Calling the cat of wishes for real. How to summon an Egyptian cat that grants wishes. How to summon an Egyptian cat: description of the ritual

If you want to know how to summon an Egyptian cat during the day, you will be disappointed, because it is a night spirit. However, there is another similar entity that only comes during the day.

In the article:

How to call an Egyptian cat day or night - rules

Many people ask the question of how to call an Egyptian cat during the day. But it is known that the Egyptian cat comes only after one in the morning. If it's a matter of fears, then there shouldn't be any. This is a good spirit that will not harm you. This is what sets it apart from most other summoned entities, such as Bloody Mary. The worst thing that awaits you is that the Egyptian cat will not come for the reasons described below or other reasons known only to him. But if you still want to engage in summoning during the day, there is also a wish cat that can be summoned at any time of the day.

Why summon this spirit? He grants as many as seven wishes. If you have desires and cannot fulfill them on your own, you can turn to the Egyptian cat. He doesn't take anything in return for this. You shouldn’t ask for the impossible, this is one of the reasons that no one comes to the call.

Another reason is the presence of a cat or cat in the house. If you have such a pet, the Egyptian cat will not answer the call. Choose another room that does not have cats. You can engage in evoking this spirit either alone or with friends. It is believed that you can only do this three times in your life.

After the clock strikes one in the morning, take a piece of paper, a black pen and a pencil. In this way, the summoning ritual is similar to calling a kisser. You should also prepare a flashlight in advance. The sheet of paper can be lined, the main thing is that it is clean and there are no notes or drawings on both sides.

On one side of the sheet, write seven wishes. The list must be numbered. You should not write trivial wishes, but unfulfillable ones are also not suitable. Now turn the sheet over and draw a pyramid on the other side. It should be smooth. Draw a cat on top of the pyramid and paint it over with black paste or pencil. The Egyptian cat is believed to be black in color.

You may be interested in the article: a black cat in the house is a sign

Now place the sheet in the most visible place with the pyramid facing up. If you are doing a challenge with friends, you need to join hands. Say the following words three times:

Egyptian cat, come!

And after that say:

And fulfill our wishes (mine, if you call the cat alone).

Now you need to turn off the light as quickly as possible and leave the room. If you do this slower than five seconds, the cat will consider it disrespectful to his person and will not appear. Perhaps the fact is that the creature does not want to reveal its method of appearing in the room. You can't enter it for a while yet. According to some sources, an hour, according to others - exactly five minutes.

The lights must be turned off in the entire apartment. For this you need to prepare a flashlight. Some people who call the cat advise walking around the house and looking for it, because it can appear anywhere, and not just where the sheet with wishes and the pyramid was left. According to some sources, you can simply sit quietly in another room and return to see or not see the cat.

You need to enter the room without unnecessary noise, because it is known that cats do not like this. The Egyptian cat looks like a black cat, and sometimes appears in the guise of a Sphynx cat. If he washes himself or moves his paw, your wishes will be fulfilled. If he wags his tail, it is useless to hope for help from the cat. He doesn’t show up for a long time, he usually goes away on his own, so there’s no need to chase him away. Many people say that the silhouette should simply melt into thin air, but if this does not happen and the otherworldly animal scares you, say three times:

Egyptian cat, go away!

How to summon a wish cat

The wishing cat looks like the ghost of a white Persian cat. Sometimes she is seen with snow-white wings, which is why it is believed that she is a cat angel. A cat can only grant one wish if it is related to a pet. If you want to get a hamster, get your parents' permission to adopt a stray cat, or have any other desire related to pets, the wish cat will help you.

Unlike the Egyptian cat, which can only be summoned at night, this good spirit can be summoned during the day. Time does not matter here, but you need to do the challenge alone.

You will need a pen, a sheet of paper, two chairs and thread. In addition, you need to find any treat, such as cookies, and a cat toy. If you don’t have the latter, make your own bow on a rope, which is loved by all cats.

