Anatomical breast implants. Modern breast implants. On the issue of the safety of breast implants

For many women, voluminous and elastic breasts are the object of many years of dreams, for others it is a forced necessity due to purely medical reasons.

In any case, modern surgical methods for installing breast implants, which have become part of the routine practice of any plastic surgeon, can solve all problems.

The essence of breast correction

Initially, liquid paraffin, silicone and other substances were injected into the mammary glands, which led to serious consequences and even loss of the organ. Subsequently, such methods were prohibited and are not currently practiced. Silicone-based implants were first created and used at the beginning of the second half of the 20th century.

They went through several stages of their development before reaching their current qualities. Plastic breast correction using silicone implants consists of installing them under the breast tissue or pectoral muscle and is its partial prosthetics.

The implant itself is a medical product consisting of a dense shell and internal contents. The shell is made of silicone material and can be smooth or porous. Fillers for the implant are either silicone gel of varying consistency or isotonic saline solution.

The surgical incision is often made under the breast skin fold, sometimes in the periareolar area (along the edge of the nipple) or in the axillary area. The patient is under general anesthesia throughout the procedure. The procedure takes on average about 1.5-2 hours.

Silicone breasts before and after surgery make a huge difference in terms of their appearance. With an adequate and correct choice of shape, size and method of installing implants, the mammary glands acquire completely natural shape and beauty.

Variation in breast implant placement

There are several types of surgical approaches to installing implants. They depend on various factors, for example, on the original location of the mammary glands, the degree of ptosis (prolapse), the state of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus and its tone, the elastic properties of the skin, the size of the subcutaneous fat layer, deforming changes in the ribs and sternum.

The implant can be placed in the following places:

  • completely under the gland tissue;
  • under the fascia of the pectoralis major muscle;
  • combined: one part under the pectoral muscle, the other under the mammary gland;
  • directly under the pectoralis major muscle.

The surgical technique may vary in the following options:

  • the implant is installed ready-made and takes the required shape;
  • Only the implant shell is inserted, then a sufficient amount of filler is pumped in.

With both technologies, they try to use the thinnest and shortest possible access, and the smallest number of sutures. The postoperative wound is sutured using cosmetic sutures and does not require the installation of devices for additional fluid outflow.

If necessary, breast augmentation is combined with other interventions: tightening the skin of the mammary glands, removing excess fat, reduction mammoplasty (for congenital asymmetries, etc.).

List of necessary tests

Any surgical intervention requires preliminary laboratory and instrumental examination, and the installation of silicone implants was no exception.

The list of popular analyzes and diagnostic tests is presented below:

  • complete blood count with platelet count;
  • general urine analysis;
  • fasting blood glucose;
  • biochemical analysis of venous blood;
  • coagulogram (indicators of the speed and quality of blood clotting);
  • Wasserman reaction, test for Australian (Hbs) antigen;
  • blood type, Rh factor;
  • fluorography/radiography of the chest organs;
  • mammography (x-ray of the mammary glands) for women over 40 years of age;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands.

If there are concomitant diseases, the patient must visit the appropriate specialist to exclude potential contraindications to implantation.

Preoperative and surgical periods

There are several rules that are recommended to be followed 1-2 weeks before surgery.

These include: giving up bad habits, especially smoking and drinking alcohol, following a gentle, easily digestible diet (eating and drinking before and on the day of surgery before general anesthesia is strictly prohibited), temporary withdrawal of medications that have the property of thinning the blood, and hormonal medications (only after consultation with your doctor).

In addition, before the operation, the obtained research results are assessed, the need for a particular method is justified, and the woman is given an explanation of all the advantages and disadvantages, as well as the possible risk of complications. During the operating period, the surgeon makes a preliminary marking of the future incision in two positions for the patient: standing and sitting.

The woman is then under the control of an anesthesiologist, who provides general anesthesia and stays with her during the procedure. What silicone breasts look like before and after surgery can be assessed by numerous photographs of patients. If you follow all the rules and principles of performing surgery with implants, you can achieve amazing results and significantly improve your quality of life.

Silicone breasts: reviews and rare complications

It should be remembered that not all women are candidates for breast replacement.

Common diseases for which plastic surgery cannot be performed are:

  • malignant oncological processes of any localization;
  • acute infections;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • blood diseases with bleeding disorders.

In addition, the operation is not performed on persons under 18 years of age.

Progression of the rehabilitation period

The rehabilitation period usually does not take much time. If the plastic surgery is successful, the woman can be discharged home the next day.

Special pressure bandages are applied to the mammary glands. During the first week, the patient may be bothered by pain in the area of ​​the postoperative wound, caused by swelling and mechanical damage to the soft tissues, and a feeling of skin tension. In this case, painkillers (analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are prescribed.

On the 7-10th day, the sutures are removed, a dense bright red stripe remains in place of the scar, which then turns into a thin, barely noticeable line. The woman must wear compression garments for the entire month following the operation. This is necessary to improve blood circulation, eliminate swelling and accelerate the formation of a fibrous capsule around the implant.

It is advisable for the first time to limit physical activity, sports, not lift heavy objects, avoid hot baths and saunas, and sleep on your side and back. About the type of restoration process that characterizes silicone breasts, the reviews of most women boil down to one thing - the most safe and successful thanks to the implementation of all recommendations.

Possible postoperative symptoms

In the early postoperative period, in addition to pain, some complications may occur: subcutaneous hematomas (hemorrhages), infectious inflammation of the wound, loss of skin sensitivity in the affected area.

The hematoma, as a rule, resolves on its own, but if it is located deeper, additional drainage may be required.

When infected, body temperature rises slightly, wound pain, redness, and swelling intensify.

In such situations, broad-spectrum antibiotics and local treatment of sutures with antiseptic solutions are used. Sensory impairment does not require any treatment, as it recovers on its own within a few months.

