Connect the water supply to the dacha. How to make water supply in a country house: choose pipes, layout, installation method. Types of water pipes

In modern construction, the drainage system occupies an important place, since not only the correct and timely removal of water coming from precipitation or from melting snow, but also the safety of the entire building as a whole depends on how it is organized. A drain is a set of elements designed to ensure that rainwater, when it hits the roof, drains from it in specially designated places and is discharged outside the house into drainage structures. The drainage system includes gutters, downpipes and other elements. Let's look at it in more detail.

Types of drains

There are two types of drains, the classification of which is carried out according to the place of installation.

The choice of type of drainage is made in accordance with the specifics of the building and roof structure.

The following types of drains are distinguished:

  • External. A drain of this type can be found much more often, its design is simpler, and it can be built both in a building under construction and in an already operating building. If a drain of this type is functioning, water flows along the roof into gutters, from them into drainpipes, and from there it enters the drainage arranged around the perimeter of the building.
  • Interior. In this case, the pipes for drainage are located not outside the building, but inside its walls; water enters them through special funnels, and from there into the sewer. It is extremely difficult to build a drain of this type in an already finished building, and it is not always possible. Particular attention is paid to the tightness of the contact point between the funnel and the roof, otherwise water will get inside the walls of the building, which can, for this reason, become completely unusable in a very short time. Internal drains are used where installing an external system is impossible for technical reasons, for example, in the case of a complex roof configuration or if the building has a large flat roof.

Often pipes are supplied to prevent water from freezing in them.

Elements of the drainage system

Any type of drain includes separate components, and each component performs its own function. The design uses the elements of the drainage system listed below.


A gutter is a channel used to collect and drain rain or melt water from the roof. In cross-section, it has a semicircular or angular open shape; the design of the gutter is selected in accordance with the architecture of the building. The size of the gutter must correspond to the load on it, which in turn depends on the area of ​​the roof and its angle of inclination.


The design of drains of any type includes drainpipes located outside or inside the building. They are made from different materials: galvanized iron, plastic, metal-plastic and even copper. Each drainpipe consists of several parts; their connection can be carried out in various ways, including using shaped elements such as an elbow.


As mentioned above, the funnel is part of the internal drainage system and is used to collect rainwater from the roof plane. The industry produces two types of funnels:

  • Flat. They are usually installed on flat roofs.
  • Bell bells. Funnels of this type are used when installing drainage on roofs of complex configurations. Currently, manufacturers equip the funnel cap with a receiving grid to prevent small debris from entering the drain and thus avoid clogging it.

To fasten these elements included in the drainage system, various parts are used, such as a bracket, a hook, and others.

Builders are advised to provide for their installation during the construction of the building. This option will be the best, since it provides for the placement of all elements of the system in the most suitable places for this, and also ensures the strength of their fastening.

It is believed that the drainage system also includes drainage, where water enters after it is drained from the roof. It can be either open or closed. In the first option, the surface of the ditch is covered with an element such as a grate. are used to ensure that ditches do not pose obstacles to passage, and also protect their cavity from clogging.

Installation of a drainage system

The correct installation of a drainage system is the key to long-term operation of the house and the presence of comfortable living conditions in it. Many buildings fell into disrepair ahead of schedule and collapsed due to an improperly constructed drainage system or lack thereof.

Water that is not drained promptly and completely from the roof of a building or beyond it enters the structure, into the basement, destroys the base and foundation, contributes to the spread of fungus and damage to the interior decoration. In order to avoid these unpleasant and undesirable consequences, it is necessary to install the system correctly, checking each drainage unit and following the installation technology.

Installation of a drain is carried out in several stages:

  • Design work. As mentioned above, the best option is to install elements of the drainage system during the construction process, but if for some reason this did not work out, you can build a drainage system in the finished building. In any case, you should start with. A drain diagram is drawn up, the dimensions of its components are calculated, and the installation points for funnels and pipes are determined.
  • Installation of fasteners. Hook-brackets are mounted according to a pre-designed scheme, which takes into account all the design features and materials of the building.
  • Equipment for drains is installed: gutters and downpipes are installed.

Particular attention is paid to the angle of inclination of the gutters: if it is insufficient, precipitation will overflow over the edges, and if it is too large, the drainpipes will “choke.”

  • A protective mesh is placed over the gutters to protect them from debris.

