will allow you to prescribe a treatment regimen.

Normal indicators by age

During the newborn period, large red blood cells predominate

Mean erythrocyte volume (MCV) varies by age. In newborns, larger blood cells predominate, and their volume gradually decreases, approaching those of adults.

AgeMCV rate (fl)
17 days95 - 121
7 - 14 days88 - 126
14 - 30 days88 - 124
1 - 3 months77 - 115
3 - 12 months77 - 108
15 years73 - 85
5 - 10 years75 - 87
10 - 15 years76 - 95
15 - 20 years78 - 98
20 - 40 years80 - 98
40 - 65 years80 - 100
Over 65 years78 - 103

How to Determine Mean Cell Volume (MCV)

The average volume of red blood cells is determined by a general blood test

The average volume of red blood cells is diagnosed based on a general clinical blood test. No special preparation is required for the test, but it is recommended not to eat food 4 hours before the blood sample is taken, and to avoid alcohol the day before. A hematology analyzer helps determine the exact size of the blood cell, which allows you to reduce the error rate of the test to almost zero.

Mean Cell Volume (MCV) is calculated using the formula:


HCT is the total volume of red blood cells in a unit of patient’s blood (hematocrit);
RBC - total number of red blood cells in 1 microliter of blood;
fl (femtoliter) is a unit of measurement for the average volume of a red blood cell.

For example, if Hct = 41% and RBC = 4.54 ppm per µl (4,540,000/µl), then:
MCV = 0.41 / 4,540,000 = 9.03 * 10^-15 = 90.3 fl.

What is anisocytosis?

Anisocytosis on blood smear

Red blood cells are disc-shaped blood cells that can compress and bend to move through the thinnest capillaries. When their size exceeds the norm, they can no longer deliver oxygen to all tissues; when their size is smaller than normal, accordingly, less oxygen is delivered. Depending on the size they are divided into 4 groups:

  • microcytes -< 6,2 мкм;
  • normocytes - 6.2 - 8.2 µm;
  • macrocytes - 8.2 - 12 µm;
  • megalocytes - > 12 µm.

In this case, normocytes, that is, cells of the correct size, should make up about 70% of the total number of red blood cells. About 15% are divided between cells of large and small sizes. When an increase in the ratio of cells of abnormal size to normal size is detected in the patient’s blood, anisocytosis is detected.

Anisocytosis is the general name for a high number of cells that are different in size from normocytes. There are 3 types of anisocytosis:

  • microcytosis - predominance of microcytes;
  • macrocytosis - predominance of macrocytes;
  • mixed - both large and small cells exceed the permissible ratio.

The level of distribution of abnormally sized blood cells is recorded in the analysis by the RDW value. The RDW rate (in %) is:

  • for adults - 11.5 - 14.5;
  • for newborns - 14.9 - 18.7;
  • for children from 6 months - 11.6 - 14.8.

Reasons for deviation from the norm

Disturbances in the functioning of the spleen can cause anisocytosis

Test results can be affected by taking various medications, especially antidepressants, as well as drinking alcohol. If factors contributing to the error in the results are excluded, and the indicators deviate from the norm, it is necessary to look for the cause. Factors causing deviations:

Red blood cell indices correlate with each other

The MCV value correlates with other indicators to accurately assess the health of red blood cells. Determining several characteristics at once makes it possible to understand the form of the disease; it is most often used to separate anemias according to their etiology. Above we talked about values ​​such as: RBC, HCT, MCV and RDW. A complete red blood cell examination suggests additional values.

MCH is the red blood cell index, calculated by dividing total hemoglobin by the number of red blood cells in the blood volume: MCH = HGB/RBC. The index value reflects the average hemoglobin content in a red blood cell. Some diseases, for example, anemia with the presence of hyperchromia, are accompanied by an increase in MCH and MCV indicators.

MCHC is an index indicating the concentration of hemoglobin in the mass of red blood cells. Unlike MCH, it determines not the quantity, but the density of filling red blood cells with hemoglobin. Calculated by dividing total hemoglobin by hematocrit: MCHC = HBG / HCT * 100. A high MCV and a low MCHC will indicate a disproportionate saturation of red blood cells with hemoglobin due to their abnormally large volume.

The presence of a disease is not always reflected by a shift from the norm in all indicators at once. Diagnostic practice shows that for various pathologies, one of the values ​​may be normal, while the other will indicate a disease. Moreover, it is the presence of a difference in a bunch of indicators that is the reason for diagnosing certain diseases.

For example, with anemia caused by impaired hemoglobin synthesis, the RDW indicator will be within the normal range, and the MCV will be reduced. Liver damage is reflected as normal RDW but elevated MCV.