Rare complications

In women with silicone breasts, reviews do not mention serious problems after surgery. But despite this, they do exist. Rare complications include displacement of implants, their rupture, development of contracture, seroma, and disruption of the integrity of the mammary ducts of the gland.

A slight displacement of the implant is almost always observed. However, in cases of violation of the regime of wearing compression garments, early loads, the displacement can be significant and lead to the need for repeated surgery. The appearance of cracks, breaks and other defects in implants is possible when using low-quality models after wearing them for a long time. Modern implants have a two-layer shell and a silicone filler, which, even if injured, does not spread and does not leave the product.

Any organism perceives an implant as a foreign body. That is why a capsule of connective tissue gradually forms around it.

However, for most people this does not appear outwardly: the breasts are still soft to the touch and have a natural shape. In a small percentage of women, for unknown reasons, the fibrous capsule can compress and deform the implant, requiring additional intervention. Seroma is a cavity near the implant in which serous fluid accumulates.

It visually disproportionately increases breast size. It is eliminated by suctioning out the liquid using a syringe under ultrasonic control. Damage to the gland ducts is observed only in two cases - if the incision was made around the nipple and if the implant was installed under the gland tissue. Unfortunately, these changes are irreversible.

Breast implants, why are they dangerous? Despite claims that breast implants are completely safe for a woman's health, new research suggests the opposite, saying that silicone from breast implants spreads throughout the body. Whether this is true or not, we’ll tell you now.

What do we know about breast implants and why are they dangerous?

Anna (this is not the woman's real name) decided that her death would not be in vain. Before Anna contracted breast cancer, which eventually defeated her, this Dutch woman suffered for years with pain and countless strange symptoms. In 2008, shortly before her death at the age of 56, Anna made the decision to donate her breasts to medical science to understand why she got cancer. The group of pathologists who examined Anna's body in the Netherlands was led by plastic and reconstructive surgery doctor Ruta Capella.

Using special tools of light and electron microscopes, as well as X-rays to analyze the tissue of internal organs and the nervous system, the cause of Anna's suffering was discovered 17 years ago, implants were inserted into her breasts, and the silicone spread throughout the body to the ovaries, bladder and spinal cord. In fact, silicone was present in every tissue sample, and in unusually large quantities. Thanks to celebrities such as and, who openly talk about figure-improving surgeries on social networks, breast augmentation is still the most popular type of plastic surgery. Of the 14 million cosmetic surgeries that Americans undergo each year, approximately 300,000 are . In the UK, the popularity of breast implants has fallen slightly since 2014. After some celebrities, for example, told the press that they decided to remove the implants to restore their natural appearance, the number of operations decreased by 20%.

Breast augmentation before and afterVictoria Beckham.

But despite this, mammoplasty operations are still the most popular form of plastic surgery, with almost 9,000 British women having breast enlargements every year. Medicine has been experimenting with breast augmentation for over 100 years. At first, paraffin and animal fats were inserted into the breasts, and after World War II, in order to make Japanese women similar to the American ideal, the idea of ​​filling the breasts with silicone appeared.

In fact, the first silicone implant was invented only in 1962, and after trying it on just one dog, it was implanted into a woman from South America, who, by the way, just wanted to remove a tattoo.

Incredibly, a procedure that is performed annually on 5-10 million women worldwide has had no long-term, objectively safe studies to date:

  • neither regarding the implants nor the surgery itself. And it is still claimed that this procedure is completely safe. There are only two known scandals related to breast implants. The first occurred in the late 90s, when three US silicone manufacturers - DowCorntngCorporation, Bfistoi-MyersSqwbbCo and HealthcareCorporaton
  • agreed to pay $3.7 billion to women who blamed breast implants for their health problems.

The second scandal occurred in 2010, when it became known that the French company PotyimpiantProihese filled its products with industrial silicone, which is usually used to make mattresses, and sold them throughout Europe. In eight women, the implants spread and caused a rare form of lymphoma from which they died.

Despite the deaths, the most important issue was ignored - How safe are implants? Maybe it's a slow-acting poison? What is the likelihood of a leak?

On this issue, Capella and her colleagues from Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center in the Netherlands are categorical: “Gel release is a phenomenon characteristic of all types of silicone implant models, regardless of whether they are soft, round or anatomical. The question is when this happens, the leak containment layer in newer models slows down the spread of silicone, but does not stop the process itself.

There are currently two types of implants. Newer types of implants with a leak-retaining layer have a silicone layer, or shell, filled with a silicone mass similar to gummy bears. Implants with physiological fluid have a silicone shell. These types of implants are inserted or filled with body fluid or salt water, and can also be empty and filled through a valve during surgery.

Before breast augmentation, it is worth finding out what is known about it today. Complications are very common.

The Mayo Clinic has conducted significant research. It involved 749 women in Minnesota who received implants between 1964 and 1991. Complications occurred in 178 women, or 24%, and 19% were related to implants. One of the problems is capsular contracture (when the formation of scar tissue around the implants hardens the breasts and causes them to shrink, causing them to become stiff and painful), hematoma fissures and wound infections.

Most breast implants burst

Disadvantages of silicone gel implants include contracture, cracking, leakage, obvious holes, and complete bursting. Scientists at the University of Maryland conducted a study in which they found that 64%, or almost 2/3 of implants that are in the breast for 1 to 25 years, burst or leak, despite the fact that manufacturers offer a lifetime warranty on their breast implants.

Almost all women think that the implants will be intact after eight years, but after 12 years the number of these women will be reduced by half, and after 20 years only 5% of women will have intact implants. FDA scientists even recommend removing implants within eight pets, but they don't add that important breast tissue is often removed during scar tissue removal. One study of 100 women who were asked to get rid of silicone implants found that 57% of the implants already had holes or ruptures. In the UK, implant ruptures even have a name - Jordan syndrome. Plastic surgeon Douglas McGeorge admits implant ruptures have become five times more common, with cases rising to more than 1,500 in 2012 and 2013.