Installation of a drainage system is a complex and responsible matter, there are no trifles in it, and it should be trusted to people who have serious knowledge and skills in this matter. Compliance with the technology of installation work, accurate calculations, high-quality fastening of all elements are factors that are of paramount importance for what the final result will be.

Severe weather conditions with heavy precipitation in the form of rain or sleet pushes all owners of private houses to install a drainage system. Because if this issue is not given due attention, the roof and walls are highly likely to undergo rotting, corrosion, and mold formation. The installation of a drainage system has now become a necessary element of almost any private home project. The undoubted advantage of any drainage system is the “flexibility” of installation and its adaptability to any type of home. Starting from a small building on a summer cottage and ending with a serious structure.

It is simply impossible to overestimate the need to install a drainage system. If you do not provide a drain for your private home, you risk exposing the building to excessive moisture. And this, in turn, is fraught with the appearance of mold and mildew on the walls, as well as the formation of an unpleasant odor in the basement and basement areas. Also, the foundation of the house suffers greatly from the lack of a drainage system. Under the influence of constant moisture, it begins to become damp and gradually weaken, which has an extremely negative impact on the safety of the entire structure of the house as a whole. And as a “final chord”, after heavy rainfall, rainwater will gradually begin to accumulate at the lower levels of the building.

As we can see, without a drainage system we put our health and the structural reliability of the building at risk. The main purpose of a gutter system is to drain rainwater from the roof of a building to a safe place, thereby eliminating unwanted noise and potential risks of compromising the structural integrity of the house. Most systems work on the following principle: water from the roof flows into special gutters, then into a drainpipe, and then through pipes on the site to the optimal safe place. Another important property of the drainage system is that it maximally protects the walls of the house, as well as the blind area of ​​the building, from the effects of precipitation and, as a result, from gradual destruction.

The absence of a drainage system can only be justified in buildings located in temperate climatic conditions, where precipitation is a very rare occurrence. Thus, the presence of a drain is justified economically (you insure yourself against unplanned expenses for building repairs), as well as psychologically (you are absolutely calm about the safety of your loved ones and friends).

It is considered optimal to choose a drainage system that organically matches the overall color palette of the house, as well as the roof material. The design should not clearly visually stand out from the background of the house. Rather, on the contrary, it should serve as a natural extension of the building and give it a neat and finished look.

If gutters are classified “globally”, then two types can be distinguished: internal and external fastening. The gutter is mounted using special brackets on the walls or rafters. Both categories include all the main elements of the drainage design: drain pipes, gutters, funnels, brackets and other components. The gutters themselves can be either metal or plastic, differing in cross-sectional shape: semicircular, trapezoidal and rectangular. To prevent rainwater from overflowing over the edge of the gutter, you can additionally strengthen it at the base.

The classification of gutters according to the material of manufacture will be as follows:

    Plastic. They are considered the most budget option, suitable mainly for climatic zones without sharply negative temperatures. The advantages of the material include its relative strength, lightness and ease of installation. Cons: poor resistance to sudden temperature changes. As a result, the plastic drain may crack or even become seriously deformed.

    Galvanized steel. Despite its initially strong anti-corrosion properties, it may begin to rust. And the structure will have to be cleaned or completely dismantled. Another negative point is that it is necessary to involve specialists in the manufacture of structural parts, as well as its installation.

    Polymer coated steel. Today the most reliable and popular solution on the market. An additional factor to purchasing this particular option is the ability to manufacture the structure in almost any color scheme. This will allow installation of a drainage system without violating the general “concept” of any country house or building.

The drainage system can be installed either independently or by specialists. In any case, the kit includes all the main structural elements, as well as various auxiliary fasteners. The main elements include: drainpipes, gutters for collecting rainwater, funnels. Accessories: all kinds of brackets, connecting tubes, transitions, plugs, as well as self-tapping screws, anchor bolts and much more.

The entire installation process can be divided into several stages

Calculation and purchase of materials and components

The dimensions and design of a country house, as a rule, are individual, so before purchasing material, it is necessary to take the dimensions of the house in great detail and consider the installation locations of the main structural elements (gutters, drainpipes). It is also very important to decide on the type of installation: internal or external. When calculating the material, the roof area is usually taken as a basis. Based on its dimensions, the average diameter of all gutters is calculated, and the total number of funnels involved in the system is calculated. The gutters from the material supplier usually have a length of 3 and a little less often, 4 meters. You can calculate the required number of meters based on the number of slopes and the total width of the roof. It is much easier to calculate the required length of drainpipes. It is necessary to measure the distance from the ground to the bottom edge of the roof, and also take into account all water drainage points. Rotating elements for gutters are calculated based on the specific roof structure. In the case of downpipes, one 45 degree swivel element is used. It is installed near the surface of the earth. All fasteners must be calculated taking into account the fact that their installation step is approximately 80 - 100 centimeters.