The legs of the chairs are tied with threads so that they are tied together. One chair is for you, the second is for the cat of desires. Place treats and toys on it. By the way, most often she doesn’t take anything from it, maybe she doesn’t even try the treat. But there are also stories that after the challenge, the cookie turned out to be bitten.

Write your request very politely on a piece of paper. If you wish, draw a picture that will illustrate your request. It doesn’t matter how high quality it is, the main thing is that it was made by you. Place the sheet near the treat and toy, close all doors and windows, sit in your chair and wait a minute and a half.

Now close your eyes with your hands and say three times:

Cat of wishes, come!

You can’t open your eyes and peek for another minute and a half. During this time, you may feel touches, hear stomping, and perhaps even purr and other sounds unique to cats. Perhaps she will play with the toy left for her and try the treat, but this rarely happens. There is nothing to be afraid of, this is a good cat spirit that protects pets, it will not harm you.

When a minute and a half has passed, say loudly: “Ku-ku!” and only after that open your eyes. Take a closer look, perhaps the sheet of paper and gifts for the cat are located differently. All cats shed, maybe she left some white fur on the carpet. The sheet asking for the fulfillment of a wish should be torn up and thrown out the window.

In general, calling such cat spirits is completely safe and can be performed even by children. However, as with any summoning ritual, with an Egyptian cat you should strictly follow all instructions.

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How to call an Egyptian cat? The most correct rituals

Nowadays they say a lot about how to call an Egyptian cat. This magical animal has been known since prehistoric times. The fact is that cats live in two worlds. They see spirits and communicate with them. If you manage to please this creature, it will help make your most cherished desires come true. That's why people want to know how to call an Egyptian cat. Everyone wants to find the support of a magical creature. Interesting?

Preparing for a magical ritual

It must be said that finding out how to call an Egyptian cat is not enough. He is a magical, witchcraft creature. He will come only when he feels respect from the caller. Therefore, it is necessary to understand what this entity likes and what it does not accept. The Egyptian cat, according to legend, is a big glutton. He likes all sorts of tasty things, for example, fish, sour cream, meat. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare a treat. Let him lie next to the chair, luring him. It is also important to know that this entity disapproves of disorder. If things are scattered around, this may cause his hostility. Then the cat won't appear. Therefore, it is advisable to tidy everything up, wipe off the dust, and wash the floors. The Egyptian wizard doesn't like dust; he smelled it in the pyramids, where it comes to us from! By the way, about his historical homeland. You need to see what the Egyptian pyramids look like. Without general knowledge of the subject, you will not be able to attract this ancient witchcraft creature.

How to summon an Egyptian cat that grants wishes

Let's move on to the ritual itself. It should be carried out late at night, only after the clock shows 1:00. You need to take a blank sheet of paper. On one side, write seven cherished wishes. They should be formulated in detail and clearly so that a creature from another world understands exactly what you want. Turn the sheet over and draw an Egyptian pyramid. It is desirable that the drawing matches the original. It was for this that it was necessary to first become acquainted with the history of the ancient country. Place the sheet on a chair in the center of the room, facing downwards. Say loudly and clearly: “Egyptian cat, appear!” As soon as the last sound leaves your lips, turn and leave the room, tightly closing the doors behind you. You can return in five minutes.

Cat signs

When you get into the room again, you should see a magical animal sitting on a chair with a prepared leaf. Perhaps some of the treats will already disappear. This is a wonderful sign. The cat is ready to help make your wishes come true. If he washes himself, rest assured that everything planned will definitely come true. When the cat hits and plays with its tail, there is no hope for the fulfillment of the cherished goal. Apparently, the Egyptian wizard considered them uninteresting or harmful to the one who wrote (to you). You cannot play with the cat or kick him out. He himself will dissolve in space when he realizes that his thoughts are understood and the signs are heard. Agree, it is important to find out not only how to call an Egyptian cat, but also how to decipher its answer.

