Dmitry Dyuzhev official VKontakte page. Actor Dmitry Dyuzhev told why Russians are unworthy of him. - You are a romantic person. They should have proposed to Tanya beautifully

Account: d_dyuzhev_official

Occupation: Russian theater and film actor, film director

Dmitry Dyuzhev updates Instagram quite often with new publications. Thanks to this profile, fans of the star are always aware of what is happening in his everyday life.

Dmitry Dyuzhev manages Instagram regularly, without leaving fans in the dark, and supplements his footage with voluminous captions and quotes. In the photo he often appears with a radiant smile. Dmitry also likes to share videos from filming or from his personal archive. Constantly taking part in high-rated television projects, Dyuzhev finds himself in the company of either Ivan Urgant, Kristina Orbakaite and Tatyana Navka. And his joint portraits of the actor with his beautiful wife Tatyana emanate warmth and love. Dmitry Dyuzhev's Instagram is gaining an increasing number of subscribers.

Biography of Dmitry Dyuzheva

The biography of Dmitry Dyuzhev is rich in various facts and events. Already at a young age, the first glimpses of talent appeared in him, which served as a start to his stage career:

  • In 1995, the young man became a freshman at the directing department of GITIS.
  • 4 years after graduation, Dyuzhev was accepted into the Youth Theater troupe.
  • The year 2000 marks the first experience of working in cinema.
  • In 2002, after filming the legendary TV series “Brigada,” Dyuzhev achieved overwhelming popularity.
  • 2005 brings another significant role: Dmitry starred in Alexei Balabanov’s comedy “Dead Man’s Bluff.”
  • After 3 years, Dyuzhev becomes a participant in the music show “Two Stars” and wins. This helps him discover his singing talent.
  • 2011 marks the beginning of Dmitry’s career as a director – his work “BROTHERS” receives awards at two film festivals.
  • A year later, Dyuzhev filmed a short story, which was included in the film “Moms”. He gives the main role to his longtime friend Sergei Bezrukov.
  • In 2014, Dmitry Petrovich again sat in the director’s chair to shoot the third short story for the film “Champions”.

Dmitry Dyuzhev, whose biography is an example of real success, experienced not only joyful, but also very sad moments. His family was touched by a real tragedy - Dmitry lost his parents and sister. However, being a strong person, the actor managed to find the strength to live on. Dmitry Dyuzhev photo from Instagram convinces subscribers that he is full of optimism and energy.

Dmitry Dyuzhev. Still from the film "Close Enemy"

Actor Dmitry Dyuzhev, known for his roles in the TV series “Brigada” and the film “Island,” spoke on the Latvian television show “No Offences” about how his compatriots refused to let him through the check-in line at the airport. In response to this, Dyuzhev said that Russians deserve all the bad TV series that are produced for them. In his opinion, they are not worth the risk to life and health that he often takes during filming.

Dyuzhev: This profession, practically and with some frequency, forces you to play with death.

Leading: So you interact with death?

Dyuzhev: Well, for what? In order to captivate and interest the viewer. In order to surprise the viewer tonight. To show him a movie or a play, I invite him to my performances. To entertain, to provide the viewer with leisure and an interesting pastime. I don’t like stupidity and vulgarity, I am happy when we spend our leisure time, well, with some kind of intellectual curiosity and have an aftertaste and so on. And in life, when you meet face to face with the viewer... I was now standing in line at the airport.<…>There was a line for business class. The line was so long that I suspected there couldn't be that many business class seats. I started walking up and asking: “Are you business class?” "No". "You?" "No". "You?" "No". And I almost got to the beginning, where the person from business class ended up, and I said: “Well, then I’ll stand behind you.” People came up from behind and said: “Dmitry, what is it with us, the stars are lining up? What is it, for you people have ceased to be people?” I say: “No, this is a class difference between airlines, it’s as if I didn’t come up with this. I pay four times more than you for one ticket.” In shame I was asked to return.

Leading: That is, “get to the front of the line”? And did you get up?