Let's look at the calculation method using specific examples.

For a small country house with a roof of approximately 60 - 70 square meters, the diameter of the gutters can be 70 - 100 mm, and for drainpipes: 50 - 80 mm.

In the case of houses with a larger area (from 100 m2), gutters with a diameter of 150 - 200 mm can be used. The diameter of the drainpipes in this situation should not exceed 100 - 150 mm.

An important nuance when installing a drainage system is the correct choice of the slope of the gutters. If the gutter turns out to be significantly smaller than the recommended size, then it will constantly overflow with rainwater and in the case of a large funnel angle, some of the precipitation will end up on the surface of the wall, which will negatively affect the “ecology” of the house and will negate the whole point of installing the system. Therefore, the optimal slope of the gutter is 2 - 5 mm per meter of length.

We make the main elements of the drain with our own hands

Although the basic elements of a gutter are usually ordered and purchased in a store or taken directly from the manufacturer, many design details can be made independently. It is better to use a steel sheet of at least 0.7 mm as a material.

Let's take a closer look at the sequence of work

    By bending the longitudinal edges on a steel sheet, we can obtain a reliable seam connection. Using various rolling tools, it is necessary to roll out a complete blank of the future structural element. As a result of rolling out, you should end up with a semi-cylindrical product shape or a regular gutter shape.

    The rolling out of the product itself is done manually. A metal block is taken as a stop, then a rigid straight pipe or any other similar object is taken and the sheet is bent until the desired gutter shape is obtained. The edges of the steel sheets are connected with a seam.

    To make your own funnel, you need to cut three elements from a steel sheet: the cone itself, the “glass” and the rim. In this case, the diameter of the rim must be equal to the diameter of the adjacent side of the cone. The diameter of the drainpipe should be the same as that of the bottom of the “glass”. If these nuances are not followed, the structure will be “leaky” and leaks cannot be avoided. The funnel is also connected to the pipe using a seam.

    When making a drain yourself, there are usually no strict restrictions and “nuances”. As a drain, a pipe with an oblique cut is usually used, connected to the drainpipe at a certain angle. When installing a drainpipe consisting of several elements, at the junction of the links it is necessary to narrow one side by 3-5mm. To avoid deep entry of the structural components, protrusions can be made at the ends of the links, but not more than 6-7 mm.

In general, the installation of a drainage system can begin at any stage of construction of a country house, or even after its construction. But it is best to carry out installation before building the roof and working on the roof. The most labor-intensive stage of installing the system can definitely be considered the installation of brackets for the gutters.

Below we will consider in detail the installation algorithm for all components of the drainage system

    Installation of the system, as a rule, begins with the installation of brackets, various hooks and other fasteners for gutters. Also at the initial stage, the installation of roof sheathing brackets to the slings is underway. The cornice is subsequently installed on the slings. The pitch of the rafters should be 50-60 cm, according to the recommendations for installing gutter holders. If the pitch is more than 60 cm, it is necessary to install additional brackets to ensure structural rigidity. The hooks must be secured at a certain slope to ensure continuous drainage of rainwater. The slope should be about five centimeters per 10 meters of the gutter. To do this, you need to calculate the number of brackets on one side of the roof, then you need to calculate the difference in height between the extreme elements, then lay them out one after another in a row and draw the resulting angle of inclination with a pencil. Brackets can be of different lengths. If they are long, they can be bent at an angle towards the direction of the roof. If they are short, they are attached to the vertical side of the sheathing. In case you are installing the system on the side of your house that is too long, two slopes for drainage using two funnels. In this situation, funnels should be placed along the edges of the roof, and the slopes of the gutters should go from the middle, again to the edges.

    Before directly installing the funnels into the gutter, it is necessary to cut a hole in it to allow water to flow into the funnel itself, and then into the drainpipe. To cut the hole, you need to mark the center of the funnel mounting as accurately as possible so that it is directly above the gutter. The funnel is secured in the following way: a fold is adjusted under the gutter, and on the other side the fixing device is mechanically bent.

    To ensure a tight fit of the funnel to the gutter, you must use a plug with a rubber seal.

    At this stage, the gutters are connected using special adapters and other connecting elements. All connection points must contain an O-ring. If the sealant material comes separately, then it is placed in the connecting element along an arc with the ribbed side up. The connector is mounted centrally on both gutters. First, the side without the latch (lock), then the side with the latch. It is important to understand that the gutters should not touch each other. It is necessary to maintain a distance of about 2-4 mm.

    The brackets must support all corners of the gutter. The corners are connected to the gutter in a similar way to the gutter connection method we discussed above. For insurance, we recommend attaching a bracket to the connector on each side to increase the stability of the structure and prevent sagging.

    One of the drain elbows is connected to the funnel from below. This is done so that the drainpipe is as close to the wall as possible, and it can be secured with special clamps. After installing the first elbow, then attach another one, but directed downwards to install the pipe itself.

    In case of a large distance between the installed elbows and the wall, it is possible to install another small connecting pipe. A pipe of smaller diameter is inserted into the elbow and secured with several clamps.

    The clamps themselves come in two types: for brick or wooden walls. For bricks, the clamp must have a special pin so that it can be driven into the wall. It is better to secure the pipe on both sides with clamps divided into two arcs. The arcs can be twisted at the edges or simply put on the pipe and then fixed.

    Finally, the drain is mounted on the end of the downspout.

In general, the installation of the drainage system can be considered complete.

Installing a drain yourself - video instructions

Maintaining optimal temperature in the structure during the cold period

In winter, melt water from snow flowing from the roof can, of course, freeze. As a result, ice clots can form in the drainpipes. Further, icicles may appear. To minimize such problems, it is necessary to consider the roof heating system and drainage systems. Such systems, as a rule, consist of heating cables, which can fairly reliably protect the roof and system from icing. These heating systems have undeniable advantages:

    Protection of the system from mechanical damage as a result of the formation of ice clots and icicles.

    Eliminates the need for frequent cleaning of gutters and roofs during the winter.

    Saving money by eliminating constant expenses for roof repairs and modernization.

    Due to minimal energy consumption, operating only when snow melts, you significantly save money on electricity bills.

To design a given system, a number of factors are usually taken into account. Here are some of them: the climatic zone of application of the system, the type and material of the roof, the size of the drain and other parameters.

Drainage system maintenance

Like any other relatively complex system, consisting of many connecting and fastening parts, and also systematically subjected to mechanical stress, the drainage system requires periodic maintenance. Even with full compliance with the installation technology, any drainage system needs periodic cleaning of various debris - leaves, dust, branches, etc. Without paying enough attention to this issue, the drain can quickly fail and, therefore, require urgent repairs.

We list other main reasons for gutter repair:

    Corrosion of iron pipes, cracks in plastic pipes

    The appearance of leaks at joints

    Loose fasteners, vibration from wind and precipitation

    Difficulty draining rainwater due to improper angle of gutters

If you notice significant cracks and serious corrosion in the pipes, they need to be completely replaced. Any repairs are not appropriate in this situation. If you notice any loosening of fasteners, you need to tighten them firmly, or replace all fasteners. Cleaning of drainpipes is usually carried out by washing with water from a hose under high pressure. Large debris can be removed using a long pole with a round brush (brush) at the end. Gutters are cleaned manually. In this case, you should exercise extreme caution, since the work is carried out at heights. To protect against the ingress of various debris, it is recommended to install special nets made of metal or plastic on gutters and funnels.

Leaks on iron pipes can be closed with special patches made of metallized tape. Before installing the patch, the surface must be cleaned and degreased. After that, a metallized tape is applied to the silicone mastic in compliance with all technologies. In the case of plastic pipes, you can use sealant and various rubber gaskets.

In conclusion, we would like to say that competent and timely installation of a drainage system will protect your home from premature aging and dilapidation. Compliance with the timing of preventive and repair measures will significantly increase the service life of the drainage structure, and, consequently, the safety of the home!

The drainage system of a building plays an important role. It completes the appearance of the building and performs its intended function - collecting and draining melt and rainwater from both a pitched roof and a flat one. In this case, water is drained not only from the roof, but also from other elements of the structure, for example, from the walls and foundation.

