What happens if a person doesn't eat. What happens if you don’t eat for a long time: consequences and recommendations from specialists. Results of a week's fasting

We would like to determine the time frame for a hypothetical famine. Long is a loose concept. For some people, skipping breakfast and lunch is already a tragedy, since it makes them feel bad, but for others, not eating anything even for several days does not cause any difficulty. Therefore, we will consider the topic from different sides and from different angles.

How long can a person go without food?

But these reserves are quickly depleted, and then the fats present in our body are used for food. But the trouble is that for the complete breakdown of fats, carbohydrates are required, and the body does not receive them during hunger. Therefore, toxic products gradually accumulate in the body - ketones resulting from incomplete oxidation of fats; the acid-base balance begins to shift towards the acidic side. This phenomenon is called acidosis.

Signs of increasing acidosis: weakness, headaches, smell of acetone from the mouth. Around the fifth to seventh day, the so-called person’s condition begins to deteriorate sharply. And then what will happen? “If you don’t eat for a long time, you can probably die,” you might think... But no! After the first crisis has passed, the body’s functioning is completely restructured, the feeling of hunger disappears and well-being improves. At this stage, the digestive system seems to be resting, and the body is adjusting to internal nutrition. Damaged, diseased cells and tissues are the first to be eaten.

A person can live in this mode for up to forty days, after which a second acidotic crisis occurs, which serves as a command that it is time to end hunger. What is described in this chapter is just a short answer to the question: “If you don’t eat for a long time, what happens?” If you plan to abstain from food for a long time, then you will need to study this topic in more depth, read books about fasting and be sure to consult a doctor.

The benefits of hunger

The benefits of hunger are undeniable for those people who want to rejuvenate, lose weight, and get rid of certain diseases. If a person does everything correctly, then after breaking the hunger strike he feels renewed and strong. Here is a small list of diseases for which fasting treatment is indicated:

  • obesity;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • skin diseases;
  • asthma;
  • allergy;
  • varicose veins;
  • hypertension, etc.

Harmful health effects

But not everything is so rosy. Not everyone can go hungry. Many are unable to give up food even for a day, as they begin to experience problems with their well-being. Sometimes this is facilitated by mistakes that a person makes out of ignorance or carelessness.

For example, while fasting, you should drink plenty of water and practice daily enemas to help the body remove toxins. If this is not done, then the intoxication will be too high, which cannot but have a negative impact on health. Very often people ask: “Why does my head start to hurt if I don’t eat for a long time?” This can happen for a number of reasons:

  • decreased blood pressure (this happens often during fasting);
  • a consequence of a cleansing reaction (especially if the body is heavily polluted);
  • drop in blood glucose levels, etc.

Fasting has many contraindications, which you can learn about below.

For whom is fasting contraindicated?

What will happen if you don’t eat for a long time, to a person who has heart disease, for example? Yes, nothing good, because during prolonged hunger the load on the cardiovascular system increases many times over. There are diseases and conditions in which fasting is prohibited. This:

  • diabetes;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • encephalopathy;
  • any disease in its acute phase;
  • blood diseases;
  • other diseases.

Also contraindications to hunger are pregnancy, childhood and adolescence, age after 60 years, menopause.


We hope you understand in general terms what will happen if you don’t eat for a long time. Try to observe moderation in everything - both in food and in fasting. This will help maintain health for many years.

There are many cases when people had to survive, maybe starve for some time, but there are also those who starve on purpose. Well, I can say that fasting can be different, ranging from therapeutic to forced. A person himself is constantly moves, is engaged in any activity, and even if he passively rests in front of the TV screen, he still spends energy, which is primarily taken from food and sleep. What will happen if a person stops eating altogether?

In many places and many people believe that it will be enough for a person to live literally a week without food, and someone is sure that only 3 or even 4 days will be enough for him. I can immediately say that all human bodies are different, some fatter, and some thinner, for some, food is absorbed faster, and for others it takes a long time, and we also shouldn’t forget about human metabolism, metabolism in other words.

Let's consider what exactly happens in our long-suffering body during long-term complete fasting, when no food enters the body: no proteins, no fats, no carbohydrates, but only water in unlimited quantities. Sometimes water is not supplied either, if we are talking about the so-called dry fasting. This means that the body must, for a fortunately limited time, meet its internal needs for energy sources using its own internal reserves. Simply because there is nowhere else to get them from.

Today, three main substrates are known to maintain ongoing metabolic processes in our body under normal conditions. These are sugar in the form of glucose, fats in the form of fatty acids and so-called ketone bodies.

