Weight of shorthaired pointer at 2 months. Shorthaired Pointer: a complete description of the breed and the nuances of hunting. History of the origin of the breed

The German shorthaired pointer is the most popular breed of the trio of German hunting dogs. The other two are drathaar and langhaar. The first of them has longer hair on the face, while the second has long undercoat on the body and a different body color. The name of the breed translated from German means short-haired. Hence the dog’s second name – shorthaired pointer. It is also called the German pointer.

general characteristics

The shorthaired pointer is a breed created specifically for hunting. People have used it for these purposes since ancient times, even when there were no guns in use and birds were caught using nets or tamed birds of prey. The Pointer has the innate ability to stand completely still, so there is no need to specially train the dog in this skill. Developed muscles allow the pointer to run and swim well. All this makes the breed ideal for people who hunt.

The German pointer shorthaired pointer attracts not only its hunting abilities, but also its beautiful appearance, good intelligence and good-natured character, which makes it popular not only among hunting enthusiasts, but also among all other people.

Gallery: shorthaired pointer dog (25 photos)

History of the origin of the shorthaired pointer breed

The distant ancestors of the German Pointer were used by the German and Austrian nobility. However, more detailed information about those breeds, unfortunately, has not reached our days. Therefore, the origin of the Shorthaired Pointer dog breed is judged more by indirect facts than by real ones. The only thing that is known for sure is that the shorthaired pointer breed standard appeared somewhere between the 60s and 70s of the 19th century in Germany.

Before firearms were invented, three types of dogs were used for hunting purposes:

  1. Baiting dogs were used to chase down large animals;
  2. A pack of greyhounds chased a pack of wolves or large animals such as deer;
  3. The hounds were engaged in a completely different type of activity - they had to catch up with small but nimble animals, such as hares.

These breeds had a good sense of smell and were hardy. Cops were used in bird hunting. Having found the prey, the dog lay down next to it. Thanks to this, she got her name - cop.

Of all the breeds that hunted game, the Spanish Pointer was popular. There were also similar Italian types of breeds. It is believed that the modern German Shorthaired Pointer originated from these types of breeds, however, this is not known for sure.

Initially, in England and Germany only people from high society were involved in hunting. Later it became available to all people. And then firearms were invented, and then the rules of hunting themselves changed. There was no longer a need to keep a whole pack of dogs; one or two dogs were enough.

At the beginning of the 17th century, people started breeding books. At the same time, the English Pointer underwent some transformation, becoming a gun dog, that is, an assistant to a person hunting with a gun. German hunting dogs began to be crossed with English ones, and at the end of the century the German shorthaired pointer began to form. The resulting breed began to often participate in exhibitions.

The German pointer quickly gained popularity throughout the world. In America it has become the most popular hunting breed. In Russia, the dog gradually gained fame. The very energetic breed was inferior in popularity to the more familiar, calm and strong huskies. Shorthaired Pointers require a lot of physical activity, which is not always possible in urban conditions, so now the distribution of the breed has become somewhat less common.

Description of the shorthaired pointer breed

The description of the cop has not yet been completely completed, since selectors are still actively developing the breed, improving certain qualities of the dog. The main goal is to reduce the risk of a dog developing one of the hereditary diseases, while maintaining its appearance and working characteristics.

In general, the breed standard gives the following description:

Acceptable coat colors:

  • Most preferred - brown with dark or light spots. They are located in the chest area and paws.
  • Intense brown with ripples. The most successful type of pattern for working dogs. The lightest parts of the body are the belly and the backs of the paws. The head has predominantly dark colors.
  • Light brown. Similar to the previous type. Dark color on the head, but more white on the body.
  • Completely brown.
  • Primary colors- white or black, and the spots are brown.

Description of character and habits

German cops attached to family members and always follow the owner. Sometimes this can create problems. Left alone for a long time, the dog gets bored and may even howl with melancholy. Treats strangers depending on the mood of the owner. However, although he does not show aggression towards a stranger, he will not joyfully rush towards him either, but will always give preference to his family. Treats children well, steadfastly endures children's pranks.

It takes a while for him to get used to new family members. Can be a good watchman - a keen sense of smell and loud barking contribute well to this. The dog lacks aggression, so it is not suitable for protection. The dog is also not characterized by dominance, so in most cases gets along well with other dogs, gets along even with individuals of the same sex.

If you raise your dog well, he will be tolerant of small animals. However, the hunter instinct inherent in it is very strong, so even a well-trained dog can chase a cat on the street. Even if a pet does not pay attention to domestic cats, this does not always mean that it will ignore street cats.

In terms of intelligence, the shorthaired pointer is approximately in fifteenth to twentieth place. Puppies are quite smart and learn quickly. Trying to please the owner, they rarely show stubbornness. But at the same time, the owner must still be demanding and look like an unquestioning leader in the eyes of the pet. The reason is that The breed gets carried away easily. Having caught a new smell, it can immediately evaporate, rushing to search for the source of the smell. At such moments, the puppy can be so engrossed in what he is doing that he completely stops paying attention to the owner’s orders. Therefore, to prevent the situation from getting worse in the future, when training you need to be firm.

The shorthaired pointer is a very energetic dog. You can follow the trail or play for hours on end. To her requires several hours of physical activity a day, since even a long walk on foot will not fully satisfy her. For people who run every day, a dog will be an ideal companion.

The dog loves to bark. If you don't give her a daily release of energy for many hours, she can bark for many hours in a row. If you do not give your dog the opportunity to constantly splash out his energy on the street, he may develop problems with both behavior and health, including mental health.