Dyuzhev: Yes.<…>And I say, what should I talk to you about, what kind of dialogue is “artist and spectator”, “politician and voter”... What should I talk to you about? I risk my life for your surprise and leisure. There were so many cases: we almost crashed on a plane, I have a scar on my arm from a tank, because the stunt [was] in a swamp and I [ran into a tin pin]. This always involves risking your life. And you live by the idea that “Dima, you’re cold, you’re scared, you’re unsteady, you’re shaking? Forget it, people love you, they’re waiting for you to appear on the screens, go, tear your chest! Do everything that people ask of you. "Die now, but be the best. Be on top, do not allow falsehood and deception, play the truth!" And then I find myself among these same spectators - and my place is in the last carriage? I don't understand at all. What are we even talking about?

Leading: So this is a disappointment, right?

Dyuzhev: What a disappointment? This suggests that it is right - when they make such crap and bullshit for you, the audience, these series are cheap and incompetent. You deserve it! It turns out that you deserve the product you are looking at! I thought that you were decent, cultured, educated, spiritual people, Russians. But it turns out that this is such a level. And we say, why are they filming and making these bad TV series, but who watches them?<…>They [actors from bad TV series] act, and you believe, cry and laugh with them.

On February 2, Ilya Uchitel’s film “Lights of the Big Village” with a popular actor in the title role will be released in cinemas. Dmitry Dyuzhev spoke about this film, the upcoming role of Peter I, raising his sons and his beloved wife in an exclusive interview.

– Dima, in Ilya Uchitel’s film you play a hero named Dmitry Dyuzhev?

When I read the script and realized that I had to play the role of a brawler, a drunkard - in a word, an indecent person, and even under my own name and surname, I thought about it. He suggested that the director take an artist similar to the character he had written. He replied that he had already invited one, but could not even make a test with him. I have observations of similar characters in my collection. So there was someone to play, and it even seemed that this role could become a new one in my baggage, adding a bright color of extravagance to it. It's always interesting to play a negative character, but playing a drunk character is quite difficult. True, there was a danger of overplaying, of going into a skit, but, it seems to me, we managed it. I’m waiting to see how the viewer will appreciate this role, which is unusual for me.

– Is there anything from the real Dyuzhev in this character?

Nothing. Several years ago, the topic shown in the film was relevant. Cinemas in some cities actually served as markets. Agree, going to the cinema is more interesting than sitting at home and clicking the TV remote control. I worry, I support the movie and I want it to be shown, so I even took on the restoration of one cinema and started going through the authorities. But I didn't succeed. I needed guarantors for several million dollars, but I couldn’t find them and gave up.

Photo by Alyssa Framm

– Do you think that business is not for you?

Nothing brought me income except acting and directing. But probably every person’s dream is to create an enterprise that can be managed remotely.

– What projects do you have in mind?

I’m looking forward to filming the film “Tobol” directed by Igor Zaitsev, work on it will begin in early March. I will play one of the main roles - Peter I. Now I am learning a lot of interesting things about my hero. I have two historical consultants. The role includes scenes on horses, so I start training at the hippodrome. When working on the image of Peter I, I am like a psychotherapist with my client, so I must know as much as possible about him. A man of his height (2 meters 4 centimeters) had a foot size of only 37, he had narrow shoulders and an extended pelvis - hence the instability and fast gait so as not to lose balance. Peter I was always depicted with a fast gait and people mincing behind him. In the memoirs they wrote that he put boots on his shoes to be more stable and visually increase the size of his feet. His rough hands indicate that he has been involved in craft work since his youth. Peter I also had a keen sense of smell. People didn’t wash often back then, and the men had large beards (they were considered a sign of wisdom, masculinity and strength), fat accumulated on them, and it gave off an unbearable smell that Pyotr Alekseevich could not stand. That's why he ordered everyone to shave their beards. “Why do people in Europe shave their beards and men don’t stink?” – he was indignant. The museum provides the costume of Peter I for fitting, however, under no circumstances should it be sewn up, and I am 9 centimeters shorter than my hero. If it suits me, then in the presence of a museum employee I will be able to film in Pyotr Alekseevich’s real outfit. So I’m looking forward to this fitting with great excitement. They also allowed me to spend the night in Petrodvorets in Pyotr Alekseevich’s bed. I hope this happens in February. I want to feel the spirit and atmosphere of that time within these walls. I’m interested in understanding everything about Peter I - with what thoughts he fell asleep, with what thoughts he woke up, how the sun shone through his window... By the way, he slept half-sitting. Doctors of that time believed that a person in this position during sleep rests better - the blood drains from his head, and he even feels better.