How to call an Egyptian cat during the day

For certain reasons, night magic rituals are not suitable for everyone. Many people find it more convenient to communicate with a witchcraft animal during the day. Then change the ritual a little. Prepare the sheet as described above. Don't forget about the pyramid. Then, roll it up into a tube. Take the leaf in your left hand, and in your right hand something tasty for the cat. Walk around the apartment and call the magical animal. Say loudly: “Egyptian cat, appear!” During the day, this semi-terrestrial sorcerer does not particularly like to show himself to the public eye. Therefore, you will know about his appearance by the movement of the curtains, or an unexpectedly falling object. Quickly go there and place the leaf next to it. Also quickly leave the room. You'll be back in about five minutes (time it). If the leaf has completely unfolded, your wishes will come true; if it remains a tube, it will not. Good luck!

How to call an Egyptian cat?

Every person dreams of fulfilling their cherished desires. Some people prefer to achieve this on their own, while others resort to the help of otherworldly forces - fairies, gnomes, the Queen of Spades, etc. And each of these methods is good in its own way, although many people are skeptical about using the spirit call. To believe in this or not to believe is everyone’s personal choice; perhaps it is worth perceiving the “witchcraft” ritual as a game or psychological training that allows you to activate your own internal reserves. But in any case, learning about, for example, how to summon an Egyptian cat will be very interesting.

Who is the Egyptian cat, and why is he able to make wishes come true?

It is known that the Egyptians revered cats as sacred animals, and sometimes as gods themselves. Temples were built in their honor, sacrifices and religious festivals were held, they were mummified after death and buried in rich tombs, like the pharaohs. People usually associate Egyptian cats with hairless Sphynxes, but in fact this breed is called Mau, or more precisely Egyptian Mau. And the descendants of its representatives still exist today.

It is not surprising that the belief arose that these particular animals do not have an earthly essence at all, but can live in the form of spirits in the depths of the “subtle world.” And if you know how to summon an Egyptian cat at home and perform the ritual correctly, then you can order him to fulfill the owner’s wishes and even more than one. It is worth noting that the practice of invoking a helping spirit is a fairly ancient tradition, including in Rus'. And our ancestors sometimes revered cats no less than the Egyptians. For example, it was the cat who was the first to be brought into the new home or given priority in determining the place for the marital bed. Therefore, invoking the essence of the cat is the best option for beginners and curious adherents.

How to summon an Egyptian cat: description of the ritual

Before summoning an Egyptian cat that grants wishes, you should carry out preliminary preparations. Remove unnecessary objects from the access zone; it is also advisable to erect a protective circle. Before the ceremony, you need to tune in to communicate with the spirit, then concentrate on your desires in order to understand that this is really what you want.

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to call an Egyptian cat during the day, since it is scary to do this at night. The rules do not prohibit this, but it is better to call either in the late afternoon - after five o'clock, or late at night - after midnight until the first rooster crow. But the ceremony can only be held in a home where there are no other cats. Procedure:

  1. Draw a stylized pyramid on an old piece of paper.
  2. On the back, write seven of your wishes; the list should be numbered.
  3. Place the paper in the center of the room (protective circle) and say “Egyptian cat appear” three times, and to the last time add “do what I ask.”
  4. Then you need to tiptoe out of the room, without looking back, and carefully close the door.
  5. After an hour, return to the room, and if the ritual was carried out correctly, then you will observe the outlines of a spirit near the paper. If he moves his paw, then your wishes will come true, if he moves his tail, then not.

Is it dangerous to summon an Egyptian cat?

If you follow all the rules, calling a cat will not harm you. During the ritual you cannot make noise or make loud sounds. You cannot scare the spirit by trying to grab it. You just need to wait until it melts. You can’t call on him too often; you can only do this three times in your life. On the fourth day, the cat will take you with it, according to legend, so it’s not worth the risk.