Some organs are capable of using all three types of fuel to ensure their vital functions. However, for example, nerve cells can only work on glucose, and if there is a lack of it, they die and, as is known, are not restored. That is why some constant blood sugar level is always maintained in all possible ways. And this is all in the first days.

After three to four days, the feeling of hunger begins to subside.

At the same time, glucose reserves in the body are depleted.

The body accepts the fact of hunger as a given and begins to use any remaining sources of energy: fat, and then muscle tissue. There is a sharp weight loss.

At this stage, the body produces ketones, large amounts of which are harmful to the body.

According to Sharman Russell, who wrote a book on fasting, the biggest threat in the early stages of fasting is low blood pressure. The person may lose consciousness and hit their head, which can lead to death.

However, death can occur already at this stage if the hunger strike is dry.

Second week

An exhausted body begins to consume tissue from vital organs such as the heart and liver.

3-4 week

After two weeks of fasting, symptoms worsen and health begins to deteriorate rapidly.

There is muscle atrophy, general weakening, and difficulties in the musculoskeletal system.

The heart rate slows down (bradycardia), the fasting person freezes. The effects of thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency begin to appear.

In a fasting person, vomit consists of gastric juice, problems with vision and consciousness appear.

More than 6 weeks

At this stage, there is a direct threat to the life of the starving person. Problems with brain activity appear; most of the time the person is unconscious and does not react to others.

After the body has depleted all its reserves of vitamins and minerals, the starving person becomes ill with jaundice and scurvy.

Some people experience deafness and blindness at this stage.

After six weeks of fasting, people die from heart failure or excess toxins in the body.

And so I’ll sum it up. A person is capable of starving and at the same time living for at least 5-6 weeks, and then the person dies of exhaustion.

Wish reset A large number of extra pounds in a short period of time often forces women to go to the most extreme option for losing weight - fasting. It doesn’t matter that today there are a huge number of diets and methods for achieving a slim figure, the most accessible and effective for them is a complete refusal to eat.

Another 15 years back fasting was a very fashionable and popular way to rid the body of unnecessary fat deposits and toxins. Only those who were indifferent to their appearance and health did not try to lose weight and cleanse their body using the method of Paul Bragg, Yu. Andreev, G. Shatalova or other experimenters.

Desire of people The fast was facilitated by numerous books and advice from various healers, who considered it the best cure for all diseases. However, today people have realized that the therapeutic effect of fasting is insignificant, and if certain rules are not followed, this method of losing weight can even cause significant harm to health.

Really, fasting within reasonable limits can be therapeutic. During fasting, the level of glucose in the blood drops; to compensate for this loss, after 2 days the body begins to produce it from the liver and muscles, then from proteins and fats. For this process, the synthesis of hormones of the adrenal cortex - corticosteroids, which have an anti-inflammatory effect, is accelerated.

Thanks to increase The concentration of these hormones leads to rapid recovery and cure of some diseases. That is, it is incorrect to say that the ancient healing method of fasting does not have any healing effect on the body. In addition, the beneficial effect of fasting on health is explained by the fact that in the absence of food in the stomach, the body does not need to waste energy on digestion and all its forces are directed to fighting the disease.

Due to lack necessity servicing the digestive processes, a large volume of free blood with nutrients and oxygen enters the brain and other organs, as a result of which their blood flow improves and they begin to work better. This explains the positive effect of fasting on the condition of patients with various mental disorders. Its inclusion as a fast in all world religions is based on this positive effect of fasting on the body.

Fasting Some diseases can be cured, but not all. This is a dangerous “medicine” that has many contraindications. Fasting for the sake of losing weight is pointless, and for the healing effect you need to give up food only for 36 hours. For example, skip dinner and don’t eat completely for the next 24 hours. This technique is often called a fasting day. One “fasting day” is much easier to endure than constant dieting.

If you you will Fasting one day every week will ensure you lose weight up to 2 kg. After a hungry day, you should not pounce on food; first, eat only fruits and vegetables. If after fasting you fill your stomach with high-calorie foods, then fasting will not bring any benefit.

Starving more 3 days can cause significant harm to the body. When the body begins to synthesize glucose from proteins, muscles are the first to suffer, because they contain the most proteins. Scientists have calculated that 0.3 kg of protein is consumed every day to produce glucose during fasting. In addition to the loss of a huge amount of protein by muscle mass, during fasting the body's cells do not receive the necessary set of useful microelements and vitamins, which causes a weakening of the immune system and disruption of the functioning of internal organs.

Long-term starvation without medical supervision most often leads to poisoning of the body or diabetic coma. In women, during fasting, the menstrual cycle is disrupted, the level of uric acid in the blood increases, an unpleasant ammonia odor appears in the breath and kidney stones form. During fasting, all chronic diseases worsen and new health problems appear. After fasting for 18 days, a person loses 40 kilograms of weight, but after the end of fasting they return with a plus. After all, you cannot deceive the body. He remembers well how badly he was treated during fasting and, in order to prevent such an ordeal from happening again, he diligently begins to store fat.