– It seems to me that you are a very open person by nature. Or is this your protective mask?

No, this is not a mask. As the Orthodox faith teaches, you need to be naive and open, accept everything that heaven gives you: every person, news, situation. All this was not invented by you, everything is from Him, He brings everything. Nothing happens by chance in your life. But at the same time, you can’t be completely open, you start to fear something other than God, you close yourself off, which means you start going down the wrong path again.

– Did you come to faith after the tragic trials that befell you? (Dmitry lost his entire family in four years: in 1998, his sister Anastasia died of blood cancer at the age of 12; in 2002, his father, the famous actor Pyotr Valentinovich Dyuzhev in Astrakhan, died, and a year later his mother Lyudmila Grigorievna died of a heart attack. - Note: “Antennas.”)

No, this happened in childhood - at a moment of some kind of boyish hopelessness. I studied in grades 4-5, came home, and my parents were arguing. I don’t remember the details, but I felt scared for myself, I slammed the door and ran away. I wandered around all day, and in the evening it began to get dark. I was waiting for friends - one never went out into the street, the other was punished and not allowed to go for a walk... It seemed to me that I had so many friends, but absolutely nowhere to go. It was cold, I needed to warm up somewhere. And in the area where I walked, the windows were lit only in the temple. This was in the early 80s - people didn’t really go to church back then, and I was a pioneer. I studied poorly, didn’t do well, so school was disgusting - I wanted to run, fight, earn a living by selling chewing gum. I went into the temple, it was warm and cozy there. I stood and watched the process of anointing, when the priest smeared the blessed oil on his forehead. And then the priest says: “Come to me.” He came up, anointed my forehead with oil and asked: “Where are you from? What happened to you?" I confessed to him here, told him the whole situation in which I found myself: “I am alone, I am lonely, I have no one, I ran away from home, no one needs me.” And he responded: “What nonsense you are telling me! Loneliness is a big human mistake, a person is never lonely, this is simply impossible. Only a body can be lonely, but what is a body? A person is always with his guardian angel. He is always next to you. Now you will leave the temple, say hello, get to know him, feel how he will lead you home.” Me: “No, I won’t go there, they’ll kill me there!” And the priest: “Your angel has already agreed with the angels of your parents, everything will be fine there, you will come and see for yourself. And if then something bad suddenly happens to you and you feel scared and hurt again, you always come to me, day and night. Knock and I will open the door for you.” Once on the street, I began to imagine my angel - I imagined him in the form of icon paintings. I told him: “Hello, let’s go.” And from that moment I have been friends with him. My parents were happy to see me, hugged me, kissed me warmly: “Where have you been?” Me: “In the temple. Won't you swear? “No, just don’t talk about it too much at school,” dad asked. “And please hide your cross away, behind your pioneer tie.” I was baptized when I was very young.

– Can we say that Tanya, your wife, is a woman sent by God?

Certainly. This year marks our eleventh anniversary since we met. A few days after the wedding, we got married by mutual decision.

– You were about 30 when you met. What did Tanya take? Surely not only in appearance?

