Fashionable eyeglass frames - a catalog of stylish models. Catalog of fashionable eyeglass frames: men's and women's most fashionable eyeglass frames Rimless glasses

Medical frames for glasses will help turn a small flaw into an advantage and emphasize the individuality of the owner of the glasses: fashionable frames 2016 are a stylish accessory that plays an important role in creating a unique image. The catalog of the online store website presents women's, men's and children's eyeglass frames from fashion brands, which can be seen in the photo with prices. By the way, you can buy glasses frames that are fashionable in 2016 in the online store at reasonable prices with discounts.

Fashionable glasses frames: happiness to see and look 100%

The eyes are the mirror of the soul, and a fashionable frame for glasses from the online store will be a worthy frame for them. Fashionable women's glasses for 2016-2015 from the world's leading designers amaze with the richness of various forms of glasses. Branded eyeglass frames from the 2016 catalog (autumn 2015/winter 2016) represent the diversity of frame fashion and are suitable for people with different habits, aspirations and life positions.

In 2016, the trend in fashionable design of eyeglass frames remains unisex. This style includes such fashionable forms of glasses as round frames in the style of John Lennon or massive horn frames in retro style - all of them are presented in the collections of both women's and men's fashion glasses 2015/2016. This trend is also reflected in fashion children's eyeglass frames 2016, as demonstrated by photos in the fashion catalogue. The designers also paid due attention to the romantic shapes of eyeglass frames, made using light and translucent materials, as well as laconic metal frames in high-tech and modern styles.

How to successfully choose fashionable glasses and buy frames at a good price?

Since wearing medical optics is not a tribute to fashion, not a whim, but a direct necessity, the choice of fashionable glasses 2015/2016 is not limited by price, if you want to see and look great. Men's and women's glasses frames need to be selected according to the thickness and axis of the lenses; so that the fashionable frame matches the shape of the face and the usual image. You should carefully choose the color of your glasses frame so that it is universal, or buy several different frames for a given occasion, adding to your collection of fashionable glasses.

At the same time, when deciding to buy frames for sunglasses or vision glasses in an online store or in a regular “Optics”, you should pay attention not only to the beauty of the shape of women’s glasses and the price, but also to what glasses are in fashion in 2016. Our catalog of eyeglass frames 2016 will become a reliable guide in the world of fashion and style, and a professional ophthalmologist at the online store will help you decide on the most suitable frames for glasses, individually taking into account anatomical and medical data.

Quality assurance

Initially, glasses frames can be choose from the catalog by photo and price, focusing on your own taste. But then you should consult with our ophthalmologist: he will help you choose the right glasses for vision that are fashionable in 2015-2016. Unique service! You can choose fashionable women's glasses from a photo in the catalog, and then order up to 5 different frames to try on at home. Then, choose the glasses frame you like, order the installation of lenses, and soon you will receive ready-made fashionable women’s glasses that look like they came straight out of a picture in a magazine.

We receive absolutely all sunglasses and frames of fashion brands directly from manufacturers with a quality guarantee. Lenses for fashionable women's glasses 2015/2016 are made of durable, resistant to mechanical damage, environmentally friendly materials that do not cause allergies, unpleasant heaviness or a feeling of tightness, and also retain their fashionable shape for a long time.

Therefore, glasses and frames purchased in our online store will serve and delight with their beauty for a long time, without causing any trouble.

How to choose fashionable glasses for 2015? Follow our recommendations and make your look stylish and attractive.

What's fashionable?

The right frame can transform such a utilitarian item into a fashion accessory. Nice glasses will add charm to you and help show others that you have excellent taste and know about fashion.

In 2015, the following types of frames are relevant:

  • aviators;
  • cat's eye;
  • hipster glasses.

These classic models of glasses, in fact, never went out of fashion, but now, in order to show off your style, you need not only to skillfully choose the shape of the frame to your face type, but also to comply with the dress code so that the accessory suits your image.

Plus, modern versions still differ in some features. Let's look at the issue in detail.


You probably know this teardrop-shaped frame, chosen by the designers for a reason - its contour follows the anatomical shape of the eye socket, completely protecting it from the sun's rays. As you know, this model was created by order of American pilots, but quickly gained enormous popularity. We are also known as “police” and “drops”.

What should real aviators be like? These are, first of all, light weight, comfortable “mustaches” on the bridge of the nose and high-quality glass. True aviators, of course, are sun-protective, but in the last couple of years this frame has received a second wind in the vision correction niche.

The color of sun lenses, by the way, can be any - green, gray, brown, amethyst, amber, silver and metallic gold.

In her books on style, fashion expert Nina Garcia insists that the real aviators with which girls should start their glasses wardrobe are gray-green ones without a mirror effect.

Aviators for vision can also protect your eyes from the sun if you choose low-tint lenses or so-called chameleons, the shadow effect of which appears only in the sun.

