Is it possible to squeeze pimples on the face? How to squeeze a pimple correctly: a safe technique for quick healing

Is it possible to squeeze out pimples on the face and what are the consequences of this action? When a force is applied to a papule with purulent contents, the contents not only come out, but also spread through the lower layers of the epithelium, causing the formation of new pimples next to existing ones.

But this is not the worst situation yet. If pus enters the bloodstream, it can spread throughout the body through the lymphatic and circulatory systems, causing an inflammatory process in any system. Facial vessels communicate directly with the vessels of the brain, increasing the risk of infection entering it.

This is why you should not squeeze pimples on the face: there is a risk of provoking purulent-inflammatory processes in the membranes and tissues of the brain.

Purulent neoplasm

What is a pimple? This is the customary name for an inflamed bump on the skin, which looks extremely unsightly: the color is sharply different from the rest of the skin surface, and even the center is often decorated with dirty white or black dots - sebaceous plugs. Therefore, no matter how much they explain why pimples should not be squeezed out, they will try to get rid of such jewelry.

Actions to save facial skin

Removal of purulent tumors must be carried out with great care.

  1. Improper action when removing the sebaceous plug can cause blockage of thin capillaries, which leads to increased inflammation.
  2. If you damage the delicate skin of your face, you will have to look at the scars for the rest of your life.
  3. Squeezing a pimple with dirty hands, and even until it bleeds, can introduce a secondary infection into the body.
  4. Pimples located in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle do not press at all. It contains a large number of blood vessels that are directly connected to the brain. If purulent rashes are located in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, they are cauterized with alcohol-based antiseptics and wait until they dry out on their own.

So what to do if acne appears on your face? Squeeze it out, cover it with foundation, feel complex because of imperfections in appearance?

If you know how to deal with acne, why you shouldn’t squeeze pimples on your face, you won’t have to ask.

  1. The skin must be kept clean at all times. Pores must be opened and sebaceous plugs removed. To keep your skin clean, water alone is not enough. You need to use special means, preferably soap foam, rinsing it off with warm water. But overdoing it with cleansing means depriving the skin of its natural protection - skin lubrication - and thereby triggering inflammation. You need to cleanse your skin, but not more than 3 times a day for oily skin and 2 times for normal skin.
  2. Makeup should always be removed before going to bed. Before applying it, you also need to cleanse the skin.
  3. In order not to provoke excessive sebum secretion, it is necessary to rationalize your diet. It is advisable to reduce the amount of sweets, fatty and spicy foods, and carbonated drinks. The daily menu needs to include more products that accelerate natural metabolism. This “medicinal” food includes dishes containing a lot of fiber: regular cereals, fruits and vegetables. Plain water normalizes metabolic processes. You need to drink at least 1.5 liters per day.
  4. When choosing anti-acne products, you should give preference to those that do not contain deodorizing additives. These fillers have a drying effect on the delicate skin of the face.

If acne occurs constantly, you should consult a dermatologist and find out the reason for their appearance, and only then cleanse your face. In some cases, the formation of acne with purulent contents is provoked by demodex mites, and cleansing the face without treating it will not give a lasting effect.

Facial cleansing and restorative procedures will help get rid of the inflammatory process only after identifying the factors that provoke the appearance of acne and treating acne.

If you simply squeeze out the pus, the skin condition will worsen and the number of purulent formations will increase.

A ripe pimple is an indicator that it is time to get rid of it.

It can be squeezed out without the risk of introducing and spreading infection.

Or you can wait until it dries and falls off on its own without mechanical impact. But this will take more time, and you want to get rid of the pimple as soon as possible.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  • Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

Reasons for appearance

Pimples appear due to the production of excessive amounts of sebum by the glands.

It clogs the excretory ducts of the pores and inflammation begins.

The reasons that stimulate increased work of the glands can be different:

  • heredity;
  • allergy;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • experiences, stress;
  • poor skin care;
  • incorrectly selected cosmetics.

