Forest tapping. Scaffold tapping Line of balms Larch Siberian tapping

Tapping, or obtaining tree resin (resin) from living growing trees, is a fairly ancient type of forest management. In Europe, tapping of coniferous trees has been carried out since at least the 4th century AD; since the beginning of the 17th century, tree resin has become one of the important products of international trade. In the 17th-18th centuries, the bulk of oleoresin processing products (turpentine and rosin) were supplied to world markets from North America. In Russia at that time, only local handicraft tapping was developed.

At the end of the 18th century, due to a disruption in the supply of tapping products from the USA to Great Britain, a shortage of this type of forest product appeared in European forest markets. As one of the measures to overcome it, English entrepreneurs organized pine tapping in the Arkhangelsk province, however, this fishery existed on an industrial scale for only a few decades. In general, before 1926, tapping in Russia was carried out on a rather small scale.

Since 1926, the industrial development of cutting production began in the USSR. The volume of oleoresin production grew very quickly, and in 1930, a network of specialized enterprises engaged in forest tapping - chemical forestry enterprises - was created. Since 1938, the use of special chemical stimulants for resin secretion began in Russia. Tapping using such stimulants is called chemical tapping.

In the post-war years, tapping of pine forests not only became very widespread, but also became a mandatory activity in most of the accessible forest area - in the so-called “mandatory tapping zone.” Mandatory tapping of pine forests lasted until the 90s (and was never formally abolished). Pine forests suitable for tapping could be taken to felling only after it was completed. Currently, tapping has a rather limited distribution in Russia; in many regions included in the “mandatory tapping zone”, this fishery has been completely stopped.

In its modern form, the tapping process comes down to the following. In a pine forest set aside for tapping, the trunks of all healthy trees (capable of releasing significant amounts of resin) in the lower part are stripped of the rough outer part of the bark. Then, special grooves are applied to the areas cleared of bark (karrs), in which the resin is released and flows down into a special funnel for collecting resin (Fig. 1). Carri - areas cleared of bark with incised grooves - are separated on the tree trunk by specially left strips of bark, ensuring the normal functioning of the conductive tissues underneath and, due to this, the viability of the tree. New stripes of grooves are applied to the carra annually, due to which the release of resin continues throughout the entire period of tapping (usually 5 or 10 years). In the case of chemical tapping, carries are also annually treated with liquid substances - stimulants of the separation resin (usually based on sulfuric acid or strong alkalis).

The use of resin separation stimulants significantly increases the yield of resin from each tree, but reduces the viability of the trees and often leads to the beginning of the forest drying out even before the tapping process is completed. In the vast majority of cases, after the end of tapping, the forests were almost immediately felled. However, in some cases (for example, in the case of the creation of specially protected natural areas or the transfer of these forests to the first group, or simply when the volume of logging was reduced), significant areas of tapped forests remained uncut.

The current state of these forests (and many of these areas were removed from tapping 20-30 years ago) shows that in most cases, forests that have been tapped can survive for many decades. The death of a significant part of the trees can occur directly during the tapping process or in the first years after its completion. Most of the trees that survive the first few years after tapping, as a rule, restore normal life activity. Observations from the 1930s on areas of artisanal tapping at the end of the last century also confirm this.

The burrows created on the tree during tapping are very close in shape and size to the fire cushions formed on pine trees after severe ground fires.

Trees weakened by tapping or trees where the width of the undamaged strips left between the karrs is too small for normal life activity gradually die, just as the trees most damaged by a strong ground fire gradually die. In general, in terms of its impact on a specific area of ​​the forest, tapping is quite comparable to a ground fire.

Apparently, tapped forests should not always be considered as severely disturbed by human economic activity.

However, the large-scale development of industrial tapping of pine forests is by no means harmless, especially for natural taiga tracts that were not involved in intensive economic exploitation before the development of tapping. Tapping production is always associated with the development of a temporary, poorly equipped, but highly ramified road network through which tapping equipment is imported and harvested resin is removed. In most cases, in forest tapping areas, temporary bases were created - huts in which workers lived during the tapping season. The road network and the huts located along it greatly contributed to the penetration of numerous hunters, fishermen and tourists deep into the forests, including during the fire-hazardous period (and deep into the pine forests, which are the most easily flammable). As a result, forest fires, often large and extremely destructive, almost always and everywhere accompanied the subsistence fishery. In general, the increased anthropogenic load as a result of the creation of an extensive road network and temporary bases during tapping is quite comparable in its environmental consequences to the direct impact of tapping on forests.


Accent placement: PAD`CHKA

TAPING, arts, wounding of growing trees to obtain coniferous resin, tropical latex. rubber plants, sugary sap of birch, maple, etc. To obtain resin, ch. arr. pine, less often spruce, larch, fir. P. coniferous plants usually begin several times before. years before tree felling. It can be short-term (with a period of up to 5 years), long-term (more than 5 years) and long-term (when re-used after applying refurbishment of overgrown carr).

Technological The pine process consists of preparatory and production processes. and concludes. works B will prepare. The work includes the acceptance of plantings in the forest, the construction of a sapling area, the marking of boxes on trees, browning, laying longitudinal grooves, the installation of receivers for resin, the construction of resin storage in the forest, and the provision of saplings with containers for resin. Production work consists of applying repaints, collecting resin, hauling barrels of resin to storage facilities and transporting resin from the forest to railway stations or processing plants.

In conclusion. the work includes removing the carrowing equipment from the trees, preserving it for the winter and handing over the cutting areas after the end of the term to forestry agencies or other forestry organizations.

When treating pine trees, the following methods of applying karr to tree trunks are used: 2-tier; 2-tier descending or ascending; descending and ascending (more often, only the descending method is used before felling); ascending and descending (in the first years of tapping - only the ascending method). The cultivation of Siberian pine pine is carried out using an ascending method; spruce is also carried out using an ascending method or an ascending and descending method for 3 years. Larch is planted using a 2-3-tier ascending method for 3-8 years. P. fir production comes down to extracting resin from the resin reservoirs of the bark - nodules. To do this, large nodules (2-3 cm long and 1-2 cm wide) are pierced by metal. tubes through which the resin is squeezed into glass bottles or other vessels.

P. technique: a carra is made on the surface of the trunk, a guide groove is drawn in the center of it, and a receiver is installed at the end of it. Starting in the spring, the carre is covered with new trims every 3-4 days.

There is a distinction between conventional P. (i.e., without treating the undercuts with chemical stimulants) and with the effect of chemicals on the surface of the undercuts. stimulants (sulfuric acid, sulfite-vinage concentrates, infusions and extracts of feed yeast, etc.). The collection of resin from the receivers is carried out 1-2 times a month in galvanized buckets with a capacity of 10-12 liters, from which it is transferred through drainage boards into wooden or metal ones. barrels (200 l).

To extract sugary juices, birch and maple trees are harvested by drilling inclined holes deep into the tree trunks. 3-4 cm and strengthening wooden grooves in them, which direct the juice to the receivers.

(Ryabov V.P., Theory and practice of forest tapping, M., 1984.)


  1. Forest encyclopedia: In 2 volumes, volume 2/Ch. ed. Vorobyov G.I.; Editorial team: Anuchin N.A., Atrokhin V.G., Vinogradov V.N. and others - M.: Sov. encyclopedia, 1986.-631 p., ill.

Raw material base for pine tapping.

The raw material base for tapping consists of pine stands of quality classes I–IV, included in the final felling plans and plans for tapping, which contain 50 percent or more pine.

It is allowed to tap forest stands with less than 50 percent pine in the following cases:

– single trees and groups of trees on non-forested lands;

– seeds and seed groups of trees that have not previously been tapped and have fulfilled their purpose;

– trees designated for selective cutting for final use.

Suitable for tapping are healthy, without significant damage, pine trees with a diameter of 20 cm or more at a height of 1.3 m.

Tapping of ripening pine stands is allowed 5 years before reaching the final felling age to ensure a 15-year tapping period in the event of a lack of ripe and significant presence of ripening stands, which are intended for final felling and are included in the final felling list.

Tree stands designated for gradual felling are transferred to tapping 5 years before the first felling.

In pine stands of different ages, in which long-term gradual felling is planned, tapping can be carried out 10 years before the specified felling. In this case, only trees that are to be felled in the first step should be involved in tapping.

Trimming is not designed in the following cases:

– in pest breeding areas until they are eliminated;

– in forest stands weakened by fires, pests and diseases;

– in areas inhabited by animals listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus;

– within a radius of 300 m from capercaillie currents;

– on trees selected for harvesting special assortments;

– with the use of stimulants for the release of resin in areas where plants grow that are listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus;

– using stimulants for the release of resin: sulfuric acid and bleach in forests of the first group;

– using stimulants for the release of oleoresin: sulfuric acid on marshy soils;

– on permanent forest seed plots, forest seed plantations, genetic reserves, plus trees, seed beds, seed clumps and strips, permanent trial plots throughout the entire period of their operation.

The concept of tapping technology.

Tapping technology is a set of types, varieties, tapping methods, operations and techniques, their sequence in obtaining resin.

Tipping production, in addition to the regulation of technological methods, imposes certain requirements on production technology, which means methods of performing operations, tools, devices and tipping equipment.

Tapping technology consists of elements that are used in the most advantageous options and combinations, depending on biological, climatic and technical factors affecting the resin productivity of tree stands and their life activity.

The main elements of tapping technology include depth, tapping angle, tree load with carrs, carra width, lifting pause and tapping method.

Tipper terminology

Karra is a specially prepared section of the trunk surface on which karroing equipment is installed and trimmings are applied during one tapping season. The main elements of karra are shown in Fig. 5.1.

The working surface of the karra is the part of the karra intended for applying undercoats.

Rice. 5.1. Karra scheme

The mirror of the carra is part of the working surface of the carra on which the carp shoes are applied.

Carry length is the size of the working surface of the carry in the vertical direction.

The width of the karra is the size of the working surface of the karra along the circumference of the trunk.

An inter-carry bridge is an untouched section of the trunk that separates the carries in the vertical direction.

Inter-carr (nutrient) belt - an untouched section of bark that separates the carr along the circumference of the trunk.

The undercut is a cut made on only one half of the carra.

Carropodnovka is a cut on the carre, applied across its entire width at each pass.

Shoe length - the size of the shoe along the cut line.

Shoe depth - the size of the shoe along the radius of the barrel, or the thickness of the cutting chips.

Footing pitch is the vertical distance between the top or bottom edges of adjacent footings.

Shoe angle is an acute angle between the direction of the shoe and the vertical line.

Carra angle is the angle between the right and left halves of the carp shoe.

The guide groove is a vertical cut on the carre for the drainage of resin with a depth of 1... 2 mm greater than the screed.

The receiver pin is a special slot in the bark and wood of the trunk under the carrion for installing the receiver.

Raising is the process of applying undercoats.

The lifting pause is the period of time between applying touch-ups on the same carre.

There are the following types of carres according to the method of joining the undercuts:

– smooth – with direct abutment of the undercuts without pronounced edges between them (currently used on osmolopodska);

– corrugated – with direct abutment of undercuts with pronounced edges between them;

– ribbed, grooveless – footings are separated by strips on the surface of the trunk.

Tapping period is the number of years of tapping in the same tree stand. The timing of tapping is set depending on climatic conditions and categories of plantings.

Short-term tapping is a tapping system lasting from 1 to 5 years before felling.

Extended tapping is a tapping system lasting up to 6–10 years before felling (in forests of the first group, tapping is allowed for no more than 10 years).

Long-term tapping is a tapping system lasting up to 11–25 years before felling (in Belarus, in forests of the second group, no more than 15 years are allowed).

Long-term subsistence farming is the lifetime use of forests for more than 25 years using comprehensive forest care measures (not used in Belarus).

Table 5.1

Duration of tapping and load of trees with karras by category

The load of trees with karras is the ratio of the total width of the karras of one tier to the length of the trunk circumference at the height of the karry.

where: A is the total width of the carr of one tier, cm; D – trunk diameter at the height of the karra, cm.

According to the “Instructions on the rules for tapping and harvesting resin from pine stands”, the load of trees with karrs in categories I and II is regulated by the total width of the inter-carry belts.

The load of trees with karrams must be strictly observed, since a decrease in this indicator leads to a decrease in the yield of resin from a tree and from 1 hectare, and exceeding the load negatively affects the condition of the trees being planted.

Tipping methods and their characteristics

All existing methods of tapping can be divided into two groups:

– conventional – without the use of oleoresin release stimulants;

– chemical (tapping with chemical influence), when stimulants for the release of resin are used. All of them can be done by:

1) inflicting open wounds;

2) inflicting closed wounds (drilling channels);

3) without causing any wounds (stimulants are applied over the bare bast).

In modern tapping production, chemical tapping methods with the application of open wounds dominate, since they provide high labor productivity, increased yield of resin, simple technology and technique for performing work.

Superficial wounds, depending on the specific technological scheme, can be inflicted either in an upward or downward direction, together or leaving an edge. In connection with this, the following methods of tapping are distinguished according to the method of applying and alternating trims.

Descending tapping method - each subsequent tapping is applied lower than the previous one (a groove is made). In modern tapping production, ribbed curry is most often used with the use of resin secretion stimulants.

The advantages of this method: the groove facilitates the drainage of resin,


– the groove and the receiver cause tarring of the wood (this is a natural process, as a result of which the wood loses the ability to secrete resin), an inter-carry bridge is required for the next season;

– there is a deformation of the trunk in the upper part of the trunk, above the karra (the diameter increases, since nutrients accumulate above the wounds, which are not able to move down the trunk, since their path along the phloem is interrupted by the application of undercuts).

– not stable yield of resin over the years.

Ascending tapping method - each subsequent tapping is applied higher than the previous one. The most commonly used type is grooveless ribbed carr.

Advantages of this method:

– the yield of resin is 10-14% higher than with the descending method;

– the yield is more stable, especially when using tar secretion stimulants;

The disadvantage of this method of tapping is that the resin spreads over the surface of the carra, since there is no groove.

Two-tier tapping - during one season, tapping is carried out in two tiers, located vertically above each other and separated by an area of ​​​​the untouched surface of the trunk.

The advantage of this method is that the yield of resin increases by 20–25% compared to the downward method.

The disadvantage is the high consumption of the barrel, the number of resin receivers doubles, and the volume of preparatory work increases.

Varieties of two-tiered tipping:

– alternation in tiers by rounds (the shoe is applied in one tier, then, at the next approach to the tree - in another tier;

alternation in tiers according to collections (2-3 weeks in one tier, 2-3 weeks in another);

alternation in tiers for half a season (spring - upper tier, autumn - lower tier);

simultaneous application of undercuts in two tiers (used only for short-term tapping);

The influence of technological elements of tapping on the yield of resin and the vital activity of pine stands

As noted earlier, the purpose of tapping is to obtain the maximum amount of resin with minimal negative impact on the life of the tree. This is achieved through the most advantageous combination of technology elements in various production conditions. Let us consider the influence of the main elements of tapping technology on the yield of resin and the vital activity of pine plantations.

Shoe depth. It affects both the physiological processes of the tree and the yield of resin. With an increase in the thickness of the cut layer of wood, the number of cut annual layers and the number of opened resin ducts increases, which contributes to increased resin release. However, deep cuttings (8-10 mm or more) significantly disrupt the water supply and nutritional regime of the tree, complicate the access of water and nutrients to the excretory cells, as a result of which the formation and flow of resin is slowed down. The growth of the trunk in diameter is reduced to a greater extent, and more severe drying and cracking of this section of the trunk is observed, which leads to a decrease in the quality of the wood and the viability of the tree. Small undercuts (1-5 mm) do not cause a significant deterioration in the tree’s water supply. It has been established that small scourings provide a higher yield of resin during short lifting pauses, and deep ones - during long ones. However, this does not exclude the negative impact of deep cuttings: with each subsequent year, as a rule, the yield of resin decreases. In addition, the use of deep trimmings with an increased load of trees with karrams significantly reduces the effect of increasing the load.

According to the “Instructions on the Rules of Tapping...” the maximum depth of the shoe for regular tapping is 4 mm, and only three years before completion is it allowed to increase to 6 mm. When using sulfuric acid as a resin release stimulator, the maximum depth of the screed is reduced to 2 mm.

Trim step.

It has a significant impact on the yield of resin and on the efficiency of using the working shaft in height. The number of horizontal resin passages to be opened (directly proportional) and the degree of renewal of clogged vertical resin passages depend on the refinishing step. Therefore, an increase in the scuffing step increases, and a decrease decreases, the yield of oleoresin, but no proportional relationship was found here. At the same time, increasing the shoeing pitch leads to excessive consumption of the working surface of the barrel. It has been established that with an increase in the height of the karr, the yield of oleoresin decreases by approximately 3–4% per meter of trunk height, and the labor intensity of the work increases. Therefore, it is not advisable to increase the scuffing step beyond the tarred wood zone, which with conventional tapping is 12-15 mm. When using chemical stimulants for tar release, especially sulfuric acid, the tar zone increases significantly, and therefore it is necessary to increase the reworking step.

According to the “Instructions on the Rules of Tapping...” with conventional tapping, the tapping step should not exceed 15 mm; when using sulfite-vinage concentrates, fodder yeast, it increases depending on the category of tapping to 20–30 mm, bleach – 25–40 mm, sulfuric acids – 40–50 mm.

Carry width.

The yield of resin, labor productivity and technical qualities of wood largely depend on the width of the karra. The wider the karra, the more resin passages are opened and the yield of resin increases from the karra base, but decreases per unit width of the karra. However, there is no proportional dependence observed here. When using wide karras, the total yield of resin per 1 ha is reduced, so their use is justified only for short-term tapping. In addition, with wide frames the wood is more likely to crack.

Currently, the width of the carr is regulated only by tapping category III - it is equal to the diameter of the tree at a height of 1.3 m. By category II and I, the total width of the inter-carry belts is regulated.

This indicator is closely related to the width of the carra. The greater the load on the tree, the greater the yield of oleoresin from the tree, but the less per unit of cut. A large load weakens the tree, its fatigue sets in: the yield of resin decreases. It has been established that the load of trees with karras of more than 80% leads to the gradual death of all trees under pressure in the first 5 years. The magnitude of the load determines the tipping category: for category III the load is 33%, for category II – 66% and for category I – up to 80%.

Carra corner.

The smaller the angle of the carra, the better the resin flows into the receiver. In addition, the pitch of the shoe depends on the angle: the larger the angle, the smaller the pitch, which means the barrel consumption decreases. In tapping, it is accepted that with the ascending method, the carra angle is taken to be 900. This reduces the barrel consumption by 30%. With the downward tapping method, an angle of 600 is used.

Intercarry jumper.

It has a noticeable effect on the yield of resin. With the downward method, tar appears on the trunk caused by the groove and the installation of the receiver. With conventional tapping it is 2–3 cm, with sulfuric acid it is up to 10 cm. Therefore, with conventional tapping and tapping with non-aggressive stimulants, a jumper of up to 5 cm is left, and with tapping with sulfuric acid – up to 10 cm.

Our country's needs for rosin and turpentine products are increasing every year and are far from being fully satisfied. Therefore, it is necessary to expand tapping in pine plantations, for which there are even greater opportunities. The total area of ​​mature and overmature pine plantations in the RSFSR is 28.6 million ha (100%), of which 9.2′ million are suitable for tapping. ha (32%), and suitable - profitable 5.1 million. ha (18%). In fact, only 1.47 million are sucked in. Ha, or just 5%.

Along with the search for more progressive methods for obtaining resin from pine and the vigorous promotion of tapping into the pine tracts of the north and northeast of the USSR, it is necessary to take other coniferous species for tapping. By species, plantings in the USSR can be distributed as follows (in%):

36,3 19,7 16,5 13,5

Birch Cedar.

As you can see, in addition to pine, there are a large number of other coniferous species that should be used for tapping.

Spruce tapping. V. E. Tishchenko pointed out back in 1895 that not only pine, but also trees of other coniferous species should be planted, especially spruce and larch.

The issue of tapping spruce and collecting spruce chalk from the surface of trunks with random mechanical damage is of great industrial interest.

The resin apparatus of spruce differs from the resin apparatus of pine mainly in that the lining cells in the resin passages soon after formation become lignified and largely lose the ability to secrete resin in large quantities. As a rule, wide cuts on a spruce tree are not quickly filled with resinous substances, which leads to drying out of the wood and damage by microflora. At various times, spruce tapping was carried out in Austria and other countries. Most often, the so-called Thuringian tapping method was used, in which narrow vertical cuts are applied to the tree. Only the bark is removed without digging into the wood. Such a longitudinal carra has a length of 1.5-2 m and width 3 - 5cm. The oleoresin that flows out dries on the curry. It is collected once every 2 years. Carries are laid on the tree with intervals between them of 15-20 cm. From each carra, an average of 25-30 g of spruce resin is obtained per season with the following composition (%): rosin 80, turpentine 8, litter 7, water 5.

Experimental tapping of spruce plantations with longitudinal karrs has been carried out for 15 years at the Tikhvin Chemical Forestry Enterprise (Leningrad Region). The obtained technical and economic indicators indicate that under the conditions of this chemical forestry enterprise, the cost of spruce resin is 2 times less than pine resin.

Many researchers have been engaged in tapping spruce in our country, but the issue of industrial tapping of this coniferous species has not been finally resolved to this day.

Collection of spruce sulfur. It is collected from random wounds of spruce trees. Spruce sulfur is a solid mass containing from 3 to 10% turpentine and 60-65% non-volatile resinous substances. Serka can be collected all year round. Most

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It is convenient to collect it in plantings where, 4-5 years ago, selective felling was carried out, roads, clearings, sight lines, etc. were laid. To scrape off deposits of resin, dull knives, scrapers or axes are used. However, cutting wood is not allowed. The bark removed together with the serka should not exceed 3 in length and 2 in width cm. C 1 ha collect about 50 kg serki. Collection rate 10-12 kg per day per worker. In total, the production of serka in the Soviet Union is 2-2.5 thousand. T in year. It is collected mainly in the northern regions (Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Leningrad, Kirov regions, etc.).

Cedar tapping. Siberian and Korean cedar occupy large areas in our country. In terms of their anatomical structure, cedar wood and the resin pods found in it differ little from pine wood. The period of resin flow in cedar is longer due to the fact that the resin crystallizes more slowly. When tapping cedar (tapouts are applied less frequently than when tapping pine. Cedar is tapped, like pine, using ribbed downward and ascending methods, applying 15-20 carots during the tapping season. As established by the industrial practice of tapping cedar in the Kebezensky chemical forestry enterprise, the average yield is Karru is 250-300 g of resin composition (in%): rosin 74.32, turpentine 19.54, moisture 5.19 and litter 0.95.

Cedar rosin is light and transparent in appearance, elastic and oily to the touch. Acid number 130-150, saponification number 160-180, melting point about 50°. When heated above 180°, cedar rosin gradually turns into oily products (rosin oils), which can be obtained directly from resin. Cedar turpentine has the following composition (in%): a-pinene 67-72; (3-pinene 9-11; terpene alcohols - about 1; camphene and D3-carene are also present.