Aviators suit everyone, and that’s probably why they are loved. The main thing is to guess the size, because in this case the rule does not work "the bigger, the better", which we were guided by five years ago when choosing the super popular “dragonflies”. Let your aviators be only slightly larger than the contour of the eye sockets, fall slightly onto the cheekbones, but in no case cover the eyebrows - this is the canon of the genre.

Today, aviators can easily be called the most fashionable women's glasses. In terms of image, they fit business, casual and sports styles. This model is guaranteed to make you younger, because its image is strongly associated with an active position, dynamics, flight, in the end!

cat's eye

“Cats”, or “foxes”, as we also call them, are now the most fashionable glasses for vision. It seems that there is no girl who would not like to try on this flirty and very feminine image. Moreover, there are a lot of options on sale, in different sizes and colors, strict, funny and simply luxurious, decorated with rhinestones and metal decor. The selection of frames this year has been expanded with extravagant glasses with “eyebrows” made of plastic and light metal.

When did “cats” appear?

This form became popular in America after World War II; it went out of fashion in the 80s, and today it is making a triumphant comeback thanks to the fact that brand designers, as well as Hollywood stars, are actively using the glamorous “cat eye.”

Previously, it was believed that “cats” were worn by secretaries, probably due to the fact that the accessory became an integral part of the image of a girl in a suit and with a folder in her hands. Now it is a trend for any outfit and for any situation, although it is believed that it is best combined with clothes in the style of the 50s.

The cat eye suits almost any type of appearance, however, it is not the best choice if your face shape is square or rectangle. Raised outer corners do not harmonize best with a wide chin, but fit perfectly on a diamond-shaped face - with wide cheekbones and a sharp, narrow chin and forehead.

Hipster glasses

What other glasses are fashionable this year?

Of course, in the massive horn frame, which hipster fashionistas initially loved so much, and such a frame is unisex, there are female and male models at the same time.

This is also an excellent option for schoolchildren, because children's hipster glasses go perfectly with both a school uniform and a street outfit - a sundress and a denim jacket, jeans, leggings and a T-shirt. The image of the “nerd” has been rethought in recent years; now wide horn-rimmed glasses do not disfigure the face, but give it a shy charm.

Both the guy and the girl in this frame look defenseless and very cute, in addition, today it is an invariable accessory for young people of the creative profession. Fashionistas and fashionistas prefer to complete skinny jeans, a T-shirt and sneakers with just such glasses, even if they have glasses without diopters. That is, it is no longer only a means of vision correction, but also a sought-after fashion accessory.

While the image with these glasses is 100% recognizable and even somewhat stereotyped, there are various variations of the shape. For example, how do you determine how wide they should be? Choose so that their outer part extends beyond the protrusion of the eyebrow by about the width of a finger.

The color can also be very different.

Black is a classic, but no one forbids you to wear bright red, purple, yellow frames, any shade that will highlight your eye and skin color. White hipster glasses are still rare; they suit brunettes and brown-haired women, while black ones look amazing on blondes.

People with visual impairments are forced to wear glasses all the time. Previously, most people were embarrassed to wear them because of the monotony of the types, which did not suit the face at all and even spoiled a person’s appearance. But times have changed and there are now a huge number of beautiful frames available that will not only look good on you, but will also complete any look.

To look great in any situation, you should take into account not only your facial configuration, but also current trends. In 2015, fashionable eyeglass frames consist of five models.

  • Aviators

For several years now, aviators have been on the covers of magazines. Many people believe that they are used only as sun protection. But this is not true at all. Any good optician will offer you aviators for vision. What makes them unique is their unusual oblong-oval glass and narrow flaps that are tightly secured. Aviators are suitable for almost everyone.

  • Round glasses

Fashionable eyeglass frames 2015 are incomplete without a round shape. They feel very unique, but a little eccentric. Only those who are very confident can afford to wear them. Round shapes are made in a wide variety of tones and even with patterns. They fit perfectly on those with an oval face.

  • "Cat Eyes"

The fashion of the 50s is actively penetrating into optics. Glasses with elongated upper edges will add playfulness and piquancy to any image. Initially they were produced only from the sun. But this year, opticians began to receive “cat eyes” for vision. They suit everyone. You can often find models decorated with rhinestones and sparkles.

Fashionable eyeglass frames 2015 photos

  • Geometric configurations

Rectangular, square, rectangular-triangular, square-rectangular and even triangular frames are a new hit. More recently, manufacturers have begun to produce glasses for vision in such special shapes. They will definitely not go unnoticed, and will certainly attract admiring glances. They are worn by the brave and young, who adore everything new and are not afraid to experiment with their appearance. They are selected strictly individually for each person.

  • Glasses with narrow lenses

Fashionable eyeglass frames for 2015 include a more conservative and sophisticated style. For lovers of the classics, narrow lenses are offered. Frame colors include dark colors such as black, brown, dark blue.

Fashionable men's eyeglass frames 2015 for vision photo: