What to do with episodic and persistent hiccups. Hiccups: what to do

A person hiccups for various reasons, but not because someone remembers him. Today we will look at how to quickly get rid of hiccups. There are not many ways to implement your plans at home, but this should be enough for you. Study the information in detail, then act.

What is hiccups, possible causes of its occurrence

According to the medical point of view, hiccups mean a rhythmic and repeated contraction of the glottis, which may be closed during inspiration. As a result, the diaphragm also contracts.

Among the reasons leading to hiccups are the consumption of dry food, as well as overeating. This also includes prolonged exposure to the cold and alcohol abuse.

Many experts have come to the conclusion that muscles often contract due to problems with the esophagus. Along with the passage of dry food, air accumulates in it, which later comes out in bursts.

Also, if food gets stuck or swallowing is impaired, spasms appear in the area where the esophagus meets the stomach. Hiccups are a nervous tic. This is partly due to the phrenic nerve, which transmits impulses to the diaphragmatic muscles.

If the condition of hiccups does not bother you with frequent frequency, you should not worry. Below we will look at how to quickly get rid of periodic hiccups. You can do this at home by learning 10 ways.

If you experience systematic symptoms, you should go to a therapist to find out the cause. Potential diseases that cause hiccups include kidney problems, spinal cord diseases, mental disorders and heart attacks.

Ways to deal with hiccups: TOP 10

Some methods may seem strange, but they are time-tested and have numerous reviews on forums. Try it!

No. 1. Pressure on the root of the tongue

Reflex method. Stick out your tongue and press on the root as if you are going to induce vomiting. Perhaps such urges will appear, they can be restrained, and the hiccups will immediately subside. Contractions in the esophagus will eliminate the diaphragmatic contractions.

No. 2. Water

A proven and effective method to eliminate spasms of the esophagus. Take a full glass of filtered water at room temperature. Bring it to your mouth and start drinking in small sips without stopping. As an alternative, stand up, hold the glass out in front of you, bend over and drink the water in this position.

No. 3. Apple vinegar

To understand how to get rid of hiccups quickly, you need to swallow something unconventional. The spasms stop immediately. At home, 20 ml is suitable. apple cider vinegar diluted with water.

No. 4. Sugar

The method does not always work 100%, but you can try. Place a small amount of granulated sugar on your tongue. Try to swallow it. Alternatively, dissolve 20 g. granulated sugar in 60 ml. beer. Drink it right away.

No. 5. Breathing technique with a bag

Inhale, hold your breath as long as you can. Take the bag and exhale into it (it’s better to use paper). Inhale the air from the bag back. The manipulation saturates the blood, the hiccups disappear.

No. 6. Physical exercise

When you start to hiccup, do abs/push-ups until it goes away. The body receives sufficient oxygen. The spasms should stop immediately.

No. 7. Dispute

The method is quite unusual, but it almost always works. Make a bet with a friend. You must hold out without hiccupping. The hiccups disappear almost immediately. Nobody wants to lose.

No. 8. Tongue pulling

Since you can quickly get rid of hiccups in different ways, it’s worth trying Kennedy’s own method for yourself. If she finds you at home, open your mouth as wide as possible. Pull out your tongue. Stay in this position for 10 seconds.

Hiccups are a sudden and strong contraction of the diaphragm muscle caused by irritation of the esophagus. When the diaphragm spasms, the vocal cords seem to snap shut, producing a “hic” sound. They say that when you hiccup, someone is thinking about you. A sign is a sign, but if episodes of hiccups occur too often and drag on, then it is better to seek help from a doctor. To quickly stop an attack, there are many means and methods. In our article we will try to give the best tips on how to get rid of hiccups at home.

Why do we hiccup?

There is a medical term for sudden hiccups - singultus, which comes from the Latin word for "sigh" or "sob." In most cases there is no obvious reason for it. However, there are reliably known risk factors that can cause hiccups:

  • binge eating;
  • rapid absorption of food;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • spicy dishes;
  • smoking;
  • swallowing air while chewing;
  • sudden change in room temperature;
  • brain injury or tumor;
  • operations on the abdominal organs;
  • exposure to certain medications;
  • fear, excitement.

Hiccups are very annoying and embarrassing if they happen in public. In its mild form, it is not considered a disease; it can appear at any time of the day in both women and men. Sometimes hiccups last for several hours if caused by pneumonia, respiratory disease, or damage to the central nervous system. It has been observed that hiccups lasting more than 48 hours are more common in men. In severe and persistent cases, complications may occur: weight loss, arrhythmia, gastroesophageal reflux, abdominal pain, so an urgent examination should be done by seeking medical help.