The German shorthaired pointer is an active and energetic dog with a very sensitive sense of smell, this should always be remembered. She can easily escape from the yard area by jumping over the fence if she catches an interesting smell somewhere in the distance. Exploring something new is in the very genes of the breed.

The breed sheds three times a year. During this period, you need to comb the dog’s fur with a brush-mitten during walks, and after returning home, you can also wipe the dog with a wet rubber glove.

You don't need to bathe often, once a month is enough. If you do this more often, the coat may lose its shine and the fatty layer that serves as protection against dirt. The breed loves to swim, so in the cold season you cannot immediately take it outside, otherwise the pet may catch a cold.

You need to constantly take care of your dog's ears so that they remain clean and dry at all times. Contaminants are removed with a cotton swab. After each walk, the dog's ears should be examined.

The eyes should also remain clean and clear. If necessary, wipe them with clean soft cotton wool. It can be pre-moistened with weak tea leaves. If your eyes turn sour frequently and severely, you should contact your veterinarian. Nails are trimmed once a month with a special nail clipper.

The basis of the shorthaired pointer's diet is animal protein - meat in almost any form, raw, boiled or cut into pieces. But it’s better not to give minced meat, it is not digestible. The puppy requires dairy products rich in calcium. When your pet reaches three months of age, the amount of dairy products in the diet should be reduced.

Cereals are good for dogs. But you can't give potatoes. The same goes for offal such as sausage or frankfurters. Vegetables such as carrots, pumpkin and others must be present in the diet. Watch this video on YouTube shorthaired pointer training features. Kurzhaar character traits. And if you liked it, like it and share it with friends who might be interested in this video. Add me on social networks: Instagram https://www.instagram.com/sunnyventa/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ groups/sunnydog/?fref=ts Vkontakte https://vk.com/sam_sebe_kinolog Websites www.best4puppy.com www.allhendling.com www.dres.in.ua Free puppy training course http://www.best4puppy.com /dressirovka-shenka-doma-video-kurs/ We are on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sunnydogonline/ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/sunnydog_onlinedressirovka/ VK https://vk.com/sam_sebe_kinolog Communication via telegram, viber and whatsapp on the website sunny.dog - contacts section We are on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sunnydogonline/ Vkontakte https://vk.com/sunnydog_academy Instagram https://www.instagram.com /sunnydog_academy/">


You need to start raising and training the shorthaired pointer as early as possible. They are known for developing quickly from a physical point of view and slowly from a mental point of view. If you don’t start educational work in time, it will be difficult to change the dog’s character in the future.

Necessary rules to follow when training:


The German Shorthaired Pointer is a working breed bred specifically for hunting purposes. Hunting genes are strongly expressed and constantly make themselves felt. Therefore, the dog needs to be raised well, otherwise during walks it will chase all the cats it meets.

In addition, the dog is very active and requires constant physical activity. It is not at all suitable for a person leading a sedentary lifestyle, but for athletes who engage in sports such as running or cycling, it will be an ideal companion.

A dog reveals all its inclinations and abilities to the fullest during the hunt.

A born hunter, the Shorthaired Pointer, also known as the German Pointer, enjoys considerable popularity in Europe and in our country.

Standing ability that does not need to be taught, makes the dog an ideal companion when hunting fur-bearing animals and game.

It is believed that the ancestors of the breed were bird hunters in Asia, who were transported to the Mediterranean countries, and then to Germany. Here, after a long crossbreeding with hounds and pointers, the elegant German we know appeared. Close relatives of this wonderful breed are the Langhaar and the German Bracket and the Russian Pointer.

The most important quality of these dogs was the ability to stand. The demand for a standing dog increased after the production of the first double-barreled shotgun (1750). Game birds were shot in flight in front of the dog. This was the beginning of the transition from a pure standing pointing dog to an all-around gun dog.

Since 1897, the “Stud Book of the German Shorthaired Pointer” has appeared - a decisive document for the formation and breeding of the breed. Prince Albrecht zu Solms-Braunfeld established the characteristics of the breed, the rules for evaluating the exterior, as well as simple rules for testing hunting dogs.

Description of the breed

FCI Standard No. 119 dated April 25, 2001 “German Short-haired Pointing Dog.”
Group 7 "Cops".
Section 1 “Continental Pointers”.

The shorthaired pointer breed standard limits height range at withers:

  • males 62 - 66 cm;
  • females 58 - 63 cm.

There are no weight restrictions.

How long does the shorthaired pointer live? Under proper conditions of detention Life expectancy ranges from 13-16 years.

Shorthaired Pointer: description of the breed contains p proportional physique with strong bones and developed muscles. A somewhat elongated wedge-shaped head, the forehead is not wide, smoothly transitioning to a narrow, elongated muzzle. The neck stands at an angle of 40º in relation to the body, arched at the top.

The defect is a hunchback or slightly sagging back.

The hanging ears, lying close to the cheeks, reach the corners of the lips. Dark brown eyes are tightly closed with eyelids. You can determine the color of a young pet by the color of the nose: a chestnut nose means brown, a dark nose means black, and so on.

The coat of the German Pointer is thick, dense and short. On the ears and face the coat is shorter and softer, as is the case on the limbs. The following colors are allowed:

  • solid brown, no marks;
  • brown with small white markings or specks on the chest or paws;
  • dark brown roan with a brown head, brown spots or specks;
  • light brown roan with a brown head, brown spots, speckles or no spots;
  • black color with the same shades as brown or brown-roan.

Tan markings are acceptable.

Wool is similar to the feathers of waterfowl: it does not get wet and helps maintain body temperature.