Silicone has long been linked to autoimmune diseases

For example, with systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, progressive systemic sclerosis and vasculitis. However, because the FDA remains silent on the risks, women who react this way to breast implants are being diagnosed with silicone implant failure syndrome, or autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome.

In one study of 32 women, all had mismatch syndrome, 17 of them had systemic autoimmune disease, and 15 women had disorders that could be attributed to immune-related antibodies, proteins, and antimicrobial molecules."

And that's not all - three sisters had silicone implants and all suffered from arthralgia, myalgia and sleep problems, but all complaints improved when the breast implants were replaced with ones that do not contain silicone gel.

Breast implants often suppress sexual sensitivity

In a study of 100 women, 75% of them reported that they lost nipple sensation after breast augmentation. In a third of these women, nipple sensitivity disappeared completely.

Bacteria and mold can grow in the body fluid of breast implants

Because the silicone shell is partially permeable, research suggests that fluid-filled implants, especially those that have a valve through which salty fluid is injected, can harbor dangerous bacteria and fungi that can harm health.

Breast implants sometimes interfere with breastfeeding

although this depends on how the surgery was performed. In one Texas study, researchers found that 64% of women with breast implants did not have enough milk for their baby, compared with only 7% of women who did not have implants. Incisions around the nipples may be the main culprit for this problem, although other incisions can make breastfeeding more difficult.

Breast implants can harm babies

The study, which was conducted at Schneider Children's Hospital in New York, suggests that children of mothers with silicone breasts may also suffer because they are also at risk of developing autoimmune disorders. Of the 11 children aged 18 months to 13 years who suffered from long-term abdominal pain, six were breastfed by their mothers with silicone implants. These children also had other symptoms such as repeated vomiting, trouble swallowing and irritable bowel syndrome. Some had joint pain and periodic rashes, and all had impaired esophageal function.

Breast implants increase the risk of developing cancer

The French National Cancer Institute raised concerns about breast implants after they were linked to anaplastic large cell lymphoma, a type of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma that usually affects soft tissue lymph nodes and the liver. This was confirmed in a study that found that 71 cases of this rare disease were associated with breast implants. The FDA acknowledges that the risk is very low, but it is growing.

Breast implants may increase suicidality

One review of all available studies found that women have a 12-fold increased risk of committing suicide after receiving implants. If implants are inserted after a mastectomy, women have a 10-fold risk of suicide compared to those who do not have reconstructive surgery. None of the women in the studies had mental health problems before receiving silicone injections.

The sad truth is that silicone breast implants have been used by millions of women for 50 years, but there is still no long-term study to confirm their safety.

Years go by - there are still no rules!

  • 1967 The first models of implants were invented, whose silicone shell is filled with physiological fluid or salt water, and silicone material for the first time becomes the choice of plastic surgeons.
  • 1976 The FDA gains regulatory authority over breast implants. Since thousands of women have been using them without rules for nine years now. The FDA allows implants to be inserted without the usual safety checks.
  • 1992 There are thousands of complaints about similar autoimmune diseases, and the FDA is limiting the use of breast implants to women who need breast reconstruction and those who want breast enlargement who agree to participate in clinical trials.
  • 1998 DowCorrwg, Bristol-MyersSquibb and BaxterHeatthcare agree to pay $3.7 billion to settle the claims of more than 170,000 women whose health was caused by implants. Dow repaid 3.2 billion.
  • 1999 The American Institute of Medicine says there is not enough evidence to say that silicone and body fluid implants create "systematic health problems."
  • 2003 The FDA recognizes Inamed's (now Allergan) saline breast implants as safer than silicone based on one year of data, but does not allow approval of that company's silicone breast implants.
  • 2005 An FDA advisory committee recommended approval for MENTOR but not inamed silicone breast implants, but this recommendation was overruled and both products were approved.
  • 2010 When eight women developed cancer and died from cracked implants, the French company PolyimplantProthese admitted that it had filled its products with industrial silicone, not medical grade silicone.

Comments 29

Girls, silicone implants from Polytech (Silimed) caused me an autoimmune disease - ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis in other words. Now I'll take them out. I hope for recovery.

I’ve had silicones for 13 years, and the other day I felt a lump near my nipple. I decided to do a mammography and ecography. I did it yesterday. The silicone burst in one and so I felt for this lump, and a crack also appeared in the second breast. They said it needed to be deleted. I made an appointment with the surgeon. That's it. Nothing lasts forever, although they promised it would be forever.

And I removed the implants. Almost all my hair fell out and huge pimples all over my body and my chest was constantly hurting, I was very tired of the pain.

what a horror, girls! you pay a lot of money, and then you need to either fix it or delete it altogether... they said it right, nothing lasts forever...

My implant in my left breast turned over. The surgeon didn't say anything about turning him back. He said that he would remove excess skin as it had stretched (in half a year) and reduce nipple halos. He said it would be done under anesthesia. Irest not under general anesthesia... some kind of wildness... I don’t know how I can bear it! And yes, under the nipple of my right breast I see and feel some kind of unevenness... like a bulge... God forbid it burst there... now it’s scary. The implants are guaranteed... I can do an MRI and if the implant ruptures they should replace me with new ones... a lot of scary thoughts...

