The scandalous salon “DeSheli” has closed: the whole truth about its work from a former employee. Cosmetologist Sali what happened to her Cosmetologist Sali what happened to her

The area occupied by the salon in the building on Gogol, 6 is impressive. 700 square meters were used for several years to force people to purchase expensive creams. We have already written several times about how this happened. What psychological impact did it have on clients, what tricks did the salon employees use, and how, having come to their senses, dozens of people carried suitcases with cosmetics. And suddenly the salon disappeared!

The “deshelists” moved out without even taking all the equipment with them. There is an announcement on the doors: “The Desheli salon is closed for reconstruction until July 10, 2015. For any questions, please call 67-15-05. We apologize for the inconvenience caused." The calendar shows mid-July, but there is not a hint of reconstruction in the room. We are contacting the representative of the building owner with a request to view and possibly rent the vacated space. We are not denied. On site, it turns out that some people have already found people willing to occupy some of the areas, and the remaining (about 400 square meters) will be gladly rented out to us. The asking price is 1000 rubles per square meter. True, the price is not final. If we rent all the remaining meters, maybe the price will drop by a hundred or one and a half rubles per meter. In any case, simple mathematical calculations yield an astronomical amount per month for just one rental. One can only guess what kind of profit the gullibility of Petrozavodsk residents brought to the “cheap dealers”.

Having found out that the ad is a lie, we call the specified number. We must pay tribute: the number is valid. They actually answer calls.

— Good afternoon, we would like to sign up for the procedure.

“Sorry, but until August 10 the salon is closed for reconstruction,” a young female voice says in response.

- Yes. The reconstruction took a long time.

“But there is no reconstruction going on in the premises.” Moreover, it is available for rent.

- Yes. We are looking for a new building.

— We will call all clients ourselves.

Good, but cheap?

The other day, our reader purchased (we’ll tell you how he succeeded a little later) a couple of dozen Desheli suitcases. This is not a joke and the man is not crazy. He bought suitcases empty (although some still contained bottles of cream, which he now uses to shine shoes), for something. True, their benefits are questionable.

“Look, they look very solid in appearance,” our interlocutor disassembles one of the copies piece by piece. – And inside there is ordinary foam plastic and pressed cardboard. Their suitcases are cardboard fools. The same as the salon itself.

In addition to the jars, we find instructions in the suitcases. It is, I must say, a very interesting read: there is a minimum of information, mostly general phrases, but loud and encouraging. We take the packaging of the cheapest regular toothpaste, compare and understand: there is much more information on the toothpaste packaging about the composition, manufacturers and importers of the product than on the certificates for suitcases with expensive cosmetics.


As for the couple of dozen suitcases that we wrote about above, the man bought them, as well as several “cheap” anti-aging devices, from a young man who intercepted them on the way to the landfill. Our reader, of course, did not buy all the available equipment and suitcases from him. We tried to ask for a date with the seller.

The owner of the property that once belonged to the “dechelists” agreed to talk, but not immediately and exclusively anonymously. It turned out that this young man worked for several years in direct contact with a salon that sold Desheli cosmetics and water filters to Petrozavodsk residents. Let us remind you that in the same building, on Gogol, 6, only on the floor below, there was a company that sold filters to city residents. The organizations on both floors were led by the same people, so their working methods were not very different.

Like cosmetics, filters were openly imposed, sometimes using not the most legal methods. One of the residents of Petrozavodsk, for example, refused to install a filter, but the sellers still processed the purchase for her without her knowledge. The specialist who visited her said: “Okay. If you don’t want to install filters, at least sign that I visited you. At least I have to report for my work.” And the woman signed some papers. And then it turned out that she signed the acceptance certificate for these filters, which she had not even seen.

Filter sellers disappeared a little earlier than cosmetologists. Other companies and people have been working in their place for a long time.

So we met with the seller. The conversation turned out to be quite emotional.

— We were in the former premises of “Desheli”. It says that the salon is closed for reconstruction. On the phone they also talk about reconstruction, but they give completely different dates. Besides, they don’t specify what and where...

“This is all nonsense,” the young man interrupted us. - Nonsense! They left the city. They squeezed everything they could out of the city and left. Their sales of these cosmetics began to grow quickly. Many people have come to their senses.

“Not surprising,” I say. – When in the spring, as part of a journalistic investigation, I visited the salon for their free cosmetic procedure, my non-allergic skin showed hellish allergies to their hypoallergenic cosmetics.