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How to call an Egyptian cat during the day - simple rituals

If you want to know how to call an Egyptian cat during the day, then you will be disappointed, since he only comes at night. However, there is a very similar creature that will happily visit you during daylight hours.

Who is the Egyptian cat? This is a little-known magical entity that can be summoned even by an inexperienced magician. It is known that he can appear only at night, after midnight. Therefore, it will obviously not be possible to meet him during the day.

The main advantage of this entity is that it is very kind and does not cause any damage to people. The worst that can happen is that the ritual simply doesn’t work or the evil spirits decide not to appear. That is why such a ritual is considered very simple, safe, and you can start your magical path with it, and then begin calling on more complex entities: Bloody Mary, mermaids, wish-granting fairies, and so on.

What is an Egyptian cat usually called for? Everything is very simple. This magical essence can make your deepest dreams come true (as many as seven).

However, if these are requests that you yourself are able to fulfill, it is possible that the cat will not come to the rescue. Dreams must be cherished and unrealizable for an ordinary person. An important advantage of a cat is that it does not require replacement. However, the Egyptian cat is not a genie, and will not be able to fulfill absolutely any request.

Read the article about summoning the genie.

For example, you cannot give the love of all the girls on the planet, become the richest man in the world, and so on. There is a very common reason why a cat may refuse to come to you - this is the presence of a cat or cat in the house.

If you have your own furry protector, then you shouldn’t expect help from the entity. Evil spirits are summoned both independently and in company with friends. People are sure that an Egyptian cat can answer a human call no more than 3 times in its life.

There is a very simple ritual for summoning this entity. After midnight, you will need to take a piece of paper, a black pen and a simple pencil. In addition, you will need a light source. You can take a candle or a small flashlight.

You can take a leaf in a checkered pattern, either a line, or completely white. The main thing is that no notes or drawings have been made on it beforehand. On one side, write down your seven most cherished desires. Phrases should be formulated simply and concisely. Turn the piece of paper over and draw a clear, even pyramid on the other side. Draw a cat on top.

It doesn't have to be depicted in great detail. You just need a silhouette, the image needs to be painted over with a pencil or black pen. For some reason, people are sure that the Egyptian cat is dark in color. Place a piece of paper in front of you. If you are performing the ritual with friends, then hold hands and say three times:

Egyptian cat, appear. Fulfill my (our) desires.

Quickly turn off the flashlight or extinguish the candle and leave the room. It is advisable to do this as silently and carefully as possible, because if you tripped over something, hit yourself hard, brushed something off and it fell on the floor, then the loud sound will scare the cat and he will not come.

After this, it is prohibited to re-enter the premises for some time. According to some sources, you can return to the room in just five minutes. Others indicate that it is prohibited to appear in a room where there is an Egyptian cat for a whole hour. Remember, the lights must be turned off in the entire apartment.

As soon as an hour has passed, you need to turn on the flashlight or candle. Lighting your way, you should move around the entire apartment or house and look for the cat. It is believed that it can appear in any corner, and not just in the place where the piece of paper with wishes was left. Other sources indicate that it is not necessary to look for a magical friend.

After the specified time, you need to, armed with a light source, enter the room, and there you will see your guest. It is believed that you need to enter very quietly, since loud sounds can again scare away the animal. If the ritual was successful, then a cat will be waiting for you in the room. If he sits calmly, washes himself or plays, his dreams will definitely come true.

If the animal behaves extremely restlessly and beats its tail irritably, this indicates that it will not be able to help you in any way. If you believe the reviews, then when the entity sees you, it will immediately begin to dissolve into thin air and will soon disappear. However, if this does not happen, then you can get rid of the evil spirits yourself. To do this you need to say:

Egyptian cat, go away.

But not only the frightening sphinx can come to you. If you decide to opt for a ritual that can be performed during the day, then get ready to meet a white fluffy cat. Almost always she appears in the form of a large Persian beauty with snow-white wings. That is why she is sometimes called the “cat angel”.

