Is it possible to get pregnant from male lubrication? Is it possible for a girl to get pregnant from the lubrication of a man, a guy, secretions, mucus? Why can you get pregnant from male discharge and is there a high chance of pregnancy? What is precum

It should be clarified right away that theoretically it is possible to become pregnant from lubricant, discharge, or mucus in men, but this does not happen in every case, but only under certain circumstances. The so-called lubricant or mucus is a special secret that is produced by male sex hormones during arousal, designed to facilitate insertion of the penis into the vagina. Medical experts have found that such secretions do indeed contain live sperm, but their quantity is extremely small.

Compared to ejaculation during a male orgasm, when millions of motile sperm are erupted, their number in lubricant is hundreds or even thousands of times less. It is important to remember that fertilizing an egg is a complex process and requires a huge number of sperm to increase the chances of their passage to the uterus through the destructive environment of the vagina. In addition, during orgasm, sperm splashes out under strong pressure, which also simplifies its passage, while the lubricant only moistens the head. Thus, it is highly doubtful that fertilization will occur from simple secretions.

And yet there is a chance of getting pregnant from lubrication, discharge or mucus in men. First of all, such chances are high in men suffering from premature ejaculation or seminal canal disorder. Often, their sperm begins to come out in small quantities even before orgasm, and it is easy to confuse it with lubricant. In addition, the number of sperm in the lubricant can increase significantly if a man has had sexual abstinence for a long time. A similar phenomenon is observed during sexual intercourse that is too long, when the amount of lubrication (mucus) increases due to strong overexcitation and delaying the moment of orgasm. Sometimes the amount of lubricant is so large that if unsuccessful, it always leads to pregnancy.

Much about the influence of male lubricant on pregnancy depends on the woman herself. As you know, in each menstrual cycle, which lasts approximately a month, the moment of ovulation occurs - the complete maturation of the egg and its readiness for fertilization. Usually ovulation lasts no more than a day, but several days before and after this phenomenon can be “dangerous”. When having sex without protection during this period, even the penetration of a small amount of male lubricant into the vagina can quickly lead to fertilization of the egg and pregnancy.

It is important to remember that not all discharge in men is a simple lubricant. In some cases, mucus on the penis is a symptom of various sexually transmitted diseases. Thus, the decision to use protection or not during sexual intercourse should be made jointly by a man and a woman based on trust or mistrust in each other. Today, a condom and other types of contraception are one of the most reliable and easiest ways to avoid unwanted pregnancy, so if you do not know your partner very well and are not confident in him, be sure to use contraceptives.

Some people dream of pregnancy, while others, on the contrary, believe that it is too early for this event to occur. In the second case, couples use various means of contraception. In addition, they are interested in in what cases there is a likelihood of conception. For example, such couples may wonder whether it is possible to get pregnant from the mucus that men secrete during sexual arousal.

Many couples protect themselves by interrupting sexual intercourse; some use the calendar to calculate the so-called “safe” days on which the woman’s body cannot conceive a child. In the first case, the contraceptive method may not be effective if the partner is ovulating. In the second case, the woman must have a regular cycle, otherwise it is impossible to accurately calculate “safe” days.

Origin of mucus

To prevent sexual intercourse from being traumatic for the organs of both partners, lubrication is necessary. In addition to the fact that foreplay brings pleasure to both women and men, it also promotes the release of lubrication. It appears not only in women, but also in men, and is a colorless secretion with the consistency of mucus.

In men, it is produced by the bulbourethral glands, while in women, a lubricant with a similar consistency is secreted by the cervical mucosa.

In addition to the fact that this mucus acts as a lubricant, it is also capable of neutralizing the acid remaining in the urethra after urine passes. This acid contributes to the death of sperm, so the importance of male secretions lies in the fact that they allow seminal fluid to safely pass through the canals.

The same secretions, when they enter the vagina, have the function of preparing the safe penetration of sperm into it.