Conclusion, starvation, indeed, is a healing method, but it must be used wisely. Before you decide to start fasting, think carefully about why you need it. It is useful to rest the stomach and force it to starve a little, but it is strictly forbidden to force the cells to starve.

Refuse fully from eating just to quickly lose weight without tiring yourself with physical activity is simply a sign of laziness. Such fasting in order to gain a slim figure by doing nothing is stupid and pointless. After all, extra pounds appear because you lead a sedentary lifestyle and spend a lot of time sleeping. Lack of positive emotions and communication, loneliness most often lead to weight gain. Maybe you just need to change your lifestyle, find friends and hobbies, play sports to lose weight without compromising your health.

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Illustration copyright Getty Image caption They were hungry always and everywhere: in 2014, Cambodian monks announced a one-year anniversary in front of the Chinese Embassy in Phnom Penh, protesting against China's construction of a dam and violations of human rights in Tibet

The hunger strike as a political action has a long history: for many it was the only and final way of protest. Ukrainian pilot Nadezhda Savchenko, accused in Russia of involvement in the death of Russian journalists in Ukraine, began a hunger strike on December 15 last year.

In modern history, hunger strikes were most often carried out by prisoners, and often ended in the death of the protester. How does a hunger strike affect processes in the human body, and how long can a person live without food?

Experts believe that after more than two weeks of fasting, the human body begins to break down.

Katie Cowbrow of the British Nutrition Association says dry fasting can lead to death from dehydration after 8-10 days. If a fasting person continues to take water, then he has a chance to live up to two months.

First days

During the first days, the body uses its own energy reserves. First glycogen and then fat tissue provide the necessary energy.

But soon the starving person’s skin begins to lose color and bad breath appears. Saliva destroys bacteria, and during a fast, the body saves saliva in anticipation of food.

Illustration copyright Getty Image caption Nadezhda Savchenko's hunger strike is now in its second month

The person experiences headaches and loss of strength.

In the first days, despite the strong feeling of hunger, there is still no significant threat to the body.

3-7 days

After three to four days, the feeling of hunger begins to subside.

At the same time, glucose reserves in the body are depleted.

The body accepts the fact of hunger as a given and begins to use any remaining sources of energy: fat, and then muscle tissue. There is a sharp weight loss.

At this stage, the body produces ketones, large amounts of which are harmful to the body.

According to Sharman Russell, who wrote a book on fasting, the biggest threat in the early stages of fasting is low blood pressure. The person may lose consciousness and hit their head, which can lead to death.

However, death can occur already at this stage if the hunger strike is dry.

Second week

An exhausted body begins to consume tissue from vital organs such as the heart and liver.

Illustration copyright Science Photo Library Image caption Antidiuretic hormone regulates the amount of urine excreted, thus participating in maintaining a constant water-salt metabolism in the body

It all depends on the body constitution of a particular person. If, for example, a person has a lot of fatty tissue, then the hunger strike may last longer.

If a person has health problems, then a hunger strike will only aggravate them.

3-4 week

After two weeks of fasting, symptoms worsen and health begins to deteriorate rapidly.

There is muscle atrophy, general weakening, and difficulties in the musculoskeletal system.

The heart rate slows down (bradycardia), the fasting person freezes. The effects of thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency begin to appear.

In a fasting person, vomit consists of gastric juice, problems with vision and consciousness appear.

4-5 week

Thiamine deficiency worsens.

Illustration copyright Getty Image caption In May 1989, Chinese students went on a hunger strike in Tiananmen Square to demand reform.

There is involuntary movement of the eyes, dizziness, and the person begins to see double.

More than 6 weeks

At this stage, there is a direct threat to the life of the starving person. Problems with brain activity appear; most of the time the person is unconscious and does not react to others.

After the body has depleted all its reserves of vitamins and minerals, the starving person becomes ill with jaundice and scurvy.

Some people experience deafness and blindness at this stage.

After six weeks of fasting, people die from heart failure or excess toxins in the body.

In some countries, when there is a threat to the life of a prisoner on hunger strike, he is force-fed.

Sources: RIA Novosti; California Correctional Health Care System; Sharman Russell (author of Hunger: An Unnatural History); Katie Cowbrow (British Nutrition Association); Ian Chant (Geekosystem).

Hunger is a lack of nutrients entering the body. Widely used as a method of losing excess weight and improving health. To understand how long a person can live on water without food, it is necessary to understand all the nuances of this condition.