What are there

Whether you can squeeze a pimple depends on its type:

  • Subcutaneous does not have a purulent head, and its contents are deep. It looks and feels like a small ball. The internal pimple may become inflamed, as evidenced by its redness.
  • Purulent determined by the presence of a white head. A ripe purulent pimple is ready for removal, but an immature pimple should never be crushed. It’s better to wait until it ripens on its own, or you can speed up this process.

How to tell if a pimple is ripe

Before getting rid of a pimple, it is important to understand that it has already matured.

  • Squeezing out pus located deep under the skin will not produce results.
  • In addition, this will lead to severe damage to the integument and even greater inflammation, which does not go away for a long time.
  • After violent manipulation, scars and noticeable scars may remain.

There are two sure signs, the combination of which will help identify a ripe pimple:

  1. Presence of a white head. This indicates that the pus and sebum that clogged the lumen have entered the surface layer of the skin towards the exit.
  2. No inflammation or redness around education.

If a white head appears, but the redness does not subside, then you should not touch such a pimple. You need to wait until it finally ripens.

How to speed up

There are situations when you want to get rid of acne urgently.

To speed up maturation, many people simply steam their face.

But with inflammation, increased blood circulation from heat only contributes to the spread of infection. This causes even more rash to appear.

Practice-tested methods will tell you what to do to make a pimple ripen faster.

Using pharmaceutical products

Pharmaceutical products can speed up the maturation of the pimple or even completely resolve the pus.

In this case, healing will take place quickly and without complications. And there will be no visible traces left at the site of formation.

Photo: treatment with antibacterial ointments

The most effective means are as follows:

  1. Birch tar has an unpleasant odor, but upon first use it is capable of causing pus to come out. Apply a little tar to a small piece of cotton wool and apply to the inflamed area for 30 minutes. For convenience, you can seal the cotton wool with a band-aid. If the first time the effect is not as expected, the procedure is repeated;
  2. similarly, Vishnevsky ointment is used, intended to draw out purulent contents;
  3. Ichthyol ointment is applied in the same way, but left for 2 hours;
  4. Several times a day you can lubricate the pimple with synthomycin ointment. In this case, there is no need to seal the affected area;
  5. in emergency cases, pimples are burned with a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide. You should not use this product often. It has a detrimental effect on the upper layer of the epidermis, increasing the skin’s susceptibility to infections;
  6. To draw out pus from a reddened pimple, sulfur ointment is used. Apply it to the pimple several times during the day. But the best effect is observed if you also anoint it at night;
  7. Tea tree oil has an anti-inflammatory effect. It helps a lot if you periodically lubricate the inflamed areas with it throughout the day.

It is not advisable to use iodine to help a pimple mature.

It literally burns out the formation, but at the same time causes severe burns to surrounding tissues.

Video: “What happens if you squeeze pimples”

How to relieve inflammation

The most effective treatment for a pimple is at its inception.

The main thing is to know what to apply so that the redness goes away. Some products are so strong that they can completely remove acne in 2-3 days.

To relieve inflammation, pharmaceutical preparations with drying and healing properties are used:

  • Reddened areas are spot-treated with salicylic acid. But here it is important not to overdo it and not burn the covers, otherwise marks will remain. You can use special cosmetics for the care of problem skin based on salicylic acid. These include cleansing gels, tonics and lotions. It is better to choose alcohol-free products;
  • Aspirin helps some. Crush the tablet into powder, add a drop of water and apply the resulting mixture to the pimple;
  • Calendula tincture with alcohol is applied to the inflamed area 2-3 times a day;
  • Boro Plus cream has a good healing effect. This Indian herbal preparation is used in beauty salons to speed up skin healing after various procedures. The cream is spread in a thin layer over the entire face;

Photo: pharmaceutical products for the treatment of acne

  • To dry a pimple, apply zinc ointment 2-3 times a day, always at night. Due to its dense consistency, the product does not spread and does not stain clothes and underwear;
  • many use vasoconstrictor nasal drops to relieve inflammation (Naphthyzin, Vizin, Galazolin). The solution is dripped directly onto the reddened area;
  • Locally, acne is treated with essential oils (tea tree, rosemary, eucalyptus, rose, wheat germ). To rid your face of redness, need to make a mask from white clay, adding a drop of oil to it;
  • "Dimexide" is also known for its anti-inflammatory effect. One part of the solution is diluted with three parts of clean water and the pimples are burned using a cotton swab. The product should be used with caution to prevent severe burns;
  • You can use prednisolone ointment once. This is a hormonal drug that resolves internal acne. But it is addictive, so you cannot process more than 3 formations at the same time;
  • A safe method is to apply a cut of an aloe leaf to the sore spots. Compresses can be done as many times as you like, there will be no harm from them.

If you want to squeeze out

  • A ripe pimple is best removed in a cosmetologist's office.
  • To get rid of several pimples, a specialist performs mechanical cleaning. Sebaceous plugs are carefully removed with a special tool - a Uno spoon.

Photo: mechanical facial cleansing by a cosmetologist

If you don’t have time to wait for the pimple to go away on its own, and you don’t want to go to the doctor, then you can squeeze it out.

But do this only when the pimple is ripe.

Its white head should be located almost at the exit of the pore, and touching the tubercle should not cause pain.

How to do it right

  • Before squeezing a pimple, you should thoroughly wash your hands and face with soap.

Photo: blackhead removal should be done with clean hands

  • Then treat the skin with formation and fingers with alcohol or any antiseptic.

Photo: before removal, the skin is treated with an antiseptic

  • If the pimple is dry and small in size, then gently press on the side with your fingernail so that the stem comes out.
  • But if its contents are still viscous, then it may not come out completely. This will lead to re-inflammation and the appearance of a new pimple. To prevent this from happening, a hole is pierced in the pimple with a thin needle, and the contents are squeezed out through it.

Before helping sebum come out, the needle must be disinfected.

  • The wound also needs to be treated with an antiseptic several times a day until it heals.
  • It is not advisable to apply decorative cosmetics to your face for 24 hours after the manipulations.
  • A compress of chamomile and celandine decoction made at night will help soothe the skin.
  • In order to prevent inflammation again, during this period it is necessary to give up fatty foods, sausages, and smoked foods. Such products stimulate the sebaceous glands.

Proven Methods

If you really want to remove an inflamed pimple, which is highly not recommended, then you need to at least do it correctly.

  • It is necessary to carefully press down the top of the tubercle, pressing from bottom to top. To injure the skin as little as possible, try to squeeze out all the contents with one pressure.

  • Syntomycin Liniment applied at night will help remove pus and inflammation. This is an antibiotic for external use that will destroy bacteria and prevent the infection from spreading.

To quickly get rid of acne, there are methods that have been tested by more than a dozen people.

Just don’t use them all at the same time, just choose one:

  • Apply laundry soap and salt to the face, leave for 10 minutes and rinse with water;
  • make a concentrated salt solution and apply compresses;
  • Mix yeast with hydrogen peroxide and an aspirin tablet, spread on pimples, rinse after 20 minutes.

It is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the body.

Sensitive and delicate skin can be injured and dry out from too aggressive components.

Tar soap

Photo: soap based on birch tar is an effective remedy in the fight against acne

Tar soap has been used to kill infection for a long time.

Its main component, which has healing properties, is birch tar.

  • Soap promotes blood flow to the skin, thereby accelerating its regeneration and restoration.
  • Tar also dries wounds, which promotes rapid healing.


An affordable remedy for getting rid of acne is considered to be chatterbox.

To prepare it you will need to mix:

  • one part salicylic alcohol;
  • one part propolis tincture;
  • a powdered tablet of “Metronidazole” (“Trichopol”).

Use the rubbish to wipe the inflamed areas before going to bed. Do not apply the product all over your face so as not to dry out the skin and cause complications.


A mixture of oatmeal and any vegetable oil gives an amazing result.

  • After mixing the ingredients in equal parts, apply the product to the pimples and leave for half an hour.
  • Residues are carefully removed with a cotton swab dipped in clean water.

Folk remedies

Natural ingredients will help get rid of inflammation:

Photo: using ice cubes with chamomile helps relieve inflammation

  1. Brew chamomile flowers with boiling water, leave and cool. You can make compresses from the infusion, paying special attention to the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, forehead and chin. Or you can freeze it in ice cube trays and wipe your face with cubes every morning;
  2. acne is treated with parsley juice once a day;
  3. a mask of honey, egg yolk and olive oil destroys bacteria. It should be applied to cleansed and dry skin for 20 minutes, then rinsed with warm water;
  4. badyagu is diluted with water and applied to the face. It is necessary to leave for 10 minutes, rinse and moisturize the skin with cream.
  • To prevent a rash from catching you by surprise, it is better to always have salicylic acid and zinc ointment in your home medicine cabinet.
  • Do not wipe acne with alcohol, it can cause a burn.
  • If there are no wounds on the skin, then toothpaste will help make acne almost invisible overnight. You need to spread it on the tubercle and go to bed. Mint and menthol will soothe and remove inflammation.

Photo: toothpaste will help cope with the problem

  • For problem skin, it is often recommended to use anti-acne cosmetics (“Zinerit”, “Dalacin”, “Differin”). But they do not eliminate the cause of the problem and are often ineffective.
  • Regular peeling, mechanical and ultrasonic facial cleansing give good results. But after the procedures, long-term skin restoration is required. Their disadvantage is also their high price.

Questions and answers

In conclusion, it is worth clarifying some important points regarding acne treatment.

The answers to your questions will help you get rid of acne correctly and without harm to your health.

Is it possible to delete it yourself?

You can only squeeze out mature pimples yourself.

If there is inflammation, then it is necessary to remove it.

You cannot start squeezing until the redness, pain goes away and a white rod appears at the top of the tubercle.

It is important to follow the advice for proper removal to avoid complications.

How to get rid of it in one day

There are situations when you need to get rid of a pimple urgently.

To do this, you can use one of the remedies listed above to relieve inflammation. A non-inflamed pimple looks almost invisible. Having disguised a small bump with foundation and concealer, you can safely go out in public.

Photo: concealer pencil based on salicylic acid

Before an important event, it is better not to squeeze pimples.

  • The wound is unlikely to heal within a day and decorative cosmetics should not be applied to it.
  • A kefir mask or a paste of crushed aloe leaves promotes maximum healing.

The body needs moisture, so you should drink about 2 liters of clean water per day.

Proper nutrition, fresh air and a good mood will help you cope with rashes faster.

Video: “Do’s and Don’ts for Acne”

Ideas about beautiful skin exclude the presence of the slightest flaws. Therefore, when pimples appear on the face, the first impulse is to squeeze them out in order to quickly get rid of visible manifestations. But is this procedure as safe as it seems at first glance? Rashes as signs of an inflammatory process require special skin care, then acne will not become a source of infection.

Causes of pimples and blackheads

Even with normal skin condition, natural processes that occur can cause acne. The skin secretes oil through the pores if they are clogged, and with limited access to oxygen, this area turns into a breeding ground for bacteria, their activity provokes the appearance of pimples. There are other reasons for the appearance of rashes:

  • Weakened immunity, inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Hormonal surges in teenagers, pregnant women or during menopause.
  • Failure to follow a proper diet with excessive consumption of fatty foods and flour.
  • Severe or frequent stressful situations.
  • Harmful environmental factors.

Why you can't push

Neither doctors nor cosmetologists recommend squeezing pimples on your own. In their practice, specialists often encounter the consequences of such risks, some of them are dangerous or tragic. Squeezing out a pimple and treating the wound is how the problem of a skin rash is often solved, but few people think that this open area becomes a source of serious infections.