Character, abilities, skills

Sometimes it seems that this dog’s “batteries” never run out, he has such inexhaustible energy. If they need a hunting partner, then from puppyhood they are taught to restrain their emotions.

For those who do not like hunting, the shorthaired pointer can skillfully cope with both protecting property and participating in running competitions.

Dogs of this breed are imaginative and intelligent, and have a large number of innate skills and abilities. With this, the dog can become a watchman, a tracker, and a swimmer.

The main characteristic of the shorthaired pointer breed is instinctive ability to take a hunting stance for birds and small fur-bearing animals. At this moment, the shorthaired pointer is like an arrow: its head is lowered low, its paw is raised, its tail is straightened, and its gaze is fixed on the eyes of the victim.

It should be noted that this breed is for an experienced owner. It should be firmly established from a very young age on the puppy who is the real owner of the entrusted territory.

A cheerful character is fraught if there is a small child at home. The dog will not harm the baby, but may accidentally drop him during play.

The love of barking is one of the weaknesses of the breed.

Kurzhaar or drathaar, who to choose? These breeds are very similar, but there are significant differences depending on their working functions.

The shorthaired pointer is distinguished by a more developed sense of smell, high speed of movement. But the drathaar's swimming skills are higher. This dog is more resilient, but less graceful.

Dog owners note that when kept in an apartment shorthaired pointers are less whimsical and leave less dirt and fur. Drahthaars can live outside the home and are not whimsical to the attention of the owner, but if you need not only a partner for active recreation, but a faithful friend, then the choice of the shorthaired pointer is obvious.

Care and maintenance

The best place to live for a pet is a private home, but keeping a shorthaired pointer in an apartment is also possible. You should walk your pet at least 2 times a day, releasing its energy. The chance to explore the surroundings without a leash and have plenty of frolic in the yard will be the key to an obedient and healthy animal.

They bathe the shorthaired pointer as necessary, when it becomes very dirty, and should be combed at least once a week.

A short and hard coat will not protect against severe shedding.

It is necessary to keep the ears and eyes clean, carefully removing any discharge. Kurtshaara nThey don’t leave him alone for a long time - communication is very important to him. If it is deficient, the dog will become hyperactive and uncontrollable. It is better to provide your pet with toys so that they do not become slippers and personal belongings of the owner.

We should not forget about and.

What to feed the shorthaired pointer? The diet of a puppy or adult dog consists of either natural food or dry food. Mixing the two types of feeding is extremely undesirable for your pet’s digestion.

When choosing dry food, you should use premium class nutrition and higher (super-premium, holistic). The natural menu includes dairy products, lean meat, offal, cereals and vegetables. Portion sizes should be moderate as the breed is prone to obesity.

The basic rule for any breed is unhindered 24/7 access to drinking water.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the breed include:

  • activity and friendliness;
  • universal hunting and guard skills;
  • intelligence, ability to train;
  • lack of predisposition to diseases (,);
  • relatively long lifespan.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • need for regular active walks;
  • innate energy may affect relationships with other pets;
  • More suitable for hunting than for regular house keeping.

Innate hunting qualities, combined with excellent guarding talent and the loyalty of a true friend, make the shorthaired pointer a desirable pet. Bring this smart and affectionate animal into your home - and life will become brighter!

Additionally, check out the video about German pointer shorthaired pointers: description of the breed, disadvantages and advantages, and much more.

For people who are passionate about hunting, the choice of a four-legged companion is of fundamental importance. One of the universal hunting dogs is the shorthaired pointer, which works well on almost any animal and bird. She is an excellent swimmer. In addition, having an easy-going character and a kind soul, he will find an approach to all family members and become their devoted friend and companion.

From the history of the breed

The shorthaired pointer's family tree originates from dogs that were actively used for bird hunting in the Mediterranean. They reached German estates through Spain, France and Flanders. One of her main advantages is her ability to work in a stand-up position.

Soon after the first double-barreled gun appeared, the need arose for a dog that would work for fly hunting. This served as a transition point from a purebred pointer to a universal gun breed. It was called the German Shorthaired Pointer. You can see photos of these dogs in the article. They were crossed to give them agility with a Fox Hound and with a Blood Hound to acquire a keen sense of smell.

At the moment, the German Shorthaired Pointer is still going through the breeding and improvement filters. The established standard assumes the physique of a universal hunting dog that can fulfill all the requirements associated with capturing an animal or bird, even in adulthood.

General and dimensions

It should be noted that the German Pointer Shorthaired Pointer is a fairly large dog. The height at the withers in males reaches 58.5-63.5 cm, and in females - 53-58.5 cm, and weight up to 32 and 27 kg, respectively. The life expectancy of representatives of the breed is on average 12-15 years.

The shorthaired pointer has a noble and courageous, beautiful appearance. The chest is not as deep as that of a Pointer, and the legs are slender. The standard color is solid coffee, or spotted coffee with specks, brown-piebald with specks and speckles, coffee-piebald and black-piebald. When you first meet a dog, you get the impression of a well-built, aristocratic-looking animal with a cheerful disposition and intelligent eyes, which, however, is confirmed in the future.

Excerpts from the standard

Here are a few requirements of the standard regarding the described breed:

  1. The German shorthaired pointer cannot be too large or small in size and must correspond to the above parameters at the withers.
  2. The dog's head is dry, not light, but not heavy either, and corresponds in proportion to the body. The skull is slightly rounded and quite wide. The nose is brown, the nostrils are wide and open.
  3. The tail is set high, thick at the base and gradually tapering towards the end. It is cut off by half the length or 2/5 of the length. When the dog is calm, the tail is lowered down; when moving, it is horizontal, but never curled over the back or raised.
  4. According to the standard, the German shorthaired pointer has rounded paws collected in a “ball”, or in the shape of a spoon with thick pads. They should not be turned in or out. The fingers are arched with powerful claws.