Types of drains

Roof drainage systems are classified according to certain criteria:

  • Organization of drainage. According to this feature, the system can be internal or external. In the first case, it is built into the walls of a house or indoors; the second type involves fastening drainage elements to the facades of buildings. External drainage can be used for all roofs with slopes; internal drainage is not installed on a pitched roof; it is designed to organize the collection and drainage of water only on flat floors.
  • Material of manufacture. The drainage system can be made of plastic or metal.
  • Method of connecting elements. Since the system consists of several elements, to connect them it is necessary to use either a special adhesive composition or rubber seals. Only in this case can storm drainage systems from the roof be reliably sealed.

Outdoor systems

External drainage systems are elements for the free movement of water located on the facade of the building. The design of the drainage system is selected in accordance with the design features of the building.

The design of an external roof drainage system requires the presence of the following elements:

  • A gutter that is installed with a certain slope.
  • A funnel for receiving water flowing down the gutters.
  • A drain pipe that directs the flow of water downwards.

When installing funnels, it is important to maintain a distance between them of 20-25 cm, and for normal operation, one funnel should have up to 10 meters of gutter.

Gutters and pipes for draining water

One of the elements of external drainage is gutters, which are divided into several types:

  • The installation of cornice-type gutters is carried out along the eaves overhang.
  • Parapet gutters are installed between parapet walls.
  • Gutter elements are designed to direct water to parapet gutters.

In addition, gutters can be of the following shape:

  • Semicircular elements are the most popular option.
  • Rectangular gutters have good throughput capacity, so in most cases they are used where there is an increased level of precipitation.
  • The embossed gutter helps trap dirt, leaves and other debris, protecting all drainage.

Considering the drain pipes of the external drainage of a pitched roof, it can be noted that they can also have a rectangular or round shape. When choosing a system, it is important that the pipe and gutter have the same geometry.

Drainpipe section

The cross-sectional shape of the drainpipe depends on the total area of ​​water collection, and the ratio of the area and diameter of the pipe is regulated by the relevant regulatory document.

According to GOST, a water collection area of ​​more than 200 m2 implies the use of a system with a square cross-section.

For small surfaces, the pipe diameter is selected according to the following scheme:

  • A water collection area of ​​less than 30 m2 must be equipped with a system whose waste pipe has a diameter of 8 cm.
  • For an area not exceeding 50 m2, it is enough to install a drain with a pipe with a cross-section of 9 cm.
  • If the area does not exceed 125 m2, then the drain must have a pipe with a diameter of 10 cm.

Regardless of shape and size, all pipes are secured using clamps and pins. These elements are most often made of metal, so they must be treated with an anti-corrosion agent before installation.

Material for the manufacture of drainage systems

In most cases, gutters from a pitched roof are made of the same material as the roof. The main materials for this purpose include the following:

  • Zinc coated sheet metal.
  • Tin plate with zinc coating and an additional protective layer of polymer.
  • Copper or aluminum.
  • Plastic.

Features of installing gutters

The drainage system must be installed according to certain rules and taking into account certain features:

  • When installing a drainage system yourself, it is important to maintain a distance of at least 5 cm between the wall and the drain pipe. Otherwise, the wall will be in constant contact with the wet pipe.
  • The drainage system, especially gutters, must be installed with a certain slope towards the funnels. Thanks to this design, water will flow freely down the gutter without accumulating or overflowing over the edges of the gutter.
  • Installing a hidden drain on a pitched roof involves installing the system behind the facing layer or hanging panels.
  • The joints and fastenings must be sealed. For this purpose, special glue, cold welding and rubber seals are used.

When choosing one or another sealing option, you should study the advantages and disadvantages of each of them:

  • Rubber elements are resistant to mechanical stress and seal the drainage system well. But it is worth considering their sensitivity to high and low temperatures, and for their normal functioning an average temperature is required.
  • The connection with glue is also reliable and airtight, but dismantling such a system is impossible.
  • Cold welding is the most reliable and hermetically sealed connection, but changing the linear dimensions of the system elements leads to cracking of the joints.

Consequently, the method of joining drainage elements is selected based on certain operating conditions.

Technological stages of the system design

Installation work on drainage begins with certain calculations.

  • First, determine the length of the gutters; for this, the building should be built around the perimeter.
  • Then the places where the funnels are planned to be placed are marked.
  • The next step in installing a water collection and drainage system is to install and fix holders for the gutter or special hooks. It should be taken into account that the fasteners for plastic pipes should be located at a distance of 60 cm from each other. For metal or combined systems, holders or hooks are placed in 30 cm increments.
  • Next, the funnels are attached.
  • After this, the gutters are placed in the installed holders.
  • Now you need to secure the connections of the drainage system. At this stage, it is important that the connector element is located at the junction of the gutters being connected.
  • The completion of the work is the installation of pipes, corner elements and plugs.