My interlocutor, laughing, begins to actively nod his head, and a second later he reveals to me the secret of my allergy:

— At first they really sold Desheli cosmetics. I don’t know how good she was, but lately...

Noticing my puzzled look, the guy told a story that happened to him about a year ago. Then one fine day one of the employees of the Desheli salon approached him and shared his worries about the instructions from the management. The man was asked to go shopping in the city and buy the cheapest creams.

“They explained to him that since they don’t send cosmetics from Moscow, they will fill empty containers,” the young man recalls. – Previously, they constantly threw away the jars that were released from under the creams. And then they stopped.

“That explains the allergy.” But how can we explain the fact that all women, including myself, saw the effect of this procedure in the mirror during the procedure itself (very short-term, but still)…

- Why did you think it was from the creams? The greatest effect from the device. I cured my herpes, which I couldn’t cope with for a long time, in three days. It also smoothes out wrinkles. It's true. But it does not have to be used with Desheli creams. It can be used with regular water.

Turning this device called “Cliaton” in my hands, I remember that if I bought a suitcase for more than 90 thousand rubles, I was promised this device as a gift.

- Yes. Some people were given it for free,” says the young man. – And one of my friends came to them and asked to sell this device for 5 thousand without cosmetics. She was denied.

“They started to close down in April,” says my interlocutor. – First, the “ClipperBar” collapsed (water filters - approx. auto.) “Desheli” finally moved out, probably in early July. I intercepted suitcases and utensils when they were taken to the trash heap as unnecessary.

We were looking in the wrong place

“The flow of people into the salon has always been very large,” says our interlocutor. – More than a hundred people a day. Some went out without a suitcase, while others carried three or four cases with them.

The young man tells how he repeatedly witnessed a very rude imposition of the purchase of suitcases with the use of profanity.

“At first, in the first year, more representative people came,” says the young man. “And last year there were only grandmothers.” They were the easiest to process.

There was one woman who worked there who had a conscience. She worked because she had a lot of loans and needed a job. She was highly valued for being a good specialist. She sometimes left there with tears in her eyes. “I can’t take it anymore,” she said. - It’s such chaos there. They're making such a fool of themselves." At first they had a lot of employees, and then fewer and fewer. They even had this approach to employees: constant screaming.

“The first year, when they first opened, I was horrified,” the young man recalls. - What kind of people came out of there? If this happened to one person or two, one would think that people were simply lost. But they also came out in groups of three. They reach the first floor, stand rooted to the spot and look at each other for several minutes, without communicating. I had to call out to them to bring them to their senses and show them where the exit was.

— People who turned to the editor for help assumed that they had acquired cosmetics under hypnosis or under the influence of some potent drug added to tea. We did not notice any hypnosis during our visit to the salon, although the psychological pressure was very strong, and we were not offered tea at all, so we did not have the opportunity to check its contents.

“Tea is like tea,” my interlocutor laughs. - We were looking in the wrong place.

- Where should it be?

— The whole trick is in the makeup remover toner.

I remember: there really was tonic. I also noticed that they applied it to my face unnecessarily. I didn’t have any makeup on my face at that moment. I then asked the cosmetologist: “What are you going to wash with it?” The answer was: “Don't worry. That's how it should be. This is a complex."

We do not know whether it is true that the makeup remover tonic contained a substance that allowed it to suppress or cloud the consciousness of clients for a period of time. We also don’t know what was in the other jars. At one of the press conferences, the representative of Rospotrebnadzor of Karelia, Alexander Egorenko, said that it was impossible to find fault with the activities of the salon selling “Desheli”, since legally all transactions with clients were formalized correctly and all information about cosmetics and their composition was provided in full . The problem is that all inspection bodies only checked papers. No one in Petrozavodsk checked the cosmetics purchased in this salon. And he couldn’t, as experts say: there is no organization in the city that could conduct such an examination. Therefore, no one knows to what extent the contents corresponded to what was written!

Text: Adel Miftakhova

The very word “acid” in the context of facial care sounds a little scary, especially if you remember how, in chemistry class, pieces of metal were dissolved in a test tube with hydrochloric acid. However, completely different acids are used in cosmetology, and FDA studies conducted over several decades have proven that the use of certain acids on the skin is absolutely safe.

In the context of facial care, acids are primarily associated with exfoliation and deep peeling, but in reality their effect is much broader. In addition to exfoliating acids, there are acids that retain water in the skin and also have both of these properties. The famous hyaluronic acid, which can be found in many moisturizers, is exactly the type of acid that does not have exfoliating properties, but it can retain water in the skin. In cosmetology, it is used not only as a moisturizing component; we will someday devote a separate detailed material to its wide range of applications, but for now we will focus on acids that help renew the skin.

Why do you need to exfoliate your skin?

Millions of cells die on the surface of our skin every day, and this process can be intensified by solar radiation, genetic predisposition or specific diseases. When too many dead skin cells accumulate, it leads to a dull, uneven complexion, fine lines, flaking and clogged pores. These and other related problems can be solved with regular exfoliation - it can be mechanical or chemical. The mechanical method involves removing the upper stratum corneum of the skin using abrasives: scrubs, peeling rolls or washing brushes. Chemical involves the use of products with acids that remove dead skin cells and significantly improve its condition, and at the same time help caring cosmetics to act more effectively.

Dermatologists are increasingly advising to give preference to the last option - chemical. "Scrubs or brushes only work in the top layer of skin and have a weak and short-lived effect," explains Rita Lee, biochemist and author of the skin care blog Just About Skin. “Mechanical peeling is more traumatic, superficial, removes the stratum corneum and does not have the same therapeutic effect as chemical peeling,” says cosmetologist Sali Kardava. “Acid peeling is a therapeutic procedure that provides deeper cleansing, suppresses the activity of the sebaceous sweat glands, removes hyperpigmentation from post-acne and photoaging, reduces pores and provides deep hydration.”

What problems do different acids solve?

All exfoliating acids work on the same principle: they dissolve dead epidermal cells and help the skin get rid of them faster, making room for new ones. In the simplest approximation, this is controlled damage to the skin aimed at smoothing its relief and renewing it. Due to their properties, hydroxy acids help the moisturizing components of other products work more efficiently and penetrate deeper into the epidermis. Currently, three subclasses of acids are used in cosmetology: alpha-hydroxy-, beta-hydroxy- and polyhydroxy acids.

AHA acids are extracted from plants and milk, but the bulk of acids used in cosmetology are artificially synthesized in laboratories. “In low concentrations - up to 4% - alpha acids are able to retain water in the epidermis, and in higher concentrations - from 5% and above - they act as exfoliants,” explains world expert in the field of cosmetology and creator of Beautypedia Paula Begun.

AHA acids are water-soluble, they are not able to penetrate deep into the skin, but work perfectly on its surface and stimulate renewal. Alpha hydroxy acids are most effective in combating signs of photoaging, such as wrinkles, pigmentation, loss of firmness, radiance, elasticity, as well as post-acne marks. They promote the production of collagen and elastin, which is especially important for aging skin.

Salon peels with high concentrations of glycolic acid are effective in treating complex forms of acne

Glycolic acid is most often found in exfoliating products of all price categories. It is on the effect of this AHA acid on the skin that the most research has been conducted. This is a cheap product obtained from sugar cane, but it is also one of the most effective. A study by dermatologists from Wakayama Medical University has proven that the use of salon peels with high concentrations of glycolic acid is extremely effective in treating complex forms of acne. It also increases skin hydration and collagen content. The second most studied and popular in cosmetology is lactic acid; it is found in all dairy products. Remember the legend of Cleopatra and the Hundred Mares? This is it. This acid, like glycolic acid, has exfoliating, anti-aging properties and helps fight the signs of skin photoaging. In terms of effectiveness, lactic and glycolic acids are approximately the same.

Citric acid can also often be seen in cosmetics, but in most cases it is not used as an exfoliating component, but as a preservative or acidity regulator and is indicated at the very end of the list of ingredients. At the same time, its restorative and renewing properties are in many ways similar to glycolic acid. Mandelic acid is much less common in caring products. Dermatologists recommend it for those with sensitive skin, as it is less aggressive, but at the same time it also gives a weaker exfoliating effect. The effect of malic and tartaric acids has been studied the least; they are mainly used as preservatives and acidity regulators. However, dermatologists from the American Gateway Institute of Aesthetic Medicine have proven the effectiveness of malic acid in the fight against hyperpigmentation.

The newest generation of AHA acids are polyhydroxy acids and are often recommended for people with sensitive skin and those suffering from atopic dermatitis. “Compared to alpha hydroxy acids, PHAs have a softer and gentler effect on the skin and, as a rule, do not cause irritation,” says cosmetologist Sali Kardava. - This non-aggressive effect of polyhydroxy acids can be explained by their high molecular weight. Large molecules penetrate the skin more slowly and do not cause irritation. PHAs have also been shown in clinical studies to prevent skin aging.”