Probability of conception

However, those who practice such a method of contraception as interruption of sexual intercourse should know that conception from mucus entering the vagina is also possible, although this probability is low.

If we compare female mucus and male lubricant, one of their differences is the presence of a certain amount of sperm in the second, so the answer to the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant from male lubricant is positive. It is also obvious that it is impossible to conceive from female lubricant.

At the same time, the chances of fertilization are negligible, since the number of sperm in such secretions is negligible.

For conception to occur, the following factors must coincide:

  • Ovulation in the partner;
  • Mobile, tenacious sperm in a man.

Why is the likelihood of conception from mucus low?

The flow in which the sperm reaches the egg is favorable for fertilization. In its absence, those of them that get into the mucus may not be viable, or even die before they enter the vagina.

The likelihood of fertilization increases if partners have several sexual acts in a row, and the man does not shower - the sperm from the previous ejaculation may not die in a short time.

Speaking about whether it is possible to get pregnant from such male secretions as lubricant in the form of mucus, it is worth saying that the most “safe” days, when this probability becomes even lower, are the first days after menstruation and a few days before their onset.

There are situations where fertilization, by definition, cannot occur if such secretions enter the vagina.

Among them:

  • There is a category of men who do not have sperm in their lubricant. In this case, there is no chance of conception. Only a special examination can help determine this phenomenon, but its cost is very high;
  • The man is sterilized. In our latitudes, sterilization is not widespread, and accordingly, there are practically no sterilized men.

The likelihood of fertilization from male mucus decreases during several sexual acts in a row if the act of urination occurs. This is due to the fact that the environment is oxidized again, and accordingly, the sperm die.

Someone else's experience

He can be deceptive, so you shouldn't trust him. We are talking about situations when strangers say that they are having unprotected sex, but conception from lubrication still does not occur in their couple.

Doctors confirm that there is no doubt about whether you can get pregnant from male lubricant in the form of mucus.

If your friends, sharing their personal experience with you, deny this fact, this may be due to various factors:

  • Sexual contact does not occur on days favorable for fertilization. In addition, a woman may have problems with ovulation (for example, with age it may become irregular and occurs less frequently);
  • The quality of the sperm also influences the likelihood of fertilization from lubrication. If sperm are sluggish, their quality is low, and the possibility of them getting into the mucus is sharply reduced. At the same time, the more active they are, the greater the likelihood that they will not only end up in these secretions, but also that they will be able to fertilize the egg;
  • When consulting with friends and acquaintances about the likelihood of getting pregnant from lubricant - male discharge, which is mucus, it is worth considering that people may have diseases of the reproductive system that interfere with fertilization. They may not be aware of this, so their experience in this matter is not reliable.

Taking this into account, we can conclude that each couple is individual, and therefore some of them will not be able to conceive if only natural lubricant enters the vagina, while others, after the very first few unprotected sexual acts, will learn that they will soon become parents.

Can a virgin get pregnant?

This question itself seems strange, but the answer to it is obvious. For a long time, and according to doctors, the answer to the question of whether a girl can get pregnant from male mucus if she is a virgin was exclusively negative.

Currently, experts are changing their opinion, since practice shows that fertilization is possible in this case. Moreover, today cases of a woman in labor remaining intact are not uncommon.

We are, of course, not talking about the immaculate conception - the man is present in this process.

The entrance to the vagina is protected by the hymen, which is like a plug. But this does not mean that sperm cannot penetrate it and meet the egg. The fact is that the hymen is quite elastic, moreover, it has holes through which blood is rejected during menstruation, as well as cervical secretions.

In addition, it can be damaged due to any diseases or mechanical damage (for example, in girls involved in equestrian sports, it is often damaged).

Many sexually active couples practice coitus interruptus as a way to prevent possible conception. However, before the ejection of semen, a special lubricant (pre-ejaculate) is secreted from the head of the penis. In this regard, an important question arises: “Is it possible to get pregnant from lubricant?” Let's say right away - yes, it is possible. Theoretically, for conception to occur, just one “nimble” sperm is enough, which will penetrate into the vagina along with lubricant.

What is male lubricant?

Lubricant is also called pre-cum, pre-semen or Cooper's fluid. This is a substance with the consistency of mucus with a transparent whitish tint, which is secreted from the urethra of the penis during an erection. With the help of such an adaptive natural mechanism, a smoother insertion of the penis into the vagina is ensured, discomfort and friction are reduced. Pre-ejaculate also has a number of other functions:

  • Destruction of the acidic environment in the urethra, which occurs due to uric acid residues. The alkaline composition of the lubricant is capable of destroying acidic compounds.
  • Lubricant takes part in the process of sperm clotting.

The amount of this liquid during a single release varies from 0.01 ml to as much as 5 ml. This indicator changes based on the individual characteristics of the man’s body.

The lubricant itself does not contain genetic material (sperm), but during discharge from the urethral canals, a small amount of semen that remains there after a previous ejaculation may be released along with it. The man may have recently had sexual intercourse, masturbated, or had nocturnal emissions. In this case, some sperm always remains in the canals. In this state of affairs, it is, of course, possible to get pregnant from lubricant, but this probability is very small. And everything depends on the quality of the man’s genetic material itself, as well as on the readiness of the female body to conceive.

Doctors allow pregnancy to occur during interrupted intercourse, but consider such cases to be the exception rather than the rule.

Is it possible to remove residual sperm from the urethra?

Often on forums and in thematic groups it is advised to go to the toilet “smallly” before sexual intercourse so that the acidic environment kills sperm or take a shower with soap, diligently rubbing the cosmetic product into the right place. But none of these methods is effective, because the sperm still remains in the urethral duct, where neither water, nor soap, nor urine can reach it. Therefore, you should not rely on such dubious methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy. It is best to use a condom and not hope that “it might pass.”

Male lubricant: other risks

Not only is the onset of unwanted pregnancy possible from male lubricant, but also the transmission of dangerous viruses and infections. American scientists have proven that acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is transmitted through pre-semen. This means that a woman who has sex with an HIV-infected man is at risk. Moreover, if they used coitus interruptus as contraception. What else is fraught with such an ineffective way to prevent unplanned pregnancy:

  1. The possibility of catching chlamydia, thrush, hepatitis, syphilis, HIV, etc. from a partner.
  2. The possibility of conception cannot be ruled out.
  3. Psychological stress of both partners, which continues until the onset of the woman’s next monthly cycle.

Scientists have also proven that men who often use coitus interruptus as a method of contraception, over time, experience a disruption in the sexual response cycle. This means that an erection does not occur immediately, and the level of pleasure during sex decreases by as much as 20-30%. After all, a man cannot relax completely, as he must constantly monitor the process of ejaculation. He is in a constant state of stress. While another man, who has taken care of contraception, completely surrenders to his feelings during the culmination of the process and does not worry about the consequences.

How to avoid getting pregnant from lubricant? The most popular methods of contraception

  • Condoms. They have an efficiency of 98%. The remaining 2% are very rare cases, almost isolated. Such funds are affordable. It only takes a few seconds to put on a condom. Provides optimal protection against infections. But if your partner is allergic to latex, you will have to use other alternative methods.

  • Oral contraceptives. They should be taken by the partner throughout the entire cycle, which is 21 days. But such tablets contain hormones that can have unwanted side effects. In addition, if a woman misses even one day of taking the pills, then all her efforts may go down the drain.
  • Douching. This method involves the introduction of special acidic solutions into the vagina, which should eliminate sperm. But the effectiveness of this method to avoid pregnancy is very low, so its use is not recommended.
  • Barrier contraception. In this case, a uterine cap or vaginal diaphragm is used. These devices create a barrier between the uterus and sperm, preventing them from starting their vigorous activity and reaching the egg. Such methods are considered quite effective.
  • Intrauterine device. A special device made of copper, plastic or silver is installed by a gynecologist into the uterus. The validity period of the spiral is several years (3-5). The device prevents sperm from getting through to the egg, but if fertilization does occur, the embryo cannot attach to the wall of the uterus and dies. However, this method is not so harmless, because the device can cause the development of intrauterine infections if it is installed unsuccessfully.

  • Vaginal ring. An oval device is inserted into the vagina, where it begins to secrete estrogens, which suppress ovulation. The method is quite effective and can prevent unwanted pregnancy, but the ring can fall out during intercourse and cause discomfort to the woman.
  • Vasectomy. This is a male method of sterilization. The vas deferens are surgically excised. Thus, sperm no longer enter the penis, but from there into the uterus. This operation does not affect the potency and sexual activity of a man.

If unprotected sexual intercourse has already occurred, and the woman is worried that she might become pregnant not only from lubricant, then it is recommended to use emergency methods of contraception. These include the hormonal drug Postinor. However, such pills have a very detrimental effect on the entire female body, so they should be used only in exceptional cases and not often.

The most popular myths about male sperm

  1. "There is safety in numbers". Sometimes after interrupted sexual intercourse, after some time, a woman discovers that she is pregnant. But she definitely remembers that no sperm got inside, except maybe a little lubricant. You should know that “there is only one warrior in the field.” Just one active sperm is able to catch up with the desired egg.
  2. The best cure for miscarriage is sperm. This myth was spread, of course, by men. Some of them argue that a woman who is not able to bear a baby should first get used to the biological material of a man through the oral method. But this is nothing more than a myth invented by cunning men.
  3. Sperm is the best cosmetic product. From a scientific point of view, this fact has not been proven. But everyone knows that semen contains a whole table of useful substances, so this statement should not be completely discounted.
  4. Alcohol and smoking do not affect sperm quality. This is nothing more than a myth. The semen of a drinking man is usually of low quality. After a spermogram, it turns out that the sperm are inactive and sluggish.

A woman should know that after entering the uterus, sperm live in it for seven days. If a woman ovulates during intercourse, the risk of unwanted pregnancy increases. After all, during this period there are many hormones in her body that contribute to successful conception. Therefore, if pregnancy was not part of her plans, she should not risk even getting a man’s lubricant into the uterus.

Risks of getting pregnant without penetration

In this case, we are talking about petting, which is popular today, in which the male genital organ is involved, but penetration into the vagina does not occur. Genetic material (sperm) or lubricant may remain on a woman's labia. Is there a risk of getting pregnant in this case? Oddly enough, but it exists! Of course, the probability is minimal, but it is there! Active sperm can still penetrate the uterus and reach the desired egg.

What to do? Is it really all that sad, and interrupted sexual intercourse is not a guarantee that pregnancy will not occur? Even the most advanced contraceptive cannot give a 100% guarantee - there is always some 00.1% chance that it will not work. Moreover, such a completely “weak” method as interrupting the act of love. Therefore, it is better to use other methods of contraception if you do not plan to become parents yet.

Despite the fact that in our time there are many types and means of contraception, many couples are in no hurry to use them. Let's ignore the fact that certain types of infections are transmitted sexually and focus on one of the consequences of unprotected sex - pregnancy.

Pregnancy - general information

Even at school, during anatomy lessons, we are told that pregnancy occurs as a result of the fusion of male and female reproductive cells - sperm and egg, respectively. From the same school anatomy course, we also know that a woman can become pregnant only on certain days of the menstrual cycle.

In other words, when planning a pregnancy, you need to calculate these very specific days based on the menstrual cycle calendar (it is recommended for every woman to keep it).

True, there are some nuances here too. For example, we should not forget that absolute accuracy in calculating ovulation and fertile days is possible only when the woman’s body is completely healthy and works like a clock.

This is not always possible, because colds and infectious diseases, stress, bad habits - all this affects the course of the cycle, so conception may not occur on supposed fertile days. And vice versa, with the slightest failure, pregnancy can occur when, according to the calendar, it is least expected. How to avoid unwanted pregnancy?

A little about contraception methods

Today there are many methods of contraception, as they say, for every taste and color. A condom is considered the most reliable and reliable, but not all couples want to resort to “product number two,” and this is not always due to beliefs like “rubber dulls pleasure.”

Some people have an allergic reaction to latex, which makes using a condom impossible for them. For such cases, as well as for those who adhere to the belief “having sex with a condom is like smelling a rose in a gas mask,” a variety of contraceptives have been created: the IUD, which requires periodic replacement, hormonal contraceptive drugs that a woman must take strictly at the same time and period strictly prescribed by the doctor, vaginal suppositories, gels and sprays with spermicidal action, caps, the so-called “female condoms”...

In fairness, it is worth remembering folk remedies, the most common and effective of which is lemon juice. But most often, couples who neglect contraceptives resort to interrupting sexual intercourse.

A few words about the act interrupted

Back in the days when contraception was much more difficult than in our century, interrupting sexual intercourse was considered one of the ways to avoid unwanted pregnancy. However, one cannot speak about its reliability with absolute certainty. Firstly, inexperienced young men, who do not yet fully know the behavior of their body during sexual intercourse, may simply not have time to pull the penis out of the vagina before ejaculation, so some part of the sperm will certainly end up in the vagina.

Secondly, in addition to sperm, another fluid containing sperm is also released from a man’s penis. We'll talk about it below.

About male lubricant

Sperm is not the only fluid that comes out of a man's penis during sex. There is another one - popularly it is called “mucus”, “lubricant” or “Cooper’s fluid”, in the language of science it is called “pre-ejaculate”. This fluid is a viscous mucous mass and is released from the penis immediately before ejaculation. What is its function?

Pre-ejaculate plays an important role in reproduction. The fact is that the female vagina by nature has an acidic environment, unfavorable for the seed. Cooper's fluid, released before ejaculation, neutralizes the effects of this acidic environment. The amount of this fluid in men is an individual issue, depending on the condition of the man’s body and the health of his reproductive system.

For some, this fluid may not be released at all, while for others, on the contrary, it may be released in large quantities. One way or another, laboratory tests confirm the presence of a small number of sperm in the pre-ejaculate. This may already be quite enough for conception to occur. There is another type of male lubricant, consisting of a mixture of sebaceous gland secretions and dead epithelial cells.

Getting pregnant from male lubricant: myth or reality?

As mentioned above, the presence of sperm in Cooper’s fluid has been confirmed by laboratory tests. And, as you know, just one sperm is enough to conceive. Therefore, to the question “can you get pregnant from a man’s lubricant?” The answer is obvious - it’s definitely possible.

If you pose the question a little differently and find out what the probability of getting pregnant from male lubricant is, it is not easy to get a definite answer. There is a possibility, but, naturally, the risk is several orders of magnitude lower than with ejaculation in the vagina. It all depends on the amount of lubricant itself, on the percentage of sperm in it, as well as on the viability of these sperm that enter the lubricant not from the seminal glands.

Sperm and pre-ejaculate are produced by different glands, but when “Cooper’s fluid” passes through the canal, remnants of semen from a previous ejaculation can enter it. Usually the amount of this seed is insignificant, and the sperm themselves are not particularly active and have little ability to conceive, so when asked whether it is possible to get pregnant from male lubricant, some doctors give an unequivocal negative answer.

However, we should not forget about the individual characteristics of the body. If a man is healthy and without bad habits, the likelihood of getting pregnant from his lubricant is much higher than other cases. Only expensive laboratory tests can tell you the likelihood of getting pregnant from the lubricant of a given partner.

Don’t forget about another type of liquid that was mentioned earlier - a liquid called “smegma”, the composition of which absolutely eliminates any chance of getting pregnant.

Returning to Interruption

From the information above, we can conclude that interruption of sexual intercourse is quite reliable as a way to protect against unwanted conception. Statistics also speak about this - in percentage terms, the reliability of interrupting sex as a method of contraception is 73-75% (for comparison, the reliability of a condom is estimated at 98%). Of course, in addition to the number and viability of sperm in “Cooper’s fluid”, such a nuance as the day of the menstrual cycle calendar is important, and this is an equally individual question. In short, you should not rely on the experience of couples who conceived from pre-ejaculate,” or who, on the contrary, have been practicing coitus interruptus for years.

Do not forget about one important detail: interruption of sexual intercourse negatively affects the health of both women and men. Especially for men, this can have consequences in adulthood. Therefore, getting carried away with such a thing as coitus interruptus is also not recommended. Especially in our time, when there are many means to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Other information about the likelihood of conception

Women often wonder: is it possible to get pregnant through oral sex? When a girl swallows sperm, it ends up in her stomach, so in this case the answer is obvious. If, after oral sex, there was penetration of the penis into the vagina, look at the information above and draw the appropriate conclusions.

History knows of cases where conception occurred either in the first days after the end of menstruation, or directly during menstruation itself. How is this possible? It’s very simple: while one ovary menstruates, the second may well produce eggs. That is, each of the ovaries has its own cycle, independent of the life activity of the other. Such cases are the exception rather than the rule, but these exceptions should not be forgotten when it comes to preventing unwanted pregnancy.

Brief afterword

From everything described above, the conclusion follows: the probability of becoming pregnant is present with absolutely any type of open sexual intercourse without the use of contraception. Therefore, doctors recommend protecting yourself and not forgetting: no matter how reliable the means of protection against unwanted conception are, a condom is the only one that prevents infection with sexually transmitted diseases. Love each other, take care and be healthy!

I like!

Women often discuss this very delicate issue, as there is an opinion that you can get pregnant from male discharge. Is this really so, let's try to figure it out.

Concept of male mucus, male lubrication and male discharge

Male discharge has two types - lubricant and sperm:

Male mucus or male lubricant are the same concepts. They also have the scientific concept of pre-cum. Male lubrication or mucus is a colorless and viscous liquid that is released from the penis when aroused.

Sperm also has the scientific meaning of ejaculate. Male sperm is a cloudy light gray liquid that is released during ejaculation (a man's orgasm). Semen contains sperm and seminal fluid.

It is the sperm that are in the sperm, and not in the lubricant, that can affect further conception.

Briefly about contraception

Today there are many types of contraception. In pharmacies you can buy not only condoms and pills, but also many other modern contraceptives. At the same time, one of the most popular methods of “protection” from unwanted pregnancy can be called interruption of sexual intercourse.

Many people motivate the use of this particular method by the fact that condoms significantly dull sensation, and pills can negatively affect hormonal levels. But interrupted sexual intercourse also has a disadvantage - a high chance of getting pregnant when both partners are not ready for this. And here we are not talking about the possibility of getting pregnant from male mucus (lubricant), as 30% of women believe. You can get pregnant only from sperm that enter the woman’s vagina.

Why does lubrication (mucus) form in men and women?

To make sex enjoyable for both, the genitals of a man and a woman secrete a specific lubricant. It reduces friction and makes the process comfortable for both. The release of lubricant signals a person’s arousal.

Many couples wonder: is it possible to get pregnant from the mucus secreted by a man? First you need to understand why a man needs lubricant or mucus.

Functions of male lubrication or mucus in a man

The male genital organ in an excited state not only stands. At the tip of the head, where urination occurs, pre-eculum, or natural lubricant, appears. It is transparent in appearance, but sticky to the touch.

The bulbourethral glands are responsible for the production of this male fluid. Moving along the urethra, the mucus lubricates it, reaches the tip of the penis and protrudes from there. This mechanism is provided by the body due to the fact that urine neutralizes the effect of sperm and delays the passage of sperm. Mucus cleanses the urethra and removes aggressive environments, while helping sperm move faster.

A woman's vagina is acidic. After male lubricant enters the vagina, the female environment is modified in order to create favorable conditions for the life of future sperm and subsequent fertilization. If a man ejaculates and the sperm enter the woman’s vagina, they will be viable and will be able to reunite with the egg. If at this moment the woman had an acidic environment, the sperm would die immediately.

As stated earlier, male secretions are lubricant and semen. Lubrication is necessary in order to create favorable conditions for sperm. You can't get pregnant from lubricant, but you can from sperm. But there are the following cases that men and women do not know about and the chance of getting pregnant from male discharge increases.

If there were several interrupted sexual intercourses, and after the first ejaculation the man did not maintain hygiene, did not wash his genitals thoroughly, so to speak, then sperm residues may linger in the urethra. At the moment of the second sexual intercourse, when the lubricant is released during arousal, it is then that it can mix with the remnants of sperm and carry them out. At the moment of sexual intercourse, lubricant and sperm enter the vagina. If a man has motile sperm, then the chance of getting pregnant from male discharge increases significantly.

As for the female body, even if sperm enters the female vagina, this is not 100% pregnancy, but only with a probability of 30%-50% can a woman become pregnant. Sperm can stay in the female body for 2-5 days. If at this moment the woman has not ovulated, then she will not be able to get pregnant and the sperm will die.

To reduce the likelihood of pregnancy from male discharge during the second sexual intercourse, a man needs to do two things: urinate and take a shower. At the moment of urination, the canal in which there were sperm residues is cleared, and urine, due to its composition, neutralizes the viability of sperm.

Why you can't rely on other people's experience

There is an opinion that interrupted sexual intercourse reliably protects against pregnancy, and many couples use it. But should we trust this?

  1. Not only male lubricant or sperm is responsible for the occurrence of pregnancy. Much depends on the woman’s menstrual cycle, days of ovulation and their regularity.
  2. The more active male sperm are, the more likely they are to reach the egg and fertilize it. Also, it is the active sperm that remain in the urethra of the penis after the first sexual intercourse has been performed.
  3. Regarding coitus interruptus, you should not rely too much on the opinions of other couples. The fact is that conceiving a child for some couples will be a more difficult process, while for others, just one sperm will be enough. The possibility of conception directly depends on the health and age of both partners.

As a result, we conclude that the probability of getting pregnant depends on the individual indicators of each couple. So any outside experience will not be applicable in your case.

What does interrupted sexual intercourse hide?

Birth control with PPA has its own disadvantages for both partners, which can affect future sexual desire.

For both partners:

  • Moderate protection with a chance of subsequent pregnancy
  • The quality of sex is impaired

For a man:

  1. nervous system disorders;
  2. will cause disruption of internal organs;
  3. the likelihood of premature ejaculation;
  4. Potency problems may arise.

A man cannot always control the course of events. There are also cases when the partner did not have time to stick out his penis in time. As a result, ejaculation occurs when the two partners were not ready for it. On a psychological level, this can cause tension in a man during sex; his thoughts may be directed not at the process itself and receiving pleasure, but at interrupting sexual intercourse in time.

For woman:

  • A woman may also feel psychological discomfort and think that her partner can ejaculate into her at any moment.
  • The sperm that enters the vagina has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body, receiving the necessary male hormones.

About other liquid

There is also a mucus called smegma that makes it impossible to get pregnant. It is a fat-like secretion that helps the penis glide more easily during sexual intercourse. This oily substrate contains dead epithelial cells, which, naturally, is a beneficial environment for the development of bacteria that utilize smegma fatty acids. This type of mucus is produced in infancy, and by adolescence it gains momentum. Normalization of smegma production occurs when a man reaches the age of thirty.

Significant accumulation of smegma can cause inflammatory and even oncological processes. This is why it is so important to wash it off every day.

It is important to note that using coitus interruptus as a permanent method of contraception is not the best option, as it can cause problems in men already in adulthood. In addition, interrupted sexual intercourse causes increased irritability in your man.

We hope that this article helped you understand the exciting question: is it possible to get pregnant from male discharge, and how high are the chances of conceiving a child?