When connecting gutters, you should remember that the ends should not fit tightly to each other; there must be a temperature gap. In this regard, special attention should be paid to metal elements.

Installation of a pitched roof drainage system

Having chosen the material for the drainage system, and having considered the stages of installing drainage from pitched roofs, you can proceed to the direct installation of the elements.

The beginning of the work can be called the installation of funnels, but this is only if these elements are attached directly to the roof using brackets or other fastening devices. When the instructions suggest attaching funnels to gutters, work should begin with attaching the brackets.

Having installed the holders, they begin the direct installation of gutters on the roof. The starting point for installation should be a funnel. The places where the edges meet must be carefully sealed, choosing one of the suitable options.

If there are protruding corners of the building, it is necessary to use special corner elements, the shape of which simplifies the connection of gutters in difficult places.

The open ends of the gutters are closed using special plugs.

At the last stage, the drainage system devices install drain pipes, taking the fixed funnel as the starting point. During the installation process, it is worth monitoring the minimum distance from the wall to the pipe. The drain elements are attached to the walls using a clamp and coupling, positioning them in 2-meter increments.

Installation of drain pipes must be carried out according to the following rules:

  • The extreme point of the drain pipe should be located at a distance of 30 cm from the surface of the blind area.
  • When installing a linear drain, there must be a distance of at least 15 cm from the blind area to the drain element of the pipe.

If during the installation of the drainage system it becomes necessary to cut elements, then the following recommendations should be followed:

  • Metal products should not be cut with a grinder, as this will damage the layer that protects the metal from corrosion. To avoid this problem, it is better to use metal scissors.
  • A hacksaw or grinder is quite suitable for cutting plastic drainage elements. When performing any actions with plastic elements, it is necessary to control the temperature, since such material can only be worked at above-zero temperatures.

The content of the article

In private houses of old construction, a drainage system was rarely installed. Rain and melted snow water flowed by gravity from the roofs and went into the soil. The soil, saturated with moisture, in winter gave the foundation the ability to move, as a result of which the geometry of the entire house was disrupted.

Windows and doors were warped and did not close or open well. The house, as they say, “played.” In addition, the integrity of the foundation was compromised, water could enter the basement, and walls were destroyed due to constant exposure to moisture.

Benefits of installing a drainage system

Currently, when constructing private houses, it is mandatory to install gutters. In addition to the useful functions of preserving the foundation and walls of the house from destruction, they also play a certain role in the decorative design of the building.

As a useful addition to the roof structure, a drainage system (properly designed) collects all moisture entering the roof and removes it outside the building.

In any case, gutters only bring benefits:

  • Water running off the roof can be collected for later use, usually used to water the garden.
  • Water can be diverted some distance from the house.
  • Water can be discharged into the drainage system or into a centralized storm sewer.

Drainage system design

Drainage systems based on device technology can be:

  • open (external),
  • closed (internal).

The material for the manufacture of drainage systems can be polyvinyl chloride, galvanized steel, zinc-titanium alloy, aluminum and copper. Also, drainage systems differ in the way the elements are connected:

  • on glue;
  • on rubber seals.

The open system is used everywhere in residential, industrial and public buildings. A closed or internal drainage system is typically used on buildings with or on roofs that have a special design.

Before installing an external drain, the developer, first of all, pays attention to the following factors:

  • material;
  • shape;
  • price;
  • color;
  • guaranteed durability;
  • ease of installation.

The cost of a drainage system directly depends on the material from which it is made. Currently, gutters made of polyvinyl chloride, which are characterized by low cost and fairly simple installation, are very popular. However, their service life is several times lower than that of galvanized steel gutters.

The fact is that polymer gutters often become unusable due to the water remaining in them, which breaks plastic pipes and gutters in the cold.

Galvanized elements of the drainage system suffer from corrosion, but steel coated with polymer compounds reliably protects drainpipes and gutters from rust and contributes to a longer service life.

The most reliable are gutters made of copper, an alloy of titanium and zinc, and aluminum, but their cost is so high that only very wealthy people can afford such a luxury.

The shape of drainage elements can be:

  • rectangular,
  • embossed,
  • round.