It was beyond me - some kind of chemical reaction. I just couldn't think of anything else. Now I can convey all these feelings of love in a concert on March 12 at the Philharmonic - I will read Pushkin’s “Eugene Onegin” accompanied by a symphony orchestra. It's two hours with an intermission. Pushkin accurately conveys these feelings. I have an amazing literary teacher Antonina Mikhailovna Kuznetsova. After the fourth year of GITIS, she and I participated in a reading competition, where I received first place with memories of Fyodor Mikhailovich Chaliapin. And now, 18 years later, my teacher offered me such a beautiful idea - a one-man show. Incredibly complex material, rarely anyone undertakes it. But I fell in love with Pushkin’s words and humor and I enjoy it immensely. I hope that I can captivate the audience and bring it to the end - to the shore, as Pushkin writes: “Well, let’s congratulate each other on the shore. Hurray, we've arrived! I have the acting passion, but I ask myself: “Can I do it?” So I have to take another creative exam.

- You are a romantic person. Should you have proposed to Tanya beautifully?

It was like that. I asked Tanya to invite her relatives and celebrate the New Year together. Then I called my grandmother, my cousin, so that they could all meet. I had already saved up in advance for a ring, not a simple one, but an expensive one. And on the evening of December 31, I played a play at the Moscow Art Theater, at 22:00 I ran out of the theater on Tverskaya to catch a car in order to be in time for the New Year and propose to my Tanya. I run out and see: the whole of Tverskaya has been blocked off and people are already walking along it, drinking champagne. I had to run to the nearest metro station. There was fun all around, they began to recognize me: “Come with us. Let's take a photo together!" A circle has already formed around me. They hug and kiss. I told them: “I need to see my fiancee, I’m in a hurry.” But they don’t seem to hear. I began to worry that now I might not be able to meet the chimes with my family. And suddenly a traffic police car appeared, which was life-saving for me, and an inspector got out of it: “Oh, Dmitry, happy coming! Maybe I should give you a ride?” I joyfully: “Yes!” It was with these New Year's adventures that I was brought home. I proposed to Tanya and gave her a ring. From that day on, we began a tradition of celebrating this holiday with our family, and I always find the strength to refuse work on December 31st.

– Did you join family life right away?

Many years ago I wanted to go to a monastery. I visited several, and already wanted to stay in one. And when he came to the abbot to receive a blessing for tonsure, he said: “I bless you for serving a woman.” I left, some time passed, and I kept thinking about what kind of woman I should serve, I didn’t understand, I fantasized about what she looked like, how this meeting with my woman could happen. And suddenly, as in a fairy tale, I saw Tanya and realized that I could serve her forever. So I serve. Even Tanya herself is surprised: “Do I really never annoy you? Don’t I cause any negative emotions when I’m not in the mood?” I answer honestly: “Tanya, no matter what you do, I like everything.” But it’s not for nothing that Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev wrote: “The husband is always to blame for how a wife behaves.” We cannot allow unlimited freedom and permissiveness, which can lead a person himself into temptation, and he can forget and do what is not necessary. There is no need to take on such a sin - after all, you are a man, you allowed your wife to become like this. And you also need to remember: you can’t sort things out in public, talk badly about a loved one - neither in front of you nor behind your back.

Photo personal archive

– In your family, is dad the breadwinner, and the wife the keeper of the hearth?

It's like that. And our mother, an excellent student with two higher educations - honors diplomas, gave birth to two sons. Now he works as a school psychologist. When my first-born Vanya was born, I felt great happiness. And then, probably, the same thing happened to me as to all young dads. When we receive this dear little bundle for the first time, it seems to us that this little miracle will immediately say: “Dad, I am your son, look how much I look like you.” And dad looks and sees that this is his son and he really looks like him. However, in reality everything is different, a man looks at his baby and asks himself: “What should I do with this helpless lump? Is this really mine? There is a stereotype that only after three years (when children begin to communicate) do fathers begin to truly love them. Before this happens, there is a process of getting used to it. After all, for a woman, the birth of a baby is absolutely natural: the child comes out of her body - it is her blood, flesh... Girls play with dolls - they swaddle them, lay them down, feed them. They are learning to be mothers. My addiction, however, ended much faster. We are responsible for our children. The worst thing, as spiritual fathers say, is to raise your child incorrectly. In heaven they will definitely ask: “Where are your children? What are they? And why do they, born by you, bring negativity into life?”

– What do you want Vanya and Dima to become?

We try to make them loving and grateful. They know that no one cares about them in this world, they are needed only in their home, their family. Therefore, I tell them: “Be grateful for every second people spend on you.” The eldest Vanya goes to school in the second grade. He does karate, swimming... He loves playing spies, there are secret folders all around our apartment - all agents. There are recording devices and cameras everywhere... Vanya is an attentive boy, he has a wonderful memory, powers of observation, and the ability to notice thousands of details. Dima turned two years old on January 26th. He already says almost everything, you can have a direct dialogue with him. Vanya also started speaking very early. But Dima, before he spoke, sang children's songs, reproducing the melody, repeating what he heard - this is a rare feature.

– His hearing is like his dad’s. Maybe he will follow in your footsteps?

Yes, he has hearing, and it worries me that Dima is beginning to show acting abilities. I wouldn't want him to follow in my footsteps. I know that in this profession not everything is completely honest, not predictable, and in some cases often unfair. It is clear that every profession has its pros and cons. But acting requires special fanaticism. You are always in the service of entertainment and often cannot belong to yourself. Whether you are sick or something else happens to you, no one cares that you cannot work today for objective reasons.

- Wasn’t Vanya jealous of the younger one?

We were preparing Vanechka for the arrival of a younger brother. They said that we would have a holiday, and he had a gift. They explained that a brother is like a piggy bank: no matter how much good you put into him, the same amount, or maybe several times more, he will give back to you - he will play, be friends, support you all your life. Of course, in the first days it was difficult for Vanya. He helped hold the diaper, but thought that tomorrow he would be able to play with Mitya. There was a moment when he already began to be indignant: “Well, when will he grow up?” Well done, he has enough wisdom and patience when Dima not only uses his toys, but also breaks them and scatters them. So Vanya is smart. Tanya and I are anxious, worried parents; we do not let the child go to another room so that he sits there alone and plays.

The star of “Brigade” Dmitry Dyuzhev has never been seen in any ugly stories. The artist actively acts in films and plays in the theater, and harmony reigns in his family life - for 9 years he has been happily married to a girl who has nothing to do with show business.

However, it seems that the more decent the artist, the more noise his accidental “jamb” causes. So, at the beginning of the week, news spread across the media, which Dmitry Dyuzhev himself shared during an interview with journalists. The famous artist told how at the airport he had a conflict with economy class passengers who refused to let a celebrity, who had business class tickets in hand, go to the check-in counter without queuing. The passengers responded rather rudely to Dmitry Dyuzhev's request to skip the line, sending the artist to the end of the line. At the same time, the “economy line” began to scold Dmitry for his unworthy behavior. Please note that there is a rule at airports: business class passengers check in for flights without queuing.

The behavior of the passengers greatly upset Dyuzhev, and he, commenting on this unpleasant incident, angrily declared that such viewers deserve the most mediocre and cheap TV series.

This remark from Dyuzhev instantly spread across the Internet, and reproaches from colleagues and spectators rained down on the artist.

Dmitry Dyuzhev called the scandal at the airport a provocation of journalists

For Dmitry Dyuzhev, the scandal caused by his remark to the people in line came as a surprise. The artist believes that the whole story was distorted and distorted.

On his Instagram, Dmitry Dyuzhev decided to leave a comment on the latest news:

I thought for a long time whether it was worth commenting on yet another provocation of journalists and making excuses for words, the meaning of which was not accessible to everyone.

I have been faithfully serving my Viewer for more than 20 years. I adore and love him - without this my profession and my life would be impossible.

But sometimes, rarely, but believe me, it happens, I want... so that they don’t forget that Actors are people too. Surprising but true. We get tired, love, cry and die just like you. And we deserve the same (I didn’t say more, mind you!) respect for ourselves.