MCV correction

Establishing the cause is the first step in resolving the issue

Anisocytosis is formed as a result of negative factors that provoke an increase in the ratio of macrocytes or microcytes in the total number of red blood cells. Therefore, it is initially necessary to establish the cause of anisocytosis. In the absence of MCV correction, anemia of various types and forms develops, which leads to oxygen starvation of all organs.

If the reason lies in intoxication with chemicals, drugs, alcohol, the first thing you need to do is eliminate them. Additionally, antioxidant therapy may be prescribed.

Chronic infections that cause anisocytosis require complex treatment based on antiviral or antibacterial drugs.

A common cause is a deficiency of iron or B vitamins. The main factor in correction will be the optimization of the content of microelements in food; a course of vitamins and iron-containing preparations may be prescribed.

Restoring the normal state and ratio of red blood cells is not only about medications. Daily stress, bad habits, and poor nutrition cause the risk of anisocytosis. By adjusting your lifestyle, you will help your blood cells always perform their functions at the proper level.

Each of us has had to undergo testing at least once in our lives. Therefore, everyone knows how this process occurs. But there are times when we do not know everything about what can and cannot be done before conducting an analysis. A few words about this.

Important Rules

So, refrain from performing x-rays and physiological procedures before laboratory tests. The readings will be affected by excessive mental stress and taking medications the day before, especially intravenously or intramuscularly. If these simple rules are not followed, the results may be erroneous and lead to an incorrect diagnosis.

So, get a good night's sleep and come to the laboratory on an empty stomach. Don't forget to calm down before the fence.

Learning to interpret the results

The alphabet of blood is not that complicated. But for many, normal indicators are a mystery. How can you read them correctly on your own? What should you pay attention to first?

Here and now we will deal with forms, with columns where some elements are listed with numbers.

General blood analysis

So, you already have knowledge, but you certainly cannot prescribe treatment for yourself, adjusting your indicators to the norm.

It should be remembered that our body is a wise system. And in collaboration with an experienced doctor it will be easier to establish all its functions. A blood mirror will significantly help with this.

A detailed blood test allows you to evaluate not only quantitative, but also qualitative indicators of its components, which makes it possible for the doctor to get the most complete picture of the state of the body. When referring a patient for this examination, the specialist, relying on the presenting symptoms, can select several parameters from all available for study, although their total number reaches at least 20.

But whatever his choice, the MCV value will always be among the indicators noted for study. What is MCV in a blood test and why is its study an integral part of this laboratory diagnosis? Translated from English, the abbreviation stands for Mean Cell Volume, which in translation means “average volume of an erythrocyte.”

What does MCV show in a complete blood count?

Red blood cells, called erythrocytes, normally vary in number and shape. But at the same time, in a healthy body, most of them should be correct, accepted as a normal shape. This is directly related to the functional ability of red blood cells, that is, a healthy cell - a normocyte - fully participates in the transfer of oxygen to the tissue structures of the body. And after destruction, it will be replaced by an equally efficient red blood cell.

If the shape of the red blood cell is changed, and it is an ovalocyte, macrocyte, microcyte or schistocyte (fragmented cascade cell), certain difficulties with oxygen transport may be observed. This heterogeneity of red blood cells can cause other adverse effects. Therefore, in many situations, when making a diagnosis, data from not only a general blood test is used, but also a detailed one - allowing one to evaluate in detail the characteristics of each group of cells - red blood cells, leukocytes, platelets and their varieties.

MCV values ​​are calculated by dividing the total blood cell volume by the total red blood cell count. The formation of cells of altered shape is called heterogeneity, and this condition leads to deviations from the generally accepted norm. If MCV in a blood test is low, these cells are called macrocytes, and if red blood cells are characterized by a decrease in volume, then they are called microcytes.

Normal red blood cell and types of pathologically altered cells

This indicator can be calculated in two quantities - cubic micrometers (µm 3) and femtoliters (fl). When carrying out diagnostics in laboratory conditions, it is automatically measured by the analyzer. In a blood test, in addition to MCV - the average volume of red blood cells, several other values ​​​​characterizing these blood cells are measured. This:

  • RBC – information about the number of red blood cells;
  • MCH (color indicator) - makes it possible to determine the average amount of hemoglobin contained in each individual red blood cell;
  • MCHC - shows the average amount of hemoglobin contained in all red blood cells of the human body;
  • RDW-CV – provides information on the width of the red blood cell distribution;
  • Hematocrit (HCT or Ht) is the percentage ratio of the volume of red blood cells to the rest of the blood cells.

In some cases, if there are symptoms of joint damage or aggravated rheumatoid heredity, it is recommended to take a blood test for anti-MCV. This study is not particularly relevant to the study of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of red blood cells. It is carried out to detect antibodies to citrullinated vimentin, a protein used to diagnose rheumatoid arthritis. An increase in anti-MCV levels in the blood is observed 10–15 years before the appearance of obvious symptoms of the disease.