Rectangular ones are somewhat cheaper than round ones, but their appearance is not always attractive for a country house. Therefore, before you make a drain with your own hands, you need to consider all the options for drainage systems. Because Round gutters are easier to install than rectangular ones.

Embossed drainage elements are gutters and drainage funnels, closed with shaped gratings, which protect the drains from various debris getting into them, thereby facilitating good drainage of rainwater.

The color of the gutters is selected in accordance with the color of the roof of the house or its exterior decoration . Modern manufacturers offer a large selection of colors for gutter systems.

External gutters

Installation of gutters outside the house involves such mandatory elements as:

  • gutter;
  • water intake funnel;
  • vertical drain pipe.

When installing a drainage system, the slope of the gutters should be observed so that rainwater from the roof can flow by gravity to the water intake funnel and from there fall into the vertical drainpipe .

The installation of the drain is done with a slope of the gutters, which is 2-3 cm per 1 linear meter. The number of funnels and, accordingly, drainpipes is determined depending on the amount of precipitation in a given area in the summer. One water intake funnel should receive water from a gutter 10 m long. If the gutter is 15-20 m long, then two funnels should be installed.

Gutters are installed along the eaves overhang if the drainage system is chosen to be open. With closed (internal) gutters on the roof, gutters can be laid along the parapets from the inside of the roof. Or the roof slope is made with such a slope that all the water is collected in one place and is discharged through the water intake funnel through internal risers and pipes into the sewer system. The gutter for water drainage is also the valley, through which rain or melt water flows into the eaves gutters and then into the drainpipes.

Before you make a drain correctly, you need to know some features of their installation.

It is recommended to place vertical drainpipes on the side of the building that is better heated by the sun. To create an attractive design, the entire gutter and pipe system must be of the same size, shape and color.

According to GOST, the diameter of external drainpipes must correspond to the area of ​​the roof slopes:

  • for small slopes up to 30 square meters. m pipe with a diameter of 80 mm is used;
  • with a slope area of ​​50 sq. m a pipe with a diameter of 90 mm is used;
  • for roofs with an area of ​​more than 125 sq.m. drainpipes are installed with a diameter of 100mm;
  • roofs with an area of ​​more than 150 sq.m. , it is recommended to equip it with square pipes.

Drainpipes are attached to the walls with clamps with rubber gaskets. The clamps themselves are fixed to the wall using pins, which must be either galvanized metal or coated with an anti-corrosion compound.

Drainage system installation technology

Before you start installing gutters, you need to know some rules.

The vertical riser should be located at a distance of 5-7 cm from the wall. A small gap can lead to the wall being constantly wet. A large distance from the wall to the pipe requires the installation of a long clamp, which can weaken the reliability of the fastening. If the eaves overhang is extended a considerable distance, transition elements in the form of elbows are used at the top of the pipe and at the bottom.

The drainage system occupies an important place in the architecture of the building. Its main task is to collect water that flows from the roof slopes. Proper installation of drains prevents the destruction of walls, facades, and foundations of the building. In addition, the drain is a decorative element of the house. This article presents the basic rules for attaching a drainage system to a pitched roof.

Modern manufacturers offer a wide classification of gutters:

  1. by organization - external and internal;
  2. according to the composition of raw materials - polymer and metal;
  3. according to the method of connecting components - adhesive system or with rubber seals.

The internal drainage system is usually organized on flat roofs. Today we will tell you how to install an external drain used on roofs with a slope of more than 15 degrees.

Each manufacturer’s exterior has its own installation features, specified in its instructions. But for each drainage system there are general installation rules, which we focus on in our article.

The external drain consists of the following main elements:

  • gutter (maximum slope of at least 2 degrees);
  • water intake funnel;
  • drainpipe.

Water from the slope is directed into the gutter, then into the water intake funnel and drainpipe.

Attention. The funnels are located at a distance of 15-20 m from each other. The length of the gutter per funnel should not exceed 10 m.

External gutters

When starting to install a drainage system, you need to decide on the type of its components. For drainage you can use:

  • cornice gutters, which are installed along the cornice;
  • parapet gutters located between parapet walls. This type of gutter is quite rare. They are made of metal or a recess with a bitumen coating is installed on the roof. Water flows through such a chute into the spillway;
  • Gutters help direct water into parapet or eaves gutters. They are installed at the junction of roof slopes.

If you are thinking about how to make a drain with your own hands, you should also pay attention to the shape of the gutter:

  • semicircular;
  • square;
  • embossed.