BHA acids penetrate deep into pores, cleanse them from the inside, dissolve blackheads and generally have a beneficial effect
for problem skin

Polyhydroxy acids include gluconic acid, which is a natural component of the skin, and its use stimulates the production of elastin, which is especially useful for aging skin. Polyhydroxy acids also enhance the protective functions of the skin and, unlike other acids, do not increase its photosensitivity. Moreover, a study by the Pennsylvania College of Optometry found that gluconic acid can block up to 50% of ultraviolet radiation.

Another group of acids is BHA, or beta hydroxy acids. They differ from alpha hydroxy acids in that they are fat-soluble rather than water-soluble and are able to penetrate deep into pores, cleanse them from the inside, dissolve blackheads and generally have a beneficial effect on acne-prone skin. There are several types of BHA acids, but usually in cosmetology BHA means salicylic acid. Despite the fact that salicylic acid does not belong to beta-hydroxy acids in its chemical structure, this is the definition traditionally used among cosmetologists and dermatologists. In its pure form, salicylic acid has a disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect; products containing it are most often prescribed to people with rough, oily skin suffering from rashes. However, it is also an excellent exfoliant and, like AHA acids, fights the signs of photoaging of any skin type.

Can acids cause harm?

The effectiveness of hydroxy acids is determined primarily by their concentration and time spent on the skin. AHA acids in home care cosmetics most often have a concentration of 5 to 15%, and salicylic acid - 0.5–2% by volume. Responsible manufacturers, as a rule, indicate the concentration of acids on the packaging of the products, but if there is no special marking, then you can follow a simple rule: the closer to the beginning of the list of ingredients an acid is, the higher its concentration.

Keep in mind that two products with the same concentration can (and most likely will) work differently, as what other ingredients are in the product and what level of acidity it has plays a big role. Thus, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends choosing products with a pH above 3.5, but manufacturers often do not indicate it on the packaging. In this case, you should either use test strips yourself to determine the pH of the product, or study the recommendations on special resources. For example, Paula Begun in her book “Don’t Go to the Cosmetics Counter without Me” measured the pH of most known acidic products - it can be used as a home guide.

In any case, determining how often a particular person can use acids can only be done experimentally - by trying different concentrations and frequency of use. “Proper exfoliation leaves skin smooth, fresh and soft. Your goal is radiant, healthy skin. The main signs that you've overdone it with acids and it's time to slow down are tightness, flaking, burning, sensitivity, rashes, rosacea and pigmentation, warns renowned British skin care specialist and consultant to several well-known cosmetic brands, Caroline Hirons. “If you notice any of these signs while using acids, then take a break and start using products for dehydrated and sensitive skin.”

How to choose a product
with acids

If the main skin problems are related directly to its surface - fine wrinkles, dullness, pigmentation or post-acne, then you should pay attention to AHA acids. The FDA recommends using alpha hydroxy acids in concentrations of no more than 10% at home. “Alpha hydroxy acids have proven effectiveness against wrinkles, uneven skin and pigmentation that result from sun damage to the skin. AHA acids work best at a concentration of 5–8%,” says dermatologist Casey Gallagher, one of the authors of the famous medical scientific and educational blog VeryWell.

If the main problem that you want to solve with the help of acids is clogged pores and mild forms of acne, the main helpers will be products with BHA acids, which are able to work deep inside the pores. “Salicylic acid reduces skin oiliness and has anti-inflammatory properties. By itself, it does not treat acne, but it helps the antibacterial components of cosmetics penetrate the skin better. BHAs work best at 1-2% concentrations,” says Dr. Gallagher.

Some manufacturers offer products containing several acids at the same time, including glycolic and salicylic. “You can use different acids either together or separately during the day, but using them simultaneously increases the risk of irritation and an allergic reaction. At the same time, acids alone in the care are quite sufficient for exfoliation, and there is no need to use additional products such as scrubs or washing brushes,” - advise specialists from the Paula Begun team. Given the risks, a combination of acids is justified when problem skin suffers from dehydration: in this case, salicylic acid will disinfect, while glycolic acid will help prevent water loss.

Is it possible to use products with acids in summer?

Using exfoliating acids in skin care increases skin sensitivity to the sun and can lead to pigmentation and scarring. This is due to the fact that the layer of keratinized cells on the surface of the skin serves as a natural, albeit weak, sun filter and protects us from UV rays. When using acids, this layer is removed and the skin remains unprotected. Does this mean that you should postpone using acids in the summer due to strong solar activity? No. A study by the European Scientific Committee on Cosmetic and Non-Food Products (SCCNFP) found that when acids were used simultaneously with a sunscreen of factor 15 or higher, there was no additional skin damage from ultraviolet radiation compared to samples on which no acids were used.

It is important to remember that the intensity of UVA radiation is approximately the same regardless of the time of year. Therefore (and we will never get tired of repeating this) sunscreen should be used all year round: sun protection is one of the most important conditions for maintaining youthful skin. Our guide will help you understand how the sun affects your skin and which sunscreen to choose.

Fashionable lip correction procedures ended in serious problems for Muscovites who visited a cosmetologist who worked from home without a license. The woman used a drug that has long been recognized as hazardous to health. A criminal case has already been opened against her, but the false doctor’s clients now have to deal with the terrible consequences of beauty injections.

Reviewing photographs from two years ago, Muscovite Ekaterina Lantsova is surprised at herself. She says what she was thinking when she decided on what she thought was a harmless “lip correction.” The before and after pictures look like there are two different girls.
“She gave me huge lips and said: “Don’t worry, it will all resolve, they will be smaller,” recalls victim Ekaterina Lantsova.

She is Natalya Korosteleva, supposedly an “experienced cosmetologist with experience,” but judging by the countless complaints of clients on social networks, the woman literally disfigured the girls’ faces by using a biopolymer drug banned in many countries instead of the promised hyaluronic acid.

“This is a group of gels based on polyacrylomide, which is not officially approved for use in the Russian Federation. And all cases of use lead to some problems and complications, the question is whether they arise immediately after administration, or delayed, after a year, two, three , five. These gels are chosen primarily due to their lower cost,” explains Anton Zakharov, head of the plastic surgery department.

After injection, the biopolymer often behaves like semolina. It is distributed unevenly, the lips look swollen, lumps, lumps and inflammations form. And the worst thing is that, unlike hyaluronic acid, it does not dissolve, but becomes overgrown with fibrosis. To remove it and return a more or less acceptable appearance to her lips, Catherine, like dozens of other victims of the false doctor, had to undergo an expensive operation.

“The operation is very painful. The recovery is very long. You cannot eat for a month, talk calmly, it is impossible to smile for three months. That is, stitches are made inside, all lips are cut,” says the victim Evgenia Shagarova.

However, according to the doctors, Katya and Zhenya are still lucky. Another patient, Valentina Barysheva, after a similar procedure, had a face that began to swell every day, the shape of her nose changed, and her cheeks and cheekbones became heavier. Now, instead of a beauty salon, girls are on duty at the doors of the Investigative Committee. By the way, they were received by a cosmetologist at home, which at least contradicts the standards of cleanliness. A criminal case has already been opened against her under the article “Provision of services that do not meet safety requirements.”

“According to the investigation, Korosteleva acted as an individual entrepreneur, posing as a cosmetologist, and provided services on a paid basis in the cosmetology office she opened on Leningradsky Prospekt in Moscow. Moreover, she did not have the necessary licenses,” said the senior assistant to the head of the Main Investigation Department of the RF IC in Moscow Yulia Ivanova.

“I would advise people who want to go to a cosmetology clinic to pay attention to whether there is a license and certificates, how it is presented on the market, how long it has existed, and reviews. But if this has already happened, it is necessary, first of all, to have payment documents and agreement,” advises medical lawyer Dmitry Ayvazyan.

In response to the cries for help from the suffering girls, Korosteleva pretended that she was seeing them for the first time; attempts to reach Natalya were unsuccessful, all her phones were turned off. As for her former clients, they are now less concerned about compensation for material damage, the main thing is that the unscrupulous cosmetologist is forever banned from giving injections.

Acquaintances and friends of Elina Babicheva, who died in a cosmetologist’s office in Moscow, believe that the beauty and health center where the tragedy occurred is now deliberately trying to denigrate the woman in order to avoid responsibility for what happened.