In 2015, after the removal of “Eurosilicones”, a contracture formed, a doctor at the Duna clinic (Novosibirsk) recommended POLYTECH implants, which, according to the doctor, have a shell that does not allow capsular contracture to appear. After 6 months after installation, the edge of the implant began to clearly sag at the bottom of the right breast ". To which the doctor said - you will get better, it won’t stick around. After three years, nagging pain appeared, the implants stood out from under the breasts, were held on by the skin. The head doctor of the Dune Ego clinic suggested removing the implants. It was an interesting moment, the doctor said, “ even though you did not have this operation with us, we will not leave you in the lurch." Although I had the operation to install these prostheses at his Dune clinic. But over the past time, a reorganization of the legal entity has occurred. Thank you very much, Mr. Egorov, that they didn’t leave you with the problem and removed for free the implants installed by the doctor of your former-new clinic. The pain ranged from nagging to burning. The sternum hurt so much that it was impossible to fall asleep without painkillers. But the doctor who installed these implants told me that everything was normal, there should be no pain and advised me to take Corvalol. Having finally waited for the operation to remove these implants, I still did not receive an explanation as to why there was pain. As a result of installing POLYTECH implants, I lost 220,000.00 rubles and suffered a lot of negative consequences. The chest is in a deplorable state. There are no answers to my questions from the doctors. During the three years of wearing these implants, the distributor POLYTECH changed, and the Dune clinic was renamed to Medicine LLC (aka Dune Ego). This is how the story ended.

Alina 13 Mar 2019

What a nightmare! 😮😮😮

Natalia 17 Mar 2019

Girls, aren't you afraid of the consequences!!! Everything is beautiful and natural!!!

Lena 19 Mar 2019

Just stupid women who don’t accept themselves... Why?

Fools! Fools! And 99% of their men don’t need this. Own ego and brainlessness. And who will need your children when you start quacking from your useless tits? Fools

Lena and Victoria, what brought you to this site)) you yourself would like to have breasts done, but apparently there is no money))) go with spaniel ears or with acne instead of breasts))

better with a spaniel ear, but healthy! Just count how much money manufacturers, clinics, and surgeons make from stupid things! 10,000,000 operations per year for an average of 200,000 rubles (you can convert to euros if there are not enough zeros)) and you are on the hook with the surgeon for doing OP several times!! This is madness!! and so many risks! for what?

Modern breast implants are not dangerous! Previously there were low-quality ones, yes! Now medicine is on a completely different level! It is much more important to think about the hands that will operate on you! Believe me, the most important thing is to find your surgeon) I searched for a long time and found Alexander Markushin! and I am immensely grateful to him!!! I don’t regret it at all! And more than 3 years have passed! and the implants are in place and intact;)

Oh, girls. In 2016, she underwent surgery to install implants in her buttocks. There wasn't a day that I didn't regret it. Immediately there were complications: first, seroma - liquid that leaked from the stitch for 4 months, after that my eyes began to water, they watered for a year, no matter what drops I used, nothing helped, and my eyes still water from time to time. Then finally the song: herpes appeared on the face one after another, without stopping, although before it popped up once a year. I couldn’t put into words how much I suffered during this time, I constantly felt unwell, weakness, rashes all over my body, the seam kept getting inflamed, moles began to appear all over my body very quickly, although this had never happened before. I began to feel like a sick old woman. My kidneys and liver began to hurt, although they had never hurt before. At first I didn’t connect this in any way with the implants, but gradually it finally dawned on me that I needed to urgently remove them before I got completely sick. I made an appointment with a surgeon, I will urgently remove them, keep your fingers crossed for me so that everything goes well 👌

I inserted Mentor in Chelyabinsk in Uvildy, everything went fine (pah-pah-pah)))) there are good surgeons there! But... you should always count on your health, everyone’s body is different. The only thing that worries me is that my hair is falling out: I think I need to get it checked, maybe it’s not because of them

Poor girls! Get well soon everyone! I don’t want beautiful tits anymore... no idiot is worth my health! Thanks to everyone who shared!!! Girls, get well soon!!!

Girls, I just changed my mind about getting boobs, health is more important, I will develop spiritual beauty, open my heart and attract a man who will need me, not boobs.

Girls, I had a fibroadenoma removed, and now one breast doesn’t look good. But I’ve read everything here... And if you pump in your own fat, will it lift your breasts?

Breast implants can make a woman confident and attractive. For the result to match your expectations, serious preparation and a qualified surgeon are required. He will help you choose the ideal shape and size of implants.

Breast implants for the mammary glands: what they look like, how often to change, service life, pros and cons. Price. Photos before and after. Reviews

Breast endoprostheses are silicone shells filled with gel or water-salt solution. They differ in a variety of materials and shapes. The service life of implants is 7-13 years. Manufacturers do not limit the service life to a time frame, but replacement of implants is a common occurrence.

This happens for the following reasons:

  • damage to the breast implant followed by leakage of gel or solution (very rare);
  • the occurrence of inflammation that cannot be cured with medication (rare);
  • desire to change breast size, its shape, replace old implants with modern and safe ones (often);
  • physiological changes: sudden changes in body weight, pregnancy and childbirth, natural aging processes (often).

The advantages of installing endoprostheses are the ability to correct severe breast asymmetry, sagging, and the woman’s moral satisfaction.

The disadvantages include possible complications (implant rejection, infections, long rehabilitation process). Even after a successful operation and recovery period, diagnosing breast diseases becomes more difficult in the future.

The cost of implants depends on the manufacturer and quality, as well as the company’s pricing policy. The starting price of one endoprosthesis varies between $600-900. If you choose a model made to order or with specific content, the price rises to $1500-2500 per piece.

Complications occur due to the surgeon’s low level of professionalism and improper adherence to recommendations during the rehabilitation period.

Breast lift with implants

Mastopexy with endoprosthetics is a series of surgical interventions that help create the correct breast shape. Indicated if classic breast augmentation does not bring the desired result.

Reasons why a surgeon prescribes a combined surgical intervention:

  1. Breast-feeding. During lactation, the skin of the breast is subject to stretching. After breastfeeding ends, the size of the mammary gland decreases and the breasts sag.
  2. Losing a lot of excess fat.
  3. The need to change breast implants. If you want to reduce the size of the breast and maintain its shape, the surgeon selects smaller endoprostheses. Therefore, he needs an additional mastopexy.

In most cases, a breast lift with implants is performed in two stages. A mastopexy is performed and after healing, the breast is enlarged.

Much less commonly, augmentation and lifting are combined together. This requires a highly qualified surgeon. It is necessary to take into account that various kinds of complications are unlikely to be avoided.

The most common are:

  1. Improper scarring. Thin, invisible seams are formed if no additional pressure is applied to them. The weight of the implant exerts this same pressure, as a result of which the scars “spread” and become excessively rough.
  2. Breast asymmetry.
  3. Ptosis. An incorrect calculation by the surgeon can cause displacement of the areola of one or both nipples, which looks extremely unattractive.
  4. Infection followed by necrosis of gland tissue. Due to multiple injuries after surgery, blood and plasma accumulate in the chest, which are a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogens.

Mammoplasty is performed under general anesthesia. The duration of the operation is 4-6 hours, and the cost is $5000-6000. However, high cost does not always guarantee high surgeon qualifications and quality.

Breast augmentation with implants

After passing the necessary tests and consulting a surgeon, the day of the operation is set.

Preparation for it should be carried out taking into account all the doctor’s recommendations:

  1. Avoiding bad habits a few weeks before mammoplasty.
  2. All medications taken must be reported to your doctor.
  3. If you have allergies, try to completely eliminate exposure to allergens.

Before the operation begins, the doctor and the patient discuss all the nuances and possible complications.

Common negative consequences include:

  • formation of hematomas;
  • abnormal scarring;
  • capsular contracture.

Contraindications: infectious diseases, neoplasms, allergies, breast diseases. They are also not given to girls under the age of majority. After surgery, strictly following the doctor’s recommendations will eliminate the occurrence of complications by 80%.

Types, sizes, shapes of breast implants. Photos with implants

Silicone implants

Silicone endoprostheses are medical breast implants for changing the size and shape of the breast.

Surgeons prefer silicone for a number of reasons:

  1. Filling with cohesive gels of different densities makes the breasts tactilely indistinguishable from natural ones.
  2. Consistency and special properties of gels. If the shell is damaged, they do not flow out of the implant. There is no risk of damage to the mammary gland.
  3. Due to the high density, it is possible to produce anatomical (drop-shaped) shapes. This is problematic when filled with a water-salt solution.
  4. By modifying the properties of the gel filler, it is possible to achieve a variety of its characteristics.
  5. Silicone implants are lighter, which reduces additional stretching of the skin.

Round implants

If you have a flat chest, round endoprostheses, in most cases, will look artificial and unaesthetic.

There are several types of implant filler:

  • water-salt;
  • silicone;
  • combined – water and silicone gel;
  • biogel.

Round implants can be high profile (highly convex) or low profile (flatter). Some models have a volume adjustment function. This is convenient, since the surgeon can adjust the size and shape of the breast during the operation.

A relative disadvantage is the possibility of its displacement inside the mammary gland. Outwardly, this is practically not noticeable, but it can cause some discomfort in a woman.

Anatomical (teardrop-shaped) implants

Anatomical breast implants are recommended for women with an asthenic build and small breast size. They are asymmetrical in shape - the upper edge is thinner, thicker towards the bottom. Their appearance is as close as possible to the natural shape of a woman’s breast and resembles a drop.

Thanks to asymmetry, manufacturers produce models with a wide variety of shapes, profiles, and sizes. Custom production is possible.

A relative disadvantage is their denser texture (necessary to maintain the anatomical shape of the implant), tactilely little similar to natural breasts. During installation, displacement of the endoprosthesis is also possible.

The advantage of the teardrop shape is a scientifically proven, low percentage of capsular contracture formation, and the appearance of the most natural and natural breasts.

The best lifelong breast implants – rating, companies. Where to buy, how much they cost

Implants "Mentor"

Breast implants from the Mentor company are considered the safest.

The manufacturer uses developed and patented materials: Siltex shell and MemoryGel cohesive gel. Anatomical Mentor implants have an improved curve line. Even if you have breasts with a minimal content of fat and glandular tissue, they will not stand out.

Distributors in Russia are Clovermed and Implant Medical. More than half of women choose products from this company for mammoplasty.

You can purchase or order endoprostheses from official dealers via the Internet or by contacting them by phone. In most cases, implants are ordered directly from the clinic; one implant starts from $900.

Implants “Motiva Ergonomics” (“Motiva”)

The only company producing ergonomic endoprostheses. They are able to look natural in any position of the body, harmonious even in initially small breasts.

The widest selection of volumes from the smallest to the largest: 4 types of profile, several types of viscosity, seven-layer shell, smooth, textured or micro-textured surface. The products are approved by the most significant commissions FDA, ISO, EN, CE.

You can purchase implants through the official website or through an aesthetic medicine clinic where breast augmentation will be performed. The cost of a pair ranges around $2000.

Allergan implants

Allergan implants are characterized by a wide range of sizes. This makes selection easier even in the most difficult cases - not only with mammoplasty, but also with breast reconstruction.

In addition to the standard single-component filling, endoprostheses are produced with combined filling of different densities. This allows you to achieve the necessary parameters of shapes, profiles and sizes.

It is possible to purchase implants directly through the clinic where the plastic surgery will be performed or from a representative of Family Health CJSC. The cost of one implant is about $750.

Sebbin implants

For more than 30 years, Laboratoires SEBBIN has been producing high-quality, premium breast implants that meet all international standards.

The endoprosthesis shell consists of 9 layers. The last layer is made in such a way that the risk of developing capsular contracture, statistically, does not go beyond 1%. The internal content is Naturgel gel, which comes in 3 types of density and is tactilely no different from natural female breasts. The company offers the service of creating implants based on individual measurements.