How to quickly stop hiccups in an adult

There are many home methods to combat hiccups, we list the most effective:

  1. Eat slowly and don't overeat. When there is no room in the stomach, it tries to push out air to make room for food or liquid. In this case, food particles can irritate the esophagus and cause an attack of hiccups.
  2. To cure hiccups, you will need a piece of paper and some water. Simply wet one side of the sheet with water and place it on your forehead.
  3. Take 9-10 sips of water. This old and well-known remedy quickly stops hiccups thanks to the rhythmic contractions of the esophagus, which stops the spasm of the diaphragm.
  1. Another way to get rid of involuntary hiccups is to do stretching exercises combined with drinking cold water. Place your hands behind your back and drink some water from the glass served by the other person.
  2. To make hiccups go away faster, you need to tickle the person. However, to perform this simple trick you don’t need to be very sophisticated and try to tickle the hiccupper into colic.
  3. Hold your breath (about 8-20 seconds) and then slowly release the air through your nose.
  1. Hiccups are relieved by coughing and sneezing, which can easily be caused by running a feather over the villi in the nose, or by sniffing tobacco or ground black pepper.
  2. Plug your ears with your fingers for 1-2 minutes and sit on a soft sofa. Thanks to these actions, the vagus nerve, which connects to the diaphragm, relaxes, and the hiccups go away.
  3. Many singers and actors train their vocal cords by sticking out their tongue. This way you can get rid of hiccups.
  1. The body's reaction to a highly salty, sweet or sour product helps get rid of persistent hiccups. To make sure of this, try eating a piece of lemon or putting some salt or sugar crystals on your tongue without sucking. A sip of diluted apple cider vinegar or diluted lemon concentrate will have the same effect.
  1. Sing loudly until the hiccups go away, or better yet, dance while singing.
  2. Try not to overindulge in spices and avoid spicy foods if you often suffer from hiccups.
  3. Chew fresh ginger or drink a warm drink made with mint leaves, fresh lemon juice and a pinch of salt.
  1. Avoid carbonated drinks, as well as alcohol and smoking.

How to quickly stop hiccups in babies and children?

Just like in adults, hiccups occur in young children and should not be a cause for concern. If this happens while eating, stop feeding the baby until it goes away and give a pacifier. You can also change the baby’s position (raise him vertically) and calm him down to eliminate hiccups.

If your baby hiccups frequently during feeding, try giving him food when he is calm and not too hungry. If the condition does not improve, contact your pediatrician.

Hiccups are a natural physiological process in the body. Appears for various reasons. Our body reacts in a similar way to external stimuli that provoke excitation of the vagus nerve of the phrenic muscle.

There are known folk methods that eliminate an attack. Follow the tips correctly and you will be able to stop hiccups.

Before you begin to combat a phenomenon that causes discomfort, find out the cause. Factors that cause hiccups in humans:

  • Overeating, unhealthy diet;
  • Poorly chewed food;
  • Fatty and spicy foods;
  • Alcohol poisoning;
  • Hypothermia;
  • Stressful situation.

In adults, an attack of convulsive contraction of the diaphragm muscle is observed less frequently than in children. Methods designed to stop hiccups help at any age.

To get rid of hiccups at home, it is permissible to use traditional methods. If one does not help, try a new method to relieve the attack. A glass of water can help the first person stop hiccups, the second one can use breathing exercises, and the third one can help them stop doing physical activity.

Relaxing the diaphragm with breathing

Methods for getting rid of hiccups for adults are simple. Convulsive contraction of the diaphragm muscle can be calmed using breathing techniques. Taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly will help relax the body.

Breathing exercises for hiccups:

  • Take a full lungful of air. Hold your chest in this position for 10-20 seconds. Exhale gradually. Avoid signs of dizziness when holding your breath.
  • A paper bag will help you quickly take your mind off severe hiccups and switch your attention to even breathing. Inflate and deflate the bag with your mouth; this action relieves spasms in the diaphragmatic muscle.
  • Fright helps change the rhythm of inhalation and exhalation and cope with hiccups. A breath of air can take the breath away, distracts a person from pain, and helps calm it down. Unexpectedly frightening needs to be done carefully. The method is not applicable for children.
  • Perfume. You can smell your favorite perfume, this changes breathing and concentrates a person’s attention on the smell. Try to take a couple of slow breaths in and out afterwards.

Changing your breathing rhythm is an effective way to relieve an attack. You can practice yoga, meditation - methods help you relax, distract yourself from hiccups, and improve your breathing rhythm.

Water from hiccups

Water helps stop hiccups in children from birth. It is recommended to drink it while bending over or throwing your head up. It is acceptable to gargle. When rinsing, be careful not to choke on water. It is not recommended for children to gargle when hiccupping.

To combat hiccups, you can add a spoonful of sugar or honey to the water. Sweets switch attention and activate the salivary gland. Newborns are prohibited from offering sweet water and honey. This can provoke allergic reactions in the baby. As a rule, in infants the phenomenon goes away on its own.

An effective home remedy is to drink a lemon solution. The sour taste causes you to produce more saliva. You swallow more often, change your breathing rhythm, this way you will be able to drive away the attack.

To overcome hiccups, you can use medicinal herbs. An infusion of chamomile has a calming effect on the nervous system. Recipe: steam a teaspoon of dried flowers with boiling water. Let it brew for a few minutes. Cool slightly, strain. Children are offered chamomile infusion after three months, if there is no allergic reaction.

Physical exercise

You can try to slow down your breathing rhythm by squatting. Take a deep breath and squat down; as you exhale, return to the starting position. Repeat 5-10 times. The person focuses on doing the exercises, breathing correctly, and the diaphragmatic muscle calms down.

Physical exercises can be performed if a person feels well. If you have dizziness or chest pain, it is not recommended to use these methods.

Changing the position of the diaphragmatic muscle helps overcome hiccups. Stretch your arms up, lift your head along with your hands. Repeat the steps several times. This way you stretch the chest and change the position of the diaphragm. It is allowed to do exercises.

Try sitting on your knees and pressing your chest to the floor. Try to breathe evenly, inhaling and exhaling slowly, and avoid hiccups if possible. Stay in this pose for 2 minutes.

How to stop alcoholic hiccups

Alcohol intoxication causes an attack of contraction of the diaphragmatic muscle. For hiccups to go away, an adult needs to clear the stomach of the breakdown products of ethyl alcohol. To do this, it is permissible to take sorbent preparations. Later, if the hiccups do not stop, try the following:

  • Place a piece of ice on your tongue and hold it until it melts.
  • Eat a teaspoon of sugar. It is recommended to sprinkle granulated sugar on the tongue and suck it, a folk remedy helps with hiccups.
  • Lemon and orange help with hiccups. You can put a piece of lemon on your tongue. The sour taste provokes increased salivation and helps fight hiccups.
  • Try exercise for persistent hiccups. If dizziness occurs after alcohol intoxication, exercise is prohibited.
  • Chew a slice of stale bread slowly.

Methods for eliminating hiccups in children

Children are characterized by an unpleasant phenomenon caused by overeating, hypothermia, and air entering the stomach. Less commonly observed is a symptom that arises from nervousness.

  • To combat hiccups, simply offer your child a glass of boiled water. It is recommended to drink in small sips. Avoid overeating and eating dry food. Teach your child to eat slowly.
  • The phenomenon caused by hypothermia is eliminated by warming the baby. Periodically check the baby's arms and legs; if the limbs are cold, it means the baby is cold. Put on warm socks, wrap yourself in a blanket, offer a mug of tea.
  • Young children are easily distracted. Switch the child's attention to an interesting toy, entice him with a game, and the attack will pass. You can go out into the fresh air and play catch.

In newborns, hiccups during the first three months of life are a natural physiological phenomenon. Digestion adapts to new living conditions. Various external factors can excite the vagus nerve of the diaphragmatic muscle. Nutrition, temperature conditions indoors, outdoors, loud sounds, strangers, bright light - cause hiccups in the baby. If a child goes without water for a long time, thirst provokes a convulsive contraction of the diaphragm muscle.

Hiccups in infants are not harmful to health and go away on their own within 10-15 minutes. To help your baby stop the attack, it is necessary to remove irritating factors. Leave a crowded place, eliminate noise if possible. Calm the child down, give him the breast, a bottle of water (formula).

You can prevent symptoms in children at home in the following ways:

  • Make sure that the child does not overeat;
  • Proper nutrition, follow a daily routine;
  • Dress your child according to the weather;
  • Maintain the temperature in the house, especially for newborns.

Pay attention if an attack of convulsive contraction of the diaphragmatic muscle is observed for longer than 20 minutes and is repeated frequently, for no apparent reason. Such a symptom may indicate a health problem. Show your child to the pediatrician, find out the cause, and start the recommended treatment. If you experience an increase in temperature, consult a doctor immediately. Most likely, an inflammatory process in the body has begun. It is possible to cure a symptom by eliminating the source of the disease.


Prevention of hiccups involves following a diet. If the reason is overeating, spend enough time on lunches, watch your diet. Avoid alcohol intoxication.

The rules for prevention are the same for adults and children. If you feel like you are freezing, dress warmly and drink hot tea. Hiccups are an unpleasant occurrence, especially if they happen at work. Quick methods of getting rid of the symptom will help eliminate the disorder.

You can save yourself from hiccups at home. If hiccups are tormenting, try the above methods to interrupt the convulsive contractions of the diaphragm.

If the hiccups do not stop, last for a day, and nothing helps, it is recommended to go to the hospital. Constant hiccups may cause deterioration in health, discomfort in the stomach, pain in the chest area. A medical examination will help determine the source of severe hiccups and cure the disease. The clinic and proper treatment will save you from prolonged hiccups.

Every person has encountered hiccups more than once in their life. In fact, it is harmless and most often passes quite quickly. But the reason for its appearance may be completely different factors. A person cannot control this process in any way, since it is a natural reflex of the body. Hiccups do not bring any benefit, but there is no harm from it. What could be the causes of frequent hiccups in adults and how can they be stopped?


  1. The causes of frequent hiccups in adults can be different, but one of the most common is hypothermia or alcohol intoxication.
  2. Another popular reason is overeating, which causes stomach distension. Hiccups can occur due to involuntary contraction of the stomach muscles.
  3. Hiccups are a symptom that can occur due to irritation of the phrenic nerve.
  4. In addition, the causes of frequent hiccups in adults are some kind of disease. Especially if it does not go away for a long time and brings discomfort or even pain. Hiccups are a symptom, for example, of diseases such as myocardial infarction, some mental illnesses or infectious diseases.
  5. The body can react specifically to painkillers taken after surgery, causing hiccups in adults.

Types of hiccups

Thus, based on the reason that caused the hiccups, you can understand what kind of hiccups it is. This process can be physiological or pathological. In the first case, there is nothing to be afraid of, since hiccups are a completely normal process that occurs from time to time in all healthy people. It lasts for 5-15 minutes, does not bring much discomfort and soon goes away unnoticed on its own. But pathological hiccups can last several minutes or even several days. Diseases of various types are often the causes of frequent hiccups in adults. In this case, you should already worry.

Diseases accompanied by hiccups

Frequent bouts of hiccups can also be caused by disruption of the nervous system. True, in the case of severe illnesses, hiccups will be accompanied by other symptoms, such as fever, the appearance of rashes and inflammations on the mucous membranes, runny nose, cough, and so on. There are a lot of diseases accompanied by hiccups, but the most common are measles, chicken pox, rubella, malaria, toxoplasmosis, various infectious diseases, syphilis and meningitis. What to do with hiccups in adults who have similar diseases? It is necessary to contact a specialist as soon as possible and begin a course of treatment immediately.

How to stop hiccups

In adults, hiccups are a common occurrence that are actually easy to deal with. There are several simple ways to solve this problem.

They say that you can stop a hiccup attack with just sugar. It is enough to swallow a tablespoon of granulated sugar, and the hiccups will soon go away. It is unknown why this method works, but it does.

Another popular way to combat hiccups is to hold your breath. The essence of this method is to compress the diaphragm with the chest muscles, as a result of which it will relax and stop contracting. The longer you can stay in this state, the better your chances of stopping the hiccups.

You can also stop diaphragm irritation with water. It is necessary to drink water in small sips, while holding your nose. You will have to take about twenty-five sips without breaks, after which the hiccups in most cases will end.

In adults? Another interesting way to combat hiccups is to stand on your hands. Or an analogue of this method is to lie on the bed so that your head is much lower than your torso. The idea is that the head will be below the diaphragm, which will stop the hiccups.

In addition, there is a folk way to combat hiccups. It turns out that chamomile tea is quite effective in combating it. It is necessary to infuse the drink for about half an hour. Everyone knows that chamomile decoction has a calming effect that will relax the entire body and stop contractions of the diaphragm.