Character traits

The shorthaired pointer has an even and calm disposition. He is valued for his high performance, endurance, strength, speed, loyalty and sociability. They are not aggressive and do not bite, but at the same time they easily cope with the role

Representatives of the breed, as noted by breeders, are lovers of barking. In order for this feature not to interfere with hunting, it is necessary to teach them from childhood to give voice only when given a signal.

By the way, the German shorthaired pointer is quite easy to train; it is smart and receptive to learning. However, he is characterized by a tendency to dominate, so it is necessary to clarify who is the boss in the house right away, otherwise he will feel weak and quickly understand who can be manipulated.

Dogs absolutely cannot stand loneliness. They are very sociable and get along well with all family members, including children. You should be careful with the latter, as a good-natured dog can simply knock them off their feet in a fit of joy.

The listed facts once again confirm that the breed is universal in all respects. In addition to being an excellent hunter, you will get a loyal friend and a favorite of the whole family.

Walking and exercise

The German shorthaired pointer is very energetic and rarely rests. That is why she needs long walks in the fresh air, active games and fast running. Inclement weather does not bother her.

The dog must give vent to his emotions, otherwise he will start looking for entertainment in the house. Walks should be long and at least 2 times a day. The shorthaired pointer simply needs physical activity, so be sure to play with the dog. She especially likes to fetch something, and the further you throw the object (stick, plate, etc.), the better.

Dog care

Be sure to provide them with good rubber toys and ropes, otherwise they may take on household items such as slippers, shoes and furniture. The thick coat also requires constant care and needs to be brushed regularly.


The described breed is distinguished by good health and excellent immunity in general. Using them for hunting in water and in inclement weather conditions is quite acceptable. Their thick wool dries quickly and at the same time warms well.

In rare cases, the German Shorthaired Pointer dog suffers from joint diseases and hip dysplasia, which are typical for other sporting and hunting breeds. Diseases such as melanoma, cataracts, epilepsy, raw eczema and obesity may occur in the case of a sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity.

An important point is the ears. It is necessary to monitor their condition, maintaining cleanliness. In order to prevent various diseases, Shorthaired Pointers are required to receive all necessary (as recommended by a veterinarian) vaccinations.


In order for a dog to develop properly, be active, mobile and cheerful, it requires balanced and proper nutrition in the required quantity. The German shorthaired pointer is a hunter, so it is not difficult to guess that the basis of its diet should be meat (50%). Naturally, these must be high-quality and safe products.

Meat also includes offal, but in no case sausage or frankfurters. In addition, the dog needs clean water, vegetables and fruits (raw or boiled), as well as special multivitamins. Once or twice a week you can give dairy products, cereals, not too bony fish, eggs. Experts recommend excluding pasta, peas, potatoes and various sweets from your diet.

The number of meals depends directly on the age of the pet. So, small puppies under the age of 3 months should eat frequently - 5-6 times, from six months this number is reduced to 3-4. For adult dogs, it is enough to feed them twice a day.

How to choose a puppy?

After making the decision to buy a German Shorthaired Pointer puppy, the question of how to choose one always arises. A registered standard will help you avoid mistakes. The external characteristics of the dog, its pedigree - all these are fundamental factors that will help you choose a true hunter and devoted friend, a family favorite and an athlete with excellent character and heredity. When choosing a puppy, pay special attention to the following points:

  1. Floor. Males are excellent hunters at any time of the year, and females are best suited for breeding the breed and subsequently selling puppies.
  2. General appearance, including color, stance, ears, tail, correct bite, running.
  3. Age. Experts recommend taking small puppies - ideally up to 4 months or, in extreme cases, six months. This is important not only for the owner, but also for the dog, since at a young age it is easier for them to adapt to new conditions.
  4. Qualities of parents. To do this, you should pay close attention to the puppy’s pedigree.

Hunting with shorthaired pointer

As already mentioned, the breed is universal. The shorthaired pointer is a born hunter - this is his direct purpose. He is extremely unpretentious, reliable, and there are no obstacles for him when hunting. It works equally well in winter on snow, in strong winds, rain or complete calm, in a swamp or in the forest.

In the summer, you don’t have to worry about insects, which the dog doesn’t care about because of its hard and dense coat. In winter, when hunting, she easily tolerates frosts down to -20°C, but if there is a draft in the car, when moving, she can catch a cold. Copes well with ponds in spring and summer. However, if the water is cold, then after the hunt the dog should be dried and covered with a cape.

At home, the Shorthaired Pointer can get bored and become passive. His calling is nature and hunting. Only there his tireless character is fully revealed. He changes before his eyes as soon as he sees that his owner is going on a hunt and remains extremely grateful to him after it is completed.

MOKO "German shorthaired pointer"

In our country, as in many others, there is an interregional public kennel club, the members of which are the owners of the German Shorthaired Pointer. Due to the fact that the vast majority of its members are active hunters, the organization’s work is aimed at achieving maximum effect from the use of dogs in this matter.

A lot of useful information, communication with club experts and simply fellow hobbyists will certainly bring a lot of new things into your life. All community members receive a number of benefits, namely:

  • receiving up-to-date information about club events before others;
  • a 25-30% discount on participation in club competitions;
  • the ability to create a blog and communicate with other club members;
  • assistance in preparing documents in RKF and RORS;
  • free posting of information about your dogs, etc.

If you prefer active recreation and are fond of hunting, then the Shorthaired Pointer dog is exactly what you need.

This most popular hunting dog comes from Germany. Shorthaired Pointers are capable of hunting in any terrain and any game. They are distinguished by the presence of guard qualities.

If you live in a city apartment, then this dog will not cause any trouble. Gets along well with other animals and gets along with people. Recognizes one person as the owner. Great with children. Such a quality as aggression is not familiar to them.

  1. The weight of cables varies from 25 to 32 kg, females - 21 - 27 kg.
  2. The height at the withers is on average 65 cm in males and 60 cm in females.
  3. The color can be solid black or brown, combined with white spots or yellow markings.
  4. The coat is short and lies close. It feels hard and rough to the touch.


Kurzhaar is one of three varieties of German cops. There are also langhaar. They differ mainly in the type of coat. The drathaar has long hair on its face. The Langhaar has much softer and longer fur. Especially noticeable on the tail and ears.


Due to its universal qualities, the shorthaired pointer is popular not only in its homeland in Germany. This breed of dog can be found in absolutely any country in the world. In Russia, shorthaired pointers began to gain popularity at the end of the 20th century.

These dogs were bred as universal hunters. They are able to hunt under any conditions and for any game. They feel better in open spaces than in the forest. But this breed has the ability to adapt. And not only to the conditions in which you have to hunt, but also to the prey. The shorthaired pointer can change its hunting style, depending on what kind of game it hunts.

Dogs of this breed are perfectly adapted to water bird hunting. Due to the fact that they have coarse wool that fits tightly to the body, it has excellent water-repellent properties. Webbed feet allow them to swim quickly and for a long time. And thanks to the fact that they have long claws, they are able to run on any surface, even in the mountains.

Shorthaired Pointer - an animal with excellent posture

Among the qualities we can especially highlight strength and endurance. Qualities that contribute to hunting are a subtle sense of smell and a good nose. He is always ready to hunt and only waits for his owner’s command.

Shorthaired pointers have a hunting stance in their blood. In it, they lower their head low, raise their paw, straighten their tail and glare at the prey. In this position, the dog looks like an arrow, ready to hit the target when ordered. It is noteworthy that already at the age of 2 - 3 months, the shorthaired pointer puppy will take a stance if it finds a feather.

Even without taking a stance, shorthaired pointers have excellent posture. The contour lines are smooth, the head is small and proportional to the body. The muzzle is long, which is a plus for hunting dogs.

Much strength lies in the rear legs of the Shorthaired Pointer. Thanks to this, they can jump high and cover long distances.

Shorthaired Pointers live on average 13 – 16 years old.


Shorthaired pointer - animal peaceful and calm. Representatives of this breed do not exhibit attacks of aggression, although they can serve as a watchdog. To maintain mental balance, it is necessary to give them enough physical activity every day.

These dogs can live well in city ​​apartments. They love the company of people, but are devoted to one owner. He never shows aggression towards children. He can become a wonderful friend for them. But you shouldn’t leave the shorthaired pointer alone with small children. This is an active dog and when playing can inadvertently knock children down.

Loneliness is painful to bear and they suffer greatly when separated from their owner. Therefore, before you get a dog of this breed, make sure that you will be able to give her enough attention. And also provide her with good physical activity.

In a hunting stance


Raising and training shorthaired pointers should begin as early as possible. These dogs have a fairly developed intelligence and highly trainable. If you don’t start raising a puppy on time, it will be quite difficult to correct.

Shorthaired Pointer training must be carried out in compliance with Basic Rules:

  • start training as early as possible and patiently achieve commands;
  • pronounce commands briefly, clearly and calmly;
  • if you have determined a ban for a dog, then never allow it to be violated;
  • do not resort to deception to achieve a better result;
  • work with the puppy systematically, without long breaks;
  • reward with treats;
  • lessons should not be too long so that the puppy does not get tired;
  • do not resort to physical punishment.

After training the basic commands, the dog is taught hunting rules. The basic working qualities of Shorthaired Pointers are inherited, so a person is only required to reveal and strengthen them.

Shorthaired Pointers should be prohibited from hunting from an early age. on pets. If you don't do this, problems may arise in the future.

Shorthaired Pointer dogs do not show aggression towards people. If the shorthaired pointer feels that a person is unfriendly, he will bypass him.

Black color with white spots

Features of care and maintenance

Caring for this breed is easy. Particular attention should be paid clean ears and teeth. Trim nails regularly. Wool does not need frequent washing, but it must be combed regularly. Although Shorthaired Pointers are short-haired, they shed quite heavily.

It should be emphasized that their fur does not stick to clothes and furniture. Therefore they are perfect for maintenance in city apartments. If, of course, the owner provides her with active physical activity.

Features of feeding

Kurzhaar - dog unpretentious. This also applies to feeding. The only thing that is not recommended to feed the shorthaired pointer is food from the human table.

If you decide to feed your pet dry food, then choose more expensive varieties. If you create a diet yourself, then 50% of the shorthaired pointer’s diet should consist of meat. It can be given raw or cooked. Vegetables, eggs and dairy products should also be present.

Video about the breed

Video about the breed

Choosing a puppy

In our country, it is customary to hand over puppies to new owners. at one month of age. He is already ready to be separated from his mother and will more easily get used to the new conditions. At a young age, dogs are easier to train and will grow stronger and more resilient.

If you are unable to adopt a puppy, you can purchase a young dog under the age of one year. At this age, the dog will still get used to the new owner, provided that enough attention is paid to it.

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Adult Shorthaired Pointers have difficulty getting used to a new owner, because this breed is distinguished by loyalty. And it will be more difficult to re-educate her.