Scars are unpleasant consequences characteristic of mechanical damage to the skin. In more serious cases, squeezing a pimple can result in furunculosis, encephalitis, meningitis, and blood poisoning. Squeezing out pimples with a white head on the nose is dangerous because here and in the area near this area of ​​the face there are vessels that directly nourish the brain. If the suppuration of inflammation leads to the appearance of boils, then the infection will spread throughout the body, and purulent wounds will appear on the back, neck, etc.

Appearance of scars

The desire to quickly get rid of a pimple on your own is dangerous, because such a procedure ends with the appearance of scars. Even if the sterility factor is not violated, there is a risk that the subcutaneous canal with the resulting pus is not completely cleaned. Then the inflammation intensifies, and even if a dermatologist prescribes treatment, it does not always prevent the appearance of scars. And such consequences of squeezing a pimple on the face certainly do not make it look better!

Blood poisoning

The situation is much more serious when an attempt to get rid of a pimple with a white head on your own leads to blood poisoning. There is always a small wound left at the site of extrusion, but even this is enough for infection. The source of inflammation begins to grow, pus is formed, and through the damaged walls of blood vessels, microbes enter the body through the bloodstream. The disease progresses and infection occurs, even if the skin was thoroughly disinfected beforehand.

Cosmetic defect

Squeezing pimples on the face does not always end in infection or scarring, but the trace of self-solving the problem still remains, often in the form of a cosmetic defect. In an attempt to hide it, women use powder, foundation or other means, which only aggravates the process. Applying decorative cosmetics to an open wound is contraindicated for many reasons, and to get rid of the rash, it is better to consult a specialist rather than squeezing out pimples yourself, perceiving them as a cosmetic defect.

What pimples can be squeezed out?

Any pimples (the concept is a public one, not a medical term) cannot be squeezed on your own. It is better to entrust the manipulation to either a cosmetologist or a dermatologist, because not only the nature of inflammation on the face has different origins. Experts identify several types of acne; the next step, when it is permissible to squeeze out a pimple, depends on the correct definition.

  • Comedones (pimples with a white head) are a clogged pore that leads to the appearance of a sebaceous plug. Oxidizing without oxygen, sebum darkens and a comedone forms on the surface of the skin. It is allowed to squeeze it out if you do it with clean hands and disinfect the skin before doing so.
  • A papule is what is often understood by the word “pimple.” Redness, which turns pale when pressed, indicates an infection in the clogged pore. It is strictly forbidden to squeeze such pimples to avoid the spread of inflammation, the appearance of scars.

  • Pustules (pustules) are purulent pimples, which distinguishes them from papules. The latter often cause the appearance of pimples with a white head; it is impossible to squeeze out such pustules, especially on your own, as any specialist will confirm. The risk of subcutaneous infection with its subsequent growth into serious inflammation is very high.
  • Cystic or fulminant acne will require qualified medical intervention. These formations are not only numerous, but also painful; in severe form, they lead to changes in the level of leukocytes in the blood, which poses a serious threat to the entire body.

How to do this correctly?

  1. Facial skin cleansing begins with antiseptic treatment.
  2. Treat your hands with a disinfectant solution, but the ideal option is to use sterile gloves and cotton wool.
  3. Place your fingers as close to the pimple as possible. Gently press, but not on the outer (visible) part, but on the root.
  4. If the pores are cleaned correctly, clean skin will be visible. But if there is white matter left in the wound, then the pimple is not squeezed out completely, which can cause acne.
  5. To avoid infection, be sure to complete the procedure by wiping with a disinfectant.

Love of cleanliness, hygiene, and regular facial skin care do not protect against the appearance of acne. In order not to aggravate the unpleasant situation, simple advice from experienced specialists: do not squeeze out any types of pimples yourself. If you were unable to resist the temptation, then when cleansing the skin, do not skip the steps of the correct squeezing technique using antiseptics. Tonics, gels, ointments (Ichthyol, Streptotsid, Metrogyl) are suitable for these purposes, and this also includes drugs with antibacterial effects (Levomikol, Dancil T).

Video: is it possible to squeeze pimples and how to treat them (Elena Malysheva)

The opinion of cosmetologists and dermatologists regarding self-squeezing pimples is categorical - this should not be done. The risk of complications when a clogged pore is not completely cleared or a wound appears in its place is very high. An infection penetrates through the inflamed area, and the consequences of a rash act have to be treated by specialists. This procedure can turn into too serious a test for the body if you do not follow precautions or do not know some of the subtleties. They are described in more detail in the video.

Few of us, passing by the mirror, resist the temptation to touch problem areas of the face. We suggest considering whether it is possible to squeeze pimples on the face, nose, forehead and chin, and also why the squeezing process is dangerous during pregnancy.

Why do pimples crush?

During adolescence (up to 14 years) and simply with problematic facial skin, pimples, blackheads and comedones (purulent wounds) periodically appear on the epidermis. These formations represent a clogged pore, which due to the large amount of sebum, dirt and oil begins to become inflamed.

Next, a specific area is infected. At the site of the injury, redness, itching, inflammation appears, and pus begins to actively secrete. After this, the process enters the active stage, when abscess formations penetrate deep into the skin. Depending on your immunity, the condition of your face, and your lifestyle, the process of cleansing pus lasts from one day to a week. It is during this period that we begin to crush ripened pimples.

Why is it dangerous to squeeze pimples?

This activity is dangerous to engage in not only during pregnancy, but also in the normal state of the body:

  1. If the pressure is incorrect and the vessels are close together, you can block the blood flow, which can create additional suppuration;
  2. If you squeeze pimples with unwashed hands, there is a very high risk of infection. Many “experts” squeeze out the pus until it bleeds, in which case you can become infected with a truly dangerous disease;
  3. The biggest problem after squeezing out pimples is the formation of scars, this is especially noticeable in places where the skin is thin and delicate (under the eyes, on the lips, temples). To avoid this, use special devices for squeezing pimples and work only with clean hands.

Many experts, when asked whether it is possible to squeeze out pimples, answer that it is possible, especially pustules on the back and face. This is not only unaesthetic, but also dangerous; it can break out at an unexpected moment, putting your health in danger. But before starting the process, make sure that acne is not a signal of a serious disease of the internal organs.

Video: how to treat acne

How to squeeze pimples correctly

Let's look at the basic rules of dermatologists on how to squeeze out pimples:

  1. Wash your face, treat your entire face with degreasing tonics, wait until they dry;
  2. Disinfect your hands. Many cosmetologists work with sterile gloves and cotton wool - it’s more convenient and safer;
  3. Gently press on the pimple. You should see a small pore point, this means that the “problem” has matured;
  4. Place your fingers as close to the pimple as possible and press on it. Do not press on the outer part, but rather inward, trying to squeeze out the root;
  5. When you clean the pore, clean skin should be visible; if a piece of white matter is visible, then the root remains inside and soon the pimple will recur;
  6. After completing the procedure, wipe your face with toner again. Refrain from using creams, foundations and powders so as not to clog the cleansed areas; let the pores breathe.

Photo - Development of a pimple

It is worth remembering that not all pimples can be squeezed. For example, it is strictly forbidden to squeeze pimples from chickenpox. Firstly, it is useless, because... There are exactly the same ones inside the body. Secondly, if small watery blisters go away on their own, leaving no traces, then after squeezing you will be left with scars like scabies. Apply green paint to problem areas and breathe fresh air as much as possible, this will help.

It is not advisable to squeeze pimples on a healing tattoo. At this moment, this area is especially susceptible to infection, and inflammation from the paint may also occur. Be careful, treat pimples and blackheads with Bepanten, Panthenol, Rescuer.

The ugliest pimples with demodicosis are inflamed purulent formations that are very painful and itchy. It is almost impossible to fight them. You need to go to a dermatologist who will prescribe you chatterbox. If you doubt whether it is possible to squeeze white pimples on the face, it is better to ask at the clinic; it is quite possible that this is a sign of liver disease or gastritis.

Most people under the age of thirty are prone to acne breakouts. For some they are painful, for others they do not cause discomfort.

There are many different types of acne. But in any case, they all spoil a person’s appearance and cause harm. Therefore, many people prefer to remove them. Is it possible to squeeze pimples, and if so, how to properly perform this procedure?

Reasons for appearance

Acne can occur in people of any age. But young people are especially susceptible to them. Why do acne breakouts occur on the face and body?

This happens for several reasons:

  • Makeup supplies are not washed or replaced on time. Then bacteria accumulate on them, which are applied to the face every time a product is applied (for example, powder or blush).
  • Increased sweating. This happens, for example, due to playing sports. To protect yourself, it is better to exercise in loose clothing made from natural materials.
  • Genetic predisposition. This cause predominates in eighty percent of the population suffering from acne.
  • In women, active acne may be associated with the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, or hormonal imbalances.
  • Tendency to rashes due to an allergic reaction.
  • Changes in climatic conditions, for example a trip to the sea, etc.
  • Stressful situations and lack of sleep lead to an increase in cortisol, which causes acne.
  • Insufficient skin hygiene. To protect your body from infections and acne, you need to change your bed linen twice a month, clean your face daily with special products, remove makeup on time, disinfect your telephone handset, etc.
  • Poor nutrition. The diet should be balanced. It is advisable to reduce the amount of caffeine, dairy products, sweets, soy, peanuts, etc.

Active acne can also be caused by squeezing it out. It is especially dangerous to do this incorrectly. Therefore, it is better to immediately find out what experts think about squeezing out pimples.

What do the doctor's say

In addition, all parts of the body react differently to such a procedure. You also need to know the general rules on how to squeeze out acne correctly.

First of all, you need to figure out which pimples can be safely squeezed out.

There are two types of comedones that are not in an inflamed form:

  1. Closed. Inside the duct, a formation appears in the pore, which does not have direct contact with air, and therefore does not become inflamed. It does not cause pain while it is in this state. It takes a long time for the formation to mature. Throughout this period, the pimple will look like a bulge on the surface of the skin, without a white head or inflammation. Such pimples should not be squeezed. This will not lead to success, but may cause inflammation.
  2. Open. When the formation has moved towards the exit of the duct, it comes into contact with air. During the oxidation process, a black dot is formed. This pimple matures faster and gets rid of pus. The pain also goes away quickly. It can be squeezed out, but only by following all the rules.

Inflamed acne comes in the following types:

  1. Superficial type papule. This red or pink pimple without a white head reaches half a centimeter. It is a consequence of unsuccessful extrusion or inflammation of a closed comedon. After healing, it leaves no scars.
  2. Deep type papule (also called nodular). Its size starts from half a centimeter. They reach a depth of up to three centimeters. They cause severe pain and are very visible. It is impossible to squeeze them out mechanically. Trying to squeeze out such a pimple can create even more inflammation.
  3. Cystic formations. They are located in the deep subcutaneous layer. Acne cannot be removed using cosmetic methods. Mechanical removal leaves scars.
  4. Pustules are called purulent acne. Their size and shape may vary, but their distinctive feature is a white head with pus. Their shallow location and purulent filling is the reason why it is possible to squeeze out such pimples, but using the correct method.

On the face

The face is the first thing people pay attention to when they meet you. Therefore, the appearance of acne immediately attracts attention, so most often they try to remove it as quickly as possible. But is it possible to squeeze acne on the face?

If the comedone is open or the papule is superficial, it can be squeezed out.

However, there are areas of the face where mechanical removal of acne is prohibited, namely:

  • Area of ​​nasolabial folds;
  • Lip area.
This area has a different arrangement of blood vessels, so squeezing pimples can cause serious inflammation and scars.

With white head

A pimple with a white head usually has a black dot, which indicates that it is ripe for squeezing. To remove it correctly, you should keep your face and hands completely clean during the procedure and know a few more important rules.


If the purulent formation is superficial, it can be squeezed out while maintaining sterility. However, there is one peculiarity.

If more than five purulent pimples are concentrated in one area of ​​the body, their mechanical removal will not bring the desired result.

A large number of pimples indicates that there is extensive infection under the skin, which should be combated with medications and cosmetics.

On the nose

Pimples on the nose are often caused by clogged pores. They can also appear due to acne inflammation. To avoid the formation of pus, you need to take care of the cleanliness of your facial skin every day, and also use products to combat blackheads.

You can also remove blackheads and superficial pimples on the nose using the mechanical method. However, this must be done as sterilely as possible. It’s even better to seek help from a beauty salon.


Cystic and deep purulent formations are prohibited from being removed mechanically. Their origin is internal, so treatment must also be more extensive.

To do this, you need to contact a dermatologist and follow his instructions, as well as maintain skin hygiene so as not to provoke inflammation and infection.

On the dick

The groin area of ​​the body is susceptible to acne inflammation in case of insufficient hygiene or after shaving. Squeezing acne on the penis and groin area is prohibited.

They can be treated with special anti-acne products. It is also necessary to increase personal hygiene. You can use a decoction of chamomile and calendula for washing.

On the chest

Squeezing pimples on the décolleté or on the back is not recommended. However, if they are superficial and fully ripe, they can be removed by first cleaning the skin.


Acne in teenagers is usually widespread. Therefore, squeezing them out leads to even greater inflammation. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor for recommendations on local and internal treatment of teenage acne.

Video: Three reasons why squeezing pimples is dangerous

Can sepsis start?

If squeezing a pimple is unsuccessful, severe inflammation may occur. If an infection was introduced during the removal process, a tumor may appear. In this case, the help of a doctor is necessary. If the necessary measures are not taken, there is a risk of blood poisoning.

How to clean at home

Shallow and mature pimples can be removed independently.

There are several rules for how this is done:

  • Before starting the procedure, the face must be cleaned of makeup and treated with tonic. Wait for the skin to dry.
  • Hands must be washed and disinfected. It’s even better to work with gloves and cotton wool.
  • You need to press close to the border of the pimple, pressing inward as much as possible, to remove the root of the formation.
  • After squeezing out the internal contents, you need to look inside the pore: if there is white matter left in it, a relapse is inevitable. It is necessary to remove pus until clear skin is visible.
  • Finally, you need to treat the inflamed area with a disinfectant or tonic.

It is not advisable to cover your face with powder or cream soon after squeezing out a pimple. You should give your pores a rest.

In an office environment

The most popular method of eliminating acne in a beauty salon is a laser procedure. As a result of this treatment, about seventy percent of blackheads are eliminated.

In addition, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is brought back to normal, the rate of formation of subcutaneous fats decreases, and the pores become narrower.

This method is applicable in the case of acne and blackheads. It helps cleanse the skin of the face to prevent the formation of purulent formations.

In order to remove purulent acne, you can contact cosmetologists who perform their mechanical removal in accordance with complete sterility.

How to clean it yourself

To overcome deep purulent formations, you need to monitor your diet, maintain hygiene of the face and body, treat the face and areas of the skin prone to inflammation with special lotions and tonics with a cleansing effect.

Tools and treatments

To combat acne breakouts, you can use the following remedies:

  • Masks made from honey, kefir, horseradish, tar soap.
  • Tinctures of chamomile flowers, parsley juice, aloe, white lily.
  • Peeling from coffee and sour cream, as well as cosmetics.

Photos before and after

Such methods are applicable only if the acne is not currently inflamed. And it is best to use similar methods to prevent the formation of acne.