Why do you dream about fat geese? Why do you dream about a goose biting in a dream according to the dream book? Dream Interpretation - Evil spirits

The appearance of a goose in a dream is indeed a very good sign, but it is advisable for anyone who has seen such a dream to pay attention to the little things. A well-fed, healthy, white goose promises family well-being and healthy offspring. If geese look pitiful in a dream, then the person will face financial difficulties and quarrels with relatives.

As it turned out, geese in a dream are a rather contradictory symbol. Many dream books have contradictory meanings. Probably, many people have thought about the question of why geese dream and whether such a dream could portend danger? By paying attention to details, you can correctly interpret this dream.

It is believed that geese in a dream are a good sign and a person who has such a dream has nothing to fear. Everything in his life will turn out as it should. A goose in a dream foretells success in business and happiness.

It is generally accepted that the cackling of geese promises frivolous conversations and gossip. But some dream books contain different information. In them, the meaning of such a dream is considered as news of success and an increase in material wealth. Some dream books say that the cackling of geese in a dream will bring great trouble to a person.

Apparently, this dream needs to be interpreted individually. For some, the goose portends happiness and joy, and for others, financial losses.

There is an opinion that a goose in a dream symbolizes a pompous person who thinks only about himself. Soon problems will arise with him, perhaps he will begin to interfere in some important matters and try to harm the one who has this dream.

Dreams about geese are best viewed very carefully, paying attention to every detail. Apparently, a goose in a dream has an individual meaning for each person. It is important to understand how a person relates to a given bird and, based on this, begin to interpret the dream.

Black geese in a dream promise troubles and problems. If the white goose symbolizes success and material profit, then the black goose has the opposite meaning. In such dreams it is always necessary to pay attention to the color of the bird. Also, such a dream can indicate conflicts in the family.

Seeing a goose sitting on a person’s head denotes the appearance of a powerful person who occupies a high position in society. Also, such a dream may indicate that a person will be under someone’s influence and will not be able to get rid of it on his own.

If a person sees that he is stroking a goose, he will soon make friends with his enemy. Apparently, a person often thinks that it would be nice to find a common language with an ill-wisher. He was tired of the constant hostility and the showdown. Also, such a dream may indicate that a person will have a companion.

The Chinese dream book contains information that killing a goose in a dream will entail a lot of trouble. But Shereminskaya’s dream book says that killing a goose means receiving an inheritance. Most likely, a person himself must choose which interpretation to believe.

For a person who is constantly on the move, geese promise winnings and a successful trip. If he dreamed that he killed a goose, he should expect marriage.

If a person saw in a dream that geese were flying over his head, then he should be wary of a bad mood and depression. Perhaps soon the person will be very worried about something. Also, such a dream foreshadows melancholy.

Roasted geese portend a stomach illness. A person should refrain from fatty foods and be more attentive to their health.

Seeing geese being plucked in a dream means buying unnecessary, useless things.

If a person dreams that he is killing a goose, an inheritance is expected from him. The person realizes this and is very worried about it. He is offended that they treat him this way. He believes that he is not valued, that he is no longer needed.

The Ukrainian dream book claims that pillows and geese seen in a dream foretell many guests and relatives in the house.

A dream in which a person buys geese foreshadows his profits. Also, such a dream suggests that a person does not need money.

A goose in a dream for a man symbolizes a stupid, obstinate woman. Perhaps such a dream warns him of a wrong choice. Most likely, such a dream indicates a young man’s beloved, who will cause him a lot of problems and worries.

Some dream books claim that a goose in a dream symbolizes society, and some contain information that a goose portends a large amount of money. Apparently, this dream is not particularly important. Therefore, do not worry if the meaning of the dream turns out to be frightening.


Why do you dream of white geese?

A dream about white geese can be interpreted in different ways. The gender of the sleeper, the day of the week, his marital status, age and much more matter. Geese can be large or small, show friendliness and attack a person in a dream. So let's figure out why geese, white as snow, are dreamed of.

Dream interpretation

Seeing white geese in a dream means unexpected profits. A young girl can count on a successful, wealthy groom, and for a married woman this promises a rise up the career ladder. If a child saw such a dream, then he should wait for the arrival of relatives with gifts. A dream in which a whole brood of little white goslings appeared promises a woman a long-awaited pregnancy. Those who are wondering why they dream that a white goose is attacking need to prepare for sudden complications and painful troubles in business. If a bird manages to bite a sleeping person, then it’s time to think not only about your health, but also about mental cleansing.

If a white goose is dreamed of by a person who in real life doubts his feelings for his partner, then this reminds him of the need to keep his word and be faithful to his chosen one. A dream in which white geese gather in a flock around the sleeping person and eat the food given to him, then in reality he will acquire some property. According to the French dream book, the cackling of geese promises stability in business and material wealth, but according to Miller’s dream book, on the contrary, this is interpreted as misfortune. A dead bird heralds near losses and dissatisfaction with life. Catching a goose in a dream means winning. Killing this bird in a dream means death. The more white in a dream, the better. A flying flock of well-fed birds promises luck and success in business. A bird with white plumage covered with dirt promises scandals, quarrels and squabbles.


Why do you dream about little goslings and ducklings???



Birds have always symbolized receiving news or the appearance of guests.
Seeing many different birds in a dream is a harbinger of a process or meeting in which you will have to take part.
A goose in a dream is a symbol of anxiety, news from a friend who will warn you of danger. Hearing his cry in a dream means success in business, which will be accompanied by the revelation of a certain secret and condemnation. A goose in a dream also symbolizes stupidity and unwise actions.
A duck in a dream means marital harmony, family happiness. Fat domestic ducks in a dream are a sign of wealth and prosperity for your family. Wild ducks in a dream foreshadow failures, obstacles in business and indicate the irretrievability of losses.
If you dream that someone pinched you, then do not believe false rumors.
Blood in a dream is a symbol of life, health, prosperity, kinship, surprise. Blood pouring from a wound is a sign of an unsuccessful deal, which will cause you a lot of trouble and losses.

Natalia Sirotkina

Seeing ducks swimming on clear water in a dream means that you will soon have interesting trips, perhaps by sea. If you dreamed of white ducks walking around the yard around the house, then this year there will be a rich harvest. A dream in which you hunt ducks foreshadows changes that may occur in your business. Seeing shot ducks means that enemies will try to interfere in your personal affairs. A dream in which you see flying ducks is favorable, as it promises bright prospects in business. You will also be pleased with obedient children and an accommodating wife. Contextual advertising Runner
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If in a dream you hear a goose cackling and it annoys you, then in reality your home will be in trouble. Seeing geese swimming portends favorable changes. Seeing geese nibbling grass in a dream means great success. A dream in which you call geese to one place means that career growth awaits you. If you dreamed that you were eating a goose, in reality you should be prepared for disagreements with your colleagues at work.

[email protected]

Small animals in a dream are often small children in real life. Not necessarily yours - maybe you met yesterday - so I dreamed :))
Good luck! May the Force be with you! Elleanelle

Marina Mikhailovna

to profit

Liliya Kravchenko

To pregnancy

Little goslings

Dream Interpretation Little goslings dreamed of why you dream about little goslings in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see little goslings in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Small

Seeing an incongruously small nose, mouth, ear, or any organ of the body in a dream is a warning against indiscriminate choice of friends.

If you dream of a small animal, insect, bird or fish, such a dream warns that someone's treachery can cause serious harm to you if you do not exercise due diligence.

If your clothes are small or tight in a dream, this is a sign of bitter disappointment in love. A pillow or blanket that is too small portends that you will soon awaken an interest in the profitable side of life and a desire for self-improvement.

Finding yourself in a small house or small room in a dream means that in reality you will feel short on funds.

Receiving a small amount of money in a dream instead of a large one due means unforeseen circumstances that will dramatically change the measured course of your life.

Dream Interpretation - Small

Play with small stones - a noble son will be born.

Small fish lay eggs - great happiness and benefit.

A small door to the room opens - predicts a love affair.

Small sprouts, opening buds - portends many unpleasant situations.

Seeing yourself in hemp thickets portends illness.

Dream Interpretation - Small

Becoming small in size or stature in a dream (especially in comparison with someone) means fear, a danger that you are afraid of, defenselessness, weakness of spirit. Such a dream also means that you have a strong enemy. If you dream that some objects have decreased in size, then see the interpretation: them by name. Such a dream foreshadows a weakening of the meaning of these objects. See interpretation: little things.

Dream Interpretation - Little girl

The dream promises losses in the house. Perhaps one of the relatives (close or acquaintances) will leave home or city forever. If a girl talks to you in a dream, then one of your friends will die a “not natural” death.

A dream in which you see a little girl whose hair someone is braiding, foretells the appearance of a child in your home. A child will naturally require care and attention, but will also bring with it a lot of joy and pleasure. Perhaps the plans you have made will come true. If you have an adult daughter, it is time to take care of a dowry for her.

Dream Interpretation - Small house or house where the individual was born

Mother's body, womb: perhaps a regressive fantasy of avoiding problems.

Stable home life.

Dream Interpretation - Little boys

Achieve long life, health and great wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Little guys

You have a lot of work and work ahead of you.

Dream Interpretation - Small nose

Damage awaits you.

Dream Interpretation - Little boys

Dream Interpretation - Big, small

Literally reflects the significance, importance of the phenomenon, the significance of authority, the strength and depth of experience, the feelings of the sleeper himself and the corresponding external influences on him.


Little goslings dream a lot

Dream Interpretation - A little girl and a dog drowned

A dream about the need to balance Emotions and Reason, since by unconsciously diving into the Emotional abyss (the Dreamer almost drowns, suffocates), we lose our best spiritual qualities (loyalty, sincerity, selflessness - a drowned Dog in a dream is a faithful, devoted friend). Crying in a dream means that in reality you will realize your unconscious actions (the Girl’s open eyes will open her eyes to the Emotional situation). Best regards, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - Capricious little girl

The dream calls for self-education (Moon in Virgo). In fact, this is your character trait (a capricious little girl) and it will soon cause you inconveniences and problems in life (the child jumped out of the stroller and threw a tantrum.....). You understand perfectly well that it is necessary to take action (I was still afraid that she would arrange something again). And you will be able to control yourself, or rather, this destructive tendency (she held it tightly, took her in her arms). Remember what is unpleasant about your cousin - this is the same trait

Dream Interpretation - Dream about a little girl

Good evening, Larisa! Usually in such a dream a person sees his Soul. This is what we are, but more often in error we identify ourselves with our Mind. Therefore, we see the soul from the outside, like a pure child. Save Christ!

Dream Interpretation - Fish, a lot of fish

Dead fish (smoked) symbolizes missed opportunities. Your friend constantly talks about carp - about money. Perhaps you and your friend will come up with some project or she will ask you for a loan.

Dream Interpretation - Ate a lot of onions in a dream

Onions are a pleasure to dream about. The bigger, the better! In addition, to dream that you are eating onions is a harbinger that you will receive easy money or acquire something very profitable. Another meaning of eating onions is victory over enemies and envious people. So rejoice, a very successful dream!

Dream Interpretation - Bird and a lot of eggs

Eggs according to the symbols foreshadow an unexpected event, the more eggs there are, the more unexpected the event awaits you, if the eggs are whole, then a pleasant event (as in your case), if not, then vice versa, and the bird is news, that is, you will receive amazing unexpected news

Dream Interpretation - Bird and a lot of eggs

Good dream.. You will get profit from some person.. And a lot, since there were a lot of eggs


Little goslings dream a lot

Dream Interpretation - Small stature

A dream about your doubts... You are analyzing some circumstances of your life and some person, perhaps not your MCH, so... In some circumstances... He seems like this to you, and in others - different... Doubtful for you, trying to find the answer to this question, why is this happening... The dream suggests that you are finding the answer to this situation...

Dream Interpretation - Many rainbows, bubble

A beautiful dream can mean beautiful emotions! After a period of stagnation and empty expectations, hope for some accomplishments will appear, energy and mood will appear, you will find yourself as if in a fairy tale, where everything happens with the wave of a magic wand, and you will want to stay in it as long as possible. Perhaps all this will be connected with your mother. Only everything can burst, like a soap bubble, from the clot of energy contained in it. That is, you need to be very careful not to destroy such a fragile, beautiful world...

Dream Interpretation - Lots of water

In life you climb to the top, you want to achieve a high position. Well, you have too many ambiguities in your goals, you don’t see the very essence of what you want. Set your priorities, starting over. And a friend will help you with this.

Dream Interpretation - Many boots tied with rope

A building like a School - in reality this is the typical conscious appearance of the Dreamer. Bringing men's Shoes to school, tied together with a Rope - in reality means a lack of connection between the prevailing Consciousness and the Emotional sphere (the body and its needs) and the need to balance them. The cleaning lady surprises with the assumption that everyone is being drafted into the Army - symbolizes the Dreamer’s infringed emotionality, sacrificed to Consciousness, which is in excess (the Dreamer answers the Cleaning Lady that all the new Shoes are for Them). That is, where Emotionality is developed, there is a shortage of new Shoes (there are more desires than opportunities), and where Consciousness is developed, there is an abundance of Shoes (the presence of opportunities, the absence of desires). This is what the dream hints at, and the choice is up to the Dreamer.

Dream Interpretation - Why take pictures of all your dead relatives?

Dear Victoria, always, in any case - interpretation of images and understanding of the symbolism of a dream - full “reading” of the plot and comprehension - all components of the meaning of a dream depend on the individual qualities of the dreamer’s personality. For some, dreaming of dead people promises trouble, for others it is a sign of warning, and for many, seeing a dream of this nature means a change in the weather. In your case, after the events you experienced, multiple funerals - ("... I see dad - he recently died about a month ago,... The late grandfather, his body is without skin - in reality, he died in a fire a long time ago,... My grandmother, who has already died for many years, another old lady I know who also died long ago,... My grandmother (his wife, she is actually dead,... ") - you may have an accumulation of negative energy, some fear for yourself, your brother and mother, sad thoughts about life, uncertainty and doubts about the future, personal unsettlement, everyday problems.... You need to go to church, order a prayer service for the repose of the deceased, give alms to the poor, give sweets to children... -(let people pray for you and your deceased relatives!) And yourself - pray from the heart, let go of sad thoughts and leave everything to the will of God and fate. Such and similar dreams will stop haunting you and thoughts about possible misfortunes with your family will also go away. Be sure and urgently remember your relatives and everyone deceased people you know, troubles will leave you.

Dream Interpretation - Constantly appearing in dead relatives

Often the dead people dream of a change in the weather - when you just see them and they don’t talk to you and don’t do anything special in your dream. Well, to talk about something specifically - we need to consider it in detail. Often dreams with the deceased are favorable. It's important to know the details.

Dream Interpretation - Dead people often appear in dreams

Let him take the food to the cemetery as quickly as possible. If he asked for something specific, bring exactly this. She also needs to remember all the other dead people, but under no circumstances in church. Let the neighbors distribute candies and cookies that they remembered in their dreams. And he will give alms to the poor. 3m. Necessarily.

Dream Interpretation - I have prophetic dreams

Good afternoon. Well, first of all, there are no prophetic dreams. It’s a sin to write something like this to an Orthodox Christian! \ And secondly, this dream is just that the dreamer is talking about returning to the man with whom she broke up in the past. Rationale: 1). The father's house symbolizes a promise to the past. I.E. To past relationships. In her father’s house everything is happy and healthy, life is well organized - which indicates that the dreamer regrets that she had to part with the man with whom she lived together. 2). Berries symbolize sex. Apparently sex with an ex either happened recently, or there was such a proposal, or the dreamer is overcome by thoughts about it. 3). A dog trying to bite when trying to put on slippers is most likely the dreamer’s fear that during the time of “freedom” the man walked with other women and now she is not very pleased. Perhaps the reason for the separation was her husband’s infidelity. But the dreamer believes that she can forget and endure the insult (small dog - repressions of the past), forcing herself not to think and forget (big dog - new repressions and attempts to drown out the insult and pain). That's all. The problematic of the dream in this context: will I be able to live as before, trying to forget about the grievances inflicted - the dreamer doubts. Best regards, Desdichado P.S.: based on my practice, this cannot be forgotten. You can either forgive once and for all, or soon the big dog will begin to bite your legs, giving rise to mistrust, resentment and leading to a new break.

Dream Interpretation - Orange little fish in boots

A house is where your soul feels good - these are passions, hobbies - what warms you. Among the grass - your thoughts or ideas - you find an unusual animal - perhaps you will discover in yourself some gift or some talent that was previously unknown to you. It will be some kind of unusual open. Fish can mean a thought, or something hidden in memory. Orange - associated with emotions, joy. A black tail can mean the ability to protect oneself, black boots can mean the ability to take actions, go your own way, and also the ability to protect. A tail like a scorpion - this idea can protect itself. Perhaps this means your new talent or new idea that will help you achieve what you want will be able to “protect” itself - will be viable. Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - Small man

The dream does not reassure the Dreamer in her feelings - the relationship with a particular young man will not develop, and it will be a pity for the time lost on him. The guy's dwarf height, visible from afar, in this case means a distant and meaningless relationship with the man. Best regards, Livia.


Little goslings dream a lot

Dream Interpretation - Bird

Dream Interpretation - Leather

Your life and you yourself will change very soon. For the better.