Experiments on the isomerization of cedar turpentine in the presence of a titanium catalyst showed the possibility of using it for the synthesis of camphor.

Larch tapping. Two types of larches grow in the Soviet Union - Siberian and Dahurian. The first is widespread in the northeast of the European part of the USSR and V Siberia, and the second in Transbaikalia. Larch is the most common coniferous species in our country and is of great interest for sapling production. Resin in larch wood is contained in resin passages and, in addition, in special containers called resin pockets. The resin ducts of larch are similar in structure and size to those of spruce. They differ only in that they are often arranged in groups of two, three or more, forming rows and chains. The excretory cells of the resin ducts of larch are smaller than those of pine. They never fill the entire channel even with poppy
maximally filling them with water. The membranes of excretory cells quickly become woody and thicken. Therefore, the usual methods of tapping pine are not applicable to larch. The main mass of resin when tapping this rock is obtained from resin containers, which are distributed throughout the trunk. To date, no external signs have been found by which the presence and location of resin containers could be established.

In the Soviet Union, a method of tapping larch using external wounds is being developed.

Pistachio tapping. It grows in Central Asia, mainly in Uzbekistan, especially in the mountainous regions of Surkhan - Darya region and Turkmenistan. Pistachio is cultivated to produce seeds used in the food industry. Galls develop on pistachio leaves, the so-called buz-guncha, from which bright crimson dye for carpets is extracted. In addition, the pistachio is planted. In 1958, the Leningrad Artistic Paints Plant, having decided to reduce the import of expensive mastic from abroad, turned to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Uzbek SSR with a proposal to organize the procurement of pistachio turpentine - a valuable raw material for the production of high-quality varnishes. Pistachio tapping is carried out in the Babatag forestry on trees that are ripening and ripe (over 61 years old) with a trunk diameter of 20 cm and higher. Males are inoculated, intended for re-vaccination and having a standard form. The preparatory work consists of clearing the places of future karra from dead
bark. DDT is sprinkled around the trunks to prevent ants from contaminating the resin. To collect turpentine, receivers are installed. During the season, from 5 to 15 touches are applied to each tree. 116.4 collected from 2750 trees planted kg resin, on average from karry - 42.3 g, and from karropodnovka - 4.2 g. In addition, sintered resin is collected, released from accidental wounds of pistachio bark.

In addition to tapping the trees of the above coniferous species, fir resin is also collected, which is used in optics. Maple and birch are harvested from deciduous trees to obtain sugary substances, which are obtained in the form of syrups (65-67% sugar) after evaporation of the juice.

Resin, obtained by tapping coniferous trees, is the main raw material in our country for the production of rosin and turpentine products. Forest tapping is also widespread in other countries. Great successes in the field of forest tapping have been achieved in the Chinese and Polish People's Republics. Below is information about the extraction of resin in the countries

World for 1958 (in thousand):

TOC o "1-3" h z USSR……………………………………………………… 145.2

China……………………………………………………. 166.0

Bulgaria…………………………………………………….. 0.9


Total in socialist countries………………… 336.5


France…………………………………………………. 65.0


Spain…………………………………………………. 47.5

India………………………………………………………. 17.3


Portugal…………………………………………………………… 67.0

Japan………………………………………………………. 2.6

Total in capitalist countries………………. 414.9

History of the development of the tapping fishery.

Tapping means making systematic cuts on the surface of the trunk of a growing tree in order to cause the flow of juice - sugar in maple and birch, milky in rubber trees, resinous in conifers.

Tapping of coniferous species, mainly pine, is of greatest practical importance. The property of coniferous trees to secrete a resinous substance when wounded was known to mankind in ancient times.

The historical date of the emergence of the tapping fishery has not been established. In any case, until the 19th century, world production of turpentine was weak. In Russia, the collection of serka - resin deposits on coniferous trees from accidental wounds - has been practiced since ancient times, while tapping for the purpose of obtaining resin arose at the end of the 18th century. It became widespread in the north, where it was practiced by single artisans.

Initially, the so-called Welsh a tap, or impregnation, the purpose of which was to tar wood, i.e., to obtain resin, used as a raw material for dry distillation.

The country's growing needs for rosin and turpentine and the presence of vast areas of coniferous forests prompted Russian scientists to raise the issue of developing the turpentine industry. However, interest in this matter was shown only after D.I. Mendeleev spoke in favor of tapping in 1892. In 1896, a book by prof. V. E. Tishchenko “Turpentine and rosin.” Soon, research work began to study the resin productivity of our pine and to find rational methods of tapping.

From 1895 to 1914, many scientists and forestry practitioners conducted tapping experiments in different regions of the country. They refuted the preconceived opinion of some forestry experts about the dangers of tapping for the forest and the statements of foreign experts about the unsuitability of Scots pine for extracting resin.

After the Great October Socialist Revolution, among other problems of the national economy, the question of organizing the tapping fishery on a scientific basis was also raised. In Ukraine, Belarus, the Leningrad region, in the central part of the Union, in the Urals, in Siberia - experimental sites were organized everywhere, where production and technical issues related to tapping were developed. The experiments were carried out by prominent Soviet scientists and specialists: forester Sedletsky, prof. Pischukha, acad. E.F. Votchalom, prof. V. D. Ogievsky, prof. A.E. Arbuzov and others. In-depth theoretical research that contributed to the development of the domestic turpentine industry was carried out by prof. L.A. Ivanov and his students.

Since 1928, gum turpentine began to be exported from the USSR abroad. By 1930, oleoresin production was 82 times higher than in 1926, and our country was able to export other turpentine products that had previously been imported from abroad. At present, the subsistence fishery has completely disappeared due to the emergence of new synthetic, more advanced technologies.

Tapping products and their application.

From oleoresin, the solid product rosin and liquid turpentine are obtained by distillation.

Rosin is consumed in large quantities by the soap and paper industries. It gives soap good saponification and softness, helps preserve fats in it and partially replaces them. Paper glued with rosin acquires high quality: ink and paints do not bleed on it. Rosin is also required in other industries: rubber, in the production of printing inks, glue, sealing wax, putty, linoleum, insulating material, etc.

Turpentine is used in the paint and varnish industry for the production of turpentine varnishes and paint dissolution; in perfumery production - to obtain aromatic substances; in the textile industry - when printing designs on cotton fabrics; in medicine - to obtain artificial camphor, for medicinal purposes and disinfection, etc.

Resin formation and release, structure of resin passages.

Resin is contained in narrow channels - resin passages. Resin passages in pine form three closed, separate systems: in the wood, in the needles and in the primary bark. For tapping, only the resin ducts of the wood, its living part - the sapwood, are important.

The resin duct consists of an intercellular cavity, the so-called resin canal, and the parenchyma surrounding it, in which there are: 1) lining, or excretory, cells that form the epithelium of the resin duct, 2) a dead layer of cells and 3) cells of the accompanying parenchyma.

Scheme 1. Cross-section of a pine resin duct:

1-lining cells: 2-dead layer; 3 cells of accompanying parenchyma. 4-tracheids; 5 – intercellular cavity; 6 – cavity of the resin canal.

On a cross section, the lining cells look like thin-walled bubbles protruding into the canal. The shape of the lining cells is not constant and depends on the degree of filling of the channel with resin. When the canal is filled to its maximum, the lining cells are flat; in the emptied canal, the cell membranes are pressed into it and, touching, close the canal cavity.

Around the lining cells there is a layer of dead cells, consisting of one or more rows, between which there are often gaps. The layer of dead cells is followed by living cells of the accompanying parenchyma. They are located in some places in several rows, in some places they are interrupted. The accompanying parenchyma serves as a reserve tissue, as it contains substances necessary for the formation of new resin. The parenchyma is surrounded on all sides by tracheids.

Resin ducts are located along the wood fibers (longitudinal, or vertical) and in the core rays (transverse, or horizontal).

The diameter of the longitudinal resin passages is on average 0.1 mm. The diameter of the channel itself depends on the degree of filling it with resin: at maximum filling it reaches 80% of the diameter of the passage. The average length of longitudinal passages is considered to be 50 cm, longitudinal - 100 cm. The longest longitudinal passages are located at the butt.

Transverse resin passages are constructed in the same way as longitudinal ones, but are much smaller in size. Their diameter is on average 40 microns, the total length is no more than the radius of the tree, and the length of the active passages is no more than the width of the sapwood, since the sapwood resin is isolated from the sapwood resin and is not available for tapping. The volume of transverse resin passages is relatively small, therefore they are less significant for the accumulation of resin than longitudinal ones. Their significance lies in the fact that, connecting with the longitudinal ones, they form a communicating system of resin channels, due to which the resin can be released from distant unopened passages when tapped.

Resin ducts are formed in each annual layer of the tree and are concentrated mainly in late wood. In the butt part of the trunk, near the neck of the root, there are more of them than in other parts. There are more of them in the apical part, which bears the crown, than in the middle, smooth part. In the butt part of the tree, vertical resin ducts predominate, in the apical part, horizontal resin ducts predominate.

When tapping a tree, the cambium of the annual layer deposits a layer of wood under the bark at the site of the cut with an increased number of longitudinal resin passages compared to the norm. These layers are called pathological or traumatic. Like normal layers, they begin to develop only in midsummer, when latewood is established, regardless of when the wound is made.

The formation of pathological ducts, increasing the number of the most active peripheral resin ducts, increases the yield of resin during sucking. This increase is especially noticeable in the second half of the season and the year following the tap.

Formation of resin

Resin is formed by lining cells, which are therefore called excretory cells.

During the tapping process, new resin is formed in an amount that completely covers what flows out during tapping. In the first year, when tapped, the tree produces more resin than is available in finished form in the entire system of resin ducts. In this way, pine can be tapped for many years.

New resin is formed both in the young passages of the last year and in those that existed at the beginning of the tapping. In old passages it forms more slowly than in young ones.

Isolation of resin.

The contents of plant cells, mainly cell sap, exert pressure on the cell membrane, which in turn presses on the cell contents. This mutual pressure, called turur, creates a state of tension in the plant body.

Until the moment an incision is made on the trunk, the resin channels are filled with resin, which puts pressure on the excretory cells, pressing them against the dead cells. All the water from the excretory cells is squeezed into the cavity of the dead layer cells. A large resin pressure is created in the channel, and the pressed; excretory cells to the walls of dead cells, having given up water, lose their elasticity. This state is called plasmolysis. When making cuts, the resin channels are opened and resin is released from them abundantly, since the pressure in the resin channel is higher than atmospheric. As the resin flows out of the resin channels, the excretory cells, experiencing less pressure from the flowing resin, again begin to absorb water from the cavity of the dead cells and surrounding tissues. At the same time, the excretory cells expand, become elastic, the turgor state is restored, due to which they put great force on the resin and thus enhance its flow onto the cut surface. After the resin duct has emptied, the lining cells are so swollen that they almost touch each other.

Therefore, water supply is very important for the release of resin. The faster the excretory cells suck in water, the easier and faster they squeeze out the resin from the resin passages. The absorption of water by these cells, in turn, depends on its reserves in the tree, soil and air. To resume the ceased secretion of oleoresin from the old cut, repeated wounds (new wounds) are applied.

After making a second cut, a rapid release of oleoresin occurs at first, after a few hours it slows down and finally stops. In summer, the release of oleoresin practically stops 24 hours after the second cut; in the fall, due to a decrease in temperature, after two to three days.

The cessation of oleoresin flow is explained by many reasons. One of them was considered to be the thickening of oleoresin and the formation of a hard crust on the surface of the wound due to the evaporation of turpentine and the crystallization of resin acids. However, this assumption is unlikely, since removing the solid film from the cut surface does not restore the release of oleoresin. According to some researchers, the flow of oleoresin stops due to a narrowing of the resin channel caused by strong swelling of the lining cells of the resin passages in the wound area.

The duration of the flow of oleoresin is prolonged by exposing the wound to chemicals. The cells of the resin ducts die and shrink, as a result of which the resin ducts are completely open. By lubricating the cut with sulfuric acid, you can extend the flow of resin to 6-7 days. The yield of oleoresin, calculated per one cutting, increases by 2-2.5 times, and the seasonal yield remains approximately the same as with conventional tapping.

The duration of the outflow of resin is also largely affected by the rate at which the channel is filled with newly formed resin. This is the deepest and most significant reason determined by the physiological state of the tree. As the nutrient material is consumed, the formation of oleoresin is delayed, and finally, such a significant decrease in yield occurs that the tree requires a more or less long rest.

The duration of rest is determined by the period during which normal activity of the channels is restored and they are completely filled.

Factors influencing the resin productivity of tapping

Growing conditions.

Within the same geographical area, the resin productivity of pine forests can vary depending on many reasons. The main ones are climatic and soil factors. Under favorable climatic and soil conditions, the release of oleoresin increases; dry climate and unfavorable soil and soil conditions negatively affect the release of oleoresin during tapping.

A more or less satisfactory yield of resin during tapping is observed when the air temperature is at least 10°. With a further decrease in temperature, the release of oleoresin is sharply reduced, since its viscosity increases. The optimal temperature for oleoresin release should be considered to be 15-25°.

High air temperature increases resin productivity only if there is a sufficient supply of moisture in the tree. In hot but dry weather, the yield of resin not only does not increase, but even decreases.

Pine forests of high quality are characterized by high resin productivity. Pine of quality classes I and II has the highest resin productivity.

The degree of development of trees is of great importance. Trees with well-developed trunks and crowns are the richest in resin; poorly developed trees - development classes IV and V - produce so little resin that tapping them is unprofitable. But even within the first three classes, the difference is still significant: trees of class III give yields 40% lower than trees of class I, and 30% lower than trees of class II.

Pure pine forests usually grow on less fertile soils where other species do not establish. Therefore, pine growing in mixed stands is more productive of resin.

The resin productivity of pine varies during the tapping season. In spring, less resin flows out, since at this time the temperature of the air and especially the soil is still low and the tree’s water supply is temporarily disrupted. In the second half of summer, the yield of oleoresin increases significantly, since by July the growth of shoots and needles usually ends, and the formation of late wood and pathological resin ducts begins. Temperatures at this time are usually higher than in the first half of the season. Increased yields of oleoresin in the second half of the growing season persist until the fall in temperature begins to take effect.

Silvicultural factors of forest tapping

Resinous substances in coniferous trees are formed throughout their life, but far from uniformly: with age, resin productivity increases and at a certain period of life sharply weakens. The increase in resin productivity with increasing tree age is explained, on the one hand, by an increase in the diameter and volume of the tree, and on the other, probably by an increase in the number and size of resin ducts and their ability to produce resin.

Plantings that are 70-80 years old are tapped. For short-term tapping, which is practiced in our country, the maximum age of the planting is limited by the condition of the trees. Any overmature planting, if the trees in it are viable and their number per unit area is sufficient, is suitable for tapping and guarantees a good yield of resin.

The completeness of the tree stand is of considerable importance: the less complete the tree stand, the better developed the tree crowns and the more favorable the conditions for the assimilation process, and, consequently, for resin formation.

However, the resin productivity of individual trees does not yet solve the issue of tapping economics, since the productivity of the tapper also depends on the number of trees per unit area. The fewer trees there are per hectare, the more time is spent on unproductive transitions from tree to tree.

Closed tree stands are also unfavorable for tapping, due to the relatively weak resin productivity of the trees. The most acceptable thickness for tapping is 0.5-0.8.