If you need a dog for hunting, then you should make a choice in favor of puppies with pedigree. Otherwise, there is no guarantee about the hereditary qualities and abilities of the dog. Unscrupulous breeders may sell puppies from unscheduled matings.

When choosing a puppy, you need to pay attention first of all to the achievements of the parents. After studying the pedigree, pay attention to the physique and posture. Particular attention should be paid to the development of the musculoskeletal system.

Before purchasing a puppy you must prepare a place for him in the apartment. And also think about such things as walking him and feeding him in your absence.

The price for shorthaired pointer puppies varies on average from 10000 rub (no pedigree) and from 25000 (with pedigree). The price is mainly influenced by the achievements and titles of the parents.

Shorthaired Pointer puppy

Advantages and disadvantages


  • excellent hunter;
  • friendly;
  • treats children well;
  • unpretentious.


  • requires daily physical activity;
  • can sometimes be too active;
  • It takes time to train and maintain shape.

If you are a lover of hunting and active recreation, then the shorthaired pointer will become your comrade and devoted friend. And thanks to her friendly character, she can become a wonderful nanny for your children.

(German Shorthaired Pointer) is a representative of the hunting breed, originally from Germany.

Universal Hunter, is able to hunt various game in different terrain and any weather.

The shorthaired pointer is a brave and resilient dog, very smart, learns quickly and makes decisions quickly. In addition to excellent qualities as a hunter, it has watchdog qualities, gets along well with a family, loves children, but can only recognize one person as the owner.

Description of the shorthaired pointer breed and the FCI standard

Since the shorthaired pointer was bred specifically as a hunting breed, the characteristics are appropriate: short, hard hair does not cling to branches and bushes, the paws are muscular and strong, thanks to which the dog can cover a long distance. Harmoniously built, with a powerful and at the same time graceful body.

  1. Country of origin: Germany.
  2. Use: universal hunting dog.
  3. FCI classification: Group 7 Pointing dogs. Section 1 Continental pointing dogs, type "Brakk". With working tests.
  4. General appearance: the shorthaired pointer is a harmoniously built, noble-looking, strong, hardy and fast dog with a proud bearing; the contour lines are smooth, the dry head, well-set tail, hard shiny coat, harmonious movements emphasize the nobility of the breed.
  5. Important proportions: The length of the body is slightly greater than the height at the withers.
  6. Behavior/Character: balanced, reliable, reserved, flexible, never nervous, timid or aggressive.
  7. Head: dry, with distinct outlines, neither heavy nor light, harmonious in size and massiveness to the size and gender of the dog.
    1. Skull: moderately wide, slightly rounded, with a weakly defined occipital protuberance, the longitudinal groove is not too deep, the brow ridges are clearly defined.
    2. Stop (transition from forehead to muzzle): moderately expressed.
  8. Nose: slightly protruding, wide, mobile nostrils. The nose color is brown, in black or black-roan dogs it is black. With a basic white color, a flesh-colored or spotted nose is acceptable.
  9. Muzzle: long, wide, deep, strong, allowing for proper presentation of game. The shorthaired pointer is characterized by a slight hooked nose; in males it is more pronounced. A straight bridge of the nose is acceptable. A concave nasal bridge is a defect.
  10. Lips: close fitting, not too droopy, well pigmented. The edge of the lip in front is almost vertical, the further contour is distinguished by a smooth bend up to a moderately pronounced corner of the mouth.
  11. Jaws/Teeth: teeth are white, healthy, arranged vertically in the jaw, jaws are strong, regular scissor bite. The incisors of the upper and lower rows are tightly closed. The complete dental formula is 42 strong teeth.
  12. Cheekbones: strong, with well-developed muscles.
  13. Eyes: Medium size, neither protruding nor too deep set. The ideal eye color is dark brown. The eyelids are tight fitting.
  14. Ears: medium length, set high and wide, flat, hanging without curling, fitting tightly to the head, the ends of the ears are blunt-rounded. Not too meaty and not too thin. The length reaches the corner of the lips.
  15. Neck: the length is in harmony with the general appearance, gradually widening towards the body. Very muscular with a slightly convex nape. The skin on the throat fits tightly.
  16. Topline: straight, slightly sloping.
  17. Withers: well defined.
  18. Back: strong, muscular. The spinous processes of the vertebrae should be hidden by muscles.
  19. Loin: Short, wide, muscular, straight or slightly arched, forming a solid line with the back.
  20. Croup: wide, fairly long, not sloping, slightly sloping towards the tail, muscular.
  21. Chest: More developed in depth than in width, with a well-developed front part, with the sternum as long as possible. The sternum and elbow joint are at the same level. The ribs are well arched, neither flat nor barrel-shaped. False ribs of good length.
  22. Underline: With an elegant curve towards a slightly tucked belly.
  23. Tail: Set high, thick at the base, tapering to a point, of medium length. For hunting use, it is semi-docked. When at rest it hangs down, when moving it is carried horizontally, never raised above the level of the back and not strongly arched. (In countries where docking is prohibited by law, the tail is left natural, reaching the hock, straight or slightly saber-shaped).
  24. Forelegs: when viewed from the front, straight, parallel, when viewed from the side - well located under the body.
    1. Shoulder blades: sloping, well fitting to the chest, muscular. The shoulder blade and shoulder form a well-defined angle of the glenohumeral joint.
    2. Shoulders: long, muscular, dry.
    3. Elbows: close to the body, but not too close, turning neither in nor out, set deep under the body.
    4. Forearms: straight, with sufficient muscles. The bones are strong, but not rough.
    5. Carpal joints: strong.
    6. Pasterns: With a minimally pronounced angle between the forearms and pasterns, but never set vertically.
  25. Forelegs: shape - from round to oval, arched, toes tightly attached. The claws are strong. The paw pads are rough and strong. Parallel stance, turned neither inward nor outward in stance and movement.
  26. Hind limbs: when viewed from behind, straight and parallel. The angles of the articulations of the knee and hock joints are well defined. The bones are strong.
    1. Hips: long, wide, muscular. The angle of the hip joint is well defined.
    2. Knee joints
    3. Lower legs: long, muscular, with clearly visible tendons.
    4. Hocks: strong, with a well-defined angle.
    5. Hocks: strong, vertically set.
    6. Hind feet: round to oval in shape, arched, toes tightly attached. The claws are strong. The paw pads are rough and strong. Parallel stance, turned neither inward nor outward in stance and movement.
  27. Gait/Movement: sweeping, with a strong drive from the hind legs and good reach of the front legs. The movements of the front and hind limbs are straight and parallel. Proud posture. Ambling is not advisable.
  28. Skin: tight fitting, without folds.
  29. Coat: The coat is short, dense, coarse and harsh. On the head and ears it is thinner and shorter, on the underside of the tail it is not much longer.
  30. Height/Weight of Shorthaired Pointer:
    1. Height at withers: males 62 - 66 cm; females 58 - 63 cm
    2. Weight: males 25-32 kg; females 20-27 kg
  31. Disadvantages/Defects: any deviation from the above is considered a deficiency/defect, and is assessed in proportion to the degree of its severity, and the effect on the health and well-being of the dog.
    1. Behavioral defects, insufficiently expressed sexual type
    2. Too short muzzle
    3. Too thick or too thin lips
    4. Absence of no more than 2 teeth out of four P1 and two M3
    5. Eyes too light, light yellow "bird of prey" eyes
    6. Ears that are excessively long or short, heavy, narrowly set or curled
    7. Suspension
    8. Slight hunched back
    9. Short croup
    10. Excessively deep chest
    11. Tail with a strong curve or carried well above the topline
    12. Elbows turned inward or outward, clubfoot or spread, narrow or wide set of forelimbs
    13. Straight ass
    14. Slightly barrel-shaped or cow-like hindquarters, narrow hocks.
  32. Serious defects/defects:
    1. Clumsiness, looseness, roughness of build
    2. Excessive transition from forehead to muzzle
    3. Flesh or spotted nose, except in dogs with a basic white coat
    4. Pointed muzzle, concave nasal bridge
    5. Direct bite or partially direct bite (in dogs over 4 years of age (so-called age-related direct bite) does not affect the assessment if the German Shorthaired Pointer Club confirms that the dog had a correct bite at a previous exhibition)
    6. Humpback or slightly sagging back
    7. Small chest, poorly developed forechest, flat or barrel ribs
    8. Distinctly turned inward or outward elbows
    9. Weak, sagging pasterns
    10. Absolutely vertical pasterns
    11. Significantly pronounced cow-like or barrel-shaped stance of the hind limbs both in movement and in stance
    12. High ass
    13. Flat feet
    14. Loose paws
    15. Clumsy movements
    16. Deviations of more than 2 cm from the established height at the withers.
  33. Disqualifying faults:
    1. Aggressiveness or excessive cowardice
    2. Distinct physical or behavioral abnormalities
    3. Clear violations of sexual dimorphism
    4. Absence of more than 2 teeth out of four P1 and two M3
    5. Absence of at least one tooth, except P1 and M3. Teeth that are not visible are considered missing unless the German Shorthaired Pointer Club confirms their presence at a previous show or test.
    6. Overshot, undershot, jaw misalignment, all possible combinations thereof
    7. Extra teeth extending beyond the dentition
    8. Cleft palate or cleft lip
    9. Drooping eyelids, ectropia, entropy, double row of eyelashes
    10. Sagging back, spinal deformity
    11. Any deformity of the chest, for example, a short chest bone that forms a sharp break towards the abdomen
    12. Dewclaws with or without phalanges
    13. Weak temperament.

Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs with breed-specific characteristics can be used for breeding.

Note: Males must have two normally developed testes, fully descended into the scrotum.

German pointers are long-lived, about 12-14 years, but with proper care and regular veterinary examinations they can live longer.

  • Solid brown, no markings.
  • Brown with small white markings or speckling on chest or paws.
  • Dark brown roan with a brown head, brown spots or speckling. The main color of such a dog is not brown with white or white with brown - the coat is characterized by a uniform and intense mixture of brown and white hair, resulting in a dog color that is valuable for use in hunting, it does not catch the eye. On the inside of the hind legs and at the tip of the tail, the color is often lighter.
  • Light brown roan with a brown head, brown spots, speckles or no spots. With this color there is less brown hair and white hair predominates. White with brown markings on the head, with brown spots or speckles.
  • Black color with the same shades as brown or brown roan.
  • Tan markings are acceptable.
  • White blazes, small spots and specks on the lips are allowed.

    Character of the shorthaired pointer

    By nature, he is not only an excellent hunter, but also a loving family member. The German Pointer is an intelligent and gentle dog that will constantly strive to please its owner. These are very friendly creatures that get along well with older children.

    The shorthaired pointer has protective qualities and makes an excellent watchman and protector. She loves to constantly spend time with her family and needs attention.

    Representatives of this breed tend to dominate, so a strong-willed and strong person must become the owner and establish his leadership. If the owner fails to establish leadership, the dog can get out of control and become unmanageable.

    Photo of shorthaired pointer in search of prey

    The German Pointer is very intelligent, and due to the combination of energy and intelligence, this dog requires constant mental and physical work. Teaching a shorthaired pointer, even standard commands (sit, next to you, lie down, etc.) is incredibly enjoyable. If, from puppyhood, a pointer grows up with others (dogs and cats), in adulthood it will be good to get along with other people's dogs.

    If you want to buy a puppy, remember that this is a hunting dog, and it is better to protect it from small pets, otherwise it will perceive them as a toy or an object for hunting.

    Caring for a shorthaired pointer is not at all difficult. The breed is short-haired and sheds seasonally. First of all, it is important to monitor the coat of the cop.

    The coat must be combed several times a week, using a special brush and a massage mitt. During the molting period, comb your dog more often, this will rid you of hair in the apartment.

    It is not recommended to bathe often, once a month or when soiled, otherwise the coat will lose its natural shine and fatty cover, which protects it from contamination. Representatives of the breed are excellent swimmers and love to swim in ponds or rivers. You should not let your dog go outside in the winter immediately after bathing, otherwise it may catch a cold. For bathing, use special shampoos for this breed, or practice dry cleaning.

    Photo of shorthaired pointer waiting

    Pay special attention to your ears - they should always be dry and clean. Any dirt is carefully removed using a cotton swab or damp cotton pad. Always check your ears after walking.

    Eyes: Watch your shorthaired pointer's eyes, they should be shiny and clean. For sour eyes, wipe with a damp cotton pad soaked in weak tea leaves. If there is severe souring and excessive tearing, the dog must be shown to a veterinarian.

    The claws are trimmed once a month, using a nail clipper for large breeds; often, during long walks, they get scratched on the asphalt.

    In the photo, the shorthaired pointer is resting while hunting

    It is better to accustom a dog to hygiene procedures from puppyhood, then the owner will not have problems caring for the pet, and the dog will enjoy communicating with the owner.

    Ticks and fleas

    The German pointer is a hunting breed, and there is no doubt that the dog and its owner will spend time in nature, running through forests, parks, and bushes. There is a real threat of picking up ticks.

    Walks: shorthaired pointer - needs long walks with physical activity. In the absence of proper stress, he will turn into an uncontrollable hyperactive pet that will “destroy” your apartment. Therefore, if you are not able to provide your dog with active and long walks, then this breed will not suit you.

    Shorthaired Kurzhaar food

    Photo of shorthaired pointer puppy close up

    The shorthaired pointer is a hunting dog, and its diet is slightly different from other breeds. The basis of the diet should be animal protein - boiled or raw meat, cut into small pieces.

    During puppyhood, dairy products play an important role - kefir, eggs, cottage cheese, milk, rich in calcium, for strong bones and teeth. However, by 3 months the amount of dairy products is reduced. Minced meat is not recommended, since the dog does not chew it and, as a result, the minced meat is not digested.

    It is important to include cartilage and offal in the diet, especially during the period of teeth change. The shorthaired pointer's diet must include porridge cooked in broth without adding salt. All grains are healthy for a puppy, with the exception of pearl barley and potatoes. Be sure to add a source of fiber to your porridge - carrots, zucchini, pumpkin and other vegetables.

    A cop dog should not be overfed; the optimal weight is between 27-32 kg.

    A shorthaired pointer puppy is fed up to 5 times a day in small portions, from 6 months the number of feedings is reduced - three times a day. If the puppy does not finish the food, the bowl is removed and the next time the portion size is reduced. If, on the contrary, the puppy licks the bowl for a long time, it means that he did not have enough portion and the next time the volume increases. Proper and healthy nutrition of the shorthaired pointer, selected taking into account its characteristics, is the key to the health of your pet.

    Shorthaired Pointer training

    In the photo, a shorthaired pointer near the prey

    According to most dog breeders, it is necessary to start training from an early puppy age. However, you should not rush with the shorthaired pointer. You will have to be patient before the dog learns commands.

    During puppyhood, it is better to give your pet more attention and care in order to establish full contact and establish a strong bond. Training a German pointer involves comprehensive training, that is, “everything at once.” Otherwise, the dog forgets the commands learned in the last lesson.

    The main principle of training a shorthaired pointer is from simple to complex, and from easy to difficult. During training, it is necessary to give commands based on previously learned ones. It is recommended to conduct training twice a day - morning and evening. It is important to teach your dog to follow commands regardless of the situation - both in the apartment and on the street.

    The main thing to remember is that the shorthaired pointer remains a puppy at heart until old age, so you don’t need to force him to unquestioningly follow all commands, and don’t limit his freedom.

    Kurzhaar disease

    • Otitis externa
    • Epilepsy
    • Von Willebrand's disease (hereditary blood disorder in dogs)
    • Entropion (inversion of the eyelid)
    • Melanoma
    • Cataract
    • Piroplasmosis, babesiosis (a serious disease transmitted by a tick bite).
      Signs: high temperature, the dog refuses to eat, due to the destruction of red blood cells in the blood, the urine becomes red-brown in color.
    • Licked granuloma, polysuture
    • The dog licks itself heavily in some place, usually above the paw, to such an extent that a bald spot appears. The skin becomes inflamed and ulcers appear. The cause is severe itching caused by an allergic reaction or local bacterial infection.

      There is an opinion that dogs lick themselves out of boredom.

      An Elizabethan collar is used for treatment. Calendula ointment and tea lotion will help relieve itching. In any case, be sure to contact your veterinarian.

    • Hypothyroidism (acquired or congenital (iodine deficiency) metabolic disease, develops as a result of insufficient quantities or impaired utilization of thyroid hormones of the thyroid gland)

Photo of shorthaired pointer