Hiccups after eating

Sometimes it happens that after eating, an attack of hiccups begins. Why is this happening? In fact, there are many reasons. Most often, hiccups after eating in an adult occur due to stagnation of food during the transition from the esophagus to the stomach. In most cases, this phenomenon is absolutely harmless and does not cause any harm. But if it does not go away for a long time, then breathing difficulties and asthma may develop. This is especially true for people who have undergone spinal surgery or have stomach diseases. But in people who suffer from kidney failure, hiccups after eating are quite common.

How to eliminate hiccups after eating

You can stop hiccups by swallowing something bitter or sour. For example, a piece of lemon or grapefruit. You can also drink a glass of water to relieve hiccups. But this should be done evenly, in small sips. Another way to eliminate hiccups with water is to drink a glass of water in an inclined position. To do this, you need to extend your arm as far forward as possible and, tilting your torso, try to drink.

Hiccups are a violation of the breathing rhythm, cramps of the main respiratory muscle - the diaphragm. The causes of the pathology are varied: physiological hiccups occur, which does not require medical intervention. But sometimes a person suffering from hiccups needs therapeutic measures - such a condition is considered pathological and is a symptom of a serious illness. Let's take a closer look at how to stop hiccups in adults and make sure that this is not evidence of a serious illness.

Hiccups: what is it?

Hiccups always occur spontaneously and are a special inhalation created by diaphragmatic spasms with simultaneous contraction of the intercostal and laryngeal muscles. During an uncontrolled state, a characteristic sound is heard emanating from the glottis narrowed and blocked by the epiglottis. In addition, cramps of the diaphragmatic muscles are combined with a jerky protrusion of the abdomen.

Attacks of hiccups occur in people of any age - even unborn babies experience convulsive contractions of the diaphragm, and attacks are characterized by short breathing movements. The process begins in healthy people, but most often hiccups indicate disturbances in organ systems.

Experts divide hiccups into 3 types, paying attention to the etiology:

  1. Short-term (periodic, physiological) - lasts a maximum of 20 minutes and does not indicate pathological changes in the body;
  2. Persistent - lasts from several hours to two days;
  3. Intractable - does not stop for 1-2 months.

Attention! If you have continuous attacks of hiccups, you should consult a specialist, especially if the process is accompanied by attacks of nausea, vomiting, headache, and general weakness. Such symptoms indicate serious health problems.

Causes of hiccups

Hiccups are an unpleasant phenomenon, as they interfere with a person’s ability to speak, work, or eat food. Continuous attacks cause:

  • neuroses;
  • depressive disorders;
  • sleep disorders;
  • dehydration of the body (dehydration);
  • intensive weight loss;
  • heartbeat disorders;
  • inability to work.

Reference! Men are more likely than women to suffer from a debilitating condition, and the number of protracted attacks increases, and the causes contributing to the development of the disease are difficult to identify.

Causes of physiological hiccups

Attacks of a physiological nature are considered the most harmless and disappear on their own after 10-15 minutes. The pathology is caused by the accumulation of gases and air in the stomach.

Factors contributing to the occurrence of physiological attacks:

  • hypothermia of the body;
  • overeating, haste, taking the wrong posture while eating;
  • excessive consumption of pickles, smoked foods, spicy, sweet foods;
  • overeating baked goods;
  • feeling of thirst;
  • exciting feeling;
  • prolonged laughter;
  • alcohol abuse (in adults);
  • fear, fright.

Interesting! Physiological hiccups do not require treatment - to eliminate the cause of the pathology, it is enough to warm up, exclude unhealthy foods and carbonated drinks from the diet, try not to abuse alcohol, or use a few simple techniques available to everyone.

Causes of pathological hiccups

Pathological attacks of hiccups are divided into 3 categories:

  1. Central - diseases associated with damage to the brain and spinal cord (epileptic seizures, meningitis, stroke) lead to pathology;
  2. Peripheral - caused by paralysis of the diaphragm (Hodgkin's disease, diseases of the respiratory organs, sarcoidosis, neoplasms of the esophagus, lungs);
  3. Toxic - occurs due to intoxication of the body (kidney dysfunction, alcohol abuse, drug use, diabetes).

Fact! Pathological hiccups most often occur due to nervousness.

How to quickly stop hiccups in adults at home

Only physiological hiccups can be dealt with at home if the pathology is short-term in nature. There is no universal way to get rid of the disease, because everything depends on the individual characteristics of the person. Some people get rid of the unpleasant condition by holding their breath for a few seconds, others need to drink fluids.

Here are examples of common ways to deal with obsessive hiccups:

  • take a deep breath, then exhale slowly. Avoid dizziness when holding your breath. Repeat attempts until the hiccups disappear completely;
  • To change the inhalation-exhalation mode, you should scare the hiccupper. The person will inhale a breath of air, which will distract him from the process of contracting the diaphragm, his attention will switch and the hiccupper will forget for a moment about the uncomfortable state. Do not try to carry out the experiment with children, because children have a vulnerable psyche, and fear can leave an imprint for life;
  • smell your favorite perfume - this method promotes switching attention and concentrating on the smell. Take a few slow breaths in and out.

A good remedy for hiccups is to drink a couple of sips of liquid. Water helps to cope with spasmodic contractions of the diaphragm and helps calm a person. A few sips of water are especially effective for hiccups after overeating.

Liquid helps stop the process at any age, so even a baby can be offered a sip of water if he hiccups. To ensure that hiccups go away, the water is sweetened with sugar or honey - sweets help activate the salivary gland.

Note! Honey is a strong allergen, so you should not experiment with children and add beekeeping products to the water, as allergic reactions may develop.

Hiccups can be overcome by doing physical exercises. Take a deep breath and squat down. Then exhale and return to the starting position. Repeat the experiment again. By concentrating on doing the exercises, a person begins to breathe correctly, which helps calm the diaphragmatic muscle.

Other effective ways to get rid of hiccups:

  • press on the root of the tongue as if you want to induce vomiting - the method is unpleasant, but after it the hiccups stop;
  • bet money - you will be focused on not having hiccups, because if you hiccup, you lose the chance to win. If the process stops, the money is yours;
  • wet the paper strip and stick it on your forehead - the hiccups will go away.

Attention! If none of the methods help, do not despair, the hiccups will end spontaneously after 15-20 minutes. If the process drags on, you should contact a specialist to diagnose the condition.

How to stop hiccups after alcohol

When intoxicated, the muscles of the diaphragm contract, causing spasms and hiccups. To get rid of the unpleasant condition, you should clear your stomach of alcohol-containing drinks: induce vomiting, take an enterosorbent. If an attack persists, follow the instructions below:

  • put ice on your tongue, keep it cold until it melts;
  • eat a little salt or sugar - a sharp change in taste helps stop hiccups;
  • try to get rid of the process by trying citrus fruits - lemon or orange. Acid promotes increased salivation, which affects the cessation of hiccups;
  • breathing and physical exercises are a good help for those who hiccup when they are heavily intoxicated. If a person is very drunk, it is not physical exercise that is contraindicated;
  • Chew the cracker slowly.

Diseases that cause hiccups

A persistent attack of hiccups is not considered a characteristic sign of the disease, however, prolonged hiccups help the doctor diagnose the pathology and choose therapeutic tactics. Therefore, if you have persistent hiccups, consult a doctor immediately.

CNS disorders:

  • infections leading to inflammation of the brain: measles, chicken pox, rubella, ARVI, swamp fever, toxoplasmosis;
  • infectious lesions, the complication of which is meningitis: meningococcal infection, toxoplasmosis, syphilis, mumps;
  • damage to the skull and brain;
  • depression;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms of the brain and spinal cord, damage to the myelin sheath of the brain.

Hiccups due to toxic damage to the body:

  • intoxication due to alcoholism, drug addiction, taking potent medications;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • infectious poisoning;
  • diabetes;
  • side effect of anesthesia.

Autoimmune diseases:

  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • neuromyelitis optica;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • Besnier's disease - the formation of granulomas on internal organs;
  • autoimmune vasculitis.

Other diseases:

  • bronchogenic carcinoma;
  • inflammation of the pleural layers;
  • inflammatory damage to the peripheral nerve;
  • reflux esophagitis;
  • food allergy or intolerance to a certain food product;
  • diaphragmatic hernia;
  • gastrointestinal dysfunction;
  • inflammation of the gallbladder, formation of stones in the bile ducts;
  • neoplasms on the organs of the digestive system.


To prevent the development of hiccups, you should eat properly and follow a nutritional regimen. If the cause of hiccup attacks is overeating, pay attention to your diet and eliminate alcohol. If you're freezing, try to warm yourself up: dress warmly or drink warm tea or milk.

If hiccups do not stop for more than 12 hours, it is worth consulting with a specialist, because attacks of hiccups indicate a pathology in the body, which can lead to health problems.