This magical entity can fulfill just one of your requests, and it must be connected to some kind of animal. For example, if you want to have a pet, but your parents don’t allow you, or if your pet is sick and you want it to get better quickly, and so on.

Important: such a ritual is carried out only in solitude. A Persian cat will not come to a noisy company. You will need to prepare two stools, a sheet of paper, thick thread, a pen, a treat with which you will thank your magical assistant, and a toy for the cat.

If there is no such thing, then you can simply use a stick to which a bow on a long string will be tied. Place the stools opposite each other, tie the legs of each of them tightly with thread. You will sit on one, and the cat on the other. On the one prepared for the magical assistant, place treats and a toy.

On a prepared sheet of paper, depict your request in great detail. Place the leaf under the treats and toys. All windows and doors in the room must be closed. Sit in the place prepared for you, then close your eyes and say three times:

Cat of wishes, come.

Read to 10 and open your eyes. If all things remain untouched, then the cat will not fulfill your dream. If the treat turns out to be bitten, or the toy has changed its location, then your dream will come true.

Such calls to cat spirits are really safe, and even children can use them. Follow all the recommendations and perform the ritual correctly in order to fulfill your cherished dream.

I want to tell you, guys, how to summon an Egyptian cat that grants wishes. You can call it at home, but if your relatives do not allow you to do this at home, then you can go to visit someone, but you cannot perform this ritual on the street.

Egyptian cat - what kind of person is this?

How to call an Egyptian cat at home?

  • You cannot call a cat on the street, because it is still a pet. Moreover, he will not come to you during the day either, so make the call at night, after midnight. Lunar phase does not matter, but it has been noted that most often the spirit of this cat appears precisely on the full moon.
  • So, wait until midnight and start calling the cat.
  • First, light a candle and turn off the light.
  • Next, draw a circle in the center of the room.
  • Then take an old piece of paper and write 7 of your wishes on it.
  • On the back of this piece of paper, draw an Egyptian pyramid as best you can.
  • Now say these words:

"Egyptian cat, come! Egyptian cat, come! Egyptian cat, come! Fulfill my wishes!"

  • Then leave the room without looking back and close the door behind you.
  • After an hour, come in and you will see the spirit of a cat near a piece of paper with wishes. If the cat moves its paw at the same time, then the wishes will come true, but if it moves its tail, it will not.

How to summon an Egyptian cat in the bathroom?

“Come, kitty! Come, darling! Let my desires come true. (Now list all the desires)”

  • Don't turn on the light in the bathroom. Just light three small candles.
  • Then leave the bath and return there after 3 hours.
  • When you enter the bathroom, you will see the shadow of a cat on the wall. If the shadow washes itself, then your wishes will come true soon. If the shadow remains motionless, then the wishes will not come true.
  • Know that the cat fulfills only those wishes that he himself likes. If both you and your wishes please him, then the cat will fulfill your dreams very soon.

You now know how to call an Egyptian cat to grant wishes, so now you don’t have to ask your parents to buy you an iPhone.

Cat of wishes

This is the angel of a white Persian cat. I filmed it, but don’t repeat the mistakes of others. Otherwise you won’t see your wishes come true. Your wish should be about a pet. For example, you want a dog or a hamster... To do this you need:
1. Handle
2. Notebook paper
3. Two chairs
4. Threads
5. Treat (candy, cookies, etc.)
6. Toy
7. And of course your desire.