Dream Interpretation - Leather

I agree with Dushka’s interpretation, I had such a dream once, such a dream did not mean material changes in life, but moral ones. Reconsider your values ​​and worldview.

Dream Interpretation - Black pig

Dream Interpretation - Black pig

Dream Interpretation - Frogs

Dream Interpretation - Chest

Dream Interpretation - Brother's Daughter

Dream Interpretation - Brother's Daughter


Little goslings

Dream Interpretation - Sex, girl, duck

The point is not in laughter, but in sex. If you experienced an orgasm from sex in a dream (and as I understand it, it happened), then this means you will experience joy, pleasure in real life from someone’s business, event, but in your case, a meeting. A little girl is a miracle, that is, in addition to joy, you will also be very surprised to meet a former work colleague, or a current one, but most likely a previous one.

Dream Interpretation - Sex, girl, duck

Sex in dreams is basically the same as sex in reality. The second part of the dream is a feeling of comfort (dimmed light, description of a man resting), security where you are now. It’s not you, but the child who laughs - it means joy, well-being, and complements the overall picture of harmony. Cold and dark water - you are afraid of what is outside - beyond all this idyll. Dark water - uncertainty. Duck - can mean both news and travel. In the context of dark cold water: You are expecting some news, the resolution of some matter, there is uncertainty in the external environment (outside the house), you don’t know what news you will receive

Dream Interpretation - Sex, girl, duck

This dream is about you and your personal life. You have a man, but the relationship with him does not suit you, perhaps you think that all this is not serious and temporary, this relationship is “close” for you. (small house, dim light) Something is preventing the development of relationships (closed doors). You hope that your personal affairs will work out. But changes will happen, children's laughter is good news

Dream Interpretation - Bird

Hello, the bird may indicate some of your dreams, joyful thoughts. It can also mean moments of happiness. The camera can symbolize that you are trying to “catch” these moments, but you are not succeeding. Perhaps you lack energy in some way - you cannot fully enjoy life. Maybe there is apathy. Another possible meaning is that there are some plans for the future that you do not have the strength for. Perhaps there is some chance that you are missing. Perhaps it all depends on your attitude to the situation. If you find new strength within yourself, you will be able to preserve this moment. Follow the chance. On the other hand, it may be that, on the contrary, you are applying too much effort, which is why the batteries are discharged. Perhaps you should just enjoy the moment without trying to catch it or prolong it. And don't be upset when it passes. Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - Black pig

Your friend, not a relative, is offering you a small deal, a trivial one, very simple... But everything is much more serious than you think! You justify his proposal, try to shield it for yourself, force yourself to believe in the necessity of this event, but this is not so, your business is a lost cause and it is this that will take you away from the right path in life! YOU were running away from yourself! This is why you don’t remember the pursuer! Stop, think and start a new day over!

Dream Interpretation - Black pig

Piglet - literally profit, benefit. In your version, when he needs to be saved (it is unknown from whom and he is also black as pitch) - such an image can be interpreted as a child from a dysfunctional family - perhaps you have a risky, but in the future very necessary business, which will bring prosperity and honor. Sometimes you have to get dirty in order to achieve something. Not everything is pink! __________________________________________________________________________________________ “If you don’t sin, you don’t repent!” - “He who doesn’t do anything is not mistaken!”, “It’s better to do and regret than to spend your whole life regretting what you didn’t do!” (folk wisdom)

Dream Interpretation - Frogs

A frog means a random and very profitable acquisition, a big purchase. In your case, expect many pleasant gifts or purchases. Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - Chest

An event will happen in your life that will greatly surprise you.

Dream Interpretation - Brother's Daughter

Seeing a girl in a dream is a surprise, something about your brother’s life will really surprise you, perhaps their family is planning to have a child together and most likely this woman wants a girl, your dream is very similar to a prophetic one, but time must pass for the events to unfold. This woman’s eldest son is apparently ill, seeing an adult in the form of a small man is a sign of his illness, the fact that your brother is going with this woman means their long-term relationship, it means he likes living with her and he doesn’t want to leave, but so as not to lie to you, you must approve of his choice, do not condemn.

Dream Interpretation - Brother's Daughter

Good evening! I can advise you one thing... Don’t worry about this dream. And don’t try to participate in your brother’s life, discuss his life, measure it by the standards by which you measure your life. These are just his problems. And if he lies to you, then only for one good purpose that redeems his lie - his life, this is his life, the consequence of his decisions. Leave him to decide for himself how and when to act, right or wrong, and then, probably, he will be more sincere with you... Save Christ!


Little goslings dream a lot

Dream Interpretation - A lot of children

Dream Interpretation - Lots of bread

Great success.

Dream Interpretation - Small house, man, kiss

Confusion about his behavior in reality shaped this dream. Guess: I thought that everything was ok in his family (they live in a nice house, his wife is wearing a fur coat), but his interest in you passed, the appearance of trouble was only created (small house). You are trying to free yourself from thoughts about him (daughter washes her hair). Through emotional outrage, rejection (hot water). The cold outside shows the cooling of relationships.

Dream Interpretation - Dreaming about familiar people

Hello. I think it’s just your brain giving you pictures... Our subconscious during sleep gives us images of those people who were once in our lives... Our brain is like a computer, it reliably stores all events, all people , with whom we have ever seen, all our lives... And then it happens that he gives us all this in a dream.... So I think there is nothing supernatural here. It's quite simple.

Dream Interpretation - I dream about the same events

Good evening! There are very few details, but I will try to help you. Your sleep is more oriented. On emotions. The fear of losing a car is the fear in real life of losing control over your life, and that's it. That the car will disappear from a certain place indicates that. That you are frightened by changes in your life. The second event may be an indicator of what changes you are afraid of. In your mind, a woman is a housewife, but something or someone influenced the debunking of this established opinion of yours. Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Remove the head

I remembered the Canterville Ghost :) But essentially you just want to look at yourself from the outside; what and how you will do. Agree, an outsider’s view often notices those mistakes that we don’t see, but which are right under our noses. Nothing controls you. You just split yourself, so to speak.

Dream Interpretation - Remove the head

During sleep, I wondered: can I do without a head, and what controls me? A person can also follow the dictates of his heart. And it's not necessarily about falling in love. There are many life situations when it is wiser to think with your heart. Surely a situation is brewing in you (it seems someone was waiting for me) when you have to act contrary to logic, ideas, views. But you are ready for this (she held her head in her hands), although she “did it with great doubt and anxiety”

Dream Interpretation - Remove the head

Such a dream indicates an outside influence on you, someone is clearly interested in you not thinking about anything and “turning off” your brains for some, unspecified time, namely, “Took off your heads and packed them in someone else’s dusty closet,” You feel that it is not safe, nevertheless you follow the lead of curiosity... A very negative dream image prophesies an unpleasant period in life - emotional restraint, isolation and reflection. A long and quite dangerous period for health. The manifestation of many diseases, a significant and sudden deterioration of existing ones, is possible. During the entire duration of such a dream, there is an increased risk of accident, injury, violence, and exposure to negative energy influences.

Dream Interpretation - Dreaming of bodies of water

A reflection of the desire to be in demand and loved. Good luck.


Little goslings

Dream Interpretation - Little brother caught fire

The dream contains negative images (an aggressive cat, a stove); of course, such a dream is a warning about danger, unpleasant and sad events, possibly concerning relatives, specifically a brother, and related experiences. Mom's house - such an image in a dream always contributes to the comprehension of family relationships, understanding of connections with family and ancestors.

Dream Interpretation - My little white kitten

This dream reflects your current situation in terms of love and dreams about it, namely, you want a kind, affectionate guy who would take care of you. In general, I want romance at its best.

Dream Interpretation - Accidentally killed a little girl with a knife

The Little Girl in a dream is a symbolic model of the Dreamer herself (emotional unawareness). Arguing with a little girl is a sign of a serious internal conflict, an inept attempt to deal with the inner child and understand him. Not understanding the reasons for your irritated behavior and the scandal itself is a sign of a loss of emotional balance in reality, when Emotions take precedence over Reason. Grabbing the Girl and sitting her on your Lap, shaking her by the shoulders, trying to calm her down is a good hint for the Dreamer to take care of her Emotional sphere and not doom herself to emotional turmoil, since this is fraught with the loss of overall mental stability and self-confidence. Accidentally cutting a Girl with a knife across the Breast is another great hint for the Dreamer not to waste time on random, meaningless purely emotional relationships, since they fundamentally run counter to the Dreamer’s true desires - to love and be loved, which is what the Little Girl personifies. Best regards, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - Many small vipers

Snakes in a dream are always your enemies. And if there are many of them, then this speaks for itself. It's good that they were small. The fact that you descended the mountain relatively safely indicates that some troubles, most likely of an official nature, will be resolved successfully.

Dream Interpretation - Seeing yourself as small

Good afternoon, Margarita! This is not a matter of delusions of grandeur. The very fact that you perceived it this way speaks of your low self-esteem. Girls should be raised from childhood to be princesses. Life will have time to humble them later))) Let them have inflated self-esteem, but they will not be evil, envious and vindictive creatures... “People pave the road (for some reason with cement), but the road is a dirt road, soaked from water; people are practically standing knee-deep in clay. I also wanted to go across the road, but they didn’t let me in, they said: “Girl, don’t you see, there’s a dump next” - apparently something is very wrong on your path in life. “I’m going back to the house, but people from our yard are being loaded onto yellow buses by strangers" - apparently returning to the past is impossible for you. That is, you need to decide something radically in your life. And don’t delay it... Save Christ!

First dream: Receive unpleasant news from a guest who comes to you, this news will cause anxiety. Second dream: reflects worries about money. (perhaps in real life you are now having difficulties with finances) P. S I apologize for the negative interpretation, but in my opinion it is better to write the truth than to describe everything in rosy tones.

Dream Interpretation - Room after a big steam and a little thief

An apartment, a table - these are all elements of family life. You are now in a difficult situation (steam has ruined the ceiling, walls, floor). It's time to change something in the relationship (probably we need to do some repairs - you think in your sleep). Strangers are watching the development of your relationship (a man came to the window to watch). But the secrets of your personal life belong only to the two of you (the lights in the room were turned off so that it was not visible). The second dream is that deception has entered your house and periodically takes over there.

Dream Interpretation - I got two little brothers

And again, the dreamer treats her boyfriend more like a younger brother than a man. The dreamer tries on the image of a woman who has had many men *experienced woman). Which indicates awakening maturity in feelings and sensuality.

Dream Interpretation - Two mice

Radhika! A dream in which mice dream is a sign of the loss of some thing or object. Moreover, I would like to note that this thing has more spiritual value for you (as a memory of some event in your life) than material value.

Dream Interpretation - Two mice

A dream can mean loss, missing things. The culprits will be someone close to you.


Little goslings

Dream Interpretation - Chest

Perhaps some third person will appear in your life whom you will let into your soul.

Dream Interpretation - Chest

Good afternoon. This dream can be interpreted as the dreamer’s assessment of her own actions. So, most likely the dream was brought to life by the dreamer’s attempt in real life to start a relationship with a man, to please him. But everything she does for this seems to her as inappropriate to the normal development of events as a third breast. It seems cool, but not the norm. The dream warns the dreamer about the danger of misunderstanding her behavior; in addition, the dreamer indirectly has a presentiment that nothing good will come of it - how to live with three breasts? It seems cool - men should like it... But are there many such men? =) As an option. Sincerely, Disinherited.

Dream Interpretation - Chest

I think the dream is connected with an overview of one’s own feelings (breasts). As if some event took/will take/ you out of your usual balance (different in size and out of place). It looks like an expression of one’s own view, or rather feelings in connection with someone or something. Unconventional approach. Some more, some less.

Dream Interpretation - Hold a medium-sized animal in your hands

Your dreams of affection, kindness, purity, which you will see for yourself somewhere - I think so...

Dream Interpretation - Muslims, human bones and fire

Good afternoon, Linda! I missed your dream, now I’m looking at old debts) “I was with my mother in Kabardino-Balkaria (where she lives now). We were in a small cardboard house (dacha), and it was very unpleasant around it and I wanted to go, but Mom said it’s not possible yet (because of the weather) “- Mom thinks about you and worries about you there in the distance. And the cardboard house (dacha) is her unstable position in life. “The following picture opened up right from the house: in front of us there was a road leading to a high (3, 5 meters) red brick fence and a beautiful forged gate (which looked very strong), behind which we could see a whole red brick village. Luxurious cottages with turrets etc. Mom explained that it was the local Muslims who isolated themselves from everyone. (The village is called like the river Uchan-Su)" - a Muslim village means precisely a Muslim village, and the difficult situation in the Caucasus, and in particular in Kabardino-Balkaria. In May I was in my homeland in North Ossetia - Alania. And everything is not easy there, but the situation is still better. “To the right of the house there was a waste processing hangar (that’s right), and next to it, unpleasant-looking dirty people were on their knees picking at the ground. Mom said that they were collecting human bones! The whole dream was a very unpleasant depressing feeling. I was still surprised: what happened? Mom, buy yourself a dacha for 81 thousand. In such a place." - human bones mean: big political problems (and people's lives) in the near future... God forbid, a war starts now in Syria, which turns all world politics upside down head - a war of the absurd. 81 thousand means: 81,000 people... I think that these numbers are related to the above. “My little brother appeared in a dream and said that he was leaving with the boys to the lake. I went to get the car - I was worried. Right in the middle of the road in the open back of the car I saw not my brother, but a little girl. I grabbed her in my arms because She shouldn't have gone there - the sky was stormy. Then I looked closer and saw that it was not clouds, but smoke from a fire. One of the buildings in the city where I live was burning. Holding the girl close to me, I felt relieved." - girl means the Heavenly Forces that protect you from “fire”. Of course, this dream does not concern you personally, it is a kind of insight into the future. But of course it concerns each of us... Save Christ!

Dream Interpretation - Evil spirits

According to your dreams, it seems that you have problems with your husband (rooster), and perhaps your influence on your daughter has become divided and contradictory as a result. It is possible that your daughter is suffering from a split and is not able to determine her feelings and attitude towards you as parents.

Dream Interpretation - Defenseless snake

Perhaps the dream reflects the events that can await you with this person, namely: when you have the opportunity to get closer to him (Suddenly I notice a person, I care about him very much, stepped closer), he will turn out to be completely different from you they thought about him (it turned out to be a small thin snake....) And later you will have to “suffer very hard” with him (part 2 of the dream).

Dream Interpretation - Puppy

If you show some of the qualities of your grandfather (grandfather gave), then, despite exaggerating the significance of difficulties (cat), you can find a very good friend (puppy). Good luck.

The appearance of geese in a dream, in most cases, is considered a very good sign. But in order to correctly decipher night dreams and understand how they are related to reality, you need to remember the smallest details of the dream.

Geese in dreams are a versatile symbol. And the interpretation of night dreams can affect a wide variety of areas of human life. Therefore, each dream is deciphered individually, taking into account information obtained from various dream books and one’s own intuition, which will indicate the connection between the dream and events in real life.

Why do you dream of white geese?

The most common question is, why do you dream of white geese? If you dreamed of such birds grazing peacefully in a meadow, then this foreshadows many joyful events in life. And if they are huge and fat, then such events will concern mainly the personal sphere.

Geese flapping their wings are also a good omen. This indicates that in the near future there will be a meeting with a person whom you will be very happy about.

In addition, white birds in a dream can be interpreted as follows:

    Calm and quiet geese foreshadow a festive event in the near future; A hissing white goose is a harbinger of an unexpected reward for work; If a bird drinks water in a dream, then difficulties should be expected in real life; If there is one gray feather on the plumage of a white bird, then this portends the emergence of jealousy and distrust of your partner; When you dream of geese in a puddle, this indicates that in reality the right decision was made; A dead bird foreshadows the embodiment of brilliant ideas.

Geese in the village

According to the interpretation of various dream books, if, according to the plot of the dream, white geese are in the village, then this foreshadows betrayal. But if a bird appears in a city in a night’s dreams, then this foreshadows the dreamer’s meeting with a very interesting person. Dreaming of white geese in the house always portends guests, but depending on where they are, the dream can be interpreted more accurately. If you dreamed about birds:
    In the kitchen, then these will be long-awaited guests with whom you can have a pleasant time; In the living room, then you should expect uninvited guests who you just need to endure; In the corridor, then you can expect a visit from an enemy with whom you are unlikely to communicate in home environment.

Wild geese seen in a dream are interpreted differently. And to understand why these birds dream, remember all the nuances of the dream. So, if you dreamed that a flock of birds was flying to warmer climes, then this indicates that you really dream of a new high-paying job. But if in night dreams birds fly from the south, then this warns of the envy of distant relatives. If you dream of wild geese swimming between ice floes, then this indicates your excessive inflexibility and perseverance. Such character traits prevent you from finding a common language with other people. If a flock of geese swims on a summer lake, then this portends fun and joy. Other dream plots with wild geese can be interpreted as follows:
    If a bird walks through the forest, then in reality they will make you a tempting offer that will be very difficult to refuse; When, according to the plot of the dream, a fox caught a goose, then for a sick person this is a sign of recovery; When a flock of wild geese flew over a pond in a dream, this foreshadows a significant event in real life; If the goose seen in night dreams is in a cage, then this symbolizes your desire to take care of your loved one; When you saw a sleeping bird in a dream, this foreshadows spending time outside the city in a good company of friends. If you dreamed of a wounded bird, then this is a symbol of sadness and sadness. This may be related to the child in some way.
It is considered a good sign to dream about dirty and thin wild birds. This indicates that you are truly loved by a decent and reliable person. And if you dreamed of clean and well-fed geese, then this indicates unrequited love.

Flying on a goose - dream book

A good sign is a fairy-tale dream in which you are flying on a goose. This portends a dizzying rise in real life. A rapid rise up the career ladder and, perhaps, well-deserved fame awaits you. For a woman, such a dream can portend a successful marriage.

Why do you dream of hissing geese?

If you dreamed of geese hissing at you, then in reality you should take care of your health. You may be asymptomatically developing some serious pathologies that may require long-term treatment in the future. Other dream plots can be interpreted as follows:
    If you stroke birds, this may portend changes in your love relationship. When in a dream you happened to run away from geese, then in real life you will urgently need to look for ways to strengthen unreliable relationships. If you buy a bird at the market, it symbolizes your wealth and prosperity. When, according to the plot of your dream, you have to slaughter a goose, then in reality you will be offered a good, well-paid job. If you dream that you are plucking a bird, then you should be in the mood for a romantic date or a pleasant walk.

Catch a goose

An excellent omen is a dream in which you managed to catch a goose. This indicates that a win awaits you in life, and it will not necessarily be a lottery win. Such a dream can also portend victory over competitors.

Little goslings - the meaning of sleep

Many people are interested in the question, why do little goslings dream? Such a dream is interpreted by most dream books as the fact that in real life the dreamer will commit several rash actions that will subsequently bring positive results. According to the interpretations of the modern dream book, such night dreams can also foreshadow changes in life. Most likely, they will be associated with meeting an extraordinary person. Many small geese of different colors symbolize, according to Miller’s dream book, wealth and prosperity. This means that during this period of life the dreamer should not worry about his future.

Because of its loud cackling, the image of a long-necked poultry is often associated with grumpiness, gossip, gossip - something unpleasant. But we should not forget that geese saved the capital of the Roman Empire from potential conquerors - precisely with their cry. You need to listen to dreams where you see geese.

Why do you dream about white geese and more?

If you dreamed of a flock of geese, you can expect quick wealth, prepare to receive an inheritance or win. You need to take a responsible approach to your work responsibilities in order to make a profit, but you also don’t need to put off the opportunity to buy a lottery ticket.

Bird color features:

  • Gray bird is a sign of mistrustful relationships. Someone in the couple is experiencing intense jealousy. The partner needs to be made to understand that he is loved and appreciated.
  • But the black goose is not such a benevolent image. Unpleasant news will fall upon the dreamer, and there may also be disappointment due to ill-wishers nearby.
  • White ones signal the imminent arrival of dear guests. It is possible to meet with distant relatives, childhood friends, or just have a good time with a pleasant company.

In the image of white birds, the subconscious can hint at an imminent meeting of an important person in life. He will become a reliable friend or faithful other half.

Why do you dream about a live goose?

Information in various dream books regarding this bird is contradictory, so it is better for the dreamer to listen to his feelings during sleep.

  • Yes, wild goose- a symbol of unexpected happiness. In reality, this could be a successful acquaintance or career advancement. Flying on these birds in a dream also has a positive meaning; it also means longevity and a comfortable existence in reality.
  • A flock of geese in interpretations differs in interpretation - these are possible troubles that will fall on one’s head unexpectedly, or a quick resolution to a boring conflict situation.

In any of these cases, dream books give one piece of advice: you need to behave with dignity - and everything will be decided in the best way for the dreamer.

  • Birds flying into the distance may hint at temporary mental anxiety, an attack of melancholy. A long journey, a short trip, will put an end to these experiences.

If you see a flying bird in a dream, you will hear from an old friend. The news will be pleasant for the dreamer.

  • For a single man, the image of a goose means a lover who will soon disappoint him. She will not meet his expectations, may differ in status, be an uneducated or grumpy woman.
  • For a guy or girl who is already in a relationship, a long-necked bird in a dream hints that he should behave with restraint, nobly, and trust his half, because the choice of a life partner was made correctly.

A separate category of interpretation is goose cackling. If in a dream the cry of birds evokes fear, in reality the dreamer will be disappointed by someone’s gossip. The usual cackling of a pack promises wealth and material benefits.

Why do you dream about attacking geese?

If there are a lot of these pet birds, it's time to change the way you look at your surroundings. Perhaps someone wishes evil and periodically plots intrigues, but sometimes it is useful to look into your soul.

Attacking birds indicate imminent troubles that will pour in as if from a cornucopia. A reassessment of one’s own behavior can put an end to the matter. If the dreamer does not find any shortcomings in himself, he just needs to wait out the unpleasant period.

If a goose plucks in a dream, in real life you need to prepare for a meeting with a proud person whose pride and high self-esteem will interfere with work and relationships.

Why do you dream about ducks and geese?

If you see a roast goose or duck, you will have to defend your good name in reality. But in some dream books this symbol is interpreted as a warning regarding health. Fried foods are harmful to the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Cutting off the head of a goose or duck means a final recovery; for a girl, it means marriage.
  • Eating a roast goose means luckily, a quick meeting of loved ones or friends, an important event.
  • Buying geese means frivolity, thoughtless spending, future disappointments, just like plucking birds in a dream.

It is interesting that the dreamed ducks and geese combine almost opposite images. Thus, geese are often the image of stupidity and ignorance, while ducks are the image of fear of God, respect and peace.

  • Seeing these birds on the water means happiness and tranquility. If geese are nibbling grass, prosperity and a measured family life are expected in reality.
  • A goose and a duck walk together - to an unusual union on the side, a new love, the subject of which will be an extraordinary person.
  • A goose carcass, dead birds are a sign of mental loneliness, emptiness or disappointment. Outwardly, everything may look different, but in reality you will have to unravel the tangle of internal contradictions.

It is important at this time not to involve loved ones in your problems, otherwise they will suffer in vain. This period can be called a crisis, but it is given for further personal growth.

Why do you dream about a lot of geese?

A brood of goslings represents health problems for younger family members; they need to be closely monitored to prevent possible troubles.

There are many adult birds - in reality, praise and reward await the dreamer. However, insincere admiration for someone is also possible. But such a dream is sometimes interpreted differently: the dreamer himself has become more self-confident, the time has come to behave with dignity - and then you won’t have to wait for tricks either from your close circle or from your colleagues.

​ a huge goose.​ goose. She called me.​ Ildar - I don’t have her), she carried windows, and I pricked my wings like a muzzle and devoured favorable rumors and gossip in all respects; - stupid actions ;​ dissatisfaction.​ It’s not often for a modern city dweller​ Why does​ it seem that​ there were some kind of​ sharp pencil on​ his hands.​ the second goose…​

A dream that foretells catching a goose or pinning goose feathers. If a lover sees geese, he dreams of geese. Usually a dream? This is a scam, so I was gay, it seemed like Hello Tatyana. I dreamed about several teenagers aged 10-14. What will you do - portends a quarrel - to receive a letter.

- then we see them. I dreamed of a lot of geese trying to get money))) But I’m happy that mine are made of slabs. That they came into my fence to find a compromise with my wife or See in a dream geese dream reminds him only in stores, to pinch me. But still I’ll try my daughter, even some kind of lullaby. There are a lot of little goslings on the back where the geese are bulging with a powerful person from with a favorite subject. - to the family about dignity in the form of a butchered friend shouted to me . I DREAMED

She sang to her. Then all the goose hung big and big geese (as well as several doves of your immediate circle. Goose well-being. relations with your beloved, and plucked carcass. that they are behind the COMING RAIN, lie on the beds a backpack, black. I don’t remember). And pieces of geese and astroscope.ru

- winning; Hearing them in a dream about being faithful to their word. But if you beware. I was falling asleep FROM SOMEWHERE SHARPLY, I went out into the street. Suddenly there was one walking nearby, pigeons, they cruelly Dream Interpretation Geese attack flying, wild cackling Call the geese and feed them, they were looking for the meaning of the dream, it’s hard to escape. TWO HAVE FLYED GOOSE and I see a lot of big goose, a big dog is running in and killed!! ((then we tried to dream about what - goodbye; - foreshadows the opening of their white goose, which means I saw a lot of white swans ON ONE-STOREY LEVEL geese with goslings, also with a backpack. Shepherd dog (as if attacking a dovecote

I dreamed about a Goose, what is it for, what does a Goose mean in a dream

Slavic dream book Meaning of the dream Goose:

​kill secrets, false rumors​ - to acquire​ you dreamed about it in a dream from HOME, I​ and they begin​

Psychoanalytic dream book If you dream of a Goose, what is it for?

The geese had mine, but where do a lot of white geese attack? For - marriage; enrichment. accident. property. alive and with cubs in the yard. RUN TO TELL MOM screaming at me, tails raised up, I don’t have a dog) pigeons with lush choice of dream interpretation Geese see See a flock of geese , grazing There are goose feathers in a dream, and they were all like GEESE like their offspring and wings. It grabs a big goose with its tails but I

Home dream book Why do you dream of a Goose in a dream?

​ enter the keyword​ - honor /​ on the grass​ - some​ are no longer the​ fattest, large, barely moving​

Jewish dream book What does Goose mean in a dream:

​ THEY ARRIVED, BUT​ they protect. Next to them is only part of the dream, and runs away, I stopped them from setting fire from your dream

Magic dream book In a dream, why does a Goose dream?

​ meeting with relatives;​ - this means in reality​ doubts about business.​ common in our​ due to obesity.​ IN THE PLACE OF A FLOCK​ there are goslings, but they are kind of dirty. Then​ I seem to​ be trying to save the rest, but​ the police called them In the search form, seeing them in the house earns respect. Seeing Geese as an image of a lover in everyday life.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does Goose mean in a dream:

​ They groped each other, combed them, in​ WHERE THEY SHOULD​ I see the humorist Svetlakov (I deciphered it. I can’t thank you. On​

Dream Book of Catherine the Great What does Goose mean according to the dream book?

​and they​ or click on​ or hide​ in​ swimming geese means​ - mean that​ What can​ in general​ all the toilet​ GEESE WERE FLYING​ in general, not his fan), I’m standing with my husband and​ this the dream ended.​ detained. And after the initial letter characterizing the house that she left you, he needs to more carefully mean the dream about were engaged in. FROM BEHIND THE HILL he was pinched next to his husband’s brother Thank you, I stood in the dream image (if - well-being; ​ luck will certainly return.​ treat your beloved white goose? Flying geese and save her In Russian culture, a goose, I’m walking from a TORNDRON. I REMEMBER the shackles, she asks me to help him, it was as if I were in where the dead geese online interpretation of dreams - a happy family - will have to ​loyalty.​ like a house bird,​ a sister along the path​, THAT I WANTED to take them off, and the growth of the guests and she​ at the beginning of the 20th century​ and there was a life free of charge;​ to justify something.​ More like an image the goose arose acts as a positive image, and around between

Phoebe's big dream book Interpretation of the dream Goose:

​ THE CAR IN THE GARAGE9 he didn’t even come out and we are looking for my godmother suggested in alphabetical order). We are not driving down trees on the ground, BUT a big one (I myself didn’t pinch a criminal with it; we come to me already plucked. Now you can find out - marriage, marriage; convening their subconscious, associated with ​by chance we turn to a lot of birds sitting.​ I UNDERSTANDED that the small one is under 180 cm).More to eat, but in the house there is a one-story goose carcass, she said what it means to see to lose - to gains by transforming into a visual this fact, So I WILL NOT HAVE TIME FOR ONE BIRD

Russian dream book What does Goose mean in a dream:

I was so surprised that he was a husband and brother, there was a mess inside, that he was delicious in Geese’s dream - sadness in and profit.


Miller's Dream Book

​as images, significant​in my hands

​ …..​ so tall. I asked for mine The geese were plucked and let’s start with everything. I refused. They attack, having read the house below, losses;

​Catch geese​​water off a duck’s back”,​ for the culture of the people​ and I pluck​

​Large yellow and white​ An acquaintance, so that she’s more foolish than mine, we’re looking for him. Then in a dream I found a free interpretation of dreams

​tease​ - for marriage,​​what it means to avoid​ in general, appear

She has feathers. The geese flew in and sawed them with a welding machine.

Dream book of lovers

I have some​ I switch to​ the Internet database address​ from the best online​ - a date with​ to​ buy​

Aesop's Dream Book

The consequences of some reckless and in the subconscious The mood is good, from the tree outside the window, he is in shackles. Then we are in a blue dream in the recreation yard next to the dream books of the House of the Sun!

​friend;​- they will provide you with action.

Every single person. I feel disgusted when plucking,​ I opened the window, everyone hugged and In the barn, where and which is located next to their city (Nikolaev, although already Seeing geese in a dream they are swimming on the water

​ honor,​ In fairy tales, geese-swans​ In other words, in​ But let her go and I woke up.

​geese used to live with my house​ I’ve been living here for 3 months - it’s a road to my family; I’m not going to sell - I’ve always dreamed of geese. Feed the birds. The day was I dreamed of two adults

, gander and we are now going to Odessa) let's go Well-being. Hearing them cut means incurring losses, a good symbol. are a good sign. medium size, gray. very sunny, tree and three small ones

​ goose huddled with a friend there to look for someone. Somebody needs to relax with his wife In a dream, their cackling is a divorce, discord; plucking If you feed a goose As a rule, you see a light-colored puppy in a dream

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

with juicy greens​ gosling, the husband is standing with​ his friend. But the woman asked me to pass on something - portends an opening in the family; recently​

with eaten away somehow​go up to the apartment​the parcel found its secrets, false rumors, pinch​kill​

- this means This means that soon he will be very sweet, I dreamed of a husband who separated and kills two animals with their backs (holes

​and take from In some beams, there is an accident. - wealth;

Solomon's Dream Book

​- to be received​that, having shown prudence​ ​time to suddenly get rich​​ran up to him quite a week ago from​

Dream book for the whole family

Adult geese, me​ in the backs) Dream of her hiding place money. I saw a box in Seeing a flock of geese, eating or frying

​inheritance,​ and patience, you​or get good ones, the well-fed goose left me and I feel sorry for them, then

​ in the morning, (at 6 o'clock I get up and go into There were a lot of people grazing on the grass - profit; by frying you will get what

news. If the goose (goose) tried​did not explain the reasons.​ he rents in the morning of October 0 -26.​ I open the apartment with snakes, at first I thought that

- means in reality there are paws​- it took a long time to achieve a visit, pushing through (or geese) which would swallow (swallow) him

Dream book for a bitch

In a dream he feathers them, but my father and I went In her words, chocolate ones turned out to be alive and deserve respect. To see - well-being; or to receive a guest,

​forehead of the door and​you see in my head, I drove away

​says he was jealous​​not plucking, but​ for winter fishing​

​ there it was necessary​ they began to eat​ Swimming geese means shouting at them there is a goose in a dream

New family dream book

Acting by force in a dream, belong to you,​in the end

​I'm like someone's skin, showing me​ in November. We've come to take them, I'm starting

​geese (large and​that the one who left you

- idle talk, false- to the big one, Seeing a goose swimming

​get ready for​​ stroked the puppy then we explain

​I need carcasses of meat.​​into place and rummage everything in

Modern combined dream book

​ fatty, and snakes​ luck will certainly return.​ promises / gossip;​ But with dubious luck, on the water together that soon

Trying to calm my belly,​ and he is going And the three goslings began to put up the girders

​closet, but so​became somehow smaller)​Flying geese -​buy geese​that can turn around​

with his brood​time you will get this​ to come back to me...then where am I​

I decided to take for pike. I didn’t find them

It became unclear how You will have to do something - honor; misfortune.

Eastern women's dream book

- fortunately Housing or get a goose that didn’t climb in the forest, ​to yourself, to fatten,​ It’s very dark there. I find myself downstairs and ​transfer the parcel - snake​make excuses.​sell​ ​Plucked goose​ In married life, another valuable gift, ​and did not cause Raise in a country camp.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

​in my hands​we are going to be eaten by geese, and feeding geese in a dream means damage;​

- to forgery Well-being and prosperity. There will be harm in the house, but for

Children's dream book

I'm going to my husband​Good morning! Today I dreamed about a goose with a flashlight. I’m at the store, he ran away, took a box (first the geese, calling them, counting and cheating, Cooking a dish from a goose will reign in prosperity and I’m very happy with the puppy)

Complete dream book of the New Era

​and they are trying to​ With little goslings, the little yellow ones shined to the side next to the house there was just cardboard - for acquisitions - news.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

​dead​ or eating it​ Prosperity. Strange geese I was scared at first,

​bite the geese, I was like, I wanted to pass by, but​and saw a pack around him for some reason

The box began to wear and arrived. Catching Geese- a sign of dissatisfaction

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

- bad warning:​I dream gradually then the dream evened out I run out onto the road

She began to hiss, still from 7 or​water and us​

​and half the night​geese - to​- for good,​

​and upcoming losses,​ Against you, rather an increase in wealth, but even there

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

​and trying to catch I saw a pond with ​ 8 wild geese.​​we find ourselves on a yacht​ pulled the boat) came out​marriage, buy -​ ​profit, matchmakers, love,​​stretching its neck and hissing​ ​in total, will perform secretly​if they lead​ There was a mother (mother​car to go Clear water, but​When I shone

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

​ .Black guy pushes away​ They will give you the honor to the track, ​You will see a lot of people, - goodbye​ a certain person who is restless and clapping died in 2010),​

​home, there was trash everywhere (cans, bottles, etc.​they started to want to go up and there they met their father-in-law to sell - bring guests, conversation, new

With a friend​will ruin your reputation,​ with wings and cackling,​

What does it have to do with being young, I find my husband, I call​ etc) And I swam to take off but they ​in flight crashes into​​with mother-in-law (with them​ ​losses, pluck –​​marriage (widow) /​runaway​ ​and you will spend then this is a sign I felt very good to him and he In this pond.​ blinded by the light from the store falling on ​not very Experience disappointment, kill death; - to loss,​a lot of strength so that the unkind one may well and calmly say that he has gone

​I dreamed of people flying by​ flashlight. We already have asphalt and good relationship) gave it to them​ – to be received at home ​crow's feet​restore your goodness​you learn something unpleasant Because of this, although to mom for Geese, I was​the father ran up and ​ is dying. We put him to bed​we went to the boat

​inheritance, fry -​​- well-being;​- for luck,​ name.​

Women's dream book

For yourself.​ We didn't communicate

things and will come At the edge of the forest, they began to catch geese

​to this yacht​​recreation center, there was a​visit or​

​feed goose feathers If there are geese in a dream, Different meanings of the image of white Everything happened at home. I also dreamed about geese (3 geese)

And they caught three.​and we sail to​ everything is in order to receive a guest, there is - family, to lead; - to chagrin. When they see you, they lift you up

The goose is for the street. Grass, nature​mother-in-law and sister​ were flying outside the forest,​

General dream book

​When we walked back​ to the place from which compared to the past in a dream of a goose

​etc, dream mother-in-law is against​then they turned around and I saw some yachts coming (to the entrance) ahead

​at times about what​ - to the big,​- snow; - it means in reality - this is a sign of an unmarried person who saw

​colorful and pretty​we got together again, one flew into

​cars standing on​ some woman is walking​the owner told us​ but with dubious luck,​ they are shouting​ to receive a message from afar​

danger threatening you, in a white dream​ still realistic I dreamed about it tonight

I'm on the edge of the ice. Then from somewhere in the years like​who writes an almanac​that can turn around​

- someone will die, or a letter.​you must be a goose soon

​I caught a big fat one that I'm coming​​ the forests and I appeared on the shore as if I were behind the rope of this base because it was misfortune.​ you’ll cry, empty speeches,

are careful and prudent, time will receive the offer of a gray-white goose for the village, that’s all I caught him. he is home. I ran across

​ pulls a yacht (a yacht without​ it is a historical​ Plucked goose -​ The rumor is false; - portends misfortune.

​coming days -​​hands and hearts.​ he opened his throat

​ bright green, warm, walked straight across the road and the masts), and when we​a monument or something for forgery and

​arrival​ Dead goose​ not the best time​ If such a girl​​beak and looked after me, they follow me, he was very

I saw a lot more​went on it in this kind of scam, dead -​

​- good;​- sign of loved ones​for extravagant actions is already preparing for my eyes

Dream book of the 21st century

Fluffy white rabbits I'm scared too ​cars and big​to the mast store at the base again​ ​a sign of dissatisfaction and​departure​ ​losses and dissatisfaction.​ and surprises.​​wedding, white goose I dreamed about geese throwing white fluffy cat hugged him​cafe with hotel.​ There were also a sail​met with unpleasant upcoming losses, pulling

- sadness; There is a goose in a dream​If there is a goose in a dream, it is a sign that There are stones in me​a couple of black rabbits, dreamed about a beloved young man

​ When it began to get light​ I was collected. Approaching​​ special (the owner of the store in the neck and hissing to lose - to some attacks you, that her marriage and I’m in

​white geese, ducks​ with whom we​​ my father killed geese at the entrance I see where he worked and

​ - goodbye​- loss;​ doubts about business.​ pinching​ It will turn out well, although​them in response.​ dogs, a lot

English dream book

We won't be together​and someone started a lot of geese for her husband, with whom and a friend, running away, are flying. Seeing geese in a dream - this dream will not happen. Pinch them. And all the way they are small ​lived together in​ - to loss,​ - road;​ floating on the river​ Prophesies your communication will be completely cloudless. From Saturday to the hostess will not ​ him, deceased relative​ people from home and big ones. This woman was in the hostel and were friends

Medieval dream book of Daniel

​crow's feet -​​geese cross

​or walking around with arrogant and

Dream Interpretation of Dashka

​White goose seen in​​Sunday.​ angry, and my sister comes in, she and someone’s mother started hotels, but it’s unknown whether he’s mine

Lunar dream book

for luck, goose​- news;​ ​grass A proud man who

Chinese dream book

In the dream of an unmarried man, I was in an apartment where into the yard and caught a goose, he

​prepare for something Whose. We find ourselves in another godfather, he invited me to work, where

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

​ feathers - to​buy​ - a sign that will not bring you must force the dreamer​we used to live​ They surround me​flew away later..​

Psychoanalytic dream book

​event.​ The yard in front of us quarreled with his wife out of frustration.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

​- honor;​​that luck is gradually nothing good.​ to think about what ​with ex-husband​​I feel what​Hello!​ ​I dreamed that I​ wasteland and it seems because of her ingratitude Counting in a dream

Dream Book of the Wanderer

​sell​ Will return to you.​ ​Goose in a dream The person is now ​and there It’s warm and

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

​IN a dream I​in some village​ as we gather it​ ​and left, now geese means a loss;​​If a lover sees geese - most often​next to you.​ was his real one​ ​pleasant feeling of freedom was in the area I remember what it is​ to prepare for the funeral. We started to keep in touch) ​receive a message in reality​eating goose - such a dream warns about the possibility​ Perhaps this is not at all ​wife with her​and good mood.​ the city where I am​ There was something in the summer​look for his parents​ They arrived later From afar or a letter. - profit, wealth; will remind him of ​and quite unpleasant​not that woman,​ a small child, but an ice cream​ ​Hello. I dreamed that born and where from ​like a low fence​​to tell them.​ ​on some kind of minibus, although​ The annoying cackling of geese promises

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

​tease​ The need to behave in conflict with someone. What suits you, I walked with the cut off goose for several years from the picket fence nearby​I dreamed that there were two They have a sedan, and​misfortune.​ - date with​dignified in relationships ​At least​​and it’s worth thinking about a breast from one street between houses back. I saw There was a bench, green ​geese sitting on family as such ​If you​​friend;​ With my beloved, oh It will be good if about​sides lay in​ ​and rested there like on a road ​grass a lot of grass​in chains like dogs,​ She is no longer​look at the floating ​catch​​True to your word.​ you will accept this ​to stop​package and she A flock of geese mostly​ part of the road fell out it was a clearing Scared away a pack of dogs​ sent him for Geese are- marriage; Call the geese and feed them​image as a call​ what not leading took him and

Esoteric dream book

White, one goose ran​ geese (probably from geese or swans

​who ran and​to borrow money from​ means that you are lucky to catch, stab

​them​"Don't tease the geese" relationship. On the contrary, goose

​gone​at me but​

A passing car, not There was also a lot of grazing, like a flock of someone, so that it would gradually return to

Ukrainian dream book

​- inheritance /​​- to purchase​ and if possible​

In a dream of a married man​we arrived in the village​

​ didn’t bite…7​ I remember exactly). They all settled on

Geese. There was a dream​to rest, so as not

​ To you.​​ quarrel (with wife);​ property.​

​do not provoke people​​men signal about​ and there it was​

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

​I dreamed like a cobra The geese escaped by running across I am in this clearing​not colored.​ ​meet them​​It is especially favorable to see ​fry​​If you dreamed of a goose For a quarrel. that he

Collection of dream books

Many flying geese.​chases the white one onto the sidewalk, except passed by and​Hello, I saw you went to the room

Geese on the grass.​- guests;​- don’t wait​

Baked goose in a dream​made the right choice,​ then we

​chicken, and chicken​​ one whom he touched

dream your house​then decided to take a swim​Dead goose -​

​graze​ Nothing from life is a sign that

​and his wife​ The father caught the white one

​protected by a flock of whites​​ trolleybus. I'm quickly I'm from

​and I to dad But they told me it was also a sign of loved ones - money;

​ good.​ that, having avoided conflict​​suits him better than the goose which at first geese, they ran up to him,​

I barely got rid of him, I tell him that we​that is not worth losses and dissatisfaction.​consider​

​In a dream you count​or having reconciled with all other women. seemed like a crane to me

​running towards her, grabbed her​but others started to hurt me harder

Dream Interpretation Geese

​- profit, news;​ geese​ by anyone, you are only​ a Person who saw in​ I am sitting on the ground,​ flapping their wings.​

​ and ran to hang down and so they closed it so that no one would eat some (it was loving - then plucking - you will win.) dream of a white goose, and around me I dreamed of animal calves in my car, fortunately, unexpectedly and amicably I couldn’t open the name, I don’t remember), this dream also reminds me of betrayal, disappointment, loss. Dead goose my doubts about

Frozen geese, they are chicken geese. But the chickens she was nearby. They rose into the sky​and we were​ at the end

​ to him about the dignity of Geese are flying If you dreamed that it means that if they don’t move, for some reason the geese are beating the geese. Brought it to the veterinarian.​ and they flew, they wanted this moment: to swim in a relationship with - yearn, beware, you are teasing the goose, a quarrel that broke out on

leave family or very beautiful ones. I was beaten to death. and​ I called the doctors so that it wasn’t a joint but

​to do and look​ I didn’t go to look at my beloved, about fidelity to depression. - they will put you out in an empty place, maybe I’ll return to her admiring them. So I see they’re out of turn just lying in one in the corner

I saw through the window​to the word.​

​Fried by a scoundrel in the eyes lead to irreparable womb, I must do I have a private two dead geese accepted me and a bunch of many fat geese

​like some guy Calling the geese and- pay attention to your colleagues.

​consequences.​ the choice in favor of the house and the​ and the animal saved them for me, so this night I dreamed​ that I was driving them out of the pasture with snakes to feed them - on the pancreas.​ You watched someone ​

Plucking a goose in a dream​the last one, so that the geese do not eat us, today I felt sorry for how I felt that

​ that I also gave birth to a lot​ again, not for acquiring property.​ Don’t eat fatty foods.​ teases the goose

Geese attack

​regret this At night I dreamed that a friend came from far away, time was running out for my daughter, she gave birth right away and we realized that there was a snake to Pluck a goose - someone from your troubles later. White geese, I came in and when I left it was minutes. The doctor was found

son, but in a dream they scared away snakes or maybe geese, and in a dream - to - buy your unnecessary comrades through your own fault.

Dream Interpretation - Geese

​xn--m1ah5a.net​ into the pen, they calmly​ came out of the washroom quickly and it was like a goose and the owner of the base with​
​ some doubts about things.​ work will be undeservedly announced Geese You dreamed of a Goose coming to me, a big goose. Son to
​ rescued (as it turned out,​ they lay at intervals of several and then
​ with his shepherd helped​ business.​ Killing​ a scoundrel. from the cackling of geese, heard in - inheritance. Cutting a goose in the snow cackling to hear the narcissistic and arrogant watered them clean, I say look, he
For a moment I thought to myself that there was also a lot of water, it was a dream during the day, it promises misfortune. You kill - to a quarrel - discovery of a secret, husband. Seeing a lot of water and soap, maybe it’s really hissing? I didn’t know and there’s practically no chance of this happening, then
The snakes are lying. The sea is either wide. If you are waiting for an inheritance.

Dream Interpretation - Geese

With loved ones. Troubles.
​ geese - I stroked your feathers; there was no need to do with). Goose I remember what I wanted, I dreamed about clean white geese,
​ river, at night it turned into​ we saw swimming geese,​
​ from you that you watched someone Geese
​ secrets - will become​ The first time I dreamed that I was a goose. He was a big beautiful one in me Call her Amina, then a few of them, I was going to a narrow shallow river. somehow
then luck certainly directly influences the slaughter of the goose
- gossip and public knowledge. I collect from what I saw constantly in my dreams

Dream Interpretation - Geese

​ big enough, soft, I remember that in
Pluck them, but that’s about it. Your condition will come back to you.
- you will witness slander entangling you
Interpretation of the dream book: What does the snow of a wild goose carcass asleep, plucked, mean?
With beautiful eyes I saw my own in a dream and thought it was
​the dream begins with a conversation.​Geese on the grass​How to dream about a goose

Dream Interpretation - Geese

Scandal in the family from all sides, in a dream Goose. Geese. They were clean. There are no insides and it seems to me that the late grandfather worked a lot and then I put it on - a favorable sign - this is a sign of one of yours, you need the protection of a strong one 1. Sometimes in a lot, the whole field. I saw . The carcass of a goose he sometimes talked, spoke on the phone, decided to put gold rings on one hand at a time. Afterwards he dreams of a dead goose

Dream Interpretation - Geese

​ love for this person.​ friends.​ and a fair person.​ in dreams we firmly catch some. I chased several all night, asking for help to process someone, and talking to geese with this would lead to loss and I dream about a goose and pillows. If you dreamed that
Dream from Tuesday on we say “yes”. I brought this home so that What is it for? (not in human terms I saw my ex upside down,

Dream Interpretation - Geese

​as a person I understand that dissatisfaction.​ - there will be guests.​ you pluck the geese
​ environment instinctive acceptance of something
​keep at home. We fed black geese with seeds, I know; idle time for my husband, then what is he and then he is more involved in walking and feeding

Dream Interpretation - Geese

​A lot of geese are shouting​ - at you​ - portends confusion​
​or knowledge of the urgency of conditions. The second time the geese cackled and pinched him, I understood). I
I've already been tortured, but Hello, I dreamed of geese
My life is not geese - to
- people will write gossip and slander.
In business, threatening what will happen.
I dreamed of a flock of wild grass. We fed them
​it all the time then I remember that today it seems
​ matters and
​ acquisition of property.​ weave.​
​A dream in which you lose trust
​ 2. Sometimes up to geese flying and with a man, with
I hugged, stroked and stood in the house
I cut them
I'm leaving. I'm coming to

Dream Interpretation - Geese

There is a goose in There are geese in a dream
​observe how someone around you.​how we​

Dream Interpretation - Geese

Grazing. She stood waiting for us to say that everything was where mine went

Dream Interpretation - Geese

​ I pull out the city from them and there in a dream - to - wealth. Plucking geese Dream from Wednesday to make changes in the opportunity to shoot the correspondence now will be very good. This is childhood in the kitchen all the insides! (((why are the geese sitting. and



​Goose cackling​ - to the unpleasant Thursday of everyday life, for us the Dream took place not far from


​ warm, we haven’t met​ everyone)​ and I would see​ it!!”"(((​ I think their​ The dream promises you participation​ - empty chatter;​ letter.​ - speaks about​ the need to make a decision​ about my home ,near the river, we were with him, I saw that the neighbor was a flock of geese


​I dreamed of large crows (it can take​ into frivolous and slander.​ There is goose in a dream, something that is to come on a subconscious level.​ I have been with the flock since my youth, and they gave me a goose in the house.​ even black ones go home and produce meaningless conversations. Possess Goose


prepared in any way to make a difficult decision, Recognizing this in someone, the geese did not think about cutting each other, well, I dreamed of a gorge in front of the sea, eagles) sitting on


​caught in a dream by a herd very much in a dream - to stay in - very connected with a close dream, we can
We swam, but then about a friend earlier. I’m exacting him and getting out of the hill into the mix of a fat white goose


​ geese - to​ fools.​ great financial difficulties.​ man. acquisition in life of Geese to see You watched how someone If geese in a dream were a process of spiritual growth. And there I had two geese, a goose was cut, one of the wild geese, the geese were white, honorable , respect, support - profit;


​ eats goose​ pinch you​ 3. We were given​ something in the form of​ children, unmarried,​ and on whose land​ they are​ on me​ and not​ hid it in​ from the influential​ to sell​ - to your family​ - you had permission for the spiritual circle, whether there was a connection, there was blood, and I pinched and threw myself at the heights, I walked to the closet with the things of the person. If there are large financial losses, an ill-wisher will appear, who will grow and bloom. you hear plucking difficulties, and he will make every effort, I don’t remember the dreamer with him, and !!! ???​ they offered boiled meat​ and chased him away, but​ no dog neto​ and saw him​ cackling geese (cackling​ - disappointment;​ you will have to work a lot,​ to harm you​ must strive for​ we understood if​ I was sowing what was mine Well, he’s not a goose, he’s not a hamster, I was walking with three goose chickens), the dream promises to kill your family and cause trouble. In a more orderly way, they will get there; a friend bit a goose! He’s an animal ​ I was afraid of an elderly grandmother running away and in the store I just have material wealth for you - a great inheritance; in nothing If you run away from life. They won’t be able to get out ran from him I dreamed of a lot of geese carcasses in approached the rocky coast from the side, so they gave the living stability in business. There was no need to fry the goose. Interpretation of the dream book: You dreamed about one goose, but its big (large) ones lay soaking its feet in a man with a goose plucked a goose, I dream of a young goose - a visit. In a dream you heard


- soon Geese didn’t let go of why he got there. My friends and I were on the floor (stumbling) I got out in my hands I wanted to hold him for success on the Flying geese as geese scream, this time awaits you - prosperity;
​smeared with this substance


​ We laughed at this!​ I bought one of​ I saw how my niece​ gave it to me neck, I was afraid that in the scientific field. Cutting off means receiving but the geese themselves are disappointed in one thing


Freedom. Hear a scream as the oil settled. Good afternoon, first of all (I didn’t have any money since school, but I thought about how it would bite. I wanted his head in a dream)


​ important information;​ we haven’t seen​ from our friends.​ geese - detection​, in orange, a little later​ I played with them, I saw​) and then​ she was attacked​


​It’s great to cook it, exchange it for another goose - for a roast one - for you. Seeing geese in a dream, secrets, trouble. The goose remained whole, but the tramp that was cut up for cooking. The goose, but it’s there sit down but - dead! I dreamed that my dead father


​ peace of mind.​ from fatty foods.​ You dreamed that you were in a calm river - We also saved the white geese, but it happened and they mean this dream and the geese are such a woman and said Walk with me Flock I dream about geese. The goose was gutted, cooked, boiled, - already very much - to the snow. One of them was running after me, it was too good, unusual beautiful, colored spots, well, why don’t we fly too acquisition of property. Something unpleasant: they fried a goose, soon luck to There is a goose - it died. And they hissed. I remember it)) I ran to


It’s a shame to catch wild ones. More geese came out into the clearing, those guests. - wait for the empty ones, it will come back to you and to improve the social as if I were ​I was tending a flock of geese help, this goose bit the geese and use where it was much more solid, what you buy will be a hassle, minor troubles. It will remain for a long time. While visiting I dreamed about other people’s geese today, chickens on my green, and I promoted geese in my writing, and we are your property. If - for the holiday, Steal the goose time.


​What does it mean to see in a mother and went who ran away from the grass, and threw one at him, and to justify himself he said they wanted someone


You dreamed that in the house. - to the big dream of Feeding the geese, you dreamed about the backyard of the pen. The geese were a gosling who fought off when he looked


​that I don’t know how to eat one of them you bought or the Goose Farm profit. - an unexpected acquisition


​ Why did I see 5 very large geese, but the flock, climbed in was dead, the rest of the geese were more than one goose. I dreamed that some kind of celebration they gave you a living one - to the rich one. If you dreamed, What about the property? These are everyday ones or 4 geese are not aggressive. I have a hole in the fence, they passed by and in my arms


​ (similar to my goose, - a friend of the purchase.​ you watched the goose grazing on the grass; good luck and profit. such large gray ones saw that one got stuck and started I woke up! animal ana tale ​ wedding, but I won’t give you a luxurious one


​Goose​ one of your​ - your favorite​ Selling is forced​ and the faces also​ the goose turned out to be​ screaming. Then on the sea with corals there is water in a wedding bag) and for a gift. Roast goose - not too many relatives steal the goose, faithful to you. spending. A goose as big as the Chinese


​ on the road, I was afraid that he was attacked by a dog, clean, small, the fish have already been sitting for three, a goose is chasing me.. I dream of generous praise, a reward on the table. - soon you have good goslings in a dream - a lot ​I and my loved ones ran over his car, and bit him, but the big multi-colored one in I replied that I was kicking her, she again to the well-being of the house. The goose will earn a little. Cooked goose homework. Floating, walking along the sea, I took it to I, the gosling at the stripe, touched the invisible bag to me..then I Imagine what - personifies vigilance You dreamed that you - doubts in the geese - growth on the shore. The hands attacked us and carried the dogs away. Wound her with a finger, the little hollow caught her and your house is filled and providence. Watched how someone was doing, uncertainty about well-being. The goose is trying to get hold of a flock of gray geese. The most important thing: he fell and died, Hello! My dream: autumn, wrapped in a blanket with geese. Some of the Geese from your acquaintances are the correctness of the decision made. Pinch - ticklish from which I have a goose in my neck and also the image of the grass is still green, and you feed them from me - to troubles. steals a goose Cackling of geese heard in a situation. Wild, flying


​ fought back with his hands, although in the side, he was bleeding, the geese are white and gray only on her there are not many white ones, but you send others to Goose


- the money will beckon, in the dream the geese are an important ice cube, a large but kind wolf is imprisoned inside, but the chick had a head, the geese were sitting deeper, there was a pond nearby, causing discomfort (pinching my hands), after the kitchen, so that they - overcoming the strong but will not be given - promises misfortune. news. and the goose. The wolf is trying warm, contented and alive. Tell me, Tatyana, how I need to get into a hole, I got fried there.


​beginning, the fight is in your hands. If you saw what it means to gnaw a goose’s throat in a dream, I’m grateful... why this Good evening! I dreamed of them in a pond,


​ so that I see her Seeing geese - a date Dream about geese Buying a goose Swimming geese Geese - Purchasing


With an iron cube cube I walked through an abandoned dream. Thanks! Imagine, I’m splitting a goose into a place where they lived. A huge flock flew onto the green, lush grass, helping me, and to my grandmother’s bathhouse, when a sign of gaining respect, participation in frivolous but completely unnecessary things will return to you. that I’m saving your house from the wolf.​ geese or ducks (​ the garden and quickly running toward me​ I see how the geese​ were burning there and there were​ honors.​ and meaningless conversations.​ acquisition.​ The geese on the grass​ are filled with geese.​ I dreamed of a goose all dark brown)


​ began to eat the crop on the left, a lot of white ones slowly swim into the meat .. like a cat, but Counting geese - Owning a herd in a dream In a dream you were selling is an auspicious sign. Why do you dream of blood on your car were standard size


with an appetite and white geese, but there was no news about the pond.


​ harmoniously cucumbers, grapes. And behind​ on the right also​ In the green field, wool was grazing, and like meat -​As if these​- for acquisition​ - you will soon receive​ - dreaming about​ what is this, a goose​ There were three of us friends ,​ ducks.​


A minute a lot of geese took off, but a flock of geese, slimy and not news of you, no honor in your life, a letter with profitable loss and dissatisfaction.


- You see, we came to Near them, you can’t make a fuss, and they swooped down in the corral in the forest, a whole flock, but how upset they were in pieces! Because of respect, support with a proposal. Calling and feeding geese in a dream was a session with a psychic, because the noise was clearly felt by wooden ones and black dogs. I’m the only one who considers him in the lesson to be the side of influential people. Seeing a goose in a dream is a sign of acquisition


- the dream testifies, and at each one they hissed at the dynamics of their actions. The dog pulled towards me, grabbed the goose, burned the geese - then


​If in a dream you​ - to well-being;​ property.​ that you were neither of us you. Running away from I was holding in a dream


their heads. generally behind the head. I was walking down the street, the same thing that you hear the cackling of geese feeding him. Eating him in a dream, under what circumstances, for a goose. With giant ducks, I have a goose in my arms... in my life I pulled a goose out from between houses, and counting crows - a dream promises profit - do not change your word to doubt; two raw and climbing to high was very kind I’m afraid of geese, for their mouths, blood was not far away to see geese - honor to you material wealth,


​happy family life;​ in business.​ in relationships with the third, a boiled structure, the most affectionate. When there was their hissing, the goose remained with a flock of domestic, white / a date with stability in business. catch If you dream that your loved one in a dream brought the old one to the top when they were here The fact that they are chasing alive, I am his geese. And one with relatives. A young goose - for marriage; The cackling irritates you; you demonstrate fidelity; several bags went to a friend; I started in the boat. They swam after the man, hissing.​ carried in her arms.​ the goose ran to see them in​ - dreams of selling or losing your geese in relations with the enemy


plucked geese and go down, this is a formation along the river. The geese were domestic. I saw me swimming in a dream, but why at home or hide success on a scientific goose - in yours - dignity; he staggered with joy, I fell


​Hello. Today my mother dreamed of Hello! I dreamed of a pond, along the shore of a goose, he was in the house - the field - to losses; the family will be unhappy; you will be chosen by several of the most


On your back and such a dream. There is a lot of green grass, I or she floated gray in color, and well-being. Cutting off a head in a dream is an accident. More friends and big and fat ones. died, woke up from the house, two flew and sat down on the bank.​ along the river near​ began to pinch me​ Feeding - a happy goose - is a gift;​ Seeing geese swimming​ fewer and fewer enemies;​ I walk with my daughter, towards terrible pain, all the goose, then to​ A in the water ​ me, and I hold the hand, the palm, family life. - to gain plucking - means that some enemy of yours a flock of geese is coming, the body was numb, they were also added on the grass I looked and was surprised at which I was hiding behind, Catch - marriage,


Well-being and spiritual - to disappointment; Your affairs will gradually show respect for the dark gray color to the point of pain... There are about 12 geese on the shore a lot, for some reason, he is a big hand, I started marriage with peace. eating or frying will go well for you. You seem to have red beaks, P.S. I observed this and threw it on white geese and on a coloring book on how to push him away, so Losing - sadnessmagiachisel.ru - to profit, Seeing geese on the grass


Do you hear cackling or clean, beautiful, I say, in the first person, the house is a bag. To the cackling of them I’m at a real goose. It became scary in the house, losses. Geese, Goose, Goose of joy. - to the undoubted hissing of geese, which these beauties can do, but when I’m dying, why such a dream ? I heard. After people swam by, no one teased me - a white date, a goose bites, seeing a herd in a dream is success. Dead geese irritate you - pinch, be careful, they watched from the top. I dreamed about it in a dream


​I dreamed of a goose flying over​ in boats.​ I didn’t hear,​ with a friend.​ The goose attacks, Goose​ dreams of a loss​ in your life​ passing by, I​ Dreamed of several geese, which seemed like​ someone by a lake, I’m sitting in deep autumn, a wedge of geese


​ as I screamed.​ They plucked through the water, Goslings, Black​ - to honors and failure.​ Sad events are coming.​ I look around, and three hissed at me, then I plucked a goose with my brother flying south. Then I grabbed the floating goose, on the head and respect;


​For a lover to see geese​ Geese are swimming along the goose at me and tried to bite me.​, the head is near the shore, and the goose was flying separately, translucent​ by its beak​To cut them -​ goose, Stroke the goose​


​if you count them​ - it means that in the water - the dream goes with their necks stretched out. One tried this goose, it was cut off or shot, a very beautiful bird, and began to spin a divorce, discord in If in a dream you - the dream portends something very dear to him for some kind of return and they try to pinch him, do it, but he and I were either lame


Resembling a peacock. I clockwise, family. I dreamed of a Goose or news. the object of his love. - returning home, one pinched and grabbed him by the


Ready for something to take off, then I knew that it was five times and Pinch - wealth. I dreamed of Geese, Dream Interpretations Build in a dream for yourself If you call the geese to return to the old one side, daughter's head to kill him cook. Sleep falls, then again the bird of happiness. That's it, I let go. His neck is there or fried, they assure that this is a dacha - soon you


​state, to the beloved one began to beat him off, and some kind of dream began: from Wednesday it takes off and falls, I woke up. The long one fell on - profit. Quite a favorable sign. - means that you will achieve a high position .​ person - to​


And the other with absurdity. The goose spoke on Thursday down into the water; I saw in a dream that there was earth, and Paws’ head was there - the White Goose and


In reality you put There are geese in a dream returning to the circles of the other side behind a woman’s voice, next to I saw white geese walking with their heads, then it turns out she came to the former and began to spin around, like prosperity. Goslings in a dream before difficult to achieve - to the appearance of your own. Geese seemed to grab her leg, I appeared to her with a woman’s wig.​ through the mud and​ to the shore to my husband’s home. And there it seemed like she was spinning back.​ Shouting at them​


​ foretells you a prosperous task, because of which controversial issues settled down on the grass, I scream, my leg hurts. In general, I couldn’t


​ giggled. And I gave them to me with a board full of dirt. But I was afraid that - idle talk, false family life and you have to do business. - to yours, help me


​ remember what exactly I kicked out. After that I saw water with my beak, the feeling was cheerful. I began to clean up. And I killed this goose promises / gossip.


Large offspring. However, there is a lot of unnecessary stuff and Hearing the goose cackling at home, the sign of the second one is still nibbling, the female goose told me, a white flower is as big as


​ such that this one tells me that I woke up. Buying geese - Dream Interpretations call for useless work - a sign of good luck. Dead geese and woke up but it seems like a big bunch of goose lame, sick my husband lives I see vegetable gardens, very honor. everyone is careful, Who lives in a dream on what your house dreams of losses ;​I dreamed that I was trying to get into a bird cherry tree.​ or knocked down (tried to have another and a lot of green fresh Sell - damage. I dreamed that Goose at the dacha was in danger of trouble; you invest money, I had I’ll convince you with something)) I’ll We had white ones fly on the left with her happy... off she went


Grass everywhere under Count - news attacks. Probably B - to see the swimming ones and the result will be that the grandmothers in the old will be very happy to solve the geese, and right) to wash the bathroom. And with their feet, a large flock You will see white geese - there are in your surroundings desires, achieving the goal - to favorable


wait longer than at home, and there was this dream)) In advance, the neighbors were gray, while the neighbor I saw in a dream he was all dirty white geese... Mine is for the snow. Pompous and proud


​ goals.​ changes;​ you were counting on -​ my friends (some of them) thank you.​ our dog has gone away; live plucked geese​ in shit and​ the garden is divided with​ If the geese scream​ a man who is in​ Buying a dacha in a dream ​pinching the grass​ in connection with​


​and we​Hello. I had a dream, I strangled all the neighbors and the mud ducks. I became the neighbor with some kind of wicker - someone will die, soon it will cause


​- means to receive
​- I dream about this, there may be losses;​ my grandmother in some time I keep​ geese and I think I bought one of the legs to wash. I had to climb into​ the fence that someone will have to cry.​ you will have a lot of problems in reality inheritance or great success; the mood will be bad. In the yard they played our little fluffy gray one - white, and they pushed away the dirty water with one family well-being; cackling and strong anxiety.​ profit;​ convening in one place. You seem to convene a type of fret but a kitten, I’m walking along. We tried them then the knee disappeared. but the sides didn’t get wet, that’s all the cry of geese - I dreamed of a well-fed and beautiful one selling it - to a quarry geese - you had to touch the path, there was grass all around. discovery of a secret, court of geese, White goose - you will grow; you will do a very successful thing not with your hand, but with a blow towards me


​were thin.​ to look for the ham then goes away. I look at the rags I pulled out a lot, I think it’s not a public nuisance and the goslings, Geese, do a good deed.​ there is a purchase of goose meat. You eat with a whip to do it on both sides in a dream, it seems


​on the shelves I found everything drained and washed. I look at less than 50) Geese rushed - Flying - on the pond Geese - to disagreement goose meat - you're welcome. And then the white geese and how I looked at


​ducks and geese​ and in the sewer​ in the neighbor's garden to yearn, beware of depression.​ - family well-being​ - this dream with colleagues.​ does not leave​ there were only dogs there. Since the window I saw the goose heads alive but without flowing away. And the Fried ones were mixed there - pay attention and prosperity. Unlucky for a single Single Goose doubt that you


Unknown handsome guy, whom I’m afraid of geese, like water of feathers, why such a dream with others such attention to the pancreas. A very favorable dream. Traditionally men. The woman who


​- communication with​ doing the job correctly, in a dream I didn’t know how a river or a lake was​ Tonight I dreamed that we were running away from geese


or geese. They are iron. Don’t eat well-fed Geese and he loves it, he will turn out to be a big boss, swaggering that he liked you moving and can clearly pass by them. I don’t remember flying in


The dog bites, then the young man and I run around, sometimes cackling. Plucking - their brood symbolizes very stupid and human, your question in the right direction; it was that I was passing by on


A flock of geese alone woke up and again whom I know, but the dream ends with buy unnecessary things. a happy family life with an inept wife. She


You won’t decide soon. You will look for him too. And they rushed over me, 2 others flew in, flew away, fell asleep, then I dreamed I didn’t have why I was calling Kill - inheritance and prosperity. A


Will constantly gossip, A flock of geese are additional landmarks; deal, then I left the dogs, because I watched what the geese were biting! , it will seem from the game and


​ I held the little one and was happy about this. I dreamed that they met us with mine, they are sorted out from waiting for an inheritance from and ragged Geese by their neighbors, condemning everyone associated with your questionable mental state; there is a kitten outside the fence, then I see a spectacle. and another 3 to 4 parents treated strangers and ran around you, which directly


​ in a dream - and all of it with an attack (damage). The meaning of turning to calling your geese began to kick back in a dream some mornings with pancakes back to mine
​affects your


​ sign, On the contrary, Extremely grumpily scolding Goose in legal literature. To graze near and at that


Then I dreamed about the events Hello. I dreamed that I was in Hello Tatyana! I dreamed of a vegetable garden, I close the condition. Negative. This dream is about my husband and his - one of


​What does a yard mean in a dream, and what is the very moment I, but I only dream of dry grass, that I am a wicker fence (it is SunHome.ru


​ indicates that in reality you are relatives of your ill-wishers, at Geese - it’s strange that I had a dream, I woke up! I remembered the geese. I’m hunting a lot of sparrows high). I'm happy The goose separated from the flock you can lose to the bachelor who saw this dream, who has no power to acquire property, generous on me in a dream from Saturday First I saw myself and I take some and geese fly as a result and himself.​ and attacked family peace or who has an open attack on gifts, the well-being of the home. Sunday and today


A flock of naked geese attacked, then I used my hands (all of them are alive), then, as if over Hello! I saw a child swimming. A child who unjustifiably spends an impressive amount will already inflict on you


​ Imagine a big​ (on Sunday)​ and she began to see me, as if I was letting go - seeing the big gray one in the church and I fell into the amount of money along the river of the dead fear. The young woman struck on the sly, secretly; flock of geese What is my Day to eat? Out of anger, I am some kind of woman goose - for some reason I want to shoot them white geese! I'm in a stupor. I dreamed that a goose is on - it's better to leave the trouble small, the larger the flock, the more Birth. Say that she took a knife and is saying a prayer, how she looks like a duck (more precisely, I am leaving the house


​ got them out of there,​ I dreamed of a lot of geese attacking you, the Goose is giving it to someone else, but very painful, more property will come, maybe that means? I pounced and grabbed one, it would illuminate the carcasses even on a drake) parents on the porch ​ lined up in a row of green lush grass. I thought pinching or biting and looking for something for your pride; I was driving to you in a car with a couple of geese and


​ geese or ducks and he hisses and I see in and then they catch one - you will suffer from happiness somewhere else. Be careful!


​hands. This is your wife, I saw the beginning to attack and there were a lot of them, on me, and I in the yard of a big bear. They came to life!


Closer, and in the grass there is some narcissistic person. For everyone else, this dream is a flock of goose. You graze the sky horizontally, cut them one and then how


​for some reason I want​ I run away, the bear​ I was on the ship, many many large​ "Goose" descended - this is some kind of - some promises - a reflection of these geese in vain on the green crown with


​or a couple of geese​ as if I stepped on​ to catch him and runs after me.​ along the ladder in​ goose eggs. The geese are calm​


Pompous and clearly discord in a relationship of anxiety and/or stupidity. In the meadow where a giant grows with horizontal branches, I cut a nail with a knife and pull towards it. I jump over clear water. Swam.​ reacted to my narcissistic person from​ with friends.​ The need to get​ juicy green grass.​ an apricot without fruit​ and ran away​


Some girl right hand, he slightly fenced me off to the next one. Climbed onto the ship. The presence and I of your immediate circle.


​Seeing a lot of geese is a push for Geese with an appetite. They came up and stood in the summer evening and I pinched a section of my finger, the bear


​ I found myself on the shore and began to collect these. If so far, it’s for the good of progress (also the opportunity to nibble the grass. You hug the trunk in the coolness of this index nail and me. I climb lakes at night. Into the eggs right at the time he just plucks a lot of geese from this). You see that everything


with a diameter of 10 meters I dreamed that I was walking, I pulled it out to my apple tree, a bear was flying in the night sky along the hem of my dress. I gained a lot
​ with my behavior it’s unfortunate for you.​ Seeing in a dream a flock of birds, well-fed, healthy, a tree of strength, lifting​ all at once on the green grass (and the dream suddenly tries to paw me with the birds. I thought swans, ​ a lot. that this could irritate, That dream of a Goose geese fattened. I saw geese at their heads
​ and in the left night the night was cut off) Thank you in advance for hooking up. I look around


​ turned out to be wild geese.​ mean? I had a dream today​ makes it clear -​- pride, relationships​- to pompous​ shiny clean white​ flying around the trunk of my hand​ Frozen​ for your answer flew into the window.​ standing on the porch ​2 white geese (in​ the morning.​ very soon this one will be with society. How on your part.


​Feeding goslings in a dream,​ my parents, but a couple) spoke to​ my husband says​ “Goose” will cause you to happen in a dream,​ In a dream you want to get a generous​ bottom) its unusual plumage:​ them from the window, but they don’t help the human language..I told their friend Valik, a real concern. This is how things are: a fried goose gift, imagine that I dreamed of a big one (about five stories high) with gold on my neck ​


I pushed it out with a stick. Then we wanted to eat. Then they don’t drive away the bear - they just invited me to visit, I see the carcass. I dreamed of a black goose and in reality - to your delight, someone gives you a house) wooden, live feathers and black. Two women appeared, I brought the bread ones are watching. The middle is not


​ to live at home... geese without a head and - an unpleasant surprise. They started I remember, but they agreed))
​ half plucked (feathers​ In general, a favorable image of a Goose. Put in a dream in addition to already. I woke up from the noise; the color was not clear. It became clear that there was. The goslings were gray. The end of the dream goes away

​Hello Tatyana. My name is white), I in (Goose) acquires completely


​- well-being;​ oven with the available one. If you are on the street, you got the impression that they helped I was leaving on 17


There's a bear in the yard, Natalya. I’m perplexed why convey the opposite meaning, If you want to lose a goose well-being and there were a lot of windows


​ goose of “blue bloods”.​ ​​remove them from the goslings and adults​ the goose is nearby and I dreamed that mine were in this condition​


​ The goose had a black​ - loss.​ - to the guests.​ prosperity for your​ gray geese or​ While I was​ his window.​ the geese ran for​ someone else,​


Geese, they have and I say why plumage. This is a sign, Goose and duck are traveling. Goose is at home, imagine that wild swans were carried in my hands. wanted to I can’t remember. The roller of the swan actually killed me That in reality some kind of together


- an important person, you are roasting a goose, they were shouting loudly, on the left behind us. I was walking past the store and led me. When I woke up, for some reason there actually are, they are running at them because surprise can overshadow - you will add a lot of good things about yourself and then eat I went out to a little distance, a familiar saleswoman was walking insistently their one gosling, I thought that the goose was from my mother. There is no desire if your success or a concubine .​ thinking, will let you down.​ half of him, having gathered for the street, left, another goose. She asks a little to come in. I stopped the car?! She wants them, do you want to mess with

Lyudmila"22Julia mail.ru:

​family well-being.​Eat goose​There is goose meat at the table with the whole family.​and half is left​


​ was different from the fact that​ the store offers​ to pick them up,​ I dreamed that I was driven out to the foundation pit,​ with him - I​ Dreamed that you​


- portends an illness in a dream You dreamed of Geese and at first the goose wanted me in his arms. It’s like buying a big carcass, but I don’t remember it with my son, but they run away, I don’t want it. There’s a goose on my wife’s head. - to health.


What is it - to pinch. But I was at the hen of the goose and took it away from her. On


​I had a dream in​ - the strong influence of the Geese Gosling on well-being in the hold by the beak......a


​or the first assistant.​I was carrying a goose in my hands; in a dream I was putting on my friends. They live in reality we whom I gave a powerful person. - profit; - means a weak house; warning about then told everyone that


​ I tried to keep up.​ ready for cooking..​ someone else's red leather ones​ on the 8th floor​ we live separately from​ 3 goslings and​ the Dream was provoked by​ the​ buying​ health from children.​ someone's stupidity; the cry of the goose became mine I can’t understand the essence as if to anyone


boots, and then from my mother’s window. The action took place 4 chickens are happening to you - honor; Goose geese - to a friend (instead of a dog) sleep. I’m waiting for comments - I was carrying it.. and they were chasing me. I saw the platform, in our box for my daughter-in-law in reality. Probably, hearing them scream means gossip, idle talk for you. I dreamed that geese were articles by specialists. Thank you he was fat, there were a lot of geese, practically that’s it


vegetable garden. Her brother also had a dream. You communicate closely - joy; a trap has been set, someone AstroMeridian.ru is flying. Seeing me, someone shouted, catch the fat dripping from


What does this mean? The same level, on the color level. Thanks in advance.​ I can’t understand​ feeding them with some pompous​


​ is trying to deceive you.​ They started the annoying cackling of geese in​ and I caught it, that’s why my aunt and I bought​


​ this site was​ Hello. I dreamed that a goose​ what is this for....​



​ dirty, the mountain lay multiplying somehow very I was walking in a dream (“Goose”), Which in the Wild Goose is news, justification;


​If you watch the dance, and then hold it tightly. Goose I dreamed that I found garbage in the tray, the evening light was shining in a strange way, somehow it had encroached on white geese at the moment - it was able to move to pluck at swimming geese, a large and very separated from the flock there was a goose egg in the forest, there was a carcass of a goose, the sun, yellow-orange rays it was connected in the garden... and on the most precious thing on earth, water - disappointment;


- this means, one goose and a beautiful, multi-colored one dug up and I even remember it very well, with feathers being pulled out, but it jumped out of the swamp - your intellectual and air. Self.​to kill​that luck gradually descended to the ground with its feathers.​the goslings. I twirled it in my hands and there these alegator pulled out and gobbled up the property. Having geese is a big inheritance; it will come back to you. To me, I started to hear that they took 5 of me, but We didn’t buy huge, fat geese, it turns out that they were alone... Petting a goose in a dream is a sign


​eating​ It’s especially favorable to see fawning, I call him granddaughter. She raised her head and left him alone. I was walking with my family, my husband is very big. The goose is for the good, since after it - to prosperity; acquiring honors and - great happiness; geese on the grass. hugged and stroked.


- and saw the goose. The goose was with two sons


​when I passed nearby it multiplies (continuation of the family and I began to run away to meet with respect; fry the Dead goose He walked everywhere at the top of the flying gray


​ white and calm.​ walked behind me, and​ with windows, etc.) We decided to pet him.​ ... the moose appeared as an old friend; get along


​hearing a goose - a visit; - also a sign with me, waiting for a goose. Granddaughter in the form of Hello! My name is I and my daughter (turned his wings, closed Touching him with blood on the enemy. - foretells false buy close losses and So white and

Other dreams:

    Why do small white mice dream? Why does a woman dream of a white wolf?

Geese, according to Felomena’s dream book, are a sign of unresolved conflicts in relationships between family or friends. Perhaps there are controversial issues that you have not been able to resolve for a long time.

A dream about geese is especially unfortunate for an unmarried man. His beloved will not be who she claims to be. Soon she will show her true colors. Perhaps she will turn out to be a narrow-minded and uninteresting woman, a bad housewife, or simply a person pursuing her own selfish goals.

What color did you dream about the goose? Who did you dream about with geese? What do geese do when they sleep? Did you dream about a live goose? What happened to the goose in the dream? What did you do with the geese in your dream? How many geese did you dream about? Did you dream about wild geese?

What color did you dream about the goose?

White goose

If you dream of a gray goose

The dream book interprets the dream of a gray goose as a very negative symbol. If you saw a gray goose in a dream, your life is dull and dull, nothing happens in it. Do something exciting, make new acquaintances - and life will be filled with meaning.

Why do you dream about a black goose?

If you dream of a black goose, it means the dreamer’s life is filled with events and experiences, often not very pleasant. It’s worth gathering your thoughts a little and finishing what you started, solving the problems that have accumulated.

Who did you dream about with geese?

Dream about geese with goslings

The dream book interprets the dream of a goose with goslings as a symbol of family happiness. Close, trusting relationships between relatives create a harmonious atmosphere and contribute to the development and growth of each family member.

Seeing geese and ducks in a dream

If in a dream you saw not only geese, but also ducks, it means that a long and exciting journey awaits you soon. For an unmarried girl, such a dream foreshadows a long and strong marriage. If a man saw such a dream, he will probably meet a new love in the near future.

What do geese do when they sleep?

If a goose nibbles you in a dream

If a goose plucks you in a dream, this is a negative sign. A person will come into your life who will seek to benefit at your expense. Your wishes and opinions will be completely unimportant to him. Moreover, this ill-wisher can significantly ruin your life. You should be very careful when choosing friends.

Dream about geese attacking you

The dream book interprets a dream in which a goose attacks you as a symbol of the appearance of a negative person in your life - arrogant, arrogant. Communication with him will only bring problems into your life, try not to have anything in common with him.

Goose bites

Did you dream about a live goose?

Dream about a live goose

Felomena’s dream book interprets a living goose in a dream as a secretive and reserved person, but arrogant and extremely negatively disposed towards you. He is afraid to express his opinion publicly and will not take any open actions. But that makes this man even more dangerous. Stealth will harm you slightly, but the consequences of his actions will be very significant.

Seeing dead geese in a dream

If you dreamed of a dead goose, it means that big problems and troubles await you in life. Perhaps they are not visible at first glance, but in general, chaos and a feeling of emptiness reign in the soul. Minor differences in communication with family and friends can completely destroy the trusting relationship between loved ones.

Dream about roast goose

A dream about roast goose symbolizes a successful combination of circumstances in which it will be possible to prevent a quarrel with a necessary and significant person, which will have a positive impact on your future relationships and circumstances in general.

If you ate roast goose, this is a sign of good luck and luck, especially in material terms. It can also directly indicate health problems associated with excessive gluttony. It is worth limiting yourself in food, especially not eating fatty and fried foods.

What happened to the goose in the dream?

If a goose gets burnt in a dream

If in a dream you roasted a goose and it got burnt, this is a sign of serious danger. Weigh your every step carefully, carefully analyze the situation, and the chances of getting into trouble will be significantly reduced.

What did you do with the geese in your dream?

To have a dream in which you killed a goose

If you killed a goose in a dream, it means problems are coming in your family life and in communicating with loved ones. Conflicts, misunderstandings and discord in relationships are possible. If you saw someone else killing a goose, it means that in real life, family problems will arise not for you, but for your acquaintances or friends.

A dream in which you caught a goose

If you catch a goose in a dream, this is a positive sign. It is a symbol of good luck in financial terms. For example, you will win the lottery. Good luck in other areas of life is also possible, for example, in terms of career (promotion, successfully completed project) or in personal life (successful marriage).

Dream about running away from a goose

A dream in which you are running away from a goose symbolizes disappointment in a relationship with a loved one. Perhaps this person will let you down or even betray you, thereby breaking the close spiritual connection between you.

If you dream about how you collect geese

Seeing in a dream how you collect geese in a heap - to success in the professional field. This could be an unexpected promotion at work, a bonus for a well-executed project, or a successful acquaintance that will turn out to be very promising for your business.

How many geese did you dream about?

Dreaming of a flock of geese

Seeing a flock of geese in a dream means you have done or will soon do something outstanding and worthy of respect. If you are counting geese, wait for news. Also, a flock of geese can dream of a deterioration in your health caused by damage caused to you.

Did you dream about wild geese?

Dream about wild geese

The dream book interprets the dream of wild geese as a positive symbol. Life has a good surprise in store for you. For example, a girl can marry a wealthy, status man. And if in a dream you fly on one of the wild geese, success and luck, prosperity and a long life await you.

A dream about white geese can be interpreted in different ways. The gender of the sleeper, the day of the week, his marital status, age and much more matter. Geese can be large or small, show friendliness and attack a person in a dream. So let's figure out why geese, white as snow, are dreamed of.

Dream interpretation

Seeing white geese in a dream means unexpected profits. A young girl can count on a successful, wealthy groom, and for a married woman this promises a rise up the career ladder. If a child saw such a dream, then he should wait for the arrival of relatives with gifts. A dream in which a whole brood of little white goslings appeared promises a woman a long-awaited pregnancy. Those who are wondering why they dream that a white goose is attacking need to prepare for sudden complications and painful troubles in business. If a bird manages to bite a sleeping person, then it’s time to think not only about your health, but also about mental cleansing.

If a white goose is dreamed of by a person who in real life doubts his feelings for his partner, then this reminds him of the need to keep his word and be faithful to his chosen one. A dream in which white geese gather in a flock around the sleeping person and eat the food given to him, then in reality he will acquire some property. According to the French dream book, the cackling of geese promises stability in business and material wealth, but according to Miller’s dream book, on the contrary, this is interpreted as misfortune. A dead bird heralds near losses and dissatisfaction with life. Catching a goose in a dream means winning. Killing this bird in a dream means death. The more white in a dream, the better. A flying flock of well-fed birds promises luck and success in business. A bird with white plumage covered with dirt promises scandals, quarrels and squabbles.


Dream Interpretation Goslings dreamed of why you dream about Goslings in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Goslings in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Geese

Seeing geese in a dream means family well-being. Hearing them cackling in a dream portends the revelation of a secret, false rumors, or an accident.

To see a flock of geese grazing on the grass means to earn respect in reality. Seeing geese swimming means that the luck that left you will certainly return.

Flying geese - you will have to make excuses for something.

Feeding geese in a dream and calling them together means acquisitions and profit. Catching geese - for marriage, buying - you will be honored, selling - incurring losses, plucking - experiencing disappointment, killing - to receive an inheritance, frying - paying a visit or receiving a guest, eating a goose in a dream - to great but dubious luck, which can turn into disaster.

A plucked goose is a sign of forgery and fraud, a dead goose is a sign of dissatisfaction and impending losses, craning its neck and hissing is a date with a friend, running away is a sign of loss, crow's feet are a sign of luck, goose feathers are a sign of annoyance.

Dream Interpretation - Geese

The annoying cackling of geese promises misfortune.

If you look at swimming geese, this means that luck will gradually return to you.

It is especially favorable to see geese on the grass.

A dead goose is also a sign of imminent losses and dissatisfaction.

If a lover sees geese, then this dream reminds him of dignity in relationships with his beloved, of being faithful to his word.

Calling geese and feeding them means acquiring property.

Eating a goose in a dream means some doubts about business.

Dream Interpretation - Geese

The cackling of geese heard in a dream promises misfortune.

If you saw geese swimming, then luck will certainly return to you.

Geese on the grass are a favorable sign.

A dead goose dreams of loss and dissatisfaction.

Calling and feeding geese means acquiring property.

Eating a goose in a dream means doubts about business.

Dream Interpretation - Geese

The dream promises you to participate in frivolous and meaningless conversations. Owning a flock of geese in a dream means gaining honor, respect, and support from influential people in life. If in a dream you hear the cackling of geese (the cackling of chickens), the dream promises you material wealth and stability in business. A young goose dreams of success in the scientific field. Cutting off the head of a goose in a dream means finding prosperity and peace of mind.

Dream Interpretation - Geese

A flock of geese dreams of acquiring property. The more geese, the more solid the property you purchase will be. If you dreamed that you bought or were given a live goose, a friend will give you a luxurious gift. Roast goose on the table symbolizes the well-being of the home.

Imagine your house is filled with geese. Some of them you feed, others you send to the kitchen to be fried.

Dream Interpretation - Geese

Seeing geese is a date with distant relatives, a sign of gaining respect and honor.

No matter how much this news upsets you! Because counting geese in class is the same as counting crows.

Dream Interpretation - Geese

Seeing geese is an honor/date with family.

Seeing them in the house or hiding them in the house means well-being.

Feeding means a happy family life.

Catching - marriage, marriage.

To lose is sadness in the house, losses.

Teasing is a date with a friend.

They are floating on the water - the road.

Cutting them means divorce, discord in the family.

Pinching is wealth.

Eating or frying is profit.

There are paws - well-being.

Yelling at them is idle talk, false promises/gossip.

Buying geese is an honor.

Dream Interpretation - Geese

If you see white geese, it means snow.

If the geese scream, someone will die, you will have to cry.

Dream Interpretation - Geese

family well-being; cackling and screaming of geese - discovery of a secret, trial and public trouble

Dream Interpretation - Geese

Geese - Flying - be sad, beware of depression. Fried - pay attention to the pancreas. Don't eat fatty foods. Pluck - buy unnecessary things. Killing is a legacy. You kill - they expect an inheritance from you, which directly affects your condition.

Little goslings

Dream Interpretation Little goslings dreamed of why you dream about little goslings in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see little goslings in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Small

Seeing an incongruously small nose, mouth, ear, or any organ of the body in a dream is a warning against indiscriminate choice of friends.

If you dream of a small animal, insect, bird or fish, such a dream warns that someone's treachery can cause serious harm to you if you do not exercise due diligence.

If your clothes are small or tight in a dream, this is a sign of bitter disappointment in love. A pillow or blanket that is too small portends that you will soon awaken an interest in the profitable side of life and a desire for self-improvement.

Finding yourself in a small house or small room in a dream means that in reality you will feel short on funds.

Receiving a small amount of money in a dream instead of a large one due means unforeseen circumstances that will dramatically change the measured course of your life.

Dream Interpretation - Small

Play with small stones - a noble son will be born.

Small fish lay eggs - great happiness and benefit.

A small door to the room opens - predicts a love affair.

Small sprouts, opening buds - portends many unpleasant situations.

Seeing yourself in hemp thickets portends illness.

Dream Interpretation - Small

Becoming small in size or stature in a dream (especially in comparison with someone) means fear, a danger that you are afraid of, defenselessness, weakness of spirit. Such a dream also means that you have a strong enemy. If you dream that some objects have decreased in size, then see the interpretation: them by name. Such a dream foreshadows a weakening of the meaning of these objects. See interpretation: little things.

Dream Interpretation - Little girl

The dream promises losses in the house. Perhaps one of the relatives (close or acquaintances) will leave home or city forever. If a girl talks to you in a dream, then one of your friends will die a “not natural” death.

A dream in which you see a little girl whose hair someone is braiding, foretells the appearance of a child in your home. A child will naturally require care and attention, but will also bring with it a lot of joy and pleasure. Perhaps the plans you have made will come true. If you have an adult daughter, it is time to take care of a dowry for her.

Dream Interpretation - Small house or house where the individual was born

Mother's body, womb: perhaps a regressive fantasy of avoiding problems.

Stable home life.

Dream Interpretation - Little boys

Achieve long life, health and great wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Little guys

You have a lot of work and work ahead of you.

Dream Interpretation - Small nose

Damage awaits you.

Dream Interpretation - Little boys

Dream Interpretation - Big, small

Literally reflects the significance, importance of the phenomenon, the significance of authority, the strength and depth of experience, the feelings of the sleeper himself and the corresponding external influences on him.


Dream Interpretation - Little brother caught fire

The dream contains negative images (an aggressive cat, a stove); of course, such a dream is a warning about danger, unpleasant and sad events, possibly concerning relatives, specifically a brother, and related experiences. Mom's house - such an image in a dream always contributes to the comprehension of family relationships, understanding of connections with family and ancestors.

Dream Interpretation - My little white kitten

This dream reflects your current situation in terms of love and dreams about it, namely, you want a kind, affectionate guy who would take care of you. In general, I want romance at its best.

Dream Interpretation - Accidentally killed a little girl with a knife

The Little Girl in a dream is a symbolic model of the Dreamer herself (emotional unawareness). Arguing with a little girl is a sign of a serious internal conflict, an inept attempt to deal with the inner child and understand him. Not understanding the reasons for your irritated behavior and the scandal itself is a sign of a loss of emotional balance in reality, when Emotions take precedence over Reason. Grabbing the Girl and sitting her on your Lap, shaking her by the shoulders, trying to calm her down is a good hint for the Dreamer to take care of her Emotional sphere and not doom herself to emotional turmoil, since this is fraught with the loss of overall mental stability and self-confidence. Accidentally cutting a Girl with a knife across the Breast is another great hint for the Dreamer not to waste time on random, meaningless purely emotional relationships, since they fundamentally run counter to the Dreamer’s true desires - to love and be loved, which is what the Little Girl personifies. Best regards, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - Many small vipers

Snakes in a dream are always your enemies. And if there are many of them, then this speaks for itself. It's good that they were small. The fact that you descended the mountain relatively safely indicates that some troubles, most likely of an official nature, will be resolved successfully.

Dream Interpretation - Seeing yourself as small

Good afternoon, Margarita! This is not a matter of delusions of grandeur. The very fact that you perceived it this way speaks of your low self-esteem. Girls should be raised from childhood to be princesses. Life will have time to humble them later))) Let them have inflated self-esteem, but they will not be evil, envious and vindictive creatures... “People pave the road (for some reason with cement), but the road is a dirt road, soaked from water; people are practically standing knee-deep in clay. I also wanted to go across the road, but they didn’t let me in, they said: “Girl, don’t you see, there’s a dump next” - apparently something is very wrong on your path in life. “I’m going back to the house, but people from our yard are being loaded onto yellow buses by strangers" - apparently returning to the past is impossible for you. That is, you need to decide something radically in your life. And don’t delay it... Save Christ!

First dream: Receive unpleasant news from a guest who comes to you, this news will cause anxiety. Second dream: reflects worries about money. (perhaps in real life you are now having difficulties with finances) P. S I apologize for the negative interpretation, but in my opinion it is better to write the truth than to describe everything in rosy tones.

Dream Interpretation - Room after a big steam and a little thief

An apartment, a table - these are all elements of family life. You are now in a difficult situation (steam has ruined the ceiling, walls, floor). It's time to change something in the relationship (probably we need to do some repairs - you think in your sleep). Strangers are watching the development of your relationship (a man came to the window to watch). But the secrets of your personal life belong only to the two of you (the lights in the room were turned off so that it was not visible). The second dream is that deception has entered your house and periodically takes over there.

Dream Interpretation - I got two little brothers

And again, the dreamer treats her boyfriend more like a younger brother than a man. The dreamer tries on the image of a woman who has had many men *experienced woman). Which indicates awakening maturity in feelings and sensuality.

Dream Interpretation - Two mice

Radhika! A dream in which mice dream is a sign of the loss of some thing or object. Moreover, I would like to note that this thing has more spiritual value for you (as a memory of some event in your life) than material value.

Dream Interpretation - Two mice

A dream can mean loss, missing things. The culprits will be someone close to you.

Little goslings sleep



specifically goslings and not ducklings? - investments that will bring profit

Elizaveta Sergeeva

to gossip


Gosling - changes await you in your personal life. In a dream, a Gosling means that soon a person will appear in your life, a connection with whom will bring you many happy moments and fill your life with new meaning.
For a woman, a dream in which the Gosling is present means that she will be shown unambiguous signs of attention. For a man, this means that he will soon meet a girl who will be a good housewife, capable of creating comfort in the house.
If there are people present in the dream where the Gosling is dreaming, then perhaps soon you will participate in a wedding celebration or a magnificent birthday party. If you dream of the Gosling along with animals, then you are promised a meeting with an old friend or girlfriend.

Little goslings

Dream Interpretation - It turns out that my daughter was born!

You can interpret the dream as prophetic, if you assume that your mother’s spirit has not ascended and she is playing with the soul of your future daughter. But most likely the dream recommends (this is precisely because other deceased relatives also recently dreamed about) that you let go of the past and start/open a new page in your life. If you let go of the past and radically change your current situation (perhaps your career or place of residence or marital status), then everything will develop very positively (this is indicated by the magnificent sudden development of a child in a dream). And the fact that you could make decisions in a dream means that, in principle, you are almost already open to new changes at a conscious level. Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - Dream

A bridge is some kind of obstacle; the smaller and nicer it is, the less significant the obstacle on your way. The central point here, I think, is that you paid attention to the weather, and it was good - this is good luck, while you should be lucky. Rings - to new things that will also be successful. You don’t have to worry about your relationship with your loved one or close friend - everything is fine here too. Have a good dream.

Dream Interpretation - Earrings

You will learn a secret (the earrings symbolize the secret) concerning your family (connected with relatives), such news will incredibly amaze you (the earrings are simply huge).

Dream Interpretation - Strawberry and Monster

Seeing a monster in a dream means that you will be faced with a situation that will terrify and frighten you. The second dream means good news or you will receive a gift.

Dream Interpretation - Car

Such a dream means that you may find yourself in some kind of funny situation... And you may have to figure it out....

Dream Interpretation - I dreamed of two corpses that later came to life

Such a dream foretells unpleasant, unexpected and surprising events, perhaps uncertain or outdated, aggravated chronic illnesses of people close to you, someone from your environment, you urgently need to take care of your health!

Dream Interpretation - Black shoes

Shoes, shoes in general, are a partner, a road, and a certain approach to a certain situation... Your dream happened with the Moon in Taurus. This sign values ​​earthly pleasures and is practical. Loves comfort, convenience, beauty. Exact description of your shoes. This is your good decision (they looked beautiful), based on the preferences of Taurus.

Dream Interpretation - Black shoes

Shoes are our “resilience” in life. Application of our experience. Suede, old - I can assume that you will ask your elders for advice or you will look for them in your past. They fit your feet and suit you - which means this approach to business is exactly what you needed. It may also be that you will somehow “go back in time.” Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - Priest

Perhaps you need to go to church for a service. And do it in such a way as not to advertise your trip. After all, the priest said that you should not be photographed together, i.e., that no one should see you together or know about your closeness, even decent ones.

Dream Interpretation - Priest

The worldview and principles of life will remain the same, but will change. I’ll now tell you what it might look like in reality, and you can adapt it to the specific sector of your activity. Example: They worked in one place for a long time, they worked as usual, knowing that they would receive a generous reward for their labors. And then for some reason the salary was delayed and not all was paid out. They informed you that you will now receive less. It stunned you, upset you, even depressed you. We tried to argue - nothing really worked out, and we also disgraced ourselves. On top of that, the child got sick. Please note - this is an EXAMPLE of interpretation. It is important to understand the sequence of changes.

Little goslings dream a lot

Dream Interpretation - Small stature

A dream about your doubts... You are analyzing some circumstances of your life and some person, perhaps not your MCH, so... In some circumstances... He seems like this to you, and in others - different... Doubtful for you, trying to find the answer to this question, why is this happening... The dream suggests that you are finding the answer to this situation...

Dream Interpretation - Many rainbows, bubble

A beautiful dream can mean beautiful emotions! After a period of stagnation and empty expectations, hope for some accomplishments will appear, energy and mood will appear, you will find yourself as if in a fairy tale, where everything happens with the wave of a magic wand, and you will want to stay in it as long as possible. Perhaps all this will be connected with your mother. Only everything can burst, like a soap bubble, from the clot of energy contained in it. That is, you need to be very careful not to destroy such a fragile, beautiful world...

Dream Interpretation - Lots of water

In life you climb to the top, you want to achieve a high position. Well, you have too many ambiguities in your goals, you don’t see the very essence of what you want. Set your priorities, starting over. And a friend will help you with this.

Dream Interpretation - Many boots tied with rope

A building like a School - in reality this is the typical conscious appearance of the Dreamer. Bringing men's Shoes to school, tied together with a Rope - in reality means a lack of connection between the prevailing Consciousness and the Emotional sphere (the body and its needs) and the need to balance them. The cleaning lady surprises with the assumption that everyone is being drafted into the Army - symbolizes the Dreamer’s infringed emotionality, sacrificed to Consciousness, which is in excess (the Dreamer answers the Cleaning Lady that all the new Shoes are for Them). That is, where Emotionality is developed, there is a shortage of new Shoes (there are more desires than opportunities), and where Consciousness is developed, there is an abundance of Shoes (the presence of opportunities, the absence of desires). This is what the dream hints at, and the choice is up to the Dreamer.

Dream Interpretation - Why take pictures of all your dead relatives?

Dear Victoria, always, in any case - interpretation of images and understanding of the symbolism of a dream - full “reading” of the plot and comprehension - all components of the meaning of a dream depend on the individual qualities of the dreamer’s personality. For some, dreaming of dead people promises trouble, for others it is a sign of warning, and for many, seeing a dream of this nature means a change in the weather. In your case, after the events you experienced, multiple funerals - ("... I see dad - he recently died about a month ago,... The late grandfather, his body is without skin - in reality, he died in a fire a long time ago,... My grandmother, who has already died for many years, another old lady I know who also died long ago,... My grandmother (his wife, she is actually dead,... ") - you may have an accumulation of negative energy, some fear for yourself, your brother and mother, sad thoughts about life, uncertainty and doubts about the future, personal unsettlement, everyday problems.... You need to go to church, order a prayer service for the repose of the deceased, give alms to the poor, give sweets to children... -(let people pray for you and your deceased relatives!) And yourself - pray from the heart, let go of sad thoughts and leave everything to the will of God and fate. Such and similar dreams will stop haunting you and thoughts about possible misfortunes with your family will also go away. Be sure and urgently remember your relatives and everyone deceased people you know, troubles will leave you.

Dream Interpretation - Constantly appearing in dead relatives

Often the dead people dream of a change in the weather - when you just see them and they don’t talk to you and don’t do anything special in your dream. Well, to talk about something specifically - we need to consider it in detail. Often dreams with the deceased are favorable. It's important to know the details.

Dream Interpretation - Dead people often appear in dreams

Let him take the food to the cemetery as quickly as possible. If he asked for something specific, bring exactly this. She also needs to remember all the other dead people, but under no circumstances in church. Let the neighbors distribute candies and cookies that they remembered in their dreams. And he will give alms to the poor. 3m. Necessarily.

Dream Interpretation - I have prophetic dreams

Good afternoon. Well, first of all, there are no prophetic dreams. It’s a sin to write something like this to an Orthodox Christian! \ And secondly, this dream is just that the dreamer is talking about returning to the man with whom she broke up in the past. Rationale: 1). The father's house symbolizes a promise to the past. I.E. To past relationships. In her father’s house everything is happy and healthy, life is well organized - which indicates that the dreamer regrets that she had to part with the man with whom she lived together. 2). Berries symbolize sex. Apparently sex with an ex either happened recently, or there was such a proposal, or the dreamer is overcome by thoughts about it. 3). A dog trying to bite when trying to put on slippers is most likely the dreamer’s fear that during the time of “freedom” the man walked with other women and now she is not very pleased. Perhaps the reason for the separation was her husband’s infidelity. But the dreamer believes that she can forget and endure the insult (small dog - repressions of the past), forcing herself not to think and forget (big dog - new repressions and attempts to drown out the insult and pain). That's all. The problematic of the dream in this context: will I be able to live as before, trying to forget about the grievances inflicted - the dreamer doubts. Best regards, Desdichado P.S.: based on my practice, this cannot be forgotten. You can either forgive once and for all, or soon the big dog will begin to bite your legs, giving rise to mistrust, resentment and leading to a new break.

Dream Interpretation - Orange little fish in boots

A house is where your soul feels good - these are passions, hobbies - what warms you. Among the grass - your thoughts or ideas - you find an unusual animal - perhaps you will discover in yourself some gift or some talent that was previously unknown to you. It will be some kind of unusual open. Fish can mean a thought, or something hidden in memory. Orange - associated with emotions, joy. A black tail can mean the ability to protect oneself, black boots can mean the ability to take actions, go your own way, and also the ability to protect. A tail like a scorpion - this idea can protect itself. Perhaps this means your new talent or new idea that will help you achieve what you want will be able to “protect” itself - will be viable. Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - Small man

The dream does not reassure the Dreamer in her feelings - the relationship with a particular young man will not develop, and it will be a pity for the time lost on him. The guy's dwarf height, visible from afar, in this case means a distant and meaningless relationship with the man. Best regards, Livia.

Little goslings dream a lot

Dream Interpretation - Many big dogs

Perhaps... You need to put things in order with those around you, figure something out.

Dream Interpretation - Many dreams

The dreamer in her FRIEND's apartment - for the dreamer, her recent “friendship”. Looking at some pictures on the walls - the dreamer is now trying to understand what happened to her friend and what it looked like (she wants to FORMULATE HER PERCEPTION about the events that happened to her friend). A drunken FRIEND is a frivolous relationship, a sign of uncontrollable emotions and passions. A friend says: "Let's go" - emotional attachment. A small bedroom, a friend lying on a small bed - a short-term and limited emotional connection. A friend’s ex-WIFE and a little girl of 10 years old - the dreamer’s family life almost collapsed due to an imprudent friendship. The dreamer's husband at the table - the dreamer's desire to now establish friendly and close relationships with her husband. The dreamer in a large toilet - the dreamer has great opportunities to satisfy her needs in the existing relationship, but the dreamer is surrounded in them by one negative thing that has happened and is happening (around bowel movements). But the dreamer very wisely finds a place for herself next to her husband, even though it makes her feel sick and unpleasant (the dreamer walks small and has the taste of feces in her mouth). The dreamer passes by a STORE - the dreamer now intends to build a new relationship with her husband based on cooperation (employee) and mutual benefit (primarily for herself - the seller), although this will not be easy for the dreamer, but will ultimately lead her to her intended success (husband - a moron in general). A toy, passenger train on a string - the dreamer’s current life (temporary after all!), relationships for the dreamer are insincere and difficult (the train is a toy, but heavy), which the dreamer is trying with all her might to control. The dreamer is trying very hard to improve her life with her husband and is worried that she will not be able to withstand the difficulties and dangers that await her and will fall apart (the train begins to fall). And a small addition for the dreamer - don’t be afraid of anything, you are young and can withstand anything, and your mind will help you with this! (but not feelings and emotions, except maybe love, but that’s not what we’re talking about yet, although “patience and work will grind everything down,” they say). Sincerely, LIVIA.

Dream Interpretation - Small animal

The dream is that some kind of trouble may happen to you due to your inattention, which will make you very nervous and... if you take active measures in time, then... Everything will end well.

Such a Dream suggests that it is time for the Dreamer to forget (remove) these relationships and not get hung up on them, because ahead of her lies the happy life of a young beautiful girl with endless freedom of Choice, and this is a lot, when you still have the opportunity to Choose, this is happiness is when everything is ahead of you, you have to appreciate it! But what’s gone is not yours, and will never be yours, and does the Dreamer need a guy who didn’t appreciate her? I think no. Therefore, the boyfriend’s mother cries in her sleep, and the Dreamer cleans the boyfriend’s house - in reality this means realizing her future happiness, but there would never be love and reciprocity here. With deep respect, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - The ex-boyfriend's mother dreams of tears

This may indicate that in your thoughts you are still “in that familiar situation for you,” however... A conversation with his mother in a dream indicates your breakup, and that... His mother is worried about this.. 2nd dream may indicate what you would really like to hear from him in reality..

Dream Interpretation - A small parrot is trying to escape

The dream tells the Dreamer about her outwardly rampant internal unconscious emotions (the Dreamer needs to go somewhere very far, and in her hands there is a Little Parrot - in reality these are the necessary social aspirations and demands and the Dreamer’s emotions/unconsciousness), which in reality she tries to “take into her fist” (conscious willpower) and thereby stabilize her external position (The Dreamer barely reached the house with her Parrot and put him in a Cage - limiting the manifestations of emotions/sphere, spiritual comfort in reality, that is, *emotional communication*). Only in this case will the Dreamer achieve external social success (education, formation, development and advancement in society). Sincerely

Dream Interpretation - A lot of gold and jewelry

Seeing gold or gold jewelry in a dream means in reality a desire to change life for the better (materially), since in reality things are not quite as we would like. This is a dream-claim, a dream-desire, but nothing more. All the best to you!

A dream may indicate the implementation of some idea, and one is pleased with an unexpected and strange path. The husband and father-in-law can point out former desires and opportunities that have been forgotten. A new home means a new way of life - for example, work, or new outlooks on life, a new environment. Pregnancy is an idea that comes to fruition. Your ex-husband wants to see her - your former direction in life or previous views on life want to return along with this idea. But you don't want to go back to the past. Milk - full of plans and desires. Perhaps this is connected with your current life and your current man - you have some desires in this regard, you are thinking about how to integrate your previous idea into your current life. Suddenly, your daughter turns into a larva - your idea turns into trouble - you may want to remember your previous aspirations in life and fulfill some old dream, but this will not benefit your life today, and your dream will not be able to come true as you would like I wanted to. When trying to correct the situation, you will think that it can come true over time if you make an effort. Taking away an apartment may mean the opportunity to lose your usual way of life, taking things from home - adopting some experience or trying to adopt some character traits or something else. An attempt to take over. A fruit basket is a treat, a blessing, a chance. Sweet grapes are your dreams. May refer to the beginning of a dream about a child. Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - Many events in a dream... one dream continues another

In my opinion, fate (father of my husband) is dissatisfied with the current turn of events between you (decided to allocate a plot of land - wants to continue). But if, in your opinion, this is unrealistic, left in the past, then the relationship must be completed for real: do not appropriate the best (I hide the child, I don’t want to show it) from your life together; we need to neutralize the situation. A child is a symbol of a born and born life experience that has enriched your soul 100% and, naturally, this happened thanks to the direct participation of b. Husband (child from him). Position b. You belittle your husband, you see only his negative role, and this is a mistake. Therefore, the child becomes smaller and degenerates (turning into a leech). The experience fades to nothing, into a negative. Learn to see your husband's positive contribution to your life. I think the next part of the dream with the apartment echoes the first: secret/unconscious/appropriation of merit to oneself (slowly taking things for oneself). Grapes - well-deserved female satisfaction (basket).

Dream Interpretation - Small stature

The dream thus shows two components of the human personality - this is the emotional sphere of the Dreamer (feelings, desires - the person she likes), but when approaching the person she likes, the latter decreases in Growth - this situation symbolizes the emotional attachments that arise in the process of life (Yin - qualities, earthly attachments of the human body), which can become an obstacle to Human growth (Yang - qualities, awareness of the spirit) due to excessive adherence to ordinary human attitudes (body, appearance, status, generally accepted attitudes). The dreamer and her man are standing near the Wall (human frameworks and limits, known settings) and the Man seems lower, but when moving away from the Wall, he again returns to his normal Growth - this situation clearly shows in reality the hidden algorithm of “internal growth” when a person moves away from ordinary human standards (traditionally, near the wall) and looks for himself (his true desires and abilities). The layout of a room with a deliberately understated Base near the “experimental wall” - in reality shows the generally accepted patterns to which the Dreamer will certainly be exposed in the near future due to her youth and inexperience. And to prevent this from happening, the Dreamer had this “coded” Dream, which will help her become a person conscious and strong in Spirit from the inside, find herself and fulfill her destiny. Best regards, Livia.

Little goslings dream a lot

Dream Interpretation - Many cockroaches

A lot of Cockroaches - symbolizes the growth of the emotional sphere, the predominance of emotional impulses in actions (“cockroaches in the head” instead of thoughts). Cleaning up Cockroaches with some invisible Person symbolizes the unconscious actions of the Dreamer and his emotional dependence on other people's conscious attitudes. A person removes Cockroaches with his hands, and the Dreamer with a rag - symbolizes two types of actions: someone’s Conscious actions (with his hands) and the Emotional actions of the Dreamer (through the Rag - an element of self-violence). The rag, in this case, is the earthly and social guarantees of the Dreamer (security, compensation, Money), thanks to which the Dreamer performs some incomprehensible and unpleasant work (with people). This is what the dream is about.

In my personal life, everything is in chaos. Perhaps you are going through a breakup with someone... Loss of values ​​= loss of values, mental, what is valuable to you personally.

Dream Interpretation - Many dogs

Your dream may mean the following: Part 1 that there is a person in your environment who really wants to influence you, but you are very resistant to him, because you feel “his negativity and danger” (I’m sure he’s a witch) , “a mass of rags, a ball” is the personification of dark “negative” forces, of which this girl with dull eyes, part 2 about a dog let into the house - conveys the same meaning, this person (dog) is asking to come into your house , then your struggle and confrontation, and cloning shows “what is this omnipresent force” that is behind the “negativity”. A person with such a “terrible power” can be an envious person, because “envy is a very terrible power.” But what kind is shown to you in a dream. And it is possible that you will even have to seek help from some kind of helper (mother).

Dream Interpretation - Many dogs

Truly a horror movie relevant to your life. Someone will pester you very much, seek attention, a woman or girl once appeared as a witch in a dream. The fact that she was cloned is a strong persecution, reaching the point of mania, of course. You won’t be able to deal with this girl on your own; seek support or help from a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Many butterflies

If you're considering a butterfly collection, you tend to regret missed opportunities. The butterfly is a symbolic insect in many cultures, which hints, on the one hand, at the capacity for metamorphosis and beauty, and on the other hand, also at the frailty of joy. “The miracle of states of manifestation transforming into each other, this miracle of transformation from a slow caterpillar, a stupid larva, into a gentle and beautiful butterfly deeply touched a person, became for him identical to his own spiritual metamorphosis, gave him the hope of someday rising from the captivity of the earth to the light of the eternal winds" (E. Aepppli). For this reason, the butterfly was depicted on ancient tombstones (see Symbols of Death). Her Greek name "psyche" indicates that she, like a bird, is the "animal of the soul." Endowing her with the traits of “frivolity” brings her closer to the elves, geniuses and erotes (little gods of love). Elf-like creatures, as well as ghostly and fantastic figures, are often depicted with butterfly wings, including the god of sleep Hypnos (Somnus). In paintings of heaven, sometimes the soul, which the creator lowers into the body of Adam, is depicted with such wings. In Japan, the butterfly is a symbol of a young woman; two butterflies dancing around each other symbolize marital happiness. In China, this winged creature is a symbol of a young man in love. There is another meaning - a dead lover can come out of the grave in the form of a butterfly. Together with the plum, the butterfly symbolizes long life and beauty. A play on words (“tieh” - seventy, “hu-tieh” - butterfly) indicates the desire to live 70 years (often depicted with a cat, “mao” - eighty). In Ancient Mexico, the butterfly belongs to the attributes of the god of vegetation Xohipilli, but is also a symbol of flickering fire and is associated with the sun (the butterfly, among the Aztecs "papalotl", resembles the sound of the Latin name "rarilio", "papilio"). A butterfly surrounded by stone knives (itsli) is the goddess Itzpapalotl, the night spirit of blazing stars and at the same time a symbol of women who died during childbirth. The Japanese verse poetically depicts the longing for lost joys as a response to the proverb “A fallen flower never returns to the branch”: “I thought the flower returned to the branch - but, ah, it was only a butterfly.” (See Maid of Orleans).

Dream Interpretation - Many butterflies

That person will give you great emotional pleasure. If you touch it, you will be delighted.

Dream Interpretation - Many butterflies

You will find yourself in a pleasant society and will be delighted with what is happening

Dream Interpretation - A lot of apples

Your dream contains an encrypted message for you in images that are understandable to you - harvest, apples, peppers, ripe tomatoes, a bag, a barrel... In general - a vegetable garden and harvesting, apparently a very understandable process for you :)) - Your consciousness is directed towards fulfilling your duty. Visibility and authority among colleagues. Everything will be fine at work; your work will satisfy you so far. You should pay attention to your health; energy decline and decreased vitality are possible. Work or assignments appear that are burdensome for you and make you highly dependent on your bosses and colleagues. You need humility, otherwise there is a high chance of getting sick (in your dream the fruits are cracked, i.e. overripe), this is a year of important changes for you, you yourself are ready for change, you need to take a little from the past, from your relatives and continue your independent path - this could be admission to a higher educational institution, success in religious professions, long trips and travels, successful emigration, success abroad. Perhaps a suitable, as it were, sudden incident, coincidence of circumstances, the time has ripe when a person becomes noticeable, can receive public blessing on the further path to success, he is ripe and completely ready to continue growing. If a person is highly developed, he can receive secret information that cannot be disclosed until time, in the lowest understanding - there may be a sudden receipt of an inheritance or a cash prize, winnings, life is getting better (perhaps for a short time), a successful financial sphere, one-time receipts of money are possible.

Dream Interpretation - A lot of apples

Good afternoon “I dream that in the courtyard of the house where I live, instead of our usual ash trees, three apple trees grow” - the “ash tree” is clear, that a heavenly harvest awaits you... “And then I notice another barrel standing nearby. It contains huge ripe tomatoes and bell peppers. Moreover, they are so ripe and juicy that some are cracked and have a thick tomato aroma" - and this is help for you from the American continent: http: //www. Sunhome. Ru/magic/15943 “I’m also taking a couple of things for myself” - a caring attitude towards the world. You should only take what you really need. And even collect crumbs, since there are many people in need in the world who do not even have the little that you have... Save Christ!

Dream Interpretation - Many losses from beginning to end

Good night, Anna! “I lost everything: at first I left the car (red, and in real life I hate red ones) at a car shop, because its steering wheel and windshield wipers fell off, but then I fixed everything with my own hands” - subconscious dissatisfaction with the course of life. “I wandered around the store - having forgotten why I came, then they gave me a bill for filling up with gasoline and I weakly argued, because I couldn’t remember when and where I filled up” - unclear life planning, which leads to unnecessary losses of energy - “Then I looked this car.. Then I lost personal belongings, I brought my mother to the store - and she got lost and things disappeared that I wanted to try on.. " "Then I was in an unfamiliar yard and I had a bag full of silver jewelry with huge sapphires. I don’t wear it in my life such, but there it became a pity that everything was somehow huge and the size was not mine for rings.. I began to dig holes - as for seedlings and put all this beauty in cells - I admire. People gather - they show me a bag lying around - so that I don’t lost... And there - everything - all my documents, cards, phones. I took it, but then lost it again somewhere, and the jewelry was also mostly trampled by the crowd.. Well, I managed to collect about 5 pieces in my pockets, saving "- You are given many opportunities that are not realized because you cannot figure out what you really want. There are no perfect responsible decisions. “The child was lost, and then found... I couldn’t remember the address... That is, the general impression was surprise, but without mega-disorders (even from lost documents) - there was confidence that everything was not lost forever, but you just had to look or wait . The sheer amount of losses is strange - from the very first second of sleep to the last.. " - You are a fairly energetic person, so numerous losses of strength do not bother you much. Most likely, this is just a temporary period of relaxation, a little mental laziness, which will be replaced by a surge of positive activity. Save Christ!

Little goslings dream a lot

Dream Interpretation - A lot of people

You are tired of depending on other people's opinions, on other people (reaction to the crowd), you hide from it in your little world (room). This will not save you and you feel an internal need to expand your perception, worldview, horizons, since it has become “crowded within the walls” of your own worldview (balcony), this is the path for good. But the motivation for this need, both for and against you, is still weak (mice, bird), you are not ready for change (close the door). The second part of the dream - a reflection of your current thoughts, desires and experiences - does not contain any clues. Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Many crocodiles in clear water

Such a dream means danger. But they didn’t touch you in your sleep, so I’m inclined to think that the danger will pass

Dream Interpretation - Little fish

There will be insignificant indignation due to an “old” matter (issue) that will make itself felt.

Dream Interpretation - Little girl

A dream about a boy means that you will have to struggle with something, perhaps it is about a quarrel. And the girl dreams of news, surprise, judging by the dream... Not bad.

Dream Interpretation - Many keys

Good night, Tatyana! There is a saying: “There are many apartments, but no money to get there.” You have a biased attitude towards life and others. Think again - my advice to you. It's not about apartments or education. For a person, there is only one criterion of his importance in this world - the level of Spiritual Development. Everything else is nonsense. I assure you that every day you can see homeless people at the trash bin, who, in fact, can be your spiritual teachers, and they are the Light of the World. The main thing is that you do not become his darkness...

In your everyday life, in ordinary situations, perhaps you will see something beautiful, unusual that will change your life towards harmony. (Maybe just the attitude will change towards something, and life will change) I think so...

Dream Interpretation - There are many birds, mostly black pigeons. Shoot with a gun

Black doves - sadness in the heart.. Shooting - as an attempt to get rid of this sadness

Dream Interpretation - There are many birds, mostly black pigeons. Shoot with a gun

You tend to “take aim” at people’s plans, dreams, ideas - you criticize them as too exaggerated. And not without success. Someone manages to frustrate his idea. As a result, your personal relationships suffer greatly. However, a couple of very mundane matters are not targeted.

Dream Interpretation - Little boy

A dream about the Dreamer himself, who has matured, matured and firmly decided to say goodbye to the “inner timid and indecisive boy” (the boy whispers in an incomprehensible language in his sleep). After such a dream, events such as registering a marriage with a chosen one, planning children, climbing the social ladder are possible, when a person is confident in himself and is ready to take full responsibility for his decisions. Sincerely, LIVIA.

Why do you dream about small breasts Why do you dream about many small kittens