Therefore, if the interpretation of the received blood test materials indicates that the anti-MCV level is elevated, the rheumatologist must definitely take this into account. First of all, the patient must be explained the importance of regular blood donation for a general and detailed analysis of its components, and this must include the anti-MCV indicator

Studying the latter value alone is not enough to understand the overall picture of the patient’s condition, and a comprehensive diagnosis will make it possible to recognize the onset of the disease in time and take appropriate measures.

Normal indicators

Acceptable limits of values, defined as the MCV norm in a blood test, change throughout a person’s life. In addition, several factors may affect the examination materials, for example, a large breakfast, laboratory inaccuracies, drinking drinks containing alcohol, taking antidepressants or hormonal medications.

In children under one year of age, 71–112 fl are considered normal values, with newborns having the highest values ​​for childhood. However, as a child grows and develops, the MCV level gradually decreases to levels accepted as normal in an adult. Then, as the body matures, the standard values ​​increase again. It is noted that the MCV rate in women is slightly higher than in men.

MCV standards - children and adolescents

Why might MCV parameters increase?

In many cases, the deviation of this indicator from acceptable limits means the presence and development of a pathological process, and timely identification of the problem gives a chance for a quick and effective cure. The risk group includes patients who have a hereditary predisposition to blood diseases and people who lead an inactive lifestyle and do not adhere to proper nutrition.

There are other reasons that lead to an increase in the average volume of red blood cells. These include:

  • intoxication with medications - antibiotics, sulfonamides, etc.;
  • anemia that develops as a result of significant blood loss and death of red blood cells;
  • food poisoning, infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver pathologies;
  • autoimmune diseases characterized by changes in cellular development;
  • decreased quality of functioning of the thyroid gland due to iodine and iron deficiency;
  • hormonal imbalance caused by taking contraceptives made on the basis of hormones;
  • endocrine disease - myxedema and various bone marrow pathologies;
  • activities in hazardous industries, leading to constant contact with poisons and toxins.

An increase in MCV levels may be associated with a lack of vitamin B 12 due to a lack of cobalt-containing substances in the body. In this case, the proportion of red blood cells decreases, but their size increases significantly.

A slight increase in values ​​may be observed in heavy smokers. Alcohol abuse, as a rule, always provokes the occurrence of macrocytosis, but hemoglobin levels remain unchanged and do not leave the normal range.

This feature in laboratory tests always makes it possible to diagnose alcoholism. Macrocytosis caused by a similar factor is a reversible process, and after approximately 2 months of abstaining from consuming alcohol-containing products, the MCV indicator returns to normal.

Reference! Some experts believe that taking antidepressants can increase the average volume of red blood cells, but so far this assumption has no conclusive evidence.

An increase in MCV is usually characterized by certain symptoms, such as general pallor, rapid heartbeat, which can be detected even at rest. Patients also voice complaints of abdominal pain of unknown etiology, and they experience slight jaundice of the skin, especially the nasolabial triangle. Such signs are a reason to visit a doctor and get a blood test.

Normal MCV values ​​in adults

Reasons for the decrease in level

Factors leading to a decrease in the average volume of red blood cells include taking medications, such as antimicrobial, sedatives, antiviral and others. At the same time, the tissue structures of internal organs are subject to a deficiency of substances necessary for life. If a blood test shows that the MCV level is low, this means that a certain number of pathological conditions may be developing.

A drop in the average erythrocyte volume below normal is observed in microcytic and hypochromic anemias caused by impaired hemoglobin formation. And as you know, hemoglobin has a direct effect on the size and appearance of red blood cells, and if the content of this protein in the blood is reduced, then the cells will have a smaller volume. Also, the pathology of hemoglobin synthesis is characteristic of thalassemia, a genetic blood disease.

Another important reason for the decrease in MCV indicators can be called a violation of the water-electrolytic balance, in which the lack of fluid causes a decrease in all cellular spaces containing it. In this case, we are talking about hypertonic dehydration or dehydration of the body, due to the loss of hypotonic fluid and insufficient water intake. In addition to the above factors, a decrease in the average volume of red blood cells, intoxication of the body with lead ions and the development of malignant oncological processes can lead to this condition.

It is also caused by a hereditary disease such as Porphyria, characterized by pathological synthesis of hemoglobin. With low MCV values, patients complain of weakness, fatigue, and excessive fatigue. In this case, there is increased irritability, absent-mindedness, impaired memory and concentration. All of these manifestations taken together, or some of them, are a compelling argument for visiting a doctor and getting a blood test.

Given that MCV and its normal values ​​vary depending on a person's age, blood test results should only be interpreted by a qualified professional. An increase or decrease in values ​​in most cases indicates pathological changes in the activity of organs or vital systems. Therefore, to establish a final diagnosis, additional diagnostic methods will be required and possibly repeating the blood test.