Technological factors of forest tapping

One of the most significant and important technological factors on which the degree of filling of the channels with oleoresin, and, consequently, the yield for each rework depends, is the duration of the gaps between the application of repeated wounds. The rate of filling of resin channels emptied after renovating varies not only among individual conifer species, but also among trees of the same species and ranges from 2 to 14 days. With very short, for example daily, trimmings, a decrease in the yield of oleoresin may soon occur due to the lack of reserve substances in the tree for resin formation.

The resin productivity of tapped trees is also affected by their load, the width of the wound area, its depth, etc., which is discussed in more detail below when describing different methods of tipping.

Tapping methods

Depending on the duration and intensity of use, tapping is distinguished between long-term and short-term.

For short-term tapping, trees scheduled for felling in the next 10 years are used. If the cutting area must be cut down in 1-2 years, tapping is carried out more intensively, without fear of weakening the tree.

In cases where the cutting area has been in use for 4-10 years, the trees are harvested more carefully so as not to weaken them before they are felled. A tap that lasts 10 years is also called an extended tap.

With long-term tapping, the same trees are tapped for 25-30 years. In this case, tapping is done very carefully. Such tapping, of course, affects the growth of wood, but these losses are covered by income from resin.

In the USSR, short-term tapping is practiced mainly, but along with this, the question of organizing long-term tapping in pine forests is being developed.

The surface area of ​​the trunk intended for making wounds is called the karra, the part of the surface on which the cuts are made is called the karra mirror, and the untouched strip of bark between the karras is called the belt. The degree of filling the circumference of the trunk with carrs, expressed as a percentage, is usually called the load of trees with carrs.

When tapping trees of any species, it is rational to use such a load that ensures the greatest yield of oleoresin throughout the entire operating season and at the same time does not dramatically affect the condition of the trees. The load percentage is set depending on the operating life of the cutting area.

It is advisable to carry out long-term tapping with a low load and extended gaps between repeated wounds; short-term tapping - with increased load and smaller gaps.

Industrial practice and special research have established that as the karra widens, its productivity increases, although not in proportion to its size. The width of the carra is allowed up to 40 cm with a one- to two-year service life and up to 20 cm with a longer tapping. The advantage of wide cages is that the number of vessels for catching resin, the so-called receivers, is reduced, the cost of cage equipment is reduced and worker productivity increases.

Wide karras have a negative effect on the life of a tree: the wider they are, the more difficult the movement of soil solutions in the tree is. In addition, cracks are more likely to form on a wide carre.

Cutting off the rough, scaly part of the bark is required before making wounds. This process is called browning (see Chapter 2 for more on browning).

Periodically repeated cuts made on the surface of the tree to open new or clogged resin passages are called prying, or, as we already mentioned, scuffing.

When tapping, the resin can only be released from the sapwood, so there is no point in making trenches deeper than the sapwood. There is no need to cut all the sapwood, since the presence of transverse resin passages connected to the longitudinal ones ensures the release of resin from the uncut layers of sapwood. For normal release of resin, it is necessary to cut several peripheral annual layers. In practice, when tapping pine, the depth of the trim is taken to be 7-10, maximum 13 mm.

The yield of oleoresin, calculated per one cutting, is called the yield per carroping.

It is recommended that the gaps between the cuttings, called pauses, be short, since with increasing pressure in the channel, resin formation is delayed, due to which the collection of resin during the season is reduced. In industrial practice of tapping Scots pine, as a rule, tapping is done every two days on the third; i.e. with a pause of three days.
Based on the nature of the wound, existing tapping methods are divided into two types (Fig. 1): with transverse cuts located at a certain angle to the axis of the trunk (descending and ascending tapping methods), and with cuts along the axis of the tree (Ural method).

Descending tapping method.

A distinctive feature of the top-down method is that the cuts are made from top to bottom.

After browning, a longitudinal (guide) groove is made in the middle of the carra to drain the resin into the receiver. The depth and width of the groove is no more than 2 cm, the length is determined by the number of reworks applied in one tapping season. The first undercuts (whiskers) are made at the top of the carra at an angle of 30-35° to the groove (Fig. 1 position 2), 0.7-1 cm deep and 0.5-0.7 cm wide, the underfoot pitch (width of the chips at the groove ) - 1-1.5 cm. Subsequent undercuts are applied below the previous ones parallel to the first mustache in the upward direction from the groove.

Every season, a new karra is laid below the old one. In the first year of tapping, karras are placed at the maximum height from the ground so that the descending order of karra laying is ensured for the entire tapping period.

Shoes are made with a specially shaped cutter - a hack, and on high karrahs - with a chisel (Fig. 2, position 3 and 4).

Rice. 1 Tapping methods and tapping tools:

1 - schematic representation of cuts using different methods of tapping forests; 2-carra scheme with the descending tapping method; 3-hack; 4-chisel

The advantages of descending karra are as follows. As the karra increases, the distance for the resin to flow to the receiver decreases, which is very important, since by autumn the resin becomes thicker and, thanks to the small distance, almost completely flows into the receiver. The presence of a longitudinal groove makes it easier to apply the undercoat and speeds up the flow of resin, eliminating the possibility of it spreading over the curry, due to which less turpentine evaporates. Since the cuts are made from the bottom up when trimming, the shavings fly to the side and do not clog the resin. Karra is in the best water supply conditions, since the footings are located towards the flow of water coming from the roots. The labor productivity of the oleoresin collector increases, since he does not have to clean the frozen oleoresin all over the surface of the carra every time, and the oleoresin, which dries in a small amount in the groove, is easily scraped off. The yields and quality of resin are higher than with the ascending tapping method.

Ascending tapping method.

The upward tapping method differs from the downward tapping method primarily in that the first tappings are made at the bottom of the carra, and the subsequent ones are applied above the previous ones. Carrs also go from bottom to top. There is no longitudinal groove, and the resin flows over the entire square. Shoes are carried out at an angle of 40-45° to the axis of the trunk, directed from top to bottom, towards the center line of the carra. The dimensions of the carra are the same as with the downward tapping method.

The ascending tapping method was used in our country in the first years of the development of the tapping fishery, but soon began to be replaced by the descending method and is currently used only sometimes on upper-tier karries (for the location of karries in two tiers, see Fig. 3). When using the upper tier using this method, there is no need for jumpers between the karra, the edges of the karra are smooth, without nicks, which ensures better overgrowth, and cracks are less likely to form on the surface of the karra.

Significant disadvantages of this method: a significant part of the oleoresin lingers on the ribbed surface of the karra without reaching the receiver, as a result of which the work of the collectors is somewhat difficult due to the low speed of the moaning of the oleoresin on the unsmooth surface of the karra; a significant part of the turpentine evaporates, which affects the quality of the oleoresin; As the karra increases, the distance from which the resin flows to the receiver also lengthens, and part of it, especially in autumn, remains on the karra without reaching the receiver.

The yields and quality of resin with the ascending method are slightly lower than with the descending method.

The Ural method is the most simplified method of short-term tapping, as it does not require special tools and equipment. Its main difference from previous methods is that it does not attach a receiver and the tapped product is not liquid, but dried, fragile resin - barras.

The technique of the Ural method of tapping is as follows. A natural receiver is prepared on the trunk - a threshold mirror (Fig. 2, position 2), limited on the northern side of the trunk in its butt part for about 0.5 m in height by a strip of bark 20 cm wide; on trees with a diameter above 44 cm, two such stripes are left on opposite sides of the trunk. In the butt

Rice. 2 Ural method of tapping:

1-carra; 2-scheme of the location of the carra on the trunk; 3-scraper for removing bark

parts of the trunk, at a height of 20 cm from the neck of the root, with a bow saw or hacksaw, make a cut between the boundaries of the strip of bark to the wood at an angle of 70°, with an inclination to the horizon. At a height of 50 cm from the bottom cut, the top cut is made at an angle of 90° to the axis of the trunk. Between the edges of the upper and lower cuts along the strip of bark, without touching it, with a scraper (Fig. 2 position 3) two longitudinal strips of bark (threads) are removed down to the wood itself. The strip of bark thus limited is removed with a spatula, plow or ax.