Semicircular gutters are most often used in drainage installations. The relief shape is used on certain forms of construction; it helps protect the drainage part of the gutter from debris and leaves.

Advice. In regions with high rainfall, it is recommended to use square gutters, as they have good throughput due to their large cross-sectional area.

External drainage pipes

Do-it-yourself installation of gutters involves the use of drainpipes of various sections:
  • round;
  • square.

External drainage pipes - GOST determines their sizes for use on roofs of different areas:

  • on the roof 30 sq.m – pipe diameter 80mm;
  • on the roof 50 sq.m – pipe diameter 90mm;
  • on a roof of 125 sq.m or more - pipe diameter 100mm.

The pipes are secured to the wall using clamps and pins. To prevent the pins from corroding, they must be coated with an anti-corrosion compound or made of galvanized steel.

Choosing a drain

Plastic drain

In the question of how to properly make a drain, the material from which the elements of the drainage system are made is important. The drainage system can be:

  • galvanized;
  • galvanized with a polymer layer;
  • copper;
  • aluminum;
  • titanium-zinc;
  • plastic.

When choosing a drainage system, consider the following factors:

  • type of roof (you must agree that a plastic gutter will look ridiculous on an elite building with a copper roof);
  • price of system elements;
  • complexity of installation;
  • resistance to mechanical and temperature influences.

Basic installation rules

Let's assume that you have decided on the type of drain, selected the shape of the elements for it and are ready to begin installation.

Before installing a drain, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic installation rules:

  1. The distance from the pipe to the walls should be 3-8cm. A tight fit will cause the wall to become damp;
  2. The gutter is always installed with an inclination towards the drain so that water does not accumulate or overflow from the top;
  3. Sealing joints between system elements. For example, when assembling the components of a drain, adhesive fastening, cold welding, or rubber seals can be used.

It is difficult to determine which option is better, especially when installing drainpipes. After all, each method has its own pros and cons:

    • Rubber seals protect against leaks, withstand mechanical stress well, but are sensitive to temperature changes;
    • The adhesive connection ensures the reliability of the system, but it cannot be dismantled;
    • Cold welding (molecular) provides high strength of the connection, but with linear deformation of the elements it leads to their cracking.

As a result, the right to choose the mounting method remains with you.

Gutter installation

Sequence of work

Before going into the technological details of how to make a drainpipe, let’s look at the installation sequence:

  1. The length of the gutter, the number of funnels and pipes are determined along the perimeter of the roof;
  2. The location of the funnel is marked. When installing a drip, the distance from the funnel opening should be more than 1 cm;
  3. When the markings are made, hooks (holders) are secured at a distance of 30 cm for a metal system and 60 cm for a plastic one;
  4. The installation of gutters begins with the installation of a funnel, then the gutters are placed in the holder;
  5. After fixing the gutter with the funnel and holder, they begin to fasten the connections so that the connector element is at the joints of the two gutters;
  6. Next, the corners of the drain and pipes are installed.

Attention. When connecting gutters, the joints of the two elements should not touch, that is, they must be mounted so that there is a gap between us.

Gutter installation technology

The technology for installing a drainage system includes the following steps:

  1. Installation of a funnel. Installation begins with the installation of a water intake funnel if the funnel is fixed directly to the roof on brackets. There are funnels that are attached to the gutters, then they are installed after installing the gutter using mechanical snapping or glue;
  1. Installation of gutters. Laying starts from the funnel. Sealing of joints is carried out, depending on the type of system, using glue, soldering or connecting elements. On protruding elements of the house facade, corner connecting elements are attached to the gutters. At the ends, the gutter is closed with a side plug;
  1. Installation of pipes. The installation of pipes begins from the funnel, away from the wall. Couplings and clamps are used to connect pipe parts. The mounting distance to the wall is up to 2 m. If necessary, pipe splitters are included in the system. The distance between the blind area of ​​the building and the drainage element of the drainpipe must be at least 300 mm. When installing a linear drain, the distance can be reduced to 150 mm.

Advice. To cut plastic elements of the drainage system, you can use a grinder or a hacksaw. When working with metal elements, it is recommended to use metal scissors. Installation of the plastic system is carried out at a positive temperature to avoid cracking of the plastic under mechanical stress.

Of course, installing a drain will protect your home and roof from the effects of natural factors. The main thing to understand is that the drain is installed with a long service life in mind, so this matter must be approached responsibly.