Cosmetologist Yulia, in whose office the patient died, stated that Elina Babicheva initially did not behave quite adequately. A specialist who cares for the face and body even suggested that the woman could be under the influence of illegal drugs:

“She just came in, her pupils were inadequately dilated. To which I asked quite loudly, by the way, for the entire medical center (it’s small): “Is everything okay with your blood pressure?” Did you sleep today?" She was disheveled and in an incomprehensible nervous tremor. I asked: "Maybe we can reschedule? Maybe you don't feel well?" I saw that the person was restless, to put it mildly. She said: "No, everything is fine, let's go." She just undressed, lay down, she began to have a strong convulsion, foam came out of her mouth. I shouted nurse Vera."

In turn, nurse and part-time administrator Vera Makarova confirms this information:

“She came in a little inadequate. She was nervous and constantly drank water. I don’t know what procedures they did for her there. Even if a person’s blood is taken, he is still nervous. And here are cosmetic procedures.”

Cosmetologist Yulia says that the patient had a very stormy personal life:

"She said that she had a fight with one young man, spent an active evening with another, she had a date with a third. She asked her to finish everything by running. She needed somewhere. I also said: “Wow, you manage with three at the same time.” And she: “This is not the limit yet.” It seemed like it was all a joke. She just took off her things, lay down, and began to convulse. I immediately called Vera.”

Nurse administrator Vera, when asked how the clinic responded to the tragedy, replied: “ No way".

“If we react to all cases, what will happen to us then?” - asked the journalist's interlocutor.

According to her, the patient died in the office of a cosmetologist who rents an office in a medical laboratory and has nothing to do with the center. The nurse suggested why the patient might have died:

“Apparently, they didn’t provide assistance. We don’t have an intensive care unit, of course. She (the cosmetologist) rents her own premises. We don’t know what she does there in her office. We have our own work, she has her own work. She’s a cosmetologist and that’s it. "We have management who entered into an agreement with her. We have nothing to do with her. She came. Patients came to her. She served them. They left, she left. That's it. She worked for about six months. There are few patients."

Cosmetologist Yulia says that Elina came for a massage, wanted to do a face mask, peeling, cleansing, but allegedly the specialist did not even have time to start work: according to her, the patient felt ill as soon as she undressed: “She just undressed, lay down, she began to have a strong convulsion, foam came out of her mouth. I shouted to nurse Vera.”

Nurse Vera says the opposite. According to her, Babicheva received not only a facial massage, but also a whole body massage. In addition, as she explained, she received lymphatic drainage: “Yulia explained to the police that she not only massaged the face, but also the whole body. She did lymphatic drainage. She used only her hands. This is from her words.”

The nurse notes that during lymphatic drainage massage the patient may feel unwell if he has used any strong drugs before:

“If a person has previously, God forbid, taken any medications, when he is given lymphatic drainage or simply drainage with his hands, the blood circulates. There may be consequences. There are lymph flows throughout the body. It’s just a massage done with your hands, a serious one.”

Friends and acquaintances of the deceased believe that doctors are deliberately distorting the image of Elina Babicheva: they are allegedly trying to present her as an inadequate walking woman who dabbled in drugs. However, people familiar with her say that she led a healthy lifestyle: she never smoked, much less took drugs.

"She lived in Moscow, worked in a bank. She led a healthy lifestyle. She took care of herself, like all girls. She was always a sympathetic, kind person, tried to help everyone. She never smoked, and especially did not take the drugs that they write about Media. She was the only daughter of her beloved and wonderful parents,” told REN TV Elina Babicheva's friend Anastastiya Mukhametzyanova.

Another friend Marta Sergeeva also assures that the woman had no bad habits:

“Now I’m reading the news and I’m just shocked. She never did drugs, she didn’t even smoke cigarettes. She rarely drank. She looked after her health, went to fitness, vocal classes, studied English. Health. I know her very well "She loved visiting beauty salons. She did many procedures, her condition was good. She came to work cheerful and happy."

The investigation remains to establish all the circumstances surrounding the death.

“On July 14, the body of a girl born in 1989 was discovered in the office of a medical center on Kastanaevskaya Street. Upon examination of the face and torso<...>Numerous puncture wounds were found, similar to traces of injections with a medical needle," - said the representative of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee for Moscow, Yulia Ivanova.

According to the Investigative Committee, a health worker renting an office in this center told the investigator that a young woman came to her for a facial massage. According to her, no other procedures were performed on the client. According to relatives, a few days earlier she also turned to other specialists for various cosmetic procedures.

A pre-investigation investigation has been launched into the incident. A forensic medical examination has been ordered to determine the cause of death.