Where to relax in Cuba: hotel descriptions, climate, tourist tips, reviews. Wonderful beaches, azure waves, dancing until you drop, revolution, all this is in Cuba

Beach holidays at sea in Cuba: tour operators, tours and prices. Vouchers for beach holidays to seaside resorts in Cuba. All about beach holidays: last minute tours, hotels, reviews and tips - where to go and where to relax.

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The legendary Island of Liberty is involuntarily associated with Havana cigars, elite rum, catchy Latin rhythms and the brave leaders of the socialist revolution. But the surroundings are surroundings, but in practice, the country’s natural resources, climate and other conditions that directly affect the quality of recreation are of much greater value. Fortunately, everything is in order on the island. Moreover, Cuba has almost standard conditions for a beach holiday.

All beaches in Cuba, with the exception of those owned by hotels, are municipally owned. There is no charge for visiting the beaches, and even sunbeds and umbrellas can be used for free.

The formula for success in tourist Cuba is very simple: a visa-free regime, reasonable prices, beautiful nature, and for residents of the post-Soviet space, perhaps also some camaraderie. However, beach holidays in Cuba are popular not only among our compatriots, which once again confirms its true level. In fact, Cuban beaches can easily compete with the world's best resorts in both beauty and cleanliness. By the way, the most popular beach of the island - Varadero - according to UNESCO, also turned out to be the cleanest in the world.

All beaches in Cuba, with the exception of those owned by hotels, are municipally owned. There is no charge for visiting the beaches, and even sunbeds and umbrellas can be used for free. By the way, for local residents the situation looks somewhat different: for some reason, especially popular resort areas are inaccessible to them.

The coastal waters of Cuba are incredibly clean and transparent. Under normal conditions, the visibility zone underwater reaches 60 m. This opens up amazing opportunities for diving and underwater photography.

The northern coast of the island is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Here, on a narrow edge of sandy shores, the most popular beach areas of Cuba are collected. Luxurious Varadero, for example, embodies a truly resort-style holiday. It is adjacent to dozens of upscale hotels, restaurants and boutiques. But the beach area of ​​Guanabo is a little simpler in this sense: there are no hotels here, but beach houses are offered as accommodation. Cayo Levisa is known as the wildest beach on the northern coast. There is basically no civilization here, and you can only get to the beach by boat. Actually, its main charm lies precisely in the solitude and, of course, the virgin natural beauty.

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On the opposite coast of Cuba, the equally wonderful beaches of Ancon and Maria Aguilar bask in the warm waves of the Caribbean Sea. In addition to all the benefits of the tourist infrastructure, several dozen diving centers are based here. The beauty of the underwater world of the Caribbean Sea is truly difficult to compare with anything else, but here, on the southern coast of Cyprus, it probably reaches its apogee.

The only place in Cuba where there is not a single state beach is on the island of Cay Largo. Here, all sandy areas of land with access to the sea are divided between hotels. Fortunately, there is no special control over the beaches, and relaxing under a “foreign” umbrella is not forbidden. But on this island there is the most famous Cuban restaurant, The Ranchons. Rumor has it that the most delicious seafood delicacies on the entire island are prepared here.

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Beach holidays by season

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Tourism in Cuba is the main source of income for the republic; the population of this country is friendly and attentive to its guests.

Of course, your first destination should be the capital of Cuba – the beautiful city of Havana. In the old city center, buildings in the colonial style have been preserved to this day. The architectural monuments of the city, for example, the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, the Santa Clara Monastery, and the La Fuerza Fortress, are of great historical value. The main attractions of Havana:
  • The buildings on Prado Boulevard are built in the old Spanish style and are home to the National Capitol and the Grand Theater of Havana, which contains several concert halls, theater stages and galleries. The Bolshoi Theater building is designed in the colonial baroque style; the main decoration here is the marble statues and sculptures of Giuseppe Moretti.
  • Numerous museums will interest visitors with a large list of exhibits dating from a large period, from Antiquity to modern times. The National Museum, the Museum of the Fight against Illiteracy, the Museum of Anthropology, the Napoleonic Museum - this is not a complete list of museums in Havana.
  • The International Jazz Festival and Carnival have long become traditional for February of each year; in December, the Latin American Film Festival is held here; Revolution Day in Havana occurs on the first day of the year, when all other countries celebrate the New Year.
  • Located near Havana the largest distillery in Cuba, where the famous Havana Club rum is produced.
The Hicacos Peninsula boasts luxurious infrastructure designed for a comfortable stay. More than one luxury villa has been built on the island. An amazing restaurant has been opened in the nationalized Villa Xanadu "Las Americas" On the peninsula there is a popular golf club and the Al Capone house-museum (Du Pont's estate). Near the city of Varadero there is a village with Indians, where excursions are constantly held. In addition, here are the cleanest beaches in all of Cuba. The warmest sea in all of Cuba is in the city of Santiago de Cuba, the water reaches +32 ºС. In July, the summer festival “Fire Festival” is held here. Its program is quite extensive to attract many spectators: enchanting dances, musical performances, theatrical performances, films, literary evenings and much more.“I have never seen anything more beautiful in my life “- the words of Christopher Columbus when he first arrived in the Cuban city of Holguin. Nowadays there are expensive luxury hotels here, the service of which is at the highest level. The most beautiful beach in all of Cuba is considered to be the Emerald Coast beach or Playa Esmeralda.

Solitude from the city's worries is undoubtedly possible, for this you need to go to one of the island resorts:

  • The island of Cayo Guillermo is a national reserve that offers European service in several hotels.
  • Lagoons with clear crystal waters, pink flamingos, hotels with a full range of services - all this on the island of Cayo Coco.
  • You can get to the island of Cayo Largo by plane, because... An international airport was built here. The uniqueness and beauty of the underwater world of this island attracts many diving enthusiasts.

If you are wondering where to relax on, then you will probably be interested to know that trips to Freedom Island are sold only to one beach resort - Varadero.

And indeed, as for a beach holiday, without everything else, it will suit you better than ever, and there you will feel like you’re in. Varadero will appeal to fans of all-inclusive holidays, but lovers of nightlife will not like the disadvantages of this resort.

Varadero Beach

The city of Varadero itself is a tourist reservation and until a few years ago the ordinary local population was not allowed there. The beaches of Varadero are clean, as is the sea, which has a turquoise hue. The majority of vacationers here are Canadians, as this is the closest tropical resort to them. There are also a lot of Russian tourists here during the peak season.


Major tour operators also sell trips to Varadero combined with a visit to Havana, i.e. first you can live 3 days in the capital, and then go by bus to Varadero. This program, of course, will be more interesting, since during the day you will be able to explore the sights of Havana, and at night dance reggaeton in nightclubs.

The best nightclub in Havana "Casa de la Musica"

In fact, if you don’t like to be bored, then the best option would be to spend your entire vacation in Havana and only periodically leave it for excursions. The rest of the cities in Cuba cannot offer entertainment for 2 weeks, since they are small and there the number of entertainment facilities is limited or non-existent.

Santa Maria del Mar beach near Havana

Havana is good because you can also enjoy a beach holiday here during the day. The best beach is located 20 km from the center of Havana and is called Playa Santa Maria del Mar. You can get there by tourist bus from the central park of José Martí. The cost of a round trip ticket is 5 CUC. Mostly Italians relax on this beach. You can live both in Havana itself and in those located right next to the beach.

There are quite a lot of nightclubs in Havana and you can visit a new one every night. Entrance is paid everywhere and its cost for tourists can reach up to 15 cookies.

Beach in Holguin

Holguin is also a good resort where you can relax in Cuba. There are luxury hotels and beautiful beaches. If you want to take a break from the Russians, then you should pay attention to Holguin, since the main guests in local hotels are Italians and Canadians.

Islands of Cuba

If you are wondering where the best island vacations are in Cuba, then you should consider Cayo Largo, Cayo Coco and Cayo Guillermo. The largest among them is Cayo Largo, and it is the most convenient to get to, as there is an international airport on the island. There are not as many hotels on the island as in Varadero or Havana, but in addition to sunbathing, you can go diving here.

Cayo Largo Island

Cayo Coco and Cayo Guillermo are very small islands that are designed to take a break from the hustle and bustle of this world.


Cuba is an island located in the Caribbean known for its colorful culture, idyllic beaches and lush forests. A significant part of the country’s territory, or rather 67,592 square kilometers, is on the UNESCO World Heritage List for its beauty and historical significance. Fine THERE We have compiled a list that includes the most beautiful places in Cuba.

1 Old Havana

Old Havana, or Havana Vieja, boasts UNESCO World Heritage status because the city is home to the best preserved historical sites in Cuba. So much so that it seems that time has stopped here. Stroll the cobblestone streets and you're sure to find great examples of baroque and neoclassical architecture, such as the Cuban Baroque Cathedral of San Cristobal, as well as historical sites such as Bodeguita del Medio- This is an old bar where Hemingway used to spend his time. Don't miss the military fortress Castillo de Real Fuerza or Plaza Vieja- a beautiful city square, which is a great place to enjoy a delicious mojito.

Havana Vieja, Havana, Cuba

2 Trinidad

In terms of the number of well-preserved historical sites, Trinidad is second only to Havana. Since 1988, the city's impressive number of colorful Spanish colonial buildings have been included in the UNESCO list. Be sure to visit nearby Playa Ancon Beach on the south coast and dine at the rooftop restaurant any time of day for stunning views. Old city Trinidad is open to foot and horse traffic only, so tourists are free to wander through the street markets and admire the colorful houses from the narrow cobbled roads.

Trinidad, Cuba

3 Baracoa

Baracoa-a little-known piece of paradise in Cuba. It is the oldest city in the country, founded in 1511. Unlike popular tourist resorts, this town has a quiet black sand beach, clear streams, beautiful waterfalls for swimming and exploring, and lush forests for walking. Many travelers come here to hike Mount Yunke, famous for its flat top, which sits at an altitude of 589 meters and offers incredible views of the sea. The path to the top of the mountain is not easy, but for the breathtaking views, it is worth going through. When you return to the city, we recommend trying the freshest mangoes and papaya that grow in the area.

Baracoa, Cuba

4 Cienfuegos

Cienfuegos - a city full of European style

Cienfuegos- a city with a clear European style, full of grandiose architecture. This city, often called the Paris of Cuba, has French influences in both customs and style. Stroll through the city to the beautiful Jagua Bay and visit the art gallery in Plaza de Armas. Interesting objects scattered throughout the city are the complex, colorful mansions that you will surely come across more than once.

Cienfuegos, Cuba

5 Playa Paraiso

Playa Paraiso, or Paradise Beach, is an idyllic Cuban beach that looks like it was cut out of a magazine cover. Located on the island of Largo del Sur, the beach has soft white sand, stunning blue water and a great climate perfect for a beach holiday. If you want something more than relaxation and relaxation, then Paradise Beach is not for you, but if enjoying crystal clear water, clear skies and bright sunshine is enough for you, then welcome!

Playa Paraiso beach, Largo del Sur, Cuba

6 Zapata Peninsula

Wildlife enthusiasts should visit this remote area of ​​Cuba to see some of the peninsula's most spectacular natural beauty. Most of the peninsula is the Ciénaga de Zapata National Park, which is one of the largest wetland areas in the Caribbean. The park is also a UNESCO biosphere reserve, home to about 150 species of birds, including rare bandicoots, peanuts, parrots and others. Crocodiles roam the swamps throughout the peninsula, but animal lovers can safely spot them nearby at the crocodile farm Criadero de Cocodrilos.

Zapata Peninsula, Cuba

7 Vinales Valley

The valley is located in the Sierra de Los Organos mountain range. The UNESCO World Heritage Site features tiny towns, towering limestone cliffs, straight pine trees and traditional tobacco farms. There are several ways to explore the valley and enjoy the relaxed lifestyle, including cycling, hiking or horse riding. The largest cigar factories in the country source tobacco grown in the Viñales Valley, an area that epitomizes Cuban life.

Vinales Valley, Cuba

8 Cayo Coco

Cayo Coco is a stunning beach famous for being featured in two of Hemingway's novels, Islands in the Ocean and The Old Man and the Sea. The beach is connected to mainland Cuba by a bridge, but you can also reach the Jardines del Rey archipelago by air. Snow-white sand surrounded by a cloudless sky, plenty of sunshine and warm turquoise water are truly inspiring. Visit El Baga National Park to see crocodiles, turtles and flamingos.

Cayo Coco, Cuba

9 Malecon

This famous promenade is one of Havana's most popular areas and an important destination for anyone traveling in Cuba. The idea was conceived in 1901, and the Malecon was partially built in 1902. The 7 kilometer promenade is the place to stroll along the sea and view the well-preserved mixture of different styles of 20th century buildings in beautiful pastel colors. There's always something to do on the Malecon. Chat with the musicians and dancers at night or just watch the people relaxing by the sea during the day.

Malecon, Havana, Cuba

10 Alexander Humboldt National Park

Alexander Humboldt National Park is one of the most biologically diverse tropical island destinations on earth, located on the northern coast of eastern Cuba. The park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is home to an incredible amount of diverse plant and animal life. The forested mountainous area offers guided hikes and hikes on dirt roads, and as you stroll, you'll see an abundance of colorful birds, majestic waterfalls, and abundant greenery.

Alexander Humboldt National Park, Cuba

Many tourists, going to Cuba in winter, mistakenly assume that they are going in summer. This is wrong. The fact is that Cuba is located in the same hemisphere as Russia, which means that in winter it is winter there. No, of course, there is no snow on Liberty Island, but the likelihood of encountering a cold front is very high.

Winter (December, January, February)

In winter in Cuba, a person who loves warmth may not find it very comfortable. During the day the sun burns mercilessly and you can get sunburned without any problems, but the evenings will be quite cool.

One of Cuba's winter problems is wind. It freezes hotel pools, making them literally icy. Keep this in mind, especially if you are going on vacation with children. The average temperature is around + 26 degrees, but the differences are large. But everywhere has its advantages - excursions, and they are very eventful in Cuba, it is better to visit at this time of year. If your vacation falls specifically in the winter months and you want to lie on the beach in the seal position all day, I advise you to go to the Caribbean coast of the country, where the weather is more stable and comfortable even in winter.

Spring (March, April, May)

Spring is almost the ideal month to visit Liberty Island. And if in March you can still catch temperature fluctuations, then April, May and early June will delight you with weather. Read completely

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How much does a holiday to Cayo Coco cost? September 2018.

tour cost

We have long dreamed of visiting Cuba. I was put off by the high cost of the trip. And now a new destination, Cayo Coco, has appeared at an affordable price. A tour for two for 10 days from September 25 to October 6 cost 112,900 rubles. The price included a flight from Moscow to Cayo Coco and back, a four-star all-inclusive hotel, and, of course, insurance.

Cayo Coco is a small island connected directly to Cuba by a causeway. There are no local residents there. There are only hotels for tourists on the island. There is a dolphinarium and the so-called “Chaika” supermarket (a small two-story building). Excursions could only be taken from the tour operator "Pegasus". Despite the fact that Cuba is a poor country, prices for tourists are very high. An excursion to Havana costs 600 euros per person, in addition, the bus ride takes 8 hours. Visit to the Dolphinarium - 80 euros to swim with dolphins and 55 euros without contact. We took a sightseeing tour for 165 euros for two to nearby cities on the island of Cuba: the regional center of Ciego De Avila and the small town of Moron. A double-decker bus runs around the island of Cayo Coco. There is a schedule in every hotel and at bus stops, and it is strictly followed. The cost is slightly less than 5 euros per person (5 CUC in local currency, 1 CUC is approximately 0.98 EUR), you can use the purchased ticket all day.

Food and products

All hotels on the island operate on an all-inclusive basis. There is a huge selection of food in the restaurant: meat, seafood, vegetables, fruits, sweets, ice cream. What else does? All alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks around the clock for every taste, and of good quality. In addition, sandwiches, pizza, burgers and other fast food are available around the clock. I used to think, why is this? But in Cuba it is in demand. Due to the 7-hour time difference with Moscow, at first we fell asleep before dinner and woke up at 4-5 in the morning. There are simply no grocery stores, not even fruit stalls.

Souvenirs and other goods

All you can bring is Cuban rum, cigars, coffee and handmade souvenirs. The cost of frame is from 4 to 9 euros per bottle, depending on the volume and brand, cigars from 2 to 7 euros per piece. The most expensive and strongest cigars of the Monte Cristo brand. Each is packaged in a plastic case with a beautiful label. For clothing, only simple T-shirts and crocheted beach dresses, price 8-10 euros. Fridge magnets - 1 euro, set of 5 pieces - 4 euros.

Cost of services and entertainment

The hotel hosts shows every evening with local musicians, dancers and singers. There was a water show. You don’t have to go anywhere, the hotel is not boring, plus new acquaintances, communication, and a disco.

Total money spent on vacation

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Youth recreation

Havana is certainly one of the most vibrant cities, here you will find a lot of entertainment venues and the whole city is imbued with a distinctive culture and the unstoppable energy of the indigenous people. And the famous Cuban bars will not leave anyone indifferent!

The best excursions are, of course, Old Havana, amazing architecture and the heritage of the socialist system in one bottle) You can take a rare Pontiac as a sightseeing car and feel like the hero of a film about gangsters! Lots of excursions to historical monuments, museums are worth visiting. Perhaps the highlight for me was the walking tour of Havana, it is of course very expensive, since it is individual, but we visited the rum museum, the cigar factory, and visited the so-called “Hemingway Alcohol Triangle”.

The beaches are much more beautiful and exotic in my opinion than Thai or Vietnamese. The sand is snow-white and soft. You can visit wild beaches, for example Bacuranao, where mostly locals go, and well-maintained ones - Santa Maria del Mar, one of the most famous beaches of the Cuban Riviera. The main feature of local beaches is their privacy; there is a feeling of complete contact with wild nature.

Restaurants in Havana are very diverse) There is also haute cuisine, but the true spirit of the country can be felt in democratic establishments. Since traveling to Cuba cannot be considered a cheap pleasure, we did not indulge in much luxury and visited small cozy restaurants with local cuisine, very tasty and easy on the wallet.

Pros of a holiday in Havana

The main plus is the incredibly beautiful beaches and amazing architecture. In my opinion, some desolation makes the city picturesque. And of course, Cubans are absolutely charming, although they are very different from us.

Disadvantages of holidays in Havana

The country is poor and in some places it resembles our USSR, in some remote place. Therefore, for lovers of a luxurious holiday and a polished environment, perhaps the Emirates are more suitable.

Tour of five cities of Cuba:

Havana, Pinar del Rio, Cienfuegos, Trinidad, Santa Clara. Swimming in the sea and relaxing on three beaches: Santa Maria in Havana, Ancon in the Caribbean, Yaguanavo near Cienfuegos, plus a yacht trip on Lake Anavania. And also a visit to the San Carlos fortress with a ceremony of firing an ancient cannon. Visit to a cigar factory.

Accommodation in a private house with all the amenities in these...

Three Cities (Cienfuegos, Trinidad and Santa Clara) + Caribbean Sea

Check out from the hotel: 08:30 am

Day 1: Travel by car to the city of Cienfuegos, founded by the French in 1819 and given the title "Pearl of the South". For its excellent street layout, taste and elegance of buildings, the city is called an architectural treasure of the 19th century. Here you will see the Cathedral of Our Lady, the Thomas Terry Theater, the Ferrer Palace and José Martí Park, with the only Arc de Triomphe in Cuba. Walk along the country's longest boulevard, the Prado, and visit the Palacio de Valle. Next - lunch at the restaurant.

Continuation of the journey by car to the city of Trinidad, founded by Spanish colonists in 1514 and declared a UNESCO heritage of humanity. You will stroll along the streets with cobblestone pavements, explore...

Havana + Pinar del Rio

Duration of the excursion: 2 days

Check out from the hotel: 8:30 am.

Day 1: Departure to Pinar del Rio. Visit to tobacco plantations, Visit to the Sierra del Rosaio where the world biosphere reserve is located and the Las Terrazas complex is located, a wonderful combination of history and nature. The Viñales Valley is incredibly beautiful, surrounded by the limestone Mogotes Mountains. You will visit the Soroa Orchidary, followed by lunch at a local restaurant. After lunch, you will visit the unusual Indian Cave and take a boat ride along the underground river.

Return to Havana, accommodation in a house with all amenities, dinner and breakfast. Next, you can choose from a visit to a cabaret or free time to relax.

Day 2: Sightseeing tour of the modern part of Havana, the Bedado and Miramar districts, where...