Each endoprosthesis is tested for possible defects. You can order implants on the official website of the company, or in the clinic where mammoplasty will be performed. The cost of a pair is $2000-2500.

Implants "Polytech"

The German company POLYTECH Health & Aesthetics, a leading supplier of breast implants in Europe, has been producing silicone implants for breast enlargement for 30 years.

Their products are characterized by an 8-layer shell that prevents rupture and penetration of silicone into the gland tissue. The top layer comes in 3 types. Microtextured is considered the most popular.

The filling is a non-flowing, high-viscosity gel of the latest generation with shape memory. Not long ago, the company introduced the Sublime Line modular system, which helps in selecting an implant. It includes 4 categories, each with 4 profiles and 18 sizes.

You can purchase branded endoprostheses from the official distributor of Bonamed LLC or through the clinic where plastic surgery is planned. The cost of a pair starts from $2000.

Nagor implants

The Nagor company, a leader in the sale of implants in Ireland and the UK, has been developing and improving its range of endoprostheses for 35 years, including more than 200 items. The gel that fills the prostheses is indistinguishable in density and tactility from natural breasts. The quality and environmental friendliness of materials is confirmed by European standards ISO 10993, BS EN ISO 14630, EN 12180.

The company guarantees, in case of damage or contracture, a free replacement of both implants. It is possible to select another model. You can order endoprostheses through the official website, from the distributor - the Medical Test company. The cost of one implant starts at $850.

Implants "Natrelle"

Natrel breast implants are a new line from McGhan. Represented by 140 models of silicone implants and 100 models with water-salt filling. Includes round and anatomical shapes.

The textured BIOCELL shell is designed with such features that the flip of the teardrop implant or the development of contracture are reduced to zero. They are filled with cohesive gels of different densities (round) or Soft Touch gel (anatomical), which is able to remember the original shape.

You can buy endoprostheses at the representative office of the manufacturer ZAO Family Health. You can also purchase them through the clinic. The cost of a pair of implants is approximately $1500-1800.

Implants "Arion"

The French production of Arion implants is of high quality: a wide range of models, different types of gel densities, smooth and textured shells characterize the brand. The shell consists of 6 layers that strongly protect against ruptures.

Hydrogel bioimplants of the Monobloc system are considered the safest and most reliable, and do not interfere with X-ray examination of the breast.

You can purchase implants through the clinic or contact company representatives through the official website The estimated cost of a pair of implants is $1600-2000.

Installation and removal of breast implants – breast surgery. Implant installation methods

There are several options for installing breast implants:

  • Between the gland and the pectoralis major muscle. The method is suitable for breasts with a sufficient content of glandular and adipose tissue. Then the implant will not be palpable and its edges will not be noticeable.

Advantages of the method:

  1. Minimal pain during the rehabilitation period. Fast recovery time.
  2. No further deformation or displacement of the implant, especially when playing sports.
  3. The most pronounced form.


  1. High risk of developing capsular contracture.
  2. The likelihood of asymmetry, waves or stretch marks.
  3. Reduction or complete disappearance of breast sensitivity, especially nipples.
  • Partially between the gland and under the pectoralis major muscle. The most optimal and therefore popular method for mammoplasty. Suitable for most women.

Advantages of the method:

  1. Natural curve of the breast, absence of waves along the edge of the implant, stretch marks. Since it is supported not only by the skin, but also partially by the muscle.
  2. The risk of capsular contracture is minimized.
  3. No sagging, asymmetry, deformation or displacement.

Disadvantages of this method:

  1. Long and painful rehabilitation period. Edema may persist for up to several months.
  2. If you do not take care of the décolleté area, the implants may move over time. It is necessary to keep the skin toned.
  • Between the pectoralis major and minor muscles. The method is characterized by installing an implant under the pectoralis major muscle. It was developed as an alternative to the subglandular method of installation.


  1. There is virtually no risk of developing capsular contracture.
  2. No hints of the presence of an implant - tactile or visual. It is completely hidden under muscle tissue.


  1. A long recovery period with severe pain and swelling.
  2. The presence of an implant does not provide the desired volume and lift of the breast, as it is partially “damped” by muscle density.
  3. When playing sports or straining muscles, endoprostheses become deformed and can become dislodged.

Surgeons rarely use this installation method.

Removal of implants is carried out through the same hole as installation.

There are 3 options:

  • through a cut in the nipple;
  • through an incision in the crease under the breast;
  • through an incision in the armpit.

Where exactly the seam will be depends on the size of the implant, the structural features of the chest and the wishes of the woman.

Consequences of inserting implants - what breasts look like after 10 years

With a high-quality operation and correctly selected implants, breast deformation over time will be minimal. The tissues are stretched due to the impact of the mass of the endoprosthesis.

The age of the woman plays an important role - the older she is, the faster mammoplasty will lose its original appearance. This is why, after 10 years, breasts can look either amazing or not so beautiful.

Is it possible to breastfeed a child with silicone implants?

Mammoplasty does not affect breastfeeding in any way. Even if the implant ruptures, silicone can in no way harm the quality of milk or its production.

Breast implants may partially interfere with feeding if the glandular ducts have been injured. Then the amount of milk will decrease, but its production will not stop.

Video about breast implants

Breast implants - what you need to know and think about:

Breast implants and the whole truth about them:

Modern breast implants help women achieve the desired size and shape of their breasts and eliminate natural or post-childbirth and lactation deficiencies. Mammoplasty remains one of the most popular plastic surgeries in the world.

Breast implants – modern breast endoprostheses

Progress in medical research has allowed the latest generations of breast implants to achieve sufficient safety and durability of use.

The main advantages of modern implants:

  1. Aesthetic properties: imitation of natural female breasts when viewed at rest and during changes in body position.
  2. Imitation of natural breasts when touched.
  3. Resistance to mechanical stress (implant ruptures occur only with a strong impact or injury).
  4. Sterility.
  5. Biocompatibility with tissues of the human body (extremely rarely causes rejection).
  6. Safety of filler in case of damage to the implant wall.

Types of breast implants in modern plastic surgery

Breast endoprostheses are divided depending on the shape, filler, and surface structure.

The shape of implants can be anatomical or round.

Anatomical implants They have a teardrop shape and bring the breasts as close as possible to their natural contours.

Advantages of anatomical implants:

  1. Imitate the shape of the breast as naturally as possible in a standing and sitting position;
  2. Suitable for women with initially flat chests.

Disadvantages of anatomical endoprostheses:

  1. They look unnatural lying on your back.
  2. Limit the use of bras with a lifting effect.
  3. More difficult to implant.
  4. They often shift during use, which leads to deformation of the breast shape.
  5. Expensive.

The choice of anatomical endoprostheses is most appropriate for women:

  1. Having an initially flat chest.
  2. Visual imitation of natural breasts is extremely important.

Round implants have the shape of a ball.

Advantages of round implants:

  1. Gives maximum volume.
  2. Raise the chest.
  3. Technically easier to implant.
  4. Relatively cheap.

Disadvantages of round endoprostheses:

  1. Visually they don’t look natural enough.
  2. May turn over during operation.

The choice of anatomical endoprostheses is most appropriate when:

  1. Ptosis of breast tissue.
  2. Asymmetry of the mammary glands.
  3. The need for a sufficiently large implant volume.

The surface of the endoprosthesis can be smooth or textured.

Smooth endoprostheses appeared much earlier and are still widely used.

Their main advantages:

  1. Relatively low price.
  2. Soft to the touch.
  3. Stability during operation.

The disadvantages of smooth endoprostheses include:

  1. Often cause fibrocapsular contracture.
  2. Often displaced after implantation.

Textured implants have a rough surface due to the presence of micropores. This surface allows connective tissue cells to fill the voids and securely fix the implant.

The main advantages of textured endoprostheses:

  1. They practically do not cause pronounced forms of fibrocapsular contracture.
  2. Securely fixed after installation.

Disadvantages of textured implants:

  1. Denser (harder) to the touch.
  2. Expensive.
  3. Slightly lower service life.

Most plastic surgeons, given the disadvantages of smooth endoprostheses, consider them outdated. Textured surfaces are used when materially possible.

The filler of the breast endoprosthesis can be saline solution or silicone gel.

Saline solutions are used the longest (more than 50 years). The liquid chosen was standard saline solution (0.9% sodium chloride).

Pros of saline implants:

  1. Absolutely safe if the filler gets into surrounding tissues (the solution corresponds to blood plasma).
  2. Some of them can be filled during surgery through a special hole, which makes the incision minimal.
  3. Some of these implants can be adjusted after surgery.

The main disadvantages of saline implants:

  1. Low resistance to mechanical damage.
  2. They have a limited service life.
  3. Excessive softness on palpation.

Gel as a filler it began to be used primarily to create a natural feel when touching the breast after mammoplasty.

The following silicone gels are currently used:

  1. Hydrogel.
  2. Highly cohesive filler.
  3. Gel "SOFT TOUCH".

The densest is the highly cohesive filler. When palpated, it gives an unnatural hardness, but does not leak into the surrounding tissues when the membranes rupture.

The hydrogel is soft and natural to the touch. It can leak after injury, gradually undergoes biodegradation in tissues, and is harmless.

Gel "SOFT TOUCH" is considered the most modern. It has an elastic consistency and practically does not enter the surrounding tissues after the implant shell ruptures.

Pros of silicone gels:

  1. Not identified by touch.
  2. Resistant to mechanical damage.
  3. After the shell ruptures, the gel almost does not flow out of the implant into the surrounding tissue.
  4. Absolutely sterile.
  5. Resistant to ptosis.

Disadvantages of silicone filler:

  1. Requires a longer incision for implantation.
  2. Require magnetic resonance monitoring of the integrity of the shell (once every 2 years).

Silicone fillers are currently used much more often than saline fillers in all groups of patients.

The size of the implant can be fixed or adjustable during surgery (saline endoprostheses).

The size is chosen taking into account individual needs. Every 150 ml of filler increases your breast size by 1 size.

Breast implant prices vary from 20,000 to 80,000 rubles per piece.

  • The most expensive are anatomical implants with a textured surface and SOFT TOUCH filler.
  • Hydrogel and highly cohesive filler can reduce the cost of an implant to 40,000-60,000 rubles.
  • The cheapest are round smooth implants.
  • If hydrogel is used as a filler, then the price of the product will be about 30,000-40,000 rubles.
  • Saline round smooth endoprostheses cost up to 30,000 rubles per copy.

Rules for choosing breast implants and service life

The choice of breast implant is best left to an experienced plastic surgeon.

  • For women with severe ptosis and a small volume of their own tissue, round implants of high and medium profile are used.
  • Round low-profile endoprostheses are most suitable for correcting asymmetry.
  • With an initially flat chest, preference is given to anatomical forms of the prosthesis.

In any case, preference should be given to silicone fillers and textured surfaces.

The choice of endoprosthesis size depends on the woman’s wishes and the anatomical structure of the chest.

The size of the implant depends on:

  1. Initial breast size.
  2. Constitution and chest size (asthenic, normosthenic, hypersthenic);
  3. History of childbirth and lactation.
  4. Elasticity of fabrics.
  5. Growth.
  6. Body proportions.
  7. The wishes of the patient.

Modern implants are highly durable and can be used for a long time. Saline endoprostheses are limited to a maximum service life of 18 years. Silicone implants can theoretically be used for life.

Reasons for replacing the endoprosthesis:

  1. Violation of the integrity of the shell.
  2. Changes in breast shape after childbirth and breastfeeding.
  3. Significant change in body weight.
  4. Specific complications of mammoplasty (fibrocapsular contracture, breast deformation, calcification, displacement of the endoprosthesis).

Some modern girls, in pursuit of beauty and changing their appearance, resort to more radical methods of solving this issue, and among the most common plastic surgeries is mammoplasty (silicone breasts). Speaking without medical terms, this is the correction of the mammary glands using surgery. Most often, women enlarge their breasts rather than reduce them.

When considering this issue, from an aesthetic and physiological point of view, such operations no longer cause any surprise. However, there are questions about the admissibility of using this method during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. So, let's take a closer look at this topic and find out what the breasts look like before and after surgery and whether pregnancy is possible with implants inside the mammary glands.

What silicone breasts look like after surgery

For women who want to acquire beautiful breasts, the market has long offered an alternative method of solving this problem - a silicone implant. This product is environmentally friendly and does not pose any harm to health. Therefore, every year there are more and more girls undergoing mammoplasty.

What prompts the female sex to resort to such radical methods? Some people are not satisfied with the shape of their breasts, others do not like their size. Some girls lose their former beauty of the mammary glands after rapid weight loss, pregnancy and lactation, while others have pronounced breast asymmetry. It is with these problems that women come to see a plastic surgeon, hoping to get answers to their problem.

After clarifying some data and conducting diagnostics, the doctor sets a date for the operation and performs surgery with the introduction of a silicone implant, based on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. So, mammoplasty has been performed, what does the happy owner’s breasts look like now?

First of all, it is aesthetic appeal. A woman achieves the desired size and shape, can wear an open neckline and catches the admiring glances of men. Her breasts are elastic and, with high-quality surgery, are practically no different from the real ones. However, silicone breasts also have their disadvantages, but more on that below.

In this case, it is worth noting the contraindications in which breast augmentation surgery is unacceptable:

  • presence of allergic reactions to implant fillers;
  • diseases of the mammary glands;
  • general weakened state of the body;
  • the presence of malignant neoplasms.

Is it possible to wear implants during pregnancy?

Typically, girls who undergo plastic surgery for breast augmentation do not plan to become pregnant afterward. However, there are some unforeseen circumstances and the question arises: is it acceptable to wear endoprostheses during pregnancy?

New generation silicone implants do not have a negative impact on the development of nascent life.

This conclusion was reached by numerous studies and practical activities. However, at this point there are certain nuances.

After the operation and subsequent conception of a child, certain physiological factors that arise in the body due to changes in hormonal levels and preparation for the lactation period are forgotten. During the 9 months of pregnancy, the breasts increase in size, thereby introducing their own adjustments. Due to the growing glandular tissue, the load on the implants increases, and after its reduction, ptosis may occur - drooping of the mammary glands. In this case, from the “apple” shape it goes into the “pear” category. However, this matter can be corrected, again with the help of plastic surgery, but whether it is worth it is up to you to decide.

  • find a specialized obstetrician-gynecologist who knows all the features of pregnancy with endoprostheses inside;
  • You definitely need to monitor your weight and prevent it from increasing (this does not mean dieting, but only proper balanced nutrition);
  • wear a special bra designed to maintain shape;
  • If a cosmetic defect develops, consult a doctor for advice.

Does mammoplasty affect the baby's feeding?

If we consider the possibility of feeding a child after breast augmentation surgery performed in the past, then medical practice does not deny this possibility. Many studies have been conducted, the results of which showed that silicone molecules are present in the breast milk of women with endoprostheses.

If we consider this opinion from the other side, we can find out that some silicone is also contained in artificial mixtures, and the risk of implant rupture is minimized and is only 1.5 percent of the probability.

But what will happen if the endoprosthesis ruptures during breastfeeding? In this case, it is unlikely that the silicone will spread into the milk-producing cells. This is due to the fact that the implant filler contains a high molecular weight, which does not allow it to dissolve in water.

And again, what will happen if silicone nevertheless leaks into the alveoli and mixes with breast milk? Will this be harmful to the child? The answer is simple, silicone implants for plastic surgery contain the same formula as, for example, imported drops used to treat colic in a baby.

However, the possibility of breastfeeding after breast augmentation surgery may have its limitations. They depend on how the incision was made and at what anatomical point the implant was inserted. If it is located above or below the pectoral muscle, it significantly reduces the amount of milk produced. The safest access site is considered to be the area below the breast.

Disadvantages of mammoplasty

If we talk about possible disadvantages and consequences after surgery, we can highlight several points that are quite possible to arise after surgery:

  • unnatural breast shape in relation to body proportions;
  • due to the installation of dense implants, the breasts become too elastic;
  • if the operation is performed poorly, the nipples may be asymmetrical;
  • sometimes stretch marks occur;
  • postoperative complications develop.

In addition, it is worth considering the fact that pressure drops in the first month after surgery are not recommended. Therefore, if a woman who has undergone mammoplasty is going to fly immediately by plane, it is best to abandon this idea. Once your breasts have healed, you can continue to be active and do your daily activities.

It is also worth remembering that any surgical intervention carried out carries its own risks, especially when it comes to pregnancy or breastfeeding.

At this time, it is best to contact a qualified specialist who can suggest individual breast care, this also applies to the lactation period. The doctor will determine whether enough breast milk is being produced, suggest the necessary position for feeding the baby, and teach you how to express the mammary glands correctly, since such actions with silicone breasts have their own peculiarities.

In general, girls who are thinking about pregnancy in the near future should think about whether these actions will be justified. Maybe it’s worth holding off on this idea and giving the baby a chance at full breastfeeding, without any possible problems. It is also worth understanding that not all men like silicone breasts on girls. Their opinion is based on decorative flowers - yes, it’s beautiful and delightful, but what’s the point if it’s not natural. Be that as it may, the decision to undergo mammoplasty is up to you; if you really need and want it, then you can safely make an appointment with a plastic surgeon.