Food is the most important and irreplaceable source of energy for any living creature. For the normal functioning of vital systems, the body must receive the required amount of nutrients.

Without proper nutrition, natural processes are disrupted - immune defense weakens, organs stop working in their usual rhythm. The gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, skeletal system, blood vessels, heart and brain are affected. In addition to physiological disorders, psychological disorders are observed - sleep deteriorates, apathy and irritability occur.

In the absence of nutrition, the body is gradually depleted, reserves of adipose tissue are depleted, bones are destroyed, and anorexia develops. Without correcting the condition, death may occur.

How long can you go without food?

Our body is thoughtful and universal. In the absence of food, it is able to do without food for some time and function autonomously.

1-4 days of fasting. The person feels some physical and psychological discomfort. Increased food arousal. Pain in the intestines and excessive salivation appear.

End of the first week(5-8 days) without food. The feeling of need for food becomes dull. A whitish coating forms on the tongue, the urine becomes cloudy, and the smell of acetone emanates from the oral cavity. You feel tired, depressed, and weak in your bones and muscles.

9 -12 day without food. The peak of body restructuring, which is called acidotic crisis. The body learns to live without external sources of nutrition.

13 – 20 days fasting. The stage of autonomous functioning of the body, when the body tries to make do with its own resources. Skin color improves, psychological state normalizes. Previously acquired symptoms disappear. Heart rate and blood pressure decrease. There is drowsiness.

21 – 30 days hunger. Energy saving mode. A minimal amount of energy is wasted. Only vital organs function fully. The body is already accustomed to the lack of nutrition and lives autonomously. The practitioner feels much better.

1 month and more. A second attack of acidotic crisis occurs. The symptoms are less pronounced and easier to tolerate. This stage should be considered critical. Uncontrolled starvation will further lead to the shutdown of some systems, and ultimately to death.

According to experts, the duration of survival without food for people of different age groups and genders differs. Teenagers will be affected first, then men, then old people. Young women have a higher chance of survival. The amount of time indicated is based on fluid intake. Without water, a person cannot live more than 7 days, after which dehydration and death occur.

How to help your body survive without food

To “help” your own body during fasting, you can take the following measures:

  1. Give up an active lifestyle. Go on vacation, spend time in a country house, devote time to reading books or maintain bed rest. The less energy is wasted, the better for the whole body.
  2. In addition to water, drink a variety of infusions, decoctions, juices or tea. They will not disrupt the fasting system, but will enrich the body with vitamins. Rudolf Breuss' diet for treating cancer is based on this principle.
  3. Avoid stress. The human body reacts to any emotional shock with a surge of adrenaline, which requires energy expenditure.
  4. Spend more time outdoors. A weakened immune system needs support, and walking outside has a beneficial effect on strengthening it.
  5. Spend time in companies. Strangers will help you take your mind off food. Having a pleasant pastime will have a positive effect on your emotional state.
  6. Devote your thoughts not to food, but to the purpose for which you gave it up. Such psychological training will help you concentrate your attention, show willpower and lift your spirits when you can no longer stand without food.

In addition to your own attitude towards positive thinking, you need to feel the understanding and support of loved ones.

There are circumstances under which, according to medicine, it is contraindicated for a person not to eat. These include:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • children and youth up to 18 years of age;
  • diagnosed exhaustion and anorexia;
  • elderly age;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastric ulcer;
  • heart, kidney or liver failure;
  • patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • previous stroke or heart attack;
  • previous operations;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • oncological processes in the body;
  • blood diseases;
  • gout;
  • mental illness;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver;
  • clearly expressed decreased blood pressure;
  • infectious diseases in acute form (until complete recovery).

Some contraindications are temporary restrictions. Before starting a diet, it is worth objectively assessing your condition and, if necessary, rescheduling the event to a later time.

To protect yourself from possible complications during fasting, it is recommended to visit a doctor. According to his appointment, undergo a full diagnostic examination to get an answer about the condition of the body.

Consequences of long-term abstinence

Trying to go without food for a long time (more than 35 days) can negatively affect the condition. There is a possibility of irreversible consequences, including degeneration of internal organs, changes in the biochemical composition of the blood, disruption of the brain and nervous system.

One of the most severe conditions as a result of hunger is anorexia. In this condition, the practitioner refuses food, rapidly loses body weight and becomes mentally and emotionally disordered. To survive in this situation, specialized help is needed. In most cases, this condition leads to a starvation coma followed by death.

A person can survive without food, on water alone. If the period of hunger is short-term and lasts several days, this will be beneficial. There will be a cleansing of impurities and toxins. With a prolonged diet, there are real threats to health and life.