After preparing the carry, they begin to apply refurbishments to it using a scraper or a debarking plow. The first undercut is applied at the bottom of the carr - above the threshold, making cuts across its entire width, most often 3-5 cm high (but not more than 10 cm) and 2-3 mm deep. Subsequent touches are applied higher than the previous ones. The oleoresin released after applying the undercoat spreads throughout the entire carre and solidifies partly on it, partly reaching the threshold.

On trees with a diameter of 20-28 cm it is allowed to make one karra 40-60 cm wide, on trees with a diameter of 29-44 cm - also one 60-100 cm wide, on trees with a diameter of 45-60 cm - two 50-70 cm wide The width of the belt in all cases is 20 cm.

Pine is currently the main coniferous species used for tapping. It is also possible to tap other conifers: spruce, fir and larch, but the methods for tapping them are different. This is explained by the fact that the anatomical structure of resin ducts in spruce and larch is different from that of pine, and in fir resin ducts are present only in the primary bark.

Chapter 2 Organization of short-term pine tapping.

Substrate base.

One of the conditions that ensures the success of tapping operations is the correct choice of forest plantings and individual trees for tapping. For tapping, healthy mature and overmature pine plantations of the first four quality classes are allocated, planned for felling in the current decade, having at least 50 trunks suitable for tapping per 1 hectare with a diameter at a chest height of 18 cm and above.

In cutting areas designated for tapping, it is prohibited to tap seeds, trees for special purposes, trees with seryanka occupying more than 50% of the trunk circumference, trees of IV and V development classes.

The plantings allocated for tapping are divided into strips (letters) with an area of ​​3-5 hectares in such a way that it turns out to be about 1000 carr. After dividing the areas into strips, work areas are organized, which include several letters. The average size of the working area is 5-8 thousand carr.

Preparatory work.

Preparatory work consists of the following operations: 1) laying the carries, 2) browning, 3) wiring the guide grooves and the first whiskers, 4) installing the carries. This work is partially carried out in the fall, which allows production work to begin without delay next spring. In the fall, carries are usually marked, browned, and sometimes guide grooves are made. With the onset of cold weather, the installation of grooves is stopped.

Plantings allocated for tapping are divided into three categories depending on the time of their entry into felling: I - plantings entering felling after 1-2 years, II - after 8-5 years, III - after 6-10 years.

The degree of load on the tree during tapping is determined by the number and width of the carrages laid. The width and number of carrats, in turn, depend on the diameter of the tree and the operating life of the cutting area. As the tapping period decreases and with thicker trees, a larger load of karrams is allowed, and vice versa. The sizes and number of karras for ripe and overmature pine plantations are given in Table. 1.

Table 1

The sizes and number of karras established by the USSR Ministry of Forestry for plantings of different categories

The karrs are marked on the tree in August-September by cutting symbols on the cork part of the bark indicating the number of karrs and their locations. Carrs are laid on convex areas of the tree that do not have irregularities, damage or knots. Along the circumference, the karra trunk is placed as symmetrically as possible, so that the belts left between them are approximately the same width. If it is necessary to lay karra on an uneven surface of the trunk, their asymmetrical arrangement is allowed, but with the obligatory condition that the width of the belts between closely spaced karra be no less than 10 cm.

But at the height of the tree, karras are laid in one or two tiers, depending on the period of use, but always one above the other. The lower tier is dredged up first, and only using the downward tapping method. The upper tier can be dredged using either the downward or upward reaping method. When tapping the upper tier using the downward tapping method, jumpers of 20 cm are left between the first and second tiers of karra. The height of the karra is not limited, but their total height for the entire period of tapping should not exceed 4.5 m from the ground level.

Browning consists of removing, with a sharply sharpened plow, the rough scaly layer of bark, down to its reddish and denser part, without phloem and cambium (Fig. 3).

The purpose of browning is to facilitate the application of undercuts, to reduce the dullness of the tool on the bark during periodic undercuts and the clogging of the receptacles.

Browning is carried out on a section of the trunk equal to the width of the karra, with additional stripping of a 4 cm strip of bark on each side of the karra. The bark is removed starting from the upper end of the karra.

Wiring of grooves and whiskers.

Grooving is carried out in the fall (in warm weather) or early spring. The direction of the groove is taken strictly vertical, the cut is made smooth and even, to a depth of no more than 2 cm. With non-smooth cuts, the flow of resin slows down, it accumulates in the groove and its quality decreases. When cutting grooves in the spring, the first undercoat (mustache) is applied at the same time, since restoring the damaged water supply for each individual operation will require twice as much time, as a result of which the start of production work will be delayed. Simultaneous application of grooves and whiskers is allowed only within the part of the trunk up to chest height. On higher carries, the mustache is carried out in a separate technique using a chisel. In this operation, it is very important to accurately maintain the angle between the whiskers, otherwise loss of resin is inevitable.

Carrying equipment is installed in the spring, simultaneously with the installation of grooves and whiskers. Carrying equipment consists of receiving grooves, receivers and tires.

The receiving groove is a metal or wooden grooved plate fixed above the receiver to prevent the resin from spreading over the wood as it passes from the karra to the receiver.

Receiving grooves are installed under the lower end of the longitudinal groove with a downward slope at an angle of 45° to the axis of the tree.

The length of the receiving grooves is 5-6 cm, width 3.5-4 cm, depth 1 cm. They are strengthened in the tree to a depth of 0.5 cm with a light blow of a hammer.

Mostly metal, glass and ethernite funnels, and sometimes birch bark boxes, are used as receivers. The receivers are mounted on two wooden pegs driven shallow into the tree.

Rice. 4 Installation of carrowing equipment with a cone-shaped receiver (left) and a birch bark box (right).

Tires are usually wooden planks 14-17 cm long, 12-15 cm wide and 0.5 cm thick. They are installed above the receivers on the lower tier carries, and on the upper ones, where there is a possibility for this.

Technique for applying undercoats.

After installing the receivers at the beginning of the tapping season, the first trim is made. The first undercut is given exceptionally great importance, since the angle of application of subsequent undercuts and the width of the carra depend on the placement of the mustache. Shoes are made at an angle of no more than 70°, the cutting depth should not exceed 1 cm. The cut is made in one step, in a straight line, starting from the groove. It must be clean - without nicks, burrs or dents covering the resin passages. The edges of the carra are made vertical, all on the same line. With a clean, smooth cut, the protruding resin flows more freely to the guide groove, the resin passages do not close, and the resin is released from them better. The appearance of blue discoloration and the death of wood are caused mainly by sloppy cuts, torn edges of the wound, and overloading of the tree.

Touch-ups begin to be applied in April or May, as soon as relatively warm weather sets in (with an average daily temperature of 7-10°), and continue systematically: in spring and autumn on about the fourth day, in summer - on the third.

The number of rounds per season is determined by the operating life of the cutting area: with a service life of 2 years, up to 50 rounds are allowed, 3-5 years - up to 45 rounds, 6-10 years - up to 40 rounds. In the last year before felling, the number of rounds is not limited. After 5-6 years of tapping, a break of one year is required. The procedure for alternating tapping with rest years is agreed upon in each case by the forestry enterprises with the organizations conducting tapping.

The length of the karra per season is not limited, but their total length for the entire tapping period is allowed no more than 4.5 m.

To maximize the use of plantings, simultaneous planting of the second tier is allowed in the last year of operation.

In the last two years, before plantings are designated for felling, stepwise trimmings are allowed in the stumpy part of the trunk (even trimmings are made along fresh sapwood, odd trimmings are made along the edges of the karra) with a cutting depth of up to 2 cm.

In the last year of tapping, when using downward cuttings, it is allowed to produce furrowed cuttings in one or two tiers with a cutting depth of no more than 1 cm in the same vertical with them in the unused stump part of the trunk. Furrowed cuttings are also allowed to be produced in plantings transferred to tapping in two of the year. With the furrowed method of undercutting in the stump part no higher than 15 cm from the ground level, it is allowed to install receivers in the form of drilling channels with a diameter of up to 6 cm and a depth of no more than 15 cm.

In the last two years before felling or in plantations transferred to tapping for 1-2 years, it is possible to use a method of chemical treatment of the tapping trees by cutting the cambium and pouring it with sulfuric acid.

Collecting resin

The resin is periodically selected from the receivers, depending on the intensity of its release, the capacity of the receivers and the time of the tapping season. In the spring and autumn months, when the output of resin is small, it is collected after three or four freshenings, in the summer months - after two freshenings.

The resin is selected into buckets with a capacity of 8-10 kg with a special spatula: from birch bark containers - wooden, lined with tin, from funnels of all types - iron or oak with a pointed end. The end of the spatula handle is curved so that it can be used to clear the guide groove. The barras on the upper circle are removed using a scraping device with a long handle and a box into which the barras are poured.

Reception and storage of resin

The resin is assessed by weight and quality by a special inspector or master. The accepted resin is poured by grade - into separate barrels made of crushed aspen staves with a capacity of 150 - 200 kg. The inner surface of the barrel is coated with a special composition (glue, casein, etc.), due to which it is not impregnated with resin.

Barrels of resin are stored in dugouts located in a dry and shaded place. The necessary fire safety measures are provided for storage facilities, since oleoresin is a flammable material.

Output of oleoresin

The main indicator of the productivity of the area where tapping is carried out is the yield of resin in grams per carropod. The initial data for determining the yield of resin from a karropovka are the number of operating karras on the site, the number of rounds during the tapping season and the amount of oleoresin received at the receiving point.

First, the yield from one carr is determined, then from a carp, using the following formulas:

  • Q is the yield of resin from one carr in g;
  • q is the yield of oleoresin from one carapace in g;
  • M is the amount of collected resin in g;
  • N - number of carr;
  • n - number of rounds.

Indicators of the yield of resin from one carr are considered correct only if, during each round, the resin was made on all the carries taken into account. With incomplete rounds, the performance on the carapaces decreases.

Practical yields of resin per season: from karra 600 - 1300 g, from karropodnovka 10 - 30 g.

Labor organization method and production standards

The most acceptable form of labor organization in the tapping industry is a comprehensive team that conducts tapping throughout the season, starting with preparatory operations and ending with the winding down of work. Depending on the working conditions, the team consists of 3 to 6 people, most often 5 people.

The arrangement of workers in the team depends on the type of work performed.

When carrying out preparatory work, the division of labor in the team for individual operations is specified in accordance with the volume of work and the labor intensity of the operation performed. When carrying out production work for the extraction of oleoresin, two collectors are usually attached to three lifters.

For cutting work, the following production standards are established per worker per 8-hour working day:

  • Marking carr on trees - 2500 carr
  • Browning at 80 cm height - 460 trees
  • Wiring grooves together with mustaches at a height of 55 cm - 550 trees
  • Installation of receivers, receiving grooves, holders, crutches, tires with toe to trees - 300 sets

Applying undercuts at the number of karr per 1 hectare:

  • up to 250 - 1800 reworks
  • 250-350 - 2100 refurbishments
  • more than 350 - 2500 repairs

Collecting resin from receivers with cleaning the groove and adjusting the tire - 1500 receivers

Specifications are made to the specified production standards (increasing or decreasing) depending on the working conditions: the height of the karr along the trunk, the number of karr per 1 hectare, clutter of the site, etc. (Table 2).

The table provided can only serve as an approximate calculation scheme, since it does not cover all the features of the work.

Accounting and acceptance of work

To accurately record the work done, a time sheet is kept, which later serves as a payroll sheet for payment. The report card is compiled daily and maintained by the foreman, and in some cases by the foreman.

Chapter 3 Tapping hardwood.

Birch tapping.

Birch sap contains sugary substances. Sugar and wine alcohol are obtained from it. The average sugar content of birch sap is about 1%. Sugars and other organic substances needed by the tree for nutrition are produced by the leaves. In the spring, before leafing, solutions of reserve nutrients, mainly sugar, move through the wood, and after the leaves bloom, along the bark.

Birch tapping technique

Tapping birch is possible only in the spring, during the growing season, for 35-40 days. In the butt part of the tree, at a low altitude, carefully remove the rough bark with a plow so as not to damage the smooth surface of the inner bark. In the cleaned area, drill a hole with a drill at an angle of 70-80° to the axis of the tree for a groove with a diameter of 1.5-2 cm and a depth of 3-4 cm. The groove is made of hazel wood. Its diameter is 2-3 cm, length 12-20 cm. One end of the groove, 2 cm long, is pointed and drilled. With this end it is driven into the hole of the trunk to a depth of 2-3 cm.

On trees with a diameter of up to 31 cm, one hole is made, on trees with a diameter of 31-35 cm - two, on thicker trees - three. The juice is collected in glass jars. The yield of juice from one tree per season ranges from 150 to 300 liters.

Juice processing

Birch sap is evaporated in tinned iron boxes or in tinned cauldrons embedded in a brick oven. The bottom of the evaporator is insulated from fire. The syrup is adjusted to 65-68% sugar content. From one tree you can get about 2 kg of syrup per season. To evaporate 1 ton of water from juice, about 1.5 m3 of firewood is consumed.

The resulting syrup is fermented at a temperature of 28-32°. Fermentation with liquid yeast produces 20% more alcohol than fermentation with compressed yeast.

The taste of alcohol from birch syrup is not inferior to the best types of alcohol obtained from wheat. The yield of anhydrous alcohol is 41-48% relative to the sugar contained in the alcohol solution. About 0.8 liters of alcohol are obtained from one tree per season.

Maple tapping

The sugar content of maple sap is 1-3%, the specific gravity of fresh sap is 1.008. At room temperature, the juice becomes cloudy and sour after 3-4 days. Fresh maple sap can be preserved with lime (22 g of pure lime per 1 liter of sap). When evaporated from 1 liter of juice, 20 g of pure sugar and 9 g of molasses are obtained. Maple tapping is carried out mainly in Belarus.

Maple tapping technique.

The tapping season lasts 25-30 days. For the middle belt of Belarus, the sap season begins in mid-March. Maximum juice yields occur at the end of March.

In the butt part of the maple trunk intended for tapping, at a height of 35-50 cm from the soil surface, the rough bark is scraped off with a plow and in this place one or more holes are drilled with a drill (depending on the thickness of the trunk) with a diameter of 1.2-1.5 cm and a depth of 2-3 cm. The hole is inclined downwards by 75°. The sap from the hole enters the receiver through the same grooves as when tapping a birch tree. Receivers are glass cylindrical jars installed on the surface of the earth. The juice is collected from the receivers once every 2 days, and at maximum output - daily, pouring it into galvanized or wooden buckets, and from them into aspen barrels.

At the end of the tapping season, the grooves are removed, the holes are filled with bushings and covered with resin on top. The output of maple sap per season per hole is about 20 liters, the average daily is about 0.5 liters.

Juice processing.

Maple sap is evaporated in the same apparatus as birch sap, bringing the syrup to 66-67% sugar content. The layer of juice in the evaporators is maintained constant, 3-3.5 cm thick. The syrup, evaporated to the specified sugar content, is well preserved, has a pleasant taste and smell, golden color and the consistency of fresh honey. Sugar crystallized from the syrup when dissolved with water gives an even more transparent and aromatic syrup.