So here are the instructions:
1. Find a free and quiet room. Drag chairs there and move their legs with thread.
2. Choose a chair for you.
3. Have you made a choice? Then place a treat and a toy on the Cat’s chair. It won't take anything away.
4. What is the sheet for? Now everything will be... Politely ask her for the pet you want. Don't forget to write your address and first and last name. Creative work? Draw your dream pet. Maybe a stream! And it doesn’t matter whether you know how to draw or not... The main thing is yourself!
5. Close doors and windows. Make sure you are alone in the room and time it for one minute and 30 seconds.
6. Sit on a chair and cover your eyes with your palms (do not peek). Say three times: “Cat of Wishes, come!”
7. Don't be afraid! You may feel a slight breeze, hear a noise or a small patter. Touching... This is the business of the Cat. Rejoice! She came.
8. Wait for the time to run out. When it's a minute and 30 seconds. They will pass and shout: “Ku-ku!” and then open your eyes.
9. The cat will not take the leaf, toys and may not eat.
10. Tear the sheet and throw it out the window.


Take a basin, put there: (earrings, beads, etc.), put a plate of water in the middle, you can perfume it, cover it all with a dark towel so that it is dark, say 3 times: “Mermaid, come” and leave the room (at home), so that the room (house) is quiet, come in an hour and see she can pick up what she likes or leave her hair.
You can also call a fashionista, but not a plate of water, but soap.
Checked, I called it myself!
If she didn’t take anything, it means she didn’t like it, and her presence can be seen, either things are out of place or there’s hair on the soap or in the plates.


In a dark room where not even a small point of light can penetrate, place a mirror. Drape the tape over the mirror so that it covers only part of it. Call Cinderella loudly, and then fall silent, maintaining complete silence and darkness. Wait patiently until Cinderella appears in the mirror. She must run along the tape, as if on steps, and when the steps on the tape light up, then go out and Cinderella’s shoe falls off - then make your cherished wish, she will definitely fulfill it.
As is usually the case, the action should take place in the dead of night in pitch darkness.

Gnome baker

To do this, place a napkin, a glass with some kind of drink, a knife, a spoon and a fork on the kitchen table. Then place the candy on the floor. Say 3 times: Dwarf baker, come. In 1 minute he will come - but 2 gnomes can come and one will wake up the oven, and the second will wake up to command you and the gnome baker! When the gnome(s) come, tell the baker what you want from the dishes, and he will bake it! Then tell the baker: Thank you, gnome baker! Then he will take the candy and leave.

How to change eye color

Not verified!
You will need: a candle of the color you want to change your eyes to (basically, you can use as many candles as you want. They say the more the merrier)
Light a candle/candles, sit opposite her/them, concentrate only on the fact that you want to change your eye color. When you feel ready, say the following three times:
Power of three, change
The color of my eyes is from (your color) to (the one you want).
The power of three, manifest
Make my wish come true.
Now clearly imagine how your eyes change their natural color to the color you want. Then say the final formula.

Egyptian cat

How to summon an Egyptian cat: you need to take a piece of paper and write 7 wishes on one side and a pyramid on the other. Place your wishes down and say 3 times: “Egyptian cat, appear!” Then leave the room for 5 minutes, and when you arrive the cat will be sitting. Pay attention to the behavior: if he licks his paw, his wishes are fulfilled, but if he twitches his tail, his wishes are not. Call after 01:00. There is no need to kick him out, he will disappear on his own.

Each of us in childhood heard from friends scary or funny stories about summoning mystical creatures, for example, fairies, gnomes and spirits who could make any wish come true. Many then, having heard enough of such “fairy tales,” even tried to summon some kind of spirit.

It may seem funny, but even when people grow up, they are still worried about the same old question: how to summon a wish-granting spirit. And you can do this even at home, you don’t have to visit professional magicians, there are many different rituals.

To summon entities, there are certain techniques, rituals, and rituals. Some of them are not as safe as they seem at first glance.

Before calling on a good spirit to fulfill a wish, read several conditions:

Preparing for the ceremony at home

Before the ritual you need to free yourself from heavy thoughts and tune in to harmony. After all, whatever type of energy a person produces, such spirits come to him. The easiest, fastest and most effective way to calm down and tune in to the right mood is meditation.

Before the ritual, you need to concentrate on your desires to make sure once again that this is really what you want to get.

Who can you call during the day?

Good spirits do not have a permanent form and can appear before us in their true form or in an imagined image. For example, a brownie can take the form of a cat or a small child. But most often they can be noticed with peripheral vision as a shadow flashing towards the closet or behind the refrigerator. If you make friends with him, you can stop worrying for home safety, all things will be in their places, and the owners of the house will know in advance about the arrival of guests by a knock from the closet in the hallway. If you ask the brownie for help and advice, he will indicate the correct solution.

Good spirits appear at any time of the day. Even during the day, in the light of the bright sun, their subtle component is capable of condensing so much that for some time they take on the outlines of a material object.

Animal spirits also appear to people who love them, and sometimes take on the role of fulfiller of cherished desires.

For example, the Egyptian cat looks like an ordinary cat, only without hair, and its ears are very large and look like locators . This is a good essence and she will not be able to cause any damage. The worst that can happen is that the mustachioed wizard doesn’t want to show up and the ritual simply won’t work.

Egyptian cat

In ancient Egypt, the cat was a sacred animal and was worshiped as a deity. The Egyptians believed that cats had an unearthly essence and could live as spirits between the real world and the other world. In Rus', the cat was revered no less than the Egyptians; it was not for nothing that he was the first to be let into a new home and trusted to determine the place for the matrimonial bed and the cradle of the child. Therefore, calling this particular good essence is the best option for beginning magicians.

Before calling an Egyptian cat that grants wishes, you should definitely prepare thoroughly. An important condition when calling this entity is the complete absence of representatives of the cat family in the house. The spirits of deceased cats will not tolerate the presence of living cats in the same room as them.

It is known that the Egyptian cat is an exclusively nocturnal creature, so it should be called after midnight and precisely on the full moon:

It is believed that the behavior of the cat's spirit can determine whether it will fulfill its wishes. If the fortuneteller saw that the cat was washing itself or playing with its paw, then this is a good sign and all wishes will soon come true. If he wags his tail irritably and gets angry, then no, he is not going to help you.

Usually the Egyptian cat leaves on its own after the ritual; there is no need to drive it away; the silhouette of the animal will simply disappear into the air. But if this does not happen and the cat continues to be in the room, you need to say three times: “Egyptian cat go away!”

In the section on the question of how to summon the Cat of Wishes asked by the author old world the best answer is Cat of wishes
This is the angel of a white Persian cat. I filmed it, but don’t repeat the mistakes of others. Otherwise you won’t see your wishes come true. Your wish should be about a pet. For example, you want a dog or a hamster... To do this you need:
1. Handle
2. Notebook paper
3. Two chairs
4. Threads
5. Treat (candy, cookies, etc.)
6. Toy
7. And of course your desire.
So here are the instructions:
1. Find a free and quiet room. Drag chairs there and move their legs with thread.
2. Choose a chair for you.
3. Have you made a choice? Then place a treat and a toy on the Cat’s chair. It won't take anything away.
4. What is the sheet for? Now everything will be... Politely ask her for the pet you want. Don't forget to write your address and first and last name. Creative work? Draw your dream pet. Maybe a stream! And it doesn’t matter whether you know how to draw or not... The main thing is yourself!
5. Close doors and windows. Make sure you are alone in the room and time it for one minute and 30 seconds.
6. Sit on a chair and cover your eyes with your palms (do not peek). Say three times: “Cat of Wishes, come!”
7. Don't be afraid! You may feel a slight breeze, hear a noise or a small patter. Touching... This is the business of the Cat. Rejoice! She came.
8. Wait for the time to run out. When it's a minute and 30 seconds. They will pass, shout: “Ku-ku!” and then open your eyes.
9. The cat will not take the leaf, toys and may not eat.
10. Tear the sheet and throw it out the window.
For more details, visit the “Horror Story” website, take